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Looking for a group to join? Have a group seeking members?

This page is open to adverts by groups currently recruiting new members.

Formatting and additional information can be found below the group adverts.

Malton Recruitment Adverts, Alphabetically by Group Name

Place your group (or coalition) advert in alphabetical order by group name.

Alliance of Freedom Fighters : United Groups

Alliance Crest.jpg

Out of the shadows... better men have risen, to unite the Malton Groups to end war and destroy the oppressive Zed forces

We are simple men of honor, and bound together under common morals and common sense, to eliminate the zed presence

Any still-live Malton dwellers can join our Peacekeepers, and protect ambassadors and help our Allies, or become an ambassadors. Alternatively, any Groups can join this still-growing "Malton U.N.". See our Wiki page Alliance of Freedom Fighters for joining or alliance information.

Join today for a United Malton!

Anarchist115 (talk) 16:52, 21 April 2016 (UTC)

Army Control Corps : Survivors

Army Control Corps

The Army Control Corps is a tactical and mobile group dedicated to aiding survivors and eradicating the Zombie infestation that pervades Malton. Some of our Operations involve the salvaging of decimated suburbs, assisting Survivors/Allies in the defense of buildings besieged by large Zombie hordes, and the pursuit of humanitarian efforts which involve the revivification and medical treatment of local Survivors in hard-hit areas.

Currently, there are two combat squads in service as well as a small Special Forces detachment. Roles are chosen via a Job System upon entrance to the group, and the types available range from pure assault stances to more supportive duties that require work behind the scenes.

Lastly, all those who want to join (any level or class) may do so - whether it is preferred to engage in combat or just survive, an open, suitable spot can be found to tailor to one’s needs. To immediately seek enlistment within the ACC, please register here and submit your application here.

The ACC looks forward to receiving and welcoming new members into one of the biggest groups of Malton that has spanned for over seven years and is still running strong.

--Old Jack Burton (talk) 11:23, 19 May 2016 (UTC)

CLZA : Zombie Group

Clza888.jpg CLZA
CLZA are the Caiger and Latrobe Zombie Alliance, a group of Zombies that claim Caiger Mall and The Latrobe Building as their shared home. The time for Humans having peace at Caiger, as far as this group is concerned, is something that should be ended.

To join, simply add CLZA as your group in your profile and join the fight. If the buildings are in Zombie hands, trying to hold them for as long as possible is the aim. Members are free to roam, knowing they will eventually come home. See you there if you decide to join.

Find us on the UDWiki Discord or our Talk page!

--KCLZANecroConnect 02:27, 23 May 2016 (UTC)

Edmund General United : Survivors


Home Map History Staff Directory Human Resources Surgigcal Tips In Cooperation With Testimonials Phone Directory Endorsements

EDU is a pro-survivor group based out of Edmund General Hospital in North West Grigg Heights, and a member of the Malton Hospitals Group and a supporter of many causes including: Sacred Ground Policy, Malton Rangers, Uniform Barricading Policy, West Malton University and many more!

We aim to eventually include all 4 Edmund General Hospitals of Malton (Grigg Heights, Shearbank, Peddlesden Village and Judgewood into one group. So if you operate out of any of the above, let us know.

Rest assured that by joining our innovative Staff you'll learn many of the finer Surgical Arts including, but not limited to:

Need more? Hear what our adversaries the Lebende Tote had to say about us:
"Edmund is a good survivor group. Hopefully they will get more members so then there will be more for us to kill!" --Doc Smith
"These guys know how to operate! Within 2 minutes of breaking in, they had caded back up to Heavily, repaired the generator twice, and thwarted all my efforts to infect them." --Grumio
"Harman grab mah banana manbag...harh harh harh harm harmanz" --Sticky Jones
"The Totes can attest to Edmund's unoffical slogan 'We want your bowels moving'. Our super secret zombie spy, Mouth of the Totes, stopped by to grab a few FAKs. During Mouth's stay, Doc '3 Fingers' Smithsfieldsoner did a battery of tests on a sleeping Mouth's innards. Mouth exited Edmund sore, but with a clean bill of health and a cleaner colon. Remember, get prostate tests early, get prostate tests often!"

STAFF VACANCIES CURRENTLY AVAILABLE: Medics and Reviver's, Security Detail, & Interns
Note: We accept all levels and all classes. See our application for list of skills required.

So stop by and fill out an application or request access on NecroConnect today! Your future in Medicine is just a click away.

--Last Updated 16:29, 29 December 2016 (UTC)

-- •Evelyn Emrys•  •[talk]• 18:55, 26 May 2016 (UTC)

Knights Templar : Survivor Group


Into this city brimming with horror, Came noble warriors standing tall and with honour, A brave band of friends, Known to all as the Knights Templar! Living only to serve, and to help those in need, Taking their loyalty to the grave and beyond!


We are Malton's Modern-Day Knights, Defenders of Kempsterbank and far further afield, loyal to all virtuous survivors in need of Sword, Shotgun or Succor!

Living Maltonites who demonstrate the highest levels of integrity and chivalry are welcome to join our prestigious order, regardless of character class or level; and for those in need, we offer comprehensive training and guidance.

Missions and quests are available for those steadfast sentinels wishing to remain in the Kempsterbank area, or for those courageous warriors who possess the desire to traverse our cursed yet wondrous city.

Discover our long and rich history via our wiki page or contact us directly on our dedicated Discord server to learn more!


Last updated 22:23, 28 October 2022 (UTC)

-- Duncan Thaw (talk) 23:39, 24 May 2016 (UTC)

Malton College of Medicine : Survivor Group

Malton College Of Medicine

Malton College of Medicine prides itself on teaching newcomers to Malton how to survive a zombie apocalypse. We are dedicated to assisting neighbouring suburbs to the best of our ability, as well as entertaining ourselves and those who join us with weekly karaoke.

Our staff are fun-loving, experienced survivors who will help you to gather the knowledge and skills of a veteran during your stay at MCM.

Our home is St George's Hospital in Greentown, so feel free to pop in and say hello!

If you are interested in joining MCM, please contact us. You can find us on Discord.

So, what are you waiting for? Apply here today!

Last updated 12:15, 11 January 2018 (UTC)

Malton Danger Updaters : All Play Styles/Non-Participatory

Malton Danger Updaters
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Malton Danger Updaters | Talk | History | Current Assignments | Roster | Allies | Tools | Recruitment Ad
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Malton Danger Updaters
The Malton Danger Updaters are a loose group of players whose goal is to keep Malton's DangerReport system up-to-date across the city.

MDU alts may be of any variety, but are generally discouraged from "playing" the game when on MDU assignment. Instead, they travel the city, updating building- and suburb-level DangerReports and other information.

Latest Updates

MDU has several projects ongoing! Join us here on the wiki to get involved.

MDU has shifted to a new Marking Unknown schedule. See here for more.

This fall, MDU will be participating in the Great Suburb Group Massacre. Check back soon for more info!
———————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————
Last updated 16:12, 2 March 2019 (UTC)

Malton Taoist Temple : All Play Styles

Malton Taoist Temple

Malton is a unique city where any person can, at different points in time, be survivor or zombie, alive, dead, or undead. This provides its denizens with a new opportunity to explore the nature of the Tao, of yin and yang, and of themselves.

To this effect, the Malton Taoist Temple encourages all styles of play among both members and non-members, as long as one is willing to contemplate the wondrous state that is life, or unlife, in Malton.

Currently at MTT: The meditation garden is open!
Visit the MTT
Discuss the Way
Join the Temple
Meditation Garden
Last updated 09:47, 6 November 2016 (UTC)

Militant Order of Barhah : Zombie Group

Militant Order of Barhah.gif

Militant Order of Barhah

The Militant Order of Barhah is one of the major Zombie hordes in Malton and is dedicated to the principles of Barhah Fundamentalism. A nomadic horde that spreads Barhah throughout the city, the MOB welcomes all zambahz who have embraced Barhah within their hearts. As a focused horde with several strike times, the MOB excels at breaking into and eating harman strongholds. A few snapshots of our assaults can be seen here. The MOB enjoys nurturing young zambahz (known as babahz) providing both an encouraging atmosphere & nourishment on the bloody & brainz filled road to becoming adult zambahz.

Our kind of player is a thinking one; one that wants to see exciting projects and high-profile assaults on UD, and attracted to a strong, cohesive team with a great esprit du corps. If you feel you would like to give us a try, then we'd like to cordially invite you to join the MOB, embrace BARHAH!

23:31, 30 January 2017 (UTC)

NecroConnect : All Players


NecroConnect is an ongoing project, with the goal of uniting zombies and survivors under one forum, and creating various resources for the community. The site is run by a volunteer staff who hail from all walks of Maltonian life.

Visit us on the wiki or at our forum today!

Below is a list of features that are available on the board, or that we're working on implementing.

  • Survivor, zombie, dual nature, and PKer exclusive areas: Safe areas for discussion
  • New Player Resources: Player made guides, helpful links, and more!
  • Live Chat: Chat with your fellow players in our shoutbox or IRC chatroom
  • Bounty Hunter Board: Making life easier for bounty hunters, by putting all the bounties in one place
  • PKer Board: PKers can keep score among themselves. Public and PKer only access variants, so people can choose to brag to everyone, or just among their colleagues
  • Group Services: You can request a group area within the forum
  • Spam Pit: Some guy keeps throwing canned meat in here. We don't know why...
  • Arts and Crafts: Got a drawing to show off, or a story to tell? Put it here!

Latest News

NecroConnect is now two years old!

Last updated 15:56, 30 November 2017 (UTC)

The Ridleybank Resistance Front : Zombie Group/Death Cultist

Join us on the Ridleybank Resistance Front Discord server

The Ridleybank Resistance Front wants you! Are you a lonely zombie, tired of bashing barricades by yourself and rarely reaching the tasty brains on the other side? Are you a survivor, bored with the inane bickering of your fellow breathers, as they argue for days over barricade levels and danger reports? Then join us - the RRF - we want to give you the fun you're searching for!

We are one of the largest, most storied, and successful hordes in the entire game, eating survivors and smashing safehouses since September 2005. We extend a warm hand (in spirit, our actual hands are room-temperature) of welcome to those who wish to escape the Serious Business of other groups, and have a laugh while still being deadly in the field of combat.

Old player with tons of skills? You are most welcome to bring your experience to us. New player without even Ankle Grab? We will feed you until you burst - babahz are one of our special joys to raise, a feeling shared horde-wide. If you like to free-wheel, you can join the main horde, the Department of Homeland Security, and rampage about the homeland. Like the coordinated action of strike teams? We have two to choose from at various times of day - Auxunit 10 and The Constables. Can't quite give up on ammo and oxygen? The Gore Corps, THE death cultists of Malton, belong to us, and will put your firearm addiction to good use.

And foremost, the Front is a family. We look out for each other in a way many harmanz - and even some zambahz - still have yet to learn. Those in command are always approachable with any problems or questions you may have. For as much as you would give to the horde, the horde would give to you. Plus the total lack of pants and the kicking of Serious Business right in the fish-and-chips. We want to have fun, and we want you to have it too. Come and play!

17:40, 19 May 2016 (UTC)

Soldiers of Crossman : Survivor Group

Soldiers of Crossman wiki
Soldiers of Crossman wiki
Area of Operations

Rising from the ashes of two historical groups, the Soldiers of Crossman have thrived in the volatile Northwest of Malton, becoming one of the longest-lasting, premier groups in the game. Our friends know us for our loyalty, good humor, and dedication. Our enemies know us for our strength, determination, and tenacity.

The Northwest was once a proud bastion of humanity in the zombie apocalypse, standing firm when all else crumbled around it. We intend to bring that back by uniting all of the survivors in the Northwest, not only in the fight against our common enemy, but also in our struggle to rebuild that which has been taken from us.

Join us on our mission:

To unite the Northwest and take back what is ours.

Last updated: 15:33, 16 July 2024 (UTC)

Format for Posting Adverts

Group adverts are to follow a very specific format. Your advert code should look like this:

===[[Group Name]]===

{{:Group Name/Recruit}}
time stamp (~~~~~) or timed signature (~~~~) Optional if otherwise displayed.

  • The entire advert content is "encased" in a table. This prevents one advert's formatting from affecting other adverts due to image "text flow" and so on.
  • "Group Name/Recruit" is a normal wiki page that contains the content of the advert. Using the curly brackets and colon inserts your advert page's entire contents onto this page, just as if it were a template.
  • You MUST put the following categories on your "Group Name/Recruit" page:
<noinclude>[[Category:Group Subpages]]</noinclude>
<noinclude>[[Category:GROUP NAME HERE]]</noinclude> if your group has a category of its own.
  • Additionally you should add:
<noinclude>[[Category:Recruitment|TYPE]]</noinclude> where TYPE is your group type.
  • Place your advert in alphabetical order by group name, within the relevant group type. Adverts not posted in the proper alphabetical order will be moved.
  • Large Groups or Organizations with significant subgroups are limited to one advert. This includes groups such as the DHPD and the DEM, they may use their advert to direct players to the separate sub-groups.
  • The advert must have a timestamp (five tildes - ~~~~~) or a signature with an attached timestamp. This can be placed either on this page or on your adverts page.
  • After two months as measured from the timestamp the entire advert may be removed for inactivity. It is the group’s responsibility to update the timestamp to prevent the advert being deleted. Updating the timestamp may and should be done at any time while the group is still recruiting.
  • Adverts which do not use the format below or fails to adhere to the guidelines above will be commented out. This can be done using comment tags - <!-- ... -->. A dated comment will be left in the edited section explaining why the advert page was dis-included; if the advert is not fixed within two weeks, the entire section will be removed.

Category Listings

Recruitment pages are listed below in order by type. To include your recruitment advert in this list, put the following on "template" page, where TYPE is your group's type: <noinclude>[[Category:Recruitment|TYPE]]</noinclude>

Pages in category "Recruitment"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 369 total.

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