heeeyy!!!!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!!!! im zergy mczergr 5342!!! bad@$$ zombah!!!!!
im totall kik@as zombah ZERGY MCZRGERR.. 4 sum reson ppl has problemz wth my NAM!!!1!??!?! they cal me nAMS and say BAD werdz but im just zergy!!! im 5342 cus thats my zipcod!1!! its' also my pasword but shhh!! dont tell i wanted b in LUUE cuz thats teh BEST zomah grou pevar but they didn tlik me teling ppl zo now im antiLUEE tehbest mor best zomba group even better thn best and we kick2ss way mor then LUUE with 50) membars so far but no tmy mom shes not init now also im 14 and my real nam isZERGY in rel life its trUUUUUU!!!1!!
totel ZOMBAHS killd sofar:
tatol posibly LUE!!! ZONBAHS!1! killzd sfarr:
so al my ZOMBAH planz has were runed by sum1 rezzzin ZERGY!!!!!!11!! so im ben serchinng fur FLKA JAKETS!11!!! an GUUNZZZzZ!!!!1!!!!
tota serchz 4 gumzz wit no gunz fond:
Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.
no wai teplits ROXXX!111!!!!
Ban Stupidity
This user or group does not tolerate stupid people.
Life, the Universe, and Everything
<user name> is a member of LUE.
Beat The Bejesus
This Person or Group Knows That Sometimes You Just Gotta Beat The Bejesus Outta Somethings...
Things Best Forgotten
This User page has an Archive
The Hitchhiker's Guide To Malton
Reminding Malton survivors of the most reassuring words they're likely to hear all day: Don't Panic
This user claims to be too sexy for his car, too sexy by far.
DUDE! It's a Template!
This user has been known to say the word "Dude" from time to time.
Fucking Pwnage!
God bless the Banana Bear and his mased potato-damaged keyboard.
200L fuel can
zergy only uses "ELT 200L fuel cans". Carry more, search less.
A Free Glass of Milk
{{{1}}} has given {{{2}}} a glass of milk for {{{reason}}}.
Don't you know who the fuck I am?!
This user is the Juggernaut, bitch!
This user only uses their powers for good, and for tipping over small babies.
*No small babies were harmed in the making of this template*
World Domination
This user has plans for world domination.
This user is Batman. Nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-Batman!
A Team
This User is a member of the A Team
The President
"Whoever" "Whatever"
Defender of the Malls
This user is not on a sightseeing mission. He is touring Malton on business. Mall Tour business.
His power level...
F YEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This User is capable of a 1000yd HeadShot
BEWARE: Roundhouse Kick Master!
This user has mastered Chuck Norris' signature only move. It's deadly!
Alt user
This user has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.
Nothing Washes Away Zed Guts Like A Shot Of Belvedere
This User Supports Heavy Drinking.
Grim s
This User thinks that Grim s is the greatest mod ever.
This user or group supports the vendetta against the stupid deletions on the Deletions Page. Everytime one of them is posted we will Spam it into oblivion.
Trigger Happy
This user has guns. Do not cross them.
dats rite, b!tch!!!
What do you mean I can't use an axe?!
This user can't understand why zombies are not allowed to use fire axes.
This user knows how to make templates.
hahahhhaahahhloelhl!111 dogs!!!
Mmmm, cheese…
your name really, really likes cheese.
Vandals Beware
This user will not hesitate to smite you with his OR her or its etc. ban hammer of justice.
<3 Fishel <3
This user or group would love to eat Fishel.
It seemed like a good Idea…
your name has given himself a crackpipe template.
Template:Anti Chuck
Whoever is currently Whatever
"Free" Running?
This user believes that Free Running works by how you think it works.
Oh yea? Well Fuck you!
This User knows many creative and unique comebacks.
o snap
Remember To Sign!
This user remembers to sign on talk pages and you should too.
This User stolen something from you and still steals!
Math fun
This user thinks that math is awesome.
Pulp Fiction
Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say what one more goddamn time.
Oh, the drama!
This issue should be a soap opera!
Urban Guerilla
This user is part of ongoing the armed struggle in the streets of Malton and will fight the enemies of the people until the revolution is achieved.
This user has jumped on the template bandwagon.
Secret Agent
This user knows no fear, knows no danger, knows nothing
Attack of the Clones
Attack of the Dupe Clones!
This user or group supports the theory that Greedo did not shoot first and that there must have been another shooter on the grassy knoll. This shooter was probably a Centaur.
Way too many smilies!
This user thinks there are way too many f**king smilies in people's sigs these days, even there's a 7:1 ratio of smiley users!!!
Killer Whales
This user thinks killer whales are better than dolphins, and would totally be a killer whale, but with wings and missiles and shit.
Mob Rulz!
This user is proud to be one of the mindless herd that inhabits the Suggestions page.
This user may or may not refer to someone as "slapnuts".
| .
Pools Closed Due to Aids!
This user or group supports the use of Kitties for extreme cuteness and lovability.
| whu dosnt?!?!
This user thinks that adding 1 AP to the revive cycle is pointless.
Seagal > Norris
This user knows that Chuck Norris is Steven Seagal's bitch.
Spray Addict
Tag anything that sits still long enough.
Loves Kiwis
This user loves kiwis and is probably off on {{{1}}} ranch raising whole flocks of the things.
I Love stingrays!
This user wants Steve Irwin and DORIS to stay dead.
Run For Your Lives!
This Zombie's Packin' Heat!
I'm Smarter
This user is smarter than you.
| duuuuh
This user haets caek.
This user is Libertarian.
zOMG Picard
This user recognizes Jean-Luc Picard as his only and true master.
| woooooo!!!!!11!!
Frakkin' Lawyer
user's name is a lawyer and therefore believed to be damned. "One lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than a hundred guys with guns." -- Vito Corleone
Zombie Santa's coming to town!
This user is eagerly awaiting the arrival of Zombie Santa on BARHAHmas.
Firing Squad
Custom Text.
All glory to the Hypnotoad!
| .
This user has gotten {{{number}}} suggestions implemented!
Sock Puppets
Because democracy works better without all that pesky democracy.
Wearing Shirts
This user knows how to wear a shirt.
you has number of templates different templates on his or her page as of today's date.
Curse You Encumbrance!!!
This user carries around a lot of crap.
Stupid Suggestions!
Whenever you make a stupid Suggestion, God kills a kitten. Stop killing kittens.
This user has been exposed to chemical pollution and thinks like a purple tentacle.
{{{User}}} has made {{{Number}}} suggestions as of {{{Date}}}
Just Lock the Freaking Doors Already!
This user can't figure out why survivors don't just lock their doors to keep out the zombies.
| sereuslyy!!!!1!
This user thinks there are enough capital letters used on the wiki to feed every bookworm in the world.
This user likes to get outside and do some camping every once in a while.
Bounty Hunter
This User or Group hunts and kills PKers.
Horrible maths
This user thinks that your calculations are shit.
Where is Malton?
Your Name thinks that Malton is Where is it???.
This user understands the value of Manbagz to carry miscellaneous vital items.
This user celebrates Equinox for an unusually long time.
A Complete Waste of Time
This user doesn't even know why they bother using templates anymore.
| .
This user is a consumer and is probably off looting a mall.
Fire Fighter
This user is a Firefighter and is probably off chopping up a zombie with their axe.
My Name is Inigo Montoya
You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Mighty Bullshit Wand
This user or group supports the use of the magical bullshit wand to educate users with bad suggestions.
The casualties are still rising...
At 20:49 of September 15th, Both 73 and Nalikill were banned for 24 hrs. This user recognizes that hagnat shouldn't have jumped the gun, that the bans were unfair, and that 73 and Nalikill are to be martyred for their willingness to fight for truth, justice, and well, stuff! Oh, and they tried to make people realize the misuse of the admin pages, but no one cares about that.
This user thinks dolphins are better than killer whales, and would totally be a dolphin, but with wings and lasers and shit.
Anti McZeds™
This Zombie or Human does not eat at McZeds™, the patty flipping harmanz bra!nz are full of grease.
This user is a medic and is probably off healing the troops.
This user knows exactly what to do with a banana.
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
In his house at R'lyeh, this dead user waits dreaming.
This user or group knows how to lay the smack down.
Tusken Raider
Anybody see somebody reachin' for straws say "Yeah!"
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
In his house at R'lyeh, this dead user waits dreaming.
This user or group thinks all sockpuppets are not inherently evil.
Feel the Love
This user is a Mod, and is loved for their efforts towards fighting stupidity.
Templates make FUNFUN!
This user thinks that templates are a fun and exciting way to express your opinion!
u herd rite...
dis user leiks mudkips
This user practices non-violence, and will not attack any player, zombie or human.
This user is a native Texan.
Zergy McZerger5342 realizes that DORIS is nothing but a bunch of whiners that PK for no real reason but to be dickheads. Zergy McZerger5342 also plans to help rid Malton of DORIS, or at least send them off to some suburb that no one cares about, like Dentonside or something.
This user or group supports the distribution of dairy products for all of Malton's Citizens.
You get a cookie!
You has given Them a cookie for some reason
Gnap! Gnap!
This smurf is really smurfed and wants to smurf everyone in the smurf!
Death Count
{{{User}}} has died {{{Number}}} times.
Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.
Nerf This!
This user actually uses the word "nerf" appropriately.
Zombie Massacre
This user loves going on zombie massacres.
Swim swim hungry!
This user belives that Dopefish lives and that it's still hungry.
Zombie Watch
This Person or Group Supports the Neighborhood Zombie Watch
watch ZOMBAHS!!
This User or Group supports the No-Tolerance Policy, and does not tolerate PKers, GKers, or zombie spies under any circumstance, and will attack them on sight. You have been warned.
No Life
This user has nothing better to do than sit around all day and be awsome.
Oh Snap!
| o snap!!!
Optimus Prime
The owner of this page believes that Optimus Prime is totally badass and can kick everyone's ass.
(User) just served you a lame comeback.
This user loves pizza and eats it every chance they get.
Happy Hour
This user supports 24 happy hours in Malton.
This user be a Pirate. Death to the Ninja dogs! Yarr!
Big Shiny Medal
zergy has given zergy a big shiny medal for awsome.
Point not found
I fail to see the point of Optional: whatever you're suggesting/arguing/doing.
| o snap
Music Lover
This user likes music.
Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.
Project Sleep
This user is a Zzz...
Roses are Red...
Violets are Blue. This user can rhyme; Don't you wish you could too?
| burn
Snake? Snake?! Snaaaaaaaaaaaaake!
<user> is beyond his Lastday
and is seeking sanctuary
| wtf??!?
This user has officially given up on trying to make a balanced barricade suggestion. Barricades should be useless, just like in real life.
Scientology Unfriendly
This user thinks that Scientology is ridiculous.
This page contains a heavy load of propaganda. The information stated here might be the truth, might be somewhat similar to the truth, or might be an all out lie. The reader is warned to keep this in mind when reading the matters below.
This user is a member of the Ministry of Silly Walks.
The Template Junkies
We make templates. Lots of them.
Template Whore
This User includes as many templates as possible on his or her User Page. I mean, come on! Tusken Raider?!?
Oh Shit!
This User doesn't know how to drive a car.
This user adds soylent when cooking.
The Hitchhiker's Guide To Malton
It must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Pseudo Zombie
This user needs more sleep.
| Template:Template Count
Today is Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025
best day evaR!!!!
UD Mod Conspiracy
This user is onto the Mod Conspiracy, and we've got our eye on you too!
Duck and cover, duck and cover!
Tin-foil hats may work too!
This user believes you can't kill the Messiah
This user flips out and kills people. Ninjas are so totally awesome!
Stop Holiday Imperialism!
This user refuses to acknowledge the start of Christmas season until the day after Thanksgiving.
Too Strong!
This user thinks that zergy {{{is/are}}} too powerful and should be weakened.
Excellent Job!
You has given Them a badge for some reason
| .
Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.
| ZOMBAH!!!!!1!
This user supports the addition of cows to the game, because drinking condensed milk is getting old.
This user has so many awsome that they have to categorize them into groups.
This user finds no irony in 20 shotguns and katanas.
Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?