
From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 18:24, 19 June 2010 by Scout (talk | contribs) (→‎Counts)
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Welcome to my page.

Gates.gif Welcome
This user welcomes you to his or her userpage.
Llama.JPG The Drama Llama is Watching You
The owner of this page reserves the right to delete trolling and drama at their discretion.

Oh, and here is my Sandbox Don't click this. Don't click this either--Scout :)


Syringe.jpg Random Revives Supporter
This user or group supports Random Revives.

Here is my profile --> Yes, I know that there are no waterproof watches in the game, I always wear a waterproof watch in real life, so I put one in the game. And yes, I really own chickens. My group is the dual natured individual gamer. I started out as a survivor, wondered if zombies had more fun, and created a zombie alt. I found it was easier to level up as a zombie, and it was a lot of fun, but I also liked the challenge of playing surviver. The solution was changeing my group to Dual Nature, and have the best of both worlds. :) I think that surviviors should randomly revive zombies because members of Dual nature groups (Dual Nature is #3 on the Group Rankings) are more helpful to your cause when alive. When dead, Well, I start eating Bra!nz ;).

I have created three templates so far, One is,

Zombie.JPG "Mah Zombah habganna harman bra!nz grh barbaga zaarz."
Confused? Consult the Zombie Lexicon!

Before you say that it is not a good flagbox, let me say that you can edit the image all you want, as I know I am not good a drawing things. {{flagbox|blue|Zombie.JPG|"Mah zombah habganna harman bra!nz grh barbaga zaarz."|Confused? Consult the [[Guides:The_Zombie_Lexicon|Zombie Lexicon!]]}}

Steve.jpg R.I.P
Steve Irwin

The Crocodile Hunter

1962 – 2006

{{Steve Irwin}}

MaltonV.jpg Malton Incident
This user can't figure out why survivors didn't just whack the heads off the zombies with their fire axes.

{{Malton Incident}}

My Main's Status


Target: Defend my safehouse, defeat zombies around the area of my safehouse, and try to reclaim Paynterton.

My main character


My zombie alt


My Survivor alt

= Templates about me

Dual nature.JPG Dual Nature
This user supports the
Dual Nature Policy.
Syringe.jpg Random Revivification
This user believes in reviving zombies at random.
Zergling.gif Alt user
This user has alts but DOESN'T Zerg.
Generator.JPG Needs Generator
This user requires a generator for maximum usefulness.
Crayons.jpg Colors
This user's favorite color is Aqua.
Running sign.jpg Operation Freerunner
This user supports Operation Freerunner.
Syringe.jpg Random Revivification
This user believes in reviving zombies at random.
Companion Cube... missed, but not forgotten. No More Sacrifices
Chickenmama once sacrificed a loyal companion, in an act that haunts her to this day, but rather then wallow in self-pity she has chosen to make a promise: no more sacrifices. Chickenmama will never abandon another person, place, or ideal, preferring instead to fight to the bitter end for them.
Cowtipper.jpg Cow Tipper
This user is a Cow tipper and treats marked revive points as they would a cattle ranch. They particularly enjoy shooting zombie-cows with their buddies.
Pluto.jpg Remember, remember the 24th of August
This user or group supports the vendetta against the villainous International Astronomical Union. On the 24th of August, we will march on Pluto and liberate it anew. Victory will be ours, and with it, vengeance! 8/24 NEVAR FORGET!
Sign.png Remember To Sign!
This user remembers to sign on talk pages and you should too.
This user is a Christian.
Llama.JPG Drama Llama
The Llama is watching you.
Keyhole2.jpg Just Lock the Freaking Doors Already!
This user can't figure out why survivors don't just lock their doors to keep out the zombies.
Trench coat.jpg Trenchcoater
This user finds no irony in 20 shotguns and katanas.
Freerunningfinal.JPG "Free" Running?
This user believes that Free Running works by magic.

{Weapon of Choice|his/her=her|weapon=knife}}

800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.
Aliengreen.jpg Alien
This user is an alien.
Female.jpeg Female
This user is female.


ARedRose.jpg Roses are Red...
Violets are Blue.
This user can rhyme;
Don't you wish you could too?
Spamcollection2.jpg Collector
This user has so many {{{thing}}} that they have to categorize them into groups.
Bored.jpg Sorry, what was that first part again?
This user has ADD, so don't expect them to pay much attention to anything.
Zombiejz9.JPG What do you mean I can't use an axe?!
This user can't understand why zombies are not allowed to use fire axes.


Bbticon.jpg Templates
Scout has too many different templates on her page as of today.
Bbticon.jpg Templates
Scout has also given up counting different templates on her page as of today.
Deathcounttemp.jpg Death Count
chickengirloffire has died 3 times, and it's getting old.
Syringe.jpg Revive Count
chickengirloffire has revived 0 people.
Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
chickengirloffire has PKed 1 people.
Cemetery stones 2.jpg Kill Count
chickengirloffire has killed Plenty zombies.
RMB.JPG Suggestions
Scout has made 1 suggestions as of Today
Extravaganza.jpg Implemented!
suggestions has gotten 0 suggestions implemented!
Block.jpg Templates
Scout has made 3 templates as of today
Llama.JPG Drama Llama
The Llama is watching you.


Bbticon.jpg Templates
User has too many different templates on his or her page as of today.
FireExit.jpg Directions To Exit
Always follow the arrows when in doubt of where to go.
Hiding.jpg OH NOEZ! ZOMBIES!
This user is currently hiding from zombies and is using the best disguise ever!
Backpacker.JPG Curse You Encumbrance!!!
This user carries around a lot of crap.
Dead.gif Urban Dead
This user plays Urban Dead. Wow, what are the odds?
Crayons.jpg Colors
This user's favorite color is Aqua.
Zergrush1.gif ZERGRUSHKEKEKEKE!!!!
This user hates Zergers but hates paranoid chickenshits more.
This user is a Christian.
Zombie.JPG "Mah zombah habganna harman bra!nz grh barbaga zaarz."
Confused? Consult the Zombie Lexicon!
Syringe.jpg Random Revivification
This user believes in reviving zombies at random.
Emot-bandwagon.gif Templates make FUNFUN!
This user thinks that templates are a fun and exciting way to express your opinion!
Running sign.jpg Operation Freerunner
This user supports Operation Freerunner.
Companion Cube... missed, but not forgotten. No More Sacrifices
Chickenmama once sacrificed a loyal companion, in an act that haunts her to this day, but rather then wallow in self-pity she has chosen to make a promise: no more sacrifices. Chickenmama will never abandon another person, place, or ideal, preferring instead to fight to the bitter end for them.
Llama.JPG Drama Llama
The Llama is watching you.
Sign.png Remember To Sign!
This user remembers to sign on talk pages and you should too.
Keyhole2.jpg Just Lock the Freaking Doors Already!
This user can't figure out why survivors don't just lock their doors to keep out the zombies.
Cowtipper.jpg Cow Tipper
This user is a Cow tipper and treats marked revive points as they would a cattle ranch. They particularly enjoy shooting zombie-cows with their buddies.
Trench coat.jpg Trenchcoater
This user finds no irony in 20 shotguns and katanas.
Freerunningfinal.JPG "Free" Running?
This user believes that Free Running works by magic.
Weapons.JPG Weapon of Choice
This user's weapon of choice is her knife.
800px-Flag of the United States.svg.png American
This user is American.
Pluto.jpg Remember, remember the 24th of August
This user or group supports the vendetta against the villainous International Astronomical Union. On the 24th of August, we will march on Pluto and liberate it anew. Victory will be ours, and with it, vengeance! 8/24 NEVAR FORGET!
Aliengreen.jpg Alien
This user is an alien.
Female.jpeg Female
This user is female.
ARedRose.jpg Roses are Red...
Violets are Blue.
This user can rhyme;
Don't you wish you could too?
Spamcollection2.jpg Collector
This user has so many {{{thing}}} that they have to categorize them into groups.
Bored.jpg Sorry, what was that first part again?
This user has ADD, so don't expect them to pay much attention to anything.
Zombiejz9.JPG What do you mean I can't use an axe?!
This user can't understand why zombies are not allowed to use fire axes.
Bbticon.jpg Templates
you has number of templates different templates on his or her page as of today's date.
Deathcounttemp.jpg Death Count
chickengirloffire has died 3 times, and it's getting old.
Syringe.jpg Revive Count
chickengirloffire has revived 0 people.
Cemetery stones 2.jpg PK Count
chickengirloffire has PKed 1 people.
Cemetery stones 2.jpg Kill Count
chickengirloffire has killed 0 zombies.
RMB.JPG Suggestions
Scout has made 1 suggestions as of Today
Extravaganza.jpg Implemented!
suggestions has gotten 0 suggestions implemented!
Llama.JPG Drama Llama
The Llama is watching you.

Barricade plan for the suburb I live in & other related things

This is my main suburb, for my main character. I work on reclaiming the green status of paynterton when I am a human. I also tear down the barricades I previously worked on as a human and try to keep Paynterton's status red when a zombie.

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
30 a junkyard
Swabey Grove Railway Station
Club Osmonton
Caines Cinema
Thorp Way Fire Station
McDonald Alley
a junkyard
the Cottrell Building
Agathius General Hospital
31 Moorhouse Way
Dobson Avenue
St. Isidore's Hospital
Stokell Road
Fowin Cinema
the Robbins Building
the Woollacott Building
Whetcombe Towers
the Beater Building
Brunskill Lane
32 Santler Road
Moorman Park
the Sumption Museum
Burrough Way
the Montacute Building
St. Pius's Church
a factory
Martland Bank
Wares Plaza
Leo General Hospital
33 Balman Towers
Douch Street
the Donovan Motel
Harp Walk
Morton Lane Fire Station
Crosswell Walk
a junkyard
Braham Boulevard School
34 Club MacKerel
Stanfield Road
Tolly Grove Railway Station
the Milligan Museum
Pasker Square
Armytage Walk
Oldroyd Way
Chiswick Cinema
a carpark
the Barter Building
35 Saunders Walk
Reakes Towers
the Bissex Monument
the Smither Building
Germain Park
Kershaw Row
Hyman Street
Dunford Lane Fire Station
Marchetti Towers
Warnel Library
36 Shadwick Walk Police Department
Garret Park
Sidney Row
the Denning Museum
Hollbrook Square
Jennings Avenue
Club Freestone
Farrent Street
Thicke Row
Kelly Lane
37 the Thurtle Building
the Bath Building
Gamlen Row
Gargery Lane
Charteris Avenue
the Pender Building
a junkyard
Longmate Plaza
Aris Towers
Robins Crescent
38 wasteland
St. Abraham's Church
the Packe Building
St. Lazarus's Church
the Heginbothom Arms
the Genge Museum
the Maxwell Museum
Theirs Crescent
39 Krinks Boulevard
Garwood Way
the Gracewood Building
a cemetery
a junkyard
Faulkner Avenue School
Tilly Plaza
a carpark
a junkyard
Darnell Plaza Railway Station
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

Extremely Heavily Barricaded Very Strongly Barricaded No Barricades
Auto Repair Shops Hospitals Other (non-TRP)
Factories and
Power Stations
NecroTech Buildings Unbarricadable
Forts and Malls Police Departments
MPM: Mobile Phone Masts RP: Revive Points
Llama.JPG Drama Llama
The Llama is watching you.

Generator.JPG Needs Generator
This building requires a generator for maximum usefulness.


Game Information
Player Information
Llama.JPG Drama Llama
The Llama is watching you.
  • "location_type" is the type of location that the template shows. Valid entries are shown below.
Location Types
Valid Entries Deprecated Entries


Auto Repair










Fire Station













Police Dept

Power Station

Railway Station








Car Park


Police Station

Hi newbies!

I have noticed that you didn't have a talk page and were eligible for being welcomed by members of our staff. But, checking the number and date of your contributions, I decided to just point you towards the template itself and offer you my help whenever you ask for it. Feel free to stop at Project Welcome/Welcomenewbie if you want a useful array of tips, Help:Contents and the detailed help down here if you want a deeper insight on how a wiki works. Also, use my talk page whenever you have any question about wiki technicalities and/or the specific rules that pertain this particular wiki. See yah!
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Llama.JPG Drama Llama
The Llama is watching you.

--Scout 18:29, 20 April 2010 (BST)

I refuse to use it sparingly!

Llama.JPG Drama Llama
The Llama is watching you.

(feel like somthing is watching you yet? Since you obviously have plenty of time to read this far into this page, click here, or here.

Insert non-formatted text here