Dulston Alliance/BlackList

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The Dulston Alliance
Home - Historical Archive - Members & Allies - The Black List - The Dulston Dispatch

Reporting Criminals - Black List Policy - The Black List - UD Tool List - Hostile Groups

How to Report Criminals

It's quite easy to report criminals to the Black List. All you have to do is take a screen shot or an iWitness report of the crime(s) in question, and post that evidence HERE, in the format specified in the first post. A Black List moderator will then confirm your report, and add the criminal(s) in question to the Black List. DO NOT add anyone to this list, under any circumstances, unless you're a Black List moderator, or have been given approval from one them. The current list of Black List moderators is as follows:

Name Group
Caleb Usher Project NecroWatch
Mark Ryerson RCDC

Black List Policy

The Black List was created in order to track criminals throughout Northeast Malton (specifically the upper right corner). Although the Black List has a limited scope, the Alliance does NOT recognize the validity of, or use, the Rogues Gallery. It was decided a while back that the Rogues Gallery, accepting reports from anyone, including criminals themselves, could not be fully trusted. All it became was a list of people who had killed other people for whatever reasons, and a scoreboard for murderers. In addition, the crime of GKing is not recognized as a punishable offense. Because of the new importance of powered buildings, and the exuberance exhibited by some GKers, it IS deemed a crime worthy of continued punishment (until appeal) by the Alliance.

Furthermore, bounty hunters will be charged with murder for killing someone not on the Black List while in Alliance territory (unless able to provide proof otherwise, such as an RG bounty THAT PROVES THE PERSON IN QUESTION IS A CRIMINAL, and not a misunderstanding, or somebody who was helping the survivor cause). Although there is nothing you are required to say when executing a criminal, it helps to alleviate confusion if you reference the Black List (for example, "dipcup is on the Dulston Alliance Black List for the crime of PKing."), and provide a link. The tinyurl for the Black List is tinyurl.com/uddabl.

Finally, it should be noted that ANY bounty hunter who attacks or kills a member of the Dulston Alliance, or her allies, with or without alibi (be that RG report or personal grievance, does not matter), will be added to the Black List for murder and hunted accordingly, until appeal.

You have been warned.


Survivors are asked to use this list as a valuable resource since those listed here are all confirmed murderers and saboteurs. PLEASE DO NOT rely on graffiti or radio broadcasts! Only members and close allies of the Dulston Alliance are permitted to edit this list. All sanctioned updaters are requested to list the profiles in alphabetical order. This helps prevent multiple profile listings or failed PKer/GKer ID when using the list to confirm them. Any criminal with a "IN DISPUTE" tag by their name are currently undergoing review or appeal. While hunting them is not prohibited during that time, it is frowned upon and would be sportsmanlike to refrain from doing so.

IMPORTANT: If you are shown on the Black List and you either object to being condemned as a criminal (i.e. falsely accused) or you wish to attempt to have the original charges dropped then you are required to contact the Dulston Alliance by posting a formal request for appeal here. The Alliance will then review your charge(s) and determine whether clemency will be granted, and if granted, you will be removed from the Black List immediately.

Criminal's Name Group Affiliation Reports Crime
1Magic The Dead RG - DA GKer
1S1K N/A RG - DA PKer
30 Below N/A RG - DA PKer
Abdul Qahhar Akin N/A RG - DA PKer
Aboleth N/A RG - DA PKer
adamloso14 N/A RG - DA PKer
Ahmad al Ghazali N/A RG - DA PKer
A Head Of Lettuce Feral Unliving RG - DA PKer
AlejandroTheZombie RCDC Imposter RG - DA PKer
Alf Landon Playing God RG - DA GKer/PKer
Almighty Power Flowers of Disease RG - DA PKer
amalsbury N/A RG - DA PKer
Amber Waves of Pain DORIS RG - DA PKer
animejunkie01 Defective Swarm RG - DA PKer
Anne Braund N/A RG - DA GKer
Arax Smith The Smiths RG - DA PKer
Arthur Quimbury N/A RG - DA GKer / Zerger/PKer
Athair Bas Legends of Darkness RG - DA PKer
azz monkey N/A RG - DA GKer
BahHumbug N/A RG - DA PKer
Baron Underbheit N/A RG - DA PKer
Bartemius Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
B3ardO Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Billy Club Thorton Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Blackfoot N/A RG - DA PKer / GKer
BlackReaper Sword of Damocles RG - DA PKer
Blanemcc DORIS/Browncoats RG - DA PKer
Bone'daddy PANTHER RG - DA PKer / GKer
Bloodthirsty123 N/A RG - DA PKer
blood navek CANSAS RG - DA PKer
Bootsy funk The Forgotten RG - DA PKer
Boris Balkan N/A RG - DA PKer
Bossk The Gecko N/A RG - DA PKer
Brian Vesty N/A RG - DA PKer
Bruce1nR N/A RG - DA PKer
Bruha The Forgotten RG - DA PKer
btdwn N/A RG - DA PKer
bubyax N/A RG - DA PKer
Canderous Ordo DORIS RG - DA PKer
Capt Jean Luc Picard N/A RG - DA PKer
Captain Cleanoff Legends of Darkness RG - DA PKer
Carase N/A RG - DA PKer
Carth Deckar Army Control Corps RG - DA PKer
Chansama Flowers of Disease RG - DA PKer
ChemicalWelfare The Myrmidons RG - DA PKer
Chump Chumpington N/A RG - DA PKer/GKer
Ciscokitty The Saints RG - DA PKer / BHer
CloneSoldier N/A RG - DA PKer
Clydette N/A RG - DA PKer
Codey Porter N/A RG - DA GKer
Codra DNR RG - DA GKer
coil snake Brotherhood of the Reckoning RG - DA PKer
creeping goons The Dead RG - DA PKer
Culla N/A RG - DA PKer
Daisydogg N/A RG - DA PKer
Dale Crover N/A RG - DA PKer
David Martin Mesa N/A RG - DA PKer
David Sly Legends of Darkness RG - DA PKer
Deadheader N/A RG - DA PKer
Death to Socialism Legends of Darkness RG - DA PKer
DeWolf PANTHER RG - DA PKerx2x3
Dick Munch Flat Earth Society RG - DA PKer
dipcup Red Rum RG - DA PKer
DoctorBleed N/A RG - DA PKer
doctor govno N/A RG - DA GKer
Dogdeadian N/A RG - DA PKer
Downinflames N/A RG - DA PKer
Dr CoolDude7up Animu and Vidya RG - DA PKer
Dr Demento N/A RG - DA PKer
Dr Jock Creedy Guerilla Raiders RG - DA PKer
Dr SummerOff Ozric Tentacles RG - DA PKer
Duane Weber N/A RG - DA PKer
eaglekiller N/A RG - DA PKer
Edith Bauer Drunken Dead RG - DA GKer
Eli Whitney N/A RG - DA PKer
EmptyGrave N/A RG - DA PKer / GKer
everyone in here N/A RG - DA PKer / GKer
Evilmugg N/A RG - DA PKer / GKer
Exurg N/A RG - DA PKer
Feminine Skin Suit N/A RG - DA PKer
Filliam H Muffman N/A RG - DA PKer
Fishface Jones N/A RG - DA PKer
Flogging Molly Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
Fosi Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Fred Costello Legends of Darkness RG - DA PKer
gaybait N/A RG - DA PKer
GDdeadicated Cult of the Red Star RG - DA PKer
George Chapman N/A RG - DA PKer
George Tinkler N/A RG - DA GKer
GioV N/A RG - DA PKer
globule13 RRF Gore Corps RG - DA PKer
golam RRF Gore Corps RG - DA PKer
Gratefulltobedead N/A RG - DA PKer
Greg Farkus N/A RG - DA PKer
Harrison Smith The Smiths RG - DA PKer
Hasabob N/A RG - DA GKer/PKer
hashissiin DARIS RG - DA PKer
Heimlikh N/A RG - DA PKer
He's dead Jim The End RG - DA PKer / GKer
hibernaculum Flowers of Disease RG - DA PKer
Hikari Kisugi Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
himatok N/A RG - DA PKer
H K 47 Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Holy Frijoles N/A RG - DA PKer
Hugh 'G' Rection N/A RG - DA PKer
Hunk Marinni Cocrodile Worshipper RG - DA PKer
Hybnos N/A RG - DA PKer
InquisitorZechs N/A RG - DA PKer
ItsThatGuy The Dead RG - DA PKer
IyandaCloud RRF Gore Corps RG - DA PKer / GKer
Jake Bettermaker N/A RG - DA PKer
james007bond N/A RG - DA PKer
James Baring N/A RG - DA GKer
James Withyman N/A RG - DA GKer
Janine Eelms Hel's Daughters RG - DA PKer
Joan McCormick N/A RG - DA PKer
Joe Gilmore Anti Heros RG - DA PKer
Joe Tough The Dead RG - DA PKer
JohnRammy N/A RG - DA GKer
Johnisthedemons N/A RG - DA GKer
Johnny B Rotten N/A RG - DA PKer
Johnny Skrull N/A RG - DA PKer
john w howard N/A RG - DA PKer
johnyspot Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Jon Moleman The Maxed Out Bored Characters Club RG - DA PKer
joshjosh420 N/A RG - DA PKer
joshthepoogod N/A RG - DA PKer
juaramos N/A RG - DA PKer
Kaisuke N/A RG - DA PKer
KarIoth vois Red Rum RG - DA PKer
KelIy Smarts N/A RG - DA GKer
KevinRyman1 N/A RG - DA PKer
KILLFASTER Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
Kilkid N/A RG - DA PKer
knightmonger Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
Lady Hawk Flat Earth Society RG - DA PKer
lamborn N/A RG - DA PKer
LER0Y Jenkins Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Leroy Jenkem CA$H M0nNEY NiG's of Malton Public Housing RG - DA PKer
Le Penseur Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
Letitia Sword of Damocles RG - DA PKer
Little Locust N/A RG - DA GKer
lllIIIlllIII N/A RG - DA GKer
Lord Moloch RRF Gore Corps RG - DA PKerx2
Lord Thanos N/A RG - DA PKer
Lothar von Rheinfels Freelance Death Cultist RG - DA GKer / PKer
Louda The Headbangers of Malton RG - DA PKer
Lucifer's Uncle N/A RG - DA PKer
Lukepoker Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
Maabaa N/A RG - DA PKer
Madjura N/A RG - DA PKer
Maeva Hel's Daughters RG - DA PKer
Masque Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
Matt Aries Insane Asylum Patient #1183626 RG - DA PKer
Maurice Smith The Smiths RG - DA PKer
McCullen The End RG - DA PKer
MeatballKing Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
MikeaveLi RRF Gore Corps RG - DA PKer
Mike LeGrande Red Rum RG - DA PKer
MisterHat N/A RG - DA GKer/PKer
Mr Bitch N/A RG - DA PKer
Mr Trent Garby N/A RG - DA PKer
Mr Robusto N/A RG - DA PKer
Mrs Flibble Mrs Flibble's Harem RG - DA PKer
natalie disa N/A RG - DA PKer
NauticalRising N/A RG - DA PKer
Necrocleanse N/A RG - DA PKer
Ned Edderson Viva La Revolucion RG - DA PKer
neither N/A RG - DA GKer
Nosophoros N/A RG - DA GKer
Nung FSM RG - DA GKer
Obmi N/A RG - DA GKer / PKer
Ocular Red Rum RG - DA PKer
OfficerJohnson FIGHTER RG - DA PKer
OKletsgo N/A RG - DA PKer / BHer
Ole Greg N/A RG - DA PKer
Olivia Turnock Khaos RG - DA GKer
Omar Suarez N/A RG - DA PKer
Opto N/A (Thomi Zerg) RG - DA PKer / Zerger
opto2 N/A (Thomi Zerg) RG - DA PKer / Zerger
Otopskii N/A RG - DA GKer
P3ach Fuzz N/A RG - DA PKer
Pagram Librarian N/A RG - DA PKer / GKer
Paxton Smith The Smiths RG - DA PKer
pedrosanpedro Epistalum Barbarus RG - DA PKer
Perzeus Legends of Darkness RG - DA GKer / PKer
Phish Dude The End RG - DA PKer
Pike banfield dusk patrol RG - DA PKer
Pierre Crowe Flowers of Disease RG - DA PKer
pkworld Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Psycho Killer RRF Gore Corps RG - DA PKer
PsychoKinesis NANNY RG - DA PKer
Psychotic Pantomime Legends of Darkness RG - DA PKer
Propaganda Orange Ground Inspection Bureau RG - DA PKer
puki Flowers of Disease RG - DA PKer
Quagmire1 N/A RG - DA PKer
Raafiq'ah Mukhtar N/A RG - DA PKer
rbsr RRF Gore Corps RG - DA PKer
rest'in'pieces ... RG - DA Attempted PK
Rob Collick Flowers of Disease RG - DA PKer
RobertBrownieJr N/A RG - DA Zerger
Roger Mellie N/A RG - DA PKer
Roger Tony N/A RG - DA PKer
Ron McArron N/A RG - DA PKer
Ruben Kincaid N/A RG - DA GKer
Sadie Mae Glutz Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Sam Bombabum Red Rum RG - DA PKer
sastroop00 N/A RG - DA PKer
Scott Tikhon N/A RG - DA GKer
sebff1 RRF Gore Corps RG - DA PKer
secret paite Dead Animals RG - DA PKer
SgtBop Divum Viridis RG - DA PKer
sgtslappy N/A RG - DA PKer
Sheik e Abisali N/A RG - DA PKer
Shoat The End RG - DA PKer
Shortspace1 N/A RG - DA PKer
Shotqun Ed SOS Brigade (Fake) RG - DA PKer
Shummer The End RG - DA PKer
SidestreamerX N/A RG - DA PKer
Skilbey Flowers of Disease RG - DA PKer
slug02 The End RG - DA PKer
Smokin MahBong what RG - DA PKer
Smot Poker Cult of the Fallen God RG - DA PKer
Spoook N/A RG - DA PKer
Stand Alone Complex Flat Earth Society RG - DA PKer
Steve the Embittered N/A RG - DA PKer
Strata Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Suburban Ed Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Sylvia Pittston N/A RG - DA GKer
Taythe N/A RG - DA PKer
Teether The Lone Wolves RG - DA PKer
Tekgo Feral Undead RG - DA PKer
Terpey The End RG - DA PKer
the bluefish Cult of the Red Star RG - DA PKer
The Dancing Banana Red Rum RG - DA PKer
The Demon of Razgriz Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
the D O C Red Rum RG - DA PKer
The Doppelganger N/A RG - DA PKer
The Good Man N/A RG - DA PKer / GKer
the Greaseman N/A RG - DA PKer
The Name Police N/A RG - DA PKer
The Postal Dude N/A RG - DA GKer
The Speaking Demon N/A RG - DA GKer
thekooks N/A RG - DA PKer
thomi N/A (Thomi Zerg) RG - DA PKer / Zerger
Thoth8 N/A RG - DA PKer
Tiggermann RHVP (Fake) RG - DA PKer / GKer
tomahawk111 N/A RG - DA PKer
Tony Loop N/A RG - DA GKer
Toronto Jones N/A RG - DA PKer
TravDeDo Creedy Guerilla Raiders RG - DA PKer
Turkmenbashi Red Rum/DORIS RG - DA PKer
Twisted Willie The Seedy Underbelly RG - DA PKer
Umlitka N/A RG - DA PKer
Uebrlebender N/A RG - DA PKer
Vaccinatcr FotFL (Fake) RG - DA PKer / Imposter
Vandr Red Rum RG - DA PKer
varul N/A RG - DA PKer
veronika desnic Dead Animals RG - DA GKer
Vicious Bob Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Vigeous La Famille RG - DA PKer
Vigilis Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
Virus002 Red Rum RG - DA PKer
Voight Kampf N/A RG - DA PKer / BHer
volare N/A RG - DA PKer
Waisuguya Columbine Kids RG - DA PKer
Walter Quimbury N/A RG - DA PKer / Zerger/GKer
Wan Yao N/A RG - DA PKer
Whitlock WIZARD W.I.Z.A.R.D. (Fake) RG - DA PKer / Imposter
will ingham The Maltonian Inquisition RG - DA PKer
xeose RRF Gore Corps RG - DA PKer
yosemiteclimber RRF Gore Corps RG - DA PKer
Z beast BoSs RG - DA PKer / GKer
zed mkIV N/A RG - DA PKer
Zedrex N/A RG - DA PKer
Zeon705 Philosophe Knights RG - DA PKer
Zombie Clark Flat Earth Society RG - DA PKer
ZombieDowneyJr N/A RG - DA Zerger
Zombie Stomp Red Rum RG - DA PKer

UD Tool List

All you have to do is copy and paste this code into your UDTool list, and it will be automatically updated for you as new criminals are added:

#ff0000,The Black List

:url(http://z9.invisionfree.com/Dulston_Alliance/index.php?showtopic=893&st=0#entry10690965),start(Start List),end(End List),group(The Black List),color(#ff0000)

Either add it to your current list, or just load it up whenever you feel like hunting some criminal scum. We do recommend that you keep the list on at all times, however. Remember: know your enemy. *Note that while you will not see any criminals if you open UDTool (as if to edit the list), they will still be highlighted, as the list is fetched from the Dulston Alliance forums* If you experience any problems, feel free to stop by and tell us--we'd be glad to sort it out!

Hostile Groups

The following is a list which comprises those groups who have either chosen, for one reason or another, to oppose the Dulston Alliance or who are local threats to the survivor population. These groups usually comprised of either death cultists, killers, or trafficers in the use of abominations.... If any survivor is encountered displaying a group affiliation for any of the listed groups Alliance operatives have permission to execute them on sight, even if they are not yet wanted for crimes on the Black List. This is to serve as an act of prevention against individuals who are considered a hostile threat to all innocent survivors. Once a hostile group has departed from Northeast Malton or has been beaten into extinction (i.e. disbanded), they are removed from the list.

Anti-Survivor Groups Group Type Active Membership Hostility Declaration Date Reason Status
Browncoats PKers <10 September 21st, 2008 Instigated Conflict ACTIVE
Defective Swarm Zombies <10 May 24th, 2007 Death Cultists SEMI-ACTIVE
DORIS PKers Unknown November 5th, 2006 The New Baghdad War INACTIVE
Flowers of Disease PKers ~12 August 1st, 2008 Local Criminals ACTIVE
Gore Corps Zombies Unknown April 2nd, 2008 Death Cultists ACTIVE
Legends of Darkness PKers ~15 September 16th, 2008 Local Criminals ACTIVE
Red Rum PKers ~27 April 1st, 2007 The Rolt Heights War ACTIVE
St. Anastasius' Royal Guard PKers/Zergers ~200 June 14th, 2007 The Farbrother Farce INACTIVE
The End PKers <10 April 18th, 2006 Declared War ACTIVE