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This page is for users to request System Operator status. The act of user promotion is restricted to those with bureaucrat status, and as such users will need to request user promotion here. System Operators and Bureaucrats cannot assign promotions unless the request has gone through this page.

Guidelines for System Operator Requests

Users who wish to request System Operator status (and users who wish to nominate other users for System Operator status) should note that before they can be considered the following guidelines should be met by the candidate:

  • Significant time within the community.
We define this as at least 6 months since the candidate's first edit.
Note: looking in a User's User contributions might give false results for this criterion, as the edit history is periodically purged on this wiki.
  • Significant activity within the community.
We define this as at least 250 edits in the past six months under the candidate's name.
Note: looking in a User's User contributions might give false results for this criterion, as the edit history is periodically purged on this wiki.
  • Prior interest in maintaining the community.
We define this as clear evidence that the candidate is already performing maintenance tasks and taking leadership roles on the wiki.
  • Desire to become a System Operator.
We define this simply as indicating in the candidate's request their desire for the position (Note that if a person is nominated by another user, the candidate in question should note their acceptance of the nomination).

If a user is highly exemplary in one criterion, a certain amount of leeway may be given with the other criteria.

Once the candidate satisfies these guidelines, the user is then subject to a community discussion. All users are asked to comment on the candidate in question, ask questions of the candidate, and discuss the candidate's suitability for becoming a System Operator. This is not a vote. It is instead merely a request for comments from the wiki community. This will continue for two weeks to allow all users an opportunity to voice their opinion regarding a candidate's qualifications for promotion. After two weeks, the Bureaucrats are responsible for announcing their decision within a reasonably short period of time. Users may continue to add their thoughts until the Bureaucrats announce their decision. The current amount of System Operators running should not influence your decisions when voicing your opinion.

Once the two weeks are up, the Bureaucrats will review the community discussion and make a decision based upon it. The user will be notified of the status of their request, and will be promoted should it appear that the community is willing to accept them as a System Operator.

Example Application

Example User

I've been around 3 months, and I've made to date 550 edits. As you can see [link here] and [link here], I've been in the leadership role attempting to create a new format for this page. I'd very much like to become a System Operator.

  • Vouch - I am willing to vouch for this user. -- Voucher 03:41, 23 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  • Against - Example User, I haven't seen any evidence of your work on the wiki. --Some user 19:01, 25 July 2006 (BST)
  • Vouch - Example User is the most active guy here. --Another user 19:01, 25 July 2006 (BST)
  • Abstain - I'm just not sure, but I don't want to say why for some reason. --Some other user 19:01, 25 July 2006 (BST)
  • Question - I just want to know what you think about this subject? --Yet another user 21:26, 4 April 2013 (BST)

Candidates Currently Under Community Discussion

Johnny Twotoes

I'm going to keep this as short as possible, since I'm sure that a drawn out explanation won't gain anyone anything: I've been on the wiki since July of this year, and have made just under 2.000 edits to it. I pride myself in the Danger Center, which I started and against all odds and predictions in (and with a ton of community effort), we finished, as well as my list of locations I unstubbed, try to keep interesting and as well maintained as possible. The main reason I want to be a sysop is to be able to react immediately to spambots and vandals, rather than being limited to reverting their actions and seeing them do it all over again. ...and again. ...and again.

Thank you for your time and consideration.PB&J 21:32, 19 November 2012 (UTC)

It would help your bid if it had a proper section title and {{bid|John Doe}} template. -- Spiderzed 21:45, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
I wasn't aware of its existence, since it isn't specified anywhere on the page (incl. the Example User), but thanks for telling me Happy PB&J 21:58, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
Added, since that was a good point. Aichon 22:06, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
Once again: thank you. I was under the impression Spiderzed added it, apologies for not giving away enough thanks to this team effort Wink PB&J 22:08, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
  • Against - You failed to do the basic janitorial work associated with promotion bids (section title, bid template and news update), which while not critical still doesn't reflect well on your knowledge and familiarity with wiki procedure. You are also a rare sight on the opinion pages (i.e. Vandal Banning and Misconduct), although there hasn't been going on much in the last few months. On the plus side, your danger map project shows a good knowledge of wiki coding and a willingness to lead projects. I'm certain you could get to the point of syd-opping within few months, but I don't see you quite there yet. Stick around, stick around more on the opinion pages, and I am certain it will get you somewhere. -- Spiderzed 22:14, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
    I looked at the instructions above before adding my promotion bid, and while I forgot to add a section title, I'd like to point out it says nowhere that I should add a bid template or adjust the news page. There was 1 Misconduct case since I've been here (yours), and while I kept an eye on how it evolved, I simply didn't feel the urge to step in at any point: it was a pretty clear case and all I could have said had been said already. I'll try and keep an eye on the page and speak out in the future. I was involved in reverting poopman9's vandalizing of several pages, and discussion wasn't really necessary after such marvellous contributions as this one or this Terminator sequel. Anyway, you're right when you say I should be more involved in the opinion pages, but I do know what's going on in general. Thanks for the feedback! PB&J 22:35, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
  • Against for now. You got promise but it's a bit too soon. Give it till January and if everything is still good, I'll vote yes. Although I do have some concern that PK is attempting to take control of the wiki. --Open the Box Org XIII Alts 22:40, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
    Anything in particular I should keep an eye on or is it just a time limit? Not sure about PK taking over, but just in case it happens: I'll try to kill you last when we conquer the rest of the world. Wink PB&J 22:43, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
    I think you are doing fine now, just want to make sure you don't burn out. For some reason, I'm just stuck on the about 6 months time period. --Open the Box Org XIII Alts 22:53, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
    Fair enough. PB&J 22:55, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
    I feel compelled to point out that, contrary to popular belief, the Philosophe Knights are not a form of shadow government controlling the puppet strings for the entire meta-game. You can rest assured in the fact that our comprising half of the active sysop team despite having relatively few members was not accomplished for the purpose of fulfilling any ulterior motives or shady plans, but was rather instrumented for your benefit and well-being. I assure you, we have no designs to continue holding sway over the activities of everyone here, nor are we pulling the wool over anyone's eyes. Aichon 23:08, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
    LIES! What's next? Are you getting to get the puppet master himself to tell me everything is okay? --Open the Box Org XIII Alts 23:14, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
    “A single lie destroys a whole reputation for integrity” Baltasar Gracian PB&J 23:17, 19 November 2012 (UTC)
    Everything is fine. Nothing is broken. (This is real.) ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 06:46, 20 November 2012 (UTC)
  • Question How large can an image be when used in a user's signature? ~Vsig.png 00:03, 20 November 2012 (UTC)
  • Weak Against - Now I don't want to seem like I'm putting down the effort you've spent in helping make this wiki better- because I know it's been a lot, and I think that's excellent and I in particular have been very appreciative. However, I think you need just a bit more time becoming acquainted with the tools and responsibilities of sysops on udwiki (like what spiderzed said). I too live in a dream world where we could be sysops for the primary reasons of killing bots, but it isn't so, and there's a much wider picture associated with being an op that a candidate has to be well versed in. In time I'd love for you to get the buttons. However, I think it could be in a couple of months. A ZOMBIE ANT 00:16, 20 November 2012 (UTC)
  • Question I'm massively drunk, as it's my birthday and I accidentally wandered into a singles night at my local pub. What's the best way to curb my power? --Ross Less Ness Enter Stranger... 00:17, 20 November 2012 (UTC)
  • Question Do you feel the wiki currently has a) too little, b) too much, or c) just the right amount of drama? Bob Moncrief EBDW! 01:19, 20 November 2012 (UTC)
  • Question - What is the extraphysical meaning of this wiki? --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 01:33, 20 November 2012 (UTC)
  • MEGAVOUCH - You deserve the buttons just as much as Boxy--THE Godfather of Яesensitized, Anime Sucks Yalk | W! U! WMM| CC CPFOAS DORISFlag.jpg LOE ZHU | Яezzens 06:47, 20 November 2012 (UTC)

Recently Concluded Bids

For older concluded bids, see Promotion Candidacies.

Archived Promotions