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Candidates still requiring vouches
Candidates currently under community discussion
Thadeous Oakley
MisterGame (talk | contribs | logs | block | IP Check | vndl data | discuss) So here I am making an attempt at becoming a Sysops. I have been tinkering with the thought of doing so for a short while now and decided to give it a go. My main reason of becoming a member of the admin team is because I want to see if I can do it. Be a successful sysops. Of course, in this position I can also provide an extra helping hand to the others, though I think the current team is doing a fine job at the moment.
As for my own history, well I have been here for quite a while. Made my account in late 07, and became active somewhere in mid 08. Since I have made countless edits, well okay if I count probably over 3000. My path from then to today has not always been easy, not for me and certainly not for others. Still, I learned, and have grown through the years. I have edits in most of the admin sections, I have been involved in Arbitration (both as an involved party as well as the arbitrator), A/PM, A/VB, A/M, etc. The rare janitorial edit springs out as well.
As for my personality, something that obviously reflects back in my actions; I'm not afraid to speak up and give my opinion (which I frequently do). I'm not always the best diplomat out there, sometimes I'm harsh, though I'd like to call it "direct". So no, I'm not an impenetrable wall of patience like for example Aichon or Ross. In the past, I have had my conflicts with certain individuals. That said, I live by forgive and forget. I'm not one to hold grudges, and I'm not afraid to give a sincere apology if I believe that I was in the wrong. Generally speaking, I'll get along with most people. The bit above might suggest otherwise, but I'm not that impatient. If you're new, then I'll will extra nice. Good-faith and civility work best with me. On the other hand, if your name is Iscariot or Grim then I'll happily admit, no Sir I won't take your shit.
So I could probably go on for a few more blocks of text but I really don't want this to turn into a wall. I think most of you probably already formed an opinion without this text anway.
Tldr; I have my shortcomings, but I deem myself capable of being a sysops. Its up to you if you trust me to indeed be so, and if you do then don't hesitate to Vouch.
Sincerely, --Thadeous Oakley
13:16, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Abstain - you'd be better than yonnua is i guess Cyberbob Talk 13:21, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- An abstain coming from you instead of an against means a lot to me. Ya, rly. --
Thadeous Oakley
14:33, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- An abstain coming from you instead of an against means a lot to me. Ya, rly. --
- Against -∞ Poodle of Doom ∞ 13:23, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- I would appreciate it if you gave me your reasoning behind this. So, tell me why plz. --
Thadeous Oakley
14:33, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- I've seen you do a little bit of everything, but I think you need to stay off the vandalism page, and out of the relative discusssions on the mainspace of A/VB. I also think that you're to aggressive on how you approach the involved parties considering you have nothing to do with the case, aside from wanting to comment on them. Move your comments to the talk page, and I'd be okay with this. That aside, I'd consider vouching for you. -∞ Poodle of Doom ∞ 00:03, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- Well, if my bid passes and I become a Sysops, I will be posting on the main VB page constantly, that's what a sysops does, so I'm not entirely how to address your concern there. However, if I won't become an Op, I'll look into moving my comments more often. I can kinda understand why you say I'm aggressive. Yes, I'm often direct, but I don't think I'm uncivil. My patience isn't infinite, but I will always try to get my point across in manner that is appreciated. --
Thadeous Oakley
12:09, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- But that's what I'm getting at,.... you're not a sysop yet. Regardless,... I'd just be happier if it didn't look like you were trolling for drama. -∞ Poodle of Doom ∞ 13:29, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- I know the internet is full of trolls, and they have been here too but I'm not one of them. Yes, I venture into the "drama" sections but not for creating drama for drama's sake. I do admit cracking a light-hearted joke from time to now, but that's because I'm not super serious, and to loose things up, not stir them up. --
Thadeous Oakley
22:49, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- I know the internet is full of trolls, and they have been here too but I'm not one of them. Yes, I venture into the "drama" sections but not for creating drama for drama's sake. I do admit cracking a light-hearted joke from time to now, but that's because I'm not super serious, and to loose things up, not stir them up. --
- But that's what I'm getting at,.... you're not a sysop yet. Regardless,... I'd just be happier if it didn't look like you were trolling for drama. -∞ Poodle of Doom ∞ 13:29, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- Well, if my bid passes and I become a Sysops, I will be posting on the main VB page constantly, that's what a sysops does, so I'm not entirely how to address your concern there. However, if I won't become an Op, I'll look into moving my comments more often. I can kinda understand why you say I'm aggressive. Yes, I'm often direct, but I don't think I'm uncivil. My patience isn't infinite, but I will always try to get my point across in manner that is appreciated. --
- I've seen you do a little bit of everything, but I think you need to stay off the vandalism page, and out of the relative discusssions on the mainspace of A/VB. I also think that you're to aggressive on how you approach the involved parties considering you have nothing to do with the case, aside from wanting to comment on them. Move your comments to the talk page, and I'd be okay with this. That aside, I'd consider vouching for you. -∞ Poodle of Doom ∞ 00:03, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- I would appreciate it if you gave me your reasoning behind this. So, tell me why plz. --
- Question: In what areas do you see yourself contributing? - User:Whitehouse 13:27, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- In the beginning I'll go for being the Jack of all trades. As soon as (if) I get the powers, I'll start with janitorial work; I'll make my way through A/PT, A/MR, A/DE anywhere I'm necessary. In this manner, I'll try to learn how to use the abilities that come with sysopship. I don't expect it to be of mathematical difficulty, but I want some experience in moving, deleting and protecting stuff. After that I probably linger back to the A/VB, A/M and A/A sections.
- If you look in my contributions you'll see most of edits tend to be in those parts. Once I'm done with being new on the team, I'll probably linger the most in what some call the "drama" sections. --
Thadeous Oakley
14:33, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Question: What do you feel is the purpose of this wiki and how well does it achieve said purpose? - User:Whitehouse 14:08, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- To provide additional information about the game, on almost every subject such as skills, items, searchrates, suburbs, classes, RP's, strategies and what not as well as provide additional room to roleplay through group and userpages. I personally think this wiki fills that role nicely. There's a ton of helpful information out there for newbies and experienced members can freely upload new stuff as well as design their group and userpages as they see fit.
- As for Sysops, they must make sure everything remains well organized (through deletion, moving and protecting) and safely correct mistakes be it good or bad-faith (through A/VB). Normal user can do this too, to an extent, by for example categorizing and reporting. Finally, the way we organize and take action can be changed (improved) through the implementation of new policies which can be done by anyone provided they have enough support. The main problem which sometimes occurs is slowness through extended discussions. This happens in the community as well as in the admin team, where disagreements can occur and things can get personal (aka "drama"). This because of the democratic nature of this wiki. There isn't direct democracy, but there are votes, discussion, and generally for things to change there must be a majority support.
- Having said that, I think this system is desirable to having a minority in power to make all decisions. For example, this promotion bid will be decided upon by the reigning bureaucrats. They could make the decision without community input, in which we wouldn't be having this conversation, but we (the community) have decided that they will take our opinion in consideration when making their decision. For me, this is the better way even if it takes longer, because I believe having majority support is vital in order to make decisions that affect the majority. --
Thadeous Oakley
11:41, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- ZOMG! WAll OF TEXT!1--
Thadeous Oakley
11:41, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- I know actually writing "vouch" seems to be going out of style.. :p But you get one anyway: Vouch. - User:Whitehouse 13:00, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- You're one hard to please, you know that? Thanks anyway, I don't think I'd remain sane if you went "against" after all those words. --
Thadeous Oakley
13:45, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- You're one hard to please, you know that? Thanks anyway, I don't think I'd remain sane if you went "against" after all those words. --
- I know actually writing "vouch" seems to be going out of style.. :p But you get one anyway: Vouch. - User:Whitehouse 13:00, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- ZOMG! WAll OF TEXT!1--
- Question: What do you feel is the purpose of this wiki and how well does it achieve said purpose? - User:Whitehouse 14:08, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- Thad is the first to admit that he can be in conflict with other users, and can sometimes even be a jerk (my interpenetration of the above.) That said, I genuinely believe that he has the best interests of the wiki at heart, and he's been around here long enough now to know how the place works. Yes, he's been an asshat in the past, and yes, he's had some genuine personality conflicts with users. But if he's genuine in his statement that he will forgive and forget, this shouldn't matter. In short, he's a good guy who will be an asset to the sysop team, although like all sysops, he has his problems. Much to his credit, he shows a willingness to see these problems, and attempt to fix them (a note on my A/PM comments.) Linkthewindow Talk 13:28, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Thanks for the kinds words Link, stuff like that motivates. You have quite an interesting stance on A/PM comments, haven't seen that before. --
Thadeous Oakley
14:33, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- It's actually a common trait with Boxy when he isn't exercising impartiality as a crat. It always annoyed me, actually. --
- I think I've done it on a few old promotion bids, but I've never made a big deal out of it. It's just that I would prefer my comments to be taken at face value, not changed by some words at the front. Linkthewindow Talk 13:21, 22 July 2010 (BST)
14:37, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- It's actually a common trait with Boxy when he isn't exercising impartiality as a crat. It always annoyed me, actually. --
- Just going to add that he seems sincere in his desire to help the community in his response to Ross. I also hope that that promise to go to A/DM if you can't contribute properly isn't empty (we don't need another sysop like certain ex-users :P.) That said, he's shown nothing to indicate that it isn't (and, at the end of the day, the most important duty of a sysop is to bow down when you can't do the job. It's a trait that needs to be more common.) Linkthewindow Talk 13:21, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- Thanks for the kinds words Link, stuff like that motivates. You have quite an interesting stance on A/PM comments, haven't seen that before. --
Against Based pure and simply on the fact that he has still at least one alt on the Zerg Liste. While the game and the wiki are separate things, _promoting_ someone who breaks the only real rule of UD (or at least is incapable of proving his innocence) would do no good for the reputation of the wiki in general and the sys-op team in particular. Once he gets himself actually removed from the ZL, I'd see no major objections. -- Spiderzed▋ 14:16, 20 July 2010 (BST)Abstain now that that matter is cleared up. -- Spiderzed▋ 15:17, 20 July 2010 (BST)- Ah, that's a blast from the past. Yeah, that was a stupid affair back then relating to the Umbrella/UBCS drama. I don't really see the relevance of something that old of the game to this bid, but if you insist I'll see if I can get myself off. --
Thadeous Oakley
14:41, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Done. Check the relevant thread. --
Thadeous Oakley
15:08, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Done. Check the relevant thread. --
- Ah, that's a blast from the past. Yeah, that was a stupid affair back then relating to the Umbrella/UBCS drama. I don't really see the relevance of something that old of the game to this bid, but if you insist I'll see if I can get myself off. --
- Abstain - This is a toughie, I have a reasons both for and against. I like Thad and in the last few months, he's been around admin areas and for the most part I agree with what he has to say or where he's coming from, in fact very much so. Behind the scenes I see little from Thad, no real work cycling things, archiving and the like, a fair bit of WN'ing newbies (before we made up I often took notes that he'd WN users without even checking their edit and following up both housekeeping and vandal-wise) but not much else. I feel obliged to mention it and add the weight its worth in my 'vote' even though as a sysop it isn't specifically necessary and I doubt he doesn't understand such processes anyway, and as far as WNing bloopers go some of the more "prestigious" users do just the same without recieving anywhere near the flak of my entire above reference. Trying to reiterate why this is still an abstain even though I spent plenty of time on negatives, I guess it's subjective but I just think he's a well-rounded decision maker, and has demonstrated little bias in the past months since the Umbrella epic has shifted elsewhere and died down. He definitely has a larger tolerance and less intimidating demeanour towards idiots than what I consider myself to have and he has exercised that quality every time it's been around lately. I still can't say whether he does what he does because he loves the place more than this position, I'd like to think it's the former but I'm used to judging that on hard behind-the-scenes work that no one else does as well as extensive proactivity, rather than just give an opinion on everything on whatever pops up on RC. Would I regret letting him onto the team? Probably not, but ideally I'd consider perhaps giving a month or two longer with some more tips in hand. -- 14:37, 20 July 2010 (BST)
Against Sorry mate, I'm just not convinced.Technical Pacifist 14:41, 20 July 2010 (BST)- Why not? I noticed your new here, so that means you only got a first-hand impression of me, perhaps during this very bid. May I ask what it is that bothers you in regard to myself? --
Thadeous Oakley
15:28, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- You're correct, I only have a first-hand impression from here. In all honesty, my main concern was the zerging.. which appears to have been cleared since I made my comment. So, now that that's gone, you seem fine enough. Vouch. Technical Pacifist 19:07, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Why not? I noticed your new here, so that means you only got a first-hand impression of me, perhaps during this very bid. May I ask what it is that bothers you in regard to myself? --
- Against damn i knew this day would come.. where is rak or sonny when you need them? Thad is a huge asshole. always has been always will. i would hate to think what this faggot would do with any real power. NO NO NO NO NO NO.----sexualharrison
)/¯ 15:17, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Wow. Looks like I really got him in a panic, eh? --
Thadeous Oakley
15:19, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- In a serious response, I really don't know who you are. Only time I remember you was from DDR's last promotion bid, during which you called me faggot or something because you disagreed with my stance on his bid (even though we both vouched). Oh, and I hope WOOT vouches for me, I always did for him :( --
Thadeous Oakley
15:25, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Wow. Looks like I really got him in a panic, eh? --
- Question Why do you want to be a sysop? --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 15:35, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- There are a handful of reasons. I'd like to play a more prominent role in discussions in certain sections such A/VB A/M, of course I can give my opinion without being sysop but it does not carry the same weight, simply said I can't rule on cases. Second, I'm curious if I can and be a successful sysop, now I have the desire I can't help but feel kinda excited to start out if this goes well. Third, and this one isn't out of self-interest, so I can provide that extra to hand the current team; This can be helpful if it turns out Kevan really wants to implement some major new mechanics and actually move the game forward again, which can lead to an increase in traffic at the wiki.
- If you give me your trust, then aside from being honored, I will prove myself to be an (in)valuable asset to the team. Should I fail to do that, then I'm not going to slack and abuse around, I'll know what to do. I know that may seem like an empty promise ("that's what your saying now"), but I just want to make clear that I'm not doing this simply for having powers and the "position". I know a certain ex-sysop who believed popularity wasn't necessary in order to do his job, but I think I can't ever do a job without enough support of (in this case) both the community and the sysop team. That, and I have been here as a regular user for over 2 years, if I wanted to be a sysops so badly (with perhaps the wrong motives) I'd probably done this wayyyyy earlier. Will all that do for motivation :D ? --
Thadeous Oakley
19:01, 21 July 2010 (BST)
- Probably. The number of abstains is maddening. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:45, 21 July 2010 (BST)
- Yeah, I noticed it. Might actually break a record in A/PM history. I'm pretty content; I haven't seen any serious (and by serious, I mean with solid argumentation which I can understand and learn from) opposition aka "against". --
Thadeous Oakley
19:53, 21 July 2010 (BST)
- Yeah, I noticed it. Might actually break a record in A/PM history. I'm pretty content; I haven't seen any serious (and by serious, I mean with solid argumentation which I can understand and learn from) opposition aka "against". --
- Probably. The number of abstains is maddening. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 19:45, 21 July 2010 (BST)
- Against -- No offense, but I generally
voterecommend against folk who self-nominate. Asheets 15:40, 20 July 2010 (BST)- ... This makes no sense. Why is self-nomination a bad thing? Does it betray a personality or a trait that is undesirable in a Sysop? (And yes, I do realise the irony of the statement, coming from someone who, unsuccessfully at that, self-nominated.)(Also, I'm not sure I'm allowed to reply to this. So don't shoot me for doing this?) -- Rahrah is pumped that he's going to lose another Manhunt. 22:44, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- It makes sense to me. If someone else nominates them, you can be sure that they've made friends and proven their worth, at least to some extent. If they self-nominate, they show a certain amount of narcissism. --VVV RPMBG 22:59, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Still makes little sense, the two bids below this one demonstrate well what friends will do for one another if you need them too, making ahseet's system not only really unreliable, but also if you're going to vote on something so petty it's basically a null vote from a bureaucrat's point of view. --
- People who self-nominate show that they think they can do the job (it's much easier to accept a nomination then it is to put one up,) and, additionally, that they have the self-esteem to think they can do the job. But people who are nominated show that they have friends, and someone who's willing to go as far as nominating them for the job. One is not inherently better. Linkthewindow Talk 10:44, 21 July 2010 (BST)
- Well, even a null recommendation still must count for something in the final analysis. And I did vouch for you several times, so I my opinion can't be completely worthless. Asheets 16:03, 21 July 2010 (BST)
- I don't know what appealing to my vanity will do for your argument, but if you're happy with the possibility your vote might not have as much weight because of the reason you specified, then I have no place to bleat more. -- 10:25, 23 July 2010 (BST)
00:17, 21 July 2010 (BST)
- Still makes little sense, the two bids below this one demonstrate well what friends will do for one another if you need them too, making ahseet's system not only really unreliable, but also if you're going to vote on something so petty it's basically a null vote from a bureaucrat's point of view. --
- It makes sense to me. If someone else nominates them, you can be sure that they've made friends and proven their worth, at least to some extent. If they self-nominate, they show a certain amount of narcissism. --VVV RPMBG 22:59, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- ... This makes no sense. Why is self-nomination a bad thing? Does it betray a personality or a trait that is undesirable in a Sysop? (And yes, I do realise the irony of the statement, coming from someone who, unsuccessfully at that, self-nominated.)(Also, I'm not sure I'm allowed to reply to this. So don't shoot me for doing this?) -- Rahrah is pumped that he's going to lose another Manhunt. 22:44, 20 July 2010 (BST)
Abstain - I don't think, with the current number of active users, we need more Pyschos at the moment. --Axe Hack Talk 15:50, 20 July 2010 (BST)Vouch with a Mudkip. And cookies. You'll make a fine Pycho Psyops. ;) --Axe Hack Talk 12:31, 23 July 2010 (BST)- Thanks man. There should be an International Axe loving day. For the weapon axe I mean. Mind if I bold that vouch btw? --
Thadeous Oakley
12:36, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- Thanks man. There should be an International Axe loving day. For the weapon axe I mean. Mind if I bold that vouch btw? --
- Weak Against - Cyberbob makes an excellent point, but that doesn't make Thad any less controversial.So basically, as Harrison, but a little less charged. --VVV RPMBG 19:29, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Vouch - In all my time I've not seen Thad do anything even remotely as bad as any other sysop has ever done, nor has his attitude been adverse to the position. Basically, he's done nothing to show he should not be a sysop, his only conflicts being seemingly on a personal level. I see no reason not to give him a chance at it. He's shown himself not to be unwilling to involve himself in the opinionated sides of the wiki's admin services, and I've seen times where A/M, A/VB and the like could do with another involved individual instead of an abstained vote. Of course my vouch is also conditional on him doing the usual grunt work too but with an extra set of hands that should be very light (also given that his time zone is unique to the team it'd help us reach an around-the-clock presence, which can never be a bad thing).
21:21, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Well yeah, you don't have anyone from mainland Europe, in fact no one who isn't native in English currently, but the timezone difference between the UK and Holland is only one hour ;) Oh and thanks for your trust. --
Thadeous Oakley
19:35, 21 July 2010 (BST)
- Well yeah, you don't have anyone from mainland Europe, in fact no one who isn't native in English currently, but the timezone difference between the UK and Holland is only one hour ;) Oh and thanks for your trust. --
- Following Link's Example - Thad has definitely come a long way. I know that just a few months back, his interpersonal issues (especially the ones with SA) were really bothering me and would've resulted in an instant Against vote. In the last few months however, it hasn't been nearly as much of an issue. He's not afraid to disagree with the sysops, but he doesn't do it arbitrarily or just for the sake of doing it. Instead, he offers a sound opinion most of the time, and generally has valid points to contribute to the discussion. He's definitely not as serious in nature as some of the folks around here, which is both good and bad. Honestly, I hadn't really considered the possibility of his promotion prior to seeing this, so I'm curious what his response will be to Ross' question as well, since motivation is a key factor. —Aichon— 21:37, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- Abstain - People are saying he's come a long way. I haven't been around to know if this is true so I am Abstaining. But it is worth mentioning that the MisterGame I used to know was an absolutely, unqualified no-go for the sysop position. --WanYao 05:12, 21 July 2010 (BST)
- Abstain - As DDR.-- Adward 15:00, 21 July 2010 (BST)
Abstain You got the attitude for the sysop, but your contribution just.... insignificant, and rarely seen helping user(for me).--Evan ArnoldiTalkStoriesTimeMachine 15:52, 21 July 2010 (BST)- Dude, not to offend you, but you have been here for 2 days. I don't really think you can judge my contributions in such a short time-span.--
Thadeous Oakley
19:31, 21 July 2010 (BST)
wait, 2 days? hoho, dont judge me by edits boy, i have lurked this wiki from early 2008, and just starting to assemble with the community for last 2 days, and don't think i judged your contribution just this last 2 days. Your lack of knowledge for veteran lurker amuse me. And yeah, self-promoting are bad. I change my vote to Against.--Evan ArnoldiTalkStoriesTimeMachine 08:16, 22 July 2010 (BST)- Ah well. I'm going to help you now though whether you like it or not ;). I striked your original stance above, since it is forbidden to edit material that already has been replied to (to avoid impersonation) and you have changed your stance into "against". So next time if you want to change your opinion in A/PM just strike the original, and add a new one in an indent (which you already did) instead of changing the original. I hope I made it clear to you. --
Thadeous Oakley
09:49, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- shi- well, i guess it cant be helped :P, changing my vote, AGAIN to Vouch. I admit, this guy really got me with this word: I'm going to help you now though whether you like it or not =)).--Evan ArnoldiTalkStoriesTimeMachine 15:53, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- Ah well. I'm going to help you now though whether you like it or not ;). I striked your original stance above, since it is forbidden to edit material that already has been replied to (to avoid impersonation) and you have changed your stance into "against". So next time if you want to change your opinion in A/PM just strike the original, and add a new one in an indent (which you already did) instead of changing the original. I hope I made it clear to you. --
- Dude, not to offend you, but you have been here for 2 days. I don't really think you can judge my contributions in such a short time-span.--
- Vouch Thadeous has contributed quite a bit and I'm positive he has the best intentions at heart. --Chairman Fanglord, 01:28, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- Vouch - kinda decent guy. In the unlikely event he gets through just turn a small issue into a major incident and demote him while he's out celebrating the turn of the year while you losers are at home on the UDWiki. xoxo 07:43, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- As Link, for the most part. Coupled with his answer to Rosslessness above, he seems sincere in his desire to help out, and has always come across that way in my experience. Perhaps not always with the... panache or tact I would prefer to see, but his heart has always been in the right place. I have my reservations about giving him buttons, but I also think that another sysop voice in A/M, A/VB, etc wouldn't hurt considering the current number of sysops who tend to avoid those areas. --Maverick Talk - OBR
404 09:21, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- Vouch - There were too many words every where on this page. But, I still thnik you would make a valubal addition to the expanding team.--
TCAPD(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ 16:04, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- Against If the Sysop role only involved keeping the place tidy i would have no problem vouching you. Sadly I don't think I would be happy to trust you with power over over certain areas while you have a tendency to take things so personally. In any case you haven't really convinced me that you need the extra buttons or resposibilities to keep doing what you need/want to do. --Honestmistake 16:20, 22 July 2010 (BST)
- How can I convince you =O ? Have you read everything on this page? (I know it's turning out in allot of text) --
Thadeous Oakley
12:15, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- If its any consolation I t's nothing personal. I have long felt that actual judgement calls on A/VB and other pages should not be automatic powers for sysops, rather, they should be a wholly different set of responsibilities with a whole seperate procedure to get them. If they were you would get my vouch.... Sadly they are not and thus you don't.--Honestmistake 23:21, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- How can I convince you =O ? Have you read everything on this page? (I know it's turning out in allot of text) --
- Against. --jorm 02:28, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- Against. --DrJackson 02:28, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- You may want to learn how to sign properly, you somehow managed to copy Jorm's timestamp, and falsified your own in the process.--
Thadeous Oakley
10:41, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- A simple mistake thats all but then again it doesnt really matter, but thank you for your condescending reply. There is only one rule in this game and you chose to ignore it, but oddly enough you only recognised it when you wentfor sysop.A testimony to your values.--Rapture 11:15, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- I did recognize it because some people felt uncomfortable with me being on the list, though personally I do deem a mistake from so long ago on something completely different then this wiki irrelevant to my current bid. I have made mistakes before (just take a look at my vandal record) but that was a long time ago and I learned from it. Now do you have any idea who I am, and what my contributions on this wiki are from the past months? If not, then your judgment of me is based on only a very small part of my persona. So please, don't talk about my values when you don't have all the facts. Oh, and you still haven't fixed your timestamp. By looking into the history of this page you can acquire the correct time. Then strike the original timestamp, and put the correct one after it. I do hope you understand what I'm saying. --
Thadeous Oakley
12:00, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- I did recognize it because some people felt uncomfortable with me being on the list, though personally I do deem a mistake from so long ago on something completely different then this wiki irrelevant to my current bid. I have made mistakes before (just take a look at my vandal record) but that was a long time ago and I learned from it. Now do you have any idea who I am, and what my contributions on this wiki are from the past months? If not, then your judgment of me is based on only a very small part of my persona. So please, don't talk about my values when you don't have all the facts. Oh, and you still haven't fixed your timestamp. By looking into the history of this page you can acquire the correct time. Then strike the original timestamp, and put the correct one after it. I do hope you understand what I'm saying. --
- A simple mistake thats all but then again it doesnt really matter, but thank you for your condescending reply. There is only one rule in this game and you chose to ignore it, but oddly enough you only recognised it when you wentfor sysop.A testimony to your values.--Rapture 11:15, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- You may want to learn how to sign properly, you somehow managed to copy Jorm's timestamp, and falsified your own in the process.--
- Vouch - I've never formed any strong opinions about Thad/Mister Game, but I know he's got some experience and isn't afraid to have an opinion. Also I like the way he's handled himself during this sysop bid. Good luck!--GANG Giles Sednik CAPD 10:50, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- Thank you good Sir!--
Thadeous Oakley
11:44, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- Thank you good Sir!--
- Against --Bisfan 11:30, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- Vouch - Despite having issues in the past, he's dealt with them, and we need members of the team who can confront their problems.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 14:47, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- Vouch - I think you're good enough for the job --Zensaga 16:52, 23 July 2010 (BST)
- Gotta go weak against on this one (lolshocker). I went through your edits for the last two months, and most are of your own pages, or as the welcome committee. With that said, I don't like you very much. But if given sysop, I don't think you would abuse the power. --Haliman - Talk 03:20, 24 July 2010 (BST)
Recently Concluded Bids
User:Grim s
archived by misanthropy, --
10:31, 23 July 2010 (BST)
archived by misanthropy, --
10:31, 23 July 2010 (BST)
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