Department of Emergency Management/The Academy

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The Academy

The Academy serves as the survival and tactics training center for all groups under the Department of Emergency Management. The Academy has one campus in Malton. New recruits will work on training missions with other recruits under the direct supervision of the Academy's instructors, and will remain in the Academy until they have learned the minimum skill set required by the group they joined as well as basic DEM policies. As a cooperative effort of the DEM member organizations, the Academy is designed to provide uniform training and produce smart, tough, and effective graduates who can make a difference in helping to stem the zombie onslaught in Malton. Exceptional recruits may receive their first promotion upon graduation.

DEM Badge.jpg Department of Emergency Management DEM Badge.jpg

DEM Recruitment | The Academy | Contact Information
Malton Fire Department CoC | Malton Police Department CoC | Malton Forensics Unit CoC
Malton Marshals | Malton Civil Defense Unit

Strategic Partners: Black Berets | FANNY | Fortress | Knights Templar | U.S. ARMY INFANTRY

UBP | Sacred Ground Policy | Pay It Forward | RESCUE | River Tactics | No Random Revives

Request a revive | DIAL 112 (contact the DEM) | Join the DEM Contact the DEM on Discord


Academy Shooting Range

The campus is not located in a "safe" area. Instead, it is mobile, moving to hot spots where recruits can be trained on the front lines. The DEM is here to help save lives and combat the zombie menace. New recruits will be helping those efforts from the very beginning.

Training missions are designed both to help raw recruits learn the basic skills required to survive and contribute as well as to learn DEM operational procedures. All together, the groups under the DEM have over 15 working across all of Malton, and it takes a lot of cooperation to organize the efforts of so many individuals. By the time you graduate from the Academy and receive your initial assignment, you will have the necessary skills and training to contribute quite effectively to the work we do. But don't think that training missions are milk runs, our training missions will place you and your fellow trainees in some of the most difficult areas in Malton doing vital support work! You will not only be learning and practicing new skills, but you will see how our teams work together and even have the opportunity to try being an officer and lead your team through a specific assignment.

Campus & Instructors

Dr. Wolf Campus
Academy Commandant: RaiNo

Academy Policies

As a cooperative effort of all DEM organizations, the Academy's policies are based on input from all relevant groups and are approved by the DEM Council. These policies may be modified as the Academy grows and develops.

Command Structure

The Commandant shall head the Academy, and is a voting member of the DEM Council. Each DEM group will provide at least one officer to serve as instructor at the campus. Assistant instructors and visiting instructors may be assigned to the campus as appropriate. Although the Academy has it's own command structure, the lead instructors are expected to work very closely with the divisional commanders in their area in determining where the recruits will train and where they will be assigned after graduation. They will also coordinate lessons with the general mission plans of any local DEM officers operating in the same area.


Each DEM organization will determine the recommended basic skill set for their recruits as well as the type of day to day tasks their recruits should be trained in. Instructors should be familiar with the curriculum for every DEM group and recruits will be expected to master the curriculum for their particular organization.

FireFighterBadge.gif Mpd.png MFU logo.jpg MCDUlogo.png
Basic Skill Set: Basic Skill Set: Basic Skill Set: Basic Skill Set:
  • Medics

The Academy campus is expected to move to the hot spots in Malton so that the recruits can train under fire and give assistance where it is most needed. Recruits will be given general orders on what needs to be done in a given area, as well as individual assignments and perhaps even a chance at temporary command.

Graduation Requirements

An Academy graduate must master their organization's basic skill set and must have been in the Academy for a minimum of a week's time.

Promotion Guidelines

Instructors have the authority to promote trainees upon graduation to the first officer rank of their relevant organization, based upon the work the trainee has done at the Academy. How a trainee does their SitReps, carries out individual assignments and handles temporary command will all be considered. Initiative, teamwork, consistency and attention to detail are important factors.

Post-Graduation Assignments

The divisional commanders or other ranking officers of each DEM group shall determine where their trainees are assigned upon graduation. The lead instructors should notify the appropriate officers of upcoming graduations to get the duty assignments for new graduates. Graduates are welcome to request specific assignments.


Cadet expulsion is a matter not to be taken lightly. A cadet qualifies for expulsion by meeting two or more the following requirements - with the exception of ANY form of Player Killing (PKing), especially one committed on an academy cadet, instructor, or other DEM member, which will lead to instant dismissal.

  1. Repeatedly breaking DEM Policies, and refusing to respond to reprimands.
  2. Repeatedly breaking academy polices, and refusing to respond to reprimands.
  3. Suspicion of player killers (PKers), generator killers (GKers) or barricade killers (BKers) activity.
  4. Suspicion of spying.

An expulsion of an active Cadet may only be sent if the Commandant of the Academy, and the Lead Instructor of the campus concur on the terms and reasons for the expulsion.

DEM Badge.jpg Department of Emergency Management DEM Badge.jpg

DEM Recruitment | The Academy | Contact Information
Malton Fire Department CoC | Malton Police Department CoC | Malton Forensics Unit CoC
Malton Marshals | Malton Civil Defense Unit

Strategic Partners: Black Berets | FANNY | Fortress | Knights Templar | U.S. ARMY INFANTRY

UBP | Sacred Ground Policy | Pay It Forward | RESCUE | River Tactics | No Random Revives

Request a revive | DIAL 112 (contact the DEM) | Join the DEM Contact the DEM on Discord