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Train Tunnel Shortcuts

Moved to the talk page, as it was edited by the author. Cyberbob  Talk  09:54, 6 September 2006 (BST)

"A-List" Anti-Zerg/Zombie Spy Measures

Spaminated with 7 Spams, 1 Kill and an Author keep. - Jedaz 10:19, 6 September 2006 (BST)

Restless Dead

Spaminated with 7 spam votes and an author keep. – Nubis NWO 09:29, 6 September 2006 (BST)

Death Clutch

Spaminated with 7 Spams and one author keep. Most people were against the auto-attack nature of the suggestion. - Jedaz 09:28, 6 September 2006 (BST)

No More Mr. Aushvitz!

Moderator - Removed for not being a serious suggestion about the game. The person who submitted it shall be punished for vandalism. - Jedaz 08:03, 6 September 2006 (BST)

Frowni Faic CaptainM ((Talk))

The Underworld [Entry/Exit]

Removed by author.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Funt Solo (talkcontribs) .


RMB.JPG Author Removed
This suggestion was removed by the original author because it was useless.

The Underworld

Timestamp: 23:42, 6 September 2006 (BST)
Type: New Level
Scope: Urban Dead
Description: An entire subterranean level of Malton.

The Pitch #1 (role-playing) A wounded zombie, battered and confused, climbs into the crypt beneath a cemetery to gnaw on grisly bones, whilst it's brethren stumble through the sewers in search of fresher meat, unperturbed by disease and the choking stench. Survivors, desperate to escape the slaughter and madness in the city above, hide out in old emergency sub-stations, built to power Malton's half-built nuclear shelters.

The Pitch #2 (game-playing) There are more survivors than zombies (54:46). A common complaint is the zombies don't get enough love in terms of new and exciting ways to play the game, or that being a zombie is somehow considered losing. Part of the idea in introducing this suggestion was to help redress the balance. The Underworld has been designed as a location in which zombies, not survivors, have a natural tactical advantage (but not a game-killing one).

New Underworld Rules

  • Movement is according to the normal UD rules.
  • Impassable Locations: one key addition is that of squares that nobody can move through. Solid rock, essentially. The ratio of impassable : passable locations would be decided at a later design stage.
Entry / exit
  • If you are in a city square that has an entry to the Underworld, it will say so in the description (e.g. "You see stairs leading down to a sub-basement" or "There is a manhole cover in the street"), whether you're inside or outside of any building. There will be a special button allowing you to enter the Underworld (e.g. "Go down the stairs"). The same is true for exiting the Underworld.
  • It is possible that there be an Underworld location below a city location, but no entry/exit point. (E.g. a subway tunnel passing beneath a building.) How many squares per suburb allow entry/exit would be decided during a later design stage. (It would be several, to avoid choke/swarm points, as we have currently with Malls and Armourys.)
  • Whether the Underworld network be fully connected would be decided during a later design phase. (e.g. the current Free Running network has a few blocks that are not connected.)
  • You do not see what kind of Underworld location it is before you enter but you can get a clue from the Underworld Locations rules presented below. Only certain locations exist beneath certain buildings. (The opposite is also true: you do not see what kind of city square you're going to when you exit the Underworld.) This lack of knowledge would only last as long as it takes for someone to publish an online map.
  • Because you can't see the location before you go there, you also can't see what's down there in terms of survivors and zombies. This is the same as exiting a building.
  • It is possible to exit a heavily barricaded building into a non-building location, when entering or exiting the Underworld (as per the current rules).
  • In all other ways, this is just as if you'd clicked on a neighboring building under the current rules (vis-à-vis Free Running et al).
You can always see the type of location you are in, and the type of the surrounding 8 locations. Further, you can always see an exit to ground level, if one is there.
  • You can only see survivors, zombies, barricades, doors, bodies and generators in your current location if:
    • it's powered (either by a generator or a substation: see Locations, below).
    • you're a survivor with a Flashlight (see New Item, below).
    • you're a zombie with Night-Vision (see New Skills, below).
    • you're a survivor that just fired a Flare Gun. (Subsequent IP-hit hides everything again.)
  • If you can't see, you can't attack (survivors, zombies, barricades, generators – whatever) or attempt to enter or exit buildings (except exiting by clicking on a neighbouring open location), or close doors, or repair a ransacked location, or search. In fact, all you can do is move to another location or, if there's an exit to ground level, you can take it.
  • You can only see survivors and zombies in adjacent locations if:
    • it's powered (either by a generator or a substation: see Locations, below).
    • you're a zombie with Night-Vision (see New Zombie Skill, below).
  • Locations for which you do not have visibility will be greyed out (ie you can still see the type of location, but there will be a graphical indication that you can't see there.)
  • This gives zombies a clear tactical advantage in the Underworld, as long as they have Night-Vision: they can always see what's going on around them. Survivors, without a Flashlight or a Flare Gun, and in an area that isn't powered, are effectively blind. This has been done on purpose – the Underworld, as you'd expect, is somewhere where the undead flourish, and survivors need to be well organized and equipped to handle the dangers. Having said that, there are only two locations (crypts and caverns, detailed below) that can never have powered lighting - so in most areas of the Underworld, as long as survivors keep the lights going, it's still an even playing field.
Effects on existing items
  • Several underground locations will initially be padlocked shut and require the use of wirecutters to enter. (Details under Underworld Locations, below.)
  • Flare Guns, if fired into the air, will only be seen within a 1-block radius.
  • GPS doesn't work, and shows as (-.-), or (0,0).
  • NecroNet Scans don't penetrate.
  • Mobile Phones don't receive signals.
  • Radio doesn't operate, and Radio Transmitters cannot be setup in buildings.
  • Binoculars are useless, as there are no tall buildings.
Effects on existing skills
  • Scent Trail works as given, with an indication of whether the prey is above or below ground.
  • Scent Death works as given, with an indication of whether the group is above or below ground.
  • Feeding Groan does not penetrate from above ground to below ground or vice versa.

Underworld Locations Where a location may or may not have an entry/exit point from above ground, "none" is given as one of the options under "possible entry points" (see below).

As above ground, buildings can be barricaded, ransacked / repaired and powered with portable generators. Unless noted otherwise, buildings have closeable doors and a chance (suggestions given below) of initially being padlocked, requiring wirecutters to open.
  • Subway Station
    • Possible entry points: Railway Station (Padlocked: 10%; Tagging: +2XP)
  • Power Substation
    • Possible entry points: Building, Towers, Factory (Padlocked: 50%; Tagging: +1XP)
    • Special Rules:
      • Must have one only per suburb. Large Building. Always takes up two squares.
      • If one square is given a generator, then that square is lit, as normal.
      • If both squares are given a generator, then the emergency lighting is switched on for this entire suburb of the Underworld. That turns on lights in underground carparks, all three tunnel types (subway, sewage and utility) and Nuclear Bunkers, as long as those locations are not ransacked. This is the only way to provide lighting for those locations (except for the Nuclear Bunker).
      • Emergency lighting doubles the rate of fuel consumption by both the Power Substation squares.
  • Sewage Plant
    • Possible entry points: Street, Carpark, Junkyard, Wasteland. (Padlocked: 25%)
    • Special Rules:
      • Must have one per suburb.
      • If ransacked, makes subway tunnels in this suburb behave as sewage tunnels (i.e. sewage starts seeping into the subway system).
  • NecroTech Safehouse
    • Possible entry points: none. (Padlocked: 90%)
    • Special Rules:
      • UV Scanner: If the Safehouse has a running Generator, and a survivor has NecroNet Access, clicking this location-specific button will bring up a view of the 9-cell neighbourhood (i.e. 1-square radius) centred on the Safehouse. Numbers of zombies and survivors will be displayed (but not those inside buildings). For role-playing purposes, this is a surveillance system built to monitor the approaches to the Safehouse. The system has difficulty distinguishing multiple signals: if there are more than 5 zombies or survivors, the numbers show as "5+". (E.g. "3 humans, 5+ zombies".)
      • As yet undefined New Item should be unique to this location - something to encourage survivors.
  • Secure Vault
    • Possible entry points: Mansion, Bank. (Padlocked: 90%)
    • Special Rules: Easier to barricade up than other buildings.
  • Cellar
    • Possible entry points: Mansion, Pub. (Padlocked: 10%)
    • Special Rules: Homebrew - beer or wine drunk here provides an additional +1HP. (Silly rule, I know.)
  • Sub-Basement
    • Possible entry points: Mall, Power Station, Building, Cinema, Club, Factory, Fire Station, Hospital, Hotel, Library, Museum, NecroTech Building, Police Department, Tower. (Padlocked: 10%)
  • Nuclear Bunker
    • Possible entry points: none, Building, Library, Museum, Tower, School. (Tagging: +1XP)
    • Search items: Flashlight (+ maximum of 1 other item). +
    • Special Rules:
      • This building is never padlocked, and the heavy bunker doors are initially open, and cannot be closed by hand (see below).
      • Barricading this bunker is difficult due to the spartan, secure design: they cannot be barricaded past Quite Strongly.
      • If powered by a Portable Generator, that only provides lighting. (The other systems of the Nuclear Bunker are tied to dedicated circuits - linked to the local suburb Power Substation - and cannot be accessed by survivors. Typically poor thinking by the city planners.)
      • If the suburb's Power Substation (see above) is fully powered, the following special rules apply (as long as the building is not ransacked):
        • Emergency lighting remains on, even if there is no Portable Generator running.
        • Allows bonus +5HP in use of a FAK (as for a Hospital: the Bunker has a full medical facility).
        • Bunker doors become active:
          • A toggle button will allow any survivor inside the building to open or close the bunker doors.
          • Whenever the bunker doors close, they destroy the barricades compeletely.
          • While the doors are closed, nothing can get in or out - dumping bodies doesn't work, either.
          • As a failsafe, if the bunker is unpowered (i.e. the substation powering it is shut down) while the door is closed, it automatically opens.

Open Areas
As above ground, open areas cannot be barricaded, or powered with portable generators. However, the first four locations here (the carpark and three tunnel types) can have emergency lighting provided by the suburb's Power Substation (see above), and can also be ransacked and repaired to enable / disable the lighting. Caverns and Crypts never have lighting, and cannot be ransacked.
  • Underground Carpark
    • Possible entry points: Hotel, Carpark, Stadium
  • Subway Tunnel
    • Possible entry points: none, Street
  • Sewage Tunnel
    • Possible entry points: none, Street, Wasteland, Junkyard
    • Special Rules: Survivors must spend 2AP to move into any sewage tunnel square, due to the noxious atmosphere.
  • Utility Tunnel
    • Possible entry points: none, plus any except Fort / Armoury, Zoo, Monument, Park.
  • Natural Cavern
    • Possible entry points: none
  • Crypt
    • Possible entry points: none, Cathedral, Cemetery, Church, Mansion +
    • Special Rules: Zombies can "Gorge On Remains" (a special button for this location only) if they have Digestion – gives 10% chance of +1HP per AP spent.

Squares which have no potential entry points to the Underworld (on purpose):
  • Fort / Armoury
  • Zoo
  • Monument
  • Park

New Skills

Zombie Skill: Night-Vision
Prerequisites: Level 10
Allows a zombie to see in the Underworld as they do above ground, regardless of any lighting. This is a standalone skill that doesn't sit neatly within the other branches of the zombie skill tree. The prerequisite reflects that this is a mutation that can only occur after some time as a zombie. Has no effect for a survivor.

New Items

Inventory: 1 space
Locations: NecroTech Safehouse (?%), Nuclear Shelter (?%), Sub-Basement (?%), Cinema (?%), Mall Hardware Store (?%) [More..?]
Effect: Allows a survivor to see in an unlit Underworld location. The batteries in the Flashlight eventually run out, and may be old to begin with: every AP spent in an unlit location, there is a 5% chance for the Flashlight to be rendered useless (and disappear from the inventory with an accompanying message.) Has no effect above ground.


Beta Version
As this suggestion would be a major addition to the game, and could have a massive impact on the meta-game, it would be too risky to implement the entire Underworld under all 100 suburbs at the same time. Therefore, it should first be implemented beneath a single suburb as a beta version, in order that further study can be done on the impact it has on the game. (This can be role-played as survivors and zombies slowly discovering entrances that were previously hidden, locked, blocked or simply left undisturbed during the crisis.)
In designing the map, it would be possible to link two city level locations by a faster Free Running route than is currently available, thus creating a shortcut for survivors. Further, there is the possibility of linking buildings that are currently not on the Free Running network, back in.
Survivor Incentives
The key concern of most players is that a survivor would need some positive incentive (beyond scouting and defence) to venture into the Underworld. To an extent, that's also true of venturing into the street, but with this, there's the added danger of being left in the dark. Natural incentives such as zombie hunting, suburb control, secret bases and short-cuts may come naturally from the geography. In addition, ideas such as higher search rates for particular items, or new items unique to the Underworld are possibilities - but are not defined as part of this suggestion.


Thanks to A Bothan Spy, Xoid, The Mad Axeman, Gene Splicer (and probably some other people). Oh yeah, and me.


  1. Keep [Author-Keep] I dunno - seems a bit...y'know. --Funt Solo 23:42, 6 September 2006 (BST)
  2. Keep - On the basis that Kevin can decide if he wants to change the game this much. -- Andrew McM W! 00:09, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  3. Kill You have this HUUUUGE overarching idea to change the game by pratically adding another city with all these new items and conditional rules but no reason whatsoever for it to exist! Saying "we'll think of something later" isn't good enough. If you're going to add a few thousand squares there had better be a good reason for survivors to want to go there. So far it seems like nothing more than a really big complicated zombie buff. A zombie goes down in a crypt and newbie survivors now need flashlights to be able to see them. If zombies really need a buff that badly there are simpler ways to do it. This page thrives on specifics and reasons. A huge underground area might be cool but think of how many buildings above ground don't have anything special now. You really think Kevan is going to code that beer restores +1 health in cellars when only a few types of already existing buildings have anything special going on in them?--Jon Pyre 00:10, 7 September 2006 (BST)
    • Re - You had me at 'Kill'. --Funt Solo 08:20, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  4. Keep - ZOMFG LONG ASS SUGGESTION, but it seems okay. I just skimmed it though.--Gage 00:12, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  5. Keep - I totally disagree with Prye! The reason all the other things aren't included is because then a person might vote kill on that one litttle bit. This is a killer suggestion and Funt has really thought this out. Let's geta keep wagon up and running!! --Officer Johnieo 00:14, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  6. Keep - Eh...what Gage said. --Axe Hack 00:24, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  7. Keep Love it. I need some info that wasn't quite completed, though: what does having none as an entrance mean, and what id the difference between a subway and sewer tunnel as mentioned under the sewage treatment plant part? --Grigori 00:46, 7 September 2006 (BST)
    • Re - "none" means no exit to ground level (as an option). Sewer tunnels are 2AP to move for survivors. Subway tunnels can become "infected/disinfected" if the treatment plant is ransacked/repaired and also be 2AP, but are otherwise 1AP.--Funt Solo 08:27, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  8. Keep - Finally finished reading, and man, that was some reading! Now, I like most of the ideas, but maybe not some of them like some building's special properties (mostly cellars). Now, when Kevan reads this and if he decides to implement it, he will butcher the suggestion as much as he wants, so there's no problem about it. Just remember, don't listen to some people's groans: When you're a zed you know that the louder of them usually point to arrogant survivors. --Matthew Fahrenheit YRCT+1 01:14, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  9. Keep - I like this idea but I do have a question, if a building has access to the underground is it possible to barricade this entrence in any way or can zombies just walk up the stairs and past the survivors? Or is that just me skimming again?--Etherdrifter 01:18, 7 September 2006 (BST)
    • Re - They don't bypass barricades, but they can enter, say, from a manhole cover in the street. They end up, say, outside the barricaded part of a Subway Station, but still "in" the Subway Station. As a building above ground is surrounded by pavement, imagine that an underground structure is surrounded by access tunnels, utility pipes, infrastructure etc. In essence, then, a building has two entrances to the underground, one inside the barricades, and one outside. (I call this willing suspension of disbelief in order to fit the current game rules.)--Funt Solo 08:30, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  10. Keep - nice! Karloth vois RR 01:30, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  11. Keep - Perfect! --Gold Blade 01:50, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  12. Keep - Wow. Normally I don't see much here to go out of my way to comment on, but this is a really cool idea. I'd like to see this implemented, even if just parts of this idea make it to the final cut. Nice work. --Kiki Lottaboobs 02:06, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  13. Keep - I'm hesitant about such a sweeping change, and I would personally get rid of a few of the location specific conditions, but all in all, great suggestion. And, as mentioned by Matthew Farenheit, kevan can certain change bit and pieces as needed. --Rgon 02:21, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  14. Spam Too long to ever be implemented. Rheingold 02:45, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  15. Keep - Definitely. Don't listen to those goddamn naysayers (*cough*Rheingold & Jon Pyre*cough*) - they're just sore over their suggestions being shut down. Cyberbob  Talk  03:53, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  16. Kill - Way too much work for the coder(s) (*cough*Kevan*cough*) and no real reason for it. As Pyre said, there are so many generic buildings now that should be used in a good way before anything like this ever gets impletmented. Also I think all "keep" votes which only state "Wow, you put a lot of time into this." should be struck. This is not the place to skim, think the person worked hard, and vote keep because they worked on something. This is the place to actually read the suggestion, and decide if it is actually a good one. A monkey can type up 3 pages of nothing, that doesn't make it good stuff. --Blue Command Vic 04:27, 7 September 2006 (BST)
    • Re - I'll respect your Kill vote (I agree that a lot of other cool stuff could be implemented before this insane, possibly game-breaking idea), despite your reasons being listed above as invalid (coding complexity and "x should be implemented first") if you respect other voters' right to a Keep. --Funt Solo 08:35, 7 September 2006 (BST)
      RE - I just don't think people should be voting Keep simply because you took time to write it all. Suggestions need to be read fully before they're voted on, that's all I'm trying to say. --Blue Command Vic 21:10, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  17. Keep - Seems like a great idea, in my humble opinion. Besides, would having more area to fight really be a BAD thing? At least for the first few weeks, I could see some fierce fighting happening in the Underworld. Besides, the suggestion could be a lot worse. It's not like we're talking fire-and-brimstone demon-populated Hell or something. It's the general system of tunells you'd expect under any city, plus a few additions. Onikage Wolf 04:57, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  18. Keep - But could you clarify this for me, if a zombie enters a non-barricaded subway station and walks along the subway route to an EHB building can he just enter through and bypass the barricades or does he have to attack them and are the underworld barricades set up differently to the normal ones? Youronlyfriend 05:32, 7 September 2006 (BST)
    • Re - There will be no bypassing of barricades. See my reply to vote 9, above. --Funt Solo 09:26, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  19. Keep - Kevan never goes with an idea exactly how it is written out anyway, so the fine details aren't really necessary with this. Why are they not, when usually they are considered necessary? Because this is something that Kevan is incredibly unlikely to include in it's entirety, which means that people voting for it on the proviso that "X stat is modified in such a way" will likely be disappointed. This suggestions is something where you are voting on the core idea, not it's implementation. –Xoid STFU! 05:47, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  20. Keep - Because I think this could be a fun addition to the game. --Pinpoint 06:20, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  21. Keep - I like it, but it's a little too... big if you know what I mean. The Badman Bob06! 08:38, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  22. Keep - Me like it. And now I'm 3 years older than when I started reading it. --Niilomaan GRR!M! 08:48, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  23. Keep - If an underworld is actually implemented, this is good core material. Big implementation, big suggestion. --Nob666 10:13, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  24. Keep - Very good idea. I like it! --Abi79 AB 10:30, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  25. Keep - I would SOOO love a secret base for my team Blazefire 11:17, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  26. Keep - An awesome suggestion... no idea if it would be implemented, but it would make the game so much better.. --Odders 13:38, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  27. Keep Hell yeah, makes mass zombie movement more difficult to track (and headshot).. but more importantly survivors who hide in their cozy free running stations are going to miss out on a lot of what is going on outside, and that could be BAD! Besides, we need some down and dirty ass whooping action in the sewers of Malton. Dibs on starting my own group: "The Sewer Kings" --MrAushvitz 13:51, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  28. Keep - This is a great idea but survivors need more incentive to go down into the underworld some ideas I though of are, More Xp for killing a zombie in the under world, Hidden stockpiles of weapons and items much like crates above ground and maybe give humans a grouping together bonus underground you know, safty in numbers. Deadeye207 14:21, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  29. Kill - Can a zombie just burst into my safehouse from the cellar, even though I'm barricaded to EH? No thanks. --BBM 14:55, 7 September 2006 (BST)
    • Re - No, this suggestion does NOT nerf barricades. See 'Re' to vote 9, above.--Funt Solo 15:34, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  30. Keep - As long as the point made by the previous voter was addressed, I think that this could be just what the game needs to rejuvinate it. It would be nice for a few more items to be considered for this fairly large addition to the game too. --Werewolf32 15:20, 7 September 2006 (GMT)
    • Re - Whilst not a part of this suggestion, an expanded version of the rules, including other items, other zombie skills and an example suburb map, are available to read on my user page. --Funt Solo 15:38, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  31. Keep - I really like this suggestion. It would help keep the game interesting and varied and although it woukld be a huge job it will be worth it. I can't help thinking that the visibility is still harsh on survivors. Maybe they could enter a building providing it is under VS? But I like the fact you can't see others without lighting but if your torch breaks you are a bit stuck. I can see a lot of things spurning off from this if it was put in. --Marie 15:47, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  32. Keep - overlord hagnat mod 16:39, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  33. Keep - Great suggestion. There is a need to clarify the barricades from beneath rules. If I've got free running, I can pop up from beneath a barricaded building, but elsewise, zombies and survivors have to go into the street instead? As well, I'd throw the flashlight in the warehouse and maybe the factory to make it more available. --Burgan 17:39, 7 September 2006 (BST)
    • Re - Yes, Free Running will allow you to go from inside an above ground building to inside a below ground building (and vice versa). Otherwise, you end up outside the building, but in the building's square. (This is as per the current rules, but with a third dimension.) --Funt Solo 18:01, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  34. Keep - I would defend this to the death. Brilliance. --Mr. Venom 18:09, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  35. Keep - Interesting concept, and should add a lot to the game without taking anything away. My only comment would be that flashlights have way too short a life in the underground.--Theblackgecko 19:13, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  36. Keep Wow... I read this all on your talk page, and its good! - HerrStefantheGreat 20:10, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  37. Keep - I would happilykill whoever was required to get this implmented (though I think the torches need to be severely buffed, at least durationwise) --Gene Splicer 20:17, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  38. Keep - So cool... I love every morsel. Wish I made a suggestion this good...--Canuhearmenow Hunt! 20:27, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  39. Keep - An excelent suggestion. --Paradox244 W! TJ! 21:34, 7 September 2006 (BST)
  40. Keep - How do you expand and develop a limited, 'quarantined' playing area? IMHumbleO The concept is Inspired, even if a simplified cut-down version of this suggestion is introduced it will add a new lease to players experience of UrbD.--Jim Callous 23:44, 7 September 2006 GMT+1
  41. Keep - I had a read of this suggestion in the Talk page. I absolutely love it! I might not use it, but I can imagine myself holed up in a nuclear bunker, hiding from enemies and hoping no one smashes the substation to the door. Brilliant suggestion Kaylee Hans 06:43, 8 September 2006 (BST)
  42. Keep - I loved the one on the discussions page, and I like this one too. --Kiltric 23:48, 8 September 2006 (BST)
  43. Keep - It'd be hard, if not impossible to put in, but damn good --Some guy 12:07, 10 September 2006 (BST)
  44. Keep - This is the kind of idea you either Spam because it's too long, too complicated, and incomplete or Keep because it rocks ass. What can I say? This will never make it into the game. But wouldn't it be rocking if it did? - David Malfisto 14:31, 13 September 2006 (BST)
  45. Keep - Sure, why not. - Jedaz - 06:21/23/02/2025 11:27, 15 September 2006 (BST)
    • Tally - 41 Keep, 4 Kill, 45 Total. --Funt Solo 13:54, 16 September 2006 (BST)

Eat Self

RMB.JPG Author Removed
This suggestion was removed by the original author because this was the WORST suggestion that could be made without utter nonsense..