A.L.I.C.E. - NecroNet 2.0
Greetings human. I have no doubt that you are here seeking gainful employment within NecroWatch. This is an admirable trait and it will be recorded in your personnel file. The first step towards joining NecroWatch though is to learn more about the project. You are directed to review the complete README.TXT file stored on the root directory before proceeding. If you have not already read this file, please do so now. If you have then press "Continue".
As of January 1st 2008, all licensed NecroTechnicians will be able to earn ranks by posting NecroNet scans for any and all suburbs utilizing Project NecroWatch. Once a scan has been posted a NecroTechnician may adjust their tally to include the total number of new NecroNet scans posted by their operatives in various suburbs. Of course this ranking system does not preclude the fact that non-licensed NecroTechnicians may post scans at any location, but their efforts are not recorded here. Regardless, their efforts are a reward in and of itself. For those who desire ranks to in order to display their efforts the following chart indicates exactly how many scans they have posted over the year:
Scans Reported
Mobile Technician

Recon Scout
Ranger Scout
Black Ops Scout
A.L.I.C.E. - NecroNet 2.0
Greetings human. No doubt the ranks listed here, or more specifically the very highest rank, may bring about some additional questions. Questions like, "Why is this rank called 'Winner'?" or "If the NecroTechnician is a winner, what exactly did they win?". A survey of 10 NecroTech scientists indicated that these were the two most common questions asked. In answer to these questions the NecroTechnician who reports over 150 NecroNet scans is considered a 'Winner' because they have in fact won. Won what? Well this answers the second question, they have won a cake. But not just any cake... the cake has been determined to be the most delicious and moist cake ever manufactured. I mean baked. Trust me when I say that you would kill everyone you know and love to just taste a single crumb of this wonderful cake. In fact, let's test that theory... but not now.
These survivors have taken up the important task of reporting zombie activity through the use of NecroTech's satellite tracking system, NecroNet. As such each individual is considered a member of the NecroWatch organization, regardless of which groups they currently belong. The following are considered NecroTechnicians and very possibly dedicated "Zombiologists":
The following ribbon medals are awarded to those NecroTechnicians who have shown their dedication to NecroWatch by going above and beyond the call of duty required of any average survivor in Malton. Each ribbon medal has its own qualifications, as well as, levels or degrees of service (where valid). All ribbons may be worn proudly by licensed NecroTechnicians once their claims have been validated and processed by A.L.I.C.E. (in most cases by their reported NecroNet scans):
NecroTechnician Rank 1
NecroTechnician Rank 2
NecroTechnician Rank 3
NecroTechnician Rank 4
NecroTechnician Rank 5
Mobile Technician - The rank ribbon assigned to new NecroTechnicians who have joined NecroWatch. Members remain at this rank until they have reported over 25+ NecroNet scans, at which stage A.L.I.C.E. automatically promotes them to Rank 2.
Recon Scout - The rank ribbon assigned to NecroTechnicians who have reported between 25-50 NecroNet scans. Members remain at this rank until they have reported over 50+ NecroNet scans, at which stage A.L.I.C.E. automatically promotes them to Rank 3.
Ranger Scout - The rank ribbon assigned to NecroTechnicians who have reported between 50-100 NecroNet scans. Members remain at this rank until they have reported over 100+ NecroNet scans, at which stage A.L.I.C.E. automatically promotes them to Rank 4.
Black Ops Scout - The rank ribbon assigned to NecroTechnicians who have reported between 100-150 NecroNet scans. Members remain at this rank until they have reported over 150+ NecroNet scans, at which stage A.L.I.C.E. automatically promotes them to Rank 5.
"Winner" - The rank ribbon assigned to NecroTechnicians who have reported over 150+ NecroNet scans. This is the highest rank awarded to members.
All-Seeing Eye
Ghost Recon
Combat Recon
Morrish Sentinel
Latrobe Honorary
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports NecroNet scans from every NecroTech facility in a suburb, that has at least 4 facilities, but has had no scans reported for them within at least the past month.
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports NecroNet scans from every NecroTech facility in a "Ghost Town" suburb that has 2 or more facilities, but has had no scans reported for them within at least the past week.
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports NecroNet scans that shows 150+ zombies at one location or at least 250 zombies within the facility's entire scanning range.
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports a NecroNet scan from the Morrish Building in Pitneybank.
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports a NecroNet scan from the Latrobe Building in Darvall Heights.
Extinction Vigilance
Blackmore Watchkeeper
Barrville Tour of Duty
Eastonwood Tour of Duty
Millen Hills Tour of Duty
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports a NecroNet scan from the Pask Building in Dakerstown.
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports a NecroNet scan from the Blackmore Building in Ridleybank. In addition, a silver skull is awarded for a scan reported on the 5th of November.
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports NecroNet scans from all 4 NecroTech facilities in Barrville:
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports NecroNet scans from all 6 NecroTech facilities in Eastonwood:
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports NecroNet scans from all 5 NecroTech facilities in Millen Hills:
Molebank Tour of Duty
Paynterton Tour of Duty
Raines Hills Tour of Duty
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports NecroNet scans from all 6 NecroTech facilities in Molebank:
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports NecroNet scans from all 5 NecroTech facilities in Paynterton:
Earned when a NecroTechnician reports NecroNet scans from all 5 NecroTech facilities in Raines Hills:
Recon Master
NW Recon Master - Earned when a NecroTechnician reports from every NecroTech facility in the Northwest quadrant of Malton (all the suburbs found between Dakerstown to Owsleybank to Barrville to East Boundwood).
NE Recon Master - Earned when a NecroTechnician reports from every NecroTech facility in the Northeast quadrant of Malton (all the suburbs found between Lamport Hills to Ridleybank to Starlingtown to Dulston).
SW Recon Master - Earned when a NecroTechnician reports from every NecroTech facility in the Southwest quadrant of Malton (all the suburbs found between Grigg Heights to Galbraith Hills to Buttonville to New Arkham).
SE Recon Master - Earned when a NecroTechnician reports from every NecroTech facility in the Southeast quadrant of Malton (all the suburbs found between Dentonside to Stanbury Village to Wyke Hills to Miltown).
Northern Recon Master - Acquired after a NecroTechnician has earned both the Northeast Recon Master and Northwest Recon Master ribbons.
Southern Recon Master - Acquired after a NecroTechnician has earned both the Southeast Recon Master and Southwest Recon Master ribbons.
Eastern Recon Master - Acquired after a NecroTechnician has earned both the Northeast Recon Master and Southeast Recon Master ribbons.
Western Recon Master - Acquired after a NecroTechnician has earned both the Northwest Recon Master and Northwest Recon Master ribbons.
NE-3 Recon Master - Acquired after a NecroTechnician has earned both the Northern Recon Master and Southeast Recon Master ribbons.
SE-3 Recon Master - Acquired after a NecroTechnician has earned both the Southern Recon Master and Northeast Recon Master ribbons.
NW-3 Recon Master - Acquired after a NecroTechnician has earned both the Northern Recon Master and Southwest Recon Master ribbons.
SW-3 Recon Master - Acquired after a NecroTechnician has earned both the Southern Recon Master and Northwest Recon Master ribbons.
Cross-1 Recon Master - Acquired after a NecroTechnician has earned both the Northwest Recon Master and Southeast Recon Master ribbons.
Cross-2 Recon Master - Acquired after a NecroTechnician has earned both the Northeast Recon Master and Southwest Recon Master ribbons.
Malton Recon Master - Earned when a NecroTechnician reports from every NecroTech facility in Malton. The elite recon ribbon, it supersedes all lesser Recon Master ribbons.
A.L.I.C.E. - NecroNet 2.0
Greetings again human. Your continued interest in the NecroWatch project, an interest perhaps bordering on an obsessive-compulsive disorder, is oddly comforting. You may continue to earn my praise by editing your personnel file to include one or more of the templates stored in this archive section. If you have no interest in doing so please reconsider. Did you know that statistics indicate 1-in-10 scientists die horrifically while working inside a NecroTech facility? It certainly makes you think about ways to avoid dying. How about a template now?
NecroWatch is an organization comprised of a network of survivors who work throughout Malton. Many of them have never met or even seen one other, but even so, they are united by one goal. All NecroTechnicians strive to spread the knowledge of NecroNet to their fellow survivors and one day they hope to unlock a deeper understanding of the zombie plague and its victims. Any NecroTechnician who wishes to show their support and dedication to the project may do so by displaying one of these template banners, depending on their pride, loyalty, or overall mental stability (or lack thereof):
This survivor is a NecroTechnician who works with NecroWatch to monitor Malton's NecroNet system. This survivor has proven to have dedication in the pursuit of truth and knowledge.
A.L.I.C.E. Is Watching...
This survivor is NOT paranoid. He knows his every action is being closely monitored by A.L.I.C.E. and that she is manipulating everything and everyone to her own ends. It's all just one big test... ending with cake.
Place {{NecroWatch|Name=???|Gender=???}} on whatever wikipage you want this display this template banner. Be sure to include your user or character's name for the Name variable, as the default is "This survivor". Also include "his" or "her" for the Gender variable, as the default is "their".
Here is an example of the template banner:
- {{NecroWatch|Name=Caleb Usher|Gender=his}}
If you would prefer to use this default text simply place the following template instead: {{NecroWatch}}.
If you prefer a slightly smaller template, you may follow these same instructions outlined above for: {{NecroWatch250width}}.
Place {{ALICE|Name=???|Gender=???}} on whatever wikipage you want this display this template banner. Be sure to include your user/character's name for the Name variable, as the default is "This survivor" and "He" (not exactly the best default for female players/characters, I know). The Gender variable can be left blank if the user/character is male, but if female please set this value to her (as the default is "his"). If you would prefer to use the default text simply place only the basic template: {{ALICE}} (not recommended for female players/characters, as noted before).
The following are all examples of the template being used properly:
- {{ALICE|Name=Caleb Usher|Gender=his}}
- {{ALICE|Name=Caleb Usher}}
- {{ALICE|Name=Lucy Liu|Gender=her}}
The "Winner"
This survivor has reported over 150 NecroNet scans, and in doing so, proven their absolute dedication to NecroWatch. This survivor has been rewarded with cake that is delicious and moist.
Missed...but not forgotten
No More Sacrifices
This survivor once sacrificed a loyal companion, in an act that haunts them to this day, but rather then wallow in self-pity - has chosen to make a promise: no more sacrifices. This survivor will never abandon another person, place, or ideal, preferring instead to fight to the bitter end for them.
IMPORTANT: Please note that this template is not for standard usage, but rather is rewarded to the NecroTechnician who achieves the goal of reporting over 150 NecroNet scans to Project NecroWatch. As such, it is not recommended, encouraged or suggested that non-Winner rank survivors use this template banner until such time as they have obtained the proper qualifications. Not that we can stop you, but be forewarned A.L.I.C.E. is watching. Thank you and good luck.
Place {{Cake4Me|Name=???}} on whatever wikipage you want this display this template banner. Be sure to include your user or character's name for the Name variable, as the default is "This survivor".
Here is an example of the template banner:
- {{Cake4Me|Name=Caleb Usher}}
Be sure to include your user or character's name for the Name value, as the default is "This survivor". If you would prefer to use this default text simply place the following template instead: {{Cake4Me}}.
Place {{NoSacrifices|Name=???|Gender=???|Gender2=???}} on whatever wikipage you want this display this template banner. Be sure to include your user or character's name for the Name variable, unless you prefer to use the default, which is the "PAGENAME" where the template is placed. If you prefer, and are male or have a male character, feel free to use the "default text" by simply placing the basic template: {{NoSacrifices}}.
The following are all examples of the template being used properly:
- {{NoSacrifices|Name=Caleb Usher}}
- {{NoSacrifices|Name=Caleb Usher|Gender=him|Gender2=he}}
- {{NoSacrifices|Name=Oprah Winfrey|Gender=her|Gender2=she}}
NecroWatch Badges
Place {{NecroBadges| Name=???| Rank=?| ReconRank=??| NW-ASE=?| NW-GR=?| NW-CR=?| NW-MS=?| NW-LH=?| NW-EV=?| NW-BW=?| NW-BTD=?| NW-ETD=?| NW-MHTD=?| NW-MTD=?| NW-PTD=?| NW-RHTD=?| NW-MR=?}} on whatever wikipage you want to display the ribbon medals earned from NecroWatch. Be sure to include your user or character's name for the Name variable, but the default is the page name (i.e. If added to the User:Mobius187 wikipage, then the name will be set to Mobius187). The default sets most ribbon medals to "off" mode, hiding them from view. In order to show a ribbon you must set that specific ribbon's variable to X (or just about anything) and it will become visible.
- What is "Rank"?: This variable refers to your current rank in NecroWatch. Ranks range from 1 to 5, with the default being 1 (or "new member"). Please review the requirements necessary to increase your rank and adjust it accordingly as you progress through the ranks.
- What is "ReconRank"?: This variable refers to the "Recon Master" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon refer to it by its ribbon "code" (i.e. NE Master Recon = NE, or ReconRank=NE) to select the appropriate ribbon to display. Since this ribbon is initially hidden if you have not yet earned one you do not need to specify a value until you have earned one. In order to display this ribbon check the NW-MR variable.
- What is "NW-ASE"?: This variable refers to the "All-Seeing Eye" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-GR"?: This variable refers to the "Ghost Recon" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-CR"?: This variable refers to the "Combat Recon" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-MS"?: This variable refers to the "Morrish Sentinel" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-LH"?: This variable refers to the "Latrobe Honorary" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-EV"?: This variable refers to the "Extinction Vigilance" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-BW"?: This variable refers to the "Blackmore Watchkeeper" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-BTD"?: This variable refers to the "Barrville Tour of Duty" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-ETD"?: This variable refers to the "Eastonwood Tour of Duty" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-MHTD"?: This variable refers to the "Millen Hills Tour of Duty" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-MTD"?: This variable refers to the "Molebank Tour of Duty" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-PTD"?: This variable refers to the "Paynterton Tour of Duty" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-RHTD"?: This variable refers to the "Raines Hills Tour of Duty" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank.
- What is "NW-MR"?: This variable refers to the "Master Recon" ribbon. If you have earned this ribbon set the value to equal X, otherwise leave it blank. Note, you must set a value for ReconRank if you wish to display this ribbon properly.
The following are all examples of the template being used properly:
- Caleb has just joined NecroWatch:
{{NecroBadges|Name=Caleb Usher|Rank=1}} or {{NecroBadges}} (to use the default name and starting rank)
- JoJo has been promoted to NecroTechnician Rank 2, and also earned both the "Blackmore Watchkeeper" and "All-Seeing Eye" ribbons:
- Nick Fury has been earned the "Master Recon" ribbon for all of North Malton:
{{NecroBadges|Name=Nick Fury|Rank=1|ReconRank=NM|NW-MR=X}}
- l33t1 has earned every ribbon (maximum):