Annus Horribilis/WH
At specific times, official members of Annus Horribilis will be told specific buildings to attack throughout Wyke Hills, and will all attack together. If you would like to know when and where to find these barricade-free buildings, the process is simple.
- Add Annus Horribilis as your group - Do this using the settings page. This makes you a member only according to the game, and there is no need to contact us. If you want to be an official member and help plan and orchestrate the actual opening of targets, see talk page.
- Ask us - There's no telling when we'll hit something. Unless we tell you.
- Harm zah harmanz! - Go to the target building and feast upon the delicious and easily available flesh of your foes.
Remember that attacks more than a few days from now may be rescheduled to enable better attendance among official members.
Territorial Claims
The darker the color, the more likely we will attack a particular building. Note that this map assumes that Buckley Mall is impenetrable, and thus the value of a resource building lies not in the importance of what it provides, but rather how much harder it would be to find it's products in a Mall.
Status of Tactical Resource Points
Note that these may be out of date. Don't count on a building being open if the timestamp is more than a few days old.
The Wicksted Building "Still an active rot revive clinic." —Jenkem (talk) 01:37, 3 March 2024 (UTC) |
The Needs Building It's typical for buildings in Wyke Hills to be safe. Many even have lights on. |
The Lodder Building It's typical for buildings in Wyke Hills to be safe. Many even have lights on. |
The Craigie Building |
Screech Lane Police Department It's typical for buildings in Wyke Hills to be safe. Many even have lights on. |
Cockayne Grove Police Department EHB, unlit |
Ephrem General Hospital It's typical for buildings in Wyke Hills to be safe. Many even have lights on. |
Julie General Hospital It's typical for buildings in Wyke Hills to be safe. Many even have lights on. |
Factory 56,98 It's typical for buildings in Wyke Hills to be safe. Many even have lights on. |
Factory 55,92 EHB, unlit |
Shepherd Auto Repair It's typical for buildings in Wyke Hills to be safe. Many even have lights on. |
Ackland Auto Repair It's typical for buildings in Wyke Hills to be safe. Many even have lights on. |
Marston Auto Repair No data since 2020. |
Buckley Mall 2 corners ruined, only small zombie presence |