User:Dux Ducis/Archive/B

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Socks.gif Sock Puppets
Because democracy works better without all that pesky democracy.
Pwlogo.png Project Welcome Member
Need help? Just ask.
Nobrain.png Ban Stupidity
This user or group does not tolerate stupid people.
NoLOL.png Grammar
This user or group supports the use of proper grammar and spelling on the Wiki.
Typewriter.jpg Edits to Date
This user has made approximately 1,146 edits as of 07:09, 7 March 2007 (UTC).
WikiPatrol.png Project Wiki Patrol Member
Dedicated to maintaining the wiki.
Aussieflag.JPG Australian
This user is Australian.
This user is a member of the Liberal Party.
Firefox.png Firefox User
This user uses Firefox.
Mac.png Macintosh
Dux Ducis is a Macintosh advocate, and has one of their own.
Spam1.jpg Sheizer List
This user is on MrAushvitz's Sheizer List
SSZlogo2.jpg Survivor Security Zone
Dux Ducis helps to protect the Survivor Security Zone.
Zonedefenderslogo.GIF Zone Defenders
This user is a Zone Defender and is sworn to protect the SSZ.
Kareliya (Small).jpg We love Lachryma!!!
Dux Ducis loves the hot Russian lady!!!
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy
This user supports the
Uniform Barricading Policy.
Balance scale.jpg Fair Tactics Player
This user has signed the Coalition for Fair Tactics Player Pledge.
FUvulture.jpg Feral Undead
This user or group agrees with Feral Undead. Vultures are fucking cool.
Zombie river icon 2.gif Zombie River Tactics
I am the void that devours all.
Books.jpg Centers Of Learning Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Centers of Learning Policy
The v.jpg Remember the 5th of November
This user or group supports the idiots giving a free meal to the undead in Ridleybank.
This user is a Corpse Sentience Investigator.
Un-w.png Project UnWelcome Member
Need help? Piss off.
This user supports bringing the World Cup back to Malton.
Borat-flag.jpg Jagshemash!
This user like to make sexy time with the ladies. High Five!
Kenny.gif The PKers got Kenny!
Oh my God! You killed Kenny! You bastard!
Killerwhale.jpg Killer Whales
This user thinks killer whales are better than dolphins, and would totally be a killer whale, but with wings and missiles and shit.
Emot-bandwagon.gif Templates make FUNFUN!
This user thinks that templates are a fun and exciting way to express your opinion!
Ninja.gif Ninja
This user flips out and kills people. Ninjas are so totally awesome!
Teacup.jpg Pennyroyal Tea
This user is anemic royalty
Earth.jpg Where is Malton?
Dux Ducis thinks that Malton is in Greenland... or Mexico.
Pluto.jpg 8/24 - NEVAR FORGET!
This user or group remembers Pluto.
Wagon.jpg Bandwagon
This user has jumped on
the template bandwagon.
Stewie.gif World Domination
This user has plans for world domination.
ErrorUgly.png Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.
Gun.jpg Trigger Happy
This user has guns. Do not cross them.
NoHubbard.jpg Scientology Unfriendly
This user thinks that Scientology is ridiculous.
Zergling.gif Alt user
Dux Ducis has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.
Cheese.jpg Mmmm, cheese…
Dux Ducis really, really likes cheese.
Smiley.png It's a Joke, OK?
This user supports the use of humor, even when other people don't get it.
WR-Manbagz.jpg Manbagz
This user understands the value of Manbagz to carry miscellaneous vital items.
Crack-pipe.jpg It seemed like a good Idea…
Dux Ducis has given himself a crackpipe template.
Hat.jpg Honor Among Thieves
This user supports the
Honor Among Thieves Policy.
Bored.jpg Why are you still reading these?
This user thinks you have way too much free time on your hands.

Handgreen.png Archive Page
This page is an archive page of Dux Ducis. Don't mess with this page if you know what's damn good for you.

T h i s i s D u x D u c i s ' W i k i U s e r P a g e


"Real heroes are men who fall and fail and are flawed, but win out in the end because they've stayed true to their ideals and beliefs and commitments"


Malton is a bloody battleground, with the dead fighting the living, the living fighting the living and even the dead fighting the dead. No one knows when this horror of a nightmare will end for the city's inhabitants, as death is no longer a sure thing, many cursed humans continue to walk the earth long after loosing their lifeblood...

A Few Points to Consider:

  • I use a lot of templates. So if you have a problem, tough... This is my page!
  • You may hear me rant about stupid suggestions. I blame this for a lack of educating newbies on the suggestions procedures. Such as Talk:suggestions (first) ---> iron out problems/community discussion, ---> final editing before moving to suggestions page (should stop most screw ups of the template. Most) ---> Community voting ---> archive into appropriate category. So think before submitting. Think very carefully.
  • You may hear me rant how zeds have it tough at the moment. Because they do. Malls. Guns. Barricades. Radios. Thank goodness for the treachery of PKers, otherwise UD would be boring for the survivors. Barricade, dump, heal, revive. Sound familiar?
  • My monitor resolution is set very high (1600*1050). However, unlike Terminator 484, I endevour to make my page 1024*768 friendly. I'm sorry, if you are using anything less than that, everything will look shit.
  • You may hear me rant about the 'welcomenewbie template' and other newbie instructions need fixing and streamlining. They have become too large and bloated. The suggestion guidelines take up half the bloody page. Come on now. A lot of people are not going to read all of that. Let's be realistic here. I'm also tweaking with the welcomenewbie template in my talk page, go ahead and make a few suggestions.
  • Copycats. Those who are too lazy to make their own unique page (so steal it from me) or learn Wiki-markup. Unoriginal. Come on! Do something constructive instead of ctrl+c ctrl+v. Have a crack at it yourself.
  • I like things to be clean, neat and pleasing to the eye. I don't like jarring things, especially colors. I'm not gay, I just like things to... work. Fit together. Hence why I have a sort of color scheme to my userspace and sig. Hence why I bothered to learn not only wiki code, but also some beginner XHTML. Hence why I have an oganised talk page (if you haven't already, check it out now).
  • As cool as it may seem, don't make trenchcoater characters! Please, for the love of.... just don't. 5 Katanas. 20 shotguns. Black trench coat. None of these. Why? They are over-done and over-used! Very, very, over done. And no, Dux Ducis is not a trenchy. He is wearing a suit in that pic. He's got style, something that is lacking on this muddled and confused wiki.
  • I do a lot of editing late at night or early in the morning, so don't worry if I'm not making much sense, or seem to be rambling about nothing, or my spelling is bad. I'll just need more coffee in my system.
  • As Lachryma has found, I'm a little uptight with the correct use of colons. Please people, use them when there is a discussion going on - it is much easier to read. Much easier.
  • strikeout tags, <s></s> are awesome! (probably my favorite HTML tags). I like to use them a lot instead of deleting. A lot. It's more wiki-polite as well, allowing others to see your past mistakes and revisions.
  • PKers add a random element to the game. So stop bitching about them. They give survivors another enemy to have fun with, either murdering as many as possible, or hunting down those treacherous bastards. So stop suggesting anti-Pker suggestions. So far, they've all been crap.
  • Sign your bloody posts!

Stuff I've Done wasted my time on:

Some Funny Quotes:

  • "What the hell? Get these motherfucking pokemon off my motherfucking wiki!--Gage 05:03, 18 November 2006 (UTC)"
  • "Jimbo, your ass, the Internet. Yes. –Bob Hammero ModB'cratTA 07:41, 20 July 2006 (BST)
    • For the last time, I'm not scanning my ass and posting it on the wiki. --Jimbo Bob ASSU! 07:45, 20 July 2006 (BST)"'
  • "My User Page Look Funny to You Boy? That would be because you are using the abysmal, shit sucking browser that is Internet Explorer." Xoid's user page
  • "Read copyright law and shut up." Akule and his Wikilawyering

Only The Most Serious of Inquiries

""Ah, but who will monitor the Wiki Monitor Monitors? --Daranz. talk . mod . 18:38, 7 January 2007 (UTC)

Jesus --AnimeSucks 19:58, 7 January 2007 (UTC)
The Wiki Monitors Monitors Monitors. CaptainM 03:30, 8 January 2007 (UTC)
The horror! But who will monitor the Wiki Monitors Monitors Monitors? I think this is one of those mod conspiracies that have emerged... - JedazΣT ΞD GIS S! 07:06, 8 January 2007 (UTC)
I think someone should create W(M)^infinity. That way, they'd pretty much beat everyone else trying to escalate the whole thing. --Daranz. talk . mod . 09:46, 8 January 2007 (UTC)
I call W(M)^infinity+1 -- boxy T L ZS PA DA 10:11, 8 January 2007 (UTC)
You can't! It's still the same! --Daranz. talk . mod . 10:14, 8 January 2007 (UTC)
Your cock-eyed wikipedia rules arn't enforceable here! I bet those guys don't even believe in zombies, the fools -- boxy T L ZS PA DA 10:31, 8 January 2007 (UTC)
Oh, they do. Or don't. They don't definitely say. Perhaps we should set up a special monitoring group to monitor this discussion to ensure that it's fair and all, you know. --Daranz. talk . mod . 11:03, 8 January 2007 (UTC)
You start on the group page, I'll get working on the templates! -- boxy T L ZS PA DA 11:20, 8 January 2007 (UTC)""

My Characters

Dux Ducis laws89

If you want to make cool characters like these, go here


UD profile link

Former security contractor for the city of Malton during the outbreaks. He is known to wear classy suits and designer sunglasses, even if it seems to be at odds with the apocalyptic surroundings. Despite his heavy involvement with the Survivor Security Zone, he is now a shadowy figure, known to be involved with several underworld groups.


UD profile link

Firefighter turned Necrotech employee and medic all in one deadly package. Not much gets in his way.

  • laws89 got drunk and permanently joined the ranks of the dead. Eating people instead of patching them up is much more fun! Baharh!

Pestilence MK2

UD profile link

An early Necrotech experiment gone wrong with the early zombification studies of people. Watch out, he's big!

  • I have officially laid this character to rest. (R.I.P. Pestilence MK2 , 8 July 2006 09:31 - 3 March 2007 07:27)


DuxDucis belonged to the Apsey Urban Militia, a group in central Chudleyton. He now roves around the Survivor Security Zone, one of the Zone Defenders.

Laws89 is was a proud and classy member of both the Channel 4 News Team and The Yagoton Revivification Clinic, or YRC. He has been with these groups at the Battle of Blackmore, and the Shacknews assault on Bale Mall. He now flitters between the realms of death and life, unsure whether he wants to stay in either for a long time.

Pestilence mk2 is pretty much a feral, although this unique zombie has not been sighted recently.

Trident.jpg Channel 4 News Team Affiliate
This user or group entered Glorious Battle beside the Channel 4 News Team. There were horses and a man on fire and this user or group killed a guy with a trident. Afterward, we could barely lift our arms because we killed so many zombies. I don't know if you heard us counting. We killed over 1,000.

Blackmore Bastard Brigade.JPG Blackmore Bastard
This user or group proudly wears the badge of the Blackmore Bastard Brigade.

8/18/06 - 10/13/06, 11/5/06 -

Ever wanted to know the total number of articles on the wiki? Well here it is: 19,427


Rat-ah-tat-tat.jpg Here, have a rat!
Lachryma has given Dux Ducis a rat for joining Ghetto Cow and stuff like that!