Malton Forensics Unit

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Malton Forensics Unit
New mfu.jpg
Abbreviation: MFU
Group Numbers: 51, about 20 on leave
Leadership: MFU Command
Goals: To bring order and life.
Recruitment Policy: No active PK record, must have NT Employment or Diagnosis.
Contact: Join!

The Malton Forensics Unit is a core group of the Department of Emergency Management, which has over 300 active members. Historically dedicated to assisting the MPD in protecting the citizens of Malton through crime scene investigation and handling of forensic evidence, the MFU has been largely repurposed to reviving the undead, as well as curing the infected, tracking zombie movements, and fulfilling its traditional function of forensic science.

Membership in the Malton Forensics Unit is not restricted to scientist-class characters. Civilians and military revivers may apply if they have the starting skill for either of the scientist classes (i.e. NecroTech Employment or Diagnosis).

The TinyURL for this page is
The for this page is

Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)

Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)

What We Do

The Malton Forensics Unit is a group dedicated to the support and survival of the defenders of Malton. While we see the need to sometimes use force on those that embrace their zombie state, our primary aim is to revive slain survivors and bring them back to the world of the living.

Members of the MFU usually work out of NT buildings or nearby safe houses, where the supplies they need to work are available. Their primary task is to provide revives and manage revivification points, other duties include DNA-scanning zombies and of course making regular reports on the activities in their area, including NecroNet printouts when available.

All new members receive rigorous survival and tactics training at The Academy before being assigned to regular work.

Goals and Guidelines

To achieve these short- and long-term goals, the Malton Forensics Unit has set forward the following guidelines for units in the field:

  • Support each other and your fellow survivors.
  • Scout and report horde sightings and activity with situation reports.
  • Check for breaches in safehouses and TRPs in your area, particularly NecroTech buildings.
  • Adjust barricades according to the the appropriate barricade plan.
  • Respect Sacred Ground: We support the Sacred Ground Policy, and members must consider cemeteries functional RPs. While priority is given to those that have placed a revive request, zombies at these locations should not be attacked except in extraordinary circumstances.
  • Tag buildings with useful information (barricade level, location of closest revive point, etc.).
  • Community service announcements: Let your fellow survivors know of dangerous conditions, horde sightings, etc. Educate less-experienced survivors, and direct them to entry points and functional TRPs.
  • Recruit, try not to be shy. Let people know you are with the Malton Forensics Unit. Encourage fellow revivers to join, provide the URL of this page. The more personnel the MFU has at its disposal, the more good we can do for the survivor cause!
  • Maintain the wiki, especially the List of Revivification Points.
  • Work with your community and assist any local groups and freelancers whose goals are congruent with DEM goals and policies. As a city-wide organization, we have the opportunity to help bring like-minded groups together on large-scale projects. Working as a team, we can accomplish great things.

Joining the MFU

In order to join the Malton Forensics Unit:

To apply, post on the Join MFU thread. Be sure to include a link to your profile and current location, please.

Click here to join the MFU.

MFU Core Curriculum

MFU recruits are expected to master basic trainee skills during their time at The Academy. New graduates should make acquisition of the advanced skills a priority after receiving their first assignment. Recruits who enter the Academy already in possession of all the trainee skills must only attend campus for one week or until they have demonstrated mastery of DEM policies and protocols.


Trainee Skills (required for graduation): NecroTech Employment, Free Running, Lab Experience, Diagnosis

Advanced Skills: Construction, First Aid, NecroNet Access, Body Building, Shopping

Cadets are encouraged to discuss questions about their skills, training, and priorities with their instructor staff.


Organizational chart of the MFU command structure

Detailed information on the MFU chain of command and current staffing can be found here.

MFU Command

  • 1 Chief of Forensics - Sets general MFU policies, responsible for city-wide operations.
  • 4 Head Coroners - Each responsible for organization, staffing, and command of a division, composed of 5 districts.
  • Coroners - Each responsible for organization and command of a district, composed of 5 suburbs.

MFU Officers

  • Pathologists - Supervise and direct a suburb or team, may assign Toxicologists to oversee operations at NecroTech buildings, revivification points, or similar locations.
  • Toxicologists - Senior to Lab Technicians; may be assigned temporary command of a suburb or team, or may be assigned to oversee complex operations at a particular revive point, NecroTech building, or similar location.

Pathologists are granted a fair amount of latitude in how they organize their suburb and keep their crews motivated, as long as they are working in accordance with DEM and MFU guidelines and respond to directives from their Coroner and/or Head Coroner.

MFU Membership

  • Lab Technicians - Entry-level MFU members.
  • Researchers - Retired command staff that remains semi-active.

Supported Policies

  • The Uniform Barricade Policy (UBP) is designed to provide as secure a barricade plan as possible that still leaves resource buildings and sufficient safe shelters accessible for less experienced survivors and provides a wide range of entryways for those with Free Running.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.

  • Pay It Forward: Encourage survivors who get a revive to give a revive.
Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward Supporter
This User or Group Pays It Forward.
Get a revive, give a revive.
  • RESCUE: Where possible, churches should be considered as indoor RPs, removing the need to step outside and back inside to perform revivification.
Church.png Rescue
The Malton Forensics Unit thinks that adding 1 AP to the revive cycle is pointless.

Syringe.jpg No Random Revives Supporter
This User or Group supports the No Random Revive Policy by utilizing Revivification Request tools.

  • River Tactics are a broad range of strategies which seek to gain an advantage over zombie horde and mega-horde incursions through flexibility, redirection and avoidance. Borrowing heavily from concepts cultivated in Aikido, River Tactics do not directly conflict with the thrust of enemy strikes, instead exploiting the voids for survivor advantage.
River.gif River Tactics Supporter
This User or Group supports River Tactics.

Mpd.png PK Reporting
The Malton Forensics Unit supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.

Sister Groups and Affiliations

We support our DEM sister groups with complementary skills.

Being a core group of the DEM, the MFU is affiliated with all groups that are affiliated or allied with the Department of Emergency Management.

WIki Resources

MFU staff, you can show your support by adding the MFU member template to your user page. This also adds you to the wiki category of MFU members. Put the following on your user page, replacing the italic part:

{{MFU Member|Name=YourNameHere}}

Other wiki resources include CoC information, a recruitment template, MFU ribbons for members to add to their user pages, multiple images and icons, and of course the various DEM pages.

DEM Badge.jpg Department of Emergency Management DEM Badge.jpg

DEM Recruitment | The Academy | Contact Information
Malton Fire Department CoC | Malton Police Department CoC | Malton Forensics Unit CoC
Malton Marshals | Malton Civil Defense Unit

Strategic Partners: Black Berets | FANNY | Fortress | Knights Templar | U.S. ARMY INFANTRY

UBP | Sacred Ground Policy | Pay It Forward | RESCUE | River Tactics | No Random Revives

Request a revive | DIAL 112 (contact the DEM) | Join the DEM Contact the DEM on Discord