The Fortress/Files
This page shows the entire faction that is The Fortress. Only a select few are destined to become Fortress Legend
Full Fortress Roster
The Head of The Fortress
General Staff
The Council
Tommy Crowbar, Cuthbert the Wise, Clint Clintstone, PrepH, Terketz1
Tommy Crowbar
Director of Communications
Steve the Decimator
Amano Jaku, Anne Tardew, Azula Invidia, Charlie Mon, Clint Clintstone, Jacob VonNaasz, Jame334, Jay Gorman, Michael Markus, Miss Elainious, Nazdreg, PrepH, Private Mendoza, Sgt. Lenimen, Steve the Decimator, Templarvis, Tommy Crowbar, Victor Vandregas, Warlord, TheYeas, Zeffrin, Zuton
Forum Moderators
Tommy Crowbar, Warlord, Cuthbert the Wise, Miss Elainious, Ruinator, Azula Invidia, Steve the Decimator, PrepH
PK Archivers
Ziptrickhead, Jay Gorman, Azula Invidia, Officer Duncan, Firetwig
Trong Tran's Bar-keep
Charlie Mon
The Station Masters
Miss Elainious & PrepH
Editor in Chief of TFN (The Fortress News)
Danny Lee
TFN Reporters
Victor Vandregas (Cold Cell Rep), Anne Tardew (Dark Watch Rep), Zuton (Excalibur Rep), Miss Elainious (Anaconda Rep), Jay Gorman (Battlehawk Rep)
The Combat Squads
Team: Anaconda
Commander Miss Elainious (HL)
Lieutenant Terketz1 (CAO)
Havoc Knight: Perrin the Wolf (EX Leave)
Campaign Master: Charlie Mon
Campaign Warrior: Rob Kirkman (EX Leave), Zeratul
Chief Assault Officer: Traq
Assault Officer: Whomeyayou, Joe Rocket (EX Leave), Mescali, Consumer Horse
Battalion Ranger: D3c0y,
Conflict Trooper: Firetwig,Moguri
Deployment Soldier: Nazdreg
Engagement Squaddie:
Freedom Fighter: Tiago Ferreira
General Enforcement: Jesus Ethan
Team: Battlehawk
Commander Clint Clintstone (CW)
Lieutenant Templarivs (AO)
Havoc Lord: Cuthbert the Wise
Havoc Knight: ---
Campaign Master: Joshua Gawain, Vinnienfg, Steve the Decimator
Campaign Warrior: JC Crippin
Chief Assault Officer: ---
Assault Officer: Maverick006, Azula Invidia
Battalion Ranger: Cecil B Dimented, Jay Gorman
Conflict Trooper: MafiaGerbi, Private Mendoza
Deployment Soldier: Pytor Muromets, Irene Cara, Zeffrin, kathryn nozed, Zombiedodger
Engagement Squaddie: Arthas36
Freedom Fighter: JohnC8X
General Enforcement: ---
Team: Cold Cell
Commander Vacant
Lieutenant Max Dusseldorf (CAO)
Campaign Master: Blackops1337
Campaign Warrior: Amano Jaku
Chief Assault Officer: Mjrahabim
Assault Officer: KilroyStick, Victor Vandregas
Battalion Ranger: ---
Conflict Trooper: ---
Deployment Soldier: Englisheddy, Pacone
Engagement Squaddie: ---
Freedom Fighter: ht1237, theYeas
General Enforcement: Mmmrrrhhh, Jame334
Team: Dark Watch
Commander FireWarlord (CM)
Lieutenant Anne Tardew (CAO)
Vigilance Overlord: Daniel181
Chief Assault Officer: ---
Assault Officer: Bob Boberton, PrepH, Sgt Lenimen, Tycoonbosh, Ziptrickhead
Battalion Ranger: Jacob VonNaasz, Chakurakid
Conflict Trooper: Bored01
Deployment Soldier: Morrigana
Engagement Squaddie: Brian Flynn, Michael Markus
Freedom Fighter: ---
General Enforcement: ---
Team: Excalibur
-- Closed - Aug 2008 --
Fortress Defence Staff and Training Facility
Fortress Base Commanders
Fortress Two Commander: Shrimper
Fortress Four Commander: Hogan's Hero
The Commune
Charles Thommas, Dr McFillmore, FreakAccident, Lt. Loco, Micro102, Silas Reg, Vaelin, Fartingmonk
Combat Veterans
Avatorous, Bensonson, CouponBaller, Danny Lee, Fet, Guard33x, Jack Patient, KsTxGirl, LePaige, Ruinator, Seabee, SubforM, Tyrosarius, XGoatX, Zuton
Shadow Wolf Squad
-- Closed - Mar 2008 --
Boot Camp
Drill Sergeant(s): Officer Duncan, tycoonboshField Instructor: Vacant
Brickjitsu, Charlotte Billingam, Commander Green, Deathbringer83, Deoples, doctorgun, Dr. Carter, Isildur's Bane, Kjeldar, Lee Hoag, Nomon56, Omm Kosie, Oryx Clarke, Scout187, slyr1, Smiffi, WBBulldogs209, Woody84
Our Official Allies
Trusted Allies
Army Control Corps -- Cannonball Crew -- FANNY -- MPD (Malton Police Dept) -- MFD (Malton Fire Dept) -- MEMS (Malton Emergency Medical Service)
Friends and Partners
The 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team -- 82nd Airborne Division -- Bastion High -- The Blackhearts -- BMC (British Military Corps) -- CDF (Creedy Defence Force) -- Caiger Mall Survivors (Caiger Mall Survivors) -- The Crimson Clan -- DK13 -- Dragonhead -- The Dribbling Beavers -- DRRP (Danversbank Relief and Reconstruction Project) -- DA (Dulston Alliance) -- DHPD (Dunell Hills PD) -- Fort Perryn Defense Force (Fort Perryn Defence Force) -- FUACK (Fabulous Underground Acoustic Corner Kids) -- (To The) Four Winds -- Grayside Demons -- Knights Templar -- Lumber Mall Security -- Mad Craskers -- Malton City Zoo -- Malton Response Team G -- Paradox -- PHPD (Penny Heights Police Department) -- The Randoms -- ROACH Klips -- S.T.A.R.S (Special Tactics And Rescue Squad) -- Tynte Mall Union -- Umbrella Corporation -- U.S. ARMY INFANTRY
Working Partners
Malton Mob -- Team Zombie Hardcore
Historical Alliances
THEM (F&P until Jun 08; group became inactive)
Malton Response Team G (F&P until Jun 08; group became inactive)
E.N.D. (Trusted Ally until Apr 08; group closed)
The Hazeldine Committee (F&P until Feb 08; merged with END)
The Black Berets (Trusted Ally until Feb 08; group became inactive)
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Ally |
This user or group is an ally of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. |
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Army Control Corps |
This group works with and supports the Army Control Corps. |
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DEM Ally |
The Fortress is an ally of the DEM |
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Creedy Defense Force |
{{{X}}} is affiliated with the Creedy Defense Force and fully supports the destruction of all zombie unlife in Malton. |
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Caiger Mall Survivor |
This user or group assisted in defending Caiger Mall on one or more occasions. |
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Dulston Alliance (Allied) |
The Fortress is a staunch supporter of the Dulston Alliance. |
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(To The) Four Winds Ally |
This user or group is an ally of (To The) Four Winds. |
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Mad Craskers |
The Fortress camps out at the Craske Museum and defends SE Heytown from wandering hordes and feral zombies. |
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Friend Of The Zoo |
The Thinking Monkey brings luck to friends of the Malton City Zoo! |
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Random Member |
The Fortress is a member of The Randoms. |
Promotion Timeline
15/09/05 The Head, The Ears, The Eyes assemble
17/09/05 Bensonson, Jensonson and Fet recruited
30/09/05 Bensonson promoted to Commander
01/10/05 Jensonson promoted to Assault Officer
25/10/05 Wrinkly Ninja assigned as General Enforcement
27/10/05 The Mouth assigned as Recruitment Officer
30/10/05 Trong Tran assigned as General Enforcement
31/11/05 Westonian assigned as Conflict Trooper
31/10/05 LePaige assigned as General Enforcement
03/11/05 Fishel assigned as Conflict Trooper
04/11/05 LePaige promoted to Deployment Squaddie
07/11/05 Wrinkly Ninja promoted to Deployment Squaddie
09/11/05 Fet moves to Shadow Wolf (Healer)
09/11/05 LePaige promoted to Conflict Trooper
12/11/05 Andre V assigned as Battalion Ranger
12/11/05 Travis Mk1 assigned as Conflict Trooper
12/11/05 Phoenix Omega assigned as Battalion Ranger
13/11/05 LiquidBob assigned as Conflict Trooper
13/11/05 Trong Tran promoted to Deployment Squaddie
13/11/05 Skull Kid assigned as General Enforcement
14/11/05 Marissa Minnie assigned as General Enforcement
16/11/05 LePaige promoted to Battalion Ranger
17/11/05 Guardsman assigned as General Enforcement
19/11/05 DeathAxe assigned as Conflict Trooper
20/11/05 Skull Kid promoted to Deployment Squaddie
21/11/05 Geoffrey Fourmyle assigned as General Enforcement
21/11/05 Belakor assigned as General Enforcement
21/11/05 Brent Baker assigned as Conflict Trooper
21/11/05 Simon Ray assigned as General Enforcement
22/11/05 LiquidBob promoted to Battalion Ranger
22/11/05 Marissa Minnie promoted to Deployment Squaddie
22/11/05 Trong Tran promoted to Conflict Trooper
22/11/05 Travis Mk1 promoted to Battalion Ranger
22/11/05 Westonian promoted to Battalion Ranger
23/11/05 LiquidBob promoted to Commander of Team Battlehawk
23/11/05 Andre V promoted to Assault Officer (as Lieutenant)
23/11/05 DivineDragon assigned as General Enforcement
23/11/05 Roci Ara assigned as General Enforcement
26/11/05 Simon Ray promoted to Deployment Squaddie
28/11/05 Belakor promoted to Deployment Squaddie
28/11/05 Roci Ara promoted to Deployment Squaddie
29/11/05 Connor Belmont assigned as Conflict Trooper
01/12/05 hot shot assigned as Conflict Trooper
01/12/05 Jack Foster assigned as Conflict Trooper
02/12/05 Bensonson moves to Shadow Wolf (Ranger)
02/12/05 LePaige promoted to Commander of Team Anaconda
02/12/05 DeathAxe promoted to Battalion Ranger
02/12/05 Travis Mk1 reassigned to Team Anaconda
05/12/05 Simon Ray promoted to Conflict Trooper
06/12/05 Guardsman promoted to Deployment Squaddie
06/12/05 Roci Ara promoted to Conflict Trooper
06/12/05 Belakor promoted to Conflict Trooper
13/12/05 Fishel promoted to Battalion Ranger
16/12/05 Trong Tran promoted to Battalion Ranger
18/12/05 Xqz2 assigned as General Enforcement
18/12/05 Fried Ghost assigned to Deployment Squaddie
18/12/05 Jason Valer assigned to Deployment Squaddie
19/12/05 assasain assigned as General Enforcement
21/12/05 Zarin J assigned as General Enforcement
21/12/05 Guardsman promoted to Conflict Trooper
21/12/05 Jesusinacan assigned to Deployment Squaddie
22/12/05 Skull Kid promoted to Conflict Trooper
23/12/05 Belakor promoted to Battalion Ranger
23/12/05 Roci Ara promoted to Battalion Ranger
23/12/05 hot shot promoted to Battalion Ranger
25/12/05 assasain assigned as General Enforcement
25/12/05 LePaige moves to Shadow Wolf (Hunter)
26/12/05 Connor Belmont promoted to Commander of Team Anaconda
26/12/05 Jensonson promoted to Commander of Team Battlehawk in CO LiquidBob's absence
26/12/05 Fishel promoted to Commander of Team Cold Cell
26/12/05 DeathAxe promoted to Assault Officer (as Lieutenant)
26/12/05 InnocentByStander assigned to Deployment Squaddie
27/12/05 hot shot promoted to Assault Officer (as Lieutenant)
29/12/05 Travis Mk1 promoted to Lieutenant
29/12/05 aschloss assigned to Deployment Squaddie
30/12/05 Akira2 assigned as General Enforcement
02/01/06 Jason Valer promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/01/06 Fallout10mm assigned as General Enforcement
03/01/06 maverick006 assigned as General Enforcement
03/01/06 Carrll assigned to Deployment Squaddie
03/01/06 Jack Telan assigned to Deployment Squaddie
06/01/06 Xqz2 promoted to Deployment Squaddie
06/01/06 Kyle Noseworthy assigned as Deployment Squaddie
06/01/06 BTL Matt assigned as General Enforcement
06/01/06 AngelWitch3 replaces InnocentByStander
08/01/06 Fried Ghost promoted to Conflict Trooper
10/01/06 Zarin J promoted to Deployment Squaddie
10/01/06 Swinky assigned to Deployment Squaddie
11/01/06 Brent Baker reassigned to the Commune
12/01/06 AngelWitch3 promoted to Conflict Trooper
12/01/06 Jesusinacan promoted to Conflict Trooper
14/01/06 Trong Tran promoted to Assault Officer
14/01/06 Skull Kid promoted to Battalion Ranger
14/01/06 Xqz2 promoted to Conflict Trooper
14/01/06 maverick006 promoted to Deployment Squaddie
20/01/06 DeathAxe promoted to Commander of Team Anaconda
20/01/06 Travis Mk1 promoted to Commander of Team Federation
20/01/06 Belakor promoted to Lieutenant
20/01/06 Skull Kid promoted to Lieutenant
20/01/06 Andre V moves to Shadow Wolf (Healer)
20/01/06 Guardsman promoted to Battalion Ranger
20/01/06 maverick006 promoted to Conflict Trooper
20/01/06 Simon Ray promoted to Battalion Ranger
20/01/06 Carrll promoted to Conflict Trooper
20/01/06 Fallout10mm promoted to Deployment Squaddie
20/01/06 Akira2 promoted to Deployment Squaddie
20/01/06 Stubblyhead assigned to Deployment Squaddie
20/01/06 Seabee assigned to Deployment Squaddie
20/01/06 Kobayashi Maru assigned to Deployment Squaddie
20/01/06 Grey Swiftaxe assigned to Deployment Squaddie
20/01/06 Trooper511 assigned to Deployment Squaddie
20/01/06 Frank Bro 87 assigned to Deployment Squaddie
20/01/06 Danny Lee assigned as General Enforcement
23/01/06 Bawlzeye3 assigned to Deployment Squaddie
24/01/06 Sidra assigned as General Enforcement
25/01/06 BTL Matt promoted to Deployment Squaddie
28/01/06 Zombieware assigned as General Enforcement
29/01/06 Cameron Mitchell assigned as General Enforcement
29/01/06 Kyle Noseworthy promoted to Conflict Trooper
29/01/06 Akira promoted to Conflict Trooper
29/01/06 Fallout10mm promoted to Conflict Trooper
31/01/06 Swinky promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/02/06 Sapun assigned to Deployment Squaddie
04/02/06 UrbanFire assigned to Deployment Squaddie
05/02/06 Guardsman promoted to Assault Officer
05/02/06 Grey Swiftaxe promoted to Conflict Trooper
05/02/06 Cameron Mitchell promoted to Deployment Squaddie
06/02/06 Jason Valer promoted to Battalion Ranger
10/02/06 Kaziganthi assigned as General Enforcement
10/02/06 Roci Ara promoted to Lieutenant
10/02/06 Simon Ray promoted to Assault Officer
10/02/06 Trooper511 promoted to Conflict Trooper
17/02/06 Frank Bro 87 promoted to Conflict Trooper
17/02/06 Angelwitch3 promoted to Battalion Ranger
17/02/06 danny lee promoted to Deployment Squaddie
18/02/06 Skull Kid (LT) promoted to Assault Officer
18/02/06 Zombieware promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/02/06 BTL Matt promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/02/06 Stubblyhead promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/02/06 Seabee promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/02/06 Kobayashi Maru promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/02/06 EvilGrimReaper528 assigned to Deployment Squaddie
18/02/06 Fried Ghost promoted to Battalion Ranger
19/02/06 Belakor (LT) promoted to Assault Officer
22/02/06 Belakor promoted to Commander of Team Battlehawk
23/02/06 Scooter461 assigned to Deployment Squaddie
23/02/06 KsTxGirl assigned as Drill Sergeant
24/02/06 Cameron Mitchell promoted to Conflict Trooper
27/02/06 Guardsman promoted to Lieutenant
01/03/06 Jesusinacan promoted to Battalion Ranger
02/03/06 UrbanFire promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/03/06 Roci Ara (LT) promoted to Assault Officer
04/03/06 Grey Swiftaxe promoted to Battalion Ranger
07/03/06 Kristina Alexandra assigned to Deployment Squaddie
07/03/06 Jason Valer promoted to Assault Officer
08/03/06 Swinky promoted to Battalion Ranger
08/03/06 Kyle Noseworthy promoted to Battalion Ranger
08/03/06 carrll promoted to Battalion Ranger
12/03/06 Stubblyhead promoted to Battalion Ranger
12/03/06 Seabee promoted to Battalion Ranger
12/03/06 Kobayashi Maru promoted to Battalion Ranger
13/03/06 Xqz2 promoted to Battalion Ranger
13/03/06 Jack Foster promoted to Assault Officer
13/03/06 Fallout10mm promoted to Battalion Ranger
14/03/06 SaraStormsong assigned as General Enforcement
16/03/06 Angelwitch3 promoted to Assault Officer
16/03/06 Stoneburrs Jr assigned to Deployment Squaddie
16/03/06 maverick006 promoted to Battalion Ranger
16/03/06 Scooter461 promoted to Conflict Trooper
17/03/06 Grey Swiftaxe promoted to Assault Officer, and Lieutenant
22/03/06 Roci Ara moves to Shadow Wolf (Ranger)
24/03/06 Grey Swiftaxe promoted to Commander of Team Cold Cell
24/03/06 Stubblyhead promoted to Assault Officer
24/03/06 Seabee promoted to Assault Officer
24/03/06 Kobayashi Maru promoted to Assault Officer
24/03/06 BTL Matt promoted to Battalion Ranger
24/03/06 Kristina Alexandra promoted to Conflict Trooper
25/03/06 Swinky promoted to Assault Officer
25/03/06 Fishel moves to Assault Squadron
25/03/06 Skull Kid moves to Assault Squadron
25/03/06 LiquidBob moves to Assault Squadron
26/03/06 MiniGemmel assigned to Deployment Squaddie
26/03/06 Private Baz assigned as General Enforcement
26/03/06 Berserkas assigned as General Enforcement
26/03/06 Joey Donuts assigned as General Enforcement
26/03/06 Grisom assigned to Deployment Squaddie
26/03/06 Guillen assigned to Deployment Squaddie
27/03/06 Kaziganthi promoted to Deployment Squaddie
27/03/06 NuAgeTechno assigned to Deployment Squaddie
27/03/06 Trooper511 promoted to Battalion Ranger
27/03/06 Cameron Mitchell promoted to Battalion Ranger
27/03/06 Jason Valer moves to Assault Squadron
28/03/06 Frank Bro 87 reassigned to Team Anaconda
29/03/06 Seabee moves to Assault Squadron
31/03/06 Swinky promoted to Lieutenant
04/04/06 Kobayashi Maru promoted to Lieutenant
04/04/06 Trooper511 promoted to Lieutenant
05/04/06 Jack Skellyton assigned as General Enforcement
05/04/06 SaraStormsong promoted to Deployment Squaddie
06/04/06 Shrimper assigned to Deployment Squaddie
06/04/06 Joey Donuts promoted to Deployment Squaddie
08/04/06 Xqz2 promoted to Assault Officer
09/04/06 Stoneburrs Jr promoted to Conflict Trooper
09/04/06 Seabee reassigned to Team Anaconda
10/04/06 Ackers assigned as General Enforcement
10/04/06 Stone Cutter assigned as General Enforcement
10/04/06 BTL Matt promoted to Assault Officer
10/04/06 Berserkas promoted to Deployment Squaddie
10/04/06 Jack Skellyton promoted to Deployment Squaddie
10/04/06 BlackOps1337 assigned as General Enforcement
10/04/06 Derivator assigned as General Enforcement
17/04/06 Ackers promoted to Deployment Squaddie
17/04/06 Derivator promoted to Deployment Squaddie
17/04/06 Stone Cutter promoted to Deployment Squaddie
17/04/06 BlackOps1337 promoted to Deployment Squaddie
19/04/06 Kristina Alexandra promoted to Battalion Ranger
21/04/06 Scooter461 promoted to Battalion Ranger
21/04/06 maverick006 promoted to Assault Officer
24/04/06 Berserkas promoted to Conflict Trooper
24/04/06 Jack Skellyton promoted to Conflict Trooper
24/04/06 McKool assigned to Deployment Squaddie
24/04/06 Belakor moves to Shadow Wolf (Tracker)
24/04/06 Swinky promoted to Commander of Team Battlehawk
26/04/06 NuAgeTechno promoted to Conflict Trooper
26/04/06 Joey Donuts promoted to Conflict Trooper
26/04/06 Stoneburrs Jr promoted to Battalion Ranger
02/05/06 BlackOps1337 promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/05/06 McKool promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/05/06 Ackers promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/05/06 Shrimper promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/05/06 maverick006 promoted to Lieutenant
09/05/06 Derivator promoted to Conflict Trooper
10/05/06 Rendr assigned as Deployment Squaddie
10/05/06 mp767 assigned as General Enforcement
10/05/06 Tyrosarius assigned as General Enforcement
10/05/06 Guard33x assigned as General Enforcement
10/05/06 Cameron Mitchell promoted to Lieutenant
12/05/06 SaraStormsong promoted to Conflict Trooper
12/05/06 Guillen promoted to Conflict Trooper
13/05/06 Cameron Mitchell promoted to Assault Officer
15/05/06 NuAgeTechno promoted to Battalion Ranger
17/05/06 Scooter461 promoted to Lieutenant
23/05/06 1st Level Fighter assigned as Deployment Squaddie
24/05/06 Danny Lee reassigned as Deployment Squaddie
25/05/06 Scooter461 promoted to Assault Officer
25/05/06 Stoneburrs Jr promoted to Assault Officer
25/05/06 Trooper511 promoted to Assault Officer
25/05/06 Rendr promoted to Conflict Trooper
25/05/06 Grisom promoted to Conflict Trooper
25/05/06 mp767 promoted to Deployment Squaddie
25/05/06 Tyrosarius promoted to Deployment Squaddie
29/05/06 ssraistlin assigned as General Enforcement
29/05/06 Xeres assigned as Deployment Squaddie
31/05/06 Gus Fitzgerald assigned as Deployment Squaddie
03/06/06 mp767 promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/06/06 Tyrosarius promoted to Conflict Trooper
07/06/06 Stone Cutter promoted to Conflict Trooper
07/06/06 Joey Donuts promoted to Battalion Ranger
07/06/06 McKool promoted to Battalion Ranger
07/06/06 Shrimper promoted to Battalion Ranger
08/06/06 Seabee promoted to Lieutenant
08/06/06 Berserkas promoted to Battalion Ranger
08/06/06 BlackOps1337 promoted to Battalion Ranger
08/06/06 Danny Lee promoted to Conflict Trooper
08/06/06 ss_raistlin promoted to Deployment Squaddie
16/06/06 Grisom promoted to Battalion Ranger
19/06/06 UrbanFire promoted to Battalion Ranger
22/06/06 Derivator promoted to Battalion Ranger
22/06/06 NuAgeTechno promoted to Assault Officer
22/06/06 Shrimper promoted to Assault Officer
22/06/06 Trong Tran moves to Assault Squadron
24/06/06 Guard33x promoted to Deployment Squaddie
03/07/06 Rendr promoted to Battalion Ranger
01/07/06 NuAgeTechno moves to Assault Squadron
04/07/06 Skull Kid moves to the Assault Squadron
04/07/06 BigLong assigned as Deployment Squaddie
04/07/06 Alexander Frost assigned as Deployment Squaddie
07/07/06 Mondie assigned as Deployment Squaddie
07/07/06 Duke Ulrich assigned as Deployment Squaddie
08/07/06 Guard33x promoted to Conflict Trooper
08/07/06 Ealorn assigned as General Enforcement
10/07/06 mp767 promoted to Battalion Ranger
10/07/06 Tyrosarius promoted to Battalion Ranger
11/07/06 Moguri assigned as Deployment Squaddie
11/07/06 Joshua Gawain assigned as Deployment Squaddie
11/07/06 BlackOps1337 promoted to Assault Officer
11/07/06 Berserkas promoted to Assault Officer
15/07/06 Daniel181 assigned as General Enforcement
15/07/06 Derivator promoted to Assault Officer
15/07/06 Joey Donuts promoted to Assault Officer
15/07/06 McKool promoted to Assault Officer
16/07/06 Ealorn promoted to Deployment Squaddie
16/07/06 Danny Lee promoted to Battalion Ranger
21/07/06 Rendr promoted to Assault Officer
23/07/06 UrbanFire promoted to Assault Officer
25/07/06 Seabee promoted to Commander of Team Cold Cell
25/07/06 Stubblyhead promoted to Lieutenant
25/07/06 Charlie Mon assigned as General Enforcement
25/07/06 Biglong promoted to Conflict Trooper
26/07/06 vinnienfg assigned as Deployment Squaddie
26/07/06 Dennis Albrum assigned as Deployment Squaddie
31/07/06 Alexander Frost promoted to Conflict Trooper
31/07/06 Duke Ulrich promoted to Conflict Trooper
01/08/06 Rendr assigned as Drill Sergeant
01/08/06 Scooter461 becomes a Shadow Wolf (Status: Shadow Lieutenant)
01/08/06 AngelWitch3 becomes a Shadow Wolf
04/06/06 Charlie Mon promoted to Deployment Squaddie
04/08/06 Moguri promoted to Conflict Trooper
04/08/06 Duke Ulrich becomes a Shadow Wolf
06/08/06 Mondie promoted to Conflict Trooper
06/08/06 Guard33x promoted to Battalion Ranger
07/08/06 Necrotic Hunter becomes a Shadow Wolf
10/08/06 Necrotic Hunter assigned as General Enforcement
10/08/06 Studz assigned as General Enforcement
10/08/06 daishii assigned as General Enforcement
10/08/06 Sendo Yuushin assigned as General Enforcement
10/08/06 Danny Lee promoted to Assault Officer
10/08/06 mp767 promoted to Assault Officer
17/08/06 Dr McFillmore assigned as Deployment Squaddie
18/08/06 Studz promoted to Deployment Squaddie
18/08/06 daishii promoted to Deployment Squaddie
18/08/06 Sendo Yuushin promoted to Deployment Squaddie
18/08/06 Dennis Albrum promoted to Conflict Trooper
20/08/06 Guard33x promoted to Assault Officer
24/08/06 Ealorn promoted to Conflict Trooper
24/08/06 Charlie Mon promoted to Conflict Trooper
25/08/06 Joshua Gawain promoted to Conflict Trooper
25/08/06 vinnienfg promoted to Conflict Trooper
27/08/06 AngelWitch3, Duke Ulrich, Necrotic Hunter and Scooter461 resign from Shadow
30/08/06 BlackOps1337 moves to Shadow Wolf (Prophet)
30/08/06 Necrotic Hunter promoted to Deployment Squaddie
06/09/06 BigLong promoted to Battalion Ranger
07/09/06 Duke Ulrich promoted to Battalion Ranger
07/09/06 Joshua Gawain promoted to Battalion Ranger
09/09/06 daishii promoted to Conflict Trooper
09/09/06 Studz promoted to Conflict Trooper
11/09/06 Jack Patient assigned as General Enforcement
11/09/06 Glacial assigned as General Enforcement
13/09/06 Shrimper promoted to Commander of Team Battlehawk
19/09/06 Glacial promoted to Deployment Squaddie
22/09/06 Jack Patient promoted to Deployment Squaddie
25/09/06 Dennis Albrum promoted to Battalion Ranger
26/09/06 vinnienfg promoted to Battalion Ranger
28/09/06 Charlie Mon promoted to Commander of Team Cold Cell
28/09/06 Danny Lee promoted to Commander of Team Anaconda
28/09/06 Berserkas promoted to Lieutenant
28/09/06 Daniel181 double-promoted to Conflict Trooper
28/09/06 Necrotic Hunter promoted to Conflict Trooper
30/09/06 Matt Akist assigned as General Enforcement
01/10/06 JC Crippin assigned as General Enforcement
02/10/06 Mondie promoted to Battalion Ranger
02/10/06 Glacial promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/10/06 Jack Patient promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/10/06 Duke Ulrich promoted to Assault Officer
03/10/06 Duke Ulrich promoted to Lieutenant
05/10/06 Matt Akist promoted to Deployment Squaddie
05/10/06 BigLong promoted to Assault Officer
10/10/06 JC Crippin promoted to Deployment Squaddie
10/10/06 Studz promoted to Battalion Ranger
10/10/06 Daishii promoted to Battalion Ranger
12/10/06 Blair Wells assigned as General Enforcement
12/10/06 Fatman 2K assigned as General Enforcement
12/10/06 Fallout10mm promoted to Assault Officer
13/10/06 Shin Kang assigned as General Enforcement
13/10/06 Reddogg assigned as General Enforcement
15/10/06 Tyrosarius promoted to Assault Officer
17/10/06 Necrotic Hunter promoted to Battalion Ranger
17/10/06 Daniel181 promoted to Battalion Ranger
17/10/06 Matt Akist promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/10/06 Dr McFillmore promoted to Battalion Ranger
19/10/06 Fatman 2K promoted to Deployment Squaddie
19/10/06 Timmy Hawk assigned as General Enforcement
20/10/06 Blair Wells promoted to Deployment Squaddie
20/10/06 Reddogg promoted to Deployment Squaddie
23/10/06 Perrin the Wolf assigned as General Enforcement
23/10/06 Mondie promoted to Assault Officer
23/10/06 Shin Kang promoted to Deployment Squaddie
23/10/06 Dennis Albrum promoted to Assault Officer
24/10/06 JC Crippin promoted to Conflict Trooper
24/10/06 vinnienfg promoted to Assault Officer
01/11/06 Dokk Pepper assigned as General Enforcement
06/11/06 Reddogg promoted to Conflict Trooper
08/11/06 Jason Valer assigned as Drill Sergeant
08/11/06 Blair Wells promoted to Conflict Trooper
08/11/06 Shin Kang promoted to Conflict Trooper
08/11/06 Perrin the Wolf promoted to Deployment Squaddie
09/11/06 Dokk Pepper promoted to Deployment Squaddie
09/11/06 Necrotic Hunter promoted to Assault Officer
09/11/06 Daniel181 promoted to Assault Officer
09/11/06 Studz promoted to Assault Officer
09/11/06 Daishii promoted to Assault Officer
09/11/06 Jack Patient promoted to Battalion Ranger
12/11/06 Fatman 2k promoted to Conflict Trooper
19/11/06 Cuthbert the Wise assigned as General Enforcement
19/11/06 michmich assigned as General Enforcement
20/11/06 FartingMonk assigned as General Enforcement
21/11/06 Dokk Pepper promoted to Conflict Trooper
21/11/06 Blair Wells promoted to Battalion Ranger
23/11/06 Puppet Girl assigned as General Enforcement
24/11/06 Perrin the Wolf promoted to Conflict Trooper
28/11/06 Matt Akist promoted to Battalion Ranger
28/11/06 Cuthbert the Wise promoted to Deployment Squaddie
29/11/06 michmich promoted to Deployment Squaddie
01/12/06 Puppet Girl promoted to Deployment Squaddie
03/12/06 Trong Tran promoted to Woodroffe Mall Liason Officer
04/12/06 JC Crippin promoted to Battalion Ranger
04/12/06 Jack Patient promoted to Assault Officer
08/12/06 Joshua Gawain promoted to Assault Officer
09/12/06 Crocodile assigned as General Enforcement
09/12/06 fivepointslow assigned as General Enforcement
09/12/06 sirkilla assigned as General Enforcement
09/12/06 Stark Senap assigned as General Enforcement
10/12/06 Bill Shankly assigned as General Enforcement
12/12/06 Grey Swiftaxe promoted to PK Executioner
13/12/06 FartingMonk promoted to Deployment Squaddie
17/12/06 Cuthbert the Wise promoted to Conflict Trooper
17/12/06 Stark Senap promoted to Deployment Squaddie
17/12/06 fivepointslow promoted to Deployment Squaddie
19/12/06 Vaelin assigned as General Enforcement
19/12/06 Tommy Crowbar assigned as Deployment Squaddie
19/12/06 Bill Shankly promoted to Deployment Squaddie
22/12/06 crzyfoo assigned as General Enforcement
23/12/06 Bensonson promoted to Shackleville Power Technician
27/12/06 Puppet Girl promoted to Conflict Trooper
27/12/06 Vaelin promoted to Deployment Squaddie
29/12/06 crzyfoo promoted to Deployment Squaddie
30/12/06 michmich promoted to Conflict Trooper
30/12/06 DeathAxe promoted to PK Executioner
30/12/06 Sirkilla promoted to Deployment Squaddie
02/01/07 Stark Senap promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/01/07 JC Crippin promoted to Assault Officer
02/01/07 Jack Sheehan assigned to The Commune
03/01/07 Bill Shankly promoted to Conflict Trooper
05/01/07 Hogan's Hero assigned as General Enforcement
05/01/07 Rellik666 assigned as General Enforcement
06/01/07 fivepointslow promoted to Conflict Trooper
08/01/07 Shrimper promoted to Fortress 2 Commander
08/01/07 Jack Patient promoted to Commander of Team Battlehawk
08/01/07 NuAgeTechno promoted to Commander of Team Dark Watch
08/01/07 Fishel promoted to Lieutenant
08/01/07 Tommy Crowbar promoted to Conflict Trooper
08/01/07 Sirkilla promoted to Conflict Trooper
10/01/07 maverick006 promoted to Field Instructor
11/01/07 Derivator promoted to Revivification Officer
14/01/07 Studz promoted to Lieutenant
14/01/07 Hogan's Hero promoted to Deployment Squaddie
14/01/08 Roci Ara promoted to Fortress 4 Commander
15/01/07 Perrin the Wolf promoted to Battalion Ranger
20/01/07 Cuthbert the Wise promoted to Battalion Ranger
21/01/07 Matt Akist promoted to Assault Officer
24/01/07 crzyfoo promoted to Conflict Trooper
26/01/07 Rellik666 promoted to Deployment Squaddie
29/01/07 Defibrillation assigned as General Enforcement
29/01/07 Casey Black assigned as General Enforcement
02/02/07 Backdraft Benny assigned as General Enforcement
02/02/07 Icke assigned as General Enforcement
02/02/07 Daniel181 promoted to Commander of Team Anaconda
02/02/07 Matt Akist promoted to Lieutenant
02/02/07 FartingMonk promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/02/07 vinnienfg promoted to Commander of Team Battlehawk
04/02/07 Hogan's Hero promoted to Conflict Trooper
05/02/07 Defibrillation promoted to Deployment Squaddie
05/02/07 Hogan's Hero promoted to Drill Sergeant
06/02/07 Fishel promoted to Commander of Team Cold Cell
09/02/07 Carrll promoted to Assault Officer
09/02/07 Rellik666 promoted to Conflict Trooper
09/02/07 Casey Black promoted to Deployment Squaddie
15/02/07 Icke promoted to Deployment Squaddie
16/02/07 Dennis Albrum promoted to Lieutenant
18/02/07 Jason Valer promoted to Penny Heights Mall Liason Officer
19/02/07 Defibrillation promoted to Conflict Trooper
23/02/07 Studz promoted to Commander of Team Dark Watch
24/02/07 Cuthbert The Wise promoted to Assault Officer
26/02/07 Carrll promoted to Lieutenant
26/02/07 ydnaada assigned as General Enforcement
28/02/07 Tommy Crowbar promoted to Battalion Ranger
09/03/07 Ydnaada promoted to Deployment Squaddie
09/03/07 Icke promoted to Conflict Trooper
10/03/07 spt2007 assigned as Deployment Squaddie
10/03/07 Evan Manes assigned as General Enforcement
14/03/07 Tommy Crowbar promoted to Commander of Team Anaconda
16/03/07 Daniel181 promoted to Lieutenant of Team Anaconda
27/03/07 TJ Bitz promoted to Assistant Drill Sergeant
27/03/07 Charles Thommas assigned as General Enforcement
27/03/07 FireWarlord assigned as Deployment Squaddie
02/04/07 Guard33x promoted to Lieutenant
02/04/07 Perrin the Wolf promoted to Assault Officer
02/04/07 Rellik666 promoted to Battalion Ranger
02/04/07 Casey Black promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/04/07 spt2007 promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/04/07 Evan Manes promoted as Deployment Squaddie
02/04/07 Charles Thommas promoted as Deployment Squaddie
11/04/07 Stark Senap promoted to Battalion Ranger
14/04/07 FireWarlord promoted to Conflict Trooper
14/04/07 Blair Wells promoted to Assault Officer
14/04/07 FartingMonk promoted to Battalion Ranger
18/04/07 Buck Weathers assigned as Deployment Squaddie
18/04/07 JerichoCroix assigned as General Enforcement
18/04/07 Steve the decimator assigned as General Enforcement
19/04/07 Charles Thommas promoted to Conflict Trooper
19/04/07 Evan Manes promoted to Conflict Trooper
19/04/07 Jack Patient promoted to Commander of Team Battlehawk
19/04/07 Charlie Mon promoted to Commander of Team Dark Watch
22/04/07 TinyD assigned as General Enforcement
26/04/07 steve the decimator promoted to Deployment Squaddie
28/04/07 Ydnaada promoted to Conflict Trooper
29/04/07 FireWarlord promoted to Lieutenant of Team Anaconda
30/04/07 Jericho Croix automatic promotion to Engagement Squaddie
30/04/07 TinyD automatic promotion to Engagement Squaddie
07/05/07 Buck Weathers promoted to Conflict Trooper
07/05/07 TinyD promoted to Deployment Soldier
07/05/07 Dedun assigned as Freedom Fighter
07/05/07 Chakurakid assigned as Freedom Fighter
11/05/07 Tommy Crowbar takes control as Commander of Team Dark Watch
12/05/07 Dennis Albrum promoted to Commander of Team Cold Cell
13/05/07 Biglong50 promoted to Lieutenant of Team Cold Cell
17/05/07 steve the decimator promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/05/07 Dedun promoted to Engagement Squaddie
18/05/07 Chakurakid promoted to Engagement Squaddie
23/05/07 Charles Thommas promoted to Battalion Ranger
23/05/07 spt2007 promoted to Battalion Ranger
23/05/07 Wiersbowski assigned as General Enforcement
04/06/07 spt2007 promoted to Lieutenant of Team Dark Watch
05/06/07 Dedun promoted to Deployment Soldier
05/06/07 Chakurakid promoted to Deployment Soldier
07/06/07 Gorge Leman assigned as General Enforcement
07/06/07 xGoatx assigned as General Enforcement
19/06/07 Fabron Baldemar assigned as General Enforcement
19/06/07 Robert Kingfisher assigned as Freedom Fighter
21/06/07 JavaElemental assigned as General Enforcement
21/06/07 Dedun promoted to Conflict Trooper
21/06/07 Chakurakid promoted to Conflict Trooper
25/06/07 Warlord promoted to Assault Officer
25/06/07 Charles Thommas promoted to Assault Officer
25/06/07 Jensonson promoted to Commander of Team Cold Cell
25/06/07 Gorge Leman double-promoted to Engagement Squaddie
25/06/07 XGoatX double-promoted to Engagement Squaddie
25/06/07 Wiersbowski double-promoted to Engagement Squaddie
26/06/07 Stark Senap promoted to Lieutenant of Team BattleHawk
30/06/07 ZuesTheZedKiller assigned as General Enforcement
30/06/07 Amano Jaku assigned as General Enforcement
02/07/07 Robert Kingfisher promoted to Engagement Squaddie
02/07/07 JavaElemental promoted to Freedom Fighter
03/07/07 Fabron Baldemar promoted to Freedom Fighter
03/07/07 2LordMoore assigned as General Enforcement
03/07/07 Fenomenal assigned as General Enforcement
12/07/07 Avatourous assigned as Freedom Fighter
18/07/07 Stark Senap promoted to Commander of Team Battlehawk
18/07/07 Amano Jaku promoted to Freedom Fighter
18/07/07 ZuesTheZedKiller promoted to Freedom Fighter
18/07/07 2LordMoore promoted to Freedom Fighter
18/07/07 JavaElemental promoted to Engagement Squaddie
18/07/07 Cuthbert the Wise promoted to Lieutenant of Team Battlehawk
22/07/07 XGoatX promoted to Deployment Soldier
22/07/07 Gorge Leman promoted to Deployment Soldier
22/07/07 Buck Weathers promoted to Battalion Ranger
22/07/07 spt2007 promoted to Assault Officer
23/07/07 Robert Kingfisher promoted to Deployment Soldier
29/07/07 Lenny the Policeman assigned as General Enforcement
29/07/07 Logoto assigned as General Enforcement
29/07/07 PikuleekPL assigned as General Enforcement
29/07/07 Ttza22 assigned as General Enforcement
29/07/07 Zuton assigned as General Enforcement
01/08/07 The Liquid assigned as Freedom Fighter
01/08/07 Wilks Johnson assigned as General Enforcement
02/08/07 Fabron Baldemar promoted to Deployment Soldier
02/08/07 Fenomenal promoted to Engagement Squaddie
02/08/07 JavaElemental promoted to Deployment Soldier
02/08/07 2LordMoore promoted to Engagement Squaddie
05/08/07 Amano Jaku promoted to Engagement Squaddie
08/08/07 Britt Seven assigned as General Enforcement
08/08/07 The Liquid promoted to Engagement Squaddie
10/08/07 Avatorous promoted to Deployment Soldier
10/08/07 Lenny the Policeman promoted to Freedom Fighter
10/08/07 Logoto promoted to Freedom Fighter
10/08/07 PikuleekPL promoted to Freedom Fighter
10/08/07 Zuton promoted to Freedom Fighter
10/08/07 Wilks Johnson promoted to Freedom Fighter
11/08/07 Daishii promoted to Lieutenant of Team Cold Cell
12/08/07 ZuesTheZedKiller promoted to Engagement Squaddie
12/08/07 TinyD promoted to Conflict Trooper
17/08/07 Britt Seven promoted to Freedom Fighter
17/08/07 XGoatX promoted to Conflict Trooper
21/08/07 Zuton promoted to Engagement Squaddie
21/08/07 2lordMoore promoted to Deployment Soldier
21/08/07 Wilks Johnson promoted to Engagement Squaddie
23/08/07 Fenomenal promoted to Deployment Soldier
23/08/07 Lenny the Policeman promoted to Engagement Squaddie
23/08/07 PikuleekPL promoted to Engagement Squaddie
24/08/07 EMTee assigned as Freedom Fighter
24/08/07 Mafia Gerbil assigned as Freedom Fighter
24/08/07 Micro102 assigned as General Enforcement
24/08/07 Turner Ashby Jr assigned as General Enforcement
24/08/07 Zeratul assigned as Freedom Fighter
24/08/07 Couponballer assigned as General Enforcement
24/08/07 Doran Breen assigned as Freedom Fighter
27/08/07 Britt Seven promoted to Engagement Squaddie
27/08/07 The Liquid promoted to Deployment Soldier
29/08/07 JavaElemental promoted to Conflict Trooper
29/08/07 Zuton promoted to Deployment Soldier
31/08/07 Zeratul promoted to Engagement Squaddie
31/08/07 Couponballer promoted to Freedom Fighter
01/09/07 Miss Elainious assigned as Freedom Fighter
06/09/07 EMTee promoted to Engagement Squaddie
06/09/07 MafiaGerbil promoted to Engagement Squaddie
06/09/07 Doran Breen promoted to Engagement Squaddie
06/09/07 Wilks Johnson promoted to Deployment Soldier
07/09/07 Micro102 promoted to Freedom Fighter
07/09/07 Gorge Leman promoted to Conflict Trooper
07/09/07 Buck Weathers promoted to Assault Officer
08/09/07 Ttza22 double-promoted to Engagement Squaddie
08/09/07 Couponballer promoted to Engagement Squaddie
08/09/07 Miss Elainious promoted to Engagement Squaddie
08/09/07 PikuleekPL promoted to Deployment Soldier
08/09/07 Avatorous promoted to Conflict Trooper
08/09/07 Fenomenal promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/09/07 Lenny the Policeman promoted to Deployment Soldier
18/09/07 Zeratul promoted to Deployment Soldier
18/09/07 Zuton promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/09/07 Doran Breen promoted to Deployment Soldier
18/09/07 JavaElemental promoted to Battalion Ranger
18/09/07 The Liquid promoted to Conflict Trooper
21/09/07 Law Tech assigned as General Enforcement
21/09/07 Fiery Cross assigned as General Enforcement
22/09/07 Max Dusseldorf assigned as General Enforcement
22/09/07 Hellya assigned as General Enforcement
22/09/07 Irshoot assigned as General Enforcement
23/09/07 Buck Weathers moves to Shadow Wolf (Hunter)
29/09/07 Max Dusseldorf promoted to Freedom Fighter
02/10/07 Fenomenal promoted to Battalion Ranger
02/10/07 Avatorous promoted to Battalion Ranger
02/10/07 Lenny the Policeman promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/10/07 Zeratul promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/10/07 TTza22 promoted to Deployment Soldier
02/10/07 CouponBaller promoted to Deployment Soldier
02/10/07 Miss Elainious promoted to Deployment Soldier
02/10/07 Law Tech promoted to Freedom Fighter
06/10/07 Hellya promoted to Freedom Fighter
06/10/07 Max Dusseldorf promoted to Engagement Squaddie
06/10/07 Amano Jaku promoted to Engagement Squaddie
06/10/07 The Liquid promoted to Battalion Ranger
15/10/07 KilroyStick assigned as Freedom Fighter
15/10/07 Rob Kirkman assigned as Freedom Fighter
15/10/07 JavaElemental promoted to Assault Officer
15/10/07 Zuton promoted to Battalion Ranger
15/10/07 Doran Breen promoted to Conflict Trooper
15/10/07 Wilks Johnson promoted to Conflict Trooper
15/10/07 Mafiagerbil promoted to Deployment Soldier
15/10/07 Fiery Cross doublepromoted to Engagement Squaddie
18/10/07 Fenomenal promoted to Assault Officer
18/10/07 Lenny the Policeman promoted to Battalion Ranger
18/10/07 Zeratul promoted to Battalion Ranger
18/10/07 Chakurakid promoted to Battalion Ranger
18/10/07 CouponBaller promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/10/07 Miss Elainious promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/10/07 Law Tech promoted to Engagement Squaddie
20/10/07 Amano Jaku promoted to Deployment Soldier
20/10/07 Max Dusseldorf promoted to Deployment Soldier
29/10/07 KilroyStick promoted to Engagement Squaddie
31/10/07 Clint Clintstone assigned as General Enforcement
31/10/07 Nulaal assigned as General Enforcement
31/10/07 Eshfray Ainsbray assigned as Freedom Fighter
31/10/07 Traq assigned as General Enforcement
31/10/07 Ruinator assigned as Freedom Fighter
31/10/07 SubforM assigned as Freedom Fighter
31/10/07 Micro102 promoted to Engagement Squaddie
31/10/07 Law Tech promoted to Deployment Soldier
31/10/07 Rob Kirkman promoted to Engagement Squaddie
12/11/07 Clint Clintston promoted to Freedom Fighter
12/11/07 Nulaal promoted to Freedom Fighter
12/11/07 Fiery Cross promoted to Deployment Soldier
12/11/07 Doran Breen promoted to Battalion Ranger
13/11/07 SubforM promoted to Engagement Squaddie
13/11/07 Eshfray Ainsbray promoted to Engagement Squaddie
13/11/07 Traq promoted to Freedom Fighter
19/11/07 Ruinator promoted to Engagement Squaddie
19/11/07 SubforM promoted to Deployment Soldier
19/11/07 Micro102 promoted to Deployment Soldier
19/10/07 Amano Jaku promoted to Conflict Trooper
19/10/07 Max Dusseldorf promoted to Conflict Trooper
20/11/07 Rob Kirkman promoted to Deployment Soldier
20/11/07 CouponBaller promoted to Battalion Ranger
20/11/07 Miss Elainious promoted to Battalion Ranger
20/11/07 Ulecqeldroma assigned as General Enforcement
20/11/07 General Patton II assigned as Freedom Fighter
22/11/07 JavaElemental promoted to Commander of Team Battlehawk
24/11/07 Nulaal promoted to Engagement Squaddie
24/11/07 KilroyStick promoted to Deployment Soldier
24/11/07 Clint Clintstone promoted to Engagement Squaddie
25/11/07 The Liquid promoted to Assault Officer
02/12/07 General Patton II promoted to Engagement Squaddie
02/12/07 Traq promoted to Engagement Squaddie
02/12/07 Eshfray Ainsbray promoted to Deployment Soldier
02/12/07 Law Tech promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/12/07 Ulecqeldroma promoted to Freedom Fighter
02/12/07 Ruinator promoted to Deployment Soldier
02/12/07 SubforM promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/12/07 Max Dusseldorf promoted to Battalion Ranger
04/12/07 Rasslin' Ron assigned as General Enforcement
04/12/07 Joe Rocket assigned as General Enforcement
06/12/07 Stark Senap moves to Shadow Wolf (Cleric)
07/12/07 Rufus Steinmen assigned as General Enforcement
08/12/07 Ulecqeldroma promoted to Engagement Squaddie
08/12/07 RemipunX assigned as General Enforcement
09/12/07 Anne Tardew assigned as Freedom Fighter
09/12/07 Zuton promoted to Assault Officer
12/12/07 Fiery Cross promoted to Conflict Trooper
12/12/07 Doran Breen promoted to Assault Officer
12/12/07 KilroyStick promoted to Conflict Trooper
14/12/07 Clint Clintstone promoted to Deployment Soldier
14/12/07 Nulaal promoted to Deployment Soldier
14/12/07 Rasslin' Ron promoted to Freedom Fighter
21/12/07 RemipunX promoted to Freedom Fighter
22/12/07 Anne Tardew promoted to Engagement Squaddie
22/12/07 Amano Jaku promoted to Battalion Ranger
22/12/07 XGoatX promoted to Battalion Ranger
22/12/07 Ruinator promoted to Conflict Trooper
22/12/07 Ulecqeldroma promoted to Deployment Soldier
22/12/07 Rufus Steinmen promoted to Freedom Fighter
22/12/07 Joe Rocket promoted to Freedom Fighter
23/12/07 General Patton II promoted to Deployment Soldier
27/12/07 Rasslin' Ron promoted to Engagement Squaddie
01/01/08 RemipunX promoted to Engagement Squaddie
01/01/08 Clint Clintstone promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/01/08 SubforM promoted to Battalion Ranger
06/01/08 Victor Vandregas assigned as General Enforcement
06/01/08 Beasty92 assigned as General Enforcement
06/01/08 Fenril Highwind assigned as General Enforcement
06/01/08 Mescali assigned as General Enforcement
06/01/08 Pytor Muromets assigned as General Enforcement
06/01/08 Terketz1 assigned as General Enforcement
11/01/08 Rob Kirkman promoted to Battalion Ranger
11/01/08 General Patton II promoted to Conflict Trooper
11/01/08 Joe Rocket double promoted to Deployment Soldier
11/01/08 Anne Tardew promoted to Deployment Soldier
11/01/08 Fenril Highwind promoted to Freedom Fighter
11/01/08 Mescali promoted to Freedom Fighter
11/01/08 Terketz1 promoted to Freedom Fighter
12/01/08 FireWarlord promoted to Commander of Team Dark Watch
12/01/08 Avatorous promoted to Commander of Team Excalibur
12/01/08 CouponBaller promoted to Lieutenant of Team Excalibur
12/01/08 Miss Elainious promoted to Lieutenant of Team Anaconda
13/01/08 SubforM promoted to Commander of Team Cold Cell
13/01/08 Swinky promoted to Fortress 2 Commander
14/01/08 Tycoonbosh assigned as General Enforcement
14/01/08 PrepH assigned as General Enforcement
14/01/08 Mjrahabim assigned as General Enforcement
14/01/08 Dedun promoted to Lieutenant of Team Dark Watch
15/01/08 Silas Reg assigned as General Enforcement
15/01/08 Max Dusseldorf promoted to Lieutenant of Team Cold Cell
16/01/08 RemipunX promoted to Deployment Soldier
18/01/08 Victor Vandregas promoted to Freedom Fighter
18/01/08 Ulecqeldroma promoted to Conflict Trooper
18/01/08 Ruinator promoted to Batallion Ranger
18/01/08 Amano Jaku promoted to Assault Officer
23/01/08 SubforM promoted to Assault Officer
23/01/08 Mjrabahim promoted to Freedom Fighter
24/01/08 Traq promoted to Conflict Trooper
24/01/08 Fenril Highwind promoted to Engagement Squaddie
24/01/08 Mescali promoted to Engagement Squaddie
24/01/08 Terketz1 promoted to Engagement Squaddie
24/01/08 Tycoonbosh promoted to Freedom Fighter
24/01/08 PrepH promoted to Freedom Fighter
01/02/08 Silas Reg promoted to Freedom Fighter
03/02/08 Tycoonbosh promoted to Engagement Squaddie
03/02/08 PrepH promoted to Engagement Squaddie
03/02/08 Victor Vandregas promoted to Engagement Squaddie
03/02/08 Mjrabahim promoted to Engagement Squaddie
03/02/08 Ulecqeldroma promoted to Batallion Ranger
04/02/08 Rasslin' Ron promoted to Deployment Soldier
04/02/08 Pytor Muromets promoted to Freedom Fighter
06/02/08 Ziptrickhead assigned as General Enforcement
06/02/08 Sgt Lenimen assigned as General Enforcement
06/02/08 John Alcar assigned as General Enforcement
06/02/08 Tristana assigned as General Enforcement
06/02/08 Jack Patient promoted to Fortress 4 Commander
06/02/08 Firetwig assigned to F4 Staff
12/02/08 RemipunX promoted to conflict Trooper
15/02/08 Beasty92 promoted to Freedom Fighter
15/02/08 Victor Vandregas promoted to Deployment Soldier
15/02/08 Mjrabahim promoted to Deployment Soldier
15/02/08 Micro102 promoted to Conflict Trooper
15/02/08 Ruinator promoted to Assault Officer
15/02/08 xGoatx promoted to Assault Officer
16/02/08 Ziptrickhead promoted to Freedom Fighter
16/02/08 Sgt Lenimen promoted to Freedom Fighter
16/02/08 John Alcar promoted to Freedom Fighter
16/02/08 Tristana promoted to Freedom Fighter
16/02/08 Silas Reg promoted to Engagement Squaddie
17/02/08 Bob Boberton assigned as Freedom Fighter
23/02/08 Tycoonbosh promoted to Deployment Soldier
26/02/08 Tristana promoted to Engagement Squaddie
26/02/08 Zuton promoted to Campaign Warrior
26/02/08 Shin Kang promoted to Freedom Fighter
26/02/08 General Patton II promoted to Batallion Ranger
27/02/08 Bob Boberton promoted to Engagement Squaddie
27/02/08 John Alcar promoted to Engagement Squaddie
27/02/08 Sgt Lenimen promoted to Engagement Squaddie
27/02/08 Ziptrickhead promoted to Engagement Squaddie
27/02/08 Mjrabahim promoted to Conflict Trooper
27/02/08 Victor Vandregas promoted to Conflict Trooper
04/03/08 PrepH promoted to Deployment Soldier
05/03/08 Max Dusseldorf promoted to Assault Officer
05/03/08 Tommy Crowbar promoted to Havoc Lord
05/03/08 JavaElemental promoted to Campaign Master
05/03/08 SubforM promoted to Campaign Warrior
05/03/08 Warlord promoted to Campaign Master
05/03/08 Avatorous promoted to Havoc Knight
08/03/08 Beasty92 promoted to Engagement Squaddie
09/03/08 Miss Elainious promoted to Campaign Master
09/03/08 Zuton promoted to Lieutenant of Team Excalibur
10/03/08 Clint Clintstone promoted to Commander of Team Battlehawk
10/03/08 Rasslin' Ron promoted to Conflict Trooper
10/03/08 Pytor Murometsdouble-promoted to Deployment Soldier
12/03/08 Anne Tardew promoted to Batallion Ranger
12/03/08 Joe Rocket promoted to Batallion Ranger
12/03/08 Traq promoted to Batallion Ranger
12/03/08 Terketz1 promoted to Conflict Trooper
12/03/08 Mescali promoted to Conflict Trooper
13/03/08 Silas Reg promoted to Deployment Soldier
14/03/08 Consumer Horse assigned as General Enforcement
14/03/08 Templarivs assigned as Freedom Fighter
14/03/08 Z 747 assigned as General Enforcement
14/03/08 Azula Invidia assigned as Freedom Fighter
14/03/08 Jacob VonNaasz assigned as General Enforcement
14/03/08 Larinthian assigned as General Enforcement
14/03/08 Clint Clintstone double-promoted to Assault Officer
19/03/08 Zuton promoted to Commander of Team Excalibur
20/03/08 Silas Reg promoted to Lieutenant of Team Excalibur
24/03/08 Consumer Horse promoted Freedom Fighter
24/03/08 General Patton II promoted to Assault Officer
26/03/08 Larinthian promoted to Freedom Fighter
26/03/08 Jacob VonNaasz promoted to Freedom Fighter
26/03/08 Tycoonbosh promoted to Conflict Trooper
26/03/08 Bob Boberton promoted to Deployment Soldier
26/03/08 John Alcar promoted to Deployment Soldier
26/03/08 Sgt Lenimen promoted to Deployment Soldier
26/03/08 Ziptrickhead promoted to Deployment Soldier
27/03/08 Z 747 promoted to Freedom Fighter
27/03/08 Victor Vandregas promoted to Batallion Ranger
27/03/08 Mjrabahim promoted to Batallion Ranger
27/03/08 KilroyStick promoted to Batallion Ranger
28/03/08 Templarivs promoted to Engagement Squaddie
28/03/08 Azula Invidia promoted to Engagement Squaddie
28/03/08 MafiaGerbil promoted to Conflict Trooper
02/04/08 Anne Tardew promoted to Lieutenant of Team Dark Watch
03/04/08 Cuthbert the Wise promoted to Havoc Knight
03/04/08 Doran Breen promoted to Campaign Warrior
03/04/08 Larinthian promoted to Engagement Squaddie
03/04/08 PrepH promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/04/08 Sgt Lenimen promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/04/08 Jacob VonNaasz promoted to Engagement Squaddie
03/04/08 Ziptrickhead promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/04/08 Bob Boberton promoted to Conflict Trooper
05/04/08 Bored01 assigned as General Enforcement
05/04/08 Private Mendoza assigned as General Enforcement
05/04/08 Arthas36 assigned as General Enforcement
05/04/08 Cecil B Dimented assigned as General Enforcement
05/04/08 Whomeyayou assigned as General Enforcement
05/04/08 Officer Duncan assigned as General Enforcement
05/04/08 SmokeyDawn assigned as General Enforcement
06/04/08 Consumer Horse promoted to Engagement Squaddie
12/04/08 arthas36 promoted to Freedom Fighter
12/04/08 Cecil B Dimented promoted to Freedom Fighter
12/04/08 Templarivs promoted to Deployment Soldier
12/04/08 Azula Invidia promoted to Deployment Soldier
12/04/08 Terketz1 promoted to Battalion Ranger
12/04/08 Mescali promoted to Battalion Ranger
12/04/08 Traq promoted to Assault Officer
13/04/08 Z 747 promoted to Engagement Squaddie
13/04/08 Private Mendoza promoted to Freedom Fighter
13/04/08 Silas Reg promoted to Conflict Trooper
14/04/08 RemipunX promoted to Assault Officer
15/04/08 Smokey Dawn promoted to Freedom Fighter
15/04/08 Anne Tardew promoted to Assault Officer
15/04/08 Officer Duncan promoted to Freedom Fighter
15/04/08 Whomeyayou promoted to Freedom Fighter
19/04/08 SubforM promoted to Campaign Master
19/04/08 Tommy Crowbar promoted to Vigilance Overlord
20/04/08 FreakAccident assigned to Fortress Defence Staff
20/04/08 D3c0y assigned as General Enforcement
20/04/08 PillagenPlunder assigned as General Enforcement
20/04/08 Jay Gorman assigned as Freedom Fighter
20/04/08 bored01 promoted to Freedom Fighter
21/04/08 Rob Kirkman promoted to Campaign Warrior
26/04/08 Private Mendoza promoted to Engagement Squaddie
26/04/08 Z 747 promoted to Deployment Soldier
26/04/08 Victor Vandregas promoted to Assault Officer
26/04/08 Mjrahabim promoted to Assault Officer
26/04/08 KilroyStick promoted to Assault Officer
26/04/08 Ruinator promoted to Chief Assault Officer
26/04/08 Consumer Horse promoted to Deployment Soldier
26/04/08 Officer Duncan promoted to Engagement Squaddie
26/04/08 Whomeyayou promoted to Engagement Squaddie
29/04/08 Tycoonbosh promoted to Batallion Ranger
29/04/08 Smokey Dawn promoted to Engagement Squaddie
29/04/08 Larinthian promoted to Deployment Soldier
29/04/08 John Alcar promoted to Conflict Trooper
29/04/08 Jacob VonNaasz promoted to Deployment Soldier
29/04/08 Jay Groman promoted to Engagement Squaddie
29/04/08 arthas36 promoted to Engagement Squaddie
29/04/08 Cecil B Dimented promoted to Engagement Squaddie
29/04/08 Templarivs promoted to Conflict Trooper
29/04/08 Azula Invidia promoted to Conflict Trooper
03/05/08 Zeratul promoted to Campaign Warrior
03/05/08 Charlie Mon triple promoted to Campaign Master
03/05/08 Miss Elainious promoted to Havoc Knight
03/05/08 D3c0y promoted to Freedom Fighter
07/05/08 Ziptrickhead promoted to Batallion Ranger
07/05/08 Sgt. Lenimen promoted to Batallion Ranger
07/05/08 PillagenPlunder promoted to Freedom Fighter
07/05/08 Bored01 promoted to Engagement Squaddie
07/05/08 Bob Boberton double promoted to Batallion Ranger
07/05/08 Perrin the Wolf promoted to Havoc Knight
07/05/08 Officer Duncan promoted as Drill Sergeant
07/05/08 Sgt. Lenimen promoted as Field Instructor
07/05/08 Charlie Mon promoted to Fortress 4 Commander
11/05/08 Amano Jaku promoted to Campaign Warrior
12/05/08 D3c0y promoted to Engagement Squaddie
12/05/08 Terketz1 promoted to Assault Officer
13/05/08 Jay Gorman promoted to Deployment Soldier
13/05/08 Cecil B Dimented promoted to Deployment Soldier
16/05/08 Whomeyayou promoted to Deployment Soldier
18/05/08 Steve the Decimator promoted to Campaign Master
18/05/08 Englisheddy assigned as General Enforcement
18/05/08 Pacone assigned as General Enforcement
18/05/08 Irene Cara assigned as General Enforcement
18/05/08 Zeffrin assigned as General Enforcement
18/05/08 TypicalSurvivor assigned as Freedom Fighter
18/05/08 Morrigana assigned as General Enforcement
20/05/08 Tommy Crowbar promoted to Brigadier
21/05/08 PrepH promoted to Batallion Ranger
21/05/08 Smokey Dawn promoted to Deployment Soldier
21/05/08 PillagenPlunder promoted to Engagement Squddie
25/05/08 Consumer Horse promoted Conflict Trooper
28/05/08 Irene Cara promoted to Freedom Fighter
28/05/08 Zeffrin promoted to Freedom Fighter
28/05/08 Azula Invidia promoted to Battalion Ranger
28/05/08 Templarivs promoted to Battalion Ranger
28/05/08 D3c0y promoted to Deployment Soldier
28/05/08 TypicalSurvivor promoted to Engagement Squaddie
29/05/08 Englisheddy promoted to Freedom Fighter
29/05/08 Pacone promoted to Freedom Fighter
29/05/08 Max Dusseldorf promoted to Chief Assault Officer
30/05/08 General Patton II promoted to Chief Assault Officer
30/05/08 Miss Elainious promoted to Commander of Team Anaconda
31/05/08 General Patton II promoted to Lieutenant of Team Anaconda
31/05/08 Tycoonbosh promoted to Assault Officer
31/05/08 Jacob VonNaasz promoted to Conflict Trooper
31/05/08 John Alcar promoted to Batallion Ranger
31/05/08 Larinthian promoted to Conflict Trooper
31/05/08 Morrigana promoted to Freedom Fighter
31/05/08 Bored01 promoted to Deployment Soldier
11/06/08 Irene Cara promoted to Engagement Squaddie
11/06/08 Zeffrin promoted to Engagement Squaddie
11/06/08 Private Mendoza promoted to Deployment Soldier
11/06/08 Cecil B Dimented promoted to Conflict Trooper
11/06/08 Jay Gorman promoted to Conflict Trooper
16/06/08 Whomeyayou promoted to Conflict Trooper
16/06/08 Firetwig promoted to Engagement Squaddie
16/06/08 Englisheddy promoted to Engagement Squaddie
16/06/08 Pacone promoted to Engagement Squaddie
16/06/08 Bob Boberton promoted to Assault Officer
16/06/08 Sgt Lenimen promoted to Assault Officer
16/06/08 Ziptrickhead promoted to Assault Officer
16/06/08 Morrigana promoted to Engagement Squaddie
16/06/08 PillagenPlunder promoted to Deployment Soldier
18/06/08 Clint Clintstone double promoted to Campaign Warrior
18/06/08 TypicalSurvivor double promoted to Deployment Soldier
19/06/08 Ruinator promoted to Commander of Team Excalibur
20/06/08 theYeas assigned as General Enforcement
20/06/08 Nazdreg assigned as General Enforcement
20/06/08 Brian Flynn assigned as Freedom Fighter
20/06/08 kathryn nozed assigned as General Enforcement
20/06/08 Zombiedodger assigned as General Enforcement
21/06/08 SubforM promoted to Havoc Knight
23/06/08 ht1237 assigned as General Enforcement
23/06/08 pokeblink assigned as General Enforcement
24/06/08 Consumer Horse promoted to Battalion Ranger
26/06/08 Silas Reg promoted to Battalion Ranger
30/06/08 Mescali promoted to Assault Officer
30/06/08 Joe Rocket promoted to Assault Officer
30/06/08 D3c0y promoted to Conflict Trooper
30/06/08 Nazdreg promoted to Freedom Fighter
30/06/08 Anne Tardew promoted to Chief Assault Officer
01/07/08 Jacob VonNaasz promoted to Batallion Ranger
01/07/08 PrepH promoted to Assault Officer
01/07/08 Brian Flynn promoted to Engagement Squaddie
02/07/08 Shrimper promoted to Havoc Lord
02/07/08 Miss Elainious promoted to Havoc Lord
02/07/08 Firetwig promoted to Deployment Soldier
09/07/08 Nazdreg promoted to Engagement Squaddie
12/07/08 Morrigana promoted to Deployment Soldier
12/07/08 Bored01 promoted to Conflict Trooper
15/07/08 Whomeyayou promoted to Battalion Ranger
16/07/08 Pacone promoted to Deployment Soldier
16/07/08 Englisheddy promoted to Deployment Soldier
16/07/08 theYeas promoted to Freedom Fighterr
16/07/08 ht1237 promoted to Freedom Fighter
16/07/08 Mjrahabim promoted to Chief Assault Officer
18/07/08 Typical Survivor promoted to Conflict Trooper
19/07/08 Typical Survivor promoted to Lieutenant of Team Anaconda
20/07/08 Mmmrrrhh assigned as General Enforcement
20/07/08 Michael Markus assigned as General Enforcement
20/07/08 Michael Markus promoted to Freedom Fighter
21/07/08 Private Mendoza promoted to Conflict Trooper
21/07/08 Zeffrin promoted to Deployment Soldier
21/07/08 Irene Cara promoted to Deployment Soldier
21/07/08 Jay Gorman promoted to Batallion Ranger
21/07/08 Cecil B Dimented promoted to Batallion Ranger
21/07/08 Templarivs promoted to Assault Officer
21/07/08 Azula Invidia promoted to Assault Officer
21/07/08 kathryn nozed double promoted to Engagement Squaddie
21/07/08 zombiedodger double promoted to Engagement Squaddie
22/07/08 Hogan's Hero promoted to Fortress 4 Commander
24/07/08 D3c0y promoted to Batallion Ranger
24/07/08 Consumer Horse promoted to Assault Officer
30/07/08 Nazdreg promoted to Deployment Soldier
30/07/08 Traq promoted to Chief Assault Officer
30/07/08 Terketz1 promoted to Chief Assault Officer
31/07/08 Michael Markus promoted to Engagement Squaddie
01/08/08 Terketz1 promoted to Lieutenant of Team Anaconda
05/08/08 Tiago Ferreira assigned as General Enforcement
05/08/08 Jesus Ethan assigned as General Enforcement
05/08/08 JohnC8X assigned as General Enforcement
05/08/08 Jame334 assigned as General Enforcement
06/08/08 Firetwig promoted to Conflict Trooper
13/08/08 Templarivs promoted to Lieutenant of Team Battlehawk
14/08/08 Cuthbert the Wise promoted to Havoc Lord
14/08/08 kathryn nozed promoted to Deployment Soldier
14/08/08 Zombiedodger promoted to Deployment Soldier
14/08/08 JohnC8X promoted to Freedom Fighter
14/08/08 Tiago Ferreira promoted to Freedom Fighter
14/08/08 Whomeyayou promoted to Assault Officer