Wiki Code Stealers
Group Numbers:
18 confirmed, a lot out there, that just have to be honest about it
Check the leadership under members.
Steal wiki code.
Recruitment Policy:
You must want to steal code.
Talk page,The Cap'n or Che13
About us
We are the lazy people of the wiki, the bored who would rather steal a sidebar off of Matthew farenheit than create their own ( of course we change the color and/or size, just that it is not so clear, at least sometimes). Admit it, you've done it once or twice too. We're not hiding anything, we are being honest about it. Onward, scummy thieves, onward to wikitory!
How this group was born:
- Sidebar.Stolen from my page? --Cap'n Silly T/W/P/C
06:57, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- Stolen is such a harsh word, I prefer "inspired" or maybe "based on" but I will settle for "copied and pasted then slightly modified to avoid copyright laws" xD--♠ Che ♠-T GC X 07:40, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- Aha, very good. I stole it and slightly modified it from Matthew Farenheit. :P --Cap'n Silly T/W/P/C
08:34, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- Oh well, I learnt from the best--♠ Che ♠-T GC X 08:38, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- Thanks. :) --Cap'n Silly T/W/P/C
08:39, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- It's the thruth, your the best wiki thief I know. hahaha--♠ Che ♠-T GC X 08:43, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- We should start a wiki-stealing group. "The Wiki Code Stealers". --Cap'n Silly T/W/P/C
08:46, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- Ok, lets start looking for some group page that looks nice and steal it :P--♠ Che ♠-T GC X 08:48, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- Oooh, pick the Crossman Defense Force! --Cap'n Silly T/W/P/C
08:49, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- WOW, double WOW, its great lets use that one and fill it with links to good people to rip off like Matthew--♠ Che ♠-T GC X 08:53, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- Done. Critique? --Cap'n Silly T/W/P/C
09:33, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- Really nice, I promise to add somethings today, but what you did is awesome--♠ Che ♠-T GC X 18:52, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- Check it now I added a "where to steal" and even stole a template for us--♠ Che ♠-T GC X 21:07, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
- Very nice! --Cap'n Silly T/W/P/C
22:52, 10 February 2007 (UTC)
Recruitment, news, and templates
The Cap'n
Mayor Fitting
Barroom Hero
Murray Jay Suskind
Father Thompson
Dr. Mycroft Chris
Goofy Mccoy
Erika Mustermann
Once upon a time, we gave a crap about this. Not any more! It's still here to have a good historical giggle at. Teehee.
Wiki Robbers: Lowest rank. Those with a fairly unremarkable page. However, they are stealing, and their page will be awesome soon.
Code Thieves: Middle Rank. Those with either a fairly well lay outed page or colour scheme.
Elite Wiki Robbers: Those who have stolen the best, and their page is now at the top of the stack. Even Xoid admits his page is inferior to these thieves.
Leadership: Elite Wiki Robbers with a patience and will to help new members will be promoted to leaders.
Stick a wiki Code stealers template on your page, add yourself to the member list and you're set.
Being that none of the leaders visit here anymore, just go ahead and add your names to the list, and give yourself a promotion when you feel you've earned it.
10 February 2007:The Wiki Code stealers founded. All members welcome!
10 June 2007: a huge confession from a sysop. We are one step closer to wikitory:
Wiki Code Stealer
This user is a Wiki Code Stealer and is probably off copying and pasting some code.
To use this template, just copy and paste this: {{Wikirobbers}}
Code Stealer
This user is a wiki code stealer, and probably stealing your sidebar while you read this.
To use, type {{Codesteal}} where you want it to appear.
Have you changed you user page and think you deserve a promotion? Want to help out other wiki thiefs leading them to Wikitory? Say it here
How to
Jokes aside there are a few rules you should follow during you "crimes":
- Create a personal sandbox: Here you can ruin everything, leave work for the next day, etc. You can just add [[User:Username/Sandbox|Sandbox]] to your main page, replacing "Username" with your username and save it. Then you click on it and you have a sandbox.
- Look for something similar to what you want: This saves time, and will help you to understand the code slowly if you only have to do minor changes.
- Never edit other people's pages: It's their page and you should leave it exactly as you found it, just copy the code and work on it on your own page.
- Use the "Show preview" button: Use it a lot, It's your best friend when editing. Everything you change in the code has an effect, seeing it step by step helps you a lot to finally learn the code, and with time you will be a lot faster. This also avoids saving the same page 50 times in half an hour
Best places to get your "inspiration"
Nice pages, nice sigs, etc.
Useful links
Nice user pages
Nice signatures
If you want us to include something here, fell free to leave us a comment on our talk page.
"Easy to get" code
Fell free to add any useful code you find here.
text format
strikeout text: <s></s>
underline text: <u></u>
<--A non-breaking space (stays when it would normally be removed):
blinking text. {{blink|blinking text.}}
big text. <font size=12>big text. </font>
Showcode: <nowiki></nowiki>
Text colors:
In both cases, just some examples, you can use a lot more colors, just look at the Web colors and pick the one you like
Span style
- Blue: <span style="color: Blue"></span>
- Red: <span style="color: Red"></span>
- Orange: <span style="color: orange"></span>
- Yellow: <span style="color: yellow"></span>
- Green: <span style="color: green"></span>
- Indigo: <span style="color: Indigo"></span>
- Navy: <span style="color: Navy"></span>
- Silver: <span style="color: Silver"></span>
- Maroon: <span style="color: Maroon"></span>
- HotPink: <span style="color: HotPink">HotPink</span>
Warning: Using too many templates in the same page can "break" all the page's templates, try to always use the span style, specially in your signature
- red: {{c|red|}}
- orange: {{c|orange|}}
- yellow: {{c|yellow|}}
- green: {{c|LimeGreen|}}
- blue: {{c|DodgerBlue|}}
- Indigo: {{c|Navy|}}
- Violet: {{c|Indigo|Violet}}
Link to specific bits on pages: [[page#heading|title]] = [[#|]]
Fake heading: <font size=4></font>
{{Custom Title}}: {{tl|Custom Title}}
{{fakeH2|Your Fake H2|yourtemplate}}
Scrolling text box.
Thanks to Toejam.
<div style="height: 50px; width:25%; border: thin solid black; overflow:scroll; background: #FFFFFF; padding: 4px; text-align: left;">
'''Scrolling text box.'''
Thanks to [[User:Toejam|Toejam]].
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