Tollyton/News Archive

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News items older than one month should be moved from the Tollyton page to here.



January 18th

Area is mildly safe, few zombies NT building is lit and caded' Woodroffe mall lit and EHB in all corners- user= -- Yetiwarrior



December 10th

The area is moderately safe. Low numbers of standing zombies, no coordinated mobs, most of the TRPs and mall are lit and caded. --Snakeingrass 11:53, 10 December 2008 (UTC)


October 25th

The suburb appears to be thoroughly wrecked. Woodroffe lies in ruins, as do the suburb's PDs, Hospitals and NT building. Not really much left except for zombies, so the danger level has been updated to Very Dangerous. --DJ Deadbeat 19:32, 25 October 2008 (BST)

October 21th

Tollyton is definitley not safe. Friend Police dept has 6 zombies inside who knows about the others. Most of the area is low on feul or out and there seems to be many zombies about. If you are planning a nice vacation, look elsewhere. -- User:Kernie 12:22, 21 October 2008 (MST)

October 4th

At least 9 zombies on the streets. All of the 11 Tactical Resource Points are powered, including Woodroffe Mall. Whilst much of the suburb is powered, there is less power, and more zombies, in the northeast. Safe, though. --Funt Solo QT Scotland flag.JPG 18:01, 4 October 2008 (BST)


September 14th

External Military report (25.96 MHz): "... leaving Tollyton, counted nearly a hundred outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... lights are on in Woodroffe Mall ..." (approx 21 ago) --WanYao 19:10, 15 September 2008 (BST)

September 4th

Woodroffe Mall still in ruins, Rayfield NT is ruins, many hospitals, and resource buildings in ruins. Small groups of survivors hold out, but zombie presents still large. Zulul Doc 00:33, 4 September 2008 (CST)

September 3th

External Military:"... leaving Tollyton, counted maybe seventy outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... Woodroffe Mall is in bad shape ...":Nequa 12:29, 2 September 2008 (BST)


August 30th

The NW corner of Woodroffe Mall ruined and occupied by 15 zeds. The NE corner is falling to the zeds. South half still in survivors hands. Many resource buildings open for business. Even though the mall is about to fall, there are not many large groups of zombies in Tollyton; however, the survivors appear un-organized. Tollyton is a good place to visit for either a zombie or a survivor if you are looking for EP. Zulul Doc 00:15, 30 August 2008 (CST)

August 29th

The NW corner of the Woodroffe Mall has been ruined and is now housing upwards of 15 zombies.

August 14th

Woodroffe is powered, as well as several surrounding factories and auto repair shops. The survivor population is low, but the suburb in general is in fairly decent shape. - Dimmswick 23:39, 17 August 2008 (BST)

August 13th

After recent requests solicited no response, the following group links have been removed from the suburb.

If any of these groups are still active, please add them again. --Adavastor 21:10, 13 August 2008 (BST)

August 10th

Woodroffe Mall is back in survivor Hands. Little Zed activity in the area. Well for the time being anyway (fingers crossed) --Joseph Marken 12:27, 10 August 2008

Woodroffe is down again... --Marty Banks (aka. Mundane) <DHPD> 17:32, 12 August 2008 (BST)

August 5th

External Military: "... leaving Tollyton, counted around a hundred and fifty outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... only one building with lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... Woodroffe Mall is in bad shape ..." Laitaine 16:47, 5 August 2008 (BST)

August 3rd

The Ridleybank Resistance Front has made quite progress within a few days and have rendered most of the buildings uninhabitable, most of the survivors are either hiding in besieged buildings or pulled out of Tollyton. It is adviced to avoid Tollyton at all costs; counted 100+ zeds spread around the district. Auric

August 2nd

External Military: "... leaving Tollyton, counted a hundred or so outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... Woodroffe Mall is in bad shape ..." Laitaine 05:24, 3 August 2008 (BST)

August 1st

The Ridleybank Resistance Front has commenced their move against the survivors of Tollyton with a swift ruining of the north-west corner of Woodroffe Mall. Survivor prospects in the area appear very bleak with this vital resource in imminent threat of destruction. --Papa Moloch 03:59, 1 August 2008 (BST) Media:Example.ogg


July 31st

Mall breached in all corners, and not fully recovered. South-Eastern corner powered up again. More survivors needed to provide generators, fuel, and to recade other corners.--Berserker335 00:35, 1 August 2008 (BST)

July 29th

External Military: "... leaving Tollyton, counted maybe fifty outside ... they're just wandering around ... power's on across most of the area ... infrastructure looks intact too ... power's on at Woodroffe Mall ..." Laitaine 03:13, 30 July 2008 (BST)

July 25th

The Mall remains open for business, fully electrified, all coupons will be honored. Stop by. Resource buildings open and running. Even some of Tollyton's favorite entertainment centers are open. Now's the time for that vacation you have waited for. Head to Tollyton. Very few zeds about. --Zulul Doc 23:31, 25 July 2008 (CST)

July 23rd

The Mall is powered and held fine. USAI has been holding the Rayfield building and now there is only the random feral wandering around. The map should definitely be changed to yellow. --Bdude4 10:52, 23 July 2008 (EST)

July 20th

The Mall is up and running about fifty survivors inside, all resource buildings are up and repaired to their designated barricade status. About forty Zombies in the whole suburb but spread out. The suburb should be changed to yellow. --Robert de Bruce 13:58, 20 July 2008 (BST)Robert de Bruce

July 16th

Woodroffe is lit and EHB. A modest collection of survivors are now holding it. Rayfield NT is clear and caded to EHB. More survivors needed to maintain positive momentum. Suburb is no longer very dangerous.

July 12th

Buildings in ruins, but most combat has become Zed-on-Zed. Necrotechs strongly needed at revivification points. More survivors needed for rebuilding and maintaining VSB++.

As a whole, the suburb is out of the red. Metaphorically speaking.--Berserker335 00:16, 12 July 2008 (BST)

July 11th

Area seems overrun. Most Police stations and Fire Departments and Hospitals are in ruins with zeds outside. I have fled for shelter down to the south.--Lt Jon McClane 13:23, 11 July 2008 (BST)


June 29th

For the first time since the fall of Woodroffe Mall, Rayfield NT is firmly back in survivor hands. It is currently cleared of zeds and at EHB, but lacks power or a transmitter. If radio transmissions are any indication, reclamation of the mall is eminent, as well. --Patientfox 05:10, 29 June 2008 (BST)

Rayfield NT is now powered up. Woodroffe mall appears to be EHB in all quadrants, but the survivor population is still not up to previous levels. --Patientfox 14:48, 29 June 2008 (BST)

June 23rd

South East is in ruin. Tollyton is now a danger to its neighboring suburbs and should be changed to Very Dangerous. ---Sakuraba

June 22nd

North portion of suburb has been thoroughly ruined and ransacked by medium sized groups of zombies. Survivors holding some central and southern areas but are likely to come under attack soon. St. Boniface's Hospital had 15 zombies standing outside and appears recently ruined. The Rayfield Building (NT) is down. The Sherren Building (MPM) is standing and powered but will probably be attacked soon. The nearby warehouse and The Sidoli Building are also powered but have almost no survivors inside. Suburb on course to become a red zone within the next few days. -- User:The Rooster RoosterDragon User talk:The Rooster 15:17, 22 June 2008 (BST)

June 21st

Tollyton seems to be plagued by a spree of player killers. Over the past week I've seen, and been a victim of player killings. Keep an eye out, and report and PKrs that you find. That seems to be the main reason for buildings falling in the suburb. Zaiphyr 12:32, 21 June 2008 (GMT)

June 19th

Woodroffe mall has been breached, the NW corner has been ruined. Jihelm 17:13, 19 June 2008 (PST)

June 18th

Woodroffe mall is safe, all quads powered-up and safely in survivor hands. No zeds about except for a few stragglers. -- Patientfox 18:17, 18 June 2008 (BST)


May 2nd

External Military: "... leaving Tollyton, counted maybe fifty outside ... mostly just small groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... infrastructure looks intact ... power's on at Woodroffe Mall ..." --LH779 13:55, 2 May 2008 (BST)

Posting a reqard for anyone who can tell me who has tarnished the good name of Slim Flegg. I was wrongly tagged as a Pker and Pked, the irony. Adolf Vindicar did it. Watch out for him


April 30th

Woodroffe Mall is up, all quads open and illuminated. Cash and carry, all sales are final. Several resouce buildings open. Many buildings repaired but cading varies. Bring your own hammer and nails. About 20% of the suburb (we did extensive scientific, statistical tests)remains in ruins. Very few zombies. Revive times are fast, only 1 or 2 waiting at a time. Survivor numbers small but growing. --Zulul Doc 21:47, 30 April 2008 (CST)

April 26th

  • External Military:01:45, 27 April 2008 (BST) "... leaving Tollyton, counted about eighty outside ... they're just wandering around ... can't see any signs of life ... most of the buildings are ruined ... Woodroffe Mall is down ..." --Dr Cory Bjornson 04:49, 27 April 2008 (BST)

Tollyton in ruins. Mall remains wrecked. Rayfield NT in rubble. All major resource buildings destroyed. Several buildings in the north caded, not a living soul. Zombie groups are in decline, except at the official reivive point at Errington Crescent. --Zulul Doc 1:48, 26 April 2008 (CST)

April 18th

UPDATE - Woodroffe Mall has been breached. There are currently 5 zeds in the NW corner and 1 in the SE corner.--Catwoman40509 20:27, 18 April 2008 (BST)
Woodroffe Mall is still up and running. Rayfield NT building remains down with 30+ waiting for revives at Errington Crescent. Hordes of zombies have been spotted making their way into the city. --Catwoman40509 15:20, 18 April 2008 (BST)

April 16th

Trollyton is falling fast.... The Rayfeild NT building has fallen with 27 zed heads inside and another 19 outside. The surrounding buildings are under siege and a large number of zeds were spotted lurching towards the Woodroffe Mall. --Xander Young 11:32, 16 April 2008 (MST)
Confirmed. Zeds have penetrated to the southernmost reaches, bringing down the barricades of Lake Street Fire Station and Marcus General Hospital. --Zelazny 19:42, 16 April 2008 (BST)
Excuse me, but could you tollyton's please excert some control over your mall's wiki? Is the mall down or not? I really don't want to be forced to wake up an alt right now just because you guys can't tell the difference between yellow and gray. The man 16:28, 17 April 2008 (BST)
... and deny you the excitement of potentially waking up surrounded by zombies? Where's the fun in that? Har har. In seriousness though, if I were over there, I'd tell ya.--Zelazny 18:01, 17 April 2008 (BST)

April 6th

Woodroffe Mall is completely repaired with generators powering all four corners. Rayfield NT building is up and running. Only 2 waiting for revives at Errington. --Catwoman40509 03:03, 7 April 2008 (BST)

April 3rd

Conditions are improving in Tollyton. Reinforcements have entered the city and repaired many key buildings around the mall. The NE corner of Woodroffe has been secured and powered by a genny. The RP at Errington, which has seen masses of zeds in recent days, has only 1 zombie standing. It won’t be long now! --Catwoman40509 01:40, 4 April 2008 (BST)


March 24th

Woodroffe remains under Zack's management. Hospitals, and other resource buildings cut open like sardine cans by zombies. Rayfield NT once again destroyed and occupied by zeds. Groups of zombies every where. Yet small groups of survivors fight on. But looks like an Alamo. --Zulul Doc 1:23 CST (date's already at the top. ya see it?)

March 21st

Woodroffe Mall is down, 18 zombies inside with dying and scattering survivors. Get out of there and into the surrounding secure buildings. We'll get em soon, keep up the good fight all!--Rockby Quickfoot 14:04, 21 March 2008 (UTC)

March 20th

Woodroffe Mall is back for the moment. One zed has managed to break into the SW corner but all other rooms are secure. Rayfield NT has also been repaired. Get those supplies while you can! --Catwoman40509 22:53, 20 March 2008 (UTC)

The zombie has been pushed out of the mall, which is entirely secure for the moment. The Malton Rangers have entered the suburb to help bring it back to it's feet. We can do this in short order people, we just need enough reinforcements to make the place secure again. For now, we're on the edge. --Rockby Quickfoot 00:05, 21 March 2008 (UTC)

March 19th

External Military reported: "... leaving Tollyton, counted around a hundred and fifty outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... no lights on down there ... most of the buildings are ruined ... Woodroffe Mall is down ..." (32 minutes ago)--Lektroluv 15:58, 20 March 2008 (UTC)

March 11th

Woodroffe is still in ruins, but is only being held by a handful of zombies (6 at last check). Rayfield NT is in ruins, but other buildings surrounding the mall are slowly being rebuilt. --Fat Momma

March 3rd

Massive devastation across 95% of the suburb. The Dead have destroyed all infrastructure. Several hundred Zombies infest this area, at current. It is best to get out of Tollyton while you still can.--David Miscarriage 00:57, 3 March 2008 (UTC)
Suburb: Tollyton
Price: Free
Menu: Brains (Appetizer-esque)
Review: Tollyton was a delicious smorgasbord of raw brains, but unfortunately the supply ran out very quickly so we have to move on. While the food was good, the selection was a bit limited, though since this suburb was really just an appetizer, that's not such a bad thing. Definitely looking forward to some multi-course meals in green suburbs! Goongoon 02:15, 3 March 2008 (UTC)


February 15th

Woodroffe Mall lies in ruins. Within 24 hours of their initial attack, a mob of zombies, now numbering more than 60, bashed down the barricades and emptied the building of inhabitants. Only a handful of dying survivors remain. With the fall of Woodroffe, Hildebrand, and Nichols malls, the most accessible sources of supply for survivors in this vicinity have been lost. --Brian McStay 04:35, 15 February2008 (UTC)

February 14th

A mob of approximately 25 zombies attacked and broke down the barricades at the northwest corner of Woodroffe Mall. At least eight zombies make it inside, resulting in many deaths. Zombies from the RRF, which is busy sacking neighboring Shackleville at the moment, are spotted in the mob attacking the mall. A sign of things to come for sleepy Tollyton? --Brian McStay 04:06, 14 February 2008 (UTC)

February 6th

Tater Red Krewe's Mardi Gras and carnival a marginal success, in this critic's opinion. Tollyton remains pretty much zombie free. --Zulul Doc 23:01, 6 February 2008 (CST)

February 4th

External Military reported: "... twenty or so in Tollyton ... all stragglers, no groups ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... lights are on in the Rayfield Building ..." --Mobius187 18:50, 5 February 2008 (UTC)

February 2nd

External Military reported: "... leaving Tollyton, counted thirty or so outside ... they're just wandering around ... power's on across most of the area ... infrastructure looks intact too ... power's on at Woodroffe Mall ..." --Mobius187 19:35, 4 February 2008 (UTC)

January 2008

January 31st

The Core Brothers have reached the northernmost hospital safely, having spent the day running for their lives.
They report little zombie activity further north with the border to dangerous Roftwood.

--Solid Core 19:42, January 31, 2008

January 30th

NecroWatch reported from the Rayfield Building revealing that there were 8 zombies within scanning range. All of these zombies appeared to be scattered and were of no real threat to any loction. --Mobius187 18:08, 30 January 2008 (UTC)

January 25th

The Drama Club performed Apocalypse Now at Collis Towers by special request of Marieantoinette. The troupe performed for the 40 survivors present. Bootlegs of shows are available at the Drama Club page. Interested parties can book show through the Drama Club Booking page.

The Woodroffe Mall is currently having small gunfights by disorganized pk'ers vs the regular residents. These small time punks are loosing to the more organized resistance established in the area so come on down and shove a shotgun up a pk'ers you know what for a wild west style fight for the mall. They kill some of us, but being outnumbered they have lost their fear hold over locals who are now retaliating with force. They are noobs, so come give them a warm lead filled reception. --Mutant Dog 18:35, 19 January 2008 (UTC)


December 2007

-Tollyton's Raiders of the Lost Art report that they have decorated heavily around the Woodruffe Mall and surrounding buildings. We also dropped off some decorations at Rayfield for Tater Red's gang and visitors. Almost no collections were lost to the brush with the Bash2. We recently ran most of the outside and zed activity is minimal compared to Crowbank and other burbs south east of Tolly. The population of survivors here is high yet scattered unpredictably among the buildings. Our mission is to increase the appeal of local havens to add to the number of local defenders. --Mutant Dog 14:38, 23 December 2007 (UTC)

20 December 2007 Very quite here in Tollyton compared to most places, very little zombie activity encountered, yet to stop by the mall, but very nice place looks like it should be directly updated to green.--Jackson 02:38, 21 December 2007 (UTC)

-December 21st and my journey to the mall. Weelll just like just about any mall in the suburbs, here is the only place where there is a large concentration of undead, 32 to be exact. Feeling rather high spirited with my full belt of ammunition, a safe house nearby, and the zeds distracted of my presence with the lingering flesh present inside the mall, I decided to charge into the horde with guns blazing! Heads exploded! Limbs severed! My heart was racing and then to my horror, my wild drunken spree turned into a hangover. I became slow and tired, the zombies no longer infatuated with the prized fresh flesh that lay inside the mall but rather this newly available man meat. They swarmed me and in less than a minute I was swarmed and devoured. FIN. Still suggest this suburb be elevated to green or at the least light orange.--Jackson 12:47, 21 December 2007 (UTC)

15 December 2007 Mall remains open, and the till is over flowin'. Resource buildings are open. The famous Tollyton night life is hoppin' as pubs and clubs open, with beer over flowin'. No waiting at the Revive point. --User:Zulul Doc 2:06, 15 December 2007

12 December 2007 Woodroffe Mall is open for Christmas shopping. Don't forget something for your favorite zombie. Approximately 4-5 inches outside, with freezing rain predicted through the early morning hours. Thirty-five zeds outside, but they're not shoving snow. Some resource buildings have been opened but are besieged by zombies. --User:Zulul Doc 11:58, 12 December 2007 (CST)

10 December 2007 St Joachim's Hospital has been over-run by Zombies. The whole of Tollytown is almost Zombie controlled. Recommend upgrade from green. --ZetaMan 00:34, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

9 December 2007 Widespread zombies across Tollyton, I shot flares near large groups of Zeds but dont go outside too long with the snow leaving a trail! From green to Yellow would be appropriate.--Dirk Triggerfinger 15:44, 10 December 2007

9 December 2007 Horde of 33 has taken St. Boniface Hospital, advise danger upgrade to yellow.--Garzahd 01:33, 10 December 2007 (UTC)

Horde of 24 outside the Rayfield building, lights off but not ruined, survivor status unknown ...--Garzahd 14:17, 9 December 2007 (UTC)

7 December 2007 External Military: "... maybe a dozen in Tollyton ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... lights are on in the Rayfield Building ..."--Garzahd 14:42, 7 December 2007 (UTC)

5 December 2007 External Military: ... flying over Tollyton, it's looking empty ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... infrastructure looks intact too ... power's on at Woodroffe Mall ..." --Lh778 04:34, 6 December 2007 (UTC)

November 2007

28 November 2007 Still two more days till pay day in my time zone. A few scattered zeds, but no threat. Heavy PK activity in Woodroffe Mall, which may hinder Christmas looting. Revive points are at zero. So if you are a zombie looking for a revive stop by.--Zulul Doc 24:50, 28 November 2007 (CST)

29 November 2007 Cleared of most zeds. Why isn't it green yet?--Fire hacker 04:18, 29 November 2007 (UTC)

12 November 2007 Survivors are advised to pay attention to the new barricade plan. I couldn't find an entry point at all in the whole suburb except where the zeds had made one. --Secruss 18:56, 12 November 2007 (UTC)

6 November 2007 External Military report: "... flying over Tollyton, it's looking empty ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... infrastructure looks intact ... power's on at Woodroffe Mall ..." --WanYao 01:19, 8 November 2007 (UTC)

5 November 2007 External Military report: "... about forty in Tollyton ... maybe a dozen outside Woodroffe Mall ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... infrastructure looks intact ... power's back on at the Rayfield Building ..." --WanYao 19:27, 5 November 2007 (UTC)

2 November 2007 Woodroffe Mall remains open, and prices remain high. But things are looking up. Resource buildings that have been held by survivors for the past several days, are now powered. Largest concentration of zombies remain near or on Woodroffe Mall, approximately 25. This is looking tranqual. Holiday in Tollyton, an all-inclusive vacation. But no golf. --Zulul Doc 1:10, 2 November 2007 (CST)

October 2007

29 October 2007 Word is there's a McZeds opening in the atrium of Collis Towers.

McZeds.png McZeds™
This User or Group eats at McZeds™. They also support the Use of Corpses for High Quality Processed Fast Food.

Gotta do something with this cairn and that's as good an idea as any! Woodroffe Mall is open for business. Shopping was good this morning. We brace for Halloween. Survivors READY?

October 27th, 2007 It remains grim in Tollyton; not a lot of zombies, maybe 40, but not a lot of survivors. About 15 of those zombies contest Woodroffe mall. However, the last time I checked 3 corners were repaired and caded up, with about 5 zeds in one damaged corner. About 5 zeds outside, but there's about 5-10 dead on the ground. Bad news: I haven't seen many survivors, about 25. Good news, the revive point has no line. So shamble over first come first served. No one controls Tollyton right now, it is like two boxers, fatigued, tired, and neither can deliver the KO. --Zulul Doc 01:27, 27 October 2007 (CST)

KO delivered, Woodroffe mall is cleared and 'caded. Central T-town is still a hot zone though,--Noobermenschen 03:50, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

October 21st, 2007 25.96 MHz: "... leaving Tollyton, counted over a hundred outside ... mostly just small groups ... can't see any signs of life ... most of the buildings are ruined ... Woodroffe Mall is down ..." --External Military

October 15th, 2007 St Joachim's Hospital has fallen, 18 zeds pick its bones clean. Elsewhere numbers aren't that high, as a large group seems to have headed north to attack Hildebrand mall in roftwood. --Rosslessness 17:46, 15 October 2007 (BST)

October 14th, 2007 There's a relatively low number of zeds inside Woodroffe, maybe 3-6 or so per square (on the inside). Just about enough for any small but well organized group to take back and bring back up to service. As for the sorrounding buildings , we're getting break ins every once in a while but the majority of us are holding. The revive que is also seeing regular service. So, I really have no idea why yesterday's reports seemed so bleak. Alex the Red 10:27, 14 October 2007 (PST)

October 13th, 2007 Woodroffe Mall has fallen and the buildings surrounding are mostly destroyed or zombie-infected. St Joachim's Hospital is still up and even has lights on. The suburb is still very dangerous, though, and it seems like there are very few survivors trying to get the buildings back. TuucciZ 12:26, 13 October 2007 (BST)

"... leaving Tollyton, counted a hundred or so outside ... a horde of about forty outside Woodroffe Mall ... several buildings with power ... only a few buildings damaged ... Woodroffe Mall is in bad shape ..." --External Military

October 6th, 2007 Some members of the Outbreak Control Unit have came to visit the area to provide security for the mall. They are currently planning to stay here on a temporary basis of around a week.

October 1st, 2007 St Joachim's Hospital has been taken back by the survivors, zombie numbers around the mall seem to be dropping as they dissipate throughout the rest of the suburb. The mall frequently has a few zombies in it but nothing major. It is still a very dangerous suburb and currently no survivors are keeping to the barricade plan due to over barricading buildings leaving Ruined buildings as the only entry points. - Valantine 22:43 GMT.

September 2007

September 29th, 2007 Well, it took them a while, but it looks like the zombies finally beat Woodroffe's protectors. The SE corner is broken into and runied; 51 zombies are outside it, with 22 inside it. Plus, I got PKed by some jerk named Strangerer. Rayfield still stands though, and 3 zombies are in line at Errington. 08:22 29 September, 2007

September 21th, 2007 Wow, what timing for the mall to fall to zombies. Rayfield is now clear of zombies and has been barricaded, but only two people (me included) are inside. We're going to need more people here to hold out if the RRF drops by here. --LifeVirus 07:55 21 September, 2007

September 21th, 2007 Taking advantage of the fact there were a whole THREE survivors in the NW corner, the RRF's Malton City Circus and Auxunit 10, with the help of other assorted ferals, have ruined both the NW and SW corners of Woodroffe Mall. Will they hold it? Won't they hold it? There's only one way to find out. Fiiiighhttt! - LordOlam 10:39, 21 September 2007 (BST)

September 19th, 2007 Good news, Woodroffe is in good condition, people are in each corner and all of them are powered up. Bad news, Rayfield is ruined by zombies, and 6 of them are inside it. Annoying news, a lot of buildings around Woodroffe are EHB. Where are the entry points?!?! I got stuck outside with the over barricading!--LifeVirus 20:56 19 September, 2007

September 12th, 2007 Errington Revive point at approximately 20. Rayfield open but unpowered. Two squares of Woodroffe mall open but unpowered. The other two have 5 zombies between them. Zombie numbers dropping, but still very few humans. --Zulul Doc 06:31, 13 September 2007 (BST)

September 11th, 2007 Errington Revive point numbers at approximately 30. Rayfield NT and Mall remains inoperable. Some hospitals are open. Situation still bleak for humans. Pretty good for zombies on a diet. Not many brians to be found.--Zulul Doc 03:38, 12 September 2007 (BST)

September 8th, 2007 External Military Report: "... about two hundred in Tollyton ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... only one building with lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... the Rayfield Building has definitely fallen ..." -- TheQ 13:07, 8 September 2007 (BST)

September 5th, 2007 The previous update appears to have been the proverbial calm before the storm, as my survivor just went to Woodroffe to restock and found the NW and SW ruined and full of LUE zombies. Survivors still inside advised to clear out or be eaten. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 12:24, 5 September 2007 (BST)

September 3rd, 2007 Our suburb has gone yellow and this is a good thing. However, I would like to point out to all Tollies (what are people from Tollyton called anyway?) that despite the fact that only 20 zeds are at the mall, they are surrounded by about 80 dead bodies. These dead bodies are likely alts from zombie fighters using multiple alts. All they have to do is hit that "stand up" button and suddenly we've got a major problem on our hands. Enjoy the yellow, but remain on guard. --Boris The Red 22:03, 3 September 2007 (BST)

September 3rd, 2007 There are so very few zeds in the suburb. There's some by Woodroffe, but that's it. --DrBowman 19:14, 3 September 2007 (BST)

September 2nd, 2007 33 zeds at woodroffe. besides the concentration of zombies at woodroffe the suburub is relatively safe.. We should be going yellow sooon.--Fire hacker 09:22, 2 September 2007 (BST)

August 2007

August 31st, 2007 Zombie numbers continue to drop. Approximately 40 zeds at the SE corner of Woodroffe Mall. Revive points are at 0-2; revives are quick. However, many of Tollyton's neighboring suburbs are red. Prepare for the deluge. Zulul Doc 23:44, 31 August 2007 (CST)

August 27th, 2007 It seems that the zed presence in Tollyton has diminished. Our fair suburb is now orange instead of red and that seems fitting. At the moment, most of the zombie activity in Tollyton is at or near the mall with approximately 50 at the SE corner of the mall. Perhaps Tollyton's survivors should begin focusing their attention on killing off those zeds. Boris The Red 11:02, 27 August 2007 (CST)

August 24th, 2007 Woodroffe Mall remains open and at 4/4; however, 50 zombies lurk outside the SE corner. Errington Crescent revive point remains at 0. I haven't tour much of the suburb but I'm wondering if it should be at orange instead of red. --Zulul Doc 22:21, 24 August 2007 (CST)

August 22nd, 2007 Woodroffe Mall is back up and running (with 4/4 corners powered) though survivor numbers are still relatively low and small break-ins are occurring. Still a dangerous area around the mall as well.--Taedras77 9:48, 22 August 2007 (CST)

August 20th, 2007 Woodroffe Mall has fallen once again. Approximately 30 zombies are operating in that area. Good news, the Errington Crescent revive point is at 0. That's right folks, there is currently no wait, so shamble over and get revived! --Zulul Doc 11:26, 20 August 2007 (CST)

August 18th, 2007 Rayfield Building has fought off another breach but remains under attack. Good news, The revive line at Errington is at single numbers and over 20 bodies there smell. The Tater Red Krewe has been active in lifting the curse. At least two hospitals are open, and the mall is in survivor hands, but only half powered. --Zulul Doc 1:47, 18 August 2007 (CST)

August 15th, 2007 With the adding of ruined buildings, Tollyton has become a land of undead. Woodroffe Mall, all hospitals, and more have fallen into ruins, and many survivors are finding it hard to stay safe.

Actually, two hospitals are intact. But our NT is ruined, so no revives! --DrBowman 15:17, 15 August 2007 (BST)
Well, to be honest this is seriously outdated, the Mall at least is back in survivor hands--Ramsfield 07:01, 18 August 2007 (BST)

--XxPale HorsexX 11:21, 15 August 2007 (BST)

August 11th, 2007 The Alamo, E.N.D., Paradox, and others have been in the area bring life back to Tollyton. E.N.D. took back Rayfield Building and did some pre-emtive strikes on Woodroffe Mall. The Alamo, scanned, revived, and healed survivors in need, while. Paradox cleared the zeds out of the mall and made it safe once more for survivors.--XxPale HorsexX 00:26, 12 August 2007 (BST)

August 10th, 2007 One corner of Woodroffe Mall is powered and occupied with shoppers. The other three corners are slowly filling with survivors. Rayfield NT remains under siege with 15 zeds outside. The revive queues are growing. --Zulul Doc 19:55, 10 August 2007 (CST)

August 9th, 2007 Whatever you do, do NOT travel through here unarmed or alone. This place is HOT! Zeds everywhere and they just keep coming. If anyones willing to help, please do! We need revives, more firepower and more of the walking withered wasted! -- Sun Wu Zhou 10:40 PM, August 9th, 2007 (EST)

Yeah, it's a pretty horrible place to live in right now. I don't know what I was thinking buying a home in here. Avoid Tollyton unless you're prepared for a good fight. --Ramsfield 14:50, 10 August 2007 (BST)

August 4th, 2007 Woodroffe Mall is in Zack's hands, hope he brought his credit card. Rayfield, Tolly's only NT has 12 Zeds in 12 zeds out. But the good news for survivors, there is only 38 poor souls waiting for revives at Errington; and several resource buildings are open, and Boris the bartender is still pulling the tap, and mixing the cocktail. Ask for a planter's punch. --Zulul Doc 3:12, 4 August 2007 (CST)

August 2nd, 2007 40 odd zombies are in Woodroffe Mall with survivors scattered to surrounding buildings. All sectors were ransacked and it will take some effort to reclaim the Mall. --Meanman 23:04, 2 August 2007 (EST)

August 1st, 2007 There's nigh on 60 dead waiting at Errington Crescent. This is because our NT has been ransacked! If you are waiting for a revive, go to the NT one south, enter, and kill all zombies in there! Hopefully, someone alive will come along, clear out the bodies, and barricade up! It's also a good source of XP. --DrBowman 15:46, 1 August 2007 (BST)

July 2007

July 31st, 2007 Woodroffe Mall has fallen once again into the hands of the undead. Many have fled, but many more lay dead on the floor of the ransacked mall or have risen and shuffled lifelessly away. Errington Crescent, the only nearby revive point, was at last count flooded with 50 zombies awaiting revivification. Joe Anger 09:10, 31 July 2007 (BST)

Oh? I just checked and Woodroffe is still standing fine, thank you very much... ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 09:59, 31 July 2007 (BST)
Woodroffe at the moment, actually, is about half-held by zeds as of this morning. --Benigno SSZ RCC 18:13, 31 July 2007 (BST)
Last Zeds cleared out of Woodroffe as of now! Still 0/4 corners powered, but Woodroffe appears to be on the mend.--Taedras77 18:11 31 July 2007 (CST)

July 28th, 2007 A whisp of a light appears in Woodroffe Mall could it be?; maybe it's just the moonlight reflecting off fresh blood. It appears the horde has moved on, however, stragglers and ferals remain. And a core of survivors including the Tater Red Krewe fight and mix voodoo spells, to lift the curse. Still some resource buildings open. Errington Crescent revive point is at 38-42.--Zulul Doc 2:52 (CST)

July 24th, 2007
Woodroffe Mall fell after a lengthy siege with the Ridleybank Resistance Front and Minions of the Apocalypse when LUE swept in from Kempsterbank to deliver the the coup de grace. Within hours, all four corners were ransacked and the nearby safehouses broken in to regularly or cracked completely.--Insomniac By Choice 08:55, 24 July 2007 (BST)

July 20th, 2007
Tollyton remains "manageable", despite the 90 zeds attacking the NE corner of Woodroffe Mall. Zombies break in throuhgout the day but are fought off. All corners of the mall remain open and powered; time to do your back-to-school shopping (hate to spoil you're summer). The NT and at least two hospitals remain operational. Queue at the Errington revive point is at 5-9 throughout the day. --User:Zulul Doc 20:27 20 July 2007 (CST)

July 19th, 2007
The LUE, RRF, and now MotA are attacking North West Tollyton. Woodroffe nearly destroyed; lights going out across the suburb. Either evacuate Tollyton, or maintain barricades. Also, "Radio Free Paradox" has been broadcasting on 26.83 MHz, although it's unclear whether or not they are imposters. A lights out suggestion is being bandied around; don't refuel your generator if it runs out, if you're still here! --DrBowman 17:15, 19 July 2007 (BST)

LUE is not attacking Tollyton. That part of the broadcast was just a reference to LUE's recent attack on Woodroffe, though I suppose in retrospect two weeks ago might not be very 'recent' in Urban Dead time. The RRF and MotA have been sighted breaching many buildings, however. Also Tollyton is not as doomed as you make it sound. Several buildings are breached every day but it's all still manageable. --Anonymous4401 09:29, 20 July 2007 (BST)

July 18 2007
Zombies are still converging on the NW section of Tollyton. If you are still alive be afraid, very afraid. If there are any groups in the area I would try to coordinate together to beat back the zombies.

July 14, 2007
Happy Bastille Day.

Roughly, 54 zombies besiege the NW corner of Woodroffe. Probably about 50 more zeds within a couple blocks. Smaller hoardettes of 1-2 zombies are scattered around the suburb. Mall defenders continue to repluse all zed attacks. Waiting lines at traditional revive points range bewteen 0 and 6. There are functioning resource buildings open, you just may have to look to find them. The NT Building remains open. Lot of cover for protection. There's opportunities in Tollyton for everyone. -- User:Zulul Doc 1:07, 14 July 2007 (CST)

The Quartly study group has relocated to Tollyton temporarily. If you owe a book to the Malton library system, then be afraid! --DrBowman 20:30, 14 July 2007 (BST)

July 13, 2007
Hospital Staff have come across to St. Boniface's Hospital from Crowbank, fleeing the horde who are on the verge of ransacking their previous Hospital after a massive break-in. They hope to regroup in St. Boniface's Hospital, to re-enforce its defences and to boost the medical services in the area, bringing healing and care to the survivors in south Tollyton.--Sunil 22:18, 13 July 2007 (BST)

July 11, 2007 Tollyton a lot safer; only one break-in noted in the entire suburb (St. Joachim's). Mall entirely retaken by survivors. --DrBowman 19:56, 11 July 2007 (BST)

July 9, 2007 3 Zeds left inside Woodroffe Mall, NW corner. NE and SW corners heavily barricaded. --Irritable Tom 13:35, 9 July 2007 (BST)

Resource buildings are getting broken into. There are several zeds attacking the fire station in Woodroffe Mall earlier, and there was a zombie in St. Joachim's that nearly took out the generator. --DrBowman 13:53, 9 July 2007 (BST)

Zeds have entered the NE portion of Tollyton in pursuit of survivors running from the collapse of the Hildebrand Mall in roftwood. Barricades are down on severl buildings already with zombies moving inside to attack the living. --Wke235 22:18, 9 July 2007 (BST)

July 8, 2007 Tollyton is doing fine. The mall is still in zombie hands, but most of them have moved off on their Mall Tour. Good news, the Rayfield building, Tollyton's only NT, never fell during the mall attack and remains in survivor hands. And the revive points are at 0 (at this writing). The Tater Red Krewe along with the Tollyton defenders are responsible for this. Many hospitals are open. I can't tell you the condition of police stations or fire stations, but the junkyards never closed shop. Now's the time to recycle! It won't be easier.--User:Zulul Doc 00:45 (CST)

I have yet to see a single member of the Tater Red Krewe in Tollyton, or any evidence of their existence save for a few spurious comments in the Wiki and some old graffiti. They don't even have a page. --DrBowman 12:31, 8 July 2007 (BST)

July 6, 2007 Tollyton should be avoided at all costs. In the space of 6 hours, the building I'm staying in was broken into 5 times, and most hospitals have been ransacked and abandoned. The few powered buildings that remain are constantly targeted and there are hundreds of infected people who are succumbing quickly, simply because there are no FAKs to go around. The mall's still held by zeds, and most barricaded buildings are empty or filled with zombies. People of Tollyton: evacuate while you still can! The NT building is ransacked, and the LUE hoard have declared that they will leave once all the brains have gone. We shall rebuild our suburb once again, but sadly, for now, it shall be maintained by zombies. Zombie hunters: There's over 100 zombies in the mall alone, come to Tollyton to level up, and pick up some Chowder at St. Boniface's hospital!--DrBowman 12:37, 6 July 2007 (BST)

July 5, 2007 Woodroffe Mall has fallen to zombies. If your character was asleep in the South East corner of the mall, they're probably alright, but in the western side, everyone is dead and the mall is ransacked. The mall no longer has power and a lot of people are injured and infected as of now. This image shows how dire the situation is. I suggest evacuation, as there's no way we're getting rid of the zombies now. The LUE hoarde is credited with the attack. The mall was unprepared and fell quickly; the hoarde had feinted an attack on the Herbert Building and Eligius General Hospital near Hildebrand Mall.--DrBowman 13:16, 5 July 2007 (BST)

The mall has fallen, and the zombies are resting there for the night. --DrBowman 20:58, 5 July 2007 (BST)

July 4, 2007 The Woodroffe Mall is under attack, by a mob of 100+ zombies (133 last I saw). They've broken down the barricades in the NW corner and have amassed inside.

July 3, 2007 Tollyton witnessed the Second Extravaganza, which was admired all round. Few zombies noted, barricades returning to normal.--DrBowman 15:43, 3 July 2007 (BST)

July 2, 2007 Groups of zombies are 1-2. I thank my journalistic colleague, Ms. Kali Magdalene, for her observatations. Tollyton should be yellow, The Hambargar Halparz burned into Tollyton. Crushing Diaper Library, and the Rayfield NT, in a blitz move. To appear again in Crowbank. --User:Zulul Doc 00:40, 2 July 2007 (CST)

June 2007

June 30, 2007 If the red is because the Halparz came in and hit a few safehouses and Rayfield, we left after three days. I suppose some might still be there, but the rest of us are elsewhere at the moment.--Kali Magdalene 07:42, 1 July 2007 (BST)

June 30, 2007 I beg to differ with my journalistic colleagues. It's not that bleak. I don't think Tolly is a Red suburb, Orange maybe. The largest group of zombies I have seen was 15 operating in the SE portion of Tolly, with groups of 1-6 common scattered about. Survivors hold their own. The Rayfield Building, Tollyton's only necrotech, fell early yesterday to zombies from the Hambargar Halparz along with ferals. But as I write, survivors have taked back The Ray, and reinforced it. Revive points have dropped below five. Rotters have been reported in some reivive points. Marcus General Hospital and St. Boniface's Hospital remain in survivor hands, now's the time to get that operation you always wanted. A GKer continues to fight the light, a Malton Luddite. These are the thing's I've witnessed in the SE portion of Tollyton. Plus I heard the Woodroffe Mall remains open.

Tollyton's a scrum. I say the Tolly residents have a slight edge. A place for a good fight; get your brass knuckles and switch blade. Zombie or human you're gonna bleed. User:Zulul Doc 00:30, 30 June 2007 (CST)

Well, that explains why I'm stuck as a zombie. As a survivor spy, I can tell you that there's little or no orginisation; it's more or less ferals. I'm noting a lack of barricades, though. --DrBowman 11:56, 30 June 2007 (BST)

June 29, 2007 Southern half of Tollyton covered in zombies, and a fair amount further north. Break ins quite common. --DrBowman 18:23, 29 June 2007 (BST)

June 28, 2007 It's Zombie palooza.Buildings overbarricaded so even more surivivors are getting zombified.Little revivfication and zombies are being massacred at revive points.This is a dark time for Tollyton.

"--Fire hacker 07:11, 28 June 2007 (BST)

News update: Most of the buildings are now much less heavily barricaded. Sadly, this is because there are loads of zombies tearing them down! Several hospitals are infected with Zeds and lights have gone out across the district, with people unwilling or unable to go get fuel. --DrBowman 15:50, 28 June 2007 (BST)

June 27, 2007 Zombie activity in Tollyton continues to rise. Elements of the zombie group Hambargar Halparz has been seen enthusiastically eating hambargar in the east central region of Tollyton in the Diaper Library area. The Tater Red Krewe has been seen working voodoo at Errington Crescent; however, revive lines remain at 5-6. Status of the St. Odile's Church revive point remains unknown. Woodroffe Mall still powered, filled with survivors. Stores remain open. Hospitals, PDs, and Fire Stations remain open. The Tollyies, despite the undead invasion, remain in control of the suburb. But the Hambargar Halparz are tenancious zombies. Want to see a good brawl, get yourself to Tollyton. There's a mall, it's got a jute box, and the dancin' is free. --User:Zulul Doc 11:48, 27 June 2007 (CST)

June 25, 2007 Some zombies broke in to St. Joachims Hospital, but thankfully it was dealt with quickly. --DrBowman 17:24, 26 June 2007 (BST)

June 24, 2007 50 zombies spotted in close vicinity to St. Boniface's Hospital. At least one zombie per block guaranteed. What's going on - there's zombies everywhere! --DrBowman 17:43, 24 June 2007 (BST)

June 23, 2007 Greatly increased zombie presence. As many as 10 zombies seen congregating outside one building alone! It's no longer all that safe to wander around Tollyton. It seems that due to us being surrounded on all sides by "unsafe" suburbs, we may just be seeing a small scale invasion. Most barricades have been increased to the point of EHB or above, and there are 44 people sheltering in St. Joachims! Reports of infected succumbing and then reanimating inside EHB safehouses, thus slaughtering unfortunate civillians, are rife. It's a dark day for this previously safe suburb.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by DrBowman (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

Updating danger level to yellow due to this report.--karek 14:50, 23 June 2007 (BST)
I've been in a police station here for a couple of days, and it's been constantly attacked by small groups of zombies.

June 20, 2007 For all you zombies out there who want to breath fresh air, and enjoy an ice cold beer again, Tollyton has a new Revive point! Inside St. Odile's Church(64, 69), you can get a sermon, get out of the rain, and get a revive. And if, while standing in the revive queue, you find that one true love, you can also get married. Please while visiting do not shoot the zombies, unless they are a rotter. Instead baptism them with a revive needle.

But if the outdoors is what you seek, the wind in your hair, the sun on your cheeks, shamble over to The Crescent. Tollyton's traditional revive point ar Errington Crescent(66,66). While you are there, enjoy the hospitality Tollyton is famous for. --User:Zulul Doc 24:00, 20 June 2007 (CST)

June 16, 2007 Winward police department under seige by zeds. do not rally here for safty as its inhabitants are considering (seriously considering) moving to a new strong hold. --Shibby X2 03:08, 16 June 2007 (BST)

June 8, 2007 Not many zombies, small undead incursions from neighboring suburbs. Some generator destruction at resource buildings but still a good place to raise levels on your survivor character, or get a revive. This suburb also boasts one of the top ten revive points in Malton at Errington Crescent 66,66.

May 2007

May 27th, 2007 Come to Tollyton. Woodroffe Mall has great sales, and there is no waiting at the Errington Crescent revive point.

May 17th, 2007 a Pker by the name SpankyMalone has been killing off innocent indviduals including me (joey tuck)

Nice going people. I got killed because somebody/ies decided to EHB every building meant to be VSB. Check the barricade policy before going on your next 'cading frenzy. --- Muffin Ninja

May 10th, 2007 Zombie activitiy in the South-SouthEast. Undead efforts focus on Rayfield NT, Lake Street Fire Station, and Marcus Hospital. Zombie groups range in size from 4-9. Survivors continue to hold but it is turning into a trench war. The Tater Red Krewe continues to offer voodoo healing along with a new service--meals for shut-ins. You'll love their gumbo.

May 5th, 2007 Rayfield NT under siege by Zack. St. Boniface Hospital breached by Zack. Mall still open for business. Lets spend your recent purchases keeping Tollyton free of zombies.

May 3rd, 2007 The Drama Club staged a performance of "Apocalypse Now" in the SE courner of Woodroffe Mall for the 59 survivors there as part of their Outward Spiral Tour of Malton. The group plans to travel in a counter-clockwise expanding spiral from the center of the town to the outer edges. See their group page for performing groups and schedules.

April 2007

April 27th 2007 Come visit Tollyton. Its mall has a fully operational food court, and a Pottery Barn has just opened. Its hospitals are up and running, and with a universal health care plan. Truely a wonderful suburb, a pedestrian paradise with very few zombies on the streets; just the way the Tollies like it. However, sightings of zombies have been noticed along the south east border with Crowbank.

April 12th 2007 Tollyton is mostly restored by humans. Mall is functional and starts to repopulate. Zombies in the suburb seemed to realise that and converge outside NE corner. Rayfield NT was secured and set operational by LCD. With spiritual and supernatural servics provided by The Tater Red Krewe. Revive service is fast and stable, though sometimes scientists are noticed in diluting revification serum with beer to cheer up patients. Nintendorks also moved to the area to help securing it.

March 2007

March 29th 2007 Tollyton remains largely in zombie hands, as well as suffering from PK'er issues. The Rayfield Building (NT) fell again today thanks to a combined PK and zombie assault. There are few to no buildings left unransacked in the entire suburb. Recommend that survivors utilize River Tactics and abandon the suburb for now.

March 26th 2007 Zombie numbers in tollyton seem to be slowly decreasing, now is the time to venture home an reclaim the suburb from their rotting hands!

March 12th 2007 Wimbridge Blvrd Fire Station fall,there are aprox 40 dead bodies in mall and 15 in Fire Station.Someone send squads to clean up and revive surviors FAST!!!

Survivors of Toolyton are recommended to head north to Roftwood and add their help to protection of Hildebrand Mall from the mall tour that destroyed woodroffe.

March 12th 2007 The whole of the suburb is crawling with zombies and most of the buildings are wide open. Those that still have barricades up are falling fast. I would not recommend being here at the moment.

March 12th 2007 Tollyton has now completely fallen to malltour 07 over a hundred zeds inside the mall alone, many more in surrounding areas, we need a clean-up squad to help clear out the zeds and res the survivors.

March 11th 2007 Wimbridge Blvrd Fire Station was attacked and 'cades was destroyed by 70+zeds,they manage to put 'cades again but it is question how much they can hold.Aprox 20 surviors.

March 11th 2007 In Recent news It's 6:35 and there are over 170 Zombie's at the North east corner of the Woodroffe Mall in tollyton.We continue to fight but it looks as if our wars are wieghtless we need more support. ASAP --Jaggernaut101 23:49, 11 March 2007 (UTC) -I advise everyone to fall back to Hildebrand mall so we can attempt to halt the tide of zombies -Officer Kain

March 11th 2007 currently mid afternoon and the zombies are starting their attack on a corner of the mall with over 150 , hopefully this isn't a good time to move to somewhere safer.

March 11th 2007 Tollyton is under full-fledged attack by Mall Tour '07, with over 100 zombies outside, and many more to come. --Tokosan 17:57, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

March 7, 2007 Tollyton is currently most secured suburb in Malton.Survivor group Survivors Unite,second name(United Survivors) are operating in the area along with other human Groups.

  • Tollyton survivors are advised that counting chickens is often a futile endeavour, especially when the Mall Tour '07 is on its way.

March 2, 2007 Constant supervision of Errington Crescent revive is being established, try to be patient if waiting for a revive. Someone will get to you.

Been revived so it seems it point does work after all. It's not the wait that's the killer (pun intended) but the people killing you there while you wait. A TAG might help future waiters if the zombies hunters take the time to read.

March 1, 2007 Errington Crescent revival spot seems pretty dangerous. Five dead bodies there and I've been attacked twice while waiting for revival. Edit- Make that six dead bodies, was attacked two more times and am now dead. Shuffle on to another town if you're looking for a revie, not having any luck here.

January 2007

January 23, 2007 It is a bad day to be a survivor in Tollyton. Most if not all important buildings (Police Stations, Fire Stations, Hospitals, etc) are at heavily barricaded or higher, and zombies and PKers are on the streets, making it very difficult for low level players to survive for long.

January 6, 2006 Anarchy International Activists are operating in the area.


December 2006

December 30th, 2006 It is a good day to be a survivor in Tollyton. Free Tollyton.JPG There are no zombies outside Woodroffe Mall - whether this is a result of characters idleing out (it is 5 days since Christmas day, the low point of annual activity), or the zombies giving up, the result is clear. The survivor retake of the mall is a complete success.

December 29th, 2006 As 2006 draws to a close, the mall is firmly is survivor hands. Zombie numbers outside are falling at a steady rate, currently at around 50. Breakins occur daily in the SE corner, but are pushed back with few casualties. The other corners are all safe, aside from the occasional zombie breaking a generator. Revive queue's are small and almost all the suburb is safe.

December 22, 2006 The mall is open, with only 3 days left for your Christmas shopping, everything is on sale. The mall is still under siege but a festive air prevails. At least 80 zombies shamble outside, but this remains a safe place to shop.

December 17th, 2006 The mall is holding, with survivors managing to keep the 70 zombies outside the SE corner at bay. Further assitance is needed to drive the zombes away and fully reclaim control.

December 14th, 2006 Fortunately, there was a minor break in the SE corner of the mall. DEM personel managed to barricade and wipe out the zombies. LCD troops reinforce Woodroffe mall.

December 13th, 2006 A major break in seems imminent. A horde of 60 zombies stands outside of Woodruffe's SE corner, which is empty and VSB. Keep out of the surroundings if you don?t have Free Running.

December 11th, 2006 Wodroffe mall is falling, the doors are open and a mob of 50+ zombies stand outside.

December 10th, 2006 The Nintendorks join the defensive, arriving from Kempsterbank and West Grayside to push back the zeds.

December 9th, 2006 The WSFFG arrive in the area, as survivors begin to regain a presence inside the mall.

December 5th, 2006 EEMS stationed in Edgecombe are currently seeking alliances with neighboring suburb/mall groups, contact through Talk EEMS

December 4th 2006 The malls contain only 2 zombies inside and less than 50 around the surrounding buildings. Survivor groups in the area are urged that the time to strike is now, Woodroffe is ripe for retaking.

November 2006

November 29th 2006 Woodroffe Mall has fallen to the zombie hordes. All corners ransacked.

November 21th 2006 Zeds Destroyed the mall's generators and radios,not to mention that they are making some break ins,so althought we still have control of the mall be careful if you're gonna shop,25+8 dead bodies isn't good

November 18th 2006 Woodroffe Mall is back in survivor hands with all corners powered. Come on down, we're having a sale!

November 14th 2006 Woodroffe Mall has no survivors left and the SW corner is ransacked as of 6pm EST. Got in, sacked, and helped kill last two survivors. Now would be a good time to get the rest of it.

November 7th 2006 From out of nowhere human reinforcements finally arrive in Tollyton. There is an escalation of gun & street violence the likes of which Tollyton has never seen before.. and when it's all said and done Woodroofe mall is now once again under human control! At least 20 survivors have taken up shop inside and have managed to even get 2 generators up and running as soon as possible. The zombie response to this quick attack will not be pretty... the mysterious Zombie Mistress is seen regrouping her forces.

November 6th 2006 Continued violence in the streets, dozens of gunshots every hour.. and Woodroffe mall is still taken, and held by zombies! The zombies have succeeded in bringing down half of the mall's barricades.. and continue to do more ransacking and destruction.

November 4th 2006 After days of some of the bloodiest gun battles Tollyton has ever seen.. the end result is the zombies (many of which are The Apocalypse Horde ) now control Woodroffe mall! Many of the powerful gunslinging survivors trying to personally rid Tollyton of these zombies are getting more and more frustrated as it is becoming difficult to secure arms and ammunition. many safehouses remain under human control.. but finally for now.. the mall is lost, and held with standing zombie forces within.

October 2006

October 29th 2006 A number of building explosions occur as the indoors attack of safehouses continue. Several generators and radios are being demolished in an effort to silence humanity...

October 27th 2006 Some lingering members of the Apocalypse Horde devour one final safehouse full of survivors as part of the "Brains 'n Blood Beano [1]" and then return to Rotwood.

October 26th 2006 A "Brains 'n Blood Beano [2]" is mounted by the Apocalypse Horde resulting in the devastation of two densely populated safehouses and over fifty deaths. Bloated on fresh flesh, the Horde start to amble back into Rotwood amidst murmured drinking songs and sporadic feeding groans.

October 23rd 2006 The last several days have been a lot of bloody battles over various key resource buildings. It appears the survivors defending Tollyton are usually high ranking Millitary or NecroTech Personnel. There have been all manner of victories for both sides, but the numbers of zombies in Tollyton continues to swell. Less experienced survivors wisely flee the area... A tagging war of sorts, is also going on, as buildings are being spraypainted, and re-painted with various faction slogans and threats.

October 18th 2006 Day 7 of the zombie seige of the entire suburb of Tollyton. About 1/3 the buildings are ransacked or without barricades. Constant gunshots and feeding groans are heard all day long.

October 17th 2006 Several dozen experienced zombie hunters & NT scientists are observed in several clashes with zombie hordes. Tollyton experiences a lot of gunfire, and devastating "hit and run" attacks, the zombies continue their destruction and ransacking. The violence and bloodshed is becoming severe, no quarter asked or given for either side.

October 16th 2006 35 zombies are at the lower right corner of the mall; 1 is standing by the upper right.

October 15th 2006 Police Stations, and Hospitals continue to have their defenses penetrated and many of them are being ransacked. Humans survivors re-errected the malls' barricades, then escaped. Noone truly controls the mall itself... Tollyton lacks the manpower to deal even with a smaller horde invasion. Several more experienced survivors join in the fray, and zombies pour in to Tollyton from the N, NW and W.

October 14th 2006 Remaining survivors defending Tollyton wisely use hit and run tactics established from the Caiger Mall seige. When a mall is overrun, hide out in nearby buildings and come out when you can for attacks. Unfortunately the zombies are well organized and neaby buildings are being torn open.. several survivors are dragged out into the streets. Many survivors are forced to move farther, and farther from the mall.

October 13th 2006 Zombie forces from The Apocalypse Horde and some other factions are seen mobilizing and entering Tollyton! Woodroffe Mall's SE corner is quickly broken open and zombies begin pouring into the mall itself! The very few survivors available to defend the mall are quickly slaughtered, and those hiding in nearby buildings find themselves facing a well organized and numerous assault. Seen leading the assault on the mall is the mysterious Zombie Mistress leading a contingent of around 100+ zombies intent on taking key buildings. Tollyton's danger level is raised.

October 12th 2006 Zombie scouts are seen outdoors investigating Woodroffe Mall & the surrounding area presumably from The Apocalypse Horde in Roftwood! An ominous radio message is heard eminating from the Woodroffe mall itself claiming that the mall is "abandoned" and that Tollyton is "ripe for conquest".

October 11th 2006 There is an uneasy silence in Tollyton, things are quiet.. almost too quiet.

October 4nd 2006 17th Combat Support Hospital is setting up a temporary triage center in Tollyton. If you need a heal or revive, let us know.

October 2nd 2006 Woodroffe Mall has completely fallen. About half the mall has been ransacked and all survivors have either been killed or evacuated. There are no generators or radio transmitters operating. Currently there are 3 zombies inside.

October 1st 2006 Yesterday I saw more zombies in Woodroffe Mall than survivors. Woodroffe is rough if you are looking for a new flak jacket or pistol. Small zombie groups of 6-3 in number operating in the North East corner. But there is a sale on FAKs at the mall so come visit.

September 2006

September 13th The mall is now back in survivor hands, though it is without garrison, all parts are fully barricaded. An organised defence should be set up headed by any of the survivor groups in the area.

September 8th After a few days of concerted attacks across the entire suburb by the now seemingly more organized ferals, the mall is back in zombie hands.

September 4th Tollyton's danger level reduced as number of breakins have dropped significantly, and Rayfield and the Mall are firmly in the hands of the survivors 80-90% of the time.

August 2006

August 9th Harmanz Brnz feast at Woodroffe Mall! (A mob of 17 zombies managed to break into the Southwest corner, causing widespread panic and an evacuation of the mall)

August 2, 2006 Acid War Templars re-open their revive point at Tollyton's 63,60 cemetary.

July 2006

July 22, 2006 Woodroffe Mall overrun, zambahs feasting on the locals. Brraaaiiiinnnnnzzzzzzz.

July 16, 2006 The Acid War Templars revive point at the 63,60 cemetary has been closed for the time being due to the soon-to-be invasion of the Big Bash. The Templars did finish reviving everyone who registered a revive before they closed.

June 2006

June 29, 2006 Acid War Templars from southern Roftwood move into the area and set up a revive point at a cemetary [63,60] in Tollyton. Their plans do not stop at just that. Acid_War is declaring a crusade against all zeds in northwestern Tollyton. They will establish a survivor sanctuary and help upkeep key-interest buildings.. as well as the 63,60 revive point.

June 20th Tollyton is safer than it has been in awhile. Many regular buildings are secure, but resource buildings still smell like death. Many thanks go out to those from Osmondville who answered the call to arms. There is still alot of work to be done. I wouldn't recommend a long stay if you don't have free running, but it's still a great place to get some XP.

June 7, 2006 The suburb has been inhabited by shamblers of every sort. Safe houses can hardly be called safe, as break-ins are a regular occurrence. Most inhabitants of Tollyton have left to other suburbs to either restock or completely relocate, while a few groups such as Paradox, The Marquisate of Lake Street, and The Fortress have remained behind in a last-ditch effort to regain the suburb.

June 4, 2006 The MFD has released a proposal for a Tollyton Barricade Plan. All survivors with an interest in this proposal should post comments in the talk page.

May 2006

May 2, 2006 The suburb is under heavy attack from the RRF but survivor resistance is claimed to be high.

May 1, 2006 The full weight of the Ridleybank Resistance Front's Group Zero has landed in Tollyton for the "May Day Massacre". Woodroffe Mall has fallen, as have several other safehouses throughout the suburb. Survivor casualties are estimated at around 200 at this time.

April 2006

April 29th, 2006: The leading edge of the RRF EXCURSION has begun to root around the suburb again for snacks. All harmans are advised to go outside and present their yummy bits to the zambahs there.

April 19th, 2006: Only one organised zombie group seems to still be active in the suburb and some buildings are being breached. Overall most buildings are decently barricaded and kept that way by the local group Paradox. However, Woodruffe mall remains hotly contested.

April 17th, 2006: The phone mast in the Sherren Building [64,65] falls silent after the Undeadites destroy the generator and consume the few remaining survivors.

April 10th-14th, 2006: The Undeadites and large groups of PH zombies, along with many feral shamblers, invade Tollyton and break into several buildings, killing all survivors who don't flee. The appearance of these two groups appears to be coincidental rather than a coordinated effort. Several Paradox members perish in the chaos. Locations ransacked include Tavener Library [65, 64], Kemys Towers, Diaper Library, Godwin Square School, warehouses including the one at [63, 65], the Sherren building, and Woodroffe Mall. There are apparently only a few safe locations left in Tollyton, if any.

March 2006

March 25th, 2006: Tollyton is effectively a ghost town. Nearly all buildings are cracked and emptied. Woodroffe Mall has been cleared of survivors. Survivor deaths are estimated to be between two and three hundred in number; possibly higher.

March 22nd, 2006: Need help with that barricade problem? Then congratulations, Tollyton! You have been chosen as the next stop on the RRF's excursion! If for some reason, you would like to stay alive, then you may want to evacuate the suburb. Thank you.

March 21th, 2006: The entire suburb has been patrolled, looking for zeds to kill. Only one was found standing outside of a church so he was left alone. A major problem is overbarricading. The city is no longer under heavy attack so the barricades should be dropped to VS to make the place a bit more survivor friendly.

February 2006

February 27, 2006: Various break ins by small groups of zombies are observed.

February 6, 2006 : On Jan 18th, Paradox began The Reconquista. An operation to re-take and purge Tollyton. On this day, 2/6/06, it officially ended with a declaration of victory by the local group Paradox. Tollyton is safe once again.

February 1, 2006 : The growing horde known as the Undeadites leave the suburb with wide bloody grins after emptying Paradox safehouses. The mall has been reopened for business, small and weak zombie forces entering on a daily basis to be killed and thrown back out. Human casualties nominal.

January 2006

January 23, 2006: A mob of zombies identified as the Undeadites have been spotted rampaging in Tollyton. Several safehouses have fell to this mob in a short space of time.

January 9, 2006: Half of Woodroffe Mall falls to Mall Tour '06, with approximately 300 standing zombies in the area. The surrounding area including Conolly Row Fire Station also becomes zombie-infested. Luckily Paradox had already evacuated many of the survivors.

January 1, 2006: 9th Air Force evacuates departed Woodroffe Mall for Roftwood


December 2005

December 30th, 2005: the Strangers after having existed unofficially for some time finally go public as a group dedicated to defending Tollyton from the undead menace, wishing everyone a somewhat premature Happy New Year.

December 23rd, 2005: MFD Firefighters arrive to re-open Conolly Row Fire Station as the local HQ and emergency contact point in the region.

December 19th, 2005: 9th Air Force completed phase 1 of Operation Flying Junior and established a FCP in the Southeast corner of Woodroffe Mall.

November 2005

November 8th, 2005: Paradox forces appear once more to be operating in Tollyton, possibly from bases in northern Wray Heights. There is still an extensive zombie presence, particularly in the central and southern areas of the suburb.

October 2005

October 30th, 2005: After several days of intense fighting, Woodroffe Mall fell to a zombie horde spearheaded by the Undying Scourge. Scourge forces subsequently began to head northeast out of the suburb toward Pitneybank. The Hambargar Halparz are reported still to be attacking survivor-held buildings in the area.

October 25th, 2005: Groups of survivors hold off massed groups of zombies at the police stations and hospitals. Recent graffiti suggests Paradox involvement.

October 4th, 2005: A horde of 20 some zombies from Wray Heights breaks in to Woodroffe Mall