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NPOV: This group is no longer affiliated with the DEM.

Edge Emergency Medical Services/Military Strike
death to death, life for life‎
Abbreviation: Edgecombe EMS, EEMS
Group Numbers: Large multiple group tactics & operations alliance with medium sized core Edgecombe group
Leadership: Euphoriakill
Goals: to create & sustain the eye of the tornado
Recruitment Policy: Open to locals, those relocating to Edge, as an DEM SE-2 squad or alliance member co-opt.
Contact: Talk EEMS

Edgecombe Emergency Medical/Military Strike is an offshoot DEM controlled organization with core members using EEMS as their group name and DEM & alliance members retaining their own distinct group names while gaining access to our communications grid

It's proximity to Fort Creedy, Hildebrand Mall, Woodroffe Mall, Mitchem Mall, Giddings Mall, Tynte Mall, Nichols Mall, Blesley Mall, Joachim Mall, Lumber Mall, Fort Perryn & Tolman Power Station, along with it's high percentage of hospitals, PDs & NTs make Edgecombe one of the most tactically valuable in Malton. It is the metaphorical eye of a tornado, which is why it's continued survival is not only necessary but essential. The traditional resistance centers of Malton's past, are simply that, traditional. These are sites of countless battles with control now being contested or lost daily as their reputations more so than their practical value pique the interest of many a websurfing zombie horde, it's what drew the people and as a result it's what also draws the undead.

EEMS Tactics & Resources

Edge is unique in that there are no buildings unaccessible by freerunning, we aim to become the center piece to our well resourced surroundings. When asked what connects the surrounding Malls & Fort...the answer is only us

With that being said, what the EEMS is trying to accomplish is an Edgecombe core to use as a haven & running lane in response to attacks on the surrounding strongholds, to participate fully with any & all bordering suburb groups & resource centers within 2 days walk from Edge to create this eye in the tornado for our mutual protection & betterment as well as making quick & devastating response possible to intruding zombies in any of our outer laying suburbs

26.33Mhz use code EEMS, over mobile phone direct to Euphoriakill or visit Talk:EEMS to contact

We are currently offering services based out of Edgecombe to the surrounding suburbs of Pimbank, Peppardville, Pitneybank, Roftwood, Tollyton, Crowbank, Vinetown & Pegton aka the Inner Circle while actively requesting the participation of local & bordering suburb groups to add to our collective strengths

Edge Forecast & Conditions

Edgecombe is not suggested for those without freerunning, though there are more then a dozen VSB buildings under Edge's BP. VSB buildings in Edge are seen as prime targets for a local zombie population that operates more intelligently then the atypical suburb feral, you have been warned

January 11th, 2007 Small group of active zeds causing problems in Edgecombe's core with repeated breakins on Pavy Plaza & Chanter Alley Police Dept along with forays into Gynn Bank & the Blencowe Arms led primarily by undead nuisance Buddy Ray Zombie - Euphoriakill, MFD SE-2 Fire Marshall, MEMS Edgecombe Specialist, EEMS Tactician

January 2nd, 2007 SE Edgecombe & Four Corners area reporting increased breakins, probably overflow from current zed activity in Pegton, NE Wall BP holding out against all threats as it will this new thret to our eastern borders as well

January 1st, 2007 Having viewed the following message as posted originally on December 29th, 2006 at Edgecombe's mainpage, EEMS begins to arrange strikes into Pegton using Edge's NE Wall barricade as staging point. DEM, EEMS & U.S ARMY INFANTRY have so far committed. To pledge or arrange support, visit Talk:EEMS. Previously proposed Medicenter BP will become tactics until street level assessment can be made

This is a plea for help from Pegton. Any groups or individuals who are willing are asked to help Pegton. We are currently overrun with Zombies. All help is appreciated.

December 19th, 2006 Members of MDK, Letum Corporation and Acid Wat Templars are seen returning to Edgecombe. Welcome back to the new era of Edge, please contact Euphoriakill over mobile phone or visit Talk:EEMS to be added to our siterep email list. Divided we fall, united we stand. Edgecombe's danger level was reduced for the first time in months, everyone who should be congratulated for their hard work obviously cannot be so I wish to do so here

Recent news of Giddings Mall falling may be directly related to the recent influx of low lvl survivors, keep cades at appropriate levels to insure full access for our current visitors. Be warned that The Hungry Zombie of Shacknews is still residing in Cape Avenue Police Dept 78, 56 and that another pker Rog Prime of Team Shortbus - Los Conquistadores has been spotted in warehouse 73, 57

December 18th, 2006 A member of Shacknews, The Hungry Zombie has been spotted in Cape Avenue Police Dept 78, 56

December 17th, 2006 Neighborhood Watch has spotted repeated Edgecombe pker cheapass5, Bioware OT in Cape Avenue Police Dept 78, 56. Feel free to remind him that it's an eye for an eye and perhaps time to find a new suburb to hang his hat in. Life in Edgecombe continues to improve as a direct result of a local survivor population on the rise, is Edge the new place to be seen or behind this new growth is there a more pressing need?

December 11th, 2006 We now have phone service, the Edge inner core is being hotly contested as it's outer perimeter is built up in it's stead. US ARMY INFANTRY steps up local operations

December 6th, 2006 We got a gennied phone tower but no fuel, it's a charlie brown affair...but it's coming along. Have you grabbed a mobile phone from a Tech Store yet? They can be found in Malls, a perfect stocking stuffer and phase 2 of EEMS's goal of connectivity. We hope to use this as a more reliable way of contacting the EEMS securely in game and for passing on information to locals not on EEMS email list or without brainstock DEM access

December 5th, 2006 New barricade policy is unleased for Edge to deal with growing population of active zombies, previous MFD maintained NE Wall BP is considered success & expanded upon while uniform policy is applied to junkyards & warehouses. Core cracking nightly as suviviors seek shelter somewhere else to sleep, mostly along the NE Wall as expected

December 1st, 2006 Vale Towers 76, 52 VSB becomes Digby Walk entrance point back into Edge running lanes, Taverner Towers 78, 59 VSB becomes same for Oldridge Way and Abot Towers 71, 52 VSB for Moon Way

November 27th, 2006 Increased survivor activity northside as those kicked out by the big bash slowly make their return, to help with reconstruction efforts. Sections are still being cracked daily, but Edgecomber's on a whole are feeling a lot more relaxed the past couple days as backup has finally arrived.

Hospital Hours (GMT-7)

St Laurence's Hospital [77, 51], midnight, maintained at VSB+2

St Louis's Hospital [73, 55] midnight & noon, maintained at VSB+2

St Deusdedit's Hospital [75, 59] midnight & noon, maintained at VSB+2

Margaret General Hospital [70, 57], maintained at VSB+2, backup hospital for Hildebrand Mall in Roftwood

Denis General Hospital [71, 56], maintained at VSB+2

St Benedict's Hospital [77, 49] maintained at VSB+2 in support of the Creedy Defense Force in Peppardville

Peter General Hospital [79, 60] maintained at VSB+2 in support of The Four Corners in Crowbank

Revive Points

Digby Walk (76,53). operated by EEMS, Letum Corporation & MEMS. Vale Towers re-entryway

Oldidge Way (78,58). EEMS & Malton Science Group. Taverner Towers re-entryway

Moon Way (70, 53) operated by EEMS UVA, RAF & MEMS. Abot Towers re-entryway

Zombies not standing at RPs will be shot on sight unless they are confirmed locals/allies as posted on Neighborhood Watch, etc. Zombies standing at RPs with brainrot or not on DEM Revive Request will also now be shot, some more then others.

It is strongly suggested that you post a revive request or start lurching the hell out of Edgecombe as quickly as possible if you find yourself undead on our streets, revive requests are to be made at revive points

DEMRR Requests updated Jan 11h am, 2007

Digby Walk Brok Mak Deth

Oldidge Way Dutch Oven

Moon Way none

  • Note to revivers: adding profiles posted in EEMS, Neighborhood Watch or Visitors section to your contacts list will make more response revives (ie: stumbling into a recently broken in building w/ 3 zombies inside to find that 2 are friendly locals on their better days) readily available to you throughout Edgecombe, as there are always familiar recently dead to be spotted while on patrol. We do not suggest or support blind revives as a matter of tactics and ask that all revivers in Edge respect this policy

Edge Emergency Medical Services/Military Strike

By using direct communications we avoid doubling up visiting the same places needlessly to insure that our ap is used to it's maximum effectiveness at all times protecting our resources & eliminating threats as they come up rather then letting them mushroom into something bigger. Survivors wishing to become a squad member, must be spotted in Edgecombe & actively send local reports to Euphoriakill to help determine group actions in the area or participate in our msn group actions. DEM members operating in Edgecombe will be expected to fulfill this role on brainstock in the SE-2 thread. Allied group leaders & members (depending on level of involvement/commitment in Edge) will be added to email list & asked to inform Euphoriakill of conditions in their areas of Edge.

26.33Mhz use code EEMS, over mobile phone direct to Euphoriakill or visit Talk:EEMS to contact

Euphoriakill, MFD SE-2 Fire Marshall, MEMS Edgecombe Specialist, EEMS Tactician

Cecile B, SentientDead, Maelyn Alahan, Prim8, kyle2285, Shambling Joe, Reviverion, EEMS Squad

Tommunist, MFD Edgecombe Captain

alltimehero, Crimsonblade, DrJo, Gharen, Ivan Romanov, wj666,, Malton Fire Department

kiddznitch, Mr Rev, Edgecombe Families

Wes Reckless, operates Wes Reckless Repair

Matt Spencer, CDF Peppardville Homeland Defense Squad Commander

9 Bells, akyra, atiku, Atum Meek, Alabast, Celera, Chevalier Haji, David Haze, DogfaceHauser88, El Diablo Cazador, insomnia12, IrishPirate07, John Trent, JacksMannequin, johnny lunchpail, Kaotika463, Kugasha, Mordac, Pres Ronald Reagan, RichTheRiver, richard eiken, Russell Updike, Roamer08, RavenWolf, shamelessmeatzor, SpkWill, Sgt Quagmire, seektoamplify987, TrooperFrost, Llwch, LordHowl, Wesley Roberts, ZPwnerer, U.S. ARMY INFANTRY

Viand Frais, Malton Science Group

Taco008, Canadians In Malton

SkullnBones, Malton Telephone

We participate fully in the EEEMS alliance goal of information gathering & exchange with the following groups DEM, Canadians In Malton, CDF, Edgecombe Families, U.S. ARMY INFANTRY. If you have members active in Edgecombe then to be added to our email list

  • we are always accepting liaisons from bordering suburbs & groups to actively participate in Edge's defense & security whether that be found inside or outside of our borders

Neighborhood Watch

The following non-affiliated locals are an integral part in maintaining Edgecombe through it's dark age and no one here would be living as long as we tend to in this suburb without them. We are always seeking their continued participation in Edgecombe as either allies or fully appointed squad members, the main concern being that we work together for the benefit of all.

Survivors actively defending Edge are asked to post on Talk:EEMS so that they may be added to Neighborhood Watch & also be considered for EEMS email list. Locals already found here are asked to make contact to be added to EEMS email list, those still un-affiliated with a group are given the additional option of full membership into the EEMS. You have already proven yourselves to be the pillars of Edge time & time again, I ask only now that we prove it alongside you.

Pudge Dooley, HarmlessPigeon, the Andy, chalkball, EvilFungus, the Ax Gang

a junkyard 72, 51 because of our BP you need to change your safehouse, see Talk:EEMS for list of current buildings without a BP or look through our current list of EHB buildings to decide an appropriate relocation

Kilgore Skull, Acid War Templars

the69thsexybeast, Cannibal Corps

WearWhiteForMe, The Elite

Jovus Amberose, FNH

i ish tofu, Letum Corporation™

tonyay163, Malton Civil Defense Unit

1812lsd, Vagitarian, MDK

Dr Landax, Malton Science Group

Ryu Hazuki, SIN

Alzuun, Sterling Order of Knights

Johansen, Skeleton, Team Laser Explosion

anne other, Dagoon, Kiisa, Phil E, Samurai Moose, Sturm Kintaro, the human torch, indie activist, currently unaffiliated locals


New faces seen around Edge's many streets end up in this section until their intentions within our suburb become apparent, at which point they may be moved to Neighborhood Watch, become a part of our squad and/or added to our siterep email list or simply moved to Past Visitors when they are no longer present in Edgecombe. Anyone on this list seeking to take part in collective intelligence gathering should post in Talk:EEMS or contact Euphoriakill in game

CPO Tank, 1stBN9thMAR

Dittowisa, AZAS

Fishtopher Monroe, Babality

LEE son, Brotherhood Of The Reckoning

tiotua, Ihtam, SonicKnuckles, Staggy11, Caiger Mall Survivors

Snafubar, Mister Lordi, The C.L.I.T.

Det Ray Cameron, Casket Crew

MallsRock, Disenfranchised NT's

Mort MacSum, Drunken Pirates

DevilFaust, De Umbrarum Regni Novem Portis

Bogtha, The Discordian Society

Dr Landax, Freelance

Gameboyadvanced4, F.E.A.R

Penny Painkiller, FANNY


Cathrian, Falsifying Statistics

Hangwire, Gary Busey Collective

War7, The Imperium

Epholl, Imperial Guard Regiment 101

senran, heavy assault pipers

Mental I Exper, Knights of St. Jude

generalchinchilla, Malton's Angels

Hobo Killer, Malton Pickle Association

officer anderson, nunya

Sir Reginald, Right Proper Gentleman's Association

Rose Bosworth, The Rathbone Few

Uesugi Kenshin, Killa Mike, Special Air Service

Lacky, Scientists for a Zombie-free Future

cooldavef, The Squad of Extraordinary Justice Guilds

Ill Phil, Sneaky Sneaky

Suburban Ed, Tactical Area Rescue

Vincent Vicious, Tower of the Sun (Tots)

brick cummins1, Team Zissou

Stan the Gun man, USN ZEDU

Chris Fallone, United States Marine Corps

Christopher O'Brien, U.N.I.T. Medical

MrMontag, Zone Defenders

1337 m4n, Amadalastain, AnimistVA, Alescx, Ackers, Azith Romycin, alatar48, Arglar, ArghGrrr, atreidies, Batman Beyond, Blook, Bud Pewtie, Bendog, Barbs, Bluepatch, borg01, Bmark, BigBadPaulie, Blubber Butcher, Big Nie, Ben Lano, Brumenor, BaDSeeD2, btdwn, CadaWacca, calv1n, Clyde Burroughs, Cecil Kaine, Crazylobo, chetty1, Cloud35, Corporal Yannick, Dr All, Doc Mongo, ddub55, DrGonzo123, dr garr, Dr Ewy, death marine, Demonicwolf, dylandogg, Delph, Desiado, Davis4715, docsarah, Doctor Arizona, Don Key, DragonBoy22, Devlinvl, Eteme Jones, firerife, Fixingcars, Ferrao, Fishbox, frostman, f is for forget dis, Floatationman, frostman, Fracture Hawk, GanjaGnome, Gaun, Grotok, garr 2, Ghost of Xmas Past, Gridlok'd, GiantStalker, Gore Cut, gods servant, GundamX67, Godmanwithballs, Hakavay, hagie, Hoshino Ryu, HottieLara, hanlin1992, impurity, indyshark9, Indigo Surefoot, IyandaCloud, John Northman, jay hop, Kaige, Krull007, Kelvin Mobius, Kordak, Konan, kokler, klaxia, Kiwi Bird, Kaipirinha, KywerB, Kevin Anderson, KeyLimePie, Kazuya Merquise, klaupe, Lucio Chagrini, Ligeia, leake1, Lance a lot, Luzhin, Marnga, McLiver, Mike Blade, Mr Kidd, Methalor Vashna, Melmite, MuhFugga, Miss Lolita, militantjay, Mike Barton, MadameCurie, Mark Antony, muskrat72, Matt Stanton, MedicGuy1, Marshall Corone, Maxwell99, Mr Bound, npac, Naomi Anole, Ned Nichols, Naits, Nyahahaha, 0bi Wan Kenobi, onkel alco, Pvt Silvier, Peter MacKay, Pialosa, Paramedic, Prolepsis, Paavali, reallyannoyed, Razile, redapoc, RainerMaria, rhaymes, Rafen Mclaren, Resin, Richter1, rowan mayfair, S2cnarf, stam6, Susan Summers, Sirrala, SilverOak, Stevie Gee, Shinji Oda, sojarin, Stevie Gee, Sgt Blintz, Sergeant Edzy, sirpaulthegreat, Sevrenn, Sgt Duncan, scspook, Shortie81, stripeykitty, UticaClub, toikai, Thari, Tom Sin, Tooker Jenkins, Tetora, toikai, torero, Thaxia, Tim Tim Tim, Tek the Grim, tard zombie, Terner, Vanilla Ice, viper180, wolverino, winterborne, Winawer, ZDecker, Zugbar, ZimonX30, zephyrsheild, Zap Zerman, currently unaffiliated visitors

Past Visitors

  • edit yourself into or out of this list &/or change your description if you have visited & left

Suburb Allies

All members under the Department of Emergency Management umbrella which includes the Malton Police Department, Malton Fire Department, Malton Emergency Medical Service, Malton Forensics Unit, Malton Civil Defense Unit in addition to those currently allied with the DEM shall be treated under the DEM code of conduct until hostile action is taken

Edgecombe Families, The Four Corners, Malton Travel Bureau, U.S. ARMY INFANTRY

Citywide Allies

The 4-H, Axes High, Army Control Corps, Bandit Queens, Black Berets, Black Mesa ~ Lockettside, Blythville Gang, Brooke Hills Museum Foundation, Canadian Commonwealth, Canadians-in-Malton - Vinetown, CMS-Meta, Creedy Defense Force, Crossman Defense Force, Dunell Hills Police Department, FANNY, The Fortress, FedCom: Urban Dead, FVZA, Liberation of Crossman Department, Letum Corporation, Malton Science Group, Malton Telephone, Murder Death Kill, Molebank Citizen Volunteers, MSG, RAF, Peppardville Defense Force, Pennville Freedom Movement, The Randoms, RCDC, Regulators Alliance - Dartside, ROACH Klips, Rotter's Relief, The Sun Organization, SFBT - Osmondville, Southern Alliance, U.S. ARMY INFANTRY, Whittenside Medical Corps - Whittenside, Urban Guerillas - Dakerstown

  • we actively seek alliances with all suburbs within 2 days walk of Edgecombe as well as any Mall or Fort groups, contact in Talk:EEMS

Enemy Combatants

We are against pking as it goes against the style of game we wish to play, why waste bullets for half the exp? We've got a zed group operating in Galbraith Hills for the purposes of cannibalism & chaos. We will however fill pker bounties reported on the Rogues Gallery if spotted in Edgecombe

Acherontia Styx Disciples Of Jame Gumb, cheapass5 Bioware OT, Haywood Jablomy, Rog Prime Team Shortbus Los Conquistadores, The Hungry Zombie Shacknews, pkers

the generater - gker/pker

jorgek Liberated Zombie Front, Malkor, Buddy Ray Zombie - zombies

Potential Threat Watchdog

Revived zombies are not treated as foe until they begin pking as a survivor, these players should no longer be revived regardless and are added here to achieve that purpose. Add them to contacts, pick a colour to insure you recognize them when undead as non-revives

hamwallet - revived high lvl zombie

D3m0nK1ng, posetitelbaz - revived mid lvl zombies

Alan Rovel, Dalkuin, Gabriel X, Gin west, irishgangster, jdonnell, KookyZombie, Mother Funker, winsRoverated - revived low lvl zombies

  • feel free to post sightings onto this list

EEMS Barricade Policy

Maintained by CDF, DEM, EEMS, ECF, MFD, MSG, U.S. ARMY INFANTRY & local Neighborhood Watch

The Suburb of Edgecombe
wasteland Tayler Row Copless Grove Railway Station Sargent Crescent Dummett Alley Club Guilford wasteland a junkyard VSB Entryway Club Noake EHB a warehouse EHB Haven
Morrow Lane the Browne Building EHB Haven/NT a junkyard VSB Entryway Whitehead Park the Fruin Building EHB Haven Twitt Plaza a warehouse EHB Haven St. Laurence's Hospital VSB Hussey Lane Mattravers Cinema EHB
Hardisty Auto Repair Abot Towers VSB Entryway Cadbury Bank Tredger Towers the Prankerd Building EHB Haven Lintorn Park Vale Towers VSB Entryway a factory EHB Clapcott Cinema EHB a junkyard VSB Entryway
Moon Way RP wasteland the Peek Arms a warehouse EHB Haven Muirhead Drive Pavy Plaza PD EHB Digby Walk RP the Baxter Building EHB Haven Wenmouth Lane Lawley Walk Railway Station EHB
a junkyard VSB Entryway Rathbone Cinema Gynn Bank the Blencowe Arms a warehouse EHB Haven wasteland a warehouse EHB Haven the Caffin Building EHB Haven/NT Stanbridge Park Vine Grove School EHB
the Somerton Building EHB Haven Gilesi Plaza Bragg Row St. Louis's Hospital VSB Fathers Drive Chanter Alley PD EHB Coomer Square a carpark a junkyard VSB Entryway the Collinns Building EHB Haven
wasteland Denis General Hospital VSB Whitehorn Boulevard a junkyard VSB Entryway Forbes Boulevard Frye Auto Repair EHB Pegg Square Railway Station EHB Sarell Plaza Cape Avenue PD VSB Bunt Place School EHB
Margaret General Hospital VSB Alderson Walk Cornelius Walk a warehouse EHB Haven the Champneys Building EHB Haven Club Somerton St. Ethelbert's Church Southcott Plaza Fire Station VSB a warehouse EHB Haven Stadling Walk PD EHB
Roynon Road Chudleigh Walk the Podger Hotel Keeffe Square the Mallack Museum the Clatworthy Arms the Tredaway Building EHB Haven Pellatt Auto Repair EHB Oldidge Way RP the Maver Building EHB Haven/NT
Pardoe Square Fire Station Trezise Library Brendon Walk Guilford Alley a junkyard VSB Entryway St. Deusdedit's Hospital EHB the Corp Building EHB Haven Cottrill Square Taverner Towers VSB Pollitt Street School EHB

Northeast Wall (EHB, unless bolded)

junkyard 77, 50 VSB - Club Noake 78, 50 - warehouse 79, 50 - Mattravers Cinema 79, 51 - a factory 77, 52 - Clapcott Cinema 78, 52 - the Baxter Building 77, 53 - Lawley Walk Railway Station 79, 53 - Vine Grove School 79, 54 - the Collinns Building 79, 55 - Bunt Place School 79, 56 - Stadling Walk Police Dept 79, 57 - Pollitt Street School 79, 59

Entryways/Staging Grounds (VSB+2 max)

junkyards act as staging areas for swift attacks outside without having to go far for a way back inside, 3 towers act as entryways for those reviving or being revived at local RPs

junkyard 72, 51 - junkyard 79, 52 - junkyard 70, 54 - junkyard 78, 55 - junkyard 73, 56 - junkyard 74, 59 - Abot Towers 71, 52 - Vale Towers 76, 52 - Taverner Towers 78, 59

Havens (EHB)

warehouses & buildings function as Havens

warehouse 79, 50 - warehouse 76, 51 - warehouse 73, 53 - warehouse 74, 54 Mobile Mast - warehouse 76, 54 - warehouse 73, 57 - warehouse 78, 57 - the Somerton Building 70, 55 - the Browne Building 71, 51 - the Fruin Building 74, 51 - the Prankerd Building 74, 52 - the Champneys Building 74, 57 - the Tredaway Building 76, 58 - the Corp Building 76, 59 - the Baxter Building 77, 53 - the Caffin Building 77, 54 - the Collinns Building 79, 55 - the Maver Building 79, 58

Vital Resources (EHB, unless bolded)

Pavy Plaza PD 75, 53 - Chanter Alley PD 75, 55 - Cape Avenue PD 78, 56 VSB - Stadling Walk PD 79, 57 - St Laurence's Hospital 77, 51 VSB - St Louis's Hospital 73, 55 VSB - Margaret General Hospital 70, 57 VSB - Denis General Hospital 71, 56 VSB - St Deusdedit's Hospital 75, 59 - Browne Building 71, 51 - Caffin Building 77, 54 - Maver Building 79, 58 - Hardisty Auto Repair 70, 52 VSB - Frye Auto Repair 75, 56 - Pellatt Auto Repair 77, 58 - Pardoe Square Fire Station 70, 59 - Southcott Plaza Fire Station 77, 57 VSB

This has become an area to place buildings maintained by other groups in Edgecombe as well as select resources outside our suburb that the EEMS has begun in partnership with local DEM & suburb groups to actively monitor & defend in accordance with already established BPs. The cusp of the new year brings new determination to aid those outside our borders. Feel free to add buildings bearing in mind existing BP for that area

Inner Circle

Half days travel when following running lanes, finding shelter & maintaining 15 ap reserve from Core starting position

Edgecombe (core)

Department of Emergency Management, Edgecombe Families (ECF), EEMS, Letum Corporation, MDK, Malton Science Group

Pegg Square Railway Station [76, 56] EHB, Malton Travel Bureu HQ

Southcott Plaza Fire Station [77, 57] VSB, Edgecombe Families

a junkyard [72, 51] VSB, the Ax Gang

Policy is being decided for the following Copless Grove Railway Station 72, 50 - Club Guilford 75, 50 - Cadbury Bank 72, 52 - Tredger Towers 73, 52 - the Peek Arms 72, 53 - Rathbone Cinema 71, 54 - Gynn Bank 72, 54 - the Blencowe Arms 73, 54 - Club Somerton 75, 57 - St Ethelbert's Church 76, 57 - the Podger Hotel 72, 58 - the Mallack Museum 74, 58 - the Clatworthy Arms 75, 58 - Trezise Library 71, 59

Current conditions have us thus far agreeing on a uniform EHB, we have already ensured entryways next to RPs as well as several junkyards to act as staging grounds. Put input on Talk EEMS if you wish to manage buildings in Edge, other input with be posted there from other forums as needed. Buildings already with a BP are set in stone so please consider this when thinking of additions to this plan


Department of Emergency Management, The Clerics Of Malton, Loose Cannons, Creedy Defense Force, FOXHOUND, Randallbank Coalition, Tynte Mall Union, FANNY, Genny's Revenge, Malton Rangers

Tynte Mall


Department of Emergency Management, Army Control Corps, The Clerics Of Malton, Creedy Defense Force, Peppardville Defense Force, 101st Airborne Unit, 151st Brigade, 125th Rangers

Fort Creedy in the hands of small groupings of local ferals - Jan 3rd, 2007

St Benedict's Hospital [77, 49] maintained at VSB


Department of Emergency Management, The Wolf Pack, Black Hunter Group, Loose Cannons, Army Control Corps, The Clerics Of Malton, Creedy Defense Force, Necrotech Research & Destroy Team, 125th Rangers, 151st Brigade, Fables, Angels of Mercy, Lud Lum's Lesbians, Warseers, JunkyardBandits, Team Recon, The Revenant, ardwolf Rangers

Fort Creedy, Giddings Mall


Department of Emergency Management, FANNY, MANNY, Zone Defenders, Quartly Study Group, The Secret Six, USSR, Liberation of Crossman Department, The Malton Mafia, Roftwood Assault Force

Hildebrand Mall


Department of Emergency Management, Creedy Defense Force, MDK, The Scarlet Lantern, The Resistance, Individual 11

Pegton Side Project (proposed) Securing the following buildings for future Medicenter, NE Wall BP in Edgecombe along with Fort Creedy become distractions for SE Pegton drawing potential hordes & local zeds away from Medicenter. Nothing more will be posted on this topic

  • we are currently looking for allies in Pegton to make this a reality

St Matthew's Hospital 87, 54 VSB

St Siricius's Hospital 86, 55 EHB

St Elisabeth's Hospital 88, 56 EHB

Norton Square Railway Station 87, 55 EHB

the Rowcliffe Building NT 85, 52 EHB

the Burrell Building 88, 54 EHB

Club Aldrich 88, 55 EHB

St Martin's Church 87, 56 EHB

Glynn Bank 86, 56 EHB

a cemetery 87, 57 RP

Weatherhead Park 88, 57 RP


Department of Emergency Management, The Clan, The Apocalypse Horde, Apocalypse Horde Slow Readers Group, Acid War Templars, New Arkham Revive Club, the Strangers, 17th CSH, Tater Red Krew, Nintendorks

Woodroffe Mall all corners EHB - Jan 3rd, 2007


Department of Emergency Management, MDK, The Malton Mafia, The Squad of Extraordinary Justice Guilds, Hambargar Halparz, Paddy O'Toole's Volunteer Fire Brigade, FANNY

Peter General Hospital [79, 60] maintained at VSB+2


Department of Emergency Management, Section XIII, The M.A.I.M. Society, Murder Death Kill, Army of Dave, Canadians-in-Malton, Black Berets

Mitchem Mall

Shyar Cinema - Murder Death Kill HQ

Outer Ring

Full days travel when following running lanes, finding shelter & maintaining 15 ap reserve from Core starting position

Stanbury Village

140+ zeds hanging around mall & area - Jan 3rd 2007

Nichols Mall needs cading - Jan 2nd 2007


Tolman Power Station

Wray Heights

Blesley Mall

Penny Heights

Joachim Mall Lumber Mall

Inner Crescent

1 & a half days travel when following running lanes, finding shelter & maintaining 15 ap reserve from Core starting position

Brooke Hills

Suburb appears void of standing zombies though many bodies litter the streets, most smell strange and are gathered at known RPs. What happened here? - Jan 3rd 2007

Stickling Mall - clear inside/outside & caded EHB - Jan 3rd 2007

Huntley Heights
Galbraith Hills
Mockridge Heights
Kinch Heights
West Grayside
East Grayside

Joachim Mall

Outer Horseshoe

2 days travel when following running lanes, finding shelter & maintaining 15 ap reserve from Core starting position

Millen Hills
Raines Hills
Rolt Heights
Richmond Hills
Shore Hills
Wyke Hills

Fort Perryn



We are primarily Edmonton based, but also operate out of Vancouver & Yellowknife. We are not country specific but always have a opening for fellow Canadians. Time zones only effect your availability for msn chat meetings which can be emailed to you if needed, you involvement in the squad ultimately makes your stay in the suburb & exp gain easier

We are looking for active players, we will help you set you up in control of your own part of Edgecombe or in any of the surrounding suburbs currently listed in Sponsored Buildings once you are skilled enough to do so. There are two suggested paths at the EEMS for maximum effectiveness & exp gain, they are Medical-to-Military or Military-to-Medical...regardless of what path you choose if you do not already have free running, it now becomes your top priority until you do. Change your group name to EEMS, add hotmail address & UD profile link to Talk:EEMS

DEM / Allied Exchange Program

Members of the DEM relocating to Edge are asked to post relevant info on brainstock's DEM SE-2 thread. You retain DEM rank & group name while gaining access to EEMS tactics & squad operations. Because of previous DEM Academy training more advanced positions are available as an option based on your lvl of activity in Edge

Allied group leaders & members (depending on level of involvement/commitment in Edge) will be added to email list & asked to inform Euphoriakill of conditions in their areas of Edge, get your group leader to contact us in Talk:EEMS

Suggested Career Paths

While the EEMS does not require anyone to learn skills in any particular way or order, asides from mandatory freerunning. These skill paths have been found to be quick to getting you on your feet & operational independently of others. To become a tactican of one to work with the tactics of many


focuses on defensive skills, a stable way to gain exp

get diagnosis & use it to spot injured, use one of the hospitals to search for faks & conduct rounds around it to heal other survivors. then get construction & carry on doing the same while also maintaining the barricades at the hospital as well as places along your route. then get hand-to-hand combat & fire axe proficiency, then find an axe in a fire station. on your rounds you can now heal, barricade or hit a zed with an axe. to save ap get first aid next to heal 10hp instead of 5. then either start with body building or dive right into your combat skills. REMEMBER ammo needs time to be found, an axe you always have. we have swarming tactics in place for such things, stock up for when the shit really hits the fan, not just the average day to day stuff. then get rest of science & civilian skills to start hitting local malls for better search rates while then moving to protect the outer circle of edgecombe


focuses on offensive skills first, easy exp if your quick & careful

get hand-to-hand combat, fire axe proficiency, find an axe. moving from place to place search for broken into buildings & axe zeds inside until you can buy construction, then do cade & strike rounds until you can buy basic firearms training, pistol training & advanced pistol training. you want to save all ammo you find until you have the skills to really use them, otherwise you're just wasting actions you could be searching for more. get diagnosis to spot wounded, hopsitals & resource centers are usually targets so always having your axe around will gain you exp in a flash. get first aid to save ap when it becomes a number crunch for you. skill out from there as you wish and begin taking charge of the local PDs groups (west's twins & east triplets) & the fire station barricade plan (all at EHB but one in each grouping at VSB) as well as striking out on local zed population

History of Edge Emergency Medical/Military Strike

Sometime in September 2006 Euphoriakill, trained MEMS member of the DEM was southeast bound for Edgecombe after having carefully researched several dozen suburbs for appropriateness, resource centers & location in relation to other key suburbs in Malton. Once established there he began an metagame group primarily of ppl he had known growing up in Yellowknife & Edmonton (Canada) who also played Urban Dead. They began with no forum, no group name & no links. Primarily using MSN to relay intell back & forth to better manage threats to Edgecombe, they have largely remained off the offical radar to maintain their overall effectiveness as gorillas in the mist

Primarily created as a co-opted group between well known friends, which then expanded to include Edmontonians, Canadians & those countries filed under other ;-) as the EEMS grow in strength, we are always looking for active participants in our fight for Edgecombe

It's proximity to Fort Creedy, Hildebrand Mall, Woodroffe Mall, Mitchem Mall, Giddings Mall, Tynte Mall, Nichols Mall, Blesley Mall, Joachim Mall, Lumber Mall, Fort Perryn & Tolman Power Station along with it's high percentage of hospitals, PDs & NTs make this suburb one of the most tactically valuable in Malton. It is literally the eye of a tornado, which is why it's continued survival is not only necessary but essential. The traditional resistance centers of Malton's past, are simply that, traditional. These are sites of countless battles with control now being contested or lost daily as their reputations more so then even their practical value peek the interest of many a websurfing zombie horde, it's what drew the people and as a result it's what also draws the undead.

With that being said, what the EEMS are trying to accomplish is an Edgecombe core to use as a safehaven & running lane in response to attacks on any of the surrounding strongholds, to participate fully with any & all bordering suburbs to create this eye in the tornado for our mutual protection & betterment

Because of Euphoriakill's belief in the DEM, the EEMS operates & aids in tandem with any & all DEM activities in the Edgecombe area, they also support the efforts of those who also call Edgecombe home particularly the Malton Science Group, Murder Death Kill, Letum Corporation & Edgecombe Families

Records of the EEMS

Let this forever be kept simply as a reminder, as to allow history to speak freely for itself. These are months of intell & manovuers posted in reflection or when no longer nessacray to remain as secure intell

January, 2007

Inner Circle, inner ring, outer circle & outer ring concepts are brought to fruition. And with it brings a new day for Edgecombe and a new year for Malton

SE Edgecombe experiences a surge in zed attacks as result of overflow spilling across our borders from their favorable conditions in Pegton & Fort Creedy

December, 2006

US ARMY INFANTRY begins operations in Edgecombe in concert with EEMS, ECF & CDF. New barricade policy is unleased for Edge to deal with growing population of active zombies, previous MFD maintained NE Wall BP is considered success & expanded upon while uniform policy is applied to junkyards & warehouses. Central core cracking nightly as suvivors seek shelter somewhere else to sleep, mostly along the NE Wall as expected.

We now have phone service, have you grabbed a mobile phone from a Tech Store yet? They can be found in Malls, a perfect stocking stuffer and phase 2 of EEMS's goal of connectivity. We hope to use this as a more reliable way of contacting the EEMS securely in game and for passing on information to locals not on EEMS email list or without brainstock DEM access. Inner core is being hotly contested as outer perimeter is built up in it's stead.

US ARMY INFANTRY steps up local operations

Neighborhood Watch has spotted repeated Edgecombe pker cheapass5, Bioware OT in Cape Avenue Police Dept 78, 56. Feel free to remind him that it's an eye for an eye and perhaps time to find a new suburb to hang his hat in. Life in Edgecombe continues to improve as a direct result of a local survivor population on the rise, is Edge the new place to be seen or behind this new growth is there a more pressing need?

Members of MDK, Letum Corporation and Acid War Templars are seen returning to Edgecombe. Welcome back to the new era of Edge, divided we fall, united we stand. Edgecombe's danger level was reduced for the first time in months, everyone who should be congratulated for their hard work obviously cannot be so I wish to do so here

News of Giddings Mall falling may be directly related to the recent influx of low lvl survivors, keep cades at appropriate levels to insure full access for our current visitors. Be warned that The Hungry Zombie of Shacknews is residing in Cape Avenue Police Dept 78, 56 and that another pker Rog Prime of Team Shortbus - Los Conquistadores has been spotted in warehouse 73, 57

Hospitals in Edgecombe & surrounding area move universally to VSB for the first time in many months, victory is short lived as much more work needs be completed still. Increased visits to the malls around Edgecombe bring more potential allies into the fold as EEMS & DEM move in tandem for a more active communication role. Active combat alongside U.S ARMY INFANTRY commences at currently undisclosed locations throughout northern Edgecombe & southern Pitneybank

U.S ARMY INFANTRY led coordinated strike into Fort Creedy & surrounding area backed by EEMS & local DEM personnel to attack concentrations of zeds, upon heavy casualties from surprise increase in zed population turned the tides to the undead out of shear numbers alone. Efforts to sustain gains made in Creedy are decidedly dropped as Pegton operations move to take center stage

November, 2006

Euphoriakill is promoted to MFD Captain of Edgecombe & begins organizing full scale alliances outside of Edge. Increased survivor activity northside as those kicked out by the big bash slowly make their return, to help with reconstruction efforts. Sections are still being cracked daily, but Edgecomber's on a whole are feeling a lot more relaxed the past couple days as backup has finally arrived.

Edgecombe Families, Creedy Defense Force all begin sharing intell with EEMS & DEM on a local level to increase functionality & improve conditions

October, 2006

Euphoriakill begins EEMS with Cecil B. As a trained MEMS member of the DEM he was southeast bound for Edgecombe after having carefully researched several dozen suburbs for appropriateness, resource centers & location in relation to other key suburbs/strongholds in Malton. Once established there he began an metagame group primarily made up of ppl he had known growing up in Yellowknife & Edmonton (Canada) who also played Urban Dead. They began with no forum, no group name & no links. Primarily using MSN to relay intell back & forth to better manage threats to Edgecombe, they have largely remained off the offical radar to maintain their overall effectiveness as gorillas in the mist until recently

September, 2006

Euphoriakill completes Darby Campus training with flying colours, having been acting Assistant Instructor for several weeks before final graduation. Peppardville & Pitneybank remain stomping grounds until more suitable suburb is located

Supporters of the Following

RiverlogoS.gif Supporter of River Tactics
I flow into the void.
Rogers.jpg Mr. Rogers Style!
This user or group supports and follows the Mr. Rogers policy.
Redcrosssmall.jpg Malton Hospitals Group
This user or group supports MHG in their attempt to restore health care in Malton.
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Syringe.jpg Planned Revivification
This user or group supports
organized revivification.
Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)
CDF.jpg Creedy Defense Force
The EEMS is affiliated with the Creedy Defense Force and fully supports the destruction of all zombie unlife in Malton.
Thinkingmonkey.jpg Friend Of The Zoo
The Thinking Monkey brings luck to friends of the Malton City Zoo!
BadgeDEM.jpg DEM Ally
<EEMS> is an ally of the DEM