The Malton Department of Defense is a paramilitary pro-survivor organization serving all of Greater Malton. The MDD is dedicated to maintaining a safe environment for the living and removing the undead threat. The MDD views the "pro" in "pro survivor" to mean professional and not just in favor of.
In the weeks following the Malton Incident, the Malton Department of Defense suffered heavy casualties as the primary combat units attempted to keep the undead from escaping the confines of Malton until the quarantine zone could be established. With all combat units either KIA or under the command of the External Military outside the quarantine zone, only the support units of the MDD remained behind, performing their original functions while awaiting an evac that would never come.
*The rest of the MDD's history has been lost to time. But who cares, right?*
Our Mission
The MDD strives to ensure the safety of the citizens of Malton. To that extent, we have permanently mobilized to provide an effective response in all suburbs. The MDD has no home base of operations. We are constantly on the move. No extended contracts. No commitments. We don't bunker down and stay in any one location. Why would we? After all, in Malton, the action moves around. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if we're not currently busy kicking someone's ass, then maybe you can hire the MDD.
Got a problem in your hometown? Zeds knocking down your safehouse? Need a light? Feel like your team could use some extra guns?
Give us a ring and we'll see if we feel like swinging by.
Command Structure
A very expensive and time-consuming Defense Analysis Project conducted by the MDD Planning Committee concluded that command structures mean shit in Malton. After firing said Planning Committee, and replacing them with a donkey, a monkey, a bear, a keg-o-beer, and a shoelace, they were able to come up with this very complex and counter-productive bureaucratic structure.
Here it is in brief:
High Command
Everyone Else
Here is the extended version:
High Command
Everyone Else
See how it's done?
After much haggling and the loss of several kegs, the Chief was able to convince the old boys at Creedy to part with some supplies. As a result, the new MDD uniforms are in!
The Standard MDD Field Combat Uniform consists of the following clothing items, though members are free to modify to suit their own preferences and comfort:
- a black beret
- a pair of mirrored sunglasses
- a set of Fort Creedy dog-tags
- a black short-sleeved shirt
- a camouflage jacket (assumed to be in subdued urban camouflage)
- a pair of camouflage trousers
- a pair of black leather boots
Regardless of clothing items worn, uniform or otherwise, a Malton Department of Defense unit patch should be included in the character's survivor and zombie descriptions.
Question Time
Q: How do I join?
A: Visit Forum. Register on Forum. Post in Topic. Easy, right?
Q: Where is TACHQ?
A: What, you think we'd tell world + zed that? If you're onboard, you already know.
Q: Who is in command?
A: Well, that very much depends on your definition of the word command. If you want to know who has the biggest stock of beer and cigars, well that would be the Chief.
Q: What do I need to be in the MDD?
A: A pulse.
Q: Who can join?
A: Oh, just about everybody short of Dawn Patrol.
Q: I'm a PKer. Can I kill all your members?
A: Well, if you can find us.
A: No. You can haz headshot.
Q: What is your political preference?
A: Here in the MDD, we believe in Shotgun. The political platform of Shotgun has proven time and again to be a real corruption cleaner.
Q: Do you hunt PKers?
A: No. We do not hunt PKers as this would be a waste of time. We hunt zombies instead. Although if you really went the extra mile to get in our way, we might just reserve a headshot for you.
Q: Alliances?
A: Of course.
Q: Do you have a training course?
A: Yes. It's located in Ridleybank. It's called "If you're still alive in 5 minutes, you can have a free beer".
Q: What happened to the old MDD?
A: It sucked.
Q: Are you special forces?
A: Depends on your definition of special forces. If by special forces you mean kicking zed ass and then heading off to the nearest pub for a lager, then yes.
Q: Do you provide medical services?
A: (A)If we're in your area and you are undead, we'll revive you.
- (B)If we're in your area and you are injured, we'll FAK you.
Q: How do I know if you guys are in my area?
A: If either of the above options (A) or (B) has occurred, then it is a safe bet that we are in your area or have already left.
Q: PKer/GKer/RKer Policy?
A: We do not support or help any 'Ker of any sorts. Don't be a 'Ker!
Q: How do the ranks work?
A: Ranks are tied into your UD character level and start date. After all, why would a level 1 survivor be higher ranked than a level 43? Makes no sense, right?
The Malton Department of Defense is always looking for new members to rebuild our numbers to pre-outbreak levels. Both veterans and new players are welcome provided they have no previous criminal records. Prospective applicants should review our recruitment information then visit the MDD Forums.
The MDD aims to work with all pro-survivor groups in Malton. Some of the organizations supported by the MDD include the following (in particularly no particular order):
Not listed? Either you're inactive, not on the stats page, or we've never heard of you. But don't worry. If you're friendly, we'll help you out.
The MDD supports the use of proper grammar and spelling on the Wiki.
Malton Wide
This group operates on the whole area of Malton!
DEM Ally
The MDD is an ally of the DEM
Malton Department of Defense
This User or Group is affiliated with the Malton Department of Defense. They fully support the destruction of all zombie unlife in Malton.
The Shortened URL for this page is http://tinyurl.com/ynpbof.