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We here at E.N.D. are a nomadic survivor group that would like to help Malton by traveling threw every town taking out any threat to returning our beloved city to its old glory. If we are in need, call upon us and will give our lives if we must, heal the sick, and return your loved ones to there living bodies. E.N.D. ask for a alliance with every survivor group. If all survivors can work in harmony, Together, our children will grow up to think zeds are only a ghost story.

We are looking for allies in survival from all survivor groups. We do not PK, GK, or anything of that kind. If you are interested in an alliance please notify on our group talk page. Thank you for your time. --XxPale HorsexX 09:29, 29 July 2007 (BST)

They have raised the bar...

... so we must raise it higher!
I have made efforts to call upon every major survivor group to join in a full frontal assault into the red zones.

The plan Have a major and a minor group take a red suburb. The bigger group will take the TRP of choice while the minor group will employ the DEAD E.N.D. tactic outside.

Have a few floating groups (which can be alive or undead) that will be kill units taking out any and all zeds it finds.

With these groups taking out the zeds, it will allow the survivor teams to raise the ruined buildings and, also allow the time to search for needles, and other supplies.

I won't lie, this effort will take some massive under taking, but, if done right with proper communication between teams.

Each team will spend time working on restoring the outside red zones and then working there way to the north western corner.

While this is being done, other groups will of course stay within their borders restoring their own suburb, which will hopefully slow down the efforts of it spreading further.

The major issue is if we do this, the zeds will counter by joining forces as well. LUE, RRF, Extinction ect, will be fighting back, and we will have to double the efforts even more.

To me, this is the only way this "ruined" status will be over taken by the survivors.


There will be times, (especially with this new ruin status) where we will be put in harms way. In these times of danger there will be a standing order, called Operation: DEAD E.N.D.

Those of us that have fallen, will stay outside and guard a NT, while those still alive will stay inside caid, and revive when possible.

Those that are dead will attack ONLY zombies, and the living members will mention that we are fighting the undead outside, to greatly increase the chances of survivors staying to defend the NT. Also as a new update, (Not officially mentioned) survivors that do not have construction to barricade, search around for a lead pipe. Even without the construction skill, you too can do some minor helping. Length of Pipe

In extreme cases DIRT:NAP may be employed in mass: DIRT:NAP

This will keep the zeds busy, while the survivors gain more AP, and, hopefully increase the chances of having a working NT, threwout a siege.--XxPale HorsexX / XxCannon FodderxX 23:55, 3 September 2007 (BST)

Pking Group The End

The End has your group on their page as people they've pissed off. ( We are currently dealing with them now in Mornington. They have made us, The Abandoned Warriors, Those Dudes & The Lizard Wizards their targets. Would you like to come to Mornington for a short spell and get even by running them out of town? Thanks! Here's a link to our page so you know we are legit...( Pandoras emptiness 13:38, 17 July 2007 (BST)

I've always wanted to take one of these guys down.... When I first joined FOXHOUND they were long gone but I heard they still pissed us off alot so I'll be heading down to Mornington myself today. Conno30001 18:58, 21 July 2007 (GMT00+)

Allying with the MOB?

A message was brought to my attention:
Is this true? If you are allying with the MOB and leaving Dulston, please let me know so we can update your Dulston Alliance status. -- Cheeser, DvB|DA   02:57, 21 April 2007 (BST)

No, We have decided to stay in Dulston because of the recent large Pker threat. But we may still decide to make a alliance. --Conno30001

Vito needs help

you may know me as the don of the corleone, who i recently disbanded, you may know me as the leader of the malton rangers, recently i was forced out by dhg and hos noob recruits, i ask in my time of need you help me and my small c4nt squad retake fort Perryn in the name of survivordom your helpfullness will not go forgotten -vito the don

Dunnel Hills Police Department

  • Rubix41 This is Rubix41, Former Chief of Cotty Precinct and current Command Staff member. I would like to express our sincere apologies but nondescript ISN'T a DHPD officer. Considered armed and dangerous, this PK'er has killed several of our officers, masqeraded as a DHPD officer in order to get treatment and continues to bring a bad name to the Dunnel Hills Police Department. It is unfortunate that he is alive and the confusion and upset they bring is counter productive; especially since we have suffered many internal conflicts lately. However, I would recommend that you please check this DHPD link of impersonators and keep yourself and your squad updated.

The Corleone Family

we are currenlty in roftwood proctecting the mall. Us and our allies(c4nt and The Malton Rangers) are disscussing going into riddelybank. I wish For and alliacne for our groups. thank you the don

ps. My new alt snake eater1 would fit perfectly in your group, care for him?

I'd love to have Snake Eater1 fighting for FOXHOUND. Also, FOXHOUND already has several of our best men in the Pimbank/Ridleybank area. For security reasons, I cannot give you their exact location. However, if you contact a member there, or contact us at our forums, [1] we can begin planning together for an assault. - la plaga

HEEEEEEY! do you hate The End? then go to the bale mall and kill the leader!, see you later , and dont make any time paradoxs!

A suggestion, if you don't want your page to be deleted for only having one member simply put, "unknown" or "classified" as the number of members. It works for loads of other groups ;) --Qwako 20:25, 3 Jan 2006 (GMT)

What does foxhound stand for?--Denzel Washington 21:23, 3 Jan 2006 (GMT)

It's a metal Gear solid reference. In the game, foxhound was a bunch of militaristic AWESOME freaks with shitloads of sweet powers. however, in here, it is simply a group attempting to emulate a military command chain, and i suppose, doing an okay job. -Kaein

Check out Pegton, it looks like a good suburb for a base, besides the fact it's partially surrounded by very dangerouse suburbs, but seriously check it out it looks really good.

This page has to stay purely for comedy purposes. --Katthew 00:12, 23 Jan 2006 (GMT)

Hehe. i like your system. it's pretty good. Although i dont think your deserving of the Rank BIG BOSS. But meh, youve got a good system, and you seem to be doing well. Snake would be a good name for your top ranking member.

so whats the go nah just kidding just saying G'Day to all the other players here TigerTodd 10:06, 5 Feb 2006 (GMT)

Cobra Gardian can you please send your email to, It's josh.--7ate9 08:43, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)

howdy FOXHOUND. I contact you on behalf of RCDC. Good to see a competent new survivor group in NE Malton. Drop by the Ablett Arms when you get the chance; the first round is on us.

2 things I want to run by you:

1. RCDC is always interested in forming alliances with other non-assholey survivor groups. We're a pretty straighforward, direct-democracy, no-orders-leaders-or-other-bullshit survivor group; note that RCDC and FOXHOUND have a common ally (the DDDS) and a common listed PKer (von Lichtenstein)--I'd say we're pretty much on the same page. Care to ally up?

(In the interests of full disclosure, I direct your attention to the RCDC-Newgrounds feud. We feel that our stance is justified, and clear--and we've only had to kill two [NG] members so far. We wouldn't expect you to join in this petty squabble--we just want you to be aware of it.)

  ---I just want to know if the city of Malton really understands what happened. Be aware - be very aware

--Matt guthrie 00:03, 22 March 2006 (GMT)
2. We tag Rbank buildings with their appropriate barricade levels so that noobs don't get caught out in the street. A few of our members have commented on your recent tagging spree in south Rbank. We realize that y'all are running a recruitment drive, and good luck with that; regardless, we'd like you to leave our tags up in the future. As far as the Anstruther bldg goes, we don't care if y'all are using it for one of your outposts, for orgies, or whatever else (I tend to sneak up to the roof and smoke a reefer once in awhile, myself), but we feel that it needs to stay at EH. We've replaced that generator 3 or 4 times now.

rsvp on my discussion tag when you get the chance, --Bulgakov 23:38, 6 Feb 2006 (GMT)

Just wondering if any of you use the UDtool ? if so here is a little list to add to your list it contains FOXHOUND members now you will know a member when you see them :)

la plaga,FOXHOUND 
Plisken Lt Jr Grade,FOXHOUND 
Cobra Guardian,FOXHOUND 
Dr Demento,FOXHOUND 
Nippin Tuck,FOXHOUND 
Tiger Todd,FOXHOUND 
Johnny Sasaki,FOXHOUND
Jaden Cole,FOXHOUND 
batty boy70,FOXHOUND
Cobra Guardian MkII,FOXHOUND 

Feel free to add your name to this list if i have missed anyone :) Just copy & past the list of names and add them to your UDtool list can someone update this ? as the forums search is disabled :) TigerTodd 13:58, 25 March 2006 (GMT) Greetings 'Foxhounders', like your 'no nonsense kick ass style'. If you're ever in our part of the world (Eden Library, Kinch Height) drop in, kick your boots off and down a few. On a more serious note we, Leasehold Services, are keen to forge links across town in mutual support and are happy to take on any ad-hoc hit jobs where the purp moves into our jurisdiction.--Big Ian 2 08:09, 20 February 2006 (GMT)

can someone please update this Udtool for me i cant find it in the forums no search feature TigerTodd 15:05, 28 April 2006 (BST)

People called the Romanes, They Go The House?

I really liked the way your motto was just as wrong as the rest of the page. It fits so much better that way than if it were reasonably close to being, say, Latin. You guys are obviously just covered in AWESOME. Keep up the good work. --Fred Dullard 22:54, 17 March 2006 (GMT)

^Is that guy being a dork?^ Anyway, guys, I was passing through Pimbank and found a known Pwotter sitting alive in Bhore Cinema [61, 47]. I suggest someone goes and TAKES HIM OUT! BAM!


Cheers, Rip Purr, Justice Inc


The Imperial War Machine Offers it's Alliance with FOXHOUND. We're in Dakerstown, Drop in any Time.--Duce Nauks 21:28, 5 April 2006 (BST)

The Imperial War Machine is a little to far from Dulston for FOXHOUND to be able to offer it's services. However, if you come to us needing aid in the destruction of zombies, or the protection of survivors, we will always do what we can to aid you. - la plaga 15:10, 16 April 2006 (BST)

Heh heh, it's ok, we never need help, but just the same, you won't mind if we're allies would you? I't be kindof neat for both of us to be able to say we've got the North corners.--Duce Nauks 14:55, 21 April 2006 (BST)

Sure, so long as the Imperial War Machine stands for the protection of survivors, consider us allies. -- la plaga, 00:14, 25 April 2006 (BST)

Training Exercise

I request permission, as a simple exercise, to see exactly how well your boys are trained. It's simply a training exercise, and all wounds i commit will be healed. However, every one of your boys i tag, i will put in the list below. My objective is to sneak into the area and tag every one of you once. your objective is to find me and if necesarry, kill me. (I will wait at a revive point, or if you deem it likely, achieve an on the spot rev.) So what do you say? Email me at And we shall discuss whether or not this training exercise is deemed useful or not. I simply wish to pit my skills against your in friendly competition.

I do not think it would be appropriate to play "games" or perform "simulations", primarily because we actually do have to deal with PK'ers and incoming zombie hoards, and do not have time to sit down and have a hunt. However, if you do decide to attack a FOXHOUND member, we will treat you with the same courtesy we do to everyone who attacks a member. We will kill you. So, if that's your idea of a game, we will play. - la plaga 15:10, 16 April 2006 (BST)

Haha! I like your style. At the beginning, i simply had thought you a bunch of metal gear freaks with no micrimanagement or semblance of civilic order, or leadership. While in fact, i find that you are actually competent. I appreciate that. But well, everything's a game, isn't it? Its just a matter of who will play. As it is, i cannot spare myself at the moment to argue aforementioned. However, i dont think the training will be necesarry. Even if you are led by a man who playts too many video games, at least you're a competent, and well led group. I commend you. -Kaein


This is Mushroom Blue of the Special Tactics and Rescue Squad. Having read your request for an alliance and some of your wiki, you seem like a truly well organized and skilled group. You do the survivors in Malton proud. I'd like to accept your request for an alliance. Good to have you along for the ride. We're busy battling the undead overtaking the Pole Mall in West Grayside and waging war with a PKing religious cult known as the PH, but if you have any questions, comments, requests, etc, visit our wiki and our forum. Keeo fighting the good fight.

- Mushroom Blue

Thank you Mushroom Blue. Be sure to contact us if you need our aid in any endeavor, and we will do the same. - la plaga - 21:16, 12 May 2006 (BST)

Charon's Freight and RCDC

howdy FOXHOUND. A few days ago, Rikogen informed us on our forum that

"as you might already know i am a member of FOXHOUND (mid-high rank) but what you might not know is that we have a violation of your alliance... one of your members...

Charon's Freight

killed my character not too long ago and we expect justice unless proven otherwise...thank you...[/url]"

Here's the deal: Charon's Freight is a dedicated PKer (an alt of one of the members of the Drunken Dead, I suspect), and she was posing as an RCDC member for a few weeks. She also killed about 3 of us during that time period. She has since changed her affiliation to "Death's Advocates." She has never and will never be a part of RCDC. If you see her, shoot her dead--or tell us her location, and I'll come do it myself if possible.

So there's your proof, or the best explanation I can render anyway. If you have further concerns about this issue, please take it up with us on our forum. --Bulgakov 16:17, 2 June 2006 (BST)

Sounds good to me. I'm currently offering a large bounty on Charon to FOXHOUND operatives, so we'll all keep our eyes open - la plaga

link titlelink title


This is aimed at Dr Demento: Thanks for pointing out the typo in my profile on UD. No, I'm not being sarcastic. I never check that thing. I'm usually tired when I edit. So seriously, thanks. --A1C JerryASSPKASAT09:29, 28 August 2006 (BST)
Also, another thing Dr Demento... It's not Aic Jerry... --A1C JerryASSPKASAT09:33, 28 August 2006 (BST)

ASS PKs Newbies?

Do you have any proof of that? –Xoid STFU! 16:56, 4 September 2006 (BST)

Anti-DvB messages


That was taken from Treweeke mall. Now, I realize that it's possible he's just pretending to be in FOXHOUND to stir shit up, but it'd be nice to have that confirmed either way. --Blue Command Vic 07:02, 10 September 2006 (BST)

We have nothing against the DvB and yes I can confirm that was complete Bullshit.--Conno30001 April 24 2007, 4:34PM (GMT+00)

Linkage breakage

Hi FOXHOUND. I'm about to request a speedy delete for the misspelled Dunnel Hills Police Department page. Wanted to let you know so you could repair the link on your talk page above. -- Atticus Rex AMP ' T 06:38, 26 October 2006 (BST)

Call for help...

I have been sent to write to you. We are desperate and maybe you guys, being an antiPK group, wouold like to help. We, the caretakers of the Beacham Museum, have been threathened to be PKed by the Black Mesa, a group of apparent art and culture haters.

Since we are a peacefull group and avoid violence, we had to spread along the district of Lockettside. Only the minimal staff has remained in the Museum.

We only want to promote culture and art in Malton City. We think that the fact that the city was infestated by zombies is no excuse to continue educating ourselves and read and learn. But groups like the Black Mesa, who apparently just want us to stay ignorant, are being a problem to continue our good work. Would you please come and help us? --Eek x 23:58, 13 November 2006 (UTC)


So I was in Downdey Mall and there'd been a breakin and I was helping to kill off two of the remaining zeds. I was low on Ammo, but I managed to get one down too 2 Ap. I switch to my kife to kill it, when suddenly I get the message "Xahp Killed a Zombie". He's a member of your group, according to his info. I say to him "That was my kill". All he does is run away. I don't what your policy is on this, or even if you care, but I just thought you might want to know what your more lower level soldiers are doing. --Officer Johnieo 21:56, 25 November 2006 (UTC)


Hello there, people, this is MalTel speaking.

I noticed on your Wiki page that you have outposts in the phone mast building in two suburbs (Rhodenbank and Dunningwood), and you also claim the responsibility for the Dulston phone mast (Or so the Dulston page says). We welcome any people who help us maintain the phone network in Malton, so for that, thank you!

Would you perhaps also be so kind as to maintain the status of your phone masts on the mobile phone mast page?

Thank you,

SkullnBones 16:03, 15 December 2006 (UTC)

I'll get right on it.--Conno30001 April 24 2007, 4:33PM (GMT+00)

PKing members of the DA?

Hi. Why are the radio waves being spammed by anti-me propaganda that is sanctioned by FOXHOUND? ~Mr. Fosi 4 February 2007, 22:20 (EST)

Trust me they ARE NOT sanctioned by FOXHOUND.--Conno30001 April 24 2007, 4:33PM (GMT+00)

Dulston/Dulston Alliance Update

Hello members of FOXHOUND, I wanted to confirm with you as to whether your group is still:

a) Active in UD
b) A member group of the Dulston Alliance
c) Located in the suburb of Dulston

Please keep in mind that I am in no way connected to the DA, but rather my questions have to do with the suburb wikipages. Also, if you are still with the DA, but not in Dulston I would like this to reflect in the suburb group listing, as I believe it may be exaggerated/old when compared for some groups as being both listed as with the DA and still in the suburb. Let me know. Thanks. --Mobius187 February 11 2007, 3:50 PM (EST)

And yes.--Conno April 24 2007, 4:32PM (GMT+00)
Glad to hear it. I hope that now that FOXHOUND is planning on reestablishing itself in Dulston that you guys will check this section more often. On that note, let's test this shall we? Do you want me to update your group's wikipage similar to what has been done for the other Alliance groups? Please respond in, oh, let's say 1 week! If I don't hear back from you I'll assume you didn't want, or need, my wiki services. ;) --Mobius187 April 24 2007, 12:25 PM (EST)
Yeah sure why not out with the old in with the new and all that. P.s:I recently learned this page actually exsisted...... --Conno April 24 2007, 7:14PM (GMT+00)
*Cough*--Labine50 MH|ME|TNT'07 19:22, 24 April 2007 (BST)
Then I will see to it that the group wikipage is updated. So I have said, so it shall be done! On an unrelated note... Labine50, is a survivor named ahzid in TNT? He's a former PKer who the BAR kept whacking, but he asked for leniancy because he said he was joining the TNT. Is this true? --Mobius187 April 24 2007, 2:35 PM (EST)

St. Matthew's Hospital Administrator

Is one of your members called "a zombie's uncle"? If so, then I was rather distressed to find he may have revived the infamous Goolina, an RRF Gore Corps member in St. Columbanus's Hospital (Santlerville) (evidence). I am awaiting an explanation from him. Consequently the generator I installed in the Hall NT building only 2 hours previously was destroyed.

If this is true, please explain to him why combat revives are wrong, and the trouble he has caused. Note he may be open to being placed on the "Do Not Revive" list, certainly the "Revivers Hall of Lame" and perhaps even KOS for pro-zombie behaviour.

Thank you.--Sunil 02:09, 9 May 2007 (BST)

I'd like to disagree with Sunil. I found the combat revive to be very helpful. I smashed one NT genny and overbarricaded two entry points. Zambah Baby Jesus only knows how many people unwittingly got stuck outside and died at the hands of my other team mates because of this. So hats off to you, a zombie's uncle, and to your team. Keep up the revives! I'll try to get my guys to kill you last as our way of thanking you. --Goolina Gore Corps 23:47, 9 May 2007 (BST)
No I have not heard of a member by that name and I do not support combat revives for obvious reasons stated above by the Gore Corps retard. --Conno ,May 10 2007, 02:53AM (GMT+00)
Wow, you insulted my internet character. Now you've done it. You've gone and hurt my internet feelings. Maybe I'll have to rethink the "kill you last" offer.
--Goolina Gore Corps 05:03, 10 May 2007 (BST)
Best not insult Ms. Goo, she remembers grudges and doesn't wear pants, that makes her a very dangerous zombie. I would welcome you to my Hospital but it looks like Goolina's kind have already let themselves in and seem to be planning on staying.--Sunil 13:25, 12 May 2007 (BST)

Creedy Alliance

Hello Fellow citizens! I and others are working towards an alliance that will make our shared home safer than any other part of the city. We believe that your group would be an asset to the alliance. Please have a representative contact me at if you are interested. --Franz Molotov 18:56, 22 August 2007 (BST)

Flowers of Disease Pkers

Today the Flowers of Disease group attacked Pegram PD (just south of Treweeke Mall, Dulston) and slaughtered everyone inside. They are a serious menace and killed many members of Reds Roughnecks. This unwarranted, pointless and senseless attack has left many dead and humiliated. Please Foxhound, help us hunt them down, and put them to death. --Peter Red 01:10, 10 December 2007 (UTC)

You're invited!

To attend our Valentine's day event! Please see the flyer on my page for details! --Morgueasm 17:16, 12 February 2008 (UTC)

I'll pass along the message. --Mobius187 17:17, 12 February 2008 (UTC)
Ha ha, some of us might show up, thanks for the invite.--N00bert F 19:38, 12 February 2008 (UTC)
Hey no problem! I figured I'd invite neighbors of all sorts to join in the fun! I know one of your guys is already here, Flame Darkfire, but we're happy to see some more FOXHOUNDS anytime! --Morgueasm 19:53, 12 February 2008 (UTC)
this is a rep from area-51
we are currently runing a merge program for smaller groups
we have 20+ members and are looking for more
if u would like to join in this movment
send ur members to
this movment will highly benifit both of are groups
this will alow for the smaller groups to form 1 large powerfull group
Heh heh, no, I'm quite sure FOXOUND would not be interested in merging with your group. Not only is your group not on the stats page, but your message is rather blunt, and your spelling is atrocious. Try spell check sometime. Plus two of the groups you've contacted are part of the Dulston Alliance already. Maybe do your homework before copy/pasting the same thing on several group talk pages? --Kikashie Read the Dispatch! 22:18, 12 July 2008 (BST)
Is it December? That was cold! Kikashie, I love your ways. Met Fan 06:43, 25 July 2008 (BST)

The Great Suburb Group Massacre

Stop hand.png Group Active? Request.
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Suburb pages when they are no longer active. Is this group still active? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not it will be removed from suburb pages in 14 days.

Currently the suburb in question is Pitneybank but one response to this query will be all that is needed to protect your group link on all suburb pages. I know this is a random request but its for all groups regardless of size. Thank you. --•▬ ▬••▬ • •••• •▬ ▬•▬• ▬•▬ #nerftemplatedsigs 19:08, 20 July 2008 (BST)

I've been waiting a while for n00bert or Conno to post here...but I think I can speak for them and all of us when I say we are a bunch of active "trigger happy yee haws" in the words of n00bert. Met Fan 22:47, 29 July 2008 (BST)
Yes, we actively shoot shit.--N00bert foxhound 20:26, 2 August 2008 (BST)


Well yeah, I kinda suck at this, but how about an alliance with my group SNAKEHOUND ? I think we got something in common ;) We operate from East Grayside. Please reply at my talk page, thanks. --ScouterTX 14:39, 21 August 2008 (BST)

Just finished my lazy ally template, just in case you want to use it:

Suzumiya Haruhi.jpg Ally of the SOS Brigade
FOXHOUND is an ally of the SOS Brigade and supports the harassing of cute girls around Malton :3.

--ScouterTX 00:49, 29 August 2008 (BST)

Great, just visit our forums to make it official.


Just replaced it with a newer, coded one, thanks to Caleb Usher. --ScouterTX 14:29, 23 October 2008 (BST)

Just here to edit reality. Don't mind me. --Mobius 12:08, 29 October 2008 (UTC)

The Forgotten

I just thought I would stop by to inform you of our group " The Forgotten" we help folks that for whatever reason find themselves in a bad situation. We offer revenge to all who ask. It may be that you are being griefed or maybe overwhelmed by some merciless PK'ers. It matters not to us. We have the capacity to deal with almost any problem. So, if you ever find yourselves in need of some top notch Contract Killers stop by our lobby, and let us know how we can be of service.

Take care, --Roland 01:53, 16 September 2008 (BST)

Thank you for the offer. I'm certain if we ever need help with anything we will certainly contact you. However, we don't really ask for help when dealing with pkers or mindless bounty hunters (DEM anyone?), we like to get dirty rather than have others mess their hands for us. --N00bert foxhound 00:53, 18 September 2008 (BST)

The Great Suburb Group Massacre, 2009

Check-Mark-Reviewed.jpg Group Confirmed.
This group was confirmed active. Thank you for your reply.

-- Linkthewindow  Talk  11:39, 13 February 2009 (UTC)

I'm not with FOXHOUND, but they are active. --Mobius 16:53, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
We're active, thanks Mobius. --Met Fan F 16:35, 14 February 2009 (UTC)
Thanks, chaps. -- User:The Rooster RoosterDragon User talk:The Rooster 18:38, 27 February 2009 (UTC)

Containin' Monthly

You've been mentioned :P. --Haliman - Talk 19:35, 10 May 2009 (BST)

Mentioned? More like slandered! At least Deathwire was overthrown, that's a relief. For the greater good! --Met Fan F 22:27, 15 May 2009 (BST)


ORPHAN.jpg Orphaned Page
The following page(s) were orphaned, meaning they weren't linked from any other page on UDWiki. For house-keeping's sake, we are adding the link onto the relevant talk page. If you don't want the pages anymore just post them on the Deletions Page. You aren't required to do anything, but we'd appreciate if it you kept the link on any one of your pages.

Please note that the link provided below will not remove the page from Orphaned Pages, so you'll still need to manually make a link for us. Thank you.

Thanks --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 18:56, 5 October 2009 (BST)

Muchos Gracias, Rosslessness. Will do. --Met Fan F 04:34, 10 October 2009 (BST)