Tags Continued
Killer Whales
This user thinks killer whales are better than dolphins, and would totally be a killer whale, but with wings and missiles and shit.
I'm Spartacus
Secruss claims to be Spartacus.
u herd rite...
dis user leiks mudkips
Quit Following Me!
This user thinks their wiki contributions are being stalked by ObiFireFighter.
Slimy, tasteless, and gross.
Random Revivification
This user or group supports random revivification, and just might be hoping for one right now.
CPR supporter
This user or group supports the use of CPR on the living-impaired.
Terrible Role Playing
Life Cultists are terrible RPers. Zombies are never, ever helpful to the living.
Cookie Thief
This user is not safe around unguarded cookies.
Great Hair
Charles Bronson had amazing hair. His hair would've kicked your hair's ass.
This user is a private in the military and is probably off pumping lead into a zombie.
Battle of Giddings
This user or group was among the dead that fought in the Battle of Giddings and conquered the building after a month long siege.
Battle of Giddings
This user or group was among the murderers that killed unmercifully while the Battle of Giddings raged on.
Lumber Mall Ruiner
Secruss took part in the ruining of the Lumber Mall on February 1st, 2008.
Swim swim hungry!
This user belives that Dopefish lives and that it's still hungry.
I will club them and eat their bones!
People see this user as something of an Ogre.
Right to bear arms
This user supports the Second Amendment.
This user loves Zombie Mickey Mouse! Since he's the prophet of Zombie Jesus!
Money Tree
Money Really Does Grow On Trees!
Supporter of No Tactics
I have no clue what I'm doing.
Where is Malton?
Secruss thinks that Malton is in New England. Or perhaps the UK..
Death to FireMarshallBill!
This user is celebrating the day FMB quits urbandead.
My Name is Inigo Montoya
You killed my father. Prepare to die.
The Terrans
This user is going to drop Marine rush you!
This user or group remembers Pluto.
Copyright Violation!
You have loaded an image which is not cited and is in violation of copyright law! Please either get permission to use the image and correctly cite the source or remove the image.
This user loves cats.
American Idol
Secruss believe(s) Dio is the next American Idol.
Money Tree
Money Really Does Grow On Trees!
Gold in the Basket
This user resolved the situation by putting the gold in the basket.
This user thinks diamonds are shiny.
Billy Mays
Billy Mays here with an amazing product!
But wait, there's more!
Here's how to order!
Defender of Fort Creedy
This user really likes Fort Creedy and makes sure it stays in human hands.
Airborne, All The Way
This User is a Paratrooper and jumps out of planes and shit
Secruss is murderous with the "Boom-Stick".
Death to the Sockpuppets!
Secruss thinks all sockpuppets are inherently evil, and that they should be killed with fire.
A Dirty Commie
This user thinks you are likely a Dirty Red if you disagree with him
This user may or may not refer to someone as "slapnuts".
Tetris Addict
This user is addicted to Tetris.
Axe Crazy
This user has an axe. Do not cross them.
Math fun
This user thinks that math is awesome.
This user has been exposed to chemical pollution and thinks like a purple tentacle.
This user > poo
Secruss claims to be better than crap.
Cake or Death?
this user has been known to visit the latest show at Club Izzard [86,64]
Gnap! Gnap!
This smurf is really smurfed and wants to smurf everyone in the smurf!
Blood Sucking Lawyers
This user thinks all lawyers should all just drop dead.
What a Relief!
Dead Animal appreciates the relief of a revive, so jab away, even if you're a combat reviver.
I'm Ron Burgundy?
This user isn't sure if he claims to be Ron Burgundy.
This user spends too much time online, and needs to get a life.
Music Lover
This user likes music.
This user is hooked on Urban Dead
Directions To Exit
Always follow the arrows when in doubt of where to go.
Didn't we make ourselves clear?
Remember kids: Fool me once, shame on you... Fool me twice, YOU ARE DEAD
Firing Squad
Secruss enjoys slaughtering the enemies of the PKA..
This user is frustrated by the sheer amount of stupidity and crap on the wiki.
Mob Rulz!
This user is proud to be one of the mindless herd that inhabits the Suggestions page.
Here, take my soap!
This user witnessed a witch hunt, and suggests soap and water would be a better alternative than pitchforks and torches, for the unwashed masses.
Oh yea? Well Fuck you!
This User knows many creative and unique comebacks.
This user thinks that hats are cool and wants to see every known type of hat in the world in Urban Dead.
Horse-Drawn Zeppelins FTW!
This user believes that horse-drawn zeppelins are awesome and wants to see them fill the skies of Malton.
This user thinks that the word "nifty" is... well, pretty nifty.
Just Lock the Freaking Doors Already!
This user can't figure out why survivors don't just lock their doors to keep out the zombies.
Loves Kiwis
This user loves kiwis and is probably off on his ranch raising whole flocks of the things.
What's that thing?
This user loves showing off their junk, and coercing others to do the same.
This user only uses their powers for good, and for tipping over small babies.
*No small babies were harmed in the making of this template*
Will you please?
This user is barely old enough to use the potty by themselves, much less edit the wiki coherently.
I arz stoopid!!1one!1eleven!
This user is a complete idiot and should not be on the wiki. w00t!
Bra!z Zambah G-zaz!
This user supports Zombie Jesus in all his glory. Grab mah banana Barhah! Amen!
Dont do it.
Dont try to kill every zombie, you wont win.
War On Sheep
This user or group is sick of survivors acting like lame sheep. Zombies are supposed to be the herd creatures, not the living!
Don't even think about it!
Don't touch my user page or else!!!
What do you mean I can't use an axe?!
This user can't understand why zombies are not allowed to use fire axes.
Top News from the city of Malton B B C
The End Of Forks, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
Santa Shot Down, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
A New Infestation, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
Protesters Protesting, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
the testimonial of the last man alive at the fall of fort creedy, Edited by Harvey Levin
A short interview with Alpharius of the Gibsonton Nationals, By Les Nessman
The Day the Love Died...Wedding crashed in Brooke Hills, from the associated press
More news from the BBC
Burn Her! She's a Witch!
This user is on a witch hunt and will burn any witch they find.
so i herd u liek mudkipz?
This user hates Zergers but hates paranoid chickenshits more.
Welcome to the Resistance!
Creedy Guerrilla Raiders. Where everybody's an insurgent.
Remember, Remember the 5th of November
This user or group supports the idiots giving a free meal to the undead in Ridleybank. On the 5th of November, they will march on the choked heart of Malton and be slaughtered mercilessly. Death will be theirs, and with it, humiliation!
Brain Rot
One of this user's characters has brain rot and/or supports those select few who do have brain rot.
Cow Tipper
This user is a Cow tipper and treats marked revive points as they would a cattle ranch. They particularly enjoy shooting zombie-cows with their buddies.
Friends Don't Let Friends Zerg
This user and/or group is opposed to the use of Zergs and multiple character abuse, and reserve the right to publicly humiliate those who do.
maarh harman bra!nz ahr har!!
This user or group is a fan of feasting on harman bra!nz, and wants more opened.
On Tour
This user is touring with the QSG, since they like the road less traveled by.
And traveling is fun.
This user loves Gin, not the alcohol...
This user loves to eat at Kenpachi Fried Chicken, who needs McZeds anyways.
This user is extremely shocked by how stupid some people act.
This user thinks that crucifixes should have some sort of use in the game, like being able to power a generator being able to throw them at other players.
This user or group supports the vendetta against the stupid suggestions on the Suggestions Page. Everytime one of them is posted we will Spam it into oblivion. Victory will be ours, and with it, Pie!
This user or group supports the theory that Greedo did not shoot first and that there must have been another shooter on the grassy knoll. This shooter was probably a Centaur.
Pulp Fiction
Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say what one more goddamn time.
This user supports the Nebraska Cornhuskers, and thinks one day they will rule the world college football.
Grim s
This User thinks that Grim s is the greatest mod ever.
Player Killer
"One kills a man, one is an assassin; one kills millions, one is a conqueror; one kills everybody, one is a god."
This user is a PKer and supports the act of Player Killing.
In English Next Time
This user has been RickRolled and wouldn't get this from any other guy.
Free Information
Libraries are for everyone and should remain barricade free.
This user or group supports the Spartans.
Body Count
Secruss has killed not a terrible huge number of zombies.
This user likes money.
Hamsters will defeat the zombie menace. All hail our furry Hamster overlord
Mr. Monopoly
I believe that Board Walk deserves a Hotel.
Dont do it.
Dont try to kill every zombie, you wont win.
Oh, the drama!
This issue should be a soap opera!
Seagal > Norris
This user knows that Chuck Norris is Steven Seagal's bitch.
Zombie Ostrichs are out to get us!!
The X-Files
This User believes that the truth is out there.
Today is Thursday, 6 Feb 2025
The time is currently 20:14 based on server time.
PK Count
Secruss has PKed like a thousand incredibly stupid people.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
This user supports DARIS's Declaration of Independence
Cut Off My Head, I Dare You!
This user or group supports the Hydra Defense in order to stamp out PKing in Malton.
Where Are The Women?
This user or group supports Cybele's Children and agrees that there should be more female characters in Malton.
Slaves Of The Mistress Technology Policy
Our human slaves destroy all mechanical devices that are found "abandoned". Immortals destroy anything living, or mechanical that displeases them.
BBC Supporter
This user or group has a Non Aggression Pact with the British Broadcasting Corporation, and therefore believes in superior programming and pays their license fees.
The Apocalypse Horde
"Claws and teeth don't need reloading, and you can always find them when you get up."
Izumi Orimoto
This user believes that Izumi Orimoto is a wannabe otaku and is the biggest retard in the history of the wiki and should just leave. She is probably a 300 lb fat chick who couldn't get laid (assuming he/she isn't a transvestite). She also watches little kiddie shows like Digimon.
Way Too Long
This is a very big and very long article. It deserves at least one template. You know... For Fung Shui.
Salt The Land
This User or Group supports the Salt The Land Policy & acknowledges that all zombies should end their day in a ransacked NecroTech building whenever possible.
Scorched Earth
This User or Group supports the Scorched Earth Policy & acknowledges that all revive points must be razed and their inhabitants killed.
The Player Killer Alliance
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Low HP Survivors
PKer Crack
Gibsonton Nationals
This user or group acknowledges the Gibsonton Nationals as the crusaders for Gibsonton and its liberators.
Viva Gibsonton! Queen of Malton! Death to the Imperialists!
Genuine Murderer
"PKers don't sip tea with DEM by day and frag them with a happy little laugh by night. We kick their asses, take their names, and promise them more in return if they give us any further shit. We're not here to be nice guys who are a thorn in the side of the establishment." -Headless Gunner
Island Vacationer
Secruss has either taken an authentic and relaxing vacation on one of Malton's fifteen islands or been castaway there and forced into an authentic and mind numbing solitude.
Joseph Stalin: 1878-1953
Stalin: Superior to Lenin, crueler than Hitler, absolute despot of the USSR, Time's "Man of the Year" twice, mentor and architect to communists, and the unmatched murderer of all human history.
Gold in the Basket Supporter
This user or group believes that if Amazing does in fact put the gold in the basket that this situation can be resolved.
Rebel Yell
Secruss resists the invader in the name of freedom.
Odds be damned! Wolverines!!!
Centers Of Learning Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Centers of Learning Policy & acknowledges that all libraries, schools, zoos, and museums in the city of Malton are considered safe places. No survivor in one of these locations may be killed for any reason unless that survivor is a specified enemy of this user or group.
Secruss shreds heavy, thrash, and death metal on a Jackson.
This user thinks that Ave is a satanist.
Like Use These Super Awesome Templates
Use my templates or be pestered by flying pumpkins from hell!!!
Malton Army of National Liberation
Secruss believes in a Malton free of oppression and eveloped in freedom. Obliterate the corrupt goverment pigs!
This user enjoys the gentle company of smooth butter with exploded starch as it is distributed indiscriminately upon the masses.
Monroeville February 25th, 2008-???
This user or group struggles for existence in Monroeville.
Yeah... That's about it. Oh wait... There's Part Three...