Edmund General United: Difference between revisions

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m (updated active member list)
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<font color= green>'''Active Members'''</font>:
<font color= green>'''Active Members'''</font>:
*[[User:Elingold|Elingold]], '''Hospital Chief Administrator'''
*[[User:Elingold|Elingold]], '''Hospital Chief Administrator'''
*[[User:Jokimoto|Doc Smithsfieldsoner]], '''Proctological Specialist/Summoner of <s>Filth and</s> Demonic Influence/Asst. Admin.'''
*[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=1677258| a black knight], '''Scratches, Flesh Wounds'''
*[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=1677258| a black knight], '''Scratches, Flesh Wounds'''
*[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=1627390| Sasha Belle], '''Spicy Zed Treat, Asst. Admin of Rectal Trauma'''
*[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=1627390| Sasha Belle], '''Spicy Zed Treat, Asst. Admin of Rectal Trauma'''
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*[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=329716| FauxFoxFire], '''General surgery, Chief Resident'''
*[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=329716| FauxFoxFire], '''General surgery, Chief Resident'''
*[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=1104996| Jeremiah Shadehand], ''' Cardiology/ Internal Medicine Specialist'''
*[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=1104996| Jeremiah Shadehand], ''' Cardiology/ Internal Medicine Specialist'''
*[[User:Jokimoto|Doc Smithsfieldsoner]], '''Proctological Specialist/Summoner of <s>Filth and</s> Demonic Influence/Asst. Admin.'''
*[[User:Ryan Ashwood|Ryan Ashwood]], '''EMT, Fire Fighter, General Axe Surgeon'''
*[[User:Ryan Ashwood|Ryan Ashwood]], '''EMT, Fire Fighter, General Axe Surgeon'''
*[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=1126397| Tundra Ashburn], '''Radiology/Gastroenterological Specialist'''
*[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=1126397| Tundra Ashburn], '''Radiology/Gastroenterological Specialist'''

Revision as of 14:44, 12 September 2013


Edmund General United
Abbreviation: EDU
Group Numbers: Somewhere around a dozen souls
Leadership: Elingold - Chief Administrator
Goals: To keep Edmund General in Grigg Heights open for patients day or night and to support any and all who fight the zombie hordes
Recruitment Policy: Simply join up if you are near Edmund in Griggs and want to help out
Contact: Elingold, Doc Smithsfieldsoner

Welcome to Edmund General Hospital

of North West Grigg Heights

Currently seeking musical acts and bands for the first annual Edmund General Hospital Benefit Concert Revival and Revue. The stage is set for the best of Malton to come and jam with the blues greats of Grigg Heights to help the infected and wounded in the war against the zombie horde. Dance with us at the Wakeford! Dates to be announced but coming soon!

Want to join us on stage? get in touch!

--Elingold 10:03, 16 October 2010 (BST)

This is not the end. Several years ago, the zombies entered our city. They came not as friends and equals, though we would gladly have welcomed them as such (had they not been so ugly), but as thieves and conquerors. They saw a city at peace and mistook the strength of our convictions for frailty of arms, the wisdom of compromise for the timidity of cowards. They attacked without provocation or mercy, slaying many of our citizens, terrorizing entire suburbs, and sacrificing hundreds of beings to appease their bloodlust. They believed we would be easily defeated, because they believed we would yield without a fight.

They were wrong.

We have fought at Grigg Heights, Starlingtown, Ruddlebank, EdgeCombe, and Molebank – we have fought them every leg of the way from the outer edges into the core of the city. We have lost untold numbers of loved ones, every one of us knows someone among them, and now we are battling in the heart of Edmund General United itself. We are still fighting. Soon, the enemy will be in our faces, in our homes, already they are roaming the dark underlayers of our city. To those able to evacuate and to those trapped behind, I say the same thing I would tell my friends – were I able to reach them behind enemy lines: Keep fighting. This is not the end. Numerous times already, EGU-led forces have decimated zombie hordes, and we enter each battle with better tactics. We have prevailed against ruthless enemies before. This is a war we know how to win. Keep fighting until you can fight no longer, then exhaust the enemy chasing you, and turn and fight some more. Keep fighting. I promise you, we will prevail.

Long live Edmund General United!!!

- shadowofhope

--Elingold 02:21, 30 March 2010 (BST)

We are Edmund General United, a small yet growing group of highly trained Medical professionals dedicated to providing valued healthcare and keeping our hospital open day and night for the citizens of Grigg Heights. If a zombie's gnawed on your toe or you're feeling a bit out of sorts after a Rotter bit you in the neck, come on in! We're here to help. We are based at Edmund General Hospital in the North West area of the suburb, and we also specialise in revivification through our very own revive point, Sherring Place, located one block south of the hospital at (1,52). Our ultimate goal is to unite the 4 Edmund General Hospitals of Malton (Grigg Heights, Shearbank, Peddlesden Village, and Judgewood) into one Group. So if you're based in any of these suburbs, and wish to help us, please visit our Forum [1] or contact Doc's talk page [2] and let us know.

We also have an official dedicated radio frequency of 27.30 MHz, so unless its an emergency, please keep off it!

Forum & Recruitment

--> Notice Board

  • We are seeking new Interns and other professionals to join us - please fill out an application

Known History

Edmund General Hospital was left abandoned by other survivors for reasons unknown, with only a DEM resource message left on the wall. Some young survivors took up residence, rebuilt the emergency room and restored power to the facility (a quite charming building made of brick in the Edwardian style so famous in Grigg Heights). Surprisingly, many of the plants in the front garden were still viable, and with some hard work Edmund General was again open to help those in need within the stricken city of Malton.

Things were going great. With the stalwart support of the Haddock Road Police Department Edmund General was healing many people, mentoring the newly risen to fight zombies, and training many young physicians in acute trauma care with the limited resources available.

Then .. it all ended. The LUE and Extinction completely removed all life from the North West of Malton. We fought and fought but could not win and all shambled away, walking dead seeking life again in suburbs where the folk still had breath. Scattered throughout the city we did our best to aid survivors to recover territory. With valiant efforts of the The Grove, Malton Rangers, and many, many others the North West was opened up again to breathers and once again Edmund General in Grigg Heights was opened up for business.


Edmund General Hospital
No comments


This phrase was spray painted on the wall during the original siege, when all seemed lost. It remains today as a reminder of those dark days. May they never come again.

But if they do, know we are ready and willing to fight for our fine hospital and for Malton.

But come they did...

For a period Edmund General enjoyed a brief renaissance of calm where many young medics and doctors honed their skills. The entrance and lobby festooned with paintings and sculpture rescued from local museums brightened the mood, and patients garnered prompt medical services without complaint. With the zombies seemingly pillaging elsewhere, North West Grigg Heights was safe.

Until ..

Until one fateful day. It was like any other day, as regular as a day could get in a zombie-infested city. Doctors and medics welcomed new patients into the hospital, giving them medical care and free lollipops. Patients left healed and refreshed, ready to start their adventures again.

Then, that all changed.

It started when the phones went silent. The constant beeping of cell phones suddenly ceased to be. Most assumed the generator powering the mast had simply run out, and some left the safety of the hospital to refuel it. Then communications with the Merson Buidling was lost. The survivors who went to refuel the generator returned, faces pale, baring only one word: "Zombies".

Reinforcement of the Edmund Building began. Windows were boarded shut, doors barricaded, and trenchcoats dumped outside. Every preparation possible was made to defend the building in case of attack, but many still hoped that the horde would be satisfied with the destruction of the Merson Building. It was all in vain.

The zombie hordes shambled north, leaving behind a trail of rubble and fresh corpses. They threw themselves upon the barricades of the Hospital, tearing them apart. The brave defenders repaired the damage done until they were too tired to stand. Then the barricades fell, and the zombies poured into the sacred halls of Edmund General Hospital.

A few survivors escaped across the rooftops of the building into safety, vowing to return one day. Some perished, bodies ripped apart by zombie hands and teeth.

The Diaspora had begun.

Zombies come, Zombies go... ...and that appeared to be just what had happened. Days later, scouting runs into the area showed few remaining zeds. The staff assumed they'd simply moved on, in search of fresh meat. The suburb was devastated, no doubt, but absent of any large hordes.

Edmund was cleared, 'caded and powered in short order. Several new members joined the staff in quick succession. Overtures were made to groups in the area, such as Techcom and the INO. But our old friends the Lebende Tote were also aware of our return, and had plans of their own.

For several days Edmund staff went about the business of re-equipping themselves, and even began to rebuild the surrounding area. One or two zeds tearing at the barricades like metronomes seemed a minor nuisance. Edmund's standing policy of maintaining low barricades began to work against them, however, as zeds began calling out to their nearby brothers, increasing their numbers. Staff and allies were throwing anything and everything into the barricades in a desperate attempt to keep the growing mob of slobbering undead at bay. Yet as fast as they built them, the zeds tore them down.

Ultimately, nearly everyone inside the building was killed. A few survived, vowing to "get the hell out of here!", but most fell under the stinking claws of the stinking zombies.

Fast forward... ...to the present: EDU is broken back, fled to the Four Corners, bereft of the human bonds that... bonded... us together better than ever! Where are you, Edmundians? Alas, Doc Smithsfieldsoner himself feels sorely responsible much, much better, having abandoned returned to his practice to commune with Ancient Spirits his Patients these past months. He locked himself away in the deepest, dankest levels of Malton's sewer system sorely regrets his absence, surviving on rats and their droppings, defecating in your drinking water, all the while attempting to call up such Minions of the Netherworld as might offer insight or guidance into a way out of the unholy mess that is Grigg Heights. Animals were sacrificed, much blood was spilled, untold quantities of rat droppings were ingested, yet finally, in the midst of his darkest hour, Doc's patience and foulness were rewarded. Now, armed with the but is happy to report that with his newfound Knowledge of the Damned Latest in Proctological Advances, Doc is back and ready to kick some ass. No pun intended.

(*Doc Smithsfieldsoner would like to assure both Staff and Patients of Edmund General Hospital that he has never, ever, supped on rat droppings, or indeed any droppings, unless you count that one time in college, but then who hasn't done something a little crazy in college, right?

(to be continued .. feel free to contribute! -- many of you were there! -e)

Mobile Clinical Services

Edmund General is dedicated to providing healing services to all within the area and will respond to combat areas with Mobile Clinical Services as we are able to do so.
EDU Surgeons give, and sometimes get, a helping hand.

Current Assignment: Renovation, First through Third Floors

Let us know where you are Notice Board. We can't promise we'll help, but we'll pray for you. Those of us who pray, at any rate, which honestly isn't many of us. We're mainly an agnostic bunch, with the odd Atheist or Mormon here and there. Still, every little bit helps, right?

Staff Roster

Active Members:

Inactive Members:

Surgical Tips and Recommended Inventory

Rocs says: "Be Prepared!"

We here at Edmund recognize that extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. With that in mind, here are a few helpful tips we've gathered to make your stay here (whether as Patient or Staff) as comfortable as possible:

  • Newspapers! We've all been throwing them away, right? Well, don't! They make great Christmas wrappers, and are equally suitable for stuffing gaping chest wounds. As an added benefit, the specialized inks used by the Malton Gazette contain antibacterial properties not found in other Malton publications.
  • In the event that you don't have access to a Mall Sporting Goods store, shoelaces can be used in place of sutures, i.e. Tennis Racket strings; either your own (acceptable), or those of the recently deceased (preferred).
  • Though wirecutters are discarded routinely by frustrated Maltonians, we at Edmund recognize their potential. From Dentistry to Proctology, these handy little gizmos have proven their worth time and time again.
  • A fencing foil has been used on more than one occasion, in lieu of the titanium rods preferred in the medical community, by Doctor Meddik, for joining large bones rent asunder by angry zeds. A Golf Club could likely serve in the same capacity, if you can find a Doctor willing to give his/hers up. Good luck with that.
  • When viewed through the reverse, binoculars make an acceptable microscope.
  • During a heavy siege medics should carry a Length of Pipe for use as a snorkel if the dead bodies become too deep. Also useful during emergency thoracostomies (use for chest tube).

While FAKs are obviously any physician's number one priority, they aren't the only tool in the arsenal. It's recommended that each member carry a mobile phone and a DNA Extractor.

Communication is essential. The Ashwin Building (3, 56) houses the phone mast in Grigg Heights. If you're passing by it, or through, take note of its status. While not our highest priority, it's nevertheless important to maintain power and EHB++ barricades at that location.

The DNA Extractor has proven its worth in the field, even for those uninterested in a career with NecroTech. It will give you the option to be selective in your targeting, observing which zeds are more powerful, and hence more dangerous. Why waste ammo and AP taking out that Level 3 zed wandering the streets when there's a Level 38 knocking at the door of the hospital?

Very important: Do Not Combat Revive, Ever! Revivification needles aren't weapons, don't use them as such. Save those needles for your comrades who may fall in battle, and will actually want to be revived. You may log in to a breached Edmund, with no weapons or FAKs, and the temptation to use that needle to drop a zed might be great, but resist! He will only stand right back up and wreak havoc, perhaps worse than before since now he'll have access to buildings via Free Running. Instead, use your AP to maintain the barricades, and once they're at VSB++ spend a few searching for FAKs. Don't use all your AP doing it, though. It's better to do nothing, but have the ability to react, than it is to be caught sleeping due to lack of AP. Check in often, instead, because you can be sure that's what the zeds will be doing. Does this make you a Meatshield? Possibly. Is it geared toward the survival of Edmund General and the Doc's who'll be working hard to heal and revive? Definitely.

What goes along with this, obviously, is the idea that the nearest NT Buildings are of greatest priority. Without ready access to needles, these policies are much less effective. For more on this subject, including alternatives, see Dam Tactics, River Tactics, Distributed Defense, and Anti siege strategy.

In The Lobby

Items of interest overheard in the lobby

  • "Grraaanhh? Zmbahr rwa brrhaannzzzz! Hr hr hr!"
  • ""very nice .. now go find somewhere else to ransack! shoo! shoo! zombies Shoo!""
  • "Who shit on my desk?"
  • "Harman grab mah banana manbag...harh harh harh harm harmanz"[Sticky Jones]
  • "Nam nam nam! Harman bra!nz!"[Grumio]

Edmund Lobby Magazine and Newspaper Rack:

(Please read while you wait)

Top News from the city of Malton
 B   B   C 
Column The End Of Forks, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
Column Santa Shot Down, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
Column A New Infestation, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
Column Protesters Protesting, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
News/Story the testimonial of the last man alive at the fall of fort creedy, Edited by Harvey Levin
News/Interview A short interview with Alpharius of the Gibsonton Nationals, By Les Nessman
News/Story The Day the Love Died...Wedding crashed in Brooke Hills, from the associated press
More news from the BBC


Here at Edmund we take pride in our work, be it a simple physical exam or a grueling 14-hour surgical odyssey into the innards of some poor, zombah-chewed soul. Please take the time to read some of these testimonials from a few of our patients, and feel free to add your own! --Doc Smithsfieldsoner

  • "You know, I'd have thought that broken-off zed foot was never coming outta my ass! But the Docs at Edmund had it extracted in no time at all." User preferred not to sign.
  • "Everyone likes to make fun of Proctologists till you've got a zombie foot up your ass. Then suddenly we're your best friends! Keep up the good work Doc Smithsfieldsoner and the rest there at Edmund. (P.S. your dues are two years in arrears) " -Ira J. Kodner, M.D. The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons
  • "The doctors there were great! Not only were they able to perform surgery on my gaping chest wounds, they were also able to fix my broken wristwatch! Thanks!" -Watchman
  • "The Totes can attest to Edmund's unoffical slogan 'We want your bowels moving'. Our super secret zombie spy, Mouth of the Totes, stopped by to grab a few FAKs. During Mouth's stay, Doc '3 Fingers' Smithsfieldsoner did (a) battery (of tests) on a sleeping Mouth's innards. Mouth exited Edmunds sore, but with a clean bill of health and a cleaner colon. Remember, get prostate tests early, get prostate tests often! (P.S. To receive payment, please stop by the Merson. Thank you.)" -Lebende Tote
  • "I didn't think I'd find a rhinoplasty in Malton - even though my insurance certificate is valid until September. So imagine my delight when the nice doctors at Edmund General offered to rearrange my face for free!" - Amanda J Hopkins.

Suburb Map

The Malton Suburb of Grigg Heights
Gilbey Street the Loveridge Arms the Wriford Museum Kitchingman Place Colmer Way Markess Bank St. Seraphim's Hospital the Ripley Building the Burtoft Arms the Shiplow Building
Haddock Road Police Department Edmund General Hospital the Bengefield Hotel Wrentmore Bank Grey Bank Abney Boulevard Forshaw Drive
a junkyard a carpark the Monks Arms
Besant Avenue Sherring Place
the Wakeford Motel Victor General Hospital the Linnett Museum Adam Plaza Dauncey Towers Lansdowne Crescent Shortman Lane McIlhargey Plaza
Moodborn Library Gilles Street Paillet Alley McGarth Plaza Redfern Boulevard Pople Street Tozer Place Rayment Row St. Julius's Hospital Cornelius General Hospital
Low Walk Leighton Way Ackerman Walk Waugh Road Haygarth Row Railway Station Campain Drive Mack Auto Repair Whish Walk the Watherston Hotel a factory
Club Whittem Kempe Auto Repair Ivins Towers the MacGilvray Hotel Brower Lane a carpark a carpark Bowers Boulevard School the Sankey Arms Murrey Square
a warehouse the Timmins Building the Mees Monument the Ashwin Building Sullivan Walk the Heneage Monument the Lane Monument the Estmond Museum the Crawshaw Building Cleverly Lane
Spry Road Police Department Woof Plaza School Viney Place Lees Boulevard Police Department a warehouse Veazey Plaza
Greatwood Road a warehouse a factory Spooner Lane
wasteland Higdon Crescent Falvey Boulevard Riddles Place
Blaxall Way Police Department a warehouse St. Wolfgang's Hospital Pye Street the Whitcombe Hotel Club Allerston
St. Laurence's Church Wigfield Avenue Club Whittard Upsdale Bank the Merson Building
the Langner Building the Maidment Building the Pincoffs Building Bastable Alley a carpark



The Abandoned Warriors

Those Dudes

Breach of Peace

Dunell Hills Police Department

Independent Nation of Owsleybank

Order of the Black Rose

West Malton University


Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Rangerlogouu4.jpg Malton Rangers
This User or group supports the Malton Rangers in their never ending quest to aide the fair citizens of Malton, pursue classiness to the utmost, and stop barhah in all areas it rears its ugly head
This organization supports the Random Revive Policy.
This organization supports the No Random Revive Policy.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.
Fine Arts1.jpg Fine Art of Malton Supporter
This user or group supports the Fine Art of Malton movement & acknowledges that all museums are PK ceasefire zones, heal points, and are to be a barricading priority.
WMU Emblem.png West Malton University
This group is a proud sponsor of the

West Malton University.

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