UDWiki:Administration/Bureaucrat Promotions

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This page is for the election of Bureaucrats.


Rules for starting an election.
  1. When a Bureaucrat resigns, or loses his status due to demotion or inactivity an election is started immediately.
    • A Bureaucrat that hasn't made a single edit in one month is considered as inactive and forfeits his status as bureaucrat.
  2. After 3 months with no elections on a bureaucrat position, an election is called for the bureaucrat position longest without an election.
  3. If, for any reason, an individual Bureaucrat position hasn't faced an election after 12 months, then an election is called after that period.
  4. The election ends after two weeks wiki time counting from the when the election is started.
  5. The candidate with the most votes wins the election.
  6. In the event of a tied vote the remaining bureaucrats will decide between the tied candidates.
Rules concerning candidates
  1. All active users with the sysops status are automatically declared candidates for any vacant Bureaucrat positions.
    • Users with at least 12 edits in the 30 days before the election are considered "active" for purposes of the election.
  2. The Bureaucrat whose position comes up for election if said election is started under rule 2 of Rules for starting an election is automatically declared a candidate.
    • Unless said otherwise, a bureaucrat who lost its powers through demotion cannot run for bureaucrat on the election that will fill its position
  3. A candidate can retract his own candidacy at any time.
Rules concerning voting.
  1. All users have only one vote per bureaucrat position to be filled.
  2. Users vote for a candidate by signing under the preferred candidates name.
    • Users can't cast more than one vote per candidate.
  3. Users may change their votes for a candidate as long as the election has not ended.
    • Multiple votes at the same time will be struck.
  4. Sockpuppetry is considered vandalism.

Election Space

The next election will be around about the 25th of December assuming of course that there are no demotions either by inactivity or by choice with the Box's space up for grabs. -- Cheese 14:49, 26 September 2009 (BST)

To avoid the christmas rush, the next election will start around the 20th of December, as per the discussion on the talk page -- boxy talkteh rulz 10:50 3 December 2009 (BST)

Eligible Candidates


Boxy (talk | contribs | logs | block | IP Check | vndl data | discuss)

  1. Best. -- 01:16, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
  2. As above. --Haliman - Talk 02:33, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
  3. Doing well. Deserves to continue. Aichon 02:47, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
  4. --~ Red Hawk One Talk | space for lease 05:01, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
  5. I have seen no reason in my time here to suggest that Boxy needs to be replaced by any of the other candidates. --Maverick Talk - OBR Praise Knowledge! 404 06:12, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
  6. I like Boxy. Yay! --Cisisero 07:40, 18 December 2009 (UTC)


Cyberbob240 (talk | contribs | logs | block | IP Check | vndl data | discuss)

  1. -Poodle of DoomM! Fear is only as deep as the mind will allow it be.T 04:55, 18 December 2009 (UTC)

Krazy Monkey

Krazy Monkey (talk | contribs | logs | block | IP Check | vndl data | discuss)


Misanthropy (talk | contribs | logs | block | IP Check | vndl data | discuss)

  1. --Umbrella-White.pngImthatguyUmbrella-White.png stole some retards signature 02:02, 18 December 2009 (UTC)

Red Hawk One

Red Hawk One (talk | contribs | logs | block | IP Check | vndl data | discuss)


Rosslessness (talk | contribs | logs | block | IP Check | vndl data | discuss)

  1. You better not withdraw. --ZsL 03:15, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
  2. It is time.-- | T | BALLS! | 05:03 18 December 2009(BST)


Suicidalangel (talk | contribs | logs | block | IP Check | vndl data | discuss)

The Rooster

The Rooster (talk | contribs | logs | block | IP Check | vndl data | discuss)

Ineligible Candidates

Withdrawn Candidates

Archived Promotions Rounds

Bureaucrat Election Archive

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