Malton Emergency Medical Service

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Malton Emergency Medical Service
Abbreviation: MEMS
Group Numbers: 30
Leadership: Chain of Command
Goals: MEDIC!!!
Recruitment Policy: Join the MEMS!
Contact: MEMS Forum

The Malton Emergency Medical Service is a division of the Malton Fire Department which trains and organizes EMTs to respond to emergencies under the direction of Department of Emergency Management, which has over 400 members!. The staff of the MEMS provides a critical service, staving off death and getting people back to the front lines, allowing the MFD and others to focus on their core work, such as clearing buildings and barricading.

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Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)
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Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)

Goals and Guidelines

Members of the Malton Emergency Medical Service corps follow the same basic guidelines and policies as the Malton Fire Department, although with a focus on providing emergency medical care. This includes activities that safeguard survivors in order to prevent injury, and protecting survivor access to FAKs so that they can care for each other.

MEMS Mission Statement

The primary mission of the MEMS is to guard the welfare of Malton’s inhabitants by healing them, protecting them from potential harm, and aiding the MFD in their duties. We are healers, helping the wounded and reviving the dead. Like combat medics always have, we go where the fighting is the worst and the need is the greatest.

MEMS Job Description/Priority Tasks

  • Conduct regular rounds throughout the suburb.
  • Respond to requests for healing.
  • Assist local MFD officers in their efforts, particularly when it comes to securing and holding hospitals and Necrotech buildings (the fewer there are of either of these in any given burb, the more important it is to protect them). This will include barricading buildings, reporting building status, and securing buildings after a breach. See the MFD page for more information on these duties.
  • Recruit other medics to the MEMS.

In some suburbs, MEMS members may play a role in the following, depending on need:

  • holding clinic hours in powered hospitals (taking advantage of the surgery skill)
  • establishing or maintaining revive services
  • providing medical treatment for the recently revived
  • establishing a standing clinic in areas where there is limited hospital access.

Joining the MEMS

Any Medic or Doctor with no record of PKing is eligible to join the Malton Emergency Medical Service. All new members receive rigorous survival and tactics training at The Academy before receiving their first assignment. If interested in joining, apply on the 'Seeking Medics' thread! Be sure to include a link to your profile and your current location.

The MEMS Operations Guide

Skill Priorities

Prerequisite: First aid, and preferably possession of a fireaxe (these can be found in fire stations).

The MEMS is currently open only to medics and doctors. The MFD, MPD, MCDU and MFU all provide places for Maltonites with different skill sets.

Tier 1: The Basics Acquire these skills first:

  • Free-running (this is your first priority, for your own safety)
  • Construction
  • Diagnosis or First Aid

Ideally, members should gain all three skills before moving onto the next tier.

Tier 2: Advanced Skills Surgery, Shopping, and Bargain Hunting

Shopping and Bargain Hunting increase the availability of FAKS and make it possible to stock up.

Tier 3: Science Skills NecroTech Employment, Lab Experience, and NecroNet Access

Tier 2 and 3 can be exchanged depending upon the needs of the suburb as far as reviving goes. If Tier 3 is more valuable. In any case, both these tiers should be gained before moving onto the fourth, and final, tier.

Tier 4: The Rest Basically everything that is left over – Basic firearms Training, Pistol Training, Advanced Pistol Training, Shotgun Training, Advanced Shotgun Training, Knife Combat, Body Building, Tagging and Head Shot.

This is a grab bag of skills that aren’t critical. I’d suggest Body Building because it adds some protection for the medic. Tagging helps inform survivors of critical safety information, but you can tag even without skill. Everything else is open to choice. Guns are nice, but you have to spend time searching for ammo instead of FAKs. Etc.

FAK Guidelines & Triage Protocol

(or, the FAK FAQ)

How many FAKS should I carry? If you are in the MEMS, you should carry as many as you can. Aim for gathering 15-20 FAKS on a supply run. By the time you get to 5 FAKS, you should be planning your next mall run. You should not let your supply run below three except in the case of a dire emergency.

How many FAKS should my colleagues carry? DEMS members are required to carry at least one FAK for personal use at all times. In times of siege, battle, natural disaster, etc., the MEMS encourage all branches of the DEMS to carry enough reserve FAKS to heal themselves when seriously wounded.

What does being seriously wounded consist of? Having less than half of your full HP.

FAK Math If you have Body Building and First-Aid: carry 3 FAKs (30 HP worth of healing)

If you have Body Building, and no First-Aid: 5 FAKs (25 HP worth of healing)

If you don’t have Body Building and you do have First Aid: 2 FAKs

If you don’t have Body Building and don’t have First Aid: 4-5 FAKs

Using Your FAKS So, I Just Wander Around and Heal People, Right? Not quite. We don’t heal at random any more than we revive at random. Know who you are healing. Check their profile. Even if you have 20 of them, you don’t want to squander a FAK. Use the following considerations to triage the wounded:

Who Should I Heal?

Tier I

  • Yourself if you are at 40 or below
  • Other team members (meaning DEM personnel) at 40 HP or below

Tier II

  • People who are known allies
  • Survivors who regularly work with us
  • Survivors who have revival skills WITHOUT any zombie skills aside from lurching gait or ankle grab (considered to be relatively benign, as they are skills of convenience rather than malice) and who are at 40 or below.

Tier III

  • Other survivors and/or newbies between 20-40. In times of crisis, frankly, anyone below 20 is -- how can I say this? -- liable to have a limited return on your FAK investment. A level one who sits around in a building getting munched down to 18 HP is probably going to be dead before the day is out with or without your FAK, so save your kit.

What If I Am Out of FAKs?

If you or someone you know is in dire need of healing and you do not have enough FAKS to heal, please get in touch with a colleague in the MEMS (or the DEM) and let them know who needs healing and where that person is located.


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This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.

MEMS Personnel

Promotions and Advancement

As in the MFD proper, promotion is based on levelling up coupled with work well done (and well done work being noticed by command - which means making sure you are active on your reporting thread, follow commands, and demonstrate that you understand what the priorities are in your suburb).

Prerequisites are not hard-and-fast. The following are a minimum for promotion to a higher rank; promotion also depends on the recommendation of your CO. If you level up quickly, but no one hears from you or sees you around, you won’t get promoted.

  • EMT: levels 1-3, with First Aid skill

Entry level. EMTs are assigned to a suburb and help where needed. EMTs report to a Specialist, or suburb Captain if a Specialist is not on staff in that suburb.

  • Paramedic: level 4 and above

There is one paramedic per fire crew (i.e. they work out of a particular fire station). Paramedics report to a Specialist, or suburb Captain if a Specialist is not on staff in that suburb.

  • Specialist: level 6 and above

There is one Specialist in each suburb. They oversee medical teams within the suburb. They are expected to participate in the DEM Officers Forum. Specialists report to suburb Captains.

  • Commander: level 12 and above

Commanders are responsible for prioritizing strategic use of personnel within their District. They also handle personnel duties, such as promoting EMTs and paramedics, and recommending Specialists for advancement. They are expected to participate in the DEM Officers Forum. Commanders report to Battalion Chiefs.

  • Chief Medical Officer: level 16 and above.

There is one CMO, who answers to the Fire Chief. The CMO is reponsible for drafting policies, making recommendations, creating Academy curriculum, processing new recruits, updating personnel records, pushing papers, and updating this here wiki page.

In all cases, if you come into the MEMS at a level higher than 4, you will start as an EMT and be eligible for promotion to the next rank after two weeks.

Chain of Command

EMTs and Paramedics report to a MEMS Specialist, if there is one in their suburb. If not, they report to the suburb Captain.

Specialists report to the suburb Captain

Commanders report to the Batallion Commander of their Division

The Chief Medical Officer reports to the Fire Chief

For a full explanation see MEMS Command

Rank Equivalencies

EMT's fall within the MFD Command structure. Below is a chart of the EMT ranks and their equivalent MFD rank.

MEMS Rank EMT Paramedic Specialist Commander Chief Medical Officer (CMO)
MFD equiv. Firefighter Lieutenant Captain Fire Marshall (FM) Battalion Chief (BC)

Specialist officers are not assigned specific commands of suburbs, but rather are simply responsible for overseeing the assignment of personnel in their area to Fire Stations. EMS personnel are attached to the Fire Teams out of a firestation and can be set on specific assignments by ranking MFD officers. The rank of Commander really falls somewhere between Cpt. and FM, and they oversee EMS operations and procedures for a District. The EMS has one Chief Medical Officer whose rank is equivalent to BC, sets policy and oversees personnel assignments for the EMS and sits on the DEM council.

Group Affiliations

See the list of groups that are part of or affiliated with the Department of Emergency Management.

Other Links

Unofficial UD forum

Current Leadership & Personnel

Division maps and a list of command staff are available on the MEMS Command page. Please also check the MFD Command page for information on Batallion Chiefs and Captains, for reporting purposes.

Chief Medical Officer: RennisZotorman

Join the wiki list

MEMS staff, please show your support by adding the MEMS Member Template to your user page. This also adds you to the wiki list of MEMS Members. Put this in your userpage:


Then you will appear on the list and get a category at the bottom of your userpage. Example:

{{MEMS Member|Name=Matted Monkey}}
Added to Matted Monkey's user page. If you want to remove your name from the list, just delete the code entered and voilá.
DEM Badge.jpg Department of Emergency Management DEM Badge.jpg

DEM Recruitment | The Academy | Contact Information
Malton Fire Department CoC | Malton Police Department CoC | Malton Forensics Unit CoC
Malton Marshals | Malton Civil Defense Unit

Strategic Partners: Black Berets | FANNY | Fortress | Knights Templar | U.S. ARMY INFANTRY

UBP | Sacred Ground Policy | Pay It Forward | RESCUE | River Tactics | No Random Revives

Request a revive | DIAL 112 (contact the DEM) | Join the DEM Contact the DEM on Discord