Suggestion:20090824 Ascension
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This suggestion has finished voting and has been moved to Peer Rejected. |
20090824 Ascension
Gat 05:21, 24 August 2009 (BST)
Suggestion type
Fun improvement
Suggestion scope
max level characters
Suggestion description
Original Idea (archival reasons)
Ascension, for those who don't get it, basically its for those guys who are maxed out with nothing to do... when they ascend, they will restart as a level 1 with enough EXP to get 1 extra starting skill, on a second ascension they will get 2 extra starting skills and at a third they will get 3, after three ascensions they will be perma-maxed with that character. this would only be available to those who are maxed level and have accumulated 1000 EXP (a simple task, trust me) on every ascension they will have to improve their search skills or attack skills with a certain weapon by 3% chance of hitting overall, not large enough to affect the game majorly but enough to make a difference on their third ascension with say claws as their weapon of choice all three times. (at max that would be 50%+10% on grab+9% from ascensions=69% chance of hitting instead of 60%, this could be changes to 2% instead to reduce it to around 65% chance of hitting at max) this would be useless almost to a casual guy but the people who are serious about UD will have a tactical advantage! --Crazy Hobo Man 06:52, 21 August 2009 (BST)
Clarification: when you Ascend, you will keep any clothes on you, and the majority of items that weigh 5% or less, you will just be reset to level one and randomly teleported to another building of similar status (if in NT building, will be taken to another safe one, if in mall, same thing, etc...
Built up idea itself:
Basically, when a character reaches the maximum level (as far as I know 42 or something like that, I don’t really pay much attention…) they will have a new skill open up at the bottom of the skill tree called ascension… in basics this is to destroy ones body to become stronger in a new one (or something similar according to what I know)
Every time you ascend, you will have any items that weigh more then 5% removed, become a level one with enough EXP to get one skill, and a +3% accuracy to a weapon of your choice, maxing out at a total of 9% with three ascensions… (clothes and descriptions will remain the same along with classes) You will also be transferred to another building like the one you are in that is in the same condition, (safe, not safe, or ruined) if you are in a special building such as a mall, zoo, or fort, you will be transferred to a random building based on your class instead… After three ascensions, you’re maxed, there may/may not be an option to ascend without the accuracy bonus but that’s a maybe and would have to be accepted by the creator of the game (along with this idea).
Cost to ascend: 1000 EXP and max level (this is not hard to accomplish, it just takes time and energy…)
Now a lot of you are probably thinking right now, “wow! 9% bonus is a lot in the long run isn’t it?” why yes, but did you check how much it would cost?
Lets say you’re a zombie… no offense I’m just picking a class that has all skills cost 100. (from what I know) That means just to get to a high enough level and enough EXP to buy the ascend once you’ll need 5,200 EXP, yah that’s a good bit of time to play, maybe not a lot of effort but a good amount of time!
Then… you’ll need another 5,100 to ascend a second time
Then another 5,100 EXP to ascend a third time meaning to get the 9% bonus and be at what can be considered “max” you’ll have to earn a total of 15,400 EXP!!! (and even though I’m a casual player and I was gone for a couple months, it took me nearly half a year to max out so I think it will take people a good bit of determination to get all three ascensions)
Along with this, every time you ascend you can choose to be your normal class, a civilian, or a zombie!
If I left something out that was in the DS one, I’m sorry but it wasn’t on purpose :P (and I figured I would spell check this as it wasn’t a DS any more…)
This is NOT a dupe of any of these:
Multiply it by a Billion (think about it, do you think everyone is level 42 or whatever? I rarely run into anyone above level 35 who isn’t a zombie)
Costly Does Not Equal Balanced (this is 50/50, it is a bit Oped but in the long run I doubt few people other then those determined would bother to get that much EXP for the bonus itself…)
Rare Does Not Equal Balanced (it would be rare after the first week or two of this being implemented, but it would still be interesting not extremely OP)
Leave Other People's Skills Alone (I AM leaving their skills alone, they have the choice if they want to start over or just stay the way they are as ascension isn’t a necessary skill…)
Put Yourself in the Other Person's Shoes (I did, and I believe I’d get a bit angry at myself as soon as I ascend because I’ll be a wimp again but in the long run will feel good about myself for getting that slight RNG boost to my stats to give me a slightly better chance at hitting something)
Make it More Fun, Not Less Fun (I am! Who wants to be maxed forever? It’s such a drag *rolls eyes*)
Don't Defend Your Suggestions with "Kevan Can Decide" (OK, I admit it, I said this… but that was if he wanted to expand it past three times! My idea was to only allow it three times :P)
XP Removal (It’s starting over, not removing XP so don’t even go there >_>)
You decide if this is kill or keep, but I doubt this is spam except those who are extremists on the views of keeping everything the way it is and not change anything else.
Voting Section
Voting Rules |
Votes must be numbered, justified, signed, and timestamped.
Votes that do not conform to the above may be struck by any user. |
The only valid votes are Keep, Kill, Spam or Dupe. If you wish to abstain from voting, do not vote. |
Keep Votes
- Keep I'm the author, I should probably post this in kill just to get a reaction from people but I'm voting keep! Gat 05:22, 24 August 2009 (BST) EDIT: I find it funny how people want realism and then when people sugges realism its turned down... wait I've said this somewhere before haven't I... about the double edged sword technique of voting? and its not making a new character, its redoing your current character, no name changes involved...
- Keep - I won't pretend I don't want something hardcore like this. It's so difficult to achieve this 'ascension' you'd probably only fully recognise its possibilities by being a long-term career zombie, playing with a group, always scratching and attacking for XP at any moment, and we could use more of those around Malton. I'm voting keep on the concept, not the numbers, and especially not on Kakashi's horrible formatting. --DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION-- 15:01, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Keep - As above.--Maps 15:51, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Keep - I like the idea of starting over with the same character. --DBHT 18:38, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Keep - keep,but it would be nicer and more complicated if you could only ascend in major churches or cathedrals.that way the ascension sounds more toward the religious side.--Brainiac 00:33, 26 August 2009 (BST)
- Keep - As Dark Blue Helmet, + Coming up with new names is annoying. --Kamikazie-Bunny 15:33, 28 August 2009 (BST)
Kill Votes
- Kill *Stands slack jawed for a moment* Wow... If this was in humorous I would be giving it a double thumbs up but as a serious suggestion... Out of curiosity in how many zombie movies do the zombies and humans mysteriously ascend leaving nothing but an inexperienced neonate where they once stood? Take it to nexus wars, it might work there. -Devorac 05:46, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Kill - You said it yourself "Costly Does Not Equal Balanced". Many players could afford the 15,000XP and would have the advantage of 74% accuracy on shotguns, for example.--GANG Giles Sednik CAPD 07:09, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Kill -The suggestion is out og genere, it would make charecters become overpowered. --
TCAPD(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ 14:52, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Kill - It's not an inherently bad idea, but there's just so much about it that wouldn't work out in the long run. Besides, survivors are going to be the ones benefiting the most from this. 59% on a claw attack really can't stand up against any of the firearms (including flares. Hell, maybe even especially flares. 24% is almost enough to make them a viable super-weapon.) 74% accuracy shotguns would likely change the whole pistol/shotgun balance, too. RinKou 16:58, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Kill - 74% on pistols and shotguns is just too high and there are a lot of players who already have the XP needed to go all the way in a day--Posydon (talk)(MCM)(UBCS) 21:04, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Kill -It's not bad as far as game mechanics goes, but how would you explain it, in-character wise? Did you fall down and lose all your memories? Is it it basically like starting a new character? If its the latter, why not just START A NEW CHARACTER? All this is is a new game but with overpowered attacks. Keep it in Kingdom of Loathing, please.--Johnny Yossarian 21:11, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Kill - This has a slightly better chance of being implemented and accepted by all then the dead rising from the ground and eating my brain. User:Armpit_Odor/sig 22:27, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Weak kill/Change - This was going to be a keep/change, but the kill voters swayed me. Make it so that you don't gain accuracy, and it's purely a "You get to replay the game without makign another character, but with 2 skills" thing, and I'd be fine with it. I also don't liek the teleport somehwere else thing. I mean, what if you land in the same room as an alt?--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 20:34, 25 August 2009 (BST)
- Kill - Had some merit, but I'd prefer new skills. Nemesis645 21:45, 25 August 2009 (BST)
- Kill - As Yonnua Koponen. --Sonofagun18 17:22, 28 August 2009 (BST)
- Kill - How are you going to explain the sudden disappearance of skills and teleportation across the suburb in-game? Unless a person bumps their head and gets amnesia or something. --~Dr Frank (t) (DF) [P] (Sb) 14:30, 3 September 2009 (BST)
- Kill - The fun of this game as a survivor is the fact that not only are you battling zombies, but useless new players who aren't helping out, yet are as powerful as you are. And why is it only for weapon hits? Wouldnt that HUGELY overpower PVP players? Pro-survivors have it tough enough already thanks. --YoEleven 00:36, 5 September 2009 (BST)
Spam/Dupe Votes
- Spam - This isn't Kingdom of Loathing. 9% is a really big bonus, especially with the RNG. Oh, and you need to learn how to articulate a suggestion. --Bob Boberton TF / DW
05:26, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Spam' No. Just no. Think of it this way..what if a zombie gets brain rot before maxing out on survivor skills (a perfectly reasonable thing for a zombie to do since why the hell would a zombie need construction or shotgun training).. He/She would not be able to ascend and thus would be forever nerfed without drastically altering their character --EggingstinFeh 16:49, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Spam You owe me some glasses after reading all that crap. Let me boil it down. A maxed out character can "start over". Whoopie. Oh, and I'll change my vote to dupe when I find one of the several that have already been suggested. Apparently there are a limited number of names available in which to play Urban Dead. Because all players can making a new character. You can throw on a "jr" or something too.--Pesatyel 06:06, 24 August 2009 (BST) I'd like to add, how is this suggestion even remotely "realistic"?--Pesatyel 07:28, 25 August 2009 (BST)
- Spam - lolwut? I would have totally approved if it was able to be used for any character named Daniel Jackson--THE Godfather of Яesensitized, Anime Sucks Yalk | W! U! WMM| CC CPFOAS
LOE ZHU | Яezzens 14:56, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Spam - tl;dr, but I did start, and that was enough for me. --Funt Solo QT
16:08, 24 August 2009 (BST)
- Spam - Unlike KoL, Urban Dead isn't a story based RPG therefore something of this nature wouldn't be plausible within the game's structure. Ascension works with KoL because it's similar in nature to a new game plus feature that you get on quite a few RPG like games. UD is more towards WoW where resetting your character goes against the whole aim of the game. In any case, me no likey. -- Cheese 20:40, 25 August 2009 (BST)
- Spam - This idea made me want to punch myself; after a moment of serious thinking, I decided I'd rather punch the author. After some more thinking, I barely decided to stick with my nonviolent principals and not even bother to tell him how stupid his idea was. I don't want the hundreds/thousands of veteran players and zombies in UD suddenly getting 21% flare hit chances, 50% extra generator finding chances...etc. This suggestion is bad and the author should feel bad. Lelouch vi Britannia is helping make Ridleybank green_ and gives Achievements 22:31, 25 August 2009 (BST)
- Spam - Classic spam. --WanYao 21:11, 30 August 2009 (BST)
- Spam - As 1, 3 and 6 - Zig13 - 4/09/2009 at 10:30(BST)