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Abbreviation None
Group Numbers On the rise
Leadership surfincow, Labatte, Creeping Crud, El Coo Cooi
Goals Make more zombies, Smash stuff, Eat brains, Have fun, Chaos
Recruitment Policy Open door policy for all Zombies
Contact undeadite@yahoo.com Forum

The Undeadites are an active group of zombies hell-bent on creating carnage. The Undeadites have encountered much success, slaughtering over 6100 survivors in the time that they have been lurching throughout Malton. You may find it difficult to locate the Undeadites as they are constantly searching for fresh brains, but you will know when they are near when you hear the bone-rattling chant of Rnrarrrh!

While they have decimated many survivor safe-houses, they still need more Zombies. Why not join and be able to watch the horde flourish through the blood and gore of harmanz? Plans are being drawn so that the Undeadites can create even more carnage than they have already. And as the horde grows, so does their lust for BRA!NZ.

Why Join?

The Undeadites are actively recruiting zombies NOW! We have an open door policy, anyone (who's dead or wants to be dead) can join. How do you join? Next time you are logged in, edit your profile and change your group to Undeadites. Why should you join? Because we are totally dedicated to the eradication of all survivors and to causing as much mayhem, chaos and destruction as possible. But in a fun, recreational way. We won't tell you to stand in empty buildings or patrol brainless suburbs, this is because we believe in a constant attacking rampage. Once you have joined, you're free to do whatever you want, but if you want to lead your own mob of Undeadites someday we will expect you to follow our directions sometimes. Where are we? We are on the Rampage and our position changes daily, contact us and we will try to pick you up.

How do you contact us? We have our own forum at http://s15.invisionfree.com/UnDeadite so feel free to drop by and introduce yourself. The horde is directed with targets and locations of fresh brains, all given out on the forum. So if you want to join, join the forum!

If you want to contact us but dont want to join, please email us at undeadite@yahoo.co.uk

Dead by dawn! BRA!NZ!!!

Survivors meet their fate at Undeadite claws.

Friends of the Undeadites

  • Pwotters - Always willing to lend a helping hand in our rampages.
  • RRF - A surprise meeting and a rampage through a mall.
  • /b/ - The Whatmore Building is quite a unifying force.
  • LUE - Wonderful allies at some severe Massacres including those at Fort Creedy and Treweeke Mall.

Enemies of the Undeadites

  • Certified=Insane: a traitor and spy who should be killed on sight.
  • Lockettside Valkyries: because hippie bra!nz need zambah lovin' too.
  • THEM: for stopping our horde for an extended period of time, and then being douchebags about it.

The Rampage


  • The Steamroller of Death, an annihilation technique never rivaled.
  • Aided in the annihilation of Yagoton.
  • Led the assault on Pegton, resulting in its destruction.
  • Crashed the C4NT Valentine's Day wedding, consuming the bra!nz of the bride, groom, and best man.
  • More than 6100 harmanz devoured!
  • Roaming Malton and devouring brainz since '05.

Current Location

We're currently located in Heytown - smashin' down barricades and draggin' hapless survivors out of their safehouses to fulfill their true purpose. Feeding fellow zeds!


2008 October

October has brought our most kills in a month since March! The poor Mad Craskers felt the pure destructive power of an Undeadites rampage... we ruined their HQ at least 3 times! In fact, all of Heytown probably quakes in fear at the call of "Rnrarrrh!": We annihilated their hospitals, police departments, and NecroTech buildings on a level similar to the Craskers' buildings.

Total October Kills: 332

Total October Ruins: 53

2008 September

Earletown. If this little burb was left a bloody mess after we were through venting our frustrations upon it, Rhodenbank never had a chance. It felt the full force of our first Make a Wish Tour.

The fall of Dulston meant that zambahz from the East were attacking just as we began our assault from the West. In a pincer move reminiscent of actual combat tactics - *gasp* - this NT rich environment meant that there would be nothing but total destruction left in our wake. This was foretold by the zambah prophet....
So it shall be eaten, so it shall be done.

After moving on, Pashenton fell to our gaping maws faster then even we could have expected. Are the harmanz here even aware that we exist? One couldn't tell as they stared cow-eyed and confused at our presence....pathetic.

Gibsonton is now ripe for the taking, so let's take it....Rnrarrrh!

Total September Kills: 240

Total September Ruins: 70

2008 August

Ah, a new month....
On the surface Chancelwood seemed like a nice sleepy little burb to rampage into. The deserted stadium and crumbling mansion were inviting targets for our hungry mouths.
We did however develop a problem with THEM - who have been hold up in the Haslock Building for many moons - and they defended their territory fiercely.

For three weeks they repelled our attacks on St Louis's Hospital, and other local safehouses until we were eventually forced to move on.

Well played, but we shall return and make THEM beg for mercy!....Rnrarrrh!!!

Total August Kills: 162

Total August Ruins: 99

2008 July

The half-hearted defense of Stickling Mall is over, and it's defenders have melted way - in our stomachs. Led by an attack from the LUE, the mall now lies in ruins....Rnrarrrh!!!

We move into Millen Hills where the harmanz have been broadcasting on our frequency for months. We then show them that the Undeadites protect what is ours, and will eat what is theirs!.... *burp*

Total July Kills: 214

Total July Ruins: 114

2008 June

Ah, the smell of Summer bra!nz.... Nichols Mall fell under the rotting weight of hundreds of corpses as the dead swarmed over the hapless harmanz, leaving none alive. It was glorious...and delicious!

After the hordes had bathed in their blood, the Undeadites struck off to the West. Soon Galbraith Hills came into view. With it, a tour of the various museums to bone up on the juicy history of our food was undertaken, as well as to enjoy a quick bite of the staff.

Next, Barrville. With most of the RRF off to the South, some harmanz thought that they could sneak back in here and rebuild....Ridiculous! We soon cleaned house, and school, and hospital, and church......

Now some of those who can speak say that Roachtown is aptly named. As a low rent slum, this suburb has many inhabitants that resemble its namesake. They clamber over its ruined walls and into its filthy apartments, and eat garbage they claim is food. As we begin to consume them one by one, they become the garbage....
The irony is sweet.

Total June Kills: 213

Total June Ruins: 80

2008 May

The beginning of May found the Undeadites shambling East with The Dead. This temporary alliance brought total death and ruin to all harman safehouses and strongpoints in the entire South-East of Malton.
This culminated with our attention being turned to Fort Perryn, which fell into our not-so-tender embraces in short order. The few remaining survivors were seen fleeing to the North, and we were all hot on their heels.

Osmondville and Vinetown could do nothing to stop us. Blood ran in the streets as zambahz gorged on bra!nz. An attack on Fort Creedy seemed imminent.
But then, we heard a distant but familiar groan from the West. Leaving Fort Creedy and Giddings Mall to their fate, we struck off towards the call for aid from our brahzaz in the RRF.

Stanbury Village is chock full of feisty bra!nz, and after the fall of the Went Building morale is high.
Nichols Mall must be crushed!... GAG AHN AHR ZGANGAH AZZ HARMANZ!!!

Total May Kills: 273

Total May Ruins: 54

2008 April

This month heralded the end of the BB2, but not the end of our hunger.
The north of Malton has been consumed and it was yummy....the sweet odor of death is spreading everywhere. Now, the sounds of battle draw us further south. We rampage through Galbraith Hills, Tapton, and Dartside.
Finally we enter Buttonville. Buckley Mall is part of a large harman infestation in the south of the city. The dwindling number of meatbag strongholds is concentrating their numbers, and a good battle was expected to be had here.
But we were too strong and too many.... Now the mall is an abattoir of glorious carnage after the combined forces of multiple hordes finish the last of the bra!ncake. BARHAH!!!


Brainz.gif The Second Big Bash!
This User or Group is a member of The Second Big Bash, and will be coming to your neighborhood soon! Please have lots of fresh brains ready when they arrive with all their friends.

We will miss you. *sniff*

Total April Kills: 267

Total April Ruins: 71

2008 March

After Ackland Mall is destroyed, the harmanz flee south. Of course, where the bra!nz go we will always follow.
We give chase in a zig zag pattern, laying on them the "Orgy of Death and Ruin" smack-down throughout Lerwill Heights, Shore Hills, North Blythville, and Brooksville.
Eventually the harmanz are left with nowhere else to run but into Marven Mall in South Blythville. This quickly becomes their tomb when the hordes hot on their heels meet up with The Dead and lay seige to them there. With blood running in the streets, much bra!n pie and square dancing was to be had in the mall's ruins.
You are running out of places to flee to harmanz!!!....Mwhahahaha!!!

Total March Kills: 365

Total March Ruins: 81

2008 February

Brooke Hills was such a nice, quiet little backwater - until we arrived. Now it is awash with blood and gore and the surviving harmanz have been seen screaming in terror and running for their lives! Come back with our bra!nz meatbags!
We chase their sorry asses into St Luke's Cathedral, where over a three night period the worshippers praying for their lives are ruthlessly slaughtered, their pews destroyed, and the altar defiled.... Rnrarrrh!!!

Located in the nearby junkyard, the HQ of /zom/ is quickly destroyed - and their XP Orgy Plan in the the Fifield Motel ruined. We will not be used for target practice by trenchcoaters!....BARHAH!!!

We lurched around the NE of Shearbank for a couple of days ruining the Nurton Walk Fire Station, the Hawksley Building and a few others. Then the few remaining bra!n cells that were somehow still working reminded us that a special event in St. Luke's was drawing near. C4NT was having a wedding on Valentine's Day....and the Undeadites object!

Bulldog C6 said "NoooooOOOoooo!!! Bryn my love! *cradles her lifeless form* I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!! 
BY GOD I'LL KILL YOU ALL *kisses her cheek and lays her down slowly and stands up* OK. who wants some?!" 
PsychoPhil said "NOG!! NOG!! NOG!! NOG!! NOG!! NOG!! NOG!!" 
Bulldog C6 repaired the radio transmitter. 
Bulldog C6 said "WHY?! Why am i cursed to lose my love on Valentine's Day?! *Kisses Bryn's corpse on
the forehead* WHY?! WHY!"  
a child is here said "**Cries into his hanky** I'm never gonna join the Undeadites, 'cuz they don't
believe in Wuv!"
steug destroyed the radio transmitter.
steug said "You're all clear kids! Now let's blow this thing and go home! Barhah!"
A zombie ( Xom B ) ruined the building.

The wedding party was delicious....Rnrarrrh!!!

The end is nigh for Stickling Mall. The ruin was achieved by Creeping Crud and surfincow. Rnrarrrh!

Fresh from our feast at Stickling, the Undeadites once again break away from the BB2 and shamble off to the SW with an evil grin on our rotting faces.
We decend upon Richmond Hills and take the harmanz by surprise. Many safehouses are cracked open, and their juicy contents devoured.

After a few days, the sound of screams and gunfire draw us further SW into Havercroft - right into the middle of a MOB seige of Ackland Mall. After first ruining the surrounding support buildings, we hit the mall in force.
Following our initial breakin, the next night the Undeadites crack open the SW corner and form a beachhead - which we were able to keep open for more than an hour. This boded well, as the next assault by the MOB on the NW was able to overrun the now exhausted defenders, and in less than a day more than 200 zambahz were having a bra!ncake party in the food court....Barhah!!!

Total February Kills: 391

Total February Ruins: 92

2008 January

The New Year started out as a blood bath when Fort Creedy fell in less than three days. All the trenchcoaters in Malton could not stop the BB2 there, and they never will!

After ruining the Farmer Building, we lurched North to attack the main defenses of Pitneybank at the Morrish Building and Giddings Mall. The harmanz were ready for us.
For more than two weeks we have tried to zmazh their safehouses and eat their brainz. But many venerable survivor groups have gathered in the area, and they are holding us at bay with their well organized defense.

During sway-time between our attacks on Morrish and Giddings, we decide to take a break from the BB2, fire up the 'ole Steamroller of Death, and lurch westward.
Our buzzsaw of teeth and claws rips across Peppardville and Pimbank, until we enter Ridleybank to make a cranial withdrawal at the Blackmore Building. Their bra!nz were bland however....with a hint of wuss.

Strange sounds from the NW attract us to Ketchelbank, where we discover that the zookeepers have been hoarding their bra!nz to themselves. After some not so gentle persuasion, we convince them to share. The Steamroller of Death crushes all....

Total January Kills: 189

Total January Ruins: 64

know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 28.05 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: Malton

Rnrarrrhdio 28.05

Undeadite Group Portrait

By surfincow