User talk:Krazy Monkey

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Cheese's talk page

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The Rules of the Talk Page

Welcome to my talk page. Whether you've got a query, complaint or just need some help, please follow these 3 simple rules in order to keep my page nice and tidy so I can find your message easily. I'll usually reply on your talk page unless there are two or more participants upon which I shall reply here to minimise stress and flitting between several talk pages. Thank you for your visit. :) Have a nice day.

Stuff not here?? Check my ace Archives.

Rule the First
Start all new topics with a level 2 heading, i.e ==Your Title here== to keep the format tidy.
Rule the Second
Place new comments at the bottom of the page so I can find them easily.
Rule the Third
Please Sign your post or I shall be most unhappy >:( and use lots of angry emotes.
This is my talk page, and as a result I reserve the right to correct any posts that break any of the above rules as I see fit. Don't like it? Tuff.

Do not put anything above this header


January 09


Could you start using {{banneduser}} rather than {{wanker}} in the future, please? It's technically a scheduled deletion (under the page titles containing swearing aimed at other users clause), but we don't really want to go there, as it will mean having to change all the pages that include the old template. Originally, it was only meant to be used on one guys alt pages, I think... but, y'know, I guess it was easy to remember, and stuff ;) -- boxy talkteh rulz 11:06 1 January 2009 (BST)

Move Template

I seem to be having some issues with your new template. I fixed what I screwed up (finally). So don't panic if you see reverts and edits and duct tape and what not in the history.--– Nubis NWO 00:32, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

The A/VB Thing

Angel in a townbox!

Please stop with the header lines, they don't help. If you need it to be noticeable that it's separate put them in a townbox or something.--Karekmaps?! 02:12, 3 January 2009 (UTC)

Improper Placement of Group Pages

I've noticed that you moved the Axes High page to a header labeled Department of Emergency Management/Axes High. While I can appreciate the need for more organizational measures on behalf of the administration, I would appreciate if it were left as it was. We've occupied that page for over three years now, and frankly, It quite hurts our recruitment and general image to be categorized in such a way so as to compromise our singularity as a group in the eyes of the public. Yes, we are members of the DEM, but we're also members of the New Malton Colossus, the AOG, and whatever our little clique of central Malton groups choose to call ourselves. Being put under the header of a group of which we are a part makes little sense to me... as much as listing our page as "New Malton Colossus/Axes High", etc. Hardcore Rockabilly, Retired FAE Axes High AH RR RRF

I think we need to seriously look at move requests for groups that are still active and verify it with them in the future. You did know that AH existed before DEM right? We can't let people just post whatever move they want and then do it. It's like vandalism by proxy if it isn't caught. --– Nubis NWO 21:21, 4 January 2009 (UTC)

If it's questionable there is always the option of leaving the redirect and/or disputing the move. I don't think there's really a better way to do this, especially as this was pretty straightforward as a fix. Maybe convince or advice organizations to not put group members as subpages? That seems the most viable solution to things like this.--Karekmaps?! 21:52, 4 January 2009 (UTC)
I did leave most (if not all) of the redirects so any links wouldn't have been affected. -- Cheese 21:53, 4 January 2009 (UTC)


Hi Krazy Monkey. I'm here to resolve a bit of a problem my friend Kerkel has created. The fact is i'm TheZKiller (can't remember my pass, I would apreciatte if you could send it here as a message, and then delete this user, sorry), we both used to play UD some months ago, he quitted some days ago, and today, he fell by chance on this page and decided to start searching his mates to see what was up. He saw my death at The Philosopher's Knight Kill List, and contacted me to ask me about that. I told him that I'had never been killed by a PK (Philosopher's Knight, curious acronym), and logged in. By the time I saw the kill, and told him, he had already corrected the Kill List, thinking that correcting wrong info wasn't vandalism.

Yet, he was so persisten because the PK who killed me did it acussing me of being a "THZ scum", thing that I'm not, i have no relationship with that group, so again, wrong info, he corrected.

And the warnings? He told me he hadn't seen them because he expected them to be, if appeared, in the top, and no at the bottom of his messages list. He saw new messages, but looked for them at the top, and seeing only the automatic greet and welcome...well, continued deleting my injust kill until banned.

I'm not gonna ask you to remove the ban, he couldn't communicate with the admins and desisted (yet, if you could remove it for a while and talk to him abaout this, and find a solution, well, that'd be great), I just wanted to know, if the kill doesn't have a screen evidence, and was done with wrong info, you could talk with the author and discuss my pressence at their Kill List.

Ok, that's all. Thanks for you attention ;)

PS: I'm at the same house than kerkel, so you will probably see the same IP...

TheZKiller 04:39, 4 January 2009 (UTC)


The command bios please, Daeryon has fucked up the layout and ruined the alphabetical orderness of it >:O Mrs FlibbleTalk 09:31, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

Ok. =p I'll check it out and try and fix it up at some point today. -- Cheese 11:21, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

Some problems :(

  • '/Recruit' at the top of this page; it was created by this user. Was there a way to delete it?
  • When I try to put {{delete}} on this page it duplicates the image and messes up the links.

Thanks :) --Janus talk 14:43, 7 January 2009 (UTC)

Problems in the past

Cheeseman, I've come here to formally apologize for my actions while at the randoms previously. To be honest, I was planning on going PKer anyway, and I decided I'd make an ass out myself until I was banned, for a personal laugh. I disrupted some things on the forums, and was totally oblivious to it. I should have just done the polite thing and quit "quietly," if you will. i would have contacted you sooner about this matter, but I had almost completely forgotten about the randoms, and was reminded from that post on my talk page. I hope you can accept my apology.

ps. I was not trying to talk shit on team zombie hardcore's page, they were grieving pro-survivor allies of my current group and I decided I would talk to them about it. They still continue to grief the Malton College of Medicine's campus, and something will be done soon. In fact, they just launched an unsuccessful attack less than half an hour ago. Thank you for your time. --Leroy jankens 02:07, 8 January 2009 (UTC)

I'll let you off. I'm nice like that. =p Just don't expect to get back in. That ship has sailed. -- Cheese 23:16, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

kerkel case

since you are somehow involved in this, care to take into consideration my request to unban kerkel ? --People's Commissar Hagnat talk mod 12:27, 9 January 2009 (UTC)

Thanks Haggnat for your help here. Im really glad to be back, you won't regret having unbanned me, neither you, nor Cheese (actually, I will make sure no one regrets it xD)

By the way, I would like to know, I used to post here with my TheZKiller old account, but I lost the pass and couldn´ get it there a way of e-mailing it to me, or to recorver my account? If i´m comin' back, I would like to do it with my real account, and to do it starting with the right foot this time... —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Kerkel (talkcontribs) at somepoint on the 9th of January.


Sorry about that. I thought I put it under the line, not you. I didn't know it belonged there. --Haliman - Talk 21:56, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

It's alright. No harm done. -- Cheese 21:59, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

A/VB (Colonel Krauser)

Hi Cheese. I saw that you ruled not vandalism on Colonel Krauser's case because the vandalism was provoked. Sorry if I'm wrong, but I thought groups could say whatever they wanted on their subpages. Shouldn't that be ruled vandalism then, since it was clearly edits to a group page that said user was not a part of?

Also, I am not affiliated with either of the Umbrella groups, I just want to clarify this. Thanks. --Pestolence(talk) 23:14, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

Okay, thanks for responding. --Pestolence(talk) 23:20, 11 January 2009 (UTC)


I just wanted to drop by and tell you I noticed the fixes you did on my main Wiki Group page. Thank-you very much! It's appreciated. I suck at Wiki and it shows. I was pretty surprised and pleased when someone responded to my casual request at the bottom of the page for assistance. --Psychotic Pantomime 03:38, 13 January 2009 (UTC)

No problem. =p I was actually moving your subpages into your namespace (Legends of Darkness/<SUBPAGENAME>) but I've fixed all the links for you so everything will work as before. It's actually a rather nice looking page tbh. Few tweaks here and there and it'll be fine. -- Cheese 00:14, 14 January 2009 (UTC)
Thats a great compliment coming from a Wiki Guru. I've learned that some people hate it or love it, no in betweens. Is there a way I can imbed a YouTube video on the main page? I have unrealistic dreams of posting the group song in vid format. :P --Psychotic Pantomime 03:13, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
No, sadly enough. We don't have the embedding extension here :(. Linkthewindow  Talk  05:40, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
Me so sad. Thanks for your response. --Psychotic Pantomime 23:19, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Take a Look at this stuff

Do you think you can do something about all this flaming by both groups in the arby case? I fear it won't be able to stop anything and they still will doing this after it ends.--SirArgo Talk 23:47, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

There's not much I can do bar ask them to stop I'm afraid. They'll just keep on doing it I think. =/ -- Cheese 16:49, 15 January 2009 (UTC)

Random Spammy Shit

Hey, Crazy Monkey, are you sure this is the place for you? Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came. --Norm 02:14, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

lolwut? --Cyberbob 02:16, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
Exactly what I was thinking. =/ -- Cheese 02:17, 16 January 2009 (UTC)


I think and i could be wrong, that writing repeatedly on someone's talk page against their wishes is vandalism. It's obviously not misconduct, but yeah, just thought you should know.

Oh and don't tell anyone but i think iscariot's rules are enforced based on his view point and not yours, shhh!

;) --xoxo 23:05, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

But I can so grammar. =( I went to school and everything. -- Cheese 23:06, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
Scotishland school dun coont.--xoxo 23:09, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
Does too! =( -- Cheese 23:11, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
If I may say so, the period after "alt accounts" should be included within the quotation marks. There should also be a question mark after "trouble," instead of a period. ;) --ZsL 23:20, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
=( -- Cheese 23:21, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

Quick question

Why do you care if he calls himself wiki martyr on cat:arbies ? --xoxo 00:43, 20 January 2009 (UTC)

Naming convention thingy Karek's doing. =) I'm matching the links up with the pages. -- Cheese 00:44, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
Yeah but that's only being done to stop iscariot calling himself wiki martyr...--xoxo 00:46, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
Meh. =p It's something to do and makes everything tidy. -- Cheese 00:47, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
Actually it's being done because when that case got archived it got me looking at how the inconsistent the archives were being. I also happened to stumble upon some rules that have been around for quite a while now as to what the naming conventions are supposed to be. So I fixed it up. --Karekmaps?! 00:56, 20 January 2009 (UTC)

i am too lazy to edit above the below section but not lazy enough to change this section header once it gets moved to the right location

you do realize that after saying 'thank you for your input' you should just ignore whatever the prick has to say ? Its like giving attention to the kiddo with the megaphone --People's Commissar Hagnat talk mod 01:29, 20 January 2009 (UTC)

I might interject that you guys have issues dealing with him. Pass over the idiocy and address the point, if there is any. --  AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 01:31, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
There isn't really any point. I've fixed his comment for him and I'm going to sleep soon anyway. -- Cheese 01:35, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
Good, then don't bother, it just exacerbates you. :) --  AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 01:36, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
K. Imma be good nao. =) Have to say though: XD -- Cheese 01:38, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
We should all do that! Hehehe, naw. (Well if you really want to...) --  AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 01:38, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
Hey AHLG, are you talking with two sysops about Jesus, God's son? This seems suspicious...--SirArgo Talk 01:41, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
I laughed.--Suicidal Angel, Help needed? 02:52, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
You mean loled.--xoxo 12:20, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
No, I mean I l(-ed)ol, as according to a guy on the NMC forums....
Noah said:
Using "lol'd" as a past tense form of "lol" is absolute fail, even more fail than using "lol" in the first place. It becomes "laugh out louded" if taken literally, or if you apply the communicative property of algebra, assuming the comma turns the phrase into (lol)d, it becomes "laughed outed louded." Either way, it fails. Therefore I propose a new term "l(-ed)ol" to right this error.
Which consequently made me l(-ed)ol.--Suicidal Angel - Help needed? 23:52, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

FoD talk page

Cheers for that. I've always been curious - How do you guys find random pages like that? I'm assuming you have a list of recently edited, correct?
And hey, while I'm here and your wiki-fu would be stronger than mine, I have 2 other, completely random and unrelated questions: 1) Is there a way to autosize pictures to a percentage of page size, or does it have to be in pixels? 2) Any way as a regular member to see all the sub-pages below one branch? E.g. every sub-page of my main user page.

Thanks again. -- Peter McGrady  FoD 03:43, 20 January 2009 (UTC)

We sure do! Which is exactly how I saw this edit :P. It's Recent changes. Now, as for your questions, I donno, although I do remember that there was a way to do it at Wikipedia (look at all the pages under one space... I'll have a look and reply on your talk page. Linkthewindow  Talk  03:55, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
Tried the % example for images already and it didn't seem to work. It works fine on my page border though. Could be that I have other code that overrides it, but the pixel size seems to work so I don't know if that would be the case. Thanks for the answer though. -- Peter McGrady  FoD 10:55, 20 January 2009 (UTC)


a user once complained that some cases of misconduct, arbitration and promotion are ruled and archived so fast that you barely note they existed. Please, next time you rule on a promotion request, give it some time in the page before moving it to the archive. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Hagnat (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

February 09

Historical voting

Since when did unsigned votes count? (Not that it matters) If they do count can I have the unsigned For vote that was struck returned? --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 20:38, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Didn't see that one. I'll strike it now. =( Still doesn't quite make it though. -- Cheese 20:40, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
For the respectable fail! --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 20:55, 1 February 2009 (UTC)


Yuo should haev at least waited until the end of the day to delete that image. Yuo were a few hours early. :) --Suicidal Angel - Help needed? 23:39, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

Nooope. =p Bob posted it on the 18th at 17:23 GMT. I deleted it at 20:17 GMT on the 1st of February which is 14 days, 2 hours and 54 minutes after it was posted. =) So I was actually a couple of hours late. -- Cheese 23:42, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
Actually, you're right. I just remembered I switched my settings in Prefs to stop showing things in GMT. Disregard my original statement. :) --Suicidal Angel - Help needed? 23:47, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
You fail. =p -- Cheese 23:48, 1 February 2009 (UTC)


BOMBS--/~Rakuen~\Talk Domo.gif I Still Love Grim 02:49, 2 February 2009 (UTC)

Use it

Naooooooo D:<

Don't believe the LIES!

(and also why is my sig suddenly in a weird box? D: --Mrs FlibbleTalk 19:17, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

Do not put anything below this header

New posts go directly above this bit

hi-- dǝǝɥs ɯɐds: sʎɐʍ1ɐ! 22:33, 10 January 2009 (UTC)

You smell. >=( -- Cheese 22:34, 10 January 2009 (UTC)
Do we have a Terms of use/service page? I've been looking for a while, and I don't seem to see one. It'd be nice if we did, because then we'd know things that are expressly forbidden due to hosting issues. If there isn't one, I'll ask Kevan about the information.--Suicidal Angel, Help needed? 13:26, 21 February 2009 (UTC)
I don't think we do. =/ All we've got is the Privacy Policy and a General Disclaimer to my knowledge. Might be an idea to check with Kevan. -- Cheese 15:40, 21 February 2009 (UTC)
Mate, I'm doing bad enough on money as it is, I don't need you robbing me. :/ -- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Suicidalangel (talkcontribs) at a time shortly before 22:34 but after 22:30 on the 22nd of February 2009 (GMT).
Oh noes. =( Lack of money sucks. You have your wallet back. -- Cheese 22:34, 22 February 2009 (UTC)

Thats why I put it up. I'm a bit busy right now, so have at it.--Suicidal Angel, Help needed? 15:24, 1 March 2009 (UTC)


Hi, I just have a quick question. twice now, I've noticed you post while you where (in your own words) "drunk". do you think this is a good idea? it really doesnt seem smart to me for someone with sysop powers to edit the wiki under these conditions. what do you think?--'BPTmz 07:39, 11 February 2009 (UTC)

It's not a good idea, and he really shouldn't be doing it. *Hint hint* :) --BFFs +SA+NSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSANSAN 4 EVA!!! 11:11, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Pfft SA you wouldn't know drunken wiki fun if it turkey slapped you in the face. I on the other hand heartily recommend it for all :) --xoxo 11:49, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
lol u r so jocular --Cyberbob 12:03, 11 February 2009 (UTC)
Meh. I haven't broken anything yet. =p And my drunkeness only affects my ability to spell more than anything. And as you said, its only happened twice. I'll do my best just to go to bed when I come back from the pub rather than come on here and scare the internet with my appalling spelling. -- Cheese 23:50, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

laters dude

I'm off. Thanks for the demotion! --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 22:34, 12 February 2009 (UTC)


I noticed that you changed the page 10mfh/roster to 10 minutes from hell/roster as it is a subpage of our group page, 10 minutes from hell. This is fine, however - you did not correct the link to the roster page when you changed the name resulting in a dead link on our main page and a subpage that was not linked to. While I understand (and presume) that this error was unintentional, could you please be more careful in the future? (Note:I've corrected the link, so it is no longer an issue.)--Lois Millard 13:45, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

Honest's Promotion Bid

Time's up. He has quite a number of vouches, however quite a few people are unsure, and a few strongly against. I personally think he would be an asset, however community being unsure, and his own lack confidence in his suitability mean that he would probably be better off not being promoted at this time. Even if it's just to give some time to think about what he has to offer, and whether he actually wants the job before reapplying -- boxy talkteh rulz 22:46 13 February 2009 (BST)

I think he would be pretty good as well and I honestly think we should give him a shot to see how he does. He'd balance us out as a team a bit as well. If he's not 100% comfortable though, maybe we shouldn't promote him now and let him build up his confidence before he reapplies. However, if you want to give him the promotion just now, I wouldn't be against it =p. -- Cheese 23:07, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

This case

Some guy thinks it's dead, as there hasn't been any edits for a while. Going to get it started again? (I've let all the people being arbirated know.) Linkthewindow  Talk  05:33, 25 February 2009 (UTC)


Cheese, can you help a pretty Irishman out? These DAM fellows (as far as I can tell, it's one or two male tweeners) have gone hog wild on the Danversbank page. Can they just trash the DRRP's long-standing barricade plan and implement a much lamer one just like that? I don't know what I can do here, but I'm not too keen on these newb wankers pissing on a group that's been in the burb for going on 3 years. Thanks mucho. --Paddy Dignam 19:10, 4 March 2009 (UTC)

Long live the sysop

You must be Rafiki! Well, now your time is up! [attacks and kills Krazy Monkey] --Scar 16:41, 5 March 2009 (UTC)