Kill List
Group Numbers
A hoarded secret
To annihilate the ignorant and uneducated survivors
Recruitment Policy
The following ignorant souls have had their miserable existences ended:
~*1LordMoore (F), 1st Sergeant Lipton (R), *122 zombles (SS), 180es (M), *2ndRate (F,F), **21 charlie (RH, VI), 3adam3 (F), *3 CPO (N), 3rror (M), *601210 (KF), *6232801 (N),*3hird (RE)
~*A85380 (HB), *A Chumley Warner (F), *a drunk surgeon (TB), A pain in the axe (VI), **A Puke Covered Bum (EA), a spray can (SO,R), a young black man (VI,TB,VI,ME,LT,VI,LT), Aaron King (R), Acherontia Styx (ME), Adjent Ghost (HB), *Aenos (F), Aeris Rosenburg (CM), Agrojagg (WF), *Ahce of Sphades (KF), **AIbert Wesker (RH), **AidenFury (KF), Ailton (J), **AimHigh (F), **Aint Got Time 2Bleed (SO+SI, WV, SS), Aisis (F), *Ajsmith (N),Akashe Veranos (N), **Akrider (SM, NV),**Al Anon (F), Alareal (VI), Albert Wesker (WV,VI), *Aleph Solo (Z), *Alex Fremont (F), **Alexander Karelin (KF,VI,EA),*Alexander Nash (Z), Alexanderrr (HB), Allison oxford (N), Ammaclay (HB), *Amy Anderson (F), an Elephant (SS), Anal Explorer (Z), **analvapour (NV), *Andrea Vincent (TB), **Andrew Ellison (F), *Andrew Wisse (HB), Andy Richter (CM), *Angel Reaper (SI), Angel of Chaos (HB), angelknight2 (_,_), *Angl (M,M), **Annie Kat (S), anondescriptperson (R), Another Bystander (ER), **Anthonwy (AK), Anthor (R), **Anti Necrosis Bot (KY,RH,SM), Antinex (WV), *Anton Slavik (Z), **Apocalypse Dan (RB, F, NV), Apple Core (D), aqws (F), Aramcobrat (PB), Arandi (L), Arcas Lanucex (S), **Archangel Michael (RH), Arctorrus (N), *Arkantos123 (SI), *ArkhamBlack (LT,EA), Arluc (WV), *Arnold Silverman (HB), Aronion (J), Arroc (ME), *Arsonist Bob (HB), *Arthur Brain (AK), Artifact Eric (ME), Arturrrrr (N), Arundel Zeitgeist (DR), **AscheLoch (F), Ash Jackson (R),**Ash Knott (SM), Ash the Hunter (F,N,N,N,N,SI,S,M), asil (SO), askepius (N), **asphyxious (HB), assasin9854 (R), **assgaper (VR,SY), **Assist0 (L), aTrunkMonkey (R), *Atryom (SM), Atticus Rex (CM), *attooma (SI,SI,F), **Autz Fritz (F,SI), Avaunt (L), Averagejoe945 (L), Awesomator (ER), *axefighter1 (F), Axeman Jack (VI), Axeman89 (ER), **AxeyMcAxenstein (HB,HB)
~Baba O'Riley (_), backass (AK), **BadKarmaBoy (N), **Badger Bag (F), *badSyllable (N), Badumshaloooop (AK), *Baldric (SI), Bane Croooow (R), Banen (HI), bannana (SO), Barry Locke (ME), Barry Navochavisk (J), bataboluf (HB), **Bearguin (S), **beef riprock (SS,R), Bellboy163 (SI), *Ben Harding (EA,PS), **Ben Thorvane (RH), Benderillo (HB), **BenderWAW (SM),**Benigno (F,TB), *Berkberk(HB), *Betsy Because (HB), Big Axe Ainsworth (CM), **Big Pat (SS), **bigcountry (L), bigdaddy2 (R), *Bill Bradford (S), *Bill from Kill Bill (SI), **Billy Bob Smeckley (F), Billy Ho (SO), **Billy K (F), Billy Zahn (L), BillyLiar1010 (SO), *billz (M), Bin Jip (ME), Bionic Woman (ME), Biscit( HB), *Black Mask (SI), **blackbeltduck (LTx2,ME,F), *Blackbird (SI), *Blackstun (R), **blah193 (ER), bLanKeTe (F), blobslapper (L), *Blue Chixen (WF,M), blueman43 (PB), Bluemofia (SO), **bobby pegleg (VI, EA, BK), *Bob Lombie (N), Bobandabit (HB), bodydoc (R), Bolanoid (F), **Booblethree (ME,EA), Boobletwo (KF), boobsRfun4us (N), Boolosis (SI), *Bored Man (AK), **bow42 (S), Bowling Bride (ME,ME,LT), Bravo Sierra (N), Brett Detar (HB), **Brettann Hudak (HB), **brian mercat (KF, SN), Brick Lovelamp (N), Bring it On (S,M), BringOnTheZombies (N), Britney Spheres (ME), Brittany777 (HB), brittwuzhere (KN), *Broik (F,F), brooking (SO), Bruce K (HB), BSoda (J), BTDPIMP (SO), Buffaloo (N), **Buffalosabres (KF), **ByroHPOTD (VR,SY), *Byron Sutter (F), **ByroHPOTD (EA,RH)
~**Caithlin Leary (SM), **Cameron Vale (SM), *candlestick (TB), Caniston (Z), Captain Kennedy (M), *Captain Quirk (L), *CaptFireStorm (AS,F), *CaptKC (AK), **CaptOfRedBravoTeam (TB), Carados (F), *caribbeanghost (F), **carljones (L+SI,F), Carn Helmingas (AS), Carpse (F), Cash Car Star (R,SO), **Casper the Sheet (HB), Cassie Jacobs (RN), CDFStallone (HB), Cdrwcry (M,N,F), *CellPhoneCandy (ER), Cerebrunch (SO,WV), **Chair Killer (HB), *Charles Dahmer (F,N), Charles Passe (ME), Charlie mon (SO), *Cheryl Mason (SI), Chesty LeRoux (DR), chicken finger (RH), *chief kaiser (SS), chixie (J), **ChopperReid (Z), ChoppersMcGee (RE), **Chris Cro (R,F,AK,BZ), chris fry (N), Chris Redmoor (WF), *Chris the Hunter (SM,KN,KY), Chris Vogt (RH), *chrissman (SS), *Christopher Weller (F), *CHUNK0280 (M), Chupathingie (SI),
Cillive (RS), **Cinerary (F), Cinnibar (S), Claire Sparrow (R), *Clinon (N), *Coast Guard (HB), **Code Storm (F), *Col Dominic Peppard (N), Colin Mchugh (N), Collin Foster (F), ColonelZero (F), comfortaddict (SS,R), **Comic Fan (F), commiekiller (M+F),**Common Tao (SS), *Compex3 (AK), *conde Mor (N), constantius (HB), cool robber (N), *cooolster444 (TB), Cop91 (R) Corsario (SI), Cory Bronze (F), *Count Burke (HB), **Cowboy Up (L), Cpl Chuck Norris (AU), **cpt cypher (KF), *Cpt Florence (SI), **cr0n1c (F), **CrackaJ (X), Crackcityrocka (Z), **CrasssDaddy (AK), **crazydanceman (SY), *cremated remains (SS), Cron2 (M), *Crost (HB), Croyzee (ME), *crunch chomp munch (HB), cryinshame (KF), *Cult (HB), **Curreta (F), Cyndi Lauper (M), Cyrinx (SS)
~D J Devil (F), Da Terminator (SS), Dago Fett (LT), **Dallan (KF), *Dan J Butler (SI), Dan Mall (GS), Dan Mozz (HB), *DanB3 (F,BZ), dandalf1 (F), Dani Hallow (WA), **DannGunn (Z), Danny Davies (DR), Danny Finn (R), **Dant (N), Dante Hicks (R), *Dark Butters (VR), DARK WARLORD (WF), Dark Wulfen (AK), *DarkTraveler777 (SS,SS,F+M,F), *darth mushu (AK), Darth Vilhelm (R), DaPadre (R), Dash Master (F), Dash Solo (WV), Dastardly Dick (ME), Dats Me (_), Davane (ME), Dave Deadhead (ME), daveypoo (S), **David's Sling (TB), **davxyz (M+F), day glo (AK), * dayday8 (F), DCDS (SI), **Dead Alive83 (X), Deadel (ME), *DEADJONNY (KF), *Death Keeper (HB), **DeathFromTurds (BZ,KN), *Deathshredder (F,M+N,SS,F+N,L), Decido (J), Decus (F), dedwards (R), **defalt (LE), dejwid (HB), Deltor (T), *Demiurgen (HB), Demon Hart (SM), *DeMorcef (HB), **Dennis Albrum (J,R), **Detective Ice (NV), DeusExMathias (J), Devestation (LE), Devross (HB), *Devv2 (N), DGBCorpse (R), **Dhavid Grohl (NV,LT,VI,KN), Difference Engine (FV), DigitalShepherd (HB), Dilettante (_), dimbages soldier (N+S), Discount Charlie (SI), DJ917 (WF), DJSMITH (N), Doc Cherry (R,AU), *Doc Pontoon (F), DocHuvuulloo (LT,LT,ME), Doctor Mudd (HI), *doctorbob (N), *Docwendigo (N+SS), dog lacroix (VI), Doktor Bad (HB), *Dolduwath (Z), Dolomite (_), Dom Crea (VI), Domino Mac (J), Don T Devour (S), **Don Tartalia (TB), **Donedeal (F), donoteat (SI), **dont shoot im stoned (KF,ST), *DontEatMeImShort (SS), **DoomBringer00 (SS), **Dr Azathoth (R,WF), Dr Barn (F), Dr Five (VI), Dr Grojewicz (F), Dr Hydra (HB), Dr John Nelson (HB), *Dr Lingus (BZ), Dr Peppa (HB), *Dr Pork (SS), Dr Soulchild (SI), **Dr Stormy (TB), Dr Veronica (L), *Dr Williams (HB), *Draconiusrpg (M), Dragon909 (F), DrAmethyst (ME), drock19 (N), **DrQuincy (RH), **DrTennisDiva (ER), *dshadowj (HB), Duckinthepuddle (SO), Dude Wheres My Car (RN), **dudemeister (O), Dustin Pedroia (GS), *Dvorak (N)
~Ebhon (HB), echobob (S), **eclark3d (F), Edward Grengle (ME), *Edward R Moureau (L), *Edweird (HB), Egon III (M), *eigthson (F), EiNSAM (SO), El Duderino Jr (HB), El Soylento (F), *el tomas (F),Eleanor Ardent(HB), *Electric Eddie (SS), *Elipson (HB), *elliotness (RE), *Ellis Kinkaid (SS), *Elmrow (HB), *Emily Oats (Z), Emmit (HB), **EMT4LifeBabe (O,R), *Erados Twee (F),**Erage (RH) **Ergophobic (F), **Everett Eby (ER), Evil Bison (CM), Ezekyle Abaddon (ME), Ezreal Desdinova (LT)
~faggot humping lord (ST), Faithbasedrape (PB), **Falone (F), **Father Thompson (M,F), *Faughner (SS), Felix Carivaggio (S), Felix Vaeger (R), Femmy2020 (R), FernusBR (WV), **fiduch (KF), FILIP COMMANDO (N), fireblaze (Z), firedep (FV), *firedragon2133 (SS,FV), **FireMeUpAgain (N), Firingsquad (T), Firwash (GS), FL Richard Aiken (R), Flack2 (F), flamefur (KF), **fleiger (KF), Flushing (CM), Flyboy Jimmy (SO), flying hamster (F), **Flying Mandarine (Z), Foikn (ME), For d (SO), *Forgi (_), **fox mcloud (F), **FoxLisk (Z), Fran 92 (F), Franklin barkly (N), Freddy Adu (LT) *Freddy Four Fingers (SS), Friznit (F), FRU T BUNN (HB), Fryzie (F+N), fu wtf (SO), fuc'd (X), Fuzzywabbits (M)
~**G F J (SM), Gabriel the Priest (HB), Gaelic Lagandia (VI), Gaius Baltar(F), Galway Girl(R), Galvan (LT), ganja trucker (SO), **Garool (HB), Gary Musser (RH), **Gaschambergerhart (SI), gavinthepig (VI), gavman666 (R),Gen Mayhem (SI), Genesee (L), *General Kelso (M), George D (T), George H Bush (R),George W Bush XIII (R),*Gerald King (HB), Geroy (L), *Gespenst (HB), Gevos (ME), *Ghhh (NV), **Ghost Guard (SM), Ghost45 (R), ghostr687 (Z), GI21 (HB), *Gilby21 (HB), Gina Semple (WF), ginebra2 1 (SI), GIR2 (SI), *Girl in a blue dress (N), God Hates Lag (VI), Godot (L), **godwouldbejealous (AK), goggles (M,J,L), gold8erg (L), **Gonnakillya3 (SY), goodman528 (R), goon squad (SO), Gorgutz (J), Gortron (ME), gothx7 (M), **GrayGhost (M), Gray Area (R), Greene2042 (HI, KF), Grey Kaiser (SS), *Griffin Drake (SS), *Grim Healer (S), Grunmanesqe (SS), *Grunty Balboa (SS), Gryan (HB), GTWalrus (SO), **Gunblade2000 (SS), *Gune (N), *gungadin (S), *gungadon (M), *gus1172 (S), Gwendolyr (ME)
~H3retic (WV), *Hadley V Baxendale (S), Haimayonnaise (SS), HAL equals IBM (WF) halfbreedsmurf (SI), Hallowpoint (J), **hammer dave (F), *Hanok Tarsec (M), Hansel McAdams (AW) *, Hantei (ER), **happymondays (KY), Harem (WF), Hatchett Matt (WF), hatmando (R), hboGYT (ME), *Head Masher (S), Headland Jon (SO, WV), *Hef Wild (HB), Heiki (ME), *Hellwar2 (HB), *Henry Hill (M), **Heretic Soul (TB), HermioneGranger1 (ME,LT), **hernangabriel (AK), HerotheZero (F,L), Hertuy4w (ZE),**Hfuhruhurr (H), hibernaculum (RH,KN), hildegardupperfiend (R), hitsquade40(ME), Hobbes79 (SS), *HoldenDaPenor1 (A), *HolyDante (F), homeimprovement (AK), Homo Habilis (R), **Hooper Humperdink (SS), *HOPDannyBoy (N,N), **hopelessfailure (SM), *hottpepper420 (RH, VI, KY), How I Do (SS), howellro (SS), **Howling Dan (SI,N,F,O), **humanstyle (F, RB, LT), HurdyGurgy (WV), **Huston (SY), Hwknight (SI), Hymen Goldsilver (ME,ME)
~**I AM TARA (LE), i suck at game (T), Ian Ahlm (L), ianni (HB), IceXIV (ME), Icholtz (HB), **icke (S), *Ikearumba (X), *Ikikaeru (F), ILessThanThreeBrains (F), *Ilium (M), *Illyria (SI), Immortal Tech (R), imtombstone (VI), Inferi Summer (ME), *inor (N), **Iolando (RH), Iron Can (HB,HB), Iron Lung (F), *Ironash (SS), irounds (ME), Isaac329 (F), *isaywoot (N), *Itachi kun (SO, WV), Itsurabus (F), Ivan Tully (N+F), **Izarius (SM)
~J's Assitant (F), J Wu (L), Jack Cohen (F), Jack Conall (_), Jack Hollow (N), **jackkal (J), Jackson Folly (ME), Jacksonfive (SI), JadeL (F, M), **Jaerk(F), JakeG (RH), Jakis (Z), *Jakkob (M), James Chestnut (SS), *James Ennis (TB), James Henderson (RH), James Sawyer Ford (SI), Jamie Stewart (J), jammy666 (R), JaredC (HB), Jarl Darkwolf (M), **Jason Fitch (AK), Jason Willson (SI,HB), jason0303 (R), JavaJesus05 (M), *Javoxzombie (SI), Jaw Breaker (WM), jaybull (L), jaynick (ZE), Jaysan (ME), *jaysed (EA), JC Cage (R), jcruncher (N), JDdan (J), *Jebus14 (F), Jed Case (R), jedicoconut (HB), Jefe Maestro (ME), Jenny Berry (SI), **Jeremy Daniels (S), Jerry Darden (ME),**Jerry Wallace (J), JerseyHart (M), JessicaSorrow (HB), Jester393 (HB), **Jett Black (SS), jhon101 (N), Jim Callaway (SS,SS), Jim Extreme (R), **Jim Jacobs (N,R), *Jimbo 'Gentle' James (N), Jimi Ray Halen (R), Jimmy Kimmel (AK), JimmyTheWaffle (R), *Jmo (SI), Jodene Sparks (R), Joe Bullet (VI), Joel 987 (R), John Charles (VI), **john cpt (M), John Humbug (HB), *John Lanaway (F), John Mhor (WV), John Ovulate (AS), **john revelator (BK), John Rhames (N,F,N), **JohnMorden (O), **Johnny Bland (ER), *Johnny Lookalike (N), johnny lunchpail (R), *Johnny Tombstone (F), JohnnyBadarse (S), JohnTheRun (ZE), **Jonathan Wulf (F), Jonny America (M,M,M,SI), **Jordan99 (O), Joseph Saratoga (F), JoseyWales (J,F), *Josh100 (F), Joshua Mote (_), Jp7777777 (SI), Jude Outlander (SS), Juju Man (VI), **junkie512 (R,AK), **Just A Drunkard (PS), **Just Bring It On (SI)
~**K a n o s (R,S), Kagurazaka Asuna (N), **Kahuku (RH,VI), Kailon (HB), **Kakurine (S), *Kaleb (F), KaliMa (M), **Karen Orzolek (SM,RB,RH,LT,SM,SM), Karlbakerboobs (S), **Karloth Vois (M), Katie Crayfish (R), Kaydou (R), *kdogthearmyman (SS), *Keadis (F), *Keeblar (SO,N), **Keegan Meddle (L), keekle (HB), *Kelub (HB), Kempher (M,M,M), KennyMcCormick (R), Kenshin1387 (M), **Kerish42 (SM), *Ketchup Norris (O), Kev22 (WV), Kevin Pieterson (M), **kevinclark (TB), Keviso (SO), Khazrak (F), *Kheda (F), Khepri Nebhet (ME, KF, GS), Khiel (HB), Kiba 7 (L), KibblesandBits (VI), *kid power (T), **Kiki Lottaboobs (F), *killerzkings (RH), *Killtastic (S), **Kimr (RH), KING NERO (FV), Kingtwi33 (HB), **Kip G (EA), *Kite973 (HB), *Kittah(F), **Kittystrophy (TB), *Kiwi Zoid (F), Klaflefalumpf (S), **Klairi (KF,RH), knight templar (SI), kockmoustache (SS), Koernig (VI), *Korbin D (N), **Kothac (F), *kripple (L), KristiOTD (VI), Krosss (Z), Kruznor (HB), *ktt43 (N), kubby (M), Kudit (HB), **Kurganetz (KF), **Kurt Sievers (_), *Kyle Walker (F), KZN02 (WV)
~*L L Deshwitat (L), *L0gen (AK), LaFawnduh (F), Larboy (F), Lanadian (HB), Lanceidor (HB), Landarion (F), Laserfink (N), *LateNiteNate2 (Y) *Latyon (N), Lawnmover man (L), *LCA (KF), le bourreau (LT,LT,SM), **le chef (M), Lectral (HJ), *leet 1337 (F), lemarchand (J,J), Leo Seppala (_), Leonora (M), letsrun (HB), *Leung Foon (SS), Lew Archer (F), Lezick (ME), LG15 (ME), Lieutenant Cullinane (CM), **LifeVirus (TB), **liquid feces (NV), **lisaamey (SS), Little Eugit(GS), LittleKnoT (N), littlewilly(H), Living Dead Grrl (SO), LivingJoe (M), Lledworc (HB), **LoboMau (Mx3), Logan Steel (ME), **LoRd gALtH0RnE (NV), Lord Humongous (VI), *Lord K (F), Lord of the Pies (HB,R), **Lord Tin Tin (L), **Lord Wulfgar (SI), **lorith (F), lotto0511 (_), **LoveTheZombies (F), **Lt Borodin (RB), Lt Loco (R), LT21SD (TB), LtDan247 (J,J,F), **LtFirehax (J & SO), **Luca Shoal (RH), Lucien Caldwell (FV), Lucio Chagrini (R), Lucky Vincent (F), Ludvig XIV (R), Lugi (HB), Lukas Smith (VI,RH), Lumpy Vaginal Crust (SO), **Lurchy McGee (AK), Luv O Hell (M)
~Mac Boltane (ER), MagnumPI (SO), MagnumXX (S), Major Anderson (R), Malachi Cade (N), **Malcon Harp (N), Male no7 (SI), Malek (F), Malzan(N,F), Mama Dukes (HB), mamang pulis (F),Mancala (L), Manderfrog (SO), Mandilyn (ER), ManliestMan (WV), **MANNIX (N), *Marcus Servitor (N), Margaret G (VI), Margot Thatch (F), **Mariska (SS), Marissai (SI), *Marius Moreno (SI), Mark McCormick (DR), MarshallGor (M), MaryJaneRottenCrotch (R), Mas Thar (S), **Masara (AK), *Mastiphal (AS,R), *Matasho (HB), **Matchbox 02 (N), Matthew A Smith (F+H), Matthew Myers (WV), Mav Walker (L), max22 (Z), *maxeymuik (HB), MCP Pants (SO), *McSkullcracken (TB), me101 (KN), **Medic 911 (S), Medic8er (J), Melancholy one (KN), **Melanie Davies (J), **Melcadrien (S, WF), **Melody Arachne (R,RH), Melora Carlyle (SS), Menmeth (SO), *Mentallychallenged2 (AK), Metal Storm (F), Metalhead73 (SO), **MetalVortex2 (ER), Metroid Hunter (M), Michael McQueen (R), **Micmicmic (N), Migeru (R), *mightyweasel (F), *Mike Gnz (SS), *mikecast451 (HB), Mikhail Gorbachev (ME,ME), *Mikkel Weidanz (SI), MikoDav (ER), Miller High Life (ME), milligan1369 (M), Mint Julep (HB), Mirlo (SO), Miss A N Otherone(F), Mister Teeth (HB), **Mitch Mustang (VI,RH), **Mithracism (SM), **Mithratism (SM), Mleem(N), Mo Ho (S), mOBSCENE (R), **Molovian (S), momento (SI,O), *Monica Lennox (F), *momo1126 (F), *monkler (HB), Monstagonnagetchou (HB), Monktharo (N), Morgan Ironwolf (CM), Morris O'Brian (LT), Mortimer Brewster (KF), mortu (F), MPJ (J), Mr Adamsons (F), *Mr Brooks (HB), **Mr Ice Cool (TB), Mr JagerMeister (F), * MR K1LLER (AW) ,Mr Midnight (M), Mr Potatoe Head (HB), Mr Selfdestruct (N), MrBeaker (R), mrdirtylegs (R), MShep (T), **mudwashere (_,F), **MuKz (TB), *Munch Von Knockwurst (AK), *munktharo (SS,O), *Musur (S), MyTankard (AS), MyeticSpore (S), **Myspace Whore (AK,SY)
~N1t3Owl (SS), NaiRevenge (J), Najfu (SS), *Nancy Kerrigan (R,R), Nasalgoo(HB), Nathan Maiorana (SO, WV), Nazex (RH), Nebouxii Sula (SS), *necro 7(F,SS), necrobama (KN), NecroTechAssistant (SI), NecroTMan (_), NeedlesareUs (ZE), Neie (J), Neo Nazi (ME,ME,ME), Nergin (ME), **Neowaitsian (S), Nibiletz (F), NickAdams (ME), *Nickthewire (F), NickyHilton(R), NicolasRaage (ME), Nighthawk Moonshadow (WV), NightOfTheLepus (F), ninjaXT2 (N), *Noctua Sable (SI), Node2 (R), **norfolk n good (H,F), Norin Coone (SO), *norman hyponaut (F,F), **Norman Stanley (KF), Norminator 2 (SO), **Noshtane (SM), **NotBait (L), np1 (SS), **Nucleardarkness (KF), nuggetoffashion (KN),num1subfan (ME), nuvelle (SS), nxs (VI),
~oaktan (S), oatmeale (S), *odb (N), Oddlots Domon (N), Officer Carter (S), Officer R (RH), **officer rando (TB), **OFiCaRbacon (F), O'Hallorhan (VI), *Ol' Doc (SI), Olaf Piukka (SO), **olclugnut (F), old school (SS), *Oliveri (F), Ollieuno (N), Omaga (R), *Omega Factor (N), OmegaUltimaWill (R), OMFGWTFBBQ (M), Omnivaliant (J), *Oniel Lavoisier (M), Oojr (AU), Ops (AD), Outie (SS), *OutlawThunder (EA), Owner Of Face (KN), Ozo (HB)
~pacsunhater666 (HB), Paddy Dignam (R), **pakopako (SM), Pancho Cole (R), **Papa Nixon (KF), **Papa Oneal (J), Papa Schultz (SO), Paris Hilton2 (SS), Pat Brown (WA), **PatatePoil (SM), Patches O Houlighan (M), *PatheticBill (S), Paul Coffey (ME), *Paul Wisby (LE), paulssj7 (SO), paulssj8 (F), PeaceMaker dph (J), Pedentic (SO), pelotito (F), penis spammer lol (SY), PennyTClown (L), *Pennyworth (SI), Pepsi Punk (SI), *Pete Marsh (SS), *Peter Foree DotD1978 (M), **Peter McGrady (BK,RH,RE,KN,EA), *Peter Pixie (ME,HI,Fx2), **Petros11111 (SM), *Petros1234567890 (SM), Peyton Manning (_), PFC Coleman (WV), PFC Nevar (S), *Phenomeno (F), *Phoenix Wynn (RH), Philberrrt (S), phoman (R), **Piels (F), **Pierre Escargot (SS,F), *Piggy McBackfat (SS), **pigilikepo (TB), piper11521 (FV), PixeltheDot (LT, KF), pkthis (HB), Pockypmp (ME,ME,HI,DR), Podman (HI,ME,SY), **Poison11 (SM), *Policeman Jefferson (M), **Poncho (SS), Poohby (ME), **poopman9 (O,WV), *popapiechu (TB), *Pr0nAddict (SM), **Predater (SS,SS), President GW Bush (AS), Priest Moi (GS), *priestfan (N), **Prisoner KSC2303 (F), *Prittstick (F), private classes (J), **Private joker1 (RH), Private Michael J (R), Probee (R), **Prosun (SM,EA), PsychoPhil (ZE), **puki (RH,SY,PS), PumpkinFootedMan (S), **Pussington Hardwood (SY), Pvt Reed (ME)
~QPQPZMZM (HB), Quack Mutton (LT), *Quinn Finney (R),
~r1chdoc (VI), r3bIrTh (HB), radical bacon (SO), radioactive jones (L+ER), Ramburg (HB), Raquella (F), **Ratcatcher (RH,RH), Rauski (R), Rawhead Rex (SO), *Rawlic (N), Ray Gauquin (ZE), Rayd (M), **rebis looter (NV), Rebooter (M), Red Deadman( F), **red onion (L), Red Priest of Zeko (Z), *redback (F,M,AD,HB), **RedBalfour (TB,TB,TB,TB), RedNeckHacker (R), *Redsoxfan1016 (AW), *ReeToric (N), Rekuq (SS), **Renberg (SO,F), RennisZotorman (RH), Reporter John (RH), Reptileus (O), Reschke (HB), Rettaw (BZ), *Rev Hooks (S), *Reverse Midas Touch (Y), RevivalOfTheFittest (F), revive machine2 (PB), *revivemania(F), *RFKzombiekiller (KF), rfvtgbzhn (HB), Rhuster (VI), **richard eiken (RH), Richard the Quickster (ME), Rick James' Bitch (HB), Ricky Barnes (N), Rico Blake (F+N), *Riri chan (M), Rixx (HB), Rizzes (SI), rkauer (BZ), *Road Warrior Hawk (N), Rob Collick (VI,RH,RE,KN), *Rob Lefter (AK), robert cancade (R), **Robots in Disguise (SS), Rocketman Patel (M), rockler2 (F), *rocky balboa (N), Roflcopter (F), roger atthill (KF,ST), Roger Swat (SS), rogue hunter (R), Rohndogg1 (R), Roland Piker (Z), Rolanda Floor (BZ), **Ron Burgundy (F), *Ron of the Dead (HI,ME,ME,LT,DR,F,EA), RonBrenner (ME), Ronin G (N), roo7 (F), *ROSE ellen (Z), rotten zerg (FV), Roxanne Debris (ER), rubberneck tourist (SO), *Rubia (HB), *Rubin York (M), **Rumpleteezer (SI), *runesco (SS), Rupert Scarr (HI,ME), **rus2 (SI), Rustiq (ER), *Ryan Lynch (KF), rzar (SSx2)
~**Sabre1 (F), *Saint Murphy (S), Sakarisan (LT), *Sakura111 (HB), Salgueira (F), Sam 'Serious' Stone (F,SI), **Samuel carleson (M), Samuel Rodriguez (R), Santiago campos (ME) *Sarah Freeman (SI), Sarcastodon (M), sath (R), **Scampy (HB), *Scare Trolfey (M,M), **Scarletx (AK), Schizophrenic Drunk (R), *Schleppel (RH), Schrodinger (F), *Schwuan Coxswain (S), *science fool (F), scott74168 (F), Scotty Hillson (SP), *ScotW (BZ), Scout Mo (N), scratchy (M+F), scspook (S), *Seah (_), *SemperFi2070 (Z), Sempi (R), **Sethadoris (HB), sexsexsex696969 (TB), **Sexy Sophia (TB), *sgt DBclean (SI), Sgt Dyce (F,N), Sgt Flask Samuels (F), *Sgt Kakalash (N), *SgtLeon (F), Shaaday (S), Shadetail (N), *shadow hedgehog (F), *Shadowan (F,SI), *Shalist (F), Shaniah (ME), *sharkman420 (L), ShaunUSA (F), *Shawn Leverman (SO,R), *shin hang pyo (F), shivian hellkite (SI), *shoe424 (_), *Shoneuff (J), Shooter MacGaven (SO), *Shubeck (F), shusamchen (RE), **Sidestreamer (NV), **silver dna (RH,SM), Silver Sparks (SI), Silverlock (SI), Simon Beckett (ME,KF), *Simon Simonson (F), Six Winged Angel (M,M,M), *sizlet (HB), **Skip Intro (SM,SM), **Skipr (KF), **Skullbearer (HB), Sl4rt1b4rtf4st (HB), *SlaveofOcus (F), Sleazy P Martini (CM), **SlegthVonDraco (KF), *Slickevilus (M+N), *SlightlyDecayed (SS), **Slug Hugelarge (F), *smeghead26 (SI), *smelly bastard (HB), **smitty229 (F), SmokedMirrors (WV), smokey one (SO), **Smooth Jack (SM), *smurfmidgetninja (SS), snapcracklecrap (M), sniper3000 (R), Snipingkid (ZE), *Snipww2ol (M), *snowcone (SI,WV), Snurgul (VI), **sogod (HB), **Solemn (Z), *Somebody Everybody (N), SomeDeadGuy (F), someotherguy24 (ZE), Sonia Templeton (ME,KF,HI,LT), *Sophia Peacecraft (M), sotgu (L), **Southrop (SM), Soylent (WV), Spadoinkal (CM), spazwit (SO), **Spazzwig (S), Specnaz (_), *Speedy Gent (M), *Spider' (SS), *spiderman1982c (SS), **Spimarov (KF), spodula (WV), spoodie(SS), Squid X (HB), SS Maniacbob (S), *SSGT Denton (SS), *sTaN 009 (SS), **Starmoon (EA), Ste123 (HB), Steffa (R,AU), Steve Mogg (ST), Stogie Dad (SS), **Stomach (TB), Storm537 (M+S), Strayfe (M), StreetBot (_), *Stringo (EA), Strong Corpse (Z), Stalin's Vengance (SO), stone crusher(SS), *StroutEXE (SS), Stuart Borthwick (F), *stuckinkiel (SS), StuffNEat (S), stupid n proud (S), Sturm23 (F+N), suck my fat one (J), *sugadonut (SS), *Sumiyoshi (N), Sumoboy (M), Sunfyre (AS), supeertile (ME), Super Mega Blah (J), **superdork (L), svd997 (HB), **Swail (F), Sylark (DR, KF), Sylvok Veradere (DR), *szczelec(_)
~T Atkins (SI), **Tabriz (PS),T00mer (HB), *tacothefish (ER), tadaskay (M), Tamra5158 (HB), Tanya Jayne (N), TaSunny (F), tech66 (HB), **Ted Schmidt (TB), Tel Nexus (J), **Tennysonn (SP)Terrilyn (HB), **Terror Marrom (J), testpilotwjl (HB), Test Subject A (GS), *Tetora (J), **TexWiller (F,SS), Teza Kinoku (ME), **the 5nip3r (SS), the boogie man (SO), That Callahan Guy (VI,HIx3,LT), Th3Hero0n3 (GS), **The Cheshire Cat (Mx2), *The Englishman (L), **THE MARINE CORPSE (KF), The Po (LT), The Surgeon General (R), *The Snuggle Bear (M,F), The Streak (F), the swiss (M), the Toe Cutter (L), The Wolves (AK)**the zomble X (F), **The'BATMAN (HB), **thebestsophist (SI,O,SO), **TheHippestCat (SS), *TheKnownBoarders (SS), themata (AK), TheMostAwesomeDude (SO), theoldrevolution (N,SI), TheOp (R), **Thes Bean (Z), TheStapleGod (SO), TheZKiller (VI), Thomas Thope (HB), Tim Calhoun (R), Tired Old Zombie (F), Titanium Johnson (AK), Titoje (_), TKG Penguin (WV), TKitch1 (SO), tlhwraith (SS), TMH SLD (M), Tobrok Veritas (HB), Toby Mac (DR), ToffenSS (ME), *Tom Burns (O), **Tommy D (F), Tommy Rocket (SO), **tomohawk111 (ER), tonyay163 (CM), *tonysk (F), **tookey23 (RH,RH), **Torgamous (F), Towlie (SO), *TrapperQ (F,F), Trevor Gorge (R), tribbleofdoom (SI), Trickydb9(SS), **trifle195 (KF), **Tristan McGee (RH), Truylento(F), Tryce of Thunder(N,N), Trunk Slamchest (FV), *TseIita (NV), **Turvleka(F), Twin Strippers (VI), *Twitch Kyros (KF), Tyken(S), **tymrek (L)
~Ule Axeman (GS), **Ulfgard the Unmaker (KF), **Ullvanten (HB), Umboto (AW), Uncle Bill (SO), Uncutgamer (AS), Urbanlord (WV), US Brickhouse (N), UUdoc (R), UUnerco (R)
~vaginaterian (VI), Vainglory (SO,Z,WVx2), Valantine (HB), **Valerian Disease (LE), Valis77 (HB), Vanad (SI), *VanDaleh (F), Vasily Zaitsev (N), **Vathelokai6 (J), **Venezia (SI), Veronica Marz (AS), Versa Life (F), Verzombinator (L), Victor Tooms (F), Victor Wooten (H), *Viktor Han (N), Vilero (M), Viring (ME), voghnunderbite (SS), *Vondutch (_), **vonfrog (ER), **Vucci (SP),
~*w4ffl35 (SP), Wallace2 (F), wardun (T),Wayne Dizzle (M), Wayne Enders (VI),
Weist (L), Wes Borland (R), Whiskerbitty (J), **WhisperingMachines (H), whitecoated (SS), WhiteShirt (R), WhollyMinded (F), Wilard (CM), Wileysez (FV), *Willard J Higgins (AK), *William Told (EA), *williamshatner (SS,SI), **Wilson Jeffries (HB), winged victory(M), *WISEBEAST (S), wishfullhopen (WV), Wojciehowicz (M), wolf kid (N), WonderBread (ER), *Wonderchicken (F), **Woren (S), worker bee (M), writer bob (HB)
~*Xander Hayes (TB), Xavier Quincy (WF), Xavier06 (F), xavier1121 (N), xboxjunkie (KN), Xelro (VI), Xeno the Morph (_), xenodolf (_), xenosphobatic2 (HB), Xhaleon (R), **XxGRENDELxX (TB)
~yankstar (F,F), *yeemoney (M), yesman (F), *ykl (KY), YO HO HA (S), You Die I Eat (VI), **youallsuckbadly (KY), *Your Own Guilt (SM), yourbignose (SI), **Yuanchueh (M), yuna barba (SM)
~**Zabu22 (SP), Zagron (HB), zaldan (N), Zaldof (HB), Zane W (SO), zarquin (S), Zelkis (ME), **Zenma (SY), Zenonova (R), ZeroIntegra (SI), **ZeroNoLouise (LT,KF,ME,F), ZigZig (SO), **ZoGKiller (SM), *zombahman (F), Zombie Dredd (_), Zombie Spray (ME), Zomdis (HB), Zomombie (HB), Zorcmaster1987 (F), *ZS Comunications (HB), zuluflipper (SO), Zut (HB)
Total =1426 executed
Many other ignorants have been executed by members of the Philosophe Knights who are not labeled here.
"The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends."
-- Friedrich Nietzsche, Ecce Homo, Foreword
Philosophe Knight ideology and thoughts.
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Kill List
A list of all kills made in the name of knowledge.
Friends, adversaries, and other remarkables.
Information on current and past operations.
All discussion should be kept on the discussion page of the main page or on the forum.