Talk:Malton Uprising

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You got our blessing

Yeah, we can't join you because because we're currently in the middle of joining the Dulston Alliance (who are allied with the DEM) but I must say that I clearly dislike the DEM and their allies like the MCDU ([[1]] see bottom of page. So, good luck to you guys. --ScouterTX 11:00, 25 August 2008 (BST)

Thank you much. --Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|01:01, 26 August 2008 (BST)


i dont appreciate you posting again after i removed that and spoke to you guys im not interested in group suicidso please do not post again thank you

WOOT! DEM PWNZ! Ioncannon11 21:45, 6 August 2008 (BST)

Agreed. Nuke the DEM. --Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|21:56, 6 August 2008 (BST) <-- You've started thinking?--Liberator LaBine 15:58, 17 August 2008 (BST)

Maltoncatpile.JPG Birthtofreedom.PNG

I might have been high. --Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|20:24, 17 August 2008 (BST)

ROFL. At both of you. --Jen 22:49, 17 August 2008 (BST)

im sorry but dem is too big to do that to if nothing they go into hiding and come back it wont work that way --Shade0095252 10:27, 18 August 2008 (BST)

Attack on 9/2 - NEVAR FORGET! By killing people (anyone for that matter) you honor the one true Prophet Steve Irwin. While you're at it kill on 8/24 - NEVAR FORGET! too. Praise be to Pluto! --Sonny Corleone DORIS MSD pr0n 03:00, 19 August 2008 (BST)

Unfortunatley the acting commander The Emperor's Hammer has declined your request for a coalition. However, request it on our forums and you may have a better chance. Your reasoning on our talk page (about them being the founders of the GIB or whatever it was) also doesn't hold too much water, as it gave us a breif reprive from the consistant blows of Death to the Imperium. On another note, as Shade stated, we have a low chance of success, as they are one of the largest groups, and if we do manage to destroy them, then what? They revive and come back to rape us all sideways. I'm sorry. --• LtZurSee slapped your nose with a newspaper for a heal from CORAM (0 seconds ago)AU 14:26, 19 August 2008 (BST)


--Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|03:23, 20 August 2008 (BST)

I've discussed it with the acting Colonel, and we've agreed not to take up arms against you for PKing matters, yet we will also not fight against the DEM. In reference to those pictures, TEM has only been formed semi-recently, at the breaking apart of the Imperium, and this fight doesn't interest us any way. We activley engage mutants and the followers of Chaos (For some reason they all follow their false Blood God) but not groups that don't ACTIVLEY oppose us. I'm sorry but good day sir. --• LtZurSee slapped your nose with a newspaper for a heal from CORAM (0 seconds ago)AU 15:58, 23 August 2008 (BST)

Let's get a few things cleared up.

  1. CWestfall is me, in game and on the forum. I take alt separation quite seriously.
  2. Nothing came of the DORIS-DEM ceasefire. Allow me to give you some quotes from the ensuing conversation. "I'm against a cease-fire.", "defianatly against an official cease fire.", "Yeah, this sorta stinks, IMHO. If individuals wanna over look them that's one thing ... a cease-fire is another kettle a' fish entirely.", "I vote no to the ceasefire.", "No vote to offer here, but these guys are no good all the same.", "Doris Day ringtones?" and the poll was 11-1 against. (The 1 was a mistake.)
  3. Congratulations Secruss, you have shown definitive proof that not only was I involved with GIB, I was also involved with GIB. Great work.--Liberator LaBine 03:36, 20 August 2008 (BST)
The "cease-fire" was nothing more than a small agreement to kill the GN instead of eachother. It didn't work because as we realized there was no more GN left in the suburb but more Saints we decided to kill the Saints. In fact Labine and I were the only ones to even discuss a cease-fire, yet we never called it that. I said something along the lines of this: "How about DORIS kills the GN and the DEM kills the GN and we don't waste our bullets on killing pkers and bhers?" That was about it. There is no unofficial or official agreement between any of our groups. If you want to continue this "DEM pancake" crap then go ahead. There's no convincing you that it doesn't exist. So to stop wasting my breath, or typing, DORIS is not a DEM pancake...but we do go well with powdered sugar and syrup. zomg --Sonny Corleone DORIS MSD pr0n 14:41, 20 August 2008 (BST)


Do you guys even know what you are talking about?

Using DEMON to cheat and black mark their political enemies

What? I've personally seen DEMON in action. It is not cheating in anyway. It is basically a graphical map that is manually updated by those trusted enough to use it. It can only be used on a single account that is put into a database and cannot be accessed if you are a zombie. It is really just a more in-depth version of the suburb color chart. And you can't use it to find your political enemies. It is not a robot. Private Mendoza 23:59, 21 August 2008 (BST)

Actually, I hate to argue with a guy on his birthday. Removing this comment for now.--Labine50 MEMS | MHG 05:23, 20 August 2008 (BST)
Please sign your posts, also you obviously haven't seen DEMON in action seeing as you are wrong. DEMON is a database driven map of Malton with information such as cade status, number of zombies, genny status, etc. It is automatically updated by DEM members everytime they log on by a firefox extension. I don't have a problem with DEMON per se, however I object to IMP also updating the Rouge Gallery.--KOOKY 14:08, 20 August 2008 (BST)
Kooks, that's basically what he said. A graphical map. He just didn't describe every single one of it's features. Pvt. Mendoza is in The Fortress, a DEM Partner, and we give them DEMON access.--Liberator LaBine 16:14, 20 August 2008 (BST)
"Actually, I hate to argue with a guy on his birthday. Removing this comment for now." Great. You were the only one (In RL too). ----Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|02:47, 21 August 2008 (BST)
If it's any consolation, I invariably get the flu on my birthday.--Labine50 MEMS | MHG 16:43, 21 August 2008 (BST)
P.S. The firefox extension doesn't even work that well anymore, so we update it manually. It is like if we were to give our allies ourbasic reports on a building, but much more organized. Private Mendoza 23:59, 21 August 2008 (BST)
Somebody posted a fix for the compatibility issues with Fire Fox 3, I'll send the link to you elsewhere.--Labine50 MEMS | MHG 05:09, 22 August 2008 (BST)

I've Just Been Digitally Bukaked with Stupidity*...

Okay, I can't even believe I'm dignifying this clusterfuck of stupidity with a response, but here goes.

1. Corruption -Wait... What? No, seriously. What?

2. Implications of authority -The Only policy the DEM takes direct action to enforce are the maintenance of the Barricade plans and our Anti-PKer policy. (IE: Kill them)

3. Strong-arming new players -If recruitment is "strong-arming", then yeah... we're guilty just like EVERY OTHER PLAYER GROUP. I think this deserves a "WTF?"

4. Using PKer groups to do their dirty work -HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You realize that the "pancake" thing is a joke, right? You're ridiculous. Seriously.

5. Forcing groups to disband or leave they don't like -I'm assuming you're referring to the Gibsonton Nationals thing? True, many DEM members had an alt in that movement (Due to inter-group communication regarding extra-group matters, not a covert operation), and true, we griefed them to death. But this coming from a group dedicated to griefing another, I'm assuming with the ultimate (futile) goal of forcing us to disband or leave because you dislike us? You amuse me.

6. Having alts in the same groups (zerging) -I don't know how many times I'll have to say this... but: The DEM is made up of eight (I think) groups. a few of these report to the same group CO, but only as a formality. In reality, Every group is separate (and we're currently smoothing out our alt policy, and our CoC details). Even with our odd Chains of Command, The MPD/MFU/MM, MFD/MEMS, MCDU/MCI, and Axes High are completely separate entities. We share a common forum, a few groups even coordinate together (though half of the DEM groups use their own separate areas to coordinate internally), but nobody reports to a "DEM Authority". In fact, KotD, who holds no rank in any DEM group, instead filling the role of DEM Chairwoman, cannot give orders to any DEM group or the members of any group.

7. Using DEMON to cheat and black mark their political enemies -Like I've said many times, the main function of DEMON is to give a visual compilation of the reports that members make on the forums. Most of our members don't even use it, simply because it isn't effective... including myself (though I do run IMP, DEMON's auto-updater, to help my teammates who do) Sometimes I'll use the comment box inserted into UD's GUI by IMP to communicate in-game without AP use, but that's about it.

-DEMON does report PKers based on text-recognition of names on UD's GUI from a rogue's gallery master list. Unless a player is on the RG, their presence goes unrecorded (Though, all zombies are logged). There is no function that DEMON preforms that cannot be emulated by the several meta-game resources available to the public, it just combines the tools into one user-interface for ease of use.

-As far as the "Political Enemies" comment, we have none. Simply put, We have none. You're simply not important enough to gather our attention, and I, as a DEM group leader and DEM Councilor, wouldn't even know of your little "Uprising" had we not been making fun of you in RR's IRC channel, and this link popped up. Don't flatter yourself, child.

Anyway, it's been a pleasure. --Hardcore Rockabilly 22:12, 23 August 2008 (BST)

  • Quote by Sonny on Brainstock. --Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|00:38, 24 August 2008 (BST)

Arguing with Secruss is like talking to a cat. Entertaining, but pointless, and perhaps just a bit crazy.--Labine50 MEMS | MHG 02:12, 24 August 2008 (BST)
Labine -- whatever faults you may (or may not) have, you do have a sense of humor. It comes and goes, and you pick more fights than you need to...but you do know how to just laugh, and when you've done so, it's been both entertaining and refreshing, and diffused a fair bit of the tension. Shucks, I think you've made the two three most sensible and funny comments on this whole talk page. Kudos. :) --Jen 04:34, 24 August 2008 (BST)
Unfortunately I have no real sense of humor. Complain about us on your own damn talk page.--Alphy 05:08, 24 August 2008 (BST)

Iron maiden - run to the hills.jpg--Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|14:17, 24 August 2008 (BST)

Why do you have such a strong dislike against the DEM? The DEM is here to help survivors, not piss them off. If you hate the DEM, then you must hate our efforts to keep you safe. The DEM does an excellent job restoring buildings and suburbs after being destroying by zombie hordes and we help keep survivors safe. What's wrong with that? --Jesant13 14:25, 24 August 2008 (BST)

Besides all the corrupt leadership, alt abuse, and seeming monopoly (RG) on killing in Malton? Nothing. --Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|18:08, 24 August 2008 (BST)

Or maybe we're just jealous of your badges and ribbons. (Also...*cough* RG =/= DEM (technically) *cough*) --Jen 20:28, 24 August 2008 (BST)
"The Rogues Gallery is the front end developed by Alex DeWitt of the Department of Emergency Management for Brainstock's public list of reported PKers in Urban Dead." Rogues Gallery (Brainstock)
Let's not forget the program DEMON was made by the DEM for the RG also. It also allows non-DEM alts to scout for the DEM. Coalition for Fair Tactics/Assembly/DEM
Let's bring up the CDF/CGR war while we're at it and the RG's implications there. Before the war with the DEM, the CGR were fighting only the CDF. At the time, very few of us were on the RG or even bothered by BHers. They didn't care one lick about the CDF. The DEM took a while to figure out that they were our new favorite targets. They corrected the mistake by promptly ranking us all to KOS status.
They continue the tradition with all the new CGR.
--Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|23:06, 24 August 2008 (BST)
There are 16 RG mods. 2 RG mods are in the DEM. 16 - 2 = 14, in case you were wondering. Using this information, I can point out how you are wrong in a few ways, such as "That's only 1 out of 8", "14 > 2" or even with one of those silly fill-in-the-blanks memes. "The best part about math isn't telling you you're wrong, it's showing everyone online that I did." That should work nicely.--Labine50 MEMS | MHG 03:53, 25 August 2008 (BST)
*growls* *repeats herself for the 18th time* "A DEM member may have created it, and the DEM may lobby heavily for its use, but the thing has a life of its own, now." In other words: what Labine said.
Also, last I heard, the DEM changed the tool so that only DEM alts could auto-scout for DEMON. It's not on the honor system anymore, which was one of the main CFT complaints. --Jen 05:55, 25 August 2008 (BST)
List all the mods and their affiliations to prove such a statement. And a copy of the DEMON code.
And what of the DEM and their "We'll only take 3 of your alts" policy? DEM#Zerging
I just learned of this:
--Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|22:53, 25 August 2008 (BST)
You aren't talking about the situation where a newbie who had been playing the game for less than a month decided to try to find out about CGR operations on their board, only to be thwarted easily and reprimanded for his actions twice by his superiors? And that wouldn't be a link to the thread where the CGR says twice over that nothing came of the situation? The thread where two DEM representatives apologise for the situation and assure Headless that the DEM is against spying?
*Checks link* Oh, it is too. Interesting choice of evidence, Secruss.--Labine50 MEMS | MHG 01:04, 26 August 2008 (BST)
Even Fire Marshal Bill who has had years was against spying? Even though he spied on the GN boards and KotD was caught using info he brought? --Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|22:15, 26 August 2008 (BST)
Where did you get FMB out of what I said? Or are you attempting to change the subject because I proved you wrong? Anyway, as you may not recall due to selective memory, FMB was banned from the DEM before he joined using a proxy. After he spied on the GN, he mysteriously quit. If you ask me, I think he was trying to defraud the DEM by giving us some useless information about the GN and quitting on the off chance we didn't kick him out. He's done crazier shit.--Labine50 MEMS | MHG 22:55, 26 August 2008 (BST)
Yes, he spaied. And he quit? Oh good. Some very tangible and lasting good came from the GN.

You are inside Secruss' User Page. Also here are much too many templates.

Since your last turn:
  • Secruss played some Starcraft and whipped up some HTML code.(5 seconds ago)
  • You wasted a moment of your life that you'll never get back.(1 seconds ago)


I like leather jackets. I seriously LOVE leather jackets. And denim. I used to wear two belts at once but I lost the other one... now I have two, but still wear just one because the new one is really good.


Member of the glorious Creedy Guerilla Raiders. We usually only kill the DEM. So, take note Bounty Hunters of Malton. I'm not out to get you unless you're out to get me. This is my "Good guy".


Also, I am the founder of the Williamsville Horde of Organized Zombies. If you see my WHOZ guy, you can shoot him. He's not a goody guy.


I also have a zombie registered with the Ridleybank Resistance Front. He's DoHS.


I also got one other guy floating around Malton. He's a Private eye, so if you see him... hire him. Fun jobs with a lead only please. You can leave a message on my talk page under Private Eye. In the meantime... He's a member of the Late Night TV Crue.


Admin of the Alliance of Fort Creedy.


A side project of mine updated intermitently: The Best of the DEM & Friends.


I am a moderator and active member of the PKA.

GE infantry.gif

Gibsonton as well is a home of mine. I am a member of the Gibsonton Nationals.

Cyber evil.gif

Nowadays, I am working at the EMLN.

Th rockin.gif

Yeehaw, Malton Uprising.





--Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|02:29, 30 November 2007 (UTC)


User:Secruss/Part Two User:Secruss/Part Three User:Secruss/Discourses


Stalin victory.jpg


===[[Creedy Guerilla Raiders]] : [[PKer]] and Warrior Group=== {| |- | {{:CGR/recruit}} --{{User:Secruss/Sig}}~~~~~ |} ===[[Player Killer Alliance]] : [[PKer]] Confederation=== {| |- | {{:PKA/recruit}} --{{User:Secruss/Sig}}~~~~~ |}

Tags and Templates

Sadface.JPG Sad Template Maker
This user wishes that more people would use their templates.
CGR.jpg Welcome to the Resistance!
Creedy Guerrilla Raiders.
Where everybody's an insurgent.
Disco-01-june.gif Groovitude!
This user or group has boogied with the fab WHOZ and has digged it to the bone.
This user is a Christian.
800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.
This user is a Republican.
Bloodyknife.jpg PKer
This user is a PKer and is probably off killing some poor defenseless survivor.
Noob.gif STFU N00B
This user recognizes the difference between a Newbie and a Noob.
Redskull.jpg Violence is quicker
Both diplomacy and violence solve problems. But violence is quicker.
Cthulhuplushshrunk6qb.jpg Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
In his house at R'lyeh, this dead user waits dreaming.
ZombieHand.gif Proud To Be Dead
This user is a zombie and proud of it.
Soviet.png Not One Step Back, Comrades!
This user thinks that the Soviet Union was awe-inspiring during WWII
Skull1 small.gif Death Cultist
If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Patton flag.jpg Supporter of Patton Tactics
I hold 'em by the nose and kick 'em in the pants!
Viking1.jpg Secruss is a Viking
They kick Pirate and Ninja ass with ease (all together or one at a time)
FUvulture.jpg Feral Undead
This user or group agrees with Feral Undead. Vultures are fucking cool.
Smallbat.JPG Mighty Bullshit Wand
This user or group supports the use of the magical bullshit wand to educate users with bad suggestions.
Feudalism.JPG The Good Old Days…
This user remembers the good old days, when slaughtering uppity communist terrorists was accepted not only as pure common sense, but also good sport.
Austin Powers.jpg I eat Children
This user supports the eating of Children
This user is Libertarian.
Dead.gif Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
Nobrain.png Ban Stupidity
This user or group does not tolerate stupid people.
Mkpirate.GIF Template Junkie
Secruss is a template junkie.
Un-w.png Project UnWelcome Member
Need help? Piss off.
Zergling.gif Alt user
This user has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.
Zombie river icon 2.gif Zombie River Tactics
I am the void that devours all.
LKKnife.jpg I cut you!!!
This group endorses the tactics of "Coming at You" and "Cutting You".
Fortress.jpg AoFC
This user, group, building, or area is part of the Alliance of Fort Creedy.
800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.
Familyguy.gif Annoying Relatives
This user has at least one annoying relative that plays Urban Dead.
NoLOL.png Grammar
This user or group supports the use of proper grammar and spelling on the Wiki.
Wagon.jpg Bandwagon
This user has jumped on
the template bandwagon.
Emot-bandwagon.gif Templates make FUNFUN!
This user thinks that templates are a fun and exciting way to express your opinion!
Hypnotoad-1.gif Hypnotoad
All glory to the Hypnotoad!
Medalofhonor.jpg Big Shiny Medal
Secruss has given Secruss a big shiny medal for making the "Big Shiny Medal" template.
Dudetemplate.JPG Reanimations
This user or group has killed random people with Dude, the zombie hamster and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Stewie.gif World Domination
This user has plans for world domination.
NoHubbard.jpg Scientology Unfriendly
This user thinks that Scientology is ridiculous.
Hat.jpg Honor Among Thieves
This user supports the
Honor Among Thieves Policy.
Banana.gif B-A-N-A-N-A-Z!
This user knows exactly what to do with a banana.
Concert.jpg Zombie Karaoke
This undead user enjoys serenading survivors when visiting safehouses.
Samhain Slaughter pic 1.jpg Boo!
This user or group dressed up and trick-or-treated at Hildebrand Mall in Oct 2007.
Smiley.png Template Junkies!
This user is a Template Junkie!
Sign.png Remember To Sign!
This user remembers to sign on talk pages and you should too.
Kaga.jpg Allez Cuisine!
This user believes that brains are a delicacy and should be treated as such.
This user supports bringing the World Cup back to Malton.
Bubble.jpg Zombish
Bubble.jpg Zombese
mmzazbz?aa-bzzn,n.nnn,aa-bz?n.z! aaz?z,n.nnzhz?aa-zz-znnzn.z?
Bubble.jpg Zomban
Fire is Pretty
This user thinks that fire is pretty.
Gun.jpg Trigger Happy
This user has guns. Do not cross them.
Cheese.jpg Mmmm, cheese…
Secruss really, really likes cheese.
Noob.gif I'm Smarter
This user is smarter than you.
Gun.jpg Bang!
Secruss wants the DEM to die.
Goodtobetheking.jpg It's Good to be the King
This user thinks it's good to be the King.
Spam1.jpg Spam Bait
This user makes a lot of logical bad suggestions.
ErrorUgly.png Too Many Templates
This user puts way too many templates on their page.
Nerf.jpg Nerf This!
This user actually uses the word "nerf" appropriately.
Bored.jpg Why are you still reading these?
This user thinks you have way too much free time on your hands.
Salvador.jpg Ouch!
That's definitely gonna leave a mark!
Georgebushdoesntcareaboutangels.jpg Compulsive Template Maker
This user will make a template about pretty much anything, including their propensity for making templates.
Bill&ted05.jpg DUDE! It's a Template!
This user has been known to say the word "Dude" from time to time.
Holidayimperialism.JPG Stop Holiday Imperialism!
This user refuses to acknowledge the start of Christmas season until the day after Thanksgiving.
DontNerf.JPG Don't Nerf Mah PKing!
This user is sick of people trying to nerf PKing.
Weapons.JPG Weapon of Choice
This user's weapon of choice is their boomstick.
ZJLovesYou.jpg Blessed by Zombie Jesus
This user or group has the blessing of Zombie Jesus. Do you?
Mrh?cow.gif Mrh?
This user is a Mrh Cow at least some of the time.
Backpacker.JPG Curse You Encumbrance!!!
This user carries around a lot of crap.
Plug.JPG Shameless Plug
This user shamelessly plugs pages they like such as this one.
Sleep.jpg Pseudo Zombie
This user needs more sleep.
Squad.jpg Firing Squad
This user thinks we should just shoot and get it over with.
Fire.jpg Hell Doctor
This user is a Doctor from Hell and is probably off killing some weak patient.
Suvival knife.jpg KNIVESl
This user has a very sharp knife and will stab you.
Dio EvilEye.jpg The Last in Line
This user knows that Ronny James Dio is more evil and better than Ozzy Osbourne.
Thinkingmonkey.jpg Friend Of The Zoo
The Thinking Monkey brings luck to friends of the Malton City Zoo!
ProjectEvil.png Project Evil Member
Fools! I'll destroy you ALL!
Penguin-slap.gif WARNING!
This user or group knows how to lay the smack down.
Fireaxe.jpg Firefighter
This user is a Firefighter and knows how to handle a fire axe.
Weapons.JPG Weaponmaster
This user handles all weapons deadly effective.
Stalker.jpg Stalker
This user stalks the Recent Changes page.
Steve.jpg R.I.P.
Steve Irwin

22 February 1962 – 4 September 2006

ASS-logo-draft-1.png ASSault Supporter
This user or group supports ASS's current ASSault.
Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
DeleteTollyton.png Feth Tollyton
This user thinks that Kevan should just delete Tollyton right off the server.
Borat-flag.jpg Borat Approved
This user is 100% Borat Approved. High Five!
Lonelyguy.jpeg Wiki Code Stealer
This user is a Wiki Code Stealer and is probably off copying and pasting some code.
King Pimp Clinton.jpg Template Playa
This user hands out templates to all the ladies.
McLaughlin John.jpg WRONG!
This user isn't afraid to go John McLaughlin on your ass.
Mickey mouse.jpg Oh-Ho!
This user loves Zombie Mickey Mouse! Since he's the prophet of Zombie Jesus!
WR-Manbagz.jpg Manbagz
This user understands the value of Manbagz to carry miscellaneous vital items.
DeathValley.jpg Scorched Earth
This user supports the
Scorched Earth Policy.
Santo.jpg Lucha
This user is a luchador.
Male.jpeg Male
This user is male.
Earth.jpg Where is Malton?
Secruss thinks that Malton is in the Midwest.
Soviet.png In Soviet Яussia...

template adds YOU!!

Zombieface.jpg Graaaagh!
This user eats brains.
Pissedoff.gif What the Hell is Wrong with you People!?
This user thinks that getting revived takes too freakin' long.
Pitneybank Defender
This user is defending Giddings Mall from the DEM. He's pretty irritated at the zerging n00bs.
Mecia.jpg Dee-Dee-Dee
This user thinks Izumi Orimoto Is a Dee-Dee-Dee.
Trench coat.jpg Trenchcoater
This user finds no irony in 20 shotguns and katanas.
Cows.jpg Cows
This user supports the addition of cows to the game, because drinking condensed milk is getting old.
Duck and cover, duck and cover!

Tin-foil hats may work too!

Suvival knife.jpg Praise be to Zeko!
This user acknowledges the Disciples of Zeko as the founders of PKing.
BBMountGun.gif Kill BlackReaper
This user or group is part of the hunt to kill BlackReaper.
BBMountGun.gif Kill Deus257
This user or group is part of the hunt to kill Deus257.
Dawn ut dead.jpg OMG, Yet Another Headshot!
This user is amazed their zombie can still lurch after so many headshots.
BAWWWWW!.jpg Wah!
Save me sysops!!!!111one
Benzin2hq9.gif Long Live the Resistance!!!
This user waits until the stars are right for BenzinDevil to return to Malton.
108 Kill All Pigs!!!
This user is a cop killer.
Sinq.jpg Well!
This user certainly didn't expect some sort of Spanish Inquisition!
ErrorUgly.png Ugly Templates
This user supports the use of ugly templates on the wiki.
BAWWWWW!.jpg Oh no!
Looks like someone couldn't make a proper flagbox to save their dignity.
Stalker.jpg Quit Following Me!
This user thinks their wiki contributions are being stalked by Nalikill.
Goodhidingplace.jpg SEARCH THE BOX
This user knows a kitten is in that box!
The End

Yeah... That's about it. Oh wait... There's Part Two...

20:25, 27 August 2008 (BST)

The Gore Corps are Curious

We'd like some more information about this, and a forum link so that we may discuss this. Send me a PM either on Brainstock or Thanks.Bobs Aturd 04:15, 26 August 2008 (BST)

Freedom Week?

How about we make this into a full week of destroying DEM operatives.

Systematically wiping them out...

Just an idea  :)

Brian Vesty 20:46, 26 August 2008 (BST)

Why limit it to a week?
CGR have been killing them for a year.
--Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|22:01, 26 August 2008 (BST)

This is Worthless...

What do you think killing a bunch of DEM members and putting up anti-DEM propaganda will solve? Do you really think the DEM is going to disband because a few of the members get killed? I've been killed loads of times, and guess what I do? I get back up, get revived, and get back to my work.--SirArgo Talk 20:57, 26 August 2008 (BST)

What do you think killing a bunch of CGR comrades and putting up anti-rebel propaganda will solve? Do you really think the CGR is going to disband because a few of our comrades get killed? I've been BHed loads of times, and guess what I do? I get back up, get revived, and get back to killing DEM members. --Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png|EMLN|Templates|RRF|RFTM|Crap|WHOZ|Evil3.gif|MU|GN|C2008|Chippy.gif|22:09, 26 August 2008 (BST)
i loled --Sonny Corleone DORIS MSD pr0n 22:16, 26 August 2008 (BST)
Ditto. :) ( both the lol and the sentiment) --Jen 22:41, 26 August 2008 (BST)
Did I say you had to disband? No! I don't care if you have a group who hates the DEM and tries to kill us at every turn, you have every right to hate whoever you want. I just don't see why you have to create huge "uprising" to destroy the DEM, when you know it won't do anything. I think you just enjoy huge group warfare and don't give a damn about the survivors struggle at all. Just my opinion, I brace for the flaming...--SirArgo Talk 05:40, 27 August 2008 (BST)
You can think whatever the hell you want, but just wait till the Uprising comes to judge it. --Alphy 15:53, 27 August 2008 (BST)
What's to judge? MANL's just another small, forgettable PK group in a game with dozens of small, forgettable PK groups. If you bag two DEM members each on 9/9 you might crack a double-digit tally for the day. If anyone outside MANL is actually interested in being part of this (which I doubt), you might get a dozen or so people scattered across the city randomly killing DEM members. That's not gonna be noticed against the background noise of zombie break-ins, bounties, and regular PKs that go on every single day. This is going to be a "succesful" anti-DEM operation in the same way the Gibsonton Nationals were. Turkmenbashi 16:17, 27 August 2008 (BST)
Turkmenbashi you underestimate the amount of players that will join in but you are right in the fact that the DEM will not be destroyed by such an uprising. This is why i am suggesting that everyone involved with the uprising converge to one suburb and complely rid it of the DEM members within its borders. We can then hold onto the suburb from counterattacks by the DEM which will certainly come. In this way we can truly start to destroy the DEM. The only problem is deciding upon the suburb to converge. Brian Vesty 17:18, 27 August 2008 (BST)
That probably won't work either. First thing; 100 suburbs, they can simply relocate temporarily (if they even notice). Second: Why would they counter-attack, they'll just let bounty hunters take care of that. Yes, if you wipe out all DEM members in an area you might avoid the fact that it goes entirely unnoticed as Turk points out. But in all likelihood the DEM won't really register any attack as anything more than a regular day at the office. - User:Whitehouse 17:25, 27 August 2008 (BST)
So this is, what, the Big Bash for PKers specifically geared against members of the DEM? You'd have better directed your energies creating positive propaganda for other existant groups. Or for a more organized effort, try tying multiple groups that already target the DEM (for whatever reason). This all stems from this image. "If you're not with us, you're dead" isn't exactly the message you want to send to players. Pakopako 18:35, 27 August 2008 (BST)