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Revision as of 00:34, 1 October 2009 by Ryan Rocksmith (talk | contribs) (Adding Latest EMR)
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Suburb of Eastonwood
Gatcombeton Shuttlebank Yagoton
Darvall Heights Eastonwood Brooke Hills
East Becktown Richmond Hills Ketchelbank
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Eastonwood's location in Malton

Resource buildings in Eastonwood

Latest EMR:
z: 0~i: ***
p: BAug 11

Update EMR

Phone Mast: (34,25)

The Hosken Building


Update Mast

Known groups in this suburb:
— Survivor Groups —
— Zombie Groups —
— Hostile Groups —
  • Only freelance killers...
— Historic Groups —

Key buildings in Eastonwood:

Malls: None
NecroTech Buildings: 6

(30,22) (33,23) (34,24) (35,26) (37,20) (37,22)

Police Departments: 2
Hospitals: 4
Fire Stations: 6
Bulletin Boards: unknown
Others: 41
Suburb Number: 24

Eastonwood (also known as !zanbah) is a suburb of Malton, located in the north of the city. It is one of the suburbs with a traditionally high and active zombie population. Also, the suburb of Eastonwood, along with Molebank, is the only suburb that has six NecroTechs within it.

Resource Buildings

Fire Stations


NecroTech Facilities

Police Departments


  • None

Bulletin Boards

Revive Points

Eastonwood Information Resources


The Eastonwood Building Information Center contains status reports and updates on key buildings in the suburb.

View zombie activity and locations in Eastonwood from External Military Reports and NecroWatch.

Recent News

Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.

September 2009

September 29th

25.96 MHz: "... maybe fifty in Eastonwood ... they're just wandering around ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... power's on at the Cheeke Building ... the Nettleton Building has fallen - repeat, the Nettleton Building has fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 01:34, 1 October 2009 (BST)

Eastonwood has suffered some serious damage. St. Simon's Hospital, the Nettleton Building, the Tryme Building, Pooll Crescent Police Department, and the Harold Building are all ruined. Other locales appear to have been recently repaired, but I spotted no powered buildings on my run-through of the suburb. --Vilien 20:04, 29 September 2009 (BST)

September 27th

Moved Eastonwood back up to moderately dangerous due to an increasing number of break-ins and zombie activity. --Vilien 20:32, 27 September 2009 (BST)

September 25th

Pooll Crescent Police Department has been breached and ruined, I've heard news of other ruinings but haven't confirmed them visually. --Vilien 20:00, 25 September 2009 (BST)

September 21st

Buildings in the center of Eastonwood remain powered and barricaded. Pooll Crescent Police Department, the Hosken Building, the Nettleton Building, and the Harold Building are all powered. --Vilien 20:05, 21 September 2009 (BST)

September 19th

25.96 MHz: "... minimal activity in Eastonwood ... lights are on across the suburb ... only a few buildings damaged though ... lights are on in the Tryme Building ..." ~Dr Frank (t) (DF) [P] (Sb) 13:49, 19 September 2009 (BST)

Downgrading suburb danger level to Moderately Dangerous. If all the buildings are repaired, it will clearly be safe. -- Kittithaj 23:53, 19 September 2009 (BST)

September 16th

Despite a break-in, Pooll Crescent Police Department remains barricaded and powered. Elers Auto Repair and the Hosken building are barricaded and powered as well. The hospitals in the Northwest are barricaded, but not currently powered. --Vilien 20:32, 16 September 2009 (BST)

September 13th

The center of Eastonwood remains relatively safe. The Harold Building is barricaded, the Nettleton Building is barricaded and powered, as is the Hosken Building. Pooll Crescent Police Department is barricaded and powered.

Note: Over barricading has become more and more of a problem in Eastonwood. The barricade plan is simple and easy to follow. Do not barricade resource buildings about Very Strongly Barricaded. You are killing new players, and you know who you are. Stop doing it. --Vilien 19:09, 13 September 2009 (BST)

September 10th

The Harold Building has been ruined and extremely heavily barricaded, it will require significant work to retake. Pooll Crescent Police Department is no longer powered. The Hosken Building, the Nettleton Building, and Elers Auto Repair are all powered and barricaded. --Vilien 20:02, 10 September 2009 (BST)

September 7th

Most of Eastonwood proper is safe and barricaded. Pooll Crescent Police Department and the Harold Building are both powered. --Vilien 22:52, 7 September 2009 (BST)

September 2nd

Pooll Crescent Police Department is up and powered, as are the Hosken Building, the Nettleton Building, and the hospitals in the Northwest. --Vilien 17:40, 2 September 2009 (BST)

Eastonwood History

Eastonwood has been a highly contested suburb since the beginning of the outbreak. It was the traditional home of the Warseers order and in its day many of the most prominent buildings served them as headquarters with the Oakes Arms being the most recent one before the order eventually scattered in mid 2007. It also has been a popular hideout for the neo-luddite movement of the Degenerates who supposedly migrated into the underground of Maltons sewers never to be heard from again. In January 2006 the DEM groups MFD and MPD moved into the suburb and instated several officials with the task to maintain order and secure the area against zombie attacks their HQ was Timewell Drive Police Department. Gangsta Business, the local organized crime has re-emerged half a year after the outbreaks to fight a fierce gang war against the Warseers which apparently broke out because of a significant contradictoriness of their territorial claims, both groups have since disappeared. Eastonwood houses the extraordinary amount of six of the NecroTech laboratories and has had seen many revivification specialists, corporate and freelance, such as "the Sewer Rat Healers", the ICH Team, the PMS Clan, TechCom as well as the NNRC and nearly all of DEM suborganizations. Eastonwood also is well known as the original hunting ground (and birthplace?) of the most dreaded serial killer William Lucas, better known as Pathetic Bill. Since February ’06 the Eastonwood Ferals besieged safe locations on a daily basis and in due time have come to claim Eastonwood as their own. They made Pooll Crescent Police Department the heart of their Zombiefied Republic of !zanbah and have now since mid 2006 reigned the suburb as the domminant force. From 2008 the complete control of EF forces was uncontested. DEM forces, aided by nearby situated groups, still attempted to establish at least temporary safe houses but the EF dominance of their homeland prevailed despite all odds. Eastonwood was a dangerous place for survivors due to high zombie activity and organization among the undead. However, in September of 2008 the Eastonwood Ferals disbanded and left the suburb, once again releasing it to all.


First Unrest October 12. ’05 Compared to prior, smaller hordes with the attacks of the Church of the Resurrection in the area, at this time held by the Warseers Order and the "Peoples Liberation Front of Eastonwood" (which vanished soon afterwards), for the first time a large horde raids Eastonwood with their numbers ranging from 50- 60. Several buildings fell to their aggression but remaining zombies were soon driven out of the suburb as the hordes main host moved on.
a period of peace After the October-Attacks, Eastonwood entered a period of enhanced human activity. NT’s set up their equipment near the old laboratories and the emergency management gathered their remaining strength as well as deployed new forces.
  • Evans Row Fire Station was re-opened first and declared the command station for Eastonwood. All Firefighters were requested to report to MFD Command for duty as soon as possible there.
  • The MPD deployed a presence to the suburb soon afterwards further securing living conditions for survivors and organize defences according to the Uniform Barricading Policy
  • The PMS Clan rogue necro-technicians established a revive facility at St. Chad's Church. (nowadays even though the Clan has disappeared NT's working in accordance with the SGP maintain the facilities to some extend.)
the RRF excursion With the Gingerbread Men incident in early January the mightiest of Maltons zombie hordes the RRF lashed out from their motherland in the middle of the city and their aggression manifested in the destruction of all surrounding locations. Parts of the great horde spend more than a week in Eastonwood causing great destruction. Most of the resident survivors sought shelter in the human stronghold Caiger Mall till the storm was over.
the second period of peace In early February, with the All authorities as well as the Warseers spending their efforts in rebuilding the suburb the neo-luddite movement the Degenerates appear, destroying generators and barricades within the area. Resident survivors begin to hunt them down.
the arrival of the EF In mid February the EF a fraction of the great zombie Mall Tour '06 fail in crossing the suburb to participate in the great siege of the original tour and become a resident horde instead, drawing their ranks from the dwindling feral populace of Eastonwoods undead.
a shadow emerging The serial Killer Pathetic Bill arrives at some point in this second period of peace, starting to murder randomly without prejudice. The early efforts to end his spree however seemingly poised him to specifically hit organized survivor groups such as DEM and Warseers affiliates.
Gangsta Business On Valentines Day, the Gangsta Business reacted to hostilities from the Warseers by murdering six of their members. The incident is widely known to be the starting point of the ongoing gang war between both groups.
the days of the dead In April the increased power of the EF combined with the movement of great hordes, such as the Shining Ones moving out of Dunell Hills plunged the suburb into destruction yet again. But the excessive movement of the more and more mobile zombie hosts as well as the ferociousness of the EF prevent survivors from repeating their success in rebuilding the areas infrastructure and survivors remain weakened.
the competition April 26. The Godfather of Eastonwood staged a contest between the Gangsta Business Clan and Pathetic Bill which of the two would kill more of the Warseers. On this day, PB proved to be the better by killing 13 Warseers while GB only managed to kill 7 This was a dark day in Warseers history; 20 fell in 23 hours. This competition seems to mark the zenith of the Gangsta Business-Warseers gang war and GB claimed that due to a growing discontent with Warseers methods of ruling in Eastonwood as warlords backed by the authorities, who needed any help they could, resistance against them organized. Warseers reacted by requesting assistance from surrounding paramilitary groupings, i.e. The Shuttlebank Militia, and others, like The Malton Zookeepers, as well as mobilizing several auxiliary groups such as the "three Stooges" NT's, or the "Sewer Rat Healers" and "Salvar Chemdogs", to aid their cause.
new players in Eastonwood In May it becomes apparent that compared to the former loosely organized survivors of Eastonwood, those seeking shelter in this troubled region needed to be an organized hardcore of groups and regardless of survivor numbers dwindling the number of organized groups increased.
  • The The Malton Red Berzerk Militia Brigade a widespread bond of punks and lowlifes who have their routs in the pre-outbreak club and party culture of Malton claimed some extend of control over Eastonwoods Clubs.
  • TechCom, a cooperation that emerged as an alterative to the NT revivification technology established their business near Garret Row in the south of the suburb.
new fire In June the hostilities between Warseers and Gangsta Business that has cooled down over the month, broke out anew as GB thugs destroyed the WS controlled Oakes Arms and killed several guests of a WS ceremony.
the tempest Mid July Eastonwood Ferals aided by the Big Bash and a horde of raiders that was bound to Caiger accomplished for the time being a total destruction of Eastonwood which can not be compared with any grade of prior destruction. The resident survivor groups operating largely from exile and prepare to stage a take back and those who have been left behind hide within the few un-breached locations in groups of one to three.
intermission, new hostilities Mid august 2 members of the order of WarSeers killed two of the The Malton Red Berzerk Militia Brigade ranks, supposedly because of their treaty with Gangsta Business, which is still at war with the order. As a result 4 WarSeers were killed and one injured by the MRBMB in the following day after an ultimatum announced by the MRBMB had expired. The incident nearly spiralled in yet another fierce gang war, but was eventually resolved via diplomatic talks between officials of both groups as well as the influence of DEM mediators from the "'Wood Crew". MRBMB does however reserve their right to punish those responsible for the initial attacks and it is possible that some of the Warseer victims who where shot in revenge harbour the same desire for their attackers.
the great alliance In the times that followed the Sun Organization and the "‘Wood Crew" allied in the Eastonwood Confederation to deal with the ever strengthening power of the EF. Soon the other factions of Eastonwood joined into a giant alliance thus battling against the zombie controlled areas. Major schisms in the Warseers doctrine lead to the separation of two ways, the Retro- and the Neo-Warseers and while the latter made peace with all their former human enemies in favour of the confederate efforts the former still hold tight to their territorial ways and feuds. In the two month that follows neither group could advance positions even though both EC, in the form of DHPD and CMS allies, and EF, in form of combat groups from the RRF brought in fresh troops.
the fall of Caiger In late October however with the rise of Shacknews and the northbound Big Bash a steady stream of Zombies heading for Darvall Heights upsets the delicate balance between the enemies of Eastonwood. With more and more feral activity the EF could afford to send troops on expeditions preparing the grounds for invasion. During the war efforts of the EF in the latest siege of Caiger, brave EC operatives can heavily barricade much of Eastonwood. Sadly the fixation of their fellow survivors on Caiger Mall and the Blackmore Building costs them dearly, as there aren’t enough forces prepared to actually secure what they gained. With the fall of Caiger on November the 10th and the backflow of zombies as well as the return of the EF main host most of what they achieved got washed away, up to the extend that the EF declares victory in their first war against the EC. However Neo-Warseers "freedomfighters" continue to strike back as hard as they can but, since Caiger’s fall, up till now unsupported by the other allied forces.
Undead Dominion Ever since the utter destruction of Caiger the dominance of EF forces over the suburb has gradually increased. Over the course of the following year no great alliances tried to establish themselves in the 'wood and survivor activity eventually faded. With the disbanding of some of the resident groups and the disappearance of others like the Warseers into inactivity remaining groups had to draw consequences and thus in early 2008 even the last resident survivor-group had to take down their names from the suburb page, acknowledging the dominance of the EF over their chosen home. Apart from minor interventions the suburb has fallen into Decay with very little and usually either good prepared or tragically unsuccessful transit happening on the free running routes. The time of complete zombie control has reached in these dangerous times a new height of desolation and despair for the weary traveller.

Eastonwood Tourist's Guide

Want to know what to do in Eastonwood? Visit the Tourist's Guide for information on things like sights, accommodations, public services and more.


Throughout the suburb several spray-paints and signposts indicate activities sponsored by the resident groups.

ZRO! wants you!
The Zombiefied Republic of !zanbah proudly invites you, comrade, to join their ever growing ranks and become a citizen of a better, and deader, society.

Join the fight for freedom against the breaherist oppression. Be a hero, be Barhah.

Enlist in the fight for freedom now, at every location held by the Eastonwood Ferals

Barricade plan

Moved to Eastonwood Barricade Plan.

Suburb Map

The Malton Suburb of Eastonwood
Pauley Bank Shippard Place St. Chad's Church
a cemetery
a warehouse Coplestone Bank the Butterell Arms the Coutts Building Holman Library a carpark
Roadnight Walk the Pears Building Troman Lane St. Simon's Hospital
St. Anselm's Hospital Brabner Row School
Attrell Road Fire Station
Norvell Avenue Railway Station the Lewarn Arms the Fortt Monument
the Stonnard Building Yeatman Bank Wyles Bank Coley Towers a carpark wasteland Rutt Square Fire Station the Cheeke Building the Knyps Monument Hayes Place Railway Station
the Oakes Arms Goodhall Avenue
Club Burningham the Tryme Building a warehouse Elers Auto Repair the Furlonger Building the Broadfoot Building Symmons Towers Luellin Lane Fire Station
Club Vagg a carpark Darke Walk Evans Row Fire Station
the Nettleton Building Postlethwaite Drive Hugo Walk Chidley Drive Battersby Road the Stoy Building
Hacker Way St. Antheros's Church
a carpark the Ellicott Building the Hosken Building Pooll Crescent Police Department
Cottrell Alley the Whaits Hotel the Dukes Hotel
Felix General Hospital
a cemetery
a factory the Sankey Monument Masey Drive the Harold Building Matcham Walk a factory Club Poulter Timewell Drive Police Department
the Corrie Building a factory Courtney Lane Fire Station
Thickett Plaza Fire Station Bissell Walk Sleeman Towers the Dalzell Building the Surrage Building Budmead Way wasteland
the Mart Motel the Strang Monument the Fysh Monument the Drayton Building Back Bank Stitson Library Pattin Place wasteland the Gunson Building Vasey Lane
Rooke Bank Garret Row
Popham Place Sherwell Place Booth Row the Mahagan Building Besley Lane Patriarch General Hospital
Warry Road Hardy Street