Building Danger Levels
Intact and barricaded. No noticeable zombie or PKer presence.
under attack
Persistent attacks from zombies or PKers, but the building is in no immediate danger.
under siege
Survivor defenders are under siege from coordinated and/or large-scale attacks by zombies or PKers.
in zombie hands
The building is ransacked or ruined with more than three zombies inside.
Survivors have recently recaptured the building, but zombies still pose a threat.
The building is ruined or ransacked.
The building is ruined and barricaded to the point that it cannot be entered.
rot revive
The building is being maintained as a rot revive clinic.
The building's status is currently unknown.
Hospital Danger Reports
Tikhon General Hospital Tucked in for the long night, all twenty three of us inside, with five still knocking outside.-- AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 03:14, 14 March 2025 (UTC)
Brendan General Hospital EHB and fully lit! The building is even adorned with Christmas lights. Only one zombie standing outside.
Anne General Hospital Retaken by survivors, but high likelihood of continued heavy fighting and control may go one way or the other.