LUE/News Archive

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This page documents the historical campaigns of the zombie horde LUE.

LollapaLUEza 2007

During the summer of 2007, Vito Mortis suggested the message board LUE start its own zombie horde. LollapaLUEza can be described as "Ackland to Ackland", a time when LUE had a over three hundred members active at a time, sometimes approaching four hundred, and steamrolled every mall it came across in a time measured in hours, not days. With the exception of the first Ackland battle when LUE was primarily composed of level one zombies, LUE was never once repelled from a quadrant once it got inside a mall.

This era came to an end with the siren's call of college and The Schism.

Notable events during this time include:

June 2007

June 19, 2007
Someone proposed a LUE zombie horde. In less than 24 hours, we have the gang you see in the stats. Yeah, we move quick. And we're coming to your neighborhood.

June 20, 2007
We're a zombie band, yeah we're a zombie band, we're coming to your town, we're gonna chow down, we're a zombie band...
The LUEsers are moving. The target has been selected. Where? You'll know by the stench. ... Wait ... The bodies. Not us.
... OK, us too ...--Vito Mortis

June 21, 2007
Today our horde breached our first target for the first time. "Mostly low levels," you say? Maybe so. There's 50 of us inside. Oh, and the rest of the horde'll be here in a day or two.

Where is this, you ask? Well, that's still a mystery, eh?

(OK, the cat's outta the bag - LUEsers! Tonight, we dine in ACKLAND!)--Vito Mortis

June 22, 2007
There are currently 85+ zombies inside one corner of Ackland Mall. Even if repulsed, LUE is considering this a major victory. Many of our attackers gained enough xp to add a new skill (significant, as most had only one to begin with), and the human losses are significant - rumored to be 50 or more. Tonight, Ackland Mall was struck a staggering blow. BARHAH!--Vito Mortis

LUE now as a voice on the radio, broadcasting pieces overtures (wait, did I do that wrong?) over the airwaves. 'Barhah Betty,' as she is calling herself, has been broadcasting intermittently throughout the day, delivering information and news to the survivors within Ackland Mall. Don't touch that dial! At present Betty is transmitting on the Ackland frequency of 27.50Mhz. It is expected she will move her pirate radio station to new channels as new targets are selected.
LollapoLUEza stage one, June 20 through July 20.

June 23, 2007
Ackland Mall has fallen. 100+ zombies occupy the northeast corner. The death-toll in the mall is expected to skyrocket, though a counter-attack is expected and being planned-on. LUEsers have been seen moving through the mall devouring brains as well as setting fires and shopping with abandon. One particular LUEser, ishabuu, was seen wandering through the Kid's Gap store with a very disappointed look on his rotten face.

June 24, 2007
About 50 humans were devoured this evening in and around Ackland Mall by 150+ members of the LUE horde with large numbers of feral zombies also active in the region; the total death toll is unknown but judging from the number of bodies, significant. Ackland Mall remains in zombie hands; LUE horde members have spread to all four corners of the Mall and ransacked it in its entirety. Small break-ins are occurring nearby as the horde is presently content to enjoy the Mall's many promenade shops while its members individually acquire the brains they need to become harder, better, faster, stronger eating machines.

June 26, 2007
And then there were none.

June 27, 2007
With help from The Ridleybank Resistance Front's Gore Corps and AU10, the NE corner of Nichols Mall was breached, emptied of survivors, and ransacked in under half an hour with over 150 zombies moving inside immediately and more arriving over the rest of the night.

June 28, 2007
Occupation. LUE zombies, joined by RRF members and an unknown number of feral zombies, hold the northeast quadrant of Nichols Mall, despite multiple incursions by survivors. The occupation should last as long as there is a good diet of brains to be had. LUE wishes to extend its thanks to the Gore Corps and AU10 for their invaluable assistance in breaching the Mall.--Vito Mortis

The south east corner is now emptied and 'sacked. Not too many people left in the other corners either. --Brendoshi 21:40, 28 June 2007 (BST)
The south west corner has been taken and ransacked as well--Malkav 02:14, 29 June 2007 (BST)

June 29, 2007
Nichols Mall was ransacked in entirety after a grinding 28 hour siege. There are over 260 zombies in the mall now, most of which are LUEsers. VICTORY!


July 01, 2007
The SW corner of Tynte Mall was ransacked in an 11.5 minute blitzkrieg, the SE corner fell about 30 minutes later. Half the mall has fallen in to LUE hands within a 40 minute span.--Malkav 02:58, 2 July 2007 (BST)

July 02, 2007
Tynte Mall is completely in our hands after only 11 hours. --VinnyMendoza 10:13, 2 July 2007 (EST)

July 03, 2007
Herbert Building and Eligius General Hospital in Roftwood taken by LUE zombies with help from several groups within the RRF and the Feral Undead. Hildebrand Mall left untouched but assumed to be LUE's target in the near future due to the nature of the attack and frequent radio warnings.

July 04, 2007
Drawn by talk of a fireworks display, LUE veered sharply and suddenly away from Hildebrand Mall and blitzed nearby Woodroffe Mall. Upon hearing that the Malton Fire Department had, in fact, cancelled the display due to the fire danger, the gathered zombies flew off the handle, tore down the northwest corner's barricades, and stormed inside, eating everyone in sight. The NW corner stands ransacked and there are 180+ zombies inside, currently feeding on survivors and lighting them on fire, in an effort to enjoy some sort of pyrotechnics.--Vito Mortis

July 05, 2007
Woodroffe Mall fell by morning today. It is assumed that many survivors simply ran away. Later in the day LUE attacked St. Joachim's Hospital and it was ransacked quickly. --VinnyMendoza

Many of the common zombies in the LUE group applaud the harmanz for being so tasty. Running keeps their fat content low, and many of us are trying to watch our figures.--HeavyDead

July 06, 2007
LUE came back to Roftwood and quickly took the Herbert Building again, killing everyone inside and ransacking within a few minutes. Whether an attack on Hildebrand Mall is imminent or another feint is being carried out is unknown. --Insomniac By Choice

July 07, 2007
LUE has started its attack on Hildebrand Mall It is only a matter of time before it falls. I urge all zombies to help out. ;) --TheNeoianOne

The NE corner of the mall ransacked after two and a half hours. 170+ zombies inside, many more still standing outside.-Insomniac By Choice
Update - NW corner will be ransacked within 10 minutes of this post. 60-some-odd bodies there. --Vito Mortis

July 08, 2007
The Northern section has been cleared of harmanz and has been ransacked. The entire northern section now belongs to Unicro- LUE now. It won't be long until we own the entire mall.

UPDATE: We have liberated (more like eaten) every human in Hildebrand mall. It's ours now. --Belome

July 10, 2007
After a short march from Roftwood LUE struck Fort Creedy in force, ransacking the Gatehouse, East Barracks, Vehicle Depot, and the Armoury. In addition, the Infirmary and West Barracks quickly fell to a mixture of LUEsers and numerous feral zombies. The number of humans killed so far is unknown, but estimated it to be well over 100 (42 in the Gatehouse, 57 in the Armoury, but much less in each of other buildings in the complex). In any event, LUE found many brainz, and they were good.--Panthera 04:00, 11 July 2007 (BST)

The endeavor was memorialized in song below:

The zeds go marching one by one, Barhah, Barhah
The zeds go marching one by one, Barhah, Barhah
The zeds go marching one by one,
The little one stops to eats some brainz,
And they all go marching down to the Fort,
To get out and find some brainz, FOOD! FOOD! FOOD!
The zeds go marching two by two, Barhah, Barhah
The zeds go marching two by two, Barhah, Barhah
The zeds go marching two by two,
The gatehouse is over-runned and they need more brainz,
And they all go marching down to the Fort
To get out and find some brainz, FOOD! FOOD! FOOD!

July 11, 2007
Making a sudden blitzkrieg move - probably attracted by the braying of some C.I.A. Major atop the Mall with a megaphone - LUEsers ransacked the northeast quadrant of Giddings Mall in roughly 16 minutes, and began feeding freely within the Mall.--Vito Mortis 00:23, 11 July 2007 (GMT)

You LUEsers are too damn good at this. Rgr --Raja Ram 05:32, 12 July 2007 (BST)
As of now, LUE has control over the NE and NW of Giddings Mall. With over 200 survivors holding the southern half of the mall, LUE is dressing in its finest in order to enjoy the remaining brains in a classy, stylish manner.--HeavyDead 10:51, 12 July 2007 (BST)

July 12, 2007
SE Quad was just 'sacked, SW looks to follow in the next few minutes. --John D Freeman 23:27, 12 July 2007 (BST)

There goes SW. Giddings now belongs to LUE.
Wow! you LUE guys have only been around for what - a month or so - and you've already sacked six malls and a fort. Keep it up and you stand a good chance of replacing the RRF as the Number 1 Zombie Horde. -- Mordac the Refuser 20:27, 13 July 2007 (BST)

July 13, 2007
The LUE horde wishes to thank the residents of the Morrish Building for the buffet they hosted. We love mall-warming parties! They were even kind enough to provide enough brains to serve as leftovers for the several hundred ferals outside - heck, there may even be enough for tomorrow, if we combine with a different building's dinner offerings! --Vito Mortis 00:39, July 14, 2007 (GMT)

Edit - You know, I always forget all our latecomers (not to mention all the ferals!). Now we need a new buffet; this one's run out of brains.--Vito Mortis 03:16, 14 July 2007 (GMT)
The entire building was delicious, and we all thank you very much for wearing your finest until the end. The decor was a bit gaudy, so we ransacked it a bit to make it feel like home. Thanks to those of you at Morrish!--HeavyDead 04:01, 14 July 2007 (BST)

July 14, 2007
A little over 60 survivors killed in scattered buildings around Giddings Mall. Most everyone who said LUE couldn't take Giddings is either dead or have fled Pitneybank altogether. Very few pockets of survivor resistance left in the suburb whatsoever.--Insomniac By Choice 02:42, 15 July 2007 (BST)

July 15, 2007
South Spracklingbank yielded upwards of 60 survivors in the Chippett Grove Police Department and Dewell Building, both of which were finally ransacked several hours later (less due to any activeresistance than the sheer exhaustion of LUEsers having to travel so far to get their meals the night before).--Insomniac By Choice 08:44, 15 July 2007 (BST)

July 17, 2007
~75 survivors killed in an attack on Mitchem Mall. The NW corner was ransacked within about twenty minutes of the start of the attack and the SE within another 25 minutes. The rest of the mall looks to fall within a day or so.--Insomniac By Choice 03:06, 17 July 2007 (BST)

Mrrrrrcm mreeeeennnnnn reeeeee urrrrrr!--ZmobieToffile 02:34, 17 July 2007 (BST)
Update: LUE cleaned out the mall in just over 12 hours.--I3lckdeth 16:06, 17 July 2007 (BST)

July 18, 2007 Blesley Mall succumbed to LUE after an epic eleven minute siege. Unfortunately, that's mainly because there were only about thirty survivors inside.--Insomniac By Choice 01:23, 18 July 2007 (BST)

LUE stormed through a handful of safehouses in Southeast Gulsonside this evening, claiming 50 or so victims. --John D Freeman 06:09, 19 July 2007 (BST)

July 19, 2007 LUE made a pilgrimage to the Darnell Building in Wray Heights to pay respects to its spiritual ancestors. About 50 survivors were sacrificed in honor of the occasion. LUE has existed as a horde for a month. "Yeah, we move quick. And we're coming to your neighborhood." --Insomniac By Choice 05:16, 20 July 2007 (BST)

July 20th 2007
Following their 1-Month anniversary celebration at the Darnell Building, LUE attacked Pole Mall, killing ransacking a third of the mall in under 15 minutes. Survivor deaths thus far are over 100, with a large number still huddled in the southern-most third of the building. --Vito Mortis 04:34, 21 July 2007

All three sections of Pole Mall have been ransacked. --VinnyMendoza 04:52, 21 July 2007 (EST)

LollapoLUEza stage two, July 20 through August 21.

July 23, 2007
Goooooooood Evening Woodroffe Mall! Heard ya missed us, we're baaaaaack! Making a steady (and somehow, it seems, unnoticed) march northward from the ruins of Pole Mall, LUE arrived at Woodroffe and quickly laid waste to two quadrants. Numerous survivors are expected to die through the next several hours as the Mall collapses under the attack. --Vito Mortis 03:20, July 24 2007

Woodroffe Mall has been ransacked in all four corners.--VinnyMendoza 05:34, 24 July 2007 (BST)

July 24, 2007
In an attack that seems unprecedented, LUE attacked and ransacked two malls at the same time (although not completely). The SE corner of Nichols Mall fell to LUE after 30 minutes of hard fighting, while the SW corner of Hildebrand Mall fell in only 12 minutes. Whether these breaches will be repelled by the overwhelming number of survivors still inside or more zombies will finish off the two malls remains to be seen.--Insomniac By Choice 03:16, 25 July 2007 (BST)

July 25, 2007
NE corner of Hildebrand has been fully dehumanized, fully half the mall is now in LUE's hands. The next 24 hours are likely to be a very action-filled period as the survivors try to stay alive and repel the undead, and LUE attempts to finish what it has started.--Panthera 05:30, 25 July 2007 (BST)

As of a few hours ago, Nichols has been fully overrun. --John D Freeman 19:52, 25 July 2007 (BST)
Hildebrand currently has more dead residents than living, and zombies control 2 corners and have almost cleared out the other 2.--ZmobieToffile 22:04, 25 July 2007 (BST)
Hildebrand Mall has been taken over completely by Zombies, mostly the LUE Horde. --Waruv 01:12, 26 July 2007 (BST)

July 26, 2007
LUE has risen to the rank of third most powerful group in the game, as of the stats page. --John D Freeman 02:33, 26 July 2007 (BST)

Simultaneous attacks on the surrounding areas of the Nichols and Hildebrand malls continued as several important resource buildings fell to LUE, other zombie groups, and numerous ferals.--Insomniac By Choice 02:53, 26 July 2007 (BST)

July 27, 2007
The forces of LUE, which had split apart to strike Nichols and Hildebrand, reunited for a strike on Tynte tonight, ransacking the NE quad in under 10 minutes, and the SW quad shortly after that.--Panthera 01:16, 28 July 2007 (BST)

SE fell an hour and fifteen minutes after the start of the attack. 55 survivors left in the NW with 180+ zombies.--Insomniac By Choice 02:07, 28 July 2007 (BST)
All corners ransacked after only 4 hours and 20 minutes.--VinnyMendoza 05:10, 28 July 2007 (BST)
Tynte is entirely in the hands of LUE after four hours and twenty minutes of slaughter. --John D Freeman 05:08, 28 July 2007 (BST)

For a more detailed description of the following events, see The Battle of SantLUEville.
July 29, 2007
The SE corner of Dowdney Mall fell to LUE after half an hour struggling against defenders led by Sexy Rexy Grossman. Barricades went up and were torn down, survivors died and were revived by their comrades, but in the end 60+ survivors were dead on the floor and the SE corner ransacked with 130 zombies standing inside. Three corners of the mall and a couple hundred survivors remain to be taken.--Insomniac By Choice 00:57, 30 July 2007 (BST)

The Battle for Dowdney Mall begins. After attacking the Usher Building and Cornelius General Hospital on the 28th, killing several members of the Mad Craskers, LUE assaulted the southeast quadrant of Dowdney Mall, ransacking it in the face of an aggressive defense in approximately 30 minutes. Survivors still outnumber the horde, however; the next few hours should be very interesting for all concerned parties. --Vito Mortis 12:54, 30 July 2007 (BST)
Roughly 200 zeds from LUE and ther allies are inside Dowdney Mall at the moment, survivors are sleeping and unaware of the death that stalks them. Some random survivors are trying in vain to close the door and take out as many LUEsers as possible. Looks like another victory for LUE, nice job guys. --XxPale HorsexX 01:12, 30 July 2007 (BST)

July 30, 2007
North west corner of Dowdney Mall has just fallen to LUE--SomeLUEser 01:18, 31 July 2007 (BST)

South West corner now belongs to LUE.--TheNeoianOne 01:45, 31 July 2007 (BST)
Someone suggested combat revivies on LUE. I approve of this plan, hurry up and carry it out, BARHAR! --Sonicandfffan 02:05, 31 July 2007 (BST)
NE corner finally ransacked. Dowdney Mall belongs to LUE.--Insomniac By Choice 10:25, 31 July 2007 (BST)


August 2, 2007
The battle for greater Santlerville continues. Overnight the Hall Building NT fell to the horde, after a pitched battle. Survivors claim to have retaken the Dewes Building NT in the interim, as the horde was forced to commit a large amount of its forces to taking Hall. Survivor deaths are very high, but thus far revives seem to be near to or keeping pace with deaths. Another night's conflict is definitely in the offing. --Vito Mortis 20:09, 2 August 2007 (BST)

August 6, 2007
LUE continues to have a strong hold on Santlerville. Independent reports show that Santlerville is completely devoid of life. Revive queues are extremely long and there are no truly safe safe houses, especially with LUE making nightly raids that clear out Santlerville like clearing out a cache on a browser. Santlerville has been an exceptional source for brainz, as LUE's average level has nearly doubled since occupation began. --MSTK 01:43, 8 August 2007 (BST)

August 8, 2007
After a short walk to Shearbank, LUE ransacked the southeast quadrant of Stickling Mall, killing roughly 70 survivors in the process. Despite a somewhat anemic turnout by the horde, more zombies continue to fill the breach. Someone had earlier leaked plans of LUE's attack but it seemed to go unheeded - perhaps lost in the bickering and deliberate misinformation thrown up to counter the event. Survivors might be well advised not to try to use meta information to shut the horde down, as LUE apparently acts vigorously to counteract this.--Vito Mortis 01:54, 9 August 2007

The SE corner fell 21 minutes after the start of the attack, while the NW corner and 30+ survivors inside fell a little more than an hour and a half into the siege. Many survivors remain inside the mall, but general movement seems to be regrouping toward the Whippey Building and a defense organized by the New Malton Colossus. Glorious battle awaits once LUE finishes with the mall.--Insomniac By Choice 03:46, 9 August 2007 (BST)
SW corner has fallen as well.--Insomniac By Choice 05:10, 9 August 2007 (BST)

August 9, 2007
At some point during the 9th, the final corner of Stickling fell, although zero clue exactly when. Less than 24 hours again, anyway.

Just before the server reset, LUE launched a, well, rather anemic attack against The Whippey Building adjacent to the mall, but didn't face much active resistance from 85~ survivors inside. The barricades did indeed go back up several times, but the three dozen zombies inside and and those without were able to bring them down regularly, and by the 10th, all survivors were either fled or dead.--Insomniac By Choice

August 10, 2007
With the two largest concentrations of survivors in Shearbank ransacked in the preceding two days, LUE moved to the surrounding buildings, ransacking St. Christopher's Church, Farrant Crescent Police Department, Lessey Lane Police Department, Owsley Crescent Police Department, and Meaker Lane Fire Station as well as others that fell to disorganized LUE attacks and ferals.--Insomniac By Choice 04:13, 11 August 2007 (BST)

August 12, 2007
LUE ransacked several buildings in Yagoton, most notably the Whatmore Building which had been recently reclaimed by survivors. Also taken were the Rounsefell Library. the Newbould Place and Hinks Crescent Police Departments, Faber Lane Fire Station, and Catherine General Hospital. It wasn't really that important, but you know, we were doing stuff.--Insomniac By Choice

August 13, 2007
LUE attacked Bale Mall, starting with the SE corner. Within 15 minutes, 70 zombies were inside and the SE was ransacked. Within an hour, the NE had been ransacked as well and there were over 100 zombies in the mall. Over the night and morning, the NW was ransacked by ferals and other groups in the area who joined LUE in the attack, and finally the SW was ransacked 12 hours after the siege began. Over 230 survivors had been inside at the start of the siege but no longer.--Insomniac By Choice 18:27, 14 August 2007 (BST)

August 15, 2007
After taking a bathroom break in Shuttlebank, LUE moved into action. The Latrobe Building, the NT building connected to Caiger Mall, was brought to ruin in 22 minutes. Screams of "BARHAH!" could be heard for miles around. The horde then proceeded to slam against the weaker quads of the mall, just to taunt the tasty survivors waiting inside. Rumors of Barhah Betty giving a speech over the radio are unconfirmed at this time. Skullbullet 02:18, 16 August 2007 (BST)

August 16, 2007
Caiger Mall has been breached in the northwest corner. over 140 zombies are feisting right now inside the Mall, only 20 survivors are standing as I write this. LUE will the first horde to ruin Caiger Mall. --Jakio 01:21, 17 August 2007 (BST)

The Northwest corner of the Mall has been ruined. Caiger has fallen to the horde.--Jakio 01:31, 17 August 2007 (BST)
It's been taken. Caiger mall's NW quad is LUE's. BARHAR HAR HAR. Less than 45 minutes of tasty brainz. I'd like to personally thank Caiger for eating lots of sweet foods, although I'd appreciate some ketchup for the meals in the other quads. --Sonicandfffan 01:34, 17 August 2007 (BST)
Approximately 3 hours and 8 minutes after the initial attack, the SW Quad fell into ruins. Survivor numbers are still around 150 at this point, but zombie numbers are over 220 and growing.--DJ Deadbeat 04:34, 17 August 2007 (BST)
Slightly more than 12 hours later, Caiger lies completely in ruins. This victory is testament to both the so-far unstoppable force of LUE, and the diminished status of Caiger Mall, whose quick defeat surprised and disappointed even the attackers. --Apocalypse89 13:12, 17 August 2007 (BST)


I got the ruin! *Does the thriller dance* --TheNeoianOne 01:45, 17 August 2007 (BST)
Me too 8D --SomaJaust 02:16, 17 August 2007 (BST)
And the fourth and final ruin of Caiger! --Aeon17x 15:21, 17 August 2007 (BST)
LUE immediately proceeding the First Ruin of Caiger Mall.

August 17, 2007
Caiger Mall, once the last bastion of hope for survivors has completely fallen into ruin. The combined efforts of Extinction, the Ridleybank Resistance Front, and local ferals have only added to the warpath of destruction that LUE has caused Caiger Mall. LUE would like to thank everyone participating, zombie and survivor, for helping us spread glorious Barhah.--HeavyDead 21:27, 17 August 2007 (BST)

And fittingly, LUE has made it's move to the top of the Game Stats list of groups, barely edging out our friends at the RRF as the highest rated group in the game.--Panthera 02:28, 18 August 2007 (BST)

August 21, 2007
LUE has come full circle. Ackland Mall, the first mall ever that felt the power of the Horde, has been attacked, breached and ransacked in less than 30 minutes. there was no resistance inside the mall this time. --Jakio 00:41, 21 August 2007 (BST)

Just want to add that it's an honor to munch beside in both of the Ackland attacks - I was at Caiger, and was shocked to see how fast you guys moved. Bravo! The Ackland Abattoir (what's left of them) salute you.--Mort Vulpis 00:52, 21 August 2007 (BST)

After the LollapaLUEza


August 22, 2007
LUE moved a part of his forces from Ackland Mall towards the Brennand Building, supposed stronghold of the AMS, only to find 58 humans inside, which are being eaten at the time of this report. --Jakio 01:33, 22 August 2007 (BST)

August 27, 2007
LUE, along with a few other zombie groups, ransacked Treweeke Mall this morning. --VinnyMendoza 15:17, 27 August 2007 (BST)


September 3, 2007
After a slow but steady march south from Treweeke Mall, LUE ransacked Tynte Mall over the course of the night of September 2nd and into the day of the 3rd just as the survivors had finally gotten it back into decent shape. This gives Tynte Mall the honor of being the first LUE conquest to be hit three times over. - Brona 22:42, 3 September 2007 (BST)

September 5, 2007
After a 20-block sprint south from Tynte Mall, the horde has attacked and ransacked the first quad of Woodroffe Mall within half an hour of the initial attack, and is spreading into the rest of the mall. - Brona 02:38, 5 September 2007 (BST)

September 8, 2007
LUE, having combined into one single horde, has launched it's second go-around at Pole Mall. The survivors inside the mall have held out thus far, but for how long can they continue...?--Omega Cookie 15:43, 8 September 2007 (BST)

Not long enough, Barhah.--Insomniac By Choice 07:57, 10 September 2007 (BST)
LUE during its ambitious Schism episode and subsequent reformation.

September 16, 2007
After 2 days of siege and a few more of clearing out the humans hiding in buildings around Pole Mall, we moved south towards Buckley Mall and took the poorly organized Mall by surprise, ruining the two southern quads within just a few hours of the first strike. Now work will begin on the rest of the mall and its surroundings. - Brona 05:53, 16 September 2007 (BST)

All four quads of Buckley Mall ruined.--Insomniac By Choice 21:29, 16 September 2007 (BST)

September 22, 2007
Joachim Mall's SW corner was ruined in less than 10 minutes, the SE in 1 hour and 15 minutes.--Insomniac By Choice 03:08, 22 September 2007 (BST)

September 23, 2007
Joachim Mall completely ruined.--Insomniac By Choice 03:05, 23 September 2007 (BST)

September 26, 2007
Both blocks of Lumber Mall ruined.--Insomniac By Choice 16:16, 26 September 2007 (BST)

September 29, 2007
Blesley Mall completely ruined.--Insomniac By Choice 22:56, 29 September 2007 (BST)


October 5, 2007
Pole Mall completely ruined.--Insomniac By Choice 15:16, 5 October 2007 (BST)

October 18, 2007
Marven Mall has been completely ruined. Add one more mall to the list, only two to go.--VinnyMendoza 07:12, 18 October 2007 (BST)

Rolling with the Second Big Bash

LUE avenging itself on Marven, participating in the majority of the Big Bash's conquest.

October 30, 2007
After traveling with the The Second Big Bash for a few days and hitting buildings around Tompson Mall, LUE attacked the NorthEast quad of the mall, through use of zombies and PKers, enabling the tidal wave that was the rest of the Big Bash to sweep inside through the ransacked quad quickly and efficiently. The mall would completely fall just over 24 hours later through the combined efforts of all the hordes of the Big Bash. Time to move on to the rest of the suburb, and the other future targets of the Big Bash. Oh, the joys of overwhelming force. - Brona 01:18, 30 October 2007 (UTC)


November 11, 2007
See the October 30th entry, as that's basically what happened to Tompson Mall. Again. --ILackALife 14:18, 11 November 2007 (EST)

November 14, 2007
After destroying Tompson Mall with the Big Bash, the horde headed north to take out several key buildings near Marven Mall before descending on the mall itself, ransacking all quads in less than 24 hours after the initial attack with the help of the rest of the Big Bash. - Brona 07:09, 14 November 2007 (UTC)

November 20, 2007
Another week with the Big Bash, and another strikingly easy Mall ransack. This time it was Pole Mall. - Brona 15:41, 22 November 2007 (UTC)

November 27, 2007
And Buckley falls again. - Brona 02:44, 30 November 2007 (UTC)

December and 2008

December 19, 2007
After helping in the siege of Malcolm NT, LUE joined the Big Bash in making quick work of Fort Perryn and the other support buildings surrounding it. - Brona 21:32, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

January 4th, 2008
And with the new year comes another fort ruined. Fort Creedy fell to the grand old party that is the Second Big Bash in just a few days, followed quickly by the ransack of the nearest NT that held over 140 survivors. Now our attention turns to the rest of the suburb, including Giddings Mall and the Morrish NT. - Brona 07:15, 4 January 2008 (UTC)

February 22nd, 2008
Well now, a lot has happened, hasn't it? Giddings Mall and the Morrish NT turned into a month-long siege, finally ending about a week after the barricade patch that benefited zombies. After that LUE followed the Second Big Bash up on its tour of the Northeast corner, and the following trek westwards back through Santlerville and suburbs beyond. Quite the trail of carnage, eh? - Brona 19:18, 22 February 2008 (UTC)

February 25th, 2008
After 8 months of seeing nearly all there is to see in Malton (and eating humans along the way, of course), LUE as a group will now be disbanded. I'd like to thank those classy zombie and survivor groups alike that we've either fought alongside of or fought against during our time here in Malton: you guys made the game a fun experience and well worth playing. However, do not grieve for us just yet, as this is only a temporary action. LUE has still not quite done everything there is to do in Malton, so we'll be back after an extended break with renewed interest in the game, and with both familiar and unfamiliar LUEsers populating our ranks. Until then, remember to have fun in Malton, and don't you dare kill each other off before we get back; that would just be inconsiderate. - Brona 22:58, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Chat Logs and Other Stuff

Barhah Betty

The mysterious voice of the LUE horde, Barhah Betty can be heard broadcasting at random intervals on whatever the chosen radio frequency of the horde's current victim is. She brings news and information; some human defenders have branded her a propagandist in the style of Tokyo Rose in World War II. Betty, it is rumored, was a curator at the the Boon Museum in Foulkes Village, a "ham radio" operator, and a historian who had intensely studied the Second World War. Driven over the edge by the events in Malton, it is said she now finds herself speaking to "the enemy."
Betty's whereabouts are unknown; many suggest she is never far from the LUE horde's current location. It is not even known exactly what her real name is. Many say it is, indeed, 'Barhah Betty.' For their part, the LUEsers seem to recognize her on some level as an ally, and she is exempt from their ravenous appetite, even while those around her are devoured. She has been heard to state that her broadcast was hampered or delayed by the actions of ferals.

Speculation on Betty's appearance also runs rampant. As many American GIs in WWII claimed Tokyo Rose was a stunning beauty, so do many Malton denizens. Others contend she is a morbidly obese woman who smells of Cheetos.

LUE, the Radio, Spies, and the Whole Damn Thing

Some people just can't resist trying to spoil others' fun. LUE is not an airtight group; the board has 11,000+ members and only 300 or so of them are playing as zombies. Some of the other 10,700+ are out there trying to spoil any surprise LUE may bring to the game by broadcasting our plans. This is unfortunate. Whether these people are just assholes out to ruin LUE's fun, or people who legitimately think that what they are doing is kosher on some sort of metagaming level - i.e., "part of the game," they are, in fact, doing the game a great disservice.

If survivors know what LUE is going to do, any surprise, tension, or drama is lost. We at LUE want survivors to stand on their own and give us what-for, without benefiting from cheating to do so. We want any defeat we are handed to be a credible one, not one ill-gotten by play outside the spirit of the game. Such a victory would be hollow and meaningless. Meta-spying is a disservice to everyone who plays the game.

LUE has utilized the radio in the past, with Barhah Betty. The idea was a crazed woman who babbles pro-zombie propaganda just before LUE attacked. Not a source of misinformation (to this day Betty has never lied, though she has her imitators), Betty merely serves to say something (hopefully) witty to bring some levity to the game. Some survivors have complained about this; to them we say "tough shit." Lighten up, have some fun. That was the only way we ever wanted to use the radio.

The radio should be, and is, a weapon to use against the zombies, allowing coordination by the survivors. We applaud this. However, some people seek to use the radio as a tool to spread "intelligence" about LUE's plans. Therefore, LUE is making its plans for the radio publicly known:

LUE will engage in misinformation, particularly on the radio, whenever, however, and where ever we see fit.

This may include false proclamations of LUE attack times, fake maps, and fake forum posts. We do not wish to plant moles within our target areas to deliver misinformation, but should word-of-mouth become the modus operandi of our little wannabe Deep Throats, then we will do so. Many LUEsers have been combat-revived and are quite able to capably serve this function.

The purpose of this is not to stir rancor among survivor groups. It is also not to deceive survivors or misdirect them. That is why our intentions are being broadcast here, in the wide open, for all to see. Indeed we do apologize if this policy creates resentment among survivors who cannot bring themselves to see it from our point of view.

The purpose of this mission statement is to make it clear that ignoring all "spying" is the wisest course of action.

Most of what you will see and read will be LUE delivering misinformation. You will heed its advice at your own peril. An honorable defeat is better than an ill-gotten victory. Trust in your fellow survivors; trust in your groups, and trust in your leadership.

Ignore the radio broadcasts about when and where we will attack. Ignore the guy with "inside information," or, better yet, return him to the Horde, for he is surely a LUEser sent to deceive you! Do not trust the spies!