Please remember to keep this article neutral.
Spicer Hills (known in zamgrh as Zharh H!hhz) is a suburb of Malton, located in the south-west of the city. The local radio frequency is 27.20 MHz, and locals are asked to tune in for the latest news.
Short-wave Radio Info
The Spicer Hills suburb has the following active radio stations.
Freq: 26.15: Radio Spicer Hills
Resource Buildings
NecroTech Facilities
▋ The Brockliss Building (25,90)
▋ St. Helena's Hospital (20,99)
▋ Tarasius General Hospital (21,91)
Police Departments
▋ Bowring Way Police Department (20,98)
▋ Hopping Road Police Department (20,95)
▋ Stockman Walk Police Department (22,95)
▋ Veresmith Street Police Department (29,94)
▋ A factory (24,93)
▋ A factory (24,98)
▋ A factory (29,97)
Auto Repair Shops
▋ Haydon Auto Repair (24,96)
▋ House Auto Repair (21,99)
▋ Pring Auto Repair (24,92)
▋ Rosenhagen Auto Repair (28,97)
Bulletin Boards
Revive Points
Building Status Key
▋ Safe ▋ Rebuilding ▋ Under Attack ▋ Under Siege
▋ Ruined ▋ In Zombie Hands ▋ Pinata ▋ Unknown
Spicer Hills Information Resources
The Spicer Hills Building Information Center contains status reports and updates on key buildings in the suburb.
View zombie activity and locations in Spicer Hills from External Military Reports, Scentoral scan data charts and NecroWatch.
Recent News
Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.
23rd October
- The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2013 is in full swing! If your group is listed in this suburb's infobox, you should have received a message detailing how to confirm your activity. Please see this page for more information.
Survivor specific information
Revive Points
Mais Park, Dyer Park and Coat Avenue are official Revive Points. The cemetery (26,91) is a revive point under the Sacred Ground Policy.
Four Corners
The Northwest corner of Spicer Hills is included in the Four Corners.
Barricade Plan
For more information, see Spicer Hills Barricade Plan.
Extremely Heavily Barricaded
Very Strongly Barricaded
No Barricades
Suburb Map
The Malton Suburb of Spicer Hills