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Looking for a group to join? Have a group seeking members?

This page is open to adverts by groups currently recruiting new members.

Format for Posting Adverts

Group adverts are to follow a very specific format. Your advert code should look like this:

===[[Group Name]] : Group Type===

Type is optional but will help readers.
{{:Group Name/Recruit}}
time stamp (~~~~~) or timed signature (~~~~) Optional if otherwise displayed.

  • The entire advert content is "encased" in a table. This prevents one advert's formatting from affecting other adverts due to image "text flow" and so on.
  • "Group Name/Recruit" is a normal wiki page that contains the content of the advert. Using the curly brackets and colon inserts your advert page's entire contents onto this page, just as if it were a template.
  • "Type" is the type of group. Generally one of the following, but you are free to choose your own: Survivor Group, Zombie Group, PKer Group, Mixed Group, or Organization.
  • You MUST put the following categories on your "Group Name/Recruit" page:
<noinclude>[[Category:Group Subpages]]</noinclude>
<noinclude>[[Category:GROUP NAME HERE]]</noinclude> if your group has a category of its own.
  • Additionally you should add:
<noinclude>[[Category:Recruitment|TYPE]]</noinclude> where TYPE is your group type.
  • Place your advert in alphabetical order by group name. Adverts not posted in the proper alphabetical order will be moved.
  • Large Groups or Organizations with significant subgroups are limited to one advert. This includes groups such as the DHPD and the DEM, they may use their advert to direct players to the separate sub-groups.
  • The advert must have a timestamp (five tildes - ~~~~~) or a signature with an attached timestamp. This can be placed either on this page or on your adverts page.
  • After two months as measured from the timestamp the entire advert may be removed for inactivity. It is the group’s responsibility to update the timestamp to prevent the advert being deleted. Updating the timestamp may and should be done at any time while the group is still recruiting.
  • Adverts which do not use the format below or fails to adhere to the guidelines above will be commented out. This can be done using comment tags - <!-- ... -->. A dated comment will be left in the edited section explaining why the advert page was dis-included; if the advert is not fixed within two weeks, the entire section will be removed.

Format for Advert Content

  • Your adverts formatting must not break the page. Preview before you save!
  • When viewed on an 800*600 resolution, as a rough guideline your advert should not exceed 800px in height.
  • When viewed on an 800*600 resolution, your advert should not cause a horizontal scrollbar to appear.
  • All images used in the advert must not come to a grand total of more than 56KiB (56K).
  • No templates are allowed in your advert for technical reasons. Before you put up the advert, use subst to replace any template calls with the template's code.
  • No subheadings.

Helpful Guidelines for Advert Content

Clearly written adverts which contain requirements for membership at the start or in bold, as well as a method of contact and reasons for joining your group, normally get the most response. Remember, this advert represents your group. The easier it is to read and understand, the better. Attractive formatting and helpful links will also attract prospective members. If your group is active in a specific area or areas, it is a good idea to provide this information - not all people are willing to travel.

Malton Recruitment Adverts, Alphabetically by Group Name

Place your group (or coalition) advert in alphabetical order by group name.

A - C

The Abandoned : Pro-survivors

Abandoned Recruitment Poster.png
The Abandoned is one of the oldest remaining survivor groups in the game. We are actively recruiting new members to barricade, heal, revive and defend against the zombie threat in Yagoton.

We are a group structured around individuals being able to take action themselves by group guidelines while communicating through a forum structure. We rarely give direct orders, unless you are part of a cell.

We have several cool toys, tools, and scripts found nowhere else, as they were created by our own members. For newer players we offer help and advice in their character progression.

We have stood against many threats to ourselves and the people of Yagoton from both zombies and PKers alike and we are still here. Defending the most successful revive effort in the city, the YRC, we have helped to provide the city with a great place for survivors to live and thrive.

So join us today and fight for a good cause.

--Private Mark 07:20, 18 February 2012 (UTC)

Ackland Mall Security : Pro-Survivors


Welcome one and all. if you hate being micro-managed by over bearing group leaders and sub leaders and what not, then you might just have a home here in the AMS. We do what we want, when we want, reviving eachother, healing comrades and patrons of the mall, and keeping the area around us secure from our foes next door in Ridleybank. It doesn't take much to be a part of the team. Just Put Ackland Mall Security as your group tag in your profile and simply revive, cade, kill, dump and definitely heal when you can. Ackland Mall is our home base so walk, run, or shamble on over and simply play to your hearts content. To give you a small bit of history on ourselves, i'll start with saying that we are one of the oldest groups in malton, reaching further back than the battle of the bear-pit. We are also one of the only two groups to be saLUEted by one of the most coordinated and devastating zombie groups to ever hit this game, LUE. we're like fine wine ladies and gentlemen, and if good fun and great times is what your after, then head over to Havercroft and join up with us at Ackland Mall. see if you have what it takes to wear the proud badge of the Ackland Mall Security group. check out our forums at our tiny URL link. Our tinyurl:

Nuerotoxic2213 01:41, 12 December 2011 (UTC)

Angels Wing : Revivers/Anti-PKers

Medical symbol.gif

Angels Wing is a medical group based in Wyke Hills, trying to give help to those in need and hand out revives to the zombies that want it.

Honestly, we just lurk around graveyards playing pranks on feral Zombies and enjoying a spot of tea with our green fleshed chaps.

So if you like healing, socializing, and sexy parties, why not check us out?

Currently: Always recruiting

--Snoog4 01:23, 5 February 2012 (UTC)

Army Control Corps : Pro-Survivors

Army Control Corps

The Army Control Corps is a tactical and mobile group dedicated to aiding survivors and eradicating the Zombie infestation that pervades Malton. Some of our Operations involve the salvaging of decimated suburbs, assisting Survivors/Allies in the defense of buildings besieged by large Zombie hordes, and the pursuit of humanitarian efforts which involve the revivification and medical treatment of local Survivors in hard-hit areas.

Currently, there are two combat squads in service as well as a small Special Forces detachment. Roles are chosen via a Job System upon entrance to the group, and the types available range from pure assault stances to more supportive duties that require work behind the scenes.

Lastly, all those who want to join (any level or class) may do so - whether it is preferred to engage in combat or just survive, an open, suitable spot can be found to tailor to one’s needs. To immediately seek enlistment within the ACC, please register here and submit your application here.

The ACC looks forward to receiving and welcoming new members into one of the biggest groups of Malton that has spanned for over seven years and is still running strong.

--Antropos 23:37, 7 February 2012 (UTC)

The Big Prick : Combat Revivers

Skull n syringes.gif

The Big Prick

Survivors, are you tired of everything you need to do to stay secure? Are you looking for a simpler, more fun experience? Then live the life of a Big Prick.

The Big Prick is dedicated to life. We move into some of the roughest areas of Malton, armed only with syringes, and bring life to zombies and each other. Suburbs spring to life as survivors repopulate and re-build.

To join, just stock up with needles and meet us at our current location, which can always be found on our Wiki page.

--Asheets 17:46, 15 February 2012 (UTC)

The Burchell Arms Regulars : Pro-Survivor


Find us at:

-- Jesus Sante CFT 03:12, 3 February 2012 (UTC)

CAPD: Survivor Group

click to enter

--Sophie ◆◆◆ CAPD 23:03, 8 February 2012 (UTC)

Cobra : PKer Group

A message from Cobra Commander:

GI Joe Cobra-1-Poster.jpg

Greetings, citizens of Malton,
for too long trench-tastic GI Joe forces have roamed the streets of Malton with impunity. All the while, in darkness Cobra has waited and prepared. Now is the time to rise up against the entrenched survivor. But, what can lonely you do to help save Malton?
Speak to a Cobra recruiter!
We are currently looking for both team-oriented and solo killers. All you need do is stop by the forum and start killing Joes.
We are feral in nature, so you are welcome to see the city or stay in one spot. Roam with the group or strike out on your own, either way you have the full support of Cobra and all associated 'businesses.' All we ask is that you do your part to eliminate the threat to everyone, which is GI JOE. Following comprehensive Cobra training, including our new 'Actually hitting your fucking target' training, we will have you killing Joes in no time. The days when knowing was half the battle are over. Long live the days of pyramid schemes and global domination!


This message has been brought to you by the Arbco Furniture Company and Extensive Enterprises.

--14:45, 3 February 2012 (UTC)

CORAM : Survivor Group


--    : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 09:52, 25 January 2012 (UTC)


Department of Emergency Management : Survivor Group

DEM Badge.jpg

The Department of Emergency Management is currently looking for volunteers from all across Malton to join one of the groups working together in the DEM:

Since the resurrection of the MFD, we have stood vigilant; seeking to bring relief and support to the citizens of Malton as effectively as we can. Regardless of your class, or what level you are, there are groups organized through the DEM that can fit your character! We also provide training for all new DEM recruits at The Academy.

See the DEM Recruitment Page for more information or contact us on Discord

The DEM currently has over 15 active members working for the benefit of survivors. If you want to make a difference in the fight for Malton, consider joining a DEM group today!

--RennisZotorman New Emergency Medical Service 20:38, 10 February 2012 (UTC)

Desu Nōto : Freelance Group

While searching the area, you have found a black leather-bound notebook on the ground. The cover of the notebook reads, "Death Note". Someone has written, "Property of Desu Nōto" on the back cover.

You open the notebook. There is a pencil wedged in between the pages. Someone has scribbled a bunch of names in the pages of the notebook.

What do you do?

Keep the Notebook

Write Down a Name

"I recognize this name!"

Timestamp: 17:05, 8 March 2012 (UTC)

Dunell Hills Police Department : Survivor Group


The DHPD is looking for anyone wanting to come out of the zombie-infested cold and make the North West corner of Malton a safer and brighter place for all survivors. We aim to reclaim the DMZ and once again make it one of the safer areas of Malton.

Here's the pitch: Join the Dunell Hills Police Department.

We have need for officers in the Dunell Military Zone. Whatever level you are, no matter what skills you have: we have a place for you.

Want to know more about the DHPD and what goes on "behind the scenes"? Read the DHPD Testimonials.

Interested? Go to our recruitment office.

Once you have joined you will have the opportunity to join our academy and our highly active squads.

The D.M.Z. currently consists of Dunell Hills, and the surrounding five suburbs. Contact us via our talk page or our forum for more information.

Codeist 00:38, 24 January 2012 (UTC)

Feral Undead: Zombie Group

FU Wiki Ad.png

Do you hate to be told what to do, when to do it and who to attack?
But you still want the support of fellow zombies to...

SEE! those barricades cracked open?
HEAR! of the latest open buildings?
TASTE! the sweet bouquet of levelling up?

Then you have come to the right place. We like to find out what other hordes are attacking and wait in the shadows till it looks like dinner time. Let our stronger members break down barricades, so you can follow them in and eat your fill. To some we may seem like vultures, parasites even. But in the end, is that really a bad thing?

Hell no.
Because vultures are fucking cool.


Flowers of Decay: PKer Group

Flowers of Decay/recruit --RadicalWhig 09:59, 1 February 2012 (UTC)

The Fortress : Survivor Group

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find us... Maybe you can hire The Fortress. >>> Staying Vigilant since 2005! <<<

Are you looking for the top survivor group to enjoy the Ultimate Malton experience? The Fortress is a major survivor faction with an epic history, a great street reputation and the most fun filled characters you will find in the vibrant City we all live in. We aim to teach and protect...and to prevail.

Stay Vigilant!

To sign up to The Fortress simply email:
More info here: How do I sign up?

09:24, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

I - M

Knights Templar : Survivor


Into this city brimming with horror, Came noble warriors standing tall and with honour, A brave band of friends, Known to all as the Knights Templar! Living only to serve, and to help those in need, Taking their loyalty to the grave and beyond!


We are Malton's Modern-Day Knights, Defenders of Kempsterbank and far further afield, loyal to all virtuous survivors in need of Sword, Shotgun or Succor!

Living Maltonites who demonstrate the highest levels of integrity and chivalry are welcome to join our prestigious order, regardless of character class or level; and for those in need, we offer comprehensive training and guidance.

Missions and quests are available for those steadfast sentinels wishing to remain in the Kempsterbank area, or for those courageous warriors who possess the desire to traverse our cursed yet wondrous city.

Discover our long and rich history via our wiki page or contact us directly on our dedicated Discord server to learn more!


Last updated 22:23, 28 October 2022 (UTC)

Roddy Winters 02:57, 10 January 2012 (UTC)

Malton Department of Defense : Survivor Group

MDD Logo low.jpg
Malton Department of Defense

"It's a hundred and six blocks to Ackland, we've got a full keg of beer, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses."
"Hit it."

Spend sleepless nights wondering whether your safehouse cades will hold? Hoard take out your favorite NT? Wish you had some extra guns for that operation your group has been putting off? MDD is here to help!

Our Motto: "Have gun, will travel.™"

Oh, we're also recruiting. Want to get out and see the sights in Malton? Or just tired of refueling and rebarricading the same buildings over and over again? You could be in the MDD! Act now and we'll even throw in a free keg of beer!  Sign up at our Forum now! 

A grand old adventure awaits!

' TheFireChief '17:53, 1 January 2012 (UTC)

The Malton Zookeepers : Survivor Group

TMZ-Banner.jpg Join the Zookeepers!
Malton's most maudlin mob of misanthropic miscreants is always looking for a few more good men, women, zombies, animals, robots, space aliens and time travelling nanites.

Stop by our Discord for details on how to join.

04:06, 17 December 2023 (UTC)

Militaire Sons de Veille : Survivor Group

Fighting to liberate the Outer Haven ( the Northwest ). We are a band of brothers who knows courage,loyalty,strength and obedience. We are always ready to help and die for our allies. We will never stop until the Outer Haven is at peace Deus servo nos!

Join us in liberating the Outer Haven.
Last updated: 18:57, 18 December 2011 (UTC)

Militant Order of Barhah : Zombie

Militant Order of Barhah.gif

Militant Order of Barhah

The Militant Order of Barhah is one of the major Zombie hordes in Malton and is dedicated to the principles of Barhah Fundamentalism. A nomadic horde that spreads Barhah throughout the city, the MOB welcomes all zambahz who have embraced Barhah within their hearts. As a focused horde with several strike times, the MOB excels at breaking into and eating harman strongholds. A few snapshots of our assaults can be seen here. The MOB enjoys nurturing young zambahz (known as babahz) providing both an encouraging atmosphere & nourishment on the bloody & brainz filled road to becoming adult zambahz.

Our kind of player is a thinking one; one that wants to see exciting projects and high-profile assaults on UD, and attracted to a strong, cohesive team with a great esprit du corps. If you feel you would like to give us a try, then we'd like to cordially invite you to join the MOB, embrace BARHAH!

23:31, 30 January 2017 (UTC)

N - R

Octopi Bothria : Survivor Group

OB is actively searching for leaders to actively contribute and support the initial phase of constructing OB.

Order of the Black Rose : Pro-Survivor Group

Order of the Black Rose

Fighting to maintain the safety of SouthWest District 2!

Are you an experienced player looking for a challenge? A beginner looking for a place to learn the ropes without having to deal with large hordes constantly? Maybe just a player looking for something a little different?

Then join the Order of the Black Rose!

We are a unique survivor group in that we operate over a district instead of a single suburb--specifically, District SW-2 covering Crooketon, Grigg Heights, Lerwill Heights, Mornington, and Reganbank.

For more information on how we operate, check out our Wiki page. If you would like to chat with our members, you can find them at our forum.

Miss Balalaika 12:19, 10 December 2011 (UTC)

Organization XIII : Balancer Group

The Philosophe Knights : Player Killer

The Philosophe Knights
The Philosophe Knights are a group of educated survivors who have taken it upon themselves to eliminate the threat of ignorance in Malton. The Order has a rich tradition and long history of executing the ignorant and other enemies of knowledge. The Knights are currently recruiting any intellectual willing to join their noble cause. See the Philosophe Knights wiki page for more information, as well as for a list of those that have been educated.

"No law or ordinance is mightier than understanding." - Plato

"Ignorance, the root and stem of every evil." - Plato

Entry into the Knights is conducted via trial by jury. Applicants may begin the application process at any time, but be certain that you are prepared for what will come.

17:11, 7 December 2015 (UTC)

       15:29, 28 January 2012 (UTC)

Reddit_survivors : Survivor Group


The Reddit Survivors is a group originated from Reddit that is looking for volunteers from all across Malton to help maintain and recover Ackland Mall and all nearby resource buildings. We are a loose knit group with only the goal of keeping Havercroft and Shore Hills both up and running for any and all survivors. We do not support zerging, blind pking, or anything else that goes against what is beneficial for our fellow survivors. Whether you prefer shotguns, FAKs, syringes, or toolkits, we have a place for you! Additionally you main join any of our armed branches:

  • Reddit Marshals: The Bounty Hunter arm of RS, they usually travel all around Malton seeking out PKers and impersonators.
  • Sixtus Saints: A small allied arm of the RS, headed by DehCheezburgah.

02:57, 22 December 2011 (UTC)

Ridleybank Resistance Front : Zombie Group

Join us on the Ridleybank Resistance Front Discord server

The Ridleybank Resistance Front wants you! Are you a lonely zombie, tired of bashing barricades by yourself and rarely reaching the tasty brains on the other side? Are you a survivor, bored with the inane bickering of your fellow breathers, as they argue for days over barricade levels and danger reports? Then join us - the RRF - we want to give you the fun you're searching for!

We are one of the largest, most storied, and successful hordes in the entire game, eating survivors and smashing safehouses since September 2005. We extend a warm hand (in spirit, our actual hands are room-temperature) of welcome to those who wish to escape the Serious Business of other groups, and have a laugh while still being deadly in the field of combat.

Old player with tons of skills? You are most welcome to bring your experience to us. New player without even Ankle Grab? We will feed you until you burst - babahz are one of our special joys to raise, a feeling shared horde-wide. If you like to free-wheel, you can join the main horde, the Department of Homeland Security, and rampage about the homeland. Like the coordinated action of strike teams? We have two to choose from at various times of day - Auxunit 10 and The Constables. Can't quite give up on ammo and oxygen? The Gore Corps, THE death cultists of Malton, belong to us, and will put your firearm addiction to good use.

And foremost, the Front is a family. We look out for each other in a way many harmanz - and even some zambahz - still have yet to learn. Those in command are always approachable with any problems or questions you may have. For as much as you would give to the horde, the horde would give to you. Plus the total lack of pants and the kicking of Serious Business right in the fish-and-chips. We want to have fun, and we want you to have it too. Come and play!
-- 09:27, 15 February 2012 (UTC)

S - Z

Soldiers of Crossman : Survivor Group

Soldiers of Crossman wiki
Soldiers of Crossman wiki
Area of Operations

Rising from the ashes of two historical groups, the Soldiers of Crossman have thrived in the volatile Northwest of Malton, becoming one of the longest-lasting, premier groups in the game. Our friends know us for our loyalty, good humor, and dedication. Our enemies know us for our strength, determination, and tenacity.

The Northwest was once a proud bastion of humanity in the zombie apocalypse, standing firm when all else crumbled around it. We intend to bring that back by uniting all of the survivors in the Northwest, not only in the fight against our common enemy, but also in our struggle to rebuild that which has been taken from us.

Join us on our mission:

To unite the Northwest and take back what is ours.

Last updated: 15:33, 16 July 2024 (UTC)

Ständige Vertretung : Survivor Group

Ständige Vertetung

Ständige Vertretung is a group of determined survivors that resist the advance of zombie hordes in Malton. We are one of the few survivor groups in the Tapton area, and we coordinate our efforts through an online forum and an IRC chat room.

We do not recognize the Malton Zombie Republic as a sovereign nation. Until the moment we claim Malton back for the living and end the tyranny of the undead, we establish our permanent representation here in Malton. Dieses Fest muss klappen, sie werden bereuen mich nicht zu mögen!

We have been spending most of our lives living in a Tapton paradise. We don't fight and we all play nice. Keeping it safe and reviving guys.

Care to join us in our battle? All we need from you is your UDProfile ID and a post from you in our recruitment thread stating it. Make sure you sign up for an account there as you'll need it to post.

21:45, 6 June 2012 (BST)

Undeadites : Zombie Group


The Undeadites are one of the longest standing and deadly hordes in Malton, and we're actively recruiting zombies NOW! We have an open door policy, anyone (who's dead or wants to be dead) can join.

How do you join? Next time you are logged in, edit your profile and change your group to Undeadites. If you desire coordination, register on our forum and post your profile in our roll call. This will let us know to give you access to our Hitlist, which is the best way to locate the horde.

Why should you join? Because we are totally dedicated to the eradication of all survivors and to causing as much mayhem, chaos and destruction as possible. Once you have joined, you're free to do whatever you want, but if you want to lead your own mob of Undeadites someday we will expect you to follow our Hitlist sometimes.

Where are we? We are on the Rampage and our position changes daily, contact us and we will try to pick you up.

How do you contact us? We have our own forum so feel free to drop by and introduce yourself. You can also drop us a line on our wiki talk page.


Undeadite.jpgCreeping Crud U 19:55, 27 January 2012 (UTC)

West Malton University : Survivor Group

West Malton Univesity
West Malton University

The West Malton University is a small, fun loving group of coordinated survivors operating along the western border of Malton. Along with our many allies, we address the needs of the area by working the local revive points, maintaining the suburb barricade plan & offering FAKs to those in need. In addition, we are a learning institution who's mission statement is to teach all newcomers to Malton how to survive in a zombie apocalypse by focusing on game strategy and playing a fair game. We are looking for both beginner and experienced players of all specialties who are interested in having fun, learning something new or passing on their knowledge to the next generation of player. But of course, we try to strike that careful balance between being serious about our duties and having fun while we're doing it.

Applicants can check out our wiki page or just contact us here. Register now, classes are filling up.

--Samhain Sam 22:26, 2 March 2012 (UTC)--

Category Listings

Recruitment pages are listed below by in order by type. To include your recruitment advert in this list, put the following on the advert "template" page, where TYPE is your groups type: <noinclude>[[Category:Recruitment|TYPE]]</noinclude>

Pages in category "Recruitment"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 369 total.

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