Closed Suggestions
- These suggestions are now closed. No more voting or editing is to be done to them.
- Suggestions with a rational Vote tally of 2/3 Keeps over total of Keeps, Kills, and Spams will be moved to the Peer Reviewed Suggestions page by a moderator, unless the original author has re-suggested the Suggestion.
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Scent Trail Applies to Humans
Timestamp: | Sexy Rexy Grossman 04:13, 27 February 2007 (UTC) |
Type: | Skill change |
Scope: | Survivors |
Description: | This brings revenge to the humans. The same "triggers" of the current Scent Trail skill apply: only if someone attacks the human (but does not kill them) or applies a FAK. (The "attempts Revive" trigger does not apply.) If a particular zombie targets a survivor, the survivor has the option to track it down. Likewise, those who are currently being attacked, or was attacked but not killed by another survivor has a chance to hunt down their attacker. This gives a slight challenge to the PKers, as if they attack an active player or do not kill their target, they could be hunted down. |
Keep Votes
For Votes here
Kill Votes
- Kill just seems wrong. i dont think humans can track through smell.--Blood Panther 04:44, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill I don't think humans should be able to track each other by scent. If there was a method of doing it that involved following footprints or something more logical that'd be an ideal way of balancing out Pking. --Jon Pyre 08:56, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - There are better "tracking" suggestions around. Humans shouldn't be using zombie skills for this -- boxy T L ZS Nuts2U DA 10:08, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - too unlike anything resembling sense. I was mulling over a similar idea involving a new item, a GPS tracker, but won't actually suggest it unless I can figure out how to not give survivors the ability to track anyone with a GPS unit that they've ever met forever, as that's fun but probably unfair . . . though hunting down those PKers would be grand . . . --otherlleft W! 13:47, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill, needs a skill If survivors did this it would be tracking, like a cop skill. Even then, should have a level requirement like level 10+. Zombies scent is what the kind of get for not having guns and such.. not much of a tradeoff.. but it's what they get. MrAushvitz
14:11, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - this suggestion smells fishy. --Funt Solo
15:28, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - that makes no sense humans dont have an actue sense of smell and theres no way or reason to track your attacker for humans.-- 15:42, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - Survivors cannot track others through scent. Humans actually have one of the dullest senses of smell on the planet. Also, uh.............don't nerf PKing. --
16:03, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - I'm against this not because I think it is ridiculous (the fact that Scent Death carries over somewhat proves that the zombie plague has effects on survivors even in the dormant form), but because I don't really see the point. If a PKer attacks you, it's practically guaranteed that you are going to die, simply because the vast majority of the AP/time required to kill someone with firearms is used beforehand during the searches. The actual AP used during the killing itself is only about 12 AP if you are at full health, have a flak jacket, and have body building (most likely, at least one of these won't be true). All this really does is let you track down individual zombies (who are almost certainly still there anyway, since there are few zombies who would abruptly stop in the middle of their attack and leave the building they worked so hard to breach). And it shouldn't take a scent-based skill to recognize individual zombies. Survivors have eyes, you know. --Reaper with no name TJ! 18:11, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Above and up. --Axe Hack Talk 13:21, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - Last time I checked, one person smelled the same as the other, and I think it would be better if seperated into a seperate skill like someone suggested -- Padfu-Zomfu 23:09, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
Spam/Dupe Votes
- This is stupid. Humans do not have supernatural powers of tracking and smell. This is totally out of character.--Gage 04:42, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Scent Trail doesn't work that way. Only give you a one time location. Becides zombies are supposed to be anonymous. ZombieCrack 04:55, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Are you retarded? And more "This won't nerf pking, it will only make it harder" BS. Giving humans this ability would be dumb and pointless. As it is when you're alive you can tell which bodies are revivifying and which are just dead. Thats bad enough.--Mayor Fitting 04:58, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Spam - Err, I think the implications have already been pointed out here. And yes, I think this is a little stupid and not thought-out. Use the talk:suggestions page next time please. --Ducis DuxSlothTalk 10:51, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- SPAM - Stop trying to turn every skill into a crossover skill.--Labine50 MH|ME|'07 23:37, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Spam - No. Nerfs PK'ing, big time--Jason Muir 04:04, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
- Spam - Makes no sense, and incomplete. -Mark D. Stroyer 19:56, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
- Spam - Not unless Sex Panther gets implemented. --Priz 06:36, 8 March 2007 (UTC)
Swing Ball Melee Weapon
Timestamp: | Kamikaze12 09:23, 27 February 2007 (UTC) |
Type: | Satire/New Weapon. |
Scope: | Zombie and Survivor. |
Description: | It has become evident to me after re-watching shaun of the dead that the most common house hold weapon in britain (where i personally think malton is set)has been overlooked.The standard garden swing ball would be used as a melee weapon much like a baseball bat this way it can be used both by survivors and zombies players as a melee weapon. However the swing ball can be used to 'impale' the victim with the sharpe bottom end of the swing ball. This is a one use attack the swing ball is assumed to be stuck in the victim.The impale skill can be used both by Zombie and Survivors i mean even zombies know how to shove a sharp object at its prey.The impaled swingball will alos act much like infection with the player losing 1hp every time they spend an AP until it is removed (by using first aid kit)
description reads - you extract a large metal rod with a ball attached to it from ...players name.... and patch up the wound. This doesnt apply to zombies due to the obviously rare use of FAKS heres the basic stats Damage 2 points Base accuracy 10% Locations Mall Sports Stores (41%/20%) Schools (21%/10%) Impale Damage 7 points Base Accuracy 10% description will read - You impale a zombie it looks blankly at the swinging ball. You impale a survivor they stumbles backwards and gape in shock at the protruding metal rod.. |
Keep Votes
- Author KeepThe idea of dead bodys all over malton with swing balls sticking upright out of them is just to good to pass on. Kamikaze12 09:32 UTC
Kill Votes
- Kill - Excuse my ignorance, but I've never heard or seen one of these. --Cap'n Silly T/W/P/C
09:48, 27 February 2007 (UTC)#
- Re - heres a link to one --Kamikaze12 09:58, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Re - Oh, that thing. Heheh. That was a funny scene, but sadly, I must still vote kill. However, you may use your vivid imagination to pretend your knife is a swing ball pole. --Cap'n Silly T/W/P/C
10:33, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Re - yeah suppose so.Kamikaze12
- Kill - Meh, there's enough underpowered weapons already (think totem tennis, I think, Cap'n). And learn to bloody use the preview button, two f'cken edit conflicts already! -- boxy T L ZS Nuts2U DA 10:00, 27 February 2007 (UTC) Struck a bit, too harsh 10:18, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Re - nah dont worry about it. sorry i kept getting edit conflicts. And the weapons not really about the underpowered melee attack thats just there to make it credible the attraction is in the impaling which other weapons dont do.
- Kill - I don't think there is room for comical things in UD. Certainly here on the wiki, but not in the game. --Ducis DuxSlothTalk 10:49, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill My industrial NailGun/StapleGUN was also very cool. Perhaps someday, when our voters have all had a wonderful week.. someday my friend. MrAushvitz
11:08, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- kill - Send it straight to humurous. - BzAli 13:52, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Besides, I wouldn't see any of those in Ontario, where another Malton is also located. -Certified=Insane☭
14:16, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - stupid, not funny. --Funt Solo
15:27, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - Id rather see a knife or an axe stab attack instead of a whole new weapon that you could never even hit with. Seriously hit 50 times with your fists at 10 % i promise you that you will never hit more than 5 times. even with the 7 damage its not worth implementing-- 15:49, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - Somewhat funny, but not enough to go into humorous. --
16:06, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - And this is a swing ball...why? Why wouldn't it be...say...a regular, generic old pole? Why can't we just make the length of pipe do this (we don't actually know how long it is or how sharp the ends are)? And why would zombies be able to use something that requires a precise stabbing motion but not be able to use knives (assuming the knife is a stabbing weapon; otherwise it joins the axe in the "why the hell can't zombies use this?" category)? And if I'm reading this right (it's a bit ambiguous, so correct me if I'm wrong), this introduces an incurable "infection" effect that can be inflicted upon zombies, since FAKs won't heal it (not that anyone would use FAKs on zombies anyway), which would basically mean that zeds would die once every couple of days without anything they can do about it. There's just too many problems with this, not to mention the obvious flavor problem. --Reaper with no name TJ! 18:24, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Re"This doesnt apply to zombies due to the obviously rare use of FAKS" i did put that in. maybe i should have made it clearer. Kamikaze12
- Kill - As C=I.--Labine50 MH|ME|'07 23:37, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Above and up. --Axe Hack Talk 13:22, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
Spam/Dupe Votes
Spam/Dupe Votes here
Flare Gun / Fuel Attack
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | Optional Attack |
Scope: | If you have a flare gun and fuel, vs. a zombie! |
Description: | If I may politely point out, the "human torch zombie" is something, I think we all want to see.. periodically. So, if it's done right.. shall we?
Flare Gun / Fuel Attack: Survivor attack (only!) this button attack can only be made against zombies not survivors!!! (Zombies don't care if you throw fuel on them, they really don't.. it's the fire that makes them angry.)
Lighting The Fuel Once you feel that you have hit this zombie with enough fuel.. now you may shoot it with your flare gun, any time you like.
Fire Damage
Incincerated: Zombies that have been incinerated the system records the time, that zombie was incinerated.. that zombie cannot stand up for 5 minutes. This is actually relevant in a seige (if you go outdoors and burn some Z's!) This has no effect on headhsot for or against. But it is only a movement prevention effect, your zombie is down, and stays down, until the time is up, then you may stand again. (And infect those SOB's!) Closing Point: Now, that's all it does, all it can do.. and it's actually simple.. but I put it out point by point so we can all see noone can abuse it or cheat on it. If a bunch of survivors want to go zombie hunting with several fuel cans and flare guns (well maybe only 2 of them are even good with the flare guns) that's their business! If they're crazy enough to do it, sure.. if you prefer your shotgun, excllent.. your business! To recap, this attack only works outdoors, if you are a survivor and you are attacking a zombie with it. If some idiot kills your fueled zombie with another non-flare gun weapon, fuel is "gone", or if someone combat revives your target fuel is "gone". (Not 100% accurate, this is a game.. call it the don't burn me, I'm alive rule.) Get gas on them, then light it. Sure, you may miss with all of your flare rounds, and swear.. a lot. But, you want torched zombies, you gotta earn it! Obviously, it would be good to have a lot of fuel.. and flare guns. Can be harder to pull off unless you're well stocked to do so, but, exciting, and just, oh-so-cool. |
Keep Votes
- Author Keeps His Pants On Now you have a use for all those extra fuel cans, and a reason to keep fuel can resource buildings non-ransacked. Zombies won't enjoy this, well if online, but then again.. zombies have finally shifted the balence and things are so close to balanced now. And, isn't this cool as a flip side to digestion? This is going to be sweet...MrAushvitz
11:06, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Keep I like the idea but i dont think that the five minute knock out time really fits. It would just be fun to go and torch zombies. User:Kamikaze12 12:04, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- KEEP I like the idea of only dousing them outdoors cause no one wants a burning zombie running in their safehouse. And this new combat method may make it fair. Zombies have infectious bite that do continuous damage. If this suggestion is used, survivors get BURN that cause damage for 3 turns. Unsigned vote struck. Remove the strike and this comment when you sign. --Hubrid Nox Sys WTF U! B! 12:27, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- keep i love the idea but would rather see the fire damage as an effect similar to infection that lasted a number of rounds dependant on how much fuel they are wearing! if burning, tangling zeds caused an extra point of damage they would be rewarded too! --Honestmistake 12:41, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- keep - Great fun, and not at all overpowered. - BzAli 13:57, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- keep - just sounds fun one change though if a zombie on fire attacks you, you catch on fire and take one damage for the next 10 or so actions but you cant talk while on fire since who can talk normal while there skin is being burnt away?-- 15:59, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Keep - Sure, why not?--Labine50 MH|ME|'07 23:37, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- KEEP Fair. Humans now have something to pit against infectious bite. Humans spend more AP to use this skill that does more damage. Zombies only buy a skill and get to use powerful attacks forever.
- weak Keep-I don't know i'm more on the keep side but i'm so sure......--YU 337
Kill Votes
- Kill - I'm editing my vote reasons, didn't see the ban on server-side kill votes, d'oh. Yes, it's funny, but only tee hee and not ha ha. - --otherlleft W! 13:27, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Weak Kill - I like it but the mechanics need serious tweaking. To hit with fuel should be based on melee attack percentages. The to hit with flare gun should be 1.5 times the players small firearms accuracy for a flare gun to reflect that a direct hit is not need. A zombie can be doused with multiple fuels, each one cumulatively adding a fuel duration of 5-10 zombie AP, up to a cap of
3015 zombie AP. Fire damage should be not be random but a flat 3HP per zombie AP. If an already lit zombie is hit with more fuel a new burn time of 5-10 is calculated and added to the original up to a cap of3015. A zombie doused with fuel is marked in the stack and adds the flavour text "Some of the zombies reek of fuel." A zombie burning is marked in the stack and adds flavour text "X zombies are burning." If hit, the target of a burning zombie takes +1HP damage. A survivor gets XP for hitting with the fuel and flare, but does not get the XP for the kill. This implementation would reduce server load because only 2 variables are needed, one for fuel duration and a flag for zombie burning or not. Mr A. Maybe you should move this to discussions before it gets spammed? --SporeSore 13:57, 27 February 2007 (UTC)- Re I'm open to options, in case of a need for an edit. But, she seems to be doing well so far. Main thing was I wanted it simple: douse, douse, torch. (Doesn't include missed fuel tosses and flare gun shots.) I can see your point on fuel being a hand to hand thing.. but it's kind of a thrown/hand to hand thing. If anyone creates a flamethrower it would obviously start the same fire as does a flare gun. MrAushvitz
14:06, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Re I'm open to options, in case of a need for an edit. But, she seems to be doing well so far. Main thing was I wanted it simple: douse, douse, torch. (Doesn't include missed fuel tosses and flare gun shots.) I can see your point on fuel being a hand to hand thing.. but it's kind of a thrown/hand to hand thing. If anyone creates a flamethrower it would obviously start the same fire as does a flare gun. MrAushvitz
- Kill - Complicated combo attack. Molotov cocktails in Peer Reviewed does this better. --Funt Solo
15:26, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - Congradulations, you broke my record for complex, difficult to implement, over-detailed suggestions! If burning zombies were a desirable game feature, a simple suggestion to use one fuel can and a pack of matches (every survivor is assumed to have an infinite supply of matches, just like food) would pass just fine- and probably already has. --S.Wiers X:00 15:41, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - I like it, but survivors should be able to do this to other survivors. --Gm0n3y 18:18, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Change - I do like it, and I think you're oh-so-close to getting this just right, but it does seem a little needlessly complicated. There's no need for an accuracy boost or anything (double the normal accuracy means 30% accuracy for those with basic firearms training), and there's no need for a variable amount of fire damage (just make it a set amount for each level of fuel). The 5 minute limit is fine, since it would offset the damage and make this a true strategic, rather than tactical, weapon. And come up with a real reason for why this won't work on survivors (maybe they dodge because they see the other guy unscrewing the cap and dodge before the splash hits them?). --Reaper with no name TJ! 18:34, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Kill - A complicated attack wich only purpose is adding to flavor and maybe showing off to other people in the place you are in. Be realistic: If your fuel cans and flares will hit the last zombie on the stack as usual, the guy is probably so inactive that the "5 minutes down" rule won't be necessary 99% of the time. --Matthew Fahrenheit YRC☺T☺+1 00:29, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
- Complicated and somewhat overpowered. Not standing up for five whole minutes? That sucks! Also, wouldn't a flaming zombie do extra damage for being on fire when they attack? The zombie would take an average of 33 points of damage at "full" use (or up to 39). With NO way of offsetting (even infectious bite can be removed easily). Why not just give people rocket launchers?--Pesatyel 09:21, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
- I believe...if zeds were real, and we light them on fire, we'll have an hour of walking torches that'll burn anything they touch down... --Axe Hack Talk 13:26, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
Spam/Dupe Votes
- Spam - Send it to humorous suggestions. --
16:09, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- Because the more I read it, the more insane I think I was for just voting "Kill"--Gage 18:20, 27 February 2007 (UTC)
- RE Gage! You're being.. so.. naughty.. (do you have a sister?) MrAushvitz
02:00, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
- RE Gage! You're being.. so.. naughty.. (do you have a sister?) MrAushvitz
- Spam - Wtf? --Aeneid 01:46, 28 February 2007 (UTC)
Dumping Bodies through Barricades
Moved to discussion page as edited after voting started. --Funt Solo 15:24, 27 February 2007 (UTC)