Suggestion:20070629 Holiday fun!

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20070629 Holiday fun!

Tryce of Thunder 04:36, 29 June 2007 (BST)

Suggestion type
Flavor-ish additions

Suggestion scope

Suggestion description
Okay, as of now, holidays have had some things going for them; Christmas had trees, Halloween had zombies knocking on doors, April Fools had fake Air strikes and Tanks, and Easter had Easter Eggs.

I say, let’s liven it up a little!

April Fools: A variety of items and actions would become available during April Fools. The items can be found and used until the server reset on the following day. Afterwards, the following happens:

-If it’s an action, it’s no longer available. -If it’s in your inventory, it becomes useless for the rest of the year.

Those rules apply for other actions and items on other holidays.

1. A new item called "Wire" will be searchable in Mall Hardware Stores, Factories, Auto Repairs, Junkyards, and any other place it would make sense to find it. Search rates would be high for it. Any survivor (no zeds, they lack dexterity) can set up a Trip Wire in the building you're in for 1 AP. All survivors and zombies with Memories of Life gain a new attack called "Push over wire". It would have 75% accuracy, and do 1 point of damage. If someone pushes someone over the wire, the following message occurs:

"[A zombie/Name(with profile link)] pushed [A zombie/Name(no profile link)] over the trip wire, causing them to fall flat on their face!" For the person being pushed, things just change to the first person perspective.

2. A buildings which will have a temporary search button called "Raid the fridge". Search rates would be high. Like books in bookstores. If the building is powered, you get normal eggs. If it’s not, you get rotten eggs. You can throw eggs at buildings, people, and empty streets where you can spray paint, and bill boards. Zombies with Memories of life can also throw eggs, but only at buildings and empty streets where you can spray paint. They lack the dexterity for throwing it at people and billboards. However, instead of throwing it at people, they have a special option to slam it in their faces!

Having said that, the messages would read as follows:

Throwing it at a person: "[Name(with profile link)] throws eggs at [A zombie/Name(no profile link)], covering them with yolk and egg whites." For the person being egged, things just change to the first person perspective. If it’s rotten egg, think of a more raunchy description, and a tidbit about the stench.

Slamming it in someone’s face: “[A zombie(with profile link] shambles over to[A zombie/Name(no profile link)], and slams an egg in their face, covering them in yolk and shell pieces. If it’s rotten egg, think of a more raunchy description, and a tidbit about the stench.

Throwing it at a building from outside: "[A zombie/Name{with profile link] eggs the [insert building name here]. You watch as it splatters all over the walls." Afterwards, a description is added. If you're inside the building..."You are inside blady blah, blah blady blah, egg residue covers the windows." And if you're outside....."You are standing outside the blah blady blah, blah blah, it's been egged, and the walls and windows are stained." This also has the effect of effectively “erasing” any graffiti on the walls. If it’s rotten egg, think of a more raunchy description, and a tidbit about the stench.

Throwing it at a bill board “erases” the graffiti and changes it to an “Egg is splattered all over it” message. Same format for witnessing the event as if throwing it at a building. If it’s rotten egg, think of a more raunchy description, and a tidbit about the stench.

3. Next one up is not an item, but an action; doorbell ditching. For the sake of the game, every building has a doorbell. Ringing it does not reveal any profile links unless someone is outside to observe it. Zombies with Memories of Life can join in on the fun.

July 4th:

-Fireworks become available in nearly every place you can imagine. They’re launched like Flares, but the flavor text reads them as having different effects, colors, and sounds. On server reset the following day, all Fireworks in someone’s inventory become useless until next year.


-For the day, all buildings have altered clothes changes, allowing you to add varying things to your wardrobe(Vampire Teeth, Capes, Witch Robes, etc.) The clothing will only be available until server reset the following day, but players can continue to wear it year round. You can also ring doorbells on any building, which automatically gets you candy(some random dude gave it out), which takes up 2 encumbrance and grants 1 HP. Ringing a doorbell gives a message to those indoors, and it states someone went over and gave them candy. Candy can be used year-round, but only on yourself, and it can only be gotten until server reset the following day.

I’m done. I’d do Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, but I’m out of ideas.

Voting Section

Voting Rules
Votes must be numbered, justified, signed, and timestamped.
# justification ~~~~

Votes that do not conform to the above may be struck by any user.

The only valid votes are Keep, Kill, Spam or Dupe. If you wish to abstain from voting, do not vote.

Keep Votes

  1. Keep - Wouldn't it be great to slam an egg in someone's face or push someone over a trip wire? How about dressing up in a million Halloween accessories? Tryce of Thunder 04:38, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  2. Keep - Wow. I like it alot, but one thing. If you have leftover stuff from the holiday, make it usable forever. Kind of like the Christmas trees being able to be set up at anytime of the year.-- dǝǝɥs ɯɐds: sʎɐʍ1ɐ! 04:55, 29 June 2007 (BST)
    Discussion moved to talk page. armareum 22:07, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  3. Keep - Check out the Halloween update in the UD update archives. Knocking and fog, that was fun. Oh, and no to 4th of July. I know that every American thinks that is such an important date, however the rest of the world does not care at all. Especially in Malton, since it is based in England. --Ducis DuxSlothTalk 05:18, 29 June 2007 (BST)
    Re- Oops. Forgot about that. Sorry. Tryce of Thunder 05:25, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  4. Keep Well, A lot of Americans play the game. I say, let em have july 4th, as long as we can have bonfire night! (note to all non-English people, If you don't know, bonfire night is the 5th of November, and is celebrated in Britan by people building a bloody great big fire in their garden, absolutely failing to get it lit, because it is in November and has been raining solidily from October, giving up and letting off a load of fireworks. British teenagers celebrate this by lighting fireworks and sticking them in peoples dustbins)--Seventythree 07:20, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  5. Keep I think that this would add a bit of fun into the game. You need to add something for St Patricks Day though. If the Brits and the Yanks get their holidays then us Irish need to have ours. Pvt Perkins 09:37, 29 June 2007 (BST)
    Keep --Zombie Spray 10:37, 29 June 2007 (BST) Vote without justification struck. 'arm. 05:45, 14 July 2007 (BST)
  6. keep more for a bit of humour than anything else. St Patricks day and the pubs miraculously find they still have "Irish Stout" on tap! Infact each of the saints days could be marked by the national booze being findable at 100% in pubs; scotch, stout, gin (or tea!) and whatever the welsh drink (paint thinner i think :D)--Honestmistake 13:10, 29 June 2007 (BST) That last bit was a joke... i know damn well that they drink beer, and damn good it is too!--Honestmistake 13:11, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  7. Keep/Change - Take away the HP altering components (damage, healing) and I'm all for it. Vault 16:05, 29 June 2007 (BST)
    Re: Okay. Then the tripwire thing will always work. Keeps with the whole theme of things. Thanks for the suggestion. Tryce of Thunder 20:52, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  8. Im with Vault on this one - --Bruce Torbaron 16:49, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  9. Keep But since we're in England, change 4th of July to 5th of December (Guy Fawkes's night)--DrBowman 18:48, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  10. Keep I like it. Just needs a tiny bit of tweaking, and it's perfect. --Rustysporkman 21:25, 29 June 2007 (EST)
  11. Keep Vampire Teeth? Capes? Sounds good to me. --Luxembourg 01:05, 30 June 2007 (EST)
  12. Meh, ok Sounds cool. But, no wearing the costumes all year round. BoboTalkClown 00:50, 8 July 2007 (BST)

Kill Votes

  1. kill - I dislike forced funny stuf. And I think Kevan always sticken a good compromise between a light note and overdoing it. The current situation where we leave it up to him is fine for me.-- Vista  +1  13:14, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  2. Kill not everyone who plays UrbanDead is from the USA. And, according to this article, malton is an english city. --People's Commissar Hagnat [cloned] [mod] 13:42, 29 June 2007 (BST)
    Re: Don't just focus on the 4th of July. I forgot about that. Vote on the suggestion as a whole. Tryce of Thunder 14:39, 29 June 2007 (BST)
    taking 4th of july out, there is nothing you suggested that Kevan was already celebrating ingame. You even forgot to mention Xmas, when Kevan always adds something nice for us to play with. --People's Commissar Hagnat [cloned] [mod] 17:00, 29 June 2007 (BST)
    Re: Did you even read the suggestion? I'm saying we spice up how those days are celebrated. And I would've put down Xmas, but I was plum out of ideas by then. Maybe you can "Check under the tree" and get a random present? Tryce of Thunder 20:58, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  3. Kill - He already does things like this, April 1st jokes, Christmans trees, Halloween knocking. It's there just not mentioned too much on the wiki. Karek 13:56, 29 June 2007 (BST)
    Re: I know, I acknowledged that in the beggining on the suggestion. I'm just considering letting some game days really fun. But whatever. Tryce of Thunder 14:39, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  4. Kill I'd prefer Kevan work on developing things that deepen gameplay 365 days a year. Sure logging on and seeing "A tank rolled down the street and killed 56 zombies" is a fun little joke, and it also doesn't take long to program. However, a lot of things you described are too complex to be programmed for a single day of use. --Magentaine 14:50, 29 June 2007 (BST)
    moved Invalid Vote debate to talk page. armareum 14:47, 30 June 2007 (BST)
  5. Kill - I agree with Magentaine and thanksgiving and July 4th aren't much of international holidays, they're more of an american tradition and people from everywhere play Urbandead... --MarieThe Grove on Tour 18:10, 29 June 2007 (BST)
    Re: See my comment to Magentaine, and remember to vote on the suggestion as a whole, not just one part of it. 4th of July can be removed. That part slipped my mind. Tryce of Thunder 20:54, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  6. Kill - Not everyone lives in the U.S. and I prefer holiday occasions to be a surprise. --  AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 22:12, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  7. Kill yea what they all said plus the CDF has nothing to celebrate --Johnny Reb 00:48, 30 June 2007 (BST)
  8. Kill - I don't use the ones he puts in now -- boxy T L ZS Nuts2U DA 08:57, 30 June 2007 (BST)
  9. Kill - I like the idea but dislike the implementation. Change 4th of July to New Year's Eve or something and ditch the wires, doorbells and candy and then I'll consider. --Midianian 09:16, 30 June 2007 (BST)
  10. Kill - It's the Zombie Apocalypse... bobbing for apples would turn into getting neck bit off by zombie. "Trick or Treat!"... "Mrh?"... "Trick or Treat."... "Harmanz! Hahr hahr..." *Zombie eats children*. Honestly, if you add this, ever country in the world would expect their 'special days/holidays'. It would be too much. --Ryiis 09:30, 30 June 2007 (BST)
  11. Kill - This is already done whenever Kevan fancies it. Let's not make it routine - it's a thrilling surprise when it happens! Anyway, thanksgiving is just a weird thing no-one outside the US knows the point of, regardless of how many times it turns up in US comedy shows. What's it all about again? Oh, don't bother, we don't care!--Crabappleslegalteam 03:45, 1 July 2007 (BST)
  12. Bah Humbug - He needs to work on balancing the game. Not flava flav. --Sonny Corleone RRF CoL DORIS Hunt! 03:46, 1 July 2007 (BST)
  13. Kill - As Sonny Corleone. armareum 06:34, 1 July 2007 (BST)
  14. Above and up. And for Halloween, we had the fog. --Axe Hack Talk 22:48, 8 July 2007 (BST)

Spam/Dupe Votes