Shuttlebank/News Archive

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All news older than one month should be moved from the Shuttlebank page to here.



September 3rd

The Ridleybank Resistance Front's Gore Corps has entered the suburb, laying waste to the resources in the south and killing anyone who they find inside. Danger level downgraded accordingly. --LordMoloch (talk) 22:48, 3 September 2019 (UTC)


May 22, 2015

The Great Picnic of 2015 just ended. Here is a recap of all events!

Great Picnic of 2015 You are at Look Road. Also here are ZedReviver (60HP), Milton Normandy (60HP), Jebediah Gibbs Jr (60HP), Sari Tanamal (60HP), Zeds Dead Baby (60HP), Aeron Funke (60HP), csot2 (60HP) and MedEvac (60HP).

Somebody has spraypainted VIPS welcomes you to the Great Picnic of 2015! onto a wall.

There are two zombies here.

There is a dead body here. It smells strange.

Sari Tanamal said "More picnickers! Hurrah!" (1 hour and 23 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Oh man. It's been too long." (34 minutes ago) Hamste said "Wow this a lot of people just waiting for a zombie to kill them" (23 minutes ago) MedEvac said "Sari do you want to start the log for picnic 2015 or me to keep track for the wiki?" (18 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "I'm way too disorganized to keep log, so you can do it. Also, anyone have a spray can? We should put graffiti up." (5 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Yay! Picnic graffiti! I brought sandwiches of questionable quality and origin. Tuck in!" (5 minutes ago) ZedReviver said "*eats mystery sandwich* yummy, my insides are burning. I have a bunch of syringes! Yay?" (1 hour and 41 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Ahhh....nice weather for a picnic!" (1 hour and 40 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Aeron, I didn't realise it was supposed to be a nudist picnic" (1 hour and 38 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Mmm....mystery dip and Crumble Exotique..." (1 hour and 33 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Mmmm......who would've thought badger tasted like chicken?" (1 hour and 32 minutes ago) The lights came on inside Bu Crescent Railway Station. (1 hour and 15 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "Woooo, picnic!" (51 seconds ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "Also who's the dead guy over there?" (36 seconds ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "Nevermind, I still wanna eat." (25 seconds ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "Cheers!" (18 seconds ago) DCI John Luther said "Cool picnic guys, can I join?" (1 hour and 41 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Certainly! Use caution when consuming mystery dip, though. It's a mystery for a reason, ya know." (46 minutes ago) A zombie said "Graaaagh!" (10 minutes ago) MedEvac said "Come Zombie! Join us for the picnicking!" (11 minutes ago) MedEvac injected a zombie with a syringe and it slumped to the floor. (11 minutes ago) DCI John Luther said "Well I do love myself a mystery" (7 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "Oh my, wounded! TIKHON MEDICAL LEET SKILLS GO." (6 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "All good." (6 minutes ago) DCI John Luther said "Well I do love myself a mystery" (7 hours and 16 minutes ago) DCI John Luther said "What a great fookin picnic this is. Anyone want a rat sandwich? Extra grit." (7 hours and 15 minutes ago) DCI John Luther said "How long does this go on for anyway?" (4 hours and 37 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "It's always arbitrary. Or we all die. Either one." (1 hour and 58 minutes ago) A zombie raised its arms to the sky. (55 minutes ago) A zombie gestured down at the ground. (55 minutes ago) A zombie raised its arms to the sky. (55 minutes ago) ...and again. (54 minutes ago) A zombie gestured down at the ground. (54 minutes ago) ...and again. A zombie gestured at itself. (54 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at the survivors. (54 minutes ago) A zombie raised its arms to the sky. (54 minutes ago) A zombie gestured down at the ground. (54 minutes ago) A zombie raised its arms to the sky. (54 minutes ago) A zombie gestured down at the ground. (54 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Bravo! Wonderful dance routine." (39 minutes ago) DCI John Luther said "That was kind of sexy" (31 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Nice dance, Silas Greenback, here's a FAK. Don't eat it all at once." (4 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Oh man. A docile zombie! It's been too long." (36 minutes ago) Aeron Funke slapped you with a newspaper. (36 minutes ago) number240 stood up. (2 hours and 10 minutes ago) There are two dead bodies here. They smell strange. Since your last turn:

DCI John Luther said "Welcome number240 to the party!" (6 hours and 30 minutes ago) A zombie said "BANANA!" (2 hours and 42 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at itself. (2 hours and 42 minutes ago) A zombie said "Harm bang-bang man!" (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) A zombie gestured to Look Road. (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at Jebediah Gibbs Jr. (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at Zeds Dead Baby. (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at Aeron Funke. (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at Afghan Detainee. (2 hours and 39 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at you. (2 hours and 39 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at Totalkiller. (2 hours and 39 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at JohnKimball. (2 hours and 39 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at Sari Tanamal. (2 hours and 39 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at DCI John Luther. (2 hours and 39 minutes ago) A zombie said "BANANA GANG BANG" (2 hours and 39 minutes ago) A zombie said "Hag?" (2 hours and 38 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "*what* are you doing? Fine, I'll give you a hag." (2 hours and 21 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "LOLJK STAB STAB STAB" (2 hours and 21 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal revivified a zombie. (2 hours and 21 minutes ago) DCI John Luther said "I'm up for banana gang bang" (1 hour and 45 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Please take your banana gangbangs to the seedy back alley between the railway station and the factory. This is a G-rated picnic, obviously." (1 hour and 7 minutes ago) DCI John Luther said "Oh come on. It's just some banana fun. I mean with all the stuff you see everyday in Malton a banana gangbang is pretty tame by comparison." (47 minutes ago) The lights came on inside the Marfell Building. (9 hours and 6 minutes ago) csot2 stood up. (4 hours and 32 minutes ago) csot2 said "Seems those questionable sandwiches Sari brought literally killed me" (4 hours and 30 minutes ago) csot2 said "Could someone pass me another?" (4 hours and 30 minutes ago) csot2 slapped you with a newspaper. (4 hours and 29 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Death is part of the question! Anything is possible! So mysterious~" (3 hours and 38 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Hey! What's that over there? Look!" (2 hours and 44 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby slapped you with a newspaper. (2 hours and 43 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Hah hah, made you look!" (2 hours and 43 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Hey zombie, drinks are on that table, Mystery Dip, crudités, and that curious meat we found in the cold room at Fabian General is over that table there. Knock yourself out." (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Cheers!" (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) A flare was fired 4 blocks to the east and 8 blocks to the north. (1 hour and 50 minutes ago) Godred killed a zombie with a pistol. (17 hours and 10 minutes ago) Godred said "Street party?" (17 hours and 9 minutes ago) Godred said "Oh, I see. A picnic! *helps himself to a scotch egg*" (17 hours and 7 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Nooooooo, Silas! You killed Silas. He was a lovely dancer. :( :( :(" (exactly 17 hours ago) A flare was fired 5 blocks to the west and 9 blocks to the north. (12 hours and 48 minutes ago) ...and again. (12 hours and 47 minutes ago) KrymsonKyng stood up. (exactly 10 hours ago) KrymsonKyng said "Phew. That's better." (9 hours and 59 minutes ago) KrymsonKyng said "Why's everybody all gathered here, anyhow?" (9 hours and 59 minutes ago) KrymsonKyng said "I suppose the graffiti explains it." (9 hours and 3 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "It's a local tradition, better than doing dance numbers inside a EHB building anyway." (3 hours and 54 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "I just had to go refuel the generator in Fabian. Refuel. The generator. WHAT IS HAPPENING" (3 hours and 21 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "This fuel doesn't last so long, I'm SURE I refueled it only the other day" (3 hours and 13 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "I bet the fuel has people in it, just like the mystery dip." (2 hours and 56 minutes ago) Godred said "You have zombie dancers at your picnic? Anyone I had best be off. Drop in to Nation Library some time. (42-9) We are always glad to see visitors." (2 hours and 27 minutes ago) The lights came on inside Besly Avenue Police Dept. (53 minutes ago) csot2 said "Refueled Besly...TT give up I wonder?" (50 minutes ago) MedEvac said "I did write a demorizing message at the necrotech building :) maybe he did" (13 seconds ago) ZedReviver stood up. (8 hours and 34 minutes ago) ZedReviver said "Thank you Medevac! Ai Zombie killed me outright at Fabian general hospital. Beware of him." (8 hours and 32 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (7 hours and 51 minutes ago) You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. (7 hours and 50 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "I think to talk saw our picnicing and was demoralized." (7 hours and 47 minutes ago) DCI John Luther said "I'm going to wander. Will be back for the banana gangbang" (7 hours and 45 minutes ago) ...and again. Aeron Funke said "Hey, Silas. We're cool with zombies chilling out here, but you got to hold it down on the biting." (6 hours and 17 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "We have mostly unmoldy cheesy poofs for heaven's sakes." (6 hours and 16 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "To be fair, that mean guy did kill Silas. I'd get bitey too." (6 hours and 15 minutes ago) csot2 said "Indeed. I gave him quite the slapping for it!" (5 hours and 54 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Ah! In that case. Mah harmanz nah harm zambahz. Harmanz anh Zambahz brazzaz." (4 hours and 36 minutes ago) The lights went out in Fabian General Hospital. (9 hours and 10 minutes ago) Milton Normandy said "Hello, Silas. I brought you a corpse I found on the way over here." (8 hours and 51 minutes ago) The lights came on inside Fabian General Hospital. (4 hours and 43 minutes ago) A flare was fired 7 blocks to the east and 3 blocks to the south. (4 hours and 17 minutes ago) EowynStark killed a zombie with a pistol. (12 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "I got ya'." (5 hours and 24 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Wherever you might be." (5 hours and 24 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (exactly 7 hours ago) Sari Tanamal said "Yay! Silas is back!" (4 hours and 33 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Neat! I'm sure we could make a brain-based slushie for Silas out of all the bits down in the basement" (4 hours and 2 minutes ago) The lights came on inside the Darknell Museum. (exactly 4 hours ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "That's some splendid togs you're wearing there, Milton Normandy." (3 hours and 56 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Let's see if we can find you gentlemans' walking cane, or maybe a shooting stick." (3 hours and 53 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "Hey zombie." (21 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "I *would* revive you, but you seem to have a bad brain, sorry." (20 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "Have some poofs." (19 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Silas' brain is pretty excellent if you ask me." (12 hours and 4 minutes ago) csot2 said "Let us know if you want a revive Silas, Marfell is always open for business" (7 hours and 54 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Silas' brain is pretty excellent if you ask me." (22 hours and 20 minutes ago) csot2 said "Let us know if you want a revive Silas, Marfell is always open for business" (18 hours and 10 minutes ago) Milton Normandy said "Thank you, Zeds. I would enjoy a walking cane, but unfortunately my last one was broken upon a zombie back." (8 hours and 42 minutes ago) You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. (8 hours and 40 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (8 hours and 39 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (8 hours and 39 minutes ago) You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. (8 hours and 38 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal healed you for 10 HP. (6 hours and 23 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Oh no! A mass infect! Whatever shall we do? The nearest hospital is SO FAR AWAY! O_O" (6 hours and 22 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the Zombot Queen." (4 hours and 28 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Ow! Ai Zombie, the etiquette at picnics is that you nibble at the food on the buffet table, NOT on the other guests." (3 hours and 21 minutes ago) MedEvac revivified a zombie. (1 minute ago) MedEvac said "I revived the zombie. It was *ai zombie* should take him a while to find ammo before he tries to murder someone" (42 seconds ago) ...and again. (26 seconds ago) EowynStark killed a zombie with a pistol. (23 hours and 31 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (exactly 12 hours ago) Milton Normandy said "Where is the entry point?" (11 hours and 54 minutes ago) csot2 said "*gestures east*" (10 hours and 4 minutes ago) csot2 said "Slaps all around!" (10 hours and 4 minutes ago) csot2 slapped you with a newspaper. (10 hours and 3 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Eep!" (6 hours and 4 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "IT IS ON" (6 hours and 3 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "ATATATATATATATATATAT-" (3 hours and 18 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "..." (3 hours and 17 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "Okay, forget that. I forgot UD's rolls are botched." (3 hours and 17 minutes ago) A zombie said "Hrman" (7 hours and 28 minutes ago) csot2 said "Well hello there slmoshi. Welcome to our picnic!" (3 hours and 6 minutes ago) A flare was fired 1 block to the east and 10 blocks to the south. (1 hour and 35 minutes ago) MedEvac said "Harmanzz brainzz" (9 hours and 12 minutes ago) A zombie said "Nrrh rh brh hrman" (5 hours and 4 minutes ago) A zombie said "Rn mrh Hman" (5 hours and 2 minutes ago) A zombie said "Rrrrraghzbnm" (5 hours and 2 minutes ago) A zombie said "Brh hrman" (3 hours and 59 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "My, so messy!" (3 hours and 57 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Hey slmoshi, if you fancy a change of diet from harman, we have some nice picnic nibbles at the buffet." (54 minutes ago) MedEvac said "Wow he clawed a chunk out of me! This picnic is getting a little unnerving" (26 seconds ago) Sari Tanamal said "Let's be honest here: were you really using that chunk of you? You won't miss it!" (9 hours and 57 minutes ago) A zombie said "Hrman" (9 hours and 39 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at a random zombie. (1 hour and 11 minutes ago) A flare was fired 5 blocks to the west and 11 blocks to the north. (21 hours and 25 minutes ago) ...and again. A zombie said "Mrh?" (21 hours and 16 minutes ago) A zombie said "Graaaagh!" (21 hours and 16 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at itself. (21 hours and 11 minutes ago) ...and again. (21 hours and 9 minutes ago) MedEvac said "3 zombies! Now it's a party woohoo!" (exactly 14 hours ago) The lights went out in Fabian General Hospital. (2 hours and 16 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "A mrh, you say? Well, okay." (44 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal injected a zombie with a syringe and it slumped to the floor. (44 minutes ago) The lights came on inside Fabian General Hospital. (43 minutes ago) MedEvac said "Speak of the devil" (4 minutes ago) A zombie killed SkullDoctor. (6 hours and 18 minutes ago) You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. (6 hours and 18 minutes ago) Ai Zombie stood up. (5 hours and 37 minutes ago) A flare was fired in this block. (5 hours and 36 minutes ago) Ai Zombie shot you with a shotgun for 8 damage. (5 hours and 36 minutes ago) ...and again. Ai Zombie shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (5 hours and 36 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. Ai Zombie stabbed you with a knife for 2 damage. (5 hours and 35 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. Ai Zombie smashed a beer bottle over your head for 3 damage. (5 hours and 35 minutes ago) You were killed by Ai Zombie. (5 hours and 35 minutes ago) Ai Zombie said "I guess MedEvac can't hold hs liquor ;)" (5 hours and 41 minutes ago) MedEvac rose from the dead as a zombie. (5 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at the survivors. (5 minutes ago) A zombie said "Rrrrh mrh" (4 minutes ago) ZedReviver revivified a zombie. (3 minutes ago) MedEvac stood up. (1 minute ago) MedEvac said "How rude! Someone killed me with my own beer I was drinking!" (24 seconds ago) Sari Tanamal said "Must be tough without a generator to kill, amirite, to talk?" (59 minutes ago) The lights went out in Fabian General Hospital. (44 minutes ago) The lights went out in Besly Avenue Police Dept. (41 minutes ago) to talk said "I like it. The hard part is being alive. I wish someone would murder me. I DEMAND TO BE KILLED ON THIS SPOT!!" (39 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal smashed to talk to the ground with a toolbox. (9 hours and 26 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Okay." (9 hours and 26 minutes ago) to talk rose from the dead as a zombie. (8 hours and 54 minutes ago) A zombie said "Haha Harman!" (8 hours and 54 minutes ago) You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. (7 hours and 51 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (7 hours and 50 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (7 hours and 50 minutes ago) Hatch Yi healed you for 5 HP. (7 hours and 46 minutes ago) Hatch Yi said "have fun with your picnick! :D" (7 hours and 45 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (4 hours and 10 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (4 hours and 10 minutes ago) SkullDoctor rose from the dead as a zombie. (3 hours and 28 minutes ago) A zombie said "Mrh?" (3 hours and 28 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "That's totalk right there." (3 hours and 1 minute ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "PLEASE DO NOT POKE THIS GUY." (3 hours and 1 minute ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "I'm talking about revivifications, get your mind off the gutter." (exactly 3 hours ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "Just why do you spoil this picnic, dick?" (2 hours and 57 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "brb 5 minutes I need more poofs, I'll be back" (2 hours and 55 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "*cough* uh i should have shot *wheeze*" (2 hours and 55 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "if I die find me a girlfriend and tell her i love(d) herrr" (2 hours and 53 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "*collapses*" (2 hours and 53 minutes ago) Afghan Detainee healed you for 10 HP. (2 hours and 17 minutes ago) Afghan Detainee killed a zombie with a shotgun. (2 hours and 16 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "thanks for the finisher, lad!" (2 hours and 14 minutes ago) A zombie said "Mrh?" (1 hour and 45 minutes ago) Aeron Funke revivified a zombie. (1 hour and 8 minutes ago) A zombie killed Totalkiller. (54 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (42 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "FUCK." (18 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "just go away dude." (18 minutes ago) MedEvac said "Holy balls of cheesy poofs what happened tonight? Everyone needs to mellow out and enjoy the picnic. We will not tolerate the eating of picnickers. If this continues we will have to order a kill zombies on sight decree. Now relax and be at peace" (12 hours and 51 minutes ago) JohnKimball said "ya is that what you want zombie idiots, I hope you have enough room for my fist because I'm going to ram it into your stomach and break your god damn spine!!!! Don't take my picnic away, you won't like it when I'm angry." (12 hours and 46 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Chill out guys." (7 hours and 42 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Silas is super chill and well to talk is to talk. So there are only two zombies and one self-important interloper." (7 hours and 41 minutes ago) The lights came on inside Fabian General Hospital. (7 hours and 40 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Everyone needs to just chill hell out and enjoy some yummy mostly unstale cheesy poofs." (7 hours and 39 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (6 hours and 51 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (6 hours and 51 minutes ago) SkullDoctor stood up. (6 hours and 50 minutes ago) SkullDoctor healed you for 5 HP. (6 hours and 50 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Mostly unstale? But the preservatives guarantee freshness for ten years! Wait. It's been almost ten years. Fack." (6 hours and 6 minutes ago) A flare was fired 5 blocks to the east and 11 blocks to the south. (5 hours and 52 minutes ago) csot2 said "Oh look more guests!" (3 hours and 32 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at itself. (8 hours and 6 minutes ago) A zombie raised its arms to the sky. (8 hours and 6 minutes ago) A zombie gestured down at the ground. (8 hours and 6 minutes ago) A zombie raised its arms to the sky. (8 hours and 6 minutes ago) A zombie gestured down at the ground. (8 hours and 5 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at the survivors. (8 hours and 5 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at a random zombie. (8 hours and 5 minutes ago) A zombie raised its arms to the sky. (8 hours and 5 minutes ago) A zombie gestured down at the ground. (8 hours and 5 minutes ago) A zombie gestured to the north. (8 hours and 5 minutes ago) A zombie gestured to the east. (8 hours and 5 minutes ago) A zombie gestured to the south. (8 hours and 5 minutes ago) A zombie gestured to the west. (8 hours and 5 minutes ago) A zombie raised its arms to the sky. (8 hours and 4 minutes ago) A zombie gestured down at the ground. (8 hours and 4 minutes ago) You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. (8 hours and 4 minutes ago) csot2 injected a zombie with a syringe and it slumped to the floor. (6 hours and 58 minutes ago) Aeron Funke slapped you with a newspaper. (6 hours and 14 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "*wakes up from AP-use induced coma*" (3 hours and 33 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "I thought poofs were free of preservatives? Everything makes so much sense now..." (3 hours and 30 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Don't you know we're right next to a NecroTech building? It's how they got started, you know. In the food preservative business. You can find their handiwork in instant mie goreng, even! Mmm." (2 hours and 40 minutes ago) Jebediah Gibbs Jr said "That's downright enlightening." (2 hours and 21 minutes ago) JohnKimball said "You're pitiful bites don't affect me totalk. Who is your daddy, and what does he do?" (15 hours and 59 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Also, is he rich like me?" (15 hours and 53 minutes ago) ...and again. (15 hours and 30 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Speaking of Mie goreng I really need to try some Indonesian food sometime." (15 hours and 29 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (13 hours and 36 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (13 hours and 36 minutes ago) You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. (13 hours and 35 minutes ago) ...and again. Aeron Funke healed you for 10 HP. (12 hours and 58 minutes ago) Afghan Detainee killed a zombie with a pistol. (12 hours and 51 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Hey guys. Look out for Cool Running 2 1 bock east. He's part of that death cultist group zombot queen." (7 hours and 30 minutes ago) Mere Nick stood up. (3 hours and 10 minutes ago) MedEvac said "Hmm not sure what those 2 zombies are doing over at Bu" (17 seconds ago) MedEvac said "Hmm not sure what those 2 zombies are doing over at Bu" (17 minutes ago) JohnKimball said "We have too many good survivors here for them to have any impact on us. I've seen their lame graffiti about some demon rising. They will tire and move on" (13 minutes ago) Hatch Yi healed you for 5 HP. (5 hours and 21 minutes ago) csot2 killed a zombie with a well-aimed punch. (4 hours and 18 minutes ago) csot2 said "You don't have him added to your contacts after all his shenanigans?" (4 hours and 17 minutes ago) csot2 said "He's bright red on mine." (4 hours and 17 minutes ago) csot2 said "That P.O.S. is K.O.S." (yesterday) 28.63 MHz: "Hello" (yesterday) theFlamingSamurai said "hi guys" (23 hours and 39 minutes ago) A flare was fired 6 blocks to the east and 3 blocks to the north. (21 hours and 28 minutes ago) ...and again. A zombie stood up. (17 hours and 22 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at MedEvac. (17 hours and 22 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Hi gang, I was just out getting supplies." (16 hours and 20 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "More Mystery Dip all round!" (16 hours and 20 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "I see To Talk laying dead on the ground; has it been giving you trouble?" (16 hours and 20 minutes ago) A flare was fired in this block. (16 hours and 19 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Wheeeeeeee" (16 hours and 19 minutes ago) A flare was fired 2 blocks to the west and 1 block to the north. (16 hours and 17 minutes ago) MedEvac said "I'm so sorry Silas.. Here have some cheesy brains on me.. :)" (12 hours and 55 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "What's the longest uninterrupted picnic we've had?" (9 hours and 19 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (5 hours and 43 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (5 hours and 43 minutes ago) The lights came on inside Bu Crescent Railway Station. (5 hours and 14 minutes ago) DCI John Luther healed you for 5 HP. (2 hours and 51 minutes ago) DCI John Luther said "Take care of yourselves guys. Have a great picnic and I may be back soon." (2 hours and 41 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (1 hour and 6 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (1 hour and 6 minutes ago) ZedReviver healed you for 10 HP. (3 minutes ago) Spraycan Joe said "Well, this looks like a good excuse to drink the 8 beers I've been carrying around for the last few weeks." (2 hours and 44 minutes ago) MedEvac said "Welcome Joe! Just be wary of some of the zombies. They are getting a little bitey lately. We'll get ya healed up since the hospital is 1 south , enter at Bu Railway. As long as you don't smash any of the bottles on my head the more beer the better!" (1 hour and 5 minutes ago) ...and again. (30 seconds ago) ...and again. (22 seconds ago) Sari Tanamal said "Very nice DNA, Silas! 10/10. Would extract again." (5 hours and 50 minutes ago) to talk stood up. (5 hours and 38 minutes ago) The lights went out in Fabian General Hospital. (5 hours and 37 minutes ago) The lights went out in Besly Avenue Police Dept. (5 hours and 37 minutes ago) Yuri Koskov killed a zombie with a pistol. (4 hours and 40 minutes ago) Spraycan Joe said "Well I've got some AP to burn, I'll just pop over and grab some FAKs myself." (3 hours and 47 minutes ago) The lights came on inside Fabian General Hospital. (3 hours and 46 minutes ago) Spraycan Joe said "Almost forgot, I had a generator too, so the Hospital is all lit up. Get 'em while they're hot." (3 hours and 45 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "I just killed totalk in Brooke." (1 hour and 53 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (27 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (27 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (27 minutes ago) MedEvac said "Medevac to the rescue!" (3 minutes ago) MedEvac healed you for 10 HP. (3 minutes ago) You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. (8 hours and 58 minutes ago) JohnKimball killed a zombie with a pistol. (8 hours and 55 minutes ago) ...and another. (8 hours and 54 minutes ago) ...and another. (8 hours and 54 minutes ago) MedEvac killed a zombie with a pistol. (8 hours and 52 minutes ago) MedEvac said "I think my friend and I killed everyone zombie except totalk :(" (8 hours and 51 minutes ago) Yuri Koskov revivified a zombie. (7 hours and 44 minutes ago) ...and again. (7 hours and 43 minutes ago) csot2 slapped you with a newspaper. (3 hours and 20 minutes ago) csot2 said "So a buddy of mine drink a bunch of food colouring" (3 hours and 16 minutes ago) csot2 said "He dyed a little inside" (3 hours and 16 minutes ago) csot2 said "*rimshot*" (3 hours and 15 minutes ago) csot2 said "Thank you, thank you I'll be here all week" (3 hours and 15 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (2 hours and 52 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (2 hours and 52 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (2 hours and 52 minutes ago) A zombie killed SkullDoctor. (2 hours and 24 minutes ago) Hatch Yi healed you for 5 HP. (8 hours and 25 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. (8 hours and 24 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (7 hours and 37 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (7 hours and 37 minutes ago) A flare was fired 2 blocks to the east and 9 blocks to the south. (6 hours and 17 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (5 hours and 30 minutes ago) A zombie killed JohnKimball. (5 hours and 30 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Ai Zombie, Invisible Potato AND To Talk" (2 hours and 55 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "A trifecta!" (2 hours and 55 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby said "Looks like it's getting a bit chewy here" (2 hours and 55 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby healed you for 10 HP. (2 hours and 54 minutes ago) Ikuma stood up. (1 hour and 31 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (1 hour and 21 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (1 hour and 21 minutes ago) JohnKimball rose from the dead as a zombie. (34 minutes ago) Afghan Detainee healed you for 10 HP. (23 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at a random zombie. (1 hour and 30 minutes ago) A zombie gestured down at the ground. (1 hour and 30 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. A zombie said "Banana! Banana bang! Banana gang bang!" (1 hour and 24 minutes ago) A zombie said "Rrrrh mrh? Rrrrh m banana! Bang mrh!" (1 hour and 24 minutes ago) SkullDoctor rose from the dead as a zombie. (59 minutes ago) A zombie said "Mrh?" (59 minutes ago) ZedReviver injected a zombie with a syringe and it slumped to the floor. (3 minutes ago)...and again. MedEvac said "Banana gang bangs are so overrated..." (33 seconds ago) JohnKimball stood up. (1 hour and 5 minutes ago) JohnKimball said "Banana! Banana *cough* oh.. Ahem... Looks like I'm human again. Why is it when you're a zombie you just feel like having a banana gang bang?" (1 hour and 3 minutes ago) MedEvac said "And you thought I deserved *awkward silence* before?" (1 hour and 2 minutes ago) to talk stood up. (38 minutes ago) The lights went out in Fabian General Hospital. (37 minutes ago) The lights came on inside Fabian General Hospital. (23 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "My, what an eventful picnic." (23 minutes ago) JohnKimball said "Just killed totalk in club brookeman" (8 hours and 3 minutes ago) EowynStark killed a zombie with a pistol. (7 hours and 36 minutes ago) Aeron Funke said "Good news, everyone! To talk's corpse is laying on the ground outside of Brooke." (7 hours and 18 minutes ago) Yuri Koskov said "What did to talk do?" (7 hours and 1 minute ago) SkullDoctor stood up. (5 hours and 36 minutes ago) SkullDoctor said "halp im infectinrbrh.....braaainsz" (5 hours and 35 minutes ago) csot2 said "That's some impressive exp you have there Potato!" (3 hours and 4 minutes ago) csot2 said "Highest I've seen before you was around 90k" (3 hours and 4 minutes ago) csot2 said "And who keeps killing poor Silas? :(" (3 hours and 3 minutes ago) MedEvac said "Totalk destroys generators. He is the most wanted man in Shuttlebank. Kill on sight. He also touches himself at night." (21 seconds ago) A flare was fired in this block. (11 hours and 5 minutes ago) A flare was fired 12 blocks to the east and 2 blocks to the south. (10 hours and 55 minutes ago) A zombie killed ZedReviver. (4 hours and 36 minutes ago) ZedReviver rose from the dead as a zombie. (4 hours and 30 minutes ago) A zombie said "Mrh?" (4 hours and 30 minutes ago) A zombie said "BANANA!! HAHA HARMANZ! HAHA! GANG BANG!" (4 hours and 27 minutes ago) Zeds Dead Baby injected a zombie with a syringe and it slumped to the floor. (4 hours and 16 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal smashed a zombie to the ground with a toolbox. (3 hours and 54 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal said "Please do not bite the Sari. Thank you." (3 hours and 53 minutes ago) Ai Zombie stood up. (3 hours and 17 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (22 minutes ago) A zombie killed JohnKimball. (21 minutes ago) A zombie said "Barghaz" (20 minutes ago) JohnKimball rose from the dead as a zombie. (8 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at Sari Tanamal. (7 minutes ago) A zombie said "HARMAN! Hrh MA! Hrh MA HARMAN!" (6 minutes ago) ZedReviver stood up. (6 minutes ago) ZedReviver injected a zombie with a syringe and it slumped to the floor. (5 minutes ago) JohnKimball stood up. (5 minutes ago) ZedReviver healed you for 10 HP. (2 hours and 44 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (2 hours and 1 minute ago) A zombie killed Aeron Funke. (2 hours and 1 minute ago) Yuri Koskov healed you for 10 HP. (1 hour and 49 minutes ago) ...and again. A zombie bit Totalkiller to death. (4 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (4 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (4 minutes ago) You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. (4 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. (3 minutes ago) ...and again. (3 minutes ago) Totalkiller rose from the dead as a zombie. (53 seconds ago) ZedReviver revivified a zombie. (14 seconds ago) 28.63 MHz: "We have an emergency situation at North. Repeat, emergency." (3 minutes ago) 28.63 MHz: "SEND MORE CHEESY POOFS! We're out. Thank you." (3 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal slapped you with a newspaper. (2 minutes ago) MedEvac said "I'm here sari" (2 minutes ago) MedEvac killed a zombie with a pistol. (59 seconds ago) MedEvac said "Damn that wasn't totalk" (24 seconds ago) Sari Tanamal said "You two are active at the same time ALL THE TIME. I'm imagining two bros playing Urban Dead together, but that would probably trip the zerg countermeasures." (7 hours and 49 minutes ago) Aeron Funke rose from the dead as a zombie. (6 hours and 10 minutes ago) A zombie gestured down at the ground. (6 hours and 9 minutes ago) A zombie killed a zombie. (6 hours and 9 minutes ago) csot2 revivified a zombie. (2 hours and 29 minutes ago) csot2 killed a zombie with a pistol. (2 hours and 28 minutes ago) Genracy killed Yuri Koskov with a pistol. (45 minutes ago) Totalkiller stood up. (5 minutes ago) MedEvac healed you for 10 HP. (10 hours and 7 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. Aeron Funke stood up. (9 hours and 24 minutes ago) Yuri Koskov rose from the dead as a zombie. (8 hours and 50 minutes ago) A zombie said "Hrmm?" (8 hours and 49 minutes ago) Sari Tanamal injected a zombie with a syringe and it slumped to the floor. (7 hours and 45 minutes ago) JohnKimball said "Zerg! Never ever would I plus the counter measures would prevent killing multiple zombies in a row in the same location." (7 hours and 33 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (2 hours and 54 minutes ago) The zombie lost its grip. (2 hours and 54 minutes ago) A zombie bit into you for 4 damage. (2 hours and 54 minutes ago) The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a first aid kit.) (2 hours and 54 minutes ago) You heard a loud and low groaning from somewhere nearby. (2 hours and 53 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (2 hours and 7 minutes ago) A zombie killed ZedReviver. (2 hours and 7 minutes ago) A zombie stood up. (1 hour and 45 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at MedEvac. (1 hour and 45 minutes ago) A zombie killed MedEvac. (1 hour and 36 minutes ago) You heard a low groaning from somewhere nearby. (1 hour and 36 minutes ago) A zombie gestured at Sari Tanamal. (1 hour and 36 minutes ago) MedEvac rose from the dead as a zombie. (4 minutes ago) ZedReviver rose from the dead as a zombie. (4 minutes ago) A zombie said "Gang bang!" (3 minutes ago) You heard a low groaning from somewhere nearby. (2 minutes ago) JohnKimball injected a zombie with a syringe and it slumped to the floor. (21 seconds ago) ...and again. (14 seconds ago) The Great Picnic has ended.

August 24th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Shuttlebank, it's looking empty ... several buildings with power ... infrastructure looks intact ... the Marfell Building has lights on ..." -- Jen T | SFHNAS | PK 12:26, 24 August 2014 (UTC)

August 13th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Shuttlebank, it's looking empty ... several buildings with power ... only a few buildings damaged ... the Marfell Building has lights on ..." -- Jen T | SFHNAS | PK 11:38, 13 August 2014 (UTC)

August 12th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Shuttlebank, it's looking empty ... a few buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ..." Generally that EMR description indicates it's one of the variants of a ghost town (2/3 unoccupied by survivors), but as it's more centrally located I don't want to make the call without an on-ground scout. -- Jen T | SFHNAS | PK 09:58, 13 August 2014 (UTC)



23rd October

received a message detailing how to confirm your activity. Please see this page for more information.



January 22nd

The Buckrell Building is once again powered, shockingly, and those living in nearby suburbs are invited to Shuttlebank to sample our fine wares and connect with family and friends via our operating phone mast. The undead, of course, are also always welcome to see if any food shows up at Look Road. Barbecue Barbecue 19:07, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

January 21st

The rotter revive clicnic at The Marfell Building continues, shockingly. Most local resource buildings are still active, excepting The Buckrell Building, home to the local phone mast. The picnic at Look Road appears to have ended, at least for now. Barbecue Barbecue 04:46, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

January 14th

The recently created rotter revive clinic at The Marfell Building still stands, and new patients are regularly arriving. The picnic at Look Road also continues, with a mariachi band scheduled to arrive this week. Barbecue Barbecue 16:03, 14 January 2012 (UTC)



December 23rd

And it has been decided by the people, both the shambling and the barely standing straight--The Marfell Building has been turned into a rotter revive clinc, at least for the present, with clients showing up by the single digits, sometimes with single digits. Barbecue Barbecue 22:58, 23 December 2011 (UTC)

December 22nd

Raging, or at least somewhat spoken, debate has been going on at Look Road among survivors and zombies as to whether The Marfell Building should be turned into a temporary, part-time, no benefits (to keep costs down, obviously) rotter revive clinic. The sentient creatures debating appear to be in favor of a 'yea' vote, but as with all such things, only time will tell. And sayings will never die. Barbecue Barbecue 01:02, 22 December 2011 (UTC)

December 15th

In a striking reversal of fortunes the likes of which have never been seen before by those who still have eyes and brains, a zombie broke into Fabian General Hospital and bit some of the folk who still have eyes and brains. Local zombies and survivors seem equally confused by this turn of events, leading some to declare this a local holiday, with suitable celebratory accoutrements to be determined by committee. Barbecue Barbecue 05:25, 15 December 2011 (UTC)

December 11th

And quick like a flash mob, the MOB appears to have left Shuttlebank, and The Buckrell Building is powered again. The living and undead continue to share their aspirations with each other at Look Road. Barbecue Barbecue 17:22, 11 December 2011 (UTC)

December 8th

And, once again, Shuttlebank finds itself rather suddenly graced by a visit from the Militant Order of Barhah. As a result, local barhah prices have fallen dramatically due to a glut in the market. Barbecue Barbecue 15:49, 8 December 2011 (UTC)

December 1st

Shuttlebank has nearly finished recovering from a picnic hangover the likes of which had yet to be felt by many a local casual drinker. With buildings back in order and zombie levels low, Shuttlebankers are beginning to peek from doorways once again, eager to rekindle the flame of the picnic's tiki torches. In loving memory of BBQ BBQ. --Doc Rotten 22:40, 1 December 2011 (UTC


October 28th

Look Road continues to serve as the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Slaughter and Resurrection. Zombie and survivor levels are as they have been for most of the month, though who knows what Halloween may bring? Some buildings occasionally lose power due to the absence of fuel, including most recently The Buckrell Building, which means no cell phone use, even when not in one of the wards of Fabian General Hospital. Barbecue Barbecue 08:04, 28 October 2011 (BST)

October 22nd

As usual, Shuttlebank is an ever-changing kaleidoscope of things that you would see in a kaleidoscope that may make you think of things you see outside of a kaleidoscope. In more concrete terms, the zombie population has risen slightly in recent weeks, though by and large things remain peaceful and buildings lit, with the exception of a few zombies getting bitey, a few PKers PKing, and a GK or two. Barbecue Barbecue 01:13, 22 October 2011 (BST)

October 12th

Shuttlebank is modestly lively, at least for those enjoying the sublime life or unlife out-of-doors, with even a much esteemed member of the RRF paying a visit. Zombies are still few and far between, but have enough of a presence, at least on occasion, to remind survivors as to the function of needles and FAKs. To quote one zombie: "Arrh, rrh rrh m harrh rh hrh rgh. Nrh rh rrh rrrrrh hrmanbrrgrrh. Nrm nrm nrm." Barbecue Barbecue 05:23, 12 October 2011 (BST)

October 7th

The Buckrell building was refueled only a few hours ago, much to the joy of survivors and despair of zombies.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Din182 (talkcontribs) 16:50, 7 October 2011.

October 6th

Revives, dancing, philosophical musings, shooting and biting and clawing--it's all happening here in Shuttlebank in this first week of October. Most buildings continue to be lit and caded, though there have been a few break-ins and deaths. Shuttlebank residents and visitors, be they zombie or survivor, generally seem to be in good spirits. Barbecue Barbecue 07:41, 6 October 2011 (BST)

October 2nd

Zombie levels are generally low, with one or two passing through and leaving clawmarks on a few survivors and buildings. A few resource buildings were briefly without power due to a fuel shortage, but this was rectified fairly quickly. The night air remains sweet. Barbecue Barbecue 08:45, 2 October 2011 (BST)


September 29th

Holly Cinema stands deserted now. Oh, the humanity (or lack thereof) ! Vincent Church 15:12, 29 September 2011 (BST)

September 28th

In a sudden reversal of fortune (a statement holding equally true for zombies and survivors alike), Holly Cinema is now home to a horde of twenty-some zombies. No word yet on their plans for the popcorn machine in the lobby. Barbecue Barbecue 09:13, 28 September 2011 (BST)

September 26th

Following some work performed by local survivors on Holly Cinema, it is distinctly possible that there is not a single building in all of Shuttlebank in disrepair. Look Road remains a hotspot of social activity, with faces new and old passing through, the living and the undead exchanging greetings and QR codes. Barbecue Barbecue 04:39, 26 September 2011 (BST)

September 22nd

The impromptu picnic at Look Road continues, with survivor citizens enjoying the fresh Shuttlebank air (and spam), as are others in adjacent blocks. A couple of zombies have passed through in recent days and sampled the local brains, but, as with a box of chocolates, didn't finish the ones they apparently didn't like. Barbecue Barbecue 08:41, 22 September 2011 (BST)

September 18th

as Barbecue Barbecue mentioned yesterday, there's a party going on outside...someone should tell these people they can enter vsb buildings TheSonOfSin 20:23, 18 September 2011 (BST)

September 17th

A fair number of citizens newly born in Malton appear to hanging around outdoors here in Shuttlebank, prompting one zombie passing through to offer each a friendly bite to welcome them to life in the big city. There also appears to be a picnic of sorts going on at the Look Road revive point, though the only sustenance that could be seen was vodka (and brains, of course, for that one zombie). Barbecue Barbecue 05:26, 17 September 2011 (BST)

September 13th

Shuttlebank citizens can be seen shaking their cell phones in despair, as The Buckrell Building lacks fuel, and important texts to family and friends can no longer be made, even by those with unlimited data plans. In other news, a zombie was spotted again. UPDATE: immediately after this report was posted, the lights came on in The Buckrell Building, meaning that the only real news now is that a zombie was spotted. Barbecue Barbecue 07:49, 13 September 2011 (BST)

September 9th

Always keeping up with the latest trends, Shuttlebank has gone green. Alas, all progress comes at a price, which in this case means an exceedingly lonely zombie standing outside The Marfell Building. In related news, some survivors, uncertain what to do with their time, appear to have engaged in a contest to see if they can light every building in Shuttlebank. Barbecue Barbecue 09:21, 9 September 2011 (BST)

September 3rd

Welcome to September! Shuttlebank's newest month begins more or less like the latter days of August, in that there are few zombies, few break-ins, and more survivors. The combination of these elements means Shuttlebank is once again an operational restaurant for those who eat brains (if they can get past the pipe blocking the door), and a tough environment for those who drink vodka, as supplies run short. Barbecue Barbecue 17:27, 3 September 2011 (BST)


August 30th

Survivors have finally begun returning to Shuttlebank in reasonably significant numbers, and most if not all key buildings are powered and staffed. Some break-ins continue to occur, but they almost appear to be social in nature. Barbecue Barbecue 01:28, 30 August 2011 (BST)

August 22nd

A handful of survivors are now visible in South Shuttlebank, with repairs to key resource buildings underway. Zombie presence remains equally low. Newspapers, however, remain plentiful. Barbecue Barbecue 05:12, 22 August 2011 (BST)

August 19th

Survivor presence in South Shuttlebank appears to remain largely nil, with most resource buildings still ruined and a number of zombies shambling in the streets. A revive queue of approximately a half a dozen remains at Look Road. Barbecue Barbecue 21:40, 19 August 2011 (BST)

August 16th

The majority of the resource buildings in South Shuttlebank have been ruined and little effort has been visible on the part of the remaining survivors to try to reclaim them. The once-green lawns are as covered in blood as the homey interiors of the buildings they surround. Barbecue Barbecue 10:12, 16 August 2011 (BST)

August 14th

And the peace of Shuttlebank has come to a crashing halt, like a banjo snapping in twain over the knee of a man-giant, with a zombie assault (including members of The Dead and the RRF) on Fabian General Hospital (also known as Tikhon North), resulting in over a half-dozen survivor casualties with more expected to come. One foolish member of the South Shuttlebank City Council attempted to converse with the zombies, but was promptly eaten. Barbecue Barbecue 07:12, 14 August 2011 (BST)

August 11th

Shuttlebank survivors are currently able to enjoy the fine Shuttlebank air with a fair degree of safety, as few zombies can be found with in the suburb's limits. For those who miss the company of said zombies, a small group of five can be found outside Holly Cinema, groaning at the ticket prices. Barbecue Barbecue 07:14, 11 August 2011 (BST)

August 5th

"... leaving Shuttlebank, counted maybe fifty outside ... a horde of thirty or so outside Holly Cinema ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ... the Marfell Building has lights on ..." --Lexicality 12:45, 5 August 2011 (BST)


July 29th

A couple of minor break-ins (or near break-ins) have facilitated some conversation between the few zombie residents of Shuttlebank and the somewhat larger handful of survivors. Weather remains consistently balmy indoors. Barbecue Barbecue 08:47, 29 July 2011 (BST)

July 24th

In addition to engaging in zombie cricket street races, some survivors of Shuttlebank have sought to pass the quiet times by rebuilding the suburb. Others, of a less constructive bent, have channeled their energies into attacking peaceful pieces of machinery that power things. There are rumors that a poetry reading may soon be scheduled for Hain Library, at which both zombies and survivors will be welcome. Barbecue Barbecue 08:59, 24 July 2011 (BST)

July 21st

Shuttlebank is so quiet you can hear the zombie crickets groan. Which has made them much easier to find for those citizens participating in Shuttlebank's infamous (and unsanctioned) zombie cricket street races. Barbecue Barbecue 05:33, 21 July 2011 (BST)

July 13th

That the painting in Fabian General Hospital still hangs is a sign that things remain relatively quiet--so much so that a recent scout of the South Shuttlebank area featured three survivors standing outside The Buckrell Building along with one zombie in seeming peace. Barbecue Barbecue 10:37, 13 July 2011 (BST)

July 9th

A quiet calm persists in Shuttlebank. A painting hangs in Fabian General Hospital, doing nothing. Barbecue Barbecue 05:32, 9 July 2011 (BST)

July 5th

Survivors have taken advantage of the relative lull in zombie activity to restore some key services to the South Shuttlebank area. Word is that similar efforts are underway in Shuttlebank's neighbor to the south, Eastonwood. In other news, any survivors or zombies missing teeth may wish to stop in at Club Brookeman, where a temporary lost and found has been set up following the last skirmish between survivors and zombies. Barbecue Barbecue 22:20, 5 July 2011 (BST)

July 3rd

Activity in South Shuttlebank appears to remain at a fairly low level, both in terms of survivor and zombie activity, with a handful of cycles of repairs and subsequent ransacks/ruinations. Barbecue Barbecue 03:50, 4 July 2011 (BST)


June 29th

Though a valiant battle was waged by survivors to reclaim some of South Shuttlebank, culminating in a final standoff at Fabian General Hospital, zombies once again overwhelmed the lesser forces of the survivors, leaving South Shuttlebank a wreck once more. Barbecue Barbecue 20:59, 29 June 2011 (BST)

June 27th

Following the recent lull, there appears to be a bit of activity in Shuttlebank once again, with some ten zombies camped in front of The Marfell Building holding what looks to be a revival (not to be confused with revivification). A few buildings have been repaired, suggesting that some local survivors are still in possession of mops, brooms, and rebar. Barbecue Barbecue 21:03, 27 June 2011 (BST)

June 25th

Zombie numbers may have declined a bit in South Shuttlebank over the last 24, though with few remaining survivors to perform repairs, the majority of the area remains largely in ruins. It has also been reported that the local porcupine population has seen a sudden, precipitous decline. Barbecue Barbecue 08:33, 25 June 2011 (BST)

June 24th

Still a fair number of zombies scattered across Shuttlebank, mostly one or two here and there, with the exception of resource points, where you find several more, some of whom appear to be relaxing in barcaloungers following their recent feast. A few, however, have been observed testing out alternative food sources, as brains (and the survivors that serve as their packaging) are increasingly hard to come by in Shuttlebank. Word to the wise to those who would experiment: avoid porcupines. Too gamey. Barbecue Barbecue 09:50, 24 June 2011 (BST)

June 22nd

The Dead, along with other miscellaneous zombies, have successfully snacked their way through most of South Shuttlebank, with a handful of ragtag survivors attempting to appease the zombies with vodka. No signs of success thus far, but then, it is cheap vodka. Barbecue Barbecue 23:31, 22 June 2011 (BST)

June 21st

"... Shuttlebank is still active, maybe fifty on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... the Godden Building is operational ..." Sukyanti 13:09, 21 June 2011 (BST)

June 6the

This place is a mess. Worse than Quarlesbank. It MIGHT have been moderately dangerous but it's definitely not that way anymore.


May 20th

"... leaving Shuttlebank, counted maybe seventy outside ... mostly just small groups ... can't see any signs of life ... it's a wasteland down there ... the Marfell Building is out of action ..." Sukyanti 11:18, 20 May 2011 (BST)

May 19th

Survivors' attempt to put the suburb back up sadly and bloodily ended when zombies struck back, destroying the Marfell Building, Fabian General Hospital, Besly Avenue Police Department, and other previously repaired buildings. -- Kittithaj 09:04, 19 May 2011 (BST)

May 7th

"... leaving Shuttlebank, counted about forty outside ... mostly just small groups ... can't see any signs of life ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Marfell Building is out of action ..." Sukyanti 20:18, 7 May 2011 (BST)

The report sounded Very Dangerous. And the recent scouting across the suburb confirmed it. -- Kittithaj 19:18, 10 May 2011 (BST)


April 22nd

The Dead are here. Suburb is falling fast --Passongo 9:11, 22 April 2011 (EST)


Janurary 24th

The Great Suburb Group Massacre has commenced. Check your group's talk page to confirm in which suburbs you are active.--~Vsig.png 06:07, 24 January 2011 (UTC)

January 16th

I had this weird dream last night where my dog kept biting me and scratching me. I haven't seen my dog since the outbreak, so it was sort of a happy dream, even though I wished she'd stop biting me. Then, when I woke up, I realized what had happened: zombies had killed me in my sleep, and I was now dead. Well, there goes my theory about the hoard not wasting time rooting the survivors out. This group is being incredibly thorough. Of the resource buildings, only Fabian General Hospital appears to not be in ruins, and it's wide open and headed that way. A handful of non-resource buildings in the north east corner remain heavily barricaded, but that's all. Time to find another place to call home. Roberto Tomba 10:22, 16 January 2011 (EST)

January 15th

Holy crap, what a mess. Taking a walk around, I can't find a single resource building that's not in ruins. The zombie population is relatively low because the main force has already done its damage and move on. The few zeds I can see occupy the aforementioned resource buildings. Survivors actually do have a reason to come here, since some buildings to remain at a high barricade level, and I can't imagine the hoard wasting time rooting them all out. Otherwise, this is a lost suburb. Roberto Tomba 13:59, 15 January 2011 (EST)



October 24th

Coordinated zombie attacks against several resource buildings during that past day. Marfell NT and Fabian Hospital have fallen. Members of Militant Order of Barhah and Ridleybank Resistance Front spotted amongst the hordes, presumably on their way from Yagoton to Eastonwood as announced on MOB locator page. Standing zombies number over 100 in and around Marfell and Fabian. Wild Walk, Besly Avenue, and Merchant Crescent PD have been overrun. Survivors in surrounding safe houses are being eaten at the moment. -- Clay5x 11:29, 24 October 2010 (BST)

October 23rd

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Shuttlebank, counted around a hundred and fifty outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... the Marfell Building has lights on ... looks like the Godden ..." --Immortal 06:44, 23 October 2010 (BST)

October 12th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got a couple of dozen active ... all stragglers, no groups ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... infrastructure looks intact too ... some survivor activity in the Frappell Building ..." --Immortal 09:04, 12 October 2010 (BST)

October 9th

25.96 MHz: "... Shuttlebank is still active, thirty or so on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... power's on across most of the area ... infrastructure looks intact too ... the Godden Building is operational ..." --Immortal 17:09, 9 October 2010 (BST)

October 1st

25.96 MHz: "... looking quiet in Shuttlebank ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ... power's on at the Frappell Building ..." --Immortal 11:15, 1 October 2010 (BST)


September 13th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Shuttlebank, counted thirty or so outside ... maybe a dozen outside Fabian General Hospital ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... the Marfell Building is looking wrecked ..." --MetaBabble 06:41, 14 September 2010 (BST)

September 3rd

25.96 MHz: "... Shuttlebank is still active, maybe fifty on the streets ... they're just wandering around ... several buildings with power ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Godden Building has definitely fallen ..." --Immortal 11:22, 3 September 2010 (BST)


August 17th

Scouting through the area, entire eastern half has been ruined by big bash 3. The marfell building has fallen.--Sparticulous 19:00, 17 August 2010 (BST)


July 26th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Shuttlebank, it's looking empty ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... infrastructure looks intact too ... the Marfell Building has power ..." --The Sero 08:46, 27 July 2010 (BST)

July 20th

The Big Prick is in the area, but can't quite figure out why the suburb's status is "red". We may change that tomorrow, depending on the results of our recon. Asheets 18:21, 20 July 2010 (BST)

  • We've downgraded it to "orange" based on initial recon. We'll prick a few more z's this week to reduce it to green. Asheets 15:47, 22 July 2010 (BST)
    • Changed to "green" based on the fact that there are no groups bigger than 10, and no more than 50 in the 'burb. Asheets 20:17, 22 July 2010 (BST)


June 26th

External Military (25.96): "... leaving Shuttlebank, counted about forty outside ... mostly just small groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ... the Marfell Building has power ... the Godden Building is out of action ..." One hour later: "... leaving Shuttlebank, counted about forty outside ... mostly just small groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... the Marfell Building has power ... the Godden Building is out of action ..." --Axe Hack Talk 17:17, 26 June 2010 (BST)

So within one hours, the damage went from "minor" to "serious." Wonder what happened there. Some explanation from local survivors or zombies (if possible) would be nice. -- Kittithaj 19:28, 26 June 2010 (BST)
Apparently, MOB hit the place. Asheets 15:47, 22 July 2010 (BST)
MOB had hit it a week earlier and had since moved on by then. Aichon 22:32, 22 July 2010 (BST)

June 21st

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Shuttlebank, counted thirty or so outside ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... heavy structural damage ... looks like the Marfell Building has fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 22:27, 21 June 2010 (BST)

June 20th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Shuttlebank, counted twenty or so outside ... they're just wandering around ... several buildings with power ... heavy structural damage ... looks like the Marfell Building has fallen ..." -- Kittithaj 14:56, 20 June 2010 (BST)


May 24th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got twenty or so active ... all stragglers, no groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... infrastructure looks intact ... the Frappell Building has lights on ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 02:03, 25 May 2010 (BST) (broadcast May 24)


April 30th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Shuttlebank, it's looking empty ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... infrastructure looks intact ... the Godden Building is operational ..." -- Kittithaj 19:16, 30 April 2010 (BST)

April 19th

NecroWatch reported in from the Godden Building today. A recent NecroNet scan revealed that there were 16 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 11 zombies were at St. Anselm's Hospital over in Eastonwood. The remaining detected zombies, which numbered in the 1's and 2's, posed no serious threats to any other specific locations. --Mobius

April 4th

25.96 MHz: "... Shuttlebank is still active, maybe a dozen on the streets ... they're just wandering around ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ... power's back on at the Godden Building ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 17:37, 4 April 2010 (BST)

April 2nd

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got a couple of dozen active ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ... the Frappell Building has lights on ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 16:57, 2 April 2010 (BST)


February 25th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Shuttlebank, it's looking empty ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... only a few buildings damaged though ... the Marfell Building has power ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 13:46, 25 February 2010 (UTC)

February 9th

After weeks with no sightings, Malton Fire Department, Malton Forensics Unit, and Malton Police Department have been removed from the suburb. Aichon 18:51, 9 February 2010 (UTC)


January 1st

External Military: "... leaving Shuttlebank, counted over a hundred outside ... mostly just small groups ... only one building with lights on ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... looks like the Marfell Building has fallen ..." Laitaine 03:17, 2 January 2010 (UTC)

Based on the most recent External Military report, it appears there is still an active zombie presence in Shuttlebank. Updating the danger level to Very Dangerous. Laitaine 03:20, 2 January 2010 (UTC)



December 30th

Zombies have struck William Avenue Police Department most residents dead(including me)some escaped just before the massacre building is completely ransacked there are 29 zombies inside, 19 outside also Wild Walk Police Department is killed of all survivors but not ransacked. The situation is getting dire by the day... -- Ginum 1:38 Am 30 December (UTC)

The shambling masses of the Ridleybank Resistance Front, along with their feral friends, have been running amok in the previously silent Shuttlebank, leaving a trail of corpses in their tracks. The survivor outlook is indeed growing ever more bleak each day as safehouse by safehouse is swarmed by the undead scourge. -- Papa Jadkor (RRF) (MotA) (MT11) 03:27, 31 December 2009 (UTC)

December 29th

A horde of about 50 zombies struck the heart of Shuttlebank. Fabian General Hospital was totally ruined. Besly Avenue Police Department has been breached with more than a dozen undead still inside. And the Marfell Building was made a pinata. The suburb is now being considered Dangerous. -- Kittithaj 08:37, 29 December 2009 (UTC)

December 20th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Shuttlebank, counted twenty or so outside ... mostly just small groups ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... the Marfell Building is being held ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 01:14, 21 December 2009 (UTC) (broadcast December 20)


October 23rd

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Shuttlebank, counted thirty or so outside ... mostly just small groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ... the Marfell Building has power ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 21:10, 23 October 2009 (BST)

October 22nd

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got thirty or so active ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... the Frappell Building has lights on ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 14:57, 22 October 2009 (BST)

October 12th

Most buildings ruined (Fabian general hospital, Besly avenue police department, The Marfell building) to name a couple of the most important targets destroyed. zombie numbers are extremely high, feeding moans are heard on a regular basis, the occasional flare is scene although the radio's have fallen silent. Large congregation of zombies waiting for a revive at Look Road [34, 15] —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Herbert lebraski (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

SHC Scavengers have began activities in this area, mainly around Besly Avenue Police Department, and the surrounding buildings.


September 30th

NecroWatchDevice-Shadow.png NecroWatch

NecroWatch reported in from the Marfell Building. The scan revealed 26 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. Half of zeds 13 spotted are over the border in G'town., 3 are over at Merchant Crescent PD, 3 at Hain Library; the rest were ambling about in numbers too low to be a threat to any serious survivor
Necro Technician:--Dr Mycroft Chris 06:54, 30 September 2009 (BST)

September 20th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got maybe a dozen active ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... can't see a single ruined building ... some survivor activity in the Frappell Building ..." ~Dr Frank (t) (DF) [P] (Sb) 07:37, 20 September 2009 (BST)


August 27th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Shuttlebank, it's looking empty ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... only a few buildings damaged though ... the Marfell Building has power ..." --Rat of Steel 04:57, 27 August 2009 (BST)

Aug 16: I'm sorry to inform you all... but a new threat has seemed to migrate to shuttlebank, a disease far worse then zombification... far worse then idiocracy...Trenchcoaters O_O --Crazy Hobo Man 06:45, 16 August 2009 (BST)


July 28th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Shuttlebank, counted twenty or so outside ... mostly just small groups ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... some survivor activity in the Marfell Building ..." -- Kittithaj 23:49, 28 July 2009 (BST)

July 18th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Shuttlebank, counted twenty or so outside ... mostly just small groups ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... the Marfell Building is being held ..." --Rat of Steel 09:53, 18 July 2009 (BST)

Based on recent External Militarfy data, the danger level of Shuttlebank has been downgraded from Moderately Dangerous to Safe. --Rat of Steel 09:53, 18 July 2009 (BST)

July 12th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got a couple of dozen active ... all stragglers, no groups ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... only a few buildings damaged though ... some survivor activity in the Frappell Building ..." --Rat of Steel 02:57, 12 July 2009 (BST)

July 9th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got thirty or so active ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... some minor structural damage though ... some survivor activity in the Frappell ..." --Rat of Steel 06:14, 9 July 2009 (BST)

July 8th

NecroWatchDevice-Shadow.png NecroWatch

NecroWatch reported in from the Frappell, the Marfell & the Godden Buildings. The scan revealed 84 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. Of those numbers, 23 zombies were @ Simon's Hospital in Eastonwood, 4 zombies were attempting to catch a train @ Newis Dr. Rail Station. The remaining zombies were milling about in numbers of 1 or 2 & posed no serious threat or were across the borders in other suburbs.
Necro Technician:--Dr Mycroft Chris 09:58, 8 July 2009 (BST)

July 4th

25.96 MHz: "... Shuttlebank is still active, maybe fifty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ... power's back on at the Godden Building ..." --Rat of Steel 11:14, 4 July 2009 (BST)

Based on recent External Military data, the danger level of Shuttlebank has been downgraded from Dangerous to Moderately Dangerous. --Rat of Steel 11:14, 4 July 2009 (BST)


June 24th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got maybe seventy active ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... the Frappell Building is looking wrecked ..." --Rat of Steel 09:13, 24 June 2009 (BST)

Based on recent External Military data, the danger level of Shuttlebank has been upgraded from Safe to Dangerous. --Rat of Steel 09:13, 24 June 2009 (BST)

June 23rd

Fabian General Hospital and all neighboring PDs have been ruined. Medium groups of z's in the general area, and large groups (15+) at RPs. North Shuttlebank up and running at the time of this writing. --Indraroop 01:44, 24 June 2009 (BST)

June 21th

Live report - Activity increasing, multiple groups around Look Road RP. Big Jim D 21:58, 21 June 2009 (UTD)

June 6th

25.96 MHz: "... Shuttlebank is still active, a couple of dozen on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... power's on across most of the area ... only a few buildings damaged though ... the Godden Building is operational ..." --Eve Amedeus 21:55, 6 June 2009 (BST)


May 13th

25.96 MHz: "... Shuttlebank is still active, twenty or so on the streets ... they're just wandering around ... power's on across most of the area ... infrastructure looks intact too ... the Godden Building is operational ..." --Eve Amedeus 21:06, 13 May 2009 (BST)


April 12th

NecroWatch reported in from the Godden Building. The scan revealed 31 zombies in the scanning range of the facility. Of those numbers, 7 zombies were at Swallow Lane Police Department (Brooke Hills), 6 zombies were at Club Nanning (Yagoton) and 3 zombies each were at Brabner Row School, Attrell Road Fire Station and the Coutts Building (all in Eastonwood). The remaining zombies were scattered across the area in numbers of 1 or 2. -- -Alka Selzer- [ Talk - Map - Stuff 10:13, 12 April 2009 (BST)

April 11th

NecroWatch reported in from the Marfell Building. The scan revealed 21 zombies in the scanning range of the facility. Of those numbers, 4 were at the Talbot Museum and 3 at Aplin Towers. The remaining zombies were scattered across the area in numbers of 1 or 2. -- -Alka Selzer- [ Talk - Map - Stuff 21:02, 11 April 2009 (BST)


March 20th

NecroWatch reported in from the Frappell Building today. A recent scan had revealed that there were 31 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, almost none of the detected zombies were actually inside Shuttlebank, rather 8 zombies were at St. Anselm's Hospital and 4 were standing at the cemetery revive point in Eastonwood. Also 4 more zombies were at Freeman Towers over in Darvall Heights. The remaining zombies, which numbered in the 1's and 2's, were scattered across the area, but as noted, most were in adjacent suburbs. --Mobius 23:32, 20 March 2009 (UTC)


February 22nd

NecroWatch reported in from the Marfell Building today. A recent scan had revealed that there were 31 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 4 zombies were at both the McDonnell Arms and Merchant Crescent PD, while 3 more zombies were at Hain Library. The remaining zombies only numbered in the 1's and 2's and were scattered across the area, mostly to the west of the facility. --Mobius 19:10, 22 February 2009 (UTC)

February 14th

NecroWatch reported in from the Godden Building. A recent scan had revealed that there were 34 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, only 2 zombies were detected in Shuttlebank, while the remainder were at locations scattered throughout northern Eastonwood and Brooke Hills. Of note, there were 6 zombies at Grandon Place PD, 5 zombies at St. Anselm's Hospital, and 4 zombies at the Coutts Building. --Mobius 15:36, 14 February 2009 (UTC)

February 5th

Marfell is barricaded, under power, and populated. - Broken English 19:00, 5 February 2009 (UTC)


January 8th

Rumor has it that The Big Prick has begun operations in this suburb. Asheets 16:31, 8 January 2009 (UTC)



December 17th

Extinction Zombie Troops hit the crowded Fabian Hospital wards today and the massacre is ongoing as we speak. Doctors, nurses, patients ... even the janitorial staff were not spared from infection. Residents should be advised that currently the nearest medical facilities are now at Catherine Hospital in Yagoton. Extinction apologises for any inconvenience. --Zeug 07:52, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

December 14th

External Military: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got maybe seventy active ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... only one building with lights on ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Frappell Building is down ..." --Zeug 16:09, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

December 10th

Most of the suburb has been wrecked, with a few pinatas appearing in the free runs. This suburb has now graduated to red, I think. Naelok - December 10 7:44 PM EST

December 6th

Dangerous, but some humans still fight on. -- Grogh 21:30, 6 December 2008 (UTC)

December 2nd

Extinction's SHADOW COMPANY has shown up in town, ruining all three NTs. Humans are making their last stand inside Fabian General Hospital where there has been regular break-ins.--DigUpHerBones 05:14, 3 December 2008 (UTC)


November 10th

Zeds now actively targeting PDs, Besly is effectively gone. Marfell Building being used as a last stand. Too early to say if this is a push toward Calvert Mall or just ferals looking for snacks while Bale rebuilds. For your own safety, keep off the streets. -- Informant 03:18, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

November 2nd

Wild Walk and Besly Avenue PD are generally maintained at VSB and crewed by a regular group of survivors. Not a safe haven for survivors lacking the ability to barricade, however free runners can safely stay in the hospital which generally is running at EHB. Only a few zeds outside the buildings in this cluster, ferals mostly, no real threats as they're generally taken out by the patrollers. Good place to build up some experience right now! --Informant 03:56, 2 November 2008 (UTC)


No news reports were filed in October 2008. The suburb was considered Dangerous, with most buildings destroyed, and a hundred zombies shambling around. Perhaps survivors were too busy staying alive to report anything.


September 25th

At least 20 zombies on the streets. Breakdown of the Tactical Resource Points:

  • 3 NecroTechs: 2 powered, 1 not.
  • 6 Police depts: 3 powered, 3 not.
  • 1 hospital: powered.
  • 4 factories: 2 powered, 2 not.

Moderate. --Funt Solo QT Scotland flag.JPG 19:02, 25 September 2008 (BST)

September 23rd

All resource buildings except for Berrow Road Fire Station are in survivor hands. The area around Fabian General Hospital is now very strong with all buildings there being powered. --Squibman 15:36, 23 September 2008 (BST)

September 17th

After many victories and an era of zombie domination the Eastonwood Ferals decided to disband and will hence end their activities in Shuttlebank and thus likely allowing the suburb to get repopulated by Survivors again. Farewell. We know you'll miss us. --Experiment211 18:46, 17 September 2008 (BST)

September 3rd

After nearly a year of constant and fruitless work (except for the choice zombie-mooning weather), Tikhon Medical has recalled its Shuttlebank personnel, packed up their cheesy poofs and has left the suburb. There are more urgent matters in Ruddlebank to attend to. Tikhon salutes the Eastonwood Ferals and the Zombiefied Republic of !zanbah for their ferocious defense of their territory. - Uncle Elbert 22:01, 3 September 2008 (BST)


August 20th

External Military: "... Shuttlebank is still active, maybe fifty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Godden Building has definitely fallen ..." Laitaine 06:12, 20 August 2008 (BST)

August 15th

After recent requests solicited no response, the following group links have been removed from the suburb.

If any of these groups are still active, please add them again. --Adavastor 21:16, 15 August 2008 (BST)

August 12th

External Military: "... Shuttlebank is still active, about forty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Godden Building has definitely fallen ..." Laitaine 05:08, 12 August 2008 (BST)

August 7th

Most of the suburb lies in ruins , organized zombie mobs patrolling the area destroying the little rebuild effort of the last remaining survivors. This suburb is a very dangerous place. --Demolition 15:50, 7 August 2008 (BST)


July 3rd

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got about forty active ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Frappell Building is looking wrecked ... " Laitaine 00:58, 3 July 2008 (BST)


June 30th

No change for the better the suburb seems to be in zombie hands. Except for a low number of safe-houses in the NE the entire suburb lies in ruins, but only a few of the buildings suffer heavy decay showing that not all is lost for the living. --Nuke the fridge 13:00, 30 June 2008 (BST)

June 8th

This suburb is overrun by a massive zombie horde and despite the endeavours of the defending survivors the south was completely destroyed and the north has suffered noteworthy damage. Mobs of 10 and more Zombie are not an uncommon sight. Zombie population is estimated to be 50 and more hostile zombies. This place is very dangerous; if you try to sleep here you probably get killed. --Nuke the fridge 19:40, 8 June 2008 (BST)

June 6th

Currently filled with groups of zombies around resource buildings, nearly all in ruin. Counted 13 outside William Avenue Police Dept 4 in, groups of 4, 6, 3 etc scattered around... hardly any power. Be careful and use your AP to get out if you can't find a good place to sleep. --Bufster007 12:27, 6 June 2008 (BST)


May 24th

Removing Drake Walk as a revive point for simplicity. The central RP is Look Road, with the cemetery still protected under sacred ground. All are encouraged to use the request tool. --Idril 04:02, 25 May 2008 (BST)

May 16th

Overall, the suburb is rated moderately dangerous. However, with its concentration of tactical resource points, central Shuttlebank remains dangerous. Zombies from the Zombiefied Republic of !zanbah attempt to re-assert regional dominance in battle with Tikhon Medical, South Shuttlebank City Council and a number of plucky independents. Individual buildings change hands/claws on a daily basis; area TRP status reports should be considered unreliable as they fluctuate almost hourly. -- Uncle Elbert 18:04, 16 May 2008 (BST)

May 10th

External Military report: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got twenty or so active ... all stragglers, no groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ... the Frappell Building has lights on ... the Godden Building is out of action ..." --WanYao 11:13, 10 May 2008 (BST)


April 18th

"... Shuttlebank is still active, about sixty on the streets ... they're just wandering around ... can't see any signs of life ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Godden Building has fallen - repeat, the Godden Building has fallen ..." (12 hours and 5 minutes ago) --Dr Cory Bjornson 20:37, 18 April 2008 (BST)

April 2nd

Survivors feel free to join The Ghost Town Revivification Project at the newly rebuilt and rebarricaded William Avenue Police Department. It is accesible to all players not just freerunners for the time being.--Zombiepatrol 22:27, 2 April 2008 (BST)

April 1st

I finally arrived in Shuttlebank today and repaired and barricaded the Pattermore building in the SE corner to VSB. The Ghost Town Revivification Project (GTRP) has finally begun but unfortunately it seems Operation PARTY HARD has temporarily been put on hold.--Zombiepatrol 23:17, 1 April 2008 (BST)


March 30th

Operation: PARTY HARD has been dealt a blow. Betwene the hourse of 2am and 8am, 10 zeds broke into the NT and slaughtered or scared off 15/25 survivors. The current status of OP: PH is unknown. --MrStump 17:00, 30 March 2008 (EST)

Operation: PARTY HARD has begun. Please join us at the Marfell Building. Consider it safe harbor for any survivor to stay. --MrStump 17:00, 30 March 2008 (EST)
You can count me in when I get there but I'll be restoring many more resource buildings as well for survivors who may not have free running. I'll be looking for a revive at look road sometime in the next two days.--Zombiepatrol 22:11, 30 March 2008 (BST)

March 29th

The Ghost Town Revivification Project (GTRP) will be coming to this area to reconstruct and rebaricade buildings in the area. While our numbers are few right now we will be seeking new members in shuttlebank and the surrounding areas. Any and all members will be welcome.--Zombiepatrol 23:12, 29 March 2008 (UTC)

Can't wait for a little survivor activity to show up in Shuttlebank--labine50 11:01, 30 March 2008 (UTC)

March 28th

Shuttle has only afew caded buildings.. barely any zombies or survivors in the suburb, its a ghost town.--Brainz 12:42, 28 March 2008 (UTC)

March 27th

The Marfell and Frappell NT buildings are ruined and devoid of breathing life. I'm not sure, but I believe that the Godden NT building has also been destroyed, making all NT buildings in this suburb non-functional.--Ion 07:26, 27 March 2008 (UTC)

March 16th

Survivor reinforcements trickling in from the neighboring Yagoton battlefield have helped secure Marfell NT today in the centre of town and are holding out against a growing number of zombies attracted by the recent spate of barricading.--Zeug 12:26, 16 March 2008 (UTC)


February 25th

After the fall of Bale Mall in neighboring Yagoton a tidal wave of undead is spreading out tearing down the recently re-barricaded buildings on the eastern side of the town, their dreadful feeding groans growing ever louder towards the west. Ahead of the horde a series of coordinated attacks in the heart of Shuttlebank today took out Marfell NT, Besly PD and Fabian Hospital while the two southern NT's are still out of commission. The zombie presence in the rest of the town remains moderate for the time being however although communications are down and the town defense force is yet to rally to the challenge. Residents are advised that evacuation at this point is very dangerous in any direction and their only hope of survival is to unite and make a stand until the feral zombie menace recedes. --Zeug 16:07, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

Be advised, most Shuttlebank defenders had rallied to Bale and died there. Remaining known organized defense was killed in the "pre-emptive" strikes at Marfell and Fabian. Survivors are advised to go now, and die in whatever way suits them. - Uncle Elbert 18:53, 25 February 2008 (UTC)

February 19th

Reclamation efforts have met with disaster. Distraction raids strafing Eastonwood have been soundly defeated, and most fallback points overrun. The Dead own the North of Malton. Clusters of resistance remain, however. Whether fighting, scurrying around like rodents, or planning a Great Escape, survivors can still be found in the ruins. - Uncle Elbert 22:23, 19 February 2008 (UTC)

External Military 25.96 MHz: "... Shuttlebank is still active, maybe fifty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... can't see any signs of life ... serious collateral damage ... the Godden Building has fallen - repeat, the Godden Building has fallen ..." (5 hours and 40 minutes ago)--DaytonDead 05:05, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

February 6th

Between the tenacious and ever-hungry Eastonwood Ferals and recent movement into the area by the Militant Order of Barhah, south Shuttlebank is in very, very bad shape. Equally tenacious survivors have been providing an abundance of meals for the homeless zombies. "Our last plan failed," said one Tikhoner. "We got eaten. We brought up a secret weapon. He got eaten. We rolled in feces to make ourselves less palatable. We got eaten. It's rough, but we've got another plan. The Janitorial Battle Guide teaches the law of averages that they can't always eat us." - Uncle Elbert 17:53, 6 February 2008 (UTC)


January 25th

Zombie protesters are picketing Tikhon Medical's presence at Fabian General Hospital. Protests turned especially violent today, as several Tikhoners and allies from SSCC and others were seen dragged from the building and killed. Corpses were seen tossed from the building by defenders, the sound of barricade construction echoes and gunshots still ring out, indicating the battle is ongoing. One participant described the situation as "grim" while another claimed, "mah branz arh m!zz!ng agan." Protesters simply chanted "BARHAH!" Able-bodied survivors are asked to rally to the facility's defense. - Uncle Elbert 18:02, 25 January 2008 (UTC)

January 23rd

Survivor-friendly suburbs have cropped up all along the borders, but the central part of Shuttlebank is still contested. Of particular interest is the Marfell NecroTech building. Survivor forces from Tikhon Medical, South Shuttlebank City Council and a number of independents recently recaptured and reinforced the central part of Shuttlebank in Operation: Thunderpoof. Cheesy Poof s'mores and zombie whuppin's were on the agenda, but an inconveniently-timed gas leak and even more inconveniently-timed zombie buff are convenient scapegoats for any failures. For now, the fight continues. - Uncle Elbert 22:22, 23 January 2008 (UTC)

January 11th

Kevern Row Police Department is not under siege, is lightly barricaded with a running generator. Zombies to the west. --MandyWrites 20:38, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Kindly refrain from calling out barricade strength or survivor numbers/location on the wiki. Zombies can read. - Uncle Elbert 22:34, 11 January 2008 (UTC)
Seriously ? Is this a concern ? Wiki info is by definition out of date for the vast majority of viewers. Not to mention iWitness. -Qazwsx 23:03, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Fabian General Hospital remains in survivor hands, or was recaptured quickly. Reports are sketchy. Tikhon's janitor has been observed fending off 11 zombies with a wet mop, screaming about "whippersnapper MEMS graffiti". - Uncle Elbert 17:19, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

Fabian ransacked, no casualties reported. - Uncle Elbert 22:34, 11 January 2008 (UTC)

January 10th

Fabian General Hospital will be lucky to still be in survivor hands by the end of the day. Survivor numbers have decreased, and zombie numbers have increased. --Yorba 11:37, 10 January 2008 (+10GMT)

Tikhon Medical staff members were observed evacuating bags of cheesy poofs. This is usually taken as a bad omen. - Uncle Elbert 17:19, 10 January 2008 (UTC)

January 9th

Well, happy new year to everyone. Walking around on new year's, survivors could be seen trying to attach fireworks to zombies and the zombies were trying to feast upon the survivors to bring in their new year. Each to their own I guess. Currently, Fabian General Hospital is home to a small, but no less glorious, siege. Break-ins are daily, but numbers still seem evenly balanced at this stage. The same cannot be said for the The Marfell Building. If you like visiting ruined buildings, this is the place for you. --Yorba 09:37, 9 January 2008 (+10GMT) Media:Example.ogg



December 28th

External Military: "... reporting from Shuttlebank, I've got maybe fifty active ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... the Frappell Building is looking wrecked ..." --LH779 06:27, 28 December 2007 (UTC)

December 20th

The External Military reports: "... Shuttlebank is still active, about eighty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... most of the buildings are ruined ... the Godden Building has definitely fallen ..." --WanYao 20:18, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

December 19th

Shuttlebank remains a back and forth clash between zombies and survivors. The suburb is mostly in survivor hands, but key buildings like The Marfell Building are becoming hard to hold on to for the locals. It's impossible to notice that Christmas is near when you are staying in this suburb, so those without loaded weapons are advised to keep out!. BenderWaW 00:43, 20 December 2007 (UTC)

December 14th

Lock Boulevard PD is destroyed, surrounding buildings still intact and holding to some extent. The damage can be repaired and safety restored if those willing act quickly. Currently only one zed in the area of Lock Boulevard PD (me), so swift action could restore this part of the neighborhood.--Jackson 12:29, 15 December 2007 (UTC)

December 13th

Lock Boulevard is an undisturbed safe house, for now. working generator, radio, and strong barricades but several zeds gathering outside. Any remaining survivors should make haste in coming here to launch an offense from. We need all the support we can get so please send help!--Jackson 13:50, 13 December 2007 (UTC)Jackson

December 12th

Safehouse and Shuttlebank are 2 words that at the moment do not work well together right now. It seems that the resident zombies of Shuttlebank, (including it's neighbours in Eastonwood), have decided to celebrate in a big way. Either that or it's a family reunion gone wrong. Talk of pai has still not led this reporter to it, or perhaps this reporter was it? --Yorba 8:39, 12 December 2007 (+10GMT)

Sanitarium are leaving the suburb. All Clubs are ruined. All pai devoured. All Scary Friends sprung from the drunk tank at Lock Boulevard Police Department. GGRRAAAAGGHH! Shuttlebank! --Talunex 23:34, 11 December 2007 (UTC)
I just ran through this suburb and didn't find a single safe house. The Sanitarium and company seem to have had quite a party. --Frozen Flame 05:51, 13 December 2007 (UTC)

December 9th

Sanitarium have entered the suburb. THERE MUST BE PAI!! --Talunex 18:38, 9 December 2007 (UTC)

pain ? pie ? Either way sounds good. --Qazwsx 22:11, 9 December 2007 (UTC)
I endorse your strategy. Perhaps over some pai? --Talunex 18:53, 10 December 2007 (UTC)

December 6th

the Marfell Building seems to be the most interesting place for zombies and survivors, with regular battles between the survivors and the zombies for control of this most important resource. Some would argue this is the most important thing happening in Malton, though probably few would agree. But that's ok. --Barbecue Barbecue 12:41, 6 December 2007 (UTC)

December 3nd

Rumour has it that a new super power has arrived in Shuttlebank. With Fabian General Hospital and The Marfell Building both currently powered, survivors ae talking of massive party to celebrate this event. Rumours also abound about a possible return to glory for Club Brookeman, be sure to get your name on the door early. Zombies views are increasingly difficult to come by, with fewer zombies left in the area, and those that are left seem more intent on biting than talking. --Yorba 15:18, 3 December 2007 (+10GMT)

December 2nd

Scouting reports would suggest that the main zombie threat has left for greener pastures (or at least suburbs with more breathing humans to eat). Fabian General Hospital and The Marfell Building are both caded at last check. Is this a sign of things changing for the better for humans, or the calm before an even bigger attack from the undead, only time will tell... --Yorba 12:27, 2 December 2007 (+10GMT)


November 28th

Update: things are getting cleaned up a bit. The north side is alright, though much of the south is still in rough shape, with the heaviest damage surrounding the Marfell and Godden NTs. --WanYao 10:49, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

November 26th

The south side of Shuttlebank is mostly ruined -- including all TRPs -- and literally crawling with small groups of zombies on many blocks. Earlier, I was quietly "hiding in plain sight" in a ruined building when a member of the MPD came along and set up some barricades: however, so few barricaded buildings with so few survivors and so many zombies probably makes survivors inside visibile targets now, as opposed to offering the safety intended. Danger level updated. --WanYao 20:17, 26 November 2007 (UTC)

November 23rd

As earlier reports have suggested, South Shuttlebank is as wrecked as a man who has had too many bottles of Polish vodka. Most/all major resource buildings are ruined, revives are slow in coming, and the few times that a building has been repaired and held by survivors, it has rather quickly fallen thereafter. And somebody left a banana peel outside Marfell. Don't slip. --Barbecue Barbecue 11:21, 23 November 2007 (UTC)

November 21st

Can't speak to the rest of the borrough, but central Shuttlebank is pretty much Ruined. The Marfell NT, Besly Ave PD, William Ave PD, Fabian General and most surrounding buildings have all fallen to the Zed Menace. The number of zombies visible on the street at this time, however, is quite small. Perhaps they are hidden in Soviet-designed missile silos, hmnnnn.... --WanYao 01:25, 21 November 2007 (UTC)

November 19th

The Eastonwood Ferals continue their small punitive expedition againts the suburbs breathing population to get retaliation for barricading and other crimes against the Zombiefied Republic of !zanbah. Since various resource buildings got ruined in process and nearly 50 harmanz were eaten so far, the danger levels drops to yellow. --Experiment211 03:16, 19 November 2007 (UTC)

November 16th

Multiple break-ins occured today in the Fabian General Hospital area. At least one building in the area has been ruined and there are reports of at least 7 survivors killed or injured. Small groups of zombies remain in the area. --Lrhyme 17:56, 16 November 2007 (UTC)

November 12th

I just secured the doors and killed one zed in the Godden building. Put a few more bullets in another zed, but had to leave before it got dark. There were two zeds left in the building when I left. Oh yeah, the building is ruined. There was also a mob of about 6 zeds in the carpark next door. --Lt craben 01:20, 13 November 2007 (UTC)

November 1st

The Film Festival is here -- survivors come on in and enjoy the movies at Holly Cinema! Check out the link here for a listing of movies being shown: First VZW Malton Film Festival. Zombies have not been forgotten, and are invited to help themselves to the cart outside filled with Dr Mugwump's Patented Brain Serum jello brains! --Shazzelim 23:49, 3 November 2007 (UTC)


October 25th

What's that sound? Ah, that would be the sound of silence (apologies to Simon and Garfunkel). Shuttlebank appears to be eerily quiet, and not for want of survivors/meals (depending on your perspective). That said, long-time resident mongrelman continues to GK when revived, and eat brains when dead, so there is at least one thing in this world one can count on, eh? --Barbecue Barbecue 21:14, 25 October 2007 (BST)

October 18th

Looking to eat or get eaten? The hot zone in South Shuttlebank appears to be William Avenue Police Department. Of course, "hot" is a relative term right now, as most of Shuttlebank appears to be, as the 'burb's colo(u)r coding indicates, green. --Barbecue Barbecue 19:53, 18 October 2007 (BST)

October 14th

Killinger Walk [34, 14] has been removed as DEM revive point, the logic behind the action being that four revive points was excessive for one suburb, especially seeing as Killinger Walk was just one block north of another RP, Look Road.--Idril 20:10, 14 October 2007 (BST)

October 12th

After driving the Eastonwood Ferals out of Yagoton, The NW3 DEM crew moved into the area. After a few days Almost every building was caded up according to the barricade plan. All NT's are caded and most of them are powered. With virtually no zombie presence in the area, Shuttlebank is considered to be safe.--Jarlian 14:48, 12 October 2007 (BST)

October 7th

Word is going around that there are fifteen zombies and a case of scotch outside Marfell. The scotch is going fast, and the 'cades seem to be hit every time a bottle is finished. Break-ins at both Marfell and Fabian have been reported over the last few days as well, though both buildings are currently lit. Alas, the cades in Marfell were down long enough at one point such that Dubov, our locally famous club manager, had his brains served to him over ice. But at least the ice was a nice touch. --Barbecue Barbecue 15:36, 7 October 2007 (BST)

October 1st

Shuttlebank's key resource buildings continue to be powered, despite a few attempts by some zombies to make them otherwise. Revive queues are being dealt with very promptly, with Look Road and Drake Walk showing no-one waiting the last 2 times they have been checked by this reporter. Possibly because of Shuttlebank's return to power (meaning lit buildings, and fresh water to every hospital, home and school in the area) the QSG On Tour have graced Obern Library with their presence. It is hoped that this visit is productive for all members of Malton and Shuttlebank. --Yorba 20:09, 1 October 2007 (+10GMT)


September 20th

Shuttlebank now has a powered NT, Hospital and Police Department. Revive queue lengths have shortened, and revives seems to be progressing at a steady rate. Club Brookeman is said to be making the most of this opportunity, and plans are underway for a party the likes of which Shuttlebank has not seen in some time. --Yorba 09:20, 20 September 2007 (+10GMT)

September 19th

External Military Report ... leaving Shuttlebank, counted about forty outside ... a few outside the Marfell Building ... several buildings with power ... only a few buildings damaged ... the Marfell Building has lights on ... --Koli T 06:15, 19 September 2007 (BST)

September 17th

While one might not dispute the continued appropriateness of the label "Ghost Town" for Shuttlebank, the number of buildings repaired and caded in South Shuttlebank appears to have recently risen, and rumo(u)rs abound of surreptitious revives happening over the last few days at Look Road and Drake Walk. One zombie, who preferred to remain anonymous, said "Mrh?" to this reporter, and was shortly thereafter found lying down on the ground. No causal connection, however, has been established. Sounds of clawing and feeding, as well as gunfire and axe-swinging, are also reported to have been heard. Luckily, most nights are cool enough for sleeping through, regardless of one's condition. --Barbecue Barbecue 00:20, 17 September 2007 (BST)

September 12th

Even including the 13 zeds at Look Road and 14 at a cemetery (36,13) this traveler saw less than 60 zombies on the street and in the buildings he entered. Those not waiting at marked revive points were for the most part very thinly dispersed. A tiny handful of buildings were barricaded, but all TRPs were empty or in zombie hands. It could reasonably be said that Shuttlebank is extinct -- of both the living and the undead... --WanYao 23:24, 12 September 2007 (BST)


August 15th

And that, as they say, is that: members of the infamous LUE have appeared in Shuttlebank, taking the opportunity provided by their visit to clear out one of the remaining safe houses in South Shuttlebank, William Avenue Police Department, in their usual record time. As someone who experienced the attack first hand, I can only say: "Wha? Ouch." --Barbecue Barbecue 02:34, 15 August 2007 (BST)

LUE have struck, and The Godden Building has fallen. Survivors, none. LUE seemed to have moved on already, leaving a devastated Godden in their wake. Survivor's who have fallen, are again encouraged to remember to register for a revive. --Yorba 11:37, 15 August 2007 (EST)

Zombies everywhere it seems, almost ALL the resource buildings through south central Shuttlebank from Boorman PD on the western border through to Kevern PD on the eastern are ruined. Kevern is wide open and under attack with 3 defenders left at the moment and the factory just across from it is quite possibly the last light left burning in Shuttlebank. With both Calvert and Bale Malls destroyed and the town center ripped apart Shuttlebank residents are advised to keep a bag packed and be ready to run. --Zeug 09:32, 15 August 2007 (BST)

August 14th

The danger level of this zone has been elevated to extremely dangerous, there are dozens of zombies attacking a dozen resource buildings, the remainder of the mall survivors are being slaughtered pell-mell, and most anything with barricades is under attack by a lone zombie or two. Seek safe haven elsewhere, Shuttlebank is in their hands. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by ZeroTwo (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

August 13th

After a quick night fight, Marfell is now in zombie hands. --~~~~T''' 09:44, 13 August 2007 (BST)

Marfell NT is indeed being held by at least 15 zombies after yet another Extinction led assault. Scattered reports are also coming in of a devastating dawn lightning raid by Extinction Troops on the USAI combat HQ at Hain Library. If the published reports are to be believed an entire USAI squad has been annihilated in a highly coordinated attack. --Zeug 17:19, 13 August 2007 (BST)

August 12th

While barricade battles and other sorts of combat do continue at Fabian General Hospital, many zombies appear to have shifted their efforts to the Marfell Building, which has been the site of regular break-ins, although most are resolved fairly quickly with few deaths for either side. Lit buildings remain in short supply as the result of both zombie and GKer efforts. Reports also indicate that at least some Extinction members are still around or, perhaps, passing through. --Barbecue Barbecue 02:19, 12 August 2007 (BST)

August 8th

With Extinction seemingly on the move (anyone care to confirm?) Drake Walk has seen a decrease in the number of zombies awaiting their revivifying needle. This is good to for those mumbling Mrh? all over the place, because just over 24hrs ago numbers here increased. So for those waiting for revives, remember to register for a revive, it should help speed things up for you. If you're new to the game, coordinates for Drake Walk are 36,17. If you are elsewhere in Shuttlebank, you can find the coordinates of your position here --Yorba 15:37, 8 August 2007 (EST)

August 6th

As Extinction continues to make its presence felt in South Shuttlebank, going building by building, and bringing local unaffiliated zombies with it, survivors attempt to retake lost resources and/or take refuge in buildings that have not (yet) been targeted. Although hard numbers are hard to come by, it appears many long-term Shuttlebankers remain in the area reviving/getting revives, while a fair number of the suburb's newer citizens seem to have either left or still await revives, with Drake Walk forming the primary queue for anyone in the latter category. --Barbecue Barbecue 02:36, 6 August 2007 (BST)

August 3rd

More breaking news... Fabian General (34,16) is now under assault. 17 zombies outside, and about half a dozen inside. Less than 20 survivors inside at this time; breaches and survivor casualties have been very common occurances today. --WanYao 03:56, 3 August 2007 (BST)

August 1st

Breaking news, indeed! The anti-survivor group Extinction appears to have recently arrived in South Shuttlebank and has targeted the Marfell Building, with several of its members, including one death cultist, being identified as part of recent attacks on that building. Currently there are five zombies inside Marfell and seventeen without, making for a much larger zombie presence than last reported. This reporter has already had his brains spilled once, though most of that resulted from bullets. --Barbecue Barbecue 03:50, 1 August 2007 (BST)

Extinction is indeed in the area. The hospital is currently at VSB. The Marfell building is however ransacked with 6 Z's inside, and 25 outside. Elpelco Gecko —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Elpelco (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.


July 29th

Zombie numbers in South Shuttlebank have dwindled over the last few days, and the number of powered buildings (resource and otherwise) has significantly risen. However, the Marfell Building remains a point of survivor-zombie contention, with a recent clearing of the facility by the zombies that resulted in at least seven dead survivors. Though as of this writing the building is in survivor hands, a mob of 12 zombies remains outside, looking to liberate the brains of those within. --Barbecue Barbecue 19:29, 29 July 2007 (BST)

July 23rd

There is an unusually large gathering of 20+ zombies attacking Fabian General Hospital, few of whom appear to have any group affiliation. Attacks are sporadic, but effective enough to bring Fabian into zombie hands/claws. Many other nearby resource buildings have remained lit during this siege, including a restored Marfell, but it is uncertain how long they will last once the zombies finish with Fabian. On the subject of those plans, the last word this reporter captured from a zombie swaying in the waiting room in Fabian was "Brnhr." --Barbecue Barbecue 21:12, 23 July 2007 (BST)

July 20th

Shuttlebank, that once innocent city it now a city in turmoil. The Marfell Building is, right now, in zombie hands, largely it seems, thanks to /b/. Reports from those who got away have not been forthcoming, so the relative safety of the suburb for survivors is unknown right now. One can only assume that this will put a dent in the work being done at revive points in Shuttlebank. So for those waiting for revives, remember to register for a revive, it should help speed things up for you. --Yorba 10:03, 20 July 2007 (EST)

July 19th

Barricade disputes still seem to continue, but it seems one party now has the upper hand at the Marfell Building. Whilst some survivors are still for EHB, and others are for VSB, the local zombie population seems to have finally been successful in implementing their open door policy at the Marfell Building. The fight for barricades at this location is not yet over, but it seems the tide has turned. --Yorba 10:46, 19 July 2007 (EST)

- The Marfell Building continues to be a hive of activity, with the barricade level still the main source of dispute. Barricade levels continue to vary between a safe EHB to the Open Door Policy submitted by Shuttlebank's resident zombies. Despite these plans not being approved by the South Shuttlebank City Council, the zombies persist in their actions, and thus far, with the aid of those present in The Marfell Building, the zombies have had decisive action taken against them. --Yorba 16:51, 19 July 2007 (EST)

July 17th

Drake Walk and Look Road continue to see consistent revives taking place, albeit in low numbers. Marfell continues it see-saw approach to barricade levels. Medical staff at Fabian General Hospital continue to do excellent work in these troubling times, though Shuttlebank's numerous Police Departments are having a much harder time operating in the current environment, and have been stretched very thin, usually by zombies.

Disputes about barricade levels seem to have died down, and now residents seem to have only the usual zombie's to thank for any open door goodness. --Yorba 11:10, 17 July 2007 (EST)

July 12th

After something of a lull, the revive queue at Drake Walk has risen again, though revives continue fairly regularly. Several resource buildings in South Shuttlebank have recently remained powered for significant periods of time, though break-ins are regular, particularly at the Marfell Building, where doors were open not long ago, an event apparently so shocking it left two survivors floored, literally. In other news, lively disputes about appropriate barricade levels have been carried on at Fabian General Hospital, with longtime Shuttlebankers arrayed on one side, and some recently arrived members of the DEM on the other. The zombies, of course, have expressed a concern about any barricade levels at all, and point to Marfell as their model of open doors goodness. --Barbecue Barbecue 03:46, 12 July 2007 (BST)

July 6th

Revive queues in South Shuttlebank are gradually being reduced in length, with Killinger Walk and Look Road down to two zombies each, and Drake Walk down to nine. Powered buildings, however, are few and short-lived, and approximately half of the core buildings in South Shuttlebank lack barricades. Several low-level survivors remain in the area, sticking it out, even as Shuttlebank remains inhospitable for all but the hardiest survivors (and, of course, remarkably hospitable for zombies--some, led by our own mongrelman, recently seized the opportunity to enjoy watching fireworks from the inside of Fabian General Hospital). --Barbecue Barbecue 03:36, 6 July 2007 (BST)

July 3rd

A returning and recently revived member of the South Shuttlebank City Council has confirmed that the Eastonwood Ferals have left South Shuttlebank full of violations of building codes (the absence of barricades and power being the most common), not to mention Mrh?-ing dead at all known revive points. Nevertheless, the Council is beginning its usual efforts to restore order, beginning with the revivification of Dubov, because, well, if there's no Club Brookeman, well, there's no South Shuttlebank. --Barbecue Barbecue 06:18, 3 July 2007 (BST)


June 30th

With Shuttlebank being Slowly surrounded by the dead, the Shuttlebank Scaveneger Squad has sent out a team to meet in Yagton in hopes of raiding its mall for ammo.Anyone with advanced firearms training on a pistol or shotgun, basic or better first aid,and bargain hunting are needed to help find fuel,generators,ect... Once we find a location to secure somewhere between Shuttlebank and Yagton we will open our base of operations there for future Scavenge missions. Join of scavenge freelance with us for the protection

Meet up with Zahmbe in the city hospital,Zong Smoker moving east to Roachtown,Bloodclott moving East to Blytheville,or Shuttlebank Medic Moving east to DulstonShuttlebank Scavenger Squad--BLooDCLotT 08:31, 30 June 2007 (BST)

Breaking News: the Eastonwood Ferals, apparently having had all the fun in Yagoton and nearby suburbs to be had, just paid a visit to the SSCC and the Marfell Building generally, apparently looking for some documentation that Cichonuke was carrying regarding health codes and zombie violations of them. EF's legendary Great Leader Fysh himself was among the visitors, and led an effort that leveled the building within minutes. Please note that the death of most of the Council does not mean the parking ban is no longer in effect, but it does mean that the Council will be less able to provide revives in the near term, being in need of them themselves. --Barbecue Barbecue 22:03, 30 June 2007 (BST)

June 28th

Ed Jonwards Killing at Revive point (look road). Revive points in general seem to need attention, get more survivors into the action again. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Bottesini (talkcontribs) 21:48, 28 June 2007.

June 26th

Besley PD has been overrun; Fabian General Hospital's a-swarm and a zed horde (at least 19 strong) is lurching around on Drake Walk. Wild Walk PD is currently under siege, barricades keep going up and getting torn down. Aid is requested. Mekkis 17:37, 26 June 2007 (BST)

June 25th

Despite the best efforts of the local survivors, both Fabian General Hospital and the Marfell Building have been lost to the rather large zombie contingent in the center of South Shuttlebank, with Marfell falling in the last 24. As he died in a valiant attempt to hold the building, Cichonuke could be heard saying "Alooha!", an inspiring cry for all those who might have made it out after him, but didn't, inlcuding ol' Barbecue, who was, once again, a fine meal for mongrelman. --Barbecue Barbecue 16:42, 25 June 2007 (BST)

June 20th

The struggle continues in South Shuttlebank, with resource buildings changing hands between survivors and zombies on a regular basis, and Fabian General Hospital remaining the epicenter of zombie-survivor combat. Admittedly, the zombies are generally having by far the best of it, with buildings rarely powered and, when powered, typically only for short periods of time. Nevertheless, revives are still being performed at the usual locations, though queue lengths remain high and wait times unpredictable. If you're dead and looking for a revive, best bring a book. And given the state you'll be in, preferably something with pictures. --Barbecue Barbecue 16:04, 20 June 2007 (BST)

June 15th

With 28 waiting for revives at Drake Walk, almost a dozen further north in a cemetery, and even one fellow holding court at the old Killinger Walk revive point, it is clear that South Shuttlebank is hardly survivor-friendly at this point, even without popping one's head in the many open doors on the major resource buildings and their adjoining edifices. Needless to say, lights are out (and candles are in). Long-time Shuttlebankers, the Club Brookeman staff, and the returning South Shuttlebank City Council appear to be making every effort to achieve some semblance of order where possible, but it is an uphill battle, and the dedicated host of Club Brookeman, Dubov, was recently observed suffering a nasty infection for his bravery. --Barbecue Barbecue 02:49, 15 June 2007 (BST)

June 7th

Recalling images of Shuttlebank in its darker months, a rather dedicated zombie horde has managed to sack several key resource buildings in South Shuttlebank and drive up the queues at Look Road and Drake Walk. The South Shuttlebank City Council, finding itself largely undead, has temporarily left the city in search of revivification and supplies, but anticipates a quick return and concerted effort to clear the revive queues. Local zombies are asked to heed city codes and stand at least six feet away from all building entrances (six feet away outside, that is) in order to be granted amnesty from citations related to the recent incursions. --Barbecue Barbecue 22:41, 7 June 2007 (BST)

June 5th

Zombie numbers in South Shuttlebank are the highest they have been in some time, with a congregation of 17 zombies currently swaying outside of Fabian General Hospital. Assaults on Fabian have been repeated, with frequent break-ins and survivor deaths, yet South Shuttlebankers have banded together and managed to withstand these assaults, keeping this vital resource building available and even occasionally powered. As has become ever more common, the fine Club Brookeman staff, when not carrying on their duties at the club, have been a key force in ensuring that South Shuttlebank remains in survivor hands. --Barbecue Barbecue 16:27, 5 June 2007 (BST)

June 1th

Shuttlebank residents have faced their biggest challenge in some time, with an increase in zombie numbers, in what seems largely due to the influence of the Eastonwood Ferals. These zombies seem organised, taking out buildings one at a time, and with numbers seemingly equal to survivors. It would seem that superior management of their numbers has enabled the horde to take these buildings without too much problem.

Revive points are still up and running, and response times being currently tested by yours truly. It would seem some graffitti is needed @ Look Road, as I was killed by a zombie on their travels (only the 2nd time I've been a ZK'er victim).

For the breathing residents and visitors, rest assured that the South Shuttlebank City Council and what remains of The Shuttlebank Militia shall be working hard to help provide a friendly atmosphere.

Today being a friday, don't forget about Club Brookeman, where maybe, just maybe, a peaceful resolution between humans and zombies will be forged amidst the laughter and friendly atmosphere the club provides under Dubov and other Club Brookeman staff. --Yorba 14:00, 1 June 2007 (EST)


May 28th

Lots of small zombie groups have been spotted in the south, with both of the two police stations left completely open... someone may want to check it out... --ZombieCopper345 18:46, 28 May 2007 (EST)

May 21th

Shuttlebank has been returned to its former glory days! Well, maybe not, but Shuttlebank is the easily the best it has been since late 2006. That is, as long as you are a survivor. For zombies, the suburb doesn't bode too well, what with head-shots and barricaded buildings. Most major resource buildings are up and running, and any break-ins (they are rare but they are there) are dealt with rather promptly.

South Shuttlebank City Council has been busy ensuring buildings are barricaded in the more remote areas of Shuttlebank, and also keeping up a fresh supply of fuel to keep those generators running. Revives are prompt, with Look Road having no-one waiting for a revive in the last few days, at least when this survivor has checked anyway. If you are struggling to get a revive in a nearby suburb, Shuttlebank is the place for you! --Yorba 17:05, 21 May 2007 (EST)

May 11th

Most of South Shuttlebank still remains lit. A few break-ins do occur, and 'cade-watching remains essential with several active ferals still milling about, but revives are quick and heals are in good supply. Many long-time Shuttlebankers (including some long-dead Shuttlebankers) have returned, making the suburb begin to resemble its flourishing days of old.

In Shuttlebank entertainment news, the previously reported contract dispute concerning bpaco and the manager of Club Brookeman was finally resolved to the apparent satisfaction of all parties, the concluding event being some gunfire that ended in bpaco's death. This is not, of course, the end of things for the Club, of course, for tonight bpaco's funeral and resurrection are both being held there, and all are encouraged to stop by and have a drink and enjoy the festivities. Indeed, there has been a notable increase in the Club's resources, with a growing staff and new ideas as to how bring the very finest entertainment to this fair suburb. --Barbecue Barbecue 21:54, 11 May 2007 (BST)

May 7th

As Yagoton's fortunes have risen and the suburb stabilis/zes, so has Shuttlebank improved. Most resource buildings in South Shuttlebank have been powered and have remained so for several days. Zombie break-ins occur, but are fairly readily repelled by the scrappy survivors who have returned to their homes and places of work. Indeed, things have so taken on the appearance of normal that a fight recently broke out between bpaco, one of Dubov's regular performers at Club Brookeman, and Dubov himself, along with a few patrons and supporters. Apparently there is a contract dispute over payments to bpaco now that he's alive, resulting in bpaco threatening to quit his job and return to eating brains. 'ol Barbecue himself took a punch to the face, though some have said it improved his looks. Stay tuned for more information as the drama unfolds. --Barbecue Barbecue 01:11, 7 May 2007 (BST)


April 30th

With increasing support available from Yagoton resources, the mad, glad, and fraying at the edges South Shuttlebank City Council have left their NMC colleagues for now and begun efforts in Shuttlebank once again, rebuilding barricades, performing occasional revives, and making collection calls for unpaid parking tickets. --Barbecue Barbecue 01:55, 30 April 2007 (BST)

April 26th

The news of YRC being back up and operating is fine news indeed. Recent surverys conducted by members of the South Shuttlebank City Council has seemed to indicate that zombie presence in the area has slowed. This does not mean there are no more zombies, but rather there seems to exist merely less of them, and no groups larger than 10 have been sighted. With members of the South Shuttlebank City Council still helping out in Yagoton as part of the NMC offensive, it may be that Shuttlebank will once more see happier times ahead. When exactly? No-one knows, but rest assured you will read all about it here. For now all we can say is that Shuttlebank still deserves to be classed as dangerous.

Sadly, the status of Club Brookeman is unknown. Is Dubov still operating this venue? Has it gone under new ownership? Are it's drinks still the tastiest and best priced in all of Malton?? Stay tuned for this information. --Yorba 14:25, 26 April 2007 (EST)

April 25th

Yagoton has finally managing to reach some level of sustainability, and as such members from the revivification group YRC have been spotted in Shuttlebank posting up information pamphlets or graffiti written almost entirely in symbols. Apparently aimed at the more civil undead of Shuttlebank, it attempts to guide them towards one of Yagoton's recently re-activate revivification points. To quote one of the workers: "We won't let Shuttlebank become a walking graveyard." --MorthBabid 21:42, 25 April 2007 (BST)

April 11th

Shuttlebank is still showing up a big bright Red in the danger scale (yes, it's so dangerous it deserves a capitol 'R' for Red!). With The Shuttlebank Militia still seemingly verging on non-existence, and South Shuttlebank City Council helping out with the New Malton Colossus there is a distinct lack of any human related order in the area. For those with limited resources, heading to the greener areas of Malton provides for the most relaxing time. On other news, Shuttlebank's good guy/bad guy Havoqx has been sighted in the Yagoton area. Does the flame of fury of being hunted after his reformation from GK'er to Healer still haunt him and drive him towards anarchy, or has he found peace again? Club Brookeman, Shuttlebank and Malton's finest evening entertainment is still struggling to return to its former glory, but rest assured that Dubov is working hard, scrubbing the floors to remove any signs of old alcohol/blood/brains thet get it ready for another Friday night of fun. --Yorba 10:15, 11 April 2007 (EST)

April 5th

General Shuttlebank status is unknown but presumed to continue to be rather poor. Nevertheless, ever a bright ray of sunshine, the infamous Dubov has promised that Club Brookeman will be open once again this Friday for drinks and dancing--may all those living and dead who care to share a moment of glorious debauchery enjoy the opportunity Dubov continues to provide. Might help pass the time waiting for more revives and the return of more citizens/meals (depending on your perspective). --Barbecue Barbecue 03:28, 5 April 2007 (BST)


March 29th

While a few revives were achieved over the last few days, the zombie population always retained the upper hand, and have finally managed to kill or drive off most, if not all, of the remaining survivor population (including many of the newly revived) in South Shuttlebank. While certainly not the end of survivor activity in Shuttlebank, it does mean that revive activity and other restorative efforts will likely be on hold for perhaps a week's time or longer. Pack a sandwich. --Barbecue Barbecue 19:04, 29 March 2007 (BST)

March 25th

A few buildings in South Shuttlebank were lit for nearly 24 hours as Dubov and the South Shuttlebank City Council went on an excursion to collect supplies, check permits, and pursue entertainment at Club Brookeman. The fun was short-lived, however, as the local zombie contingent insisted upon re-implementing its own Uniform Barricade Plan which, as one might guess, means no barricades on any buildings at all, which is roughly how things stand in much of South Shuttlebank once again. Large numbers of survivors continue to patiently wait at revive queues, perhaps in large part because, with the fall of Yagoton, there's little hope to be had anywhere else nearby. --Barbecue Barbecue 22:52, 24 March 2007 (UTC)

March 21st

Shuttlebank remains a place that only the hardiest and most nimble of survivors can hold out in. The challenge in large part is less a function of sheer zombie numbers than it is of the fact that, indeed, very few survivors remain in the area for long, and other than the nascent South Shuttlebank City Council, there is little organis/zation to be seen. That said, we should not fail to acknowledge Dubov's continued dedication to opening Club Brookeman on Fridays, at least for a few hours, to try to entertain the local survivors and zombies who need a break from the ongoing barricade battles. Word is there's a VIP list--Shuttlebank's tonier crowd will be sure to want to get on it. --Barbecue Barbecue 18:02, 21 March 2007 (UTC)

March 13th

The local zombies have again shown higher intelligence and functioning than that normally associated with their kind with some penetrating attacks into the remaining human population. Powered buildings are now more rare than a no-ball from Glenn McGrath (go Australia in the cricket World Cup!). For those users without free-running or barricading skills, Shuttlebank may not be where you come home and hang your hat just yet. It's funny how quickly things can change, as it was just a week ago things looked like they were on the improve, but now it appears they have taken a turn for the worse, at least for the breathing residents of Shuttlebank. --Yorba

Things have gotten worse in Shuttlebank since the last post, unbelievably. Militant Order of Barhah members, including their leader, jorm, have begun plowing through the north of Shuttlebank, eliminating the few survivors who sought refuge there. It is safe to say that, as concerns survivors, Shuttlebank should be evacuated--as concerns zombies, well, the party goes on, eh? --Barbecue Barbecue 05:18, 13 March 2007 (UTC)
You maul Barbecue Barbecue for 3 damage, and grab hold of them. They die.--Jorm 05:43, 13 March 2007 (UTC)

March 11th

Local zombies have done a generally remarkable job of sacking and holding (for days) critical resource buildings such as The Marfell Building and Fabian General Hospital, frequently sleeping in them in significant numbers to prevent ready recovery of them by survivors. The result is ever longer lines at the revive points, and being FAK'd is now a rare treat. Moreover, as of this moment, nothing in central South Shuttlebank is powered--one consequence of which is that, in a moment of desperation, I drank my last bottle of Pinot Grigio warm. No word from Dubov regarding the status of Club Brookeman. Seems South Shuttlebankers (the few there are) may need to break out the dominoes if they're planning on any entertainment between attacks. --Barbecue Barbecue 18:59, 11 March 2007 (UTC)

March 6th

South Shuttlebank returns to a relative and, dare we say, communal quiet, in that both zombie and survivor populations are down, but still present. 15 potential revives wait at Look Road, while nearby blocks host a total of 13 zombies in the area surrounding Fabian General Hospital. Dr. Branch lives again, as do several long-term Shuttlebankers, several of whom have begun coordinating their efforts, forming the new South Shuttlebank City Council. One rotter currently waits in Besly Avenue Police Department, though it's not clear whether it's there just for the conversation or to try for the ransack. A few buildings are once again lit, including the now-infamous Club Brookeman, which was shut down previously by zombies for health code violations--as it appears, per certain zombie health codes, living beings are full of germs and no building holding them is allowed to operate. It is hoped that this time some sort of legal agreement has been worked out. --Barbecue Barbecue 01:41, 6 March 2007 (UTC)


February 23rd

And with the sacking of the Keats Hotel, one of the last remaining survivor hideouts in South Shuttlebank, it would appear that the zombies have nearly fully occupied South Shuttlebank. Lines at revive points are long, not to mention the queues. Morale among what few survivors remain is arguably at a new low, with some opting to head out for other, safer areas. Nevertheless, some have indicated a wish to stay on and fight for South Shuttlebank, and it is to these South Shuttlebank's future as a survivor home appears to be entrusted. There is even talk of forming a new group to replace the now-apparently-defunct Shuttlebank Militia. In related news, Dubov's dead, so it may be a while before new bookings appear at Club Brookeman, and sometime-reformed PKer Havoqx has declared his intention to return to PKing, following his own death at the hands of a bounty hunter, unforestero. --Barbecue Barbecue 21:48, 23 February 2007 (UTC)

February 21st

South Shuttlebank appears to have taken another turn for the worse. There are standing zombies outside of most buildings, resource or not, and standing zombies inside not a few ransacked buildings. Lights are rarely on, largely due to smashed generators, but in some cases, simply because of a lack of fuel. At one point earlier today, a total of 30 potential revivees stood waiting at the two main revive points, Drake Walk and Look Road. Ever one to deliver service to the last, Dr. Branch, proprietor of the Look Road revive point, was seen lying on the ground there amongst some of his former patients. Physician, heal thyself, indeed. --Barbecue Barbecue 02:56, 21 February 2007 (UTC)

February 16th

While 'cades and lights are generally holding for now, at least outside of the key resource buildings always in contention, the zombie population in South Shuttlebank has surged (no contemporary political reference intended), with a total of 64 zombies scattered across a seven-block area around The Buckrell Building, mostly in groups of 10-12. Some local residents have begun suggesting a tactical retreat to safer areas. It remains to be seen whether this will indeed happen. Such a shame, too, when Club Brookeman was off to a good start with its zombie dancers and hip DJs. --Barbecue Barbecue 17:06, 16 February 2007 (UTC)

February 15th

Lights are back on and shining bright in much of South Shuttlebank, but they have not blinded residents to two dreadful things: Yorba (the great) was brutally clawed to death in his sleep, and apparent zergers have recently made residence in Wild Walk Police Department, among other places. The latter is a sorry situation, if it is true, indeed--South Shuttlebank had previously been a respectable place for both zambahz and harmanz to do business. It is hoped that any and all zergers depart town as soon as they are able. --Barbecue Barbecue 03:28, 15 February 2007 (UTC)

February 13th

As time passes, so things change. Lights are currently out across most of South Shuttlebank, with the notable exception of Club Brookeman, where the party's still going, and features a guest zombie, our familiar friend DynaBomber, doing the reggae strut (at least, that's what it looked like to me). I also just gave directions to a lost zombie in The Marfell Building who apparently belongs to Mall Tour '07, Benjamin Wald. It's nice to see that, even in apocalypse, there are those rare moments when zombies and survivors can find common ground. --Barbecue Barbecue 17:17, 13 February 2007 (UTC)

February 10th

Ah, February, the month of love and leaping. Alas, there is little of either to be found in the center of South Shuttlebank just now, at least for survivors, with 15 zombies dancing outside of Fabian General Hospital and Besly Avenue Police Department (for a total of 30), and 'cades on both buildings falling down like drawstring pants missing the drawstring. The increased concentration of zombies in the area might well be due to the EF, which has been running amok in Yagoton to the east, and making some incursions, as they have themselves recorded, into the southeastern corner of Shuttlebank. That said, many buildings do retain power fairly consistently, however, and given the clear focus of zombie activity on the aforementioned resource buildings, local survivors know where not to sleep. --Barbecue Barbecue 03:27, 10 February 2007 (UTC)


January 24th

Zombie activity in South Shuttlebank is not simply centered on Fabian General Hospital, it is indeed concentrated there, with nearly all the zombies in the nine-block area (roughly twenty) shambling outside the building. Survivors have been quite challenged to keep the building unransacked long enough to stock up on FAKs and newspapers. In other news, the revive queue at the recently opened clinic at Look Road is at nine, with roughly a half-dozen waiting at the cemetery near The Darknell Museum. South Shuttlebank has seen a few of the walking wounded show up from the battles for Bale Mall and the YRC in nearby Yagoton, and residents are asked to help out when possible, given the kind help Yagoton's noble survivor population has provided us in the past. In somewhat cheerier news, some resource buildings have remained powered for days at a time, if not longer, and word has spread that Club Brookeman is reopening, featuring comedy acts. Check local graffiti for times. No word yet as to whether zombie acts will be included. --Barbecue Barbecue 20:27, 24 January 2007 (UTC)

January 19th

LinaSassafrass the Pker has just been killed. Please do not revive. Harald von Holzapfel 01:14, 19 January 2007 (UTC)

January 13th

Perhaps due to the recent conflicts in the EF's home territory of Eastonwood, perhaps because of the recent discovery of a locker full of Stilton cheese in nearby Yagoton, perhaps simply because water is wet, it appears that, as of the last few days, the local zombie population in South Shuttlebank has decreased and the survivor population has increased. Drake Walk currently provides relatively quick revives, with a short line, and our own Dr. Branch has opened a private revivification clinic at Look Road. A quick pass through the remaining zombie collective reveals some familiar rotting faces, suggesting a few rather dedicated zombies are indeed keeping the light on locally (or rather, trying to keep it off--given that it is on in The Buckrell Building once again--make your calls while you can). --Barbecue Barbecue 06:29, 12 January 2007 (UTC)

January 9th

Efforts over the last week or so to restore power to the phone mast at The Buckrell Building have met with limited success, notwithstanding the fine efforts of a visiting Maltel representative, goggles, who noted our service was out and briefly restored it. Unfortunately, zombies were later found chewing the wires (and goggles), and no quantity of cheese was able to dissuade them from doing so. Life in South Shuttlebank in general has returned to something of a regular pattern--survivors cade up and power up resource buildings long enough to collect supplies, and the zombies, having stored up AP for just such an occasion, break in rather suddenly and haul off a few unfortunates. Zombie and survivor numbers remain about the same and about equal, with the zombies concentrated outside the resource buildings and the survivors retreating to nearby safehouses. Apologies for the delay in reporting, but New Year's simply took the barbecue goodness right out of me. --Barbecue Barbecue 03:39, 9 January 2007 (UTC)



December 28th

Survivors struggled throughout the previous 24 to protect the last remaining string of Christmas lights in The Buckrell Building, not to mention keeping the phone mast powered, but after several zombie incursions, it appears the building will once again fall into zombie hands, and Shuttlebank will again be without mobile phone support. The responsible zombies that were examined show no markings of any group--'ol Barbecue was certainly close enough (too close, alas) to Snergle to verify that. Barricades in the South Central area have generally been maintained, however, and some resource buildings have been able to retain power for longish periods of time, in some cases, days. Even so, there is evidence that survivor morale has been sinking, and some have begun wondering whether enough dedicated survivors remain in South Shuttlebank to do more than stanch the bleeding. --Barbecue Barbecue 03:27, 28 December 2006 (UTC)

December 26th

And so Christmas 2006 has come and gone, seeing zombies reuniting with their families for mom's ole-fashioned brain casserole (aged, as I hear is proper, three days, for the maggots to set properly), and survivors taking the opportunity to light buildings and hang lights. A relative peace has held sway these last 24 in South Shuttlebank, bringing reflective moments to all who live and unlive in the area. Some believe this quiet means that New Year's Eve will be especially rockin' this year, whether Dick Clark joins us, human or zombie. --Barbecue Barbecue 03:21, 26 December 2006 (UTC)

December 20th

South Shuttlebank favors the zombies at present, with seemingly fewer survivors in the area overall, and some formerly EHB buildings cracked and filled with zombies. Total zombie numbers in the Fabian area might be up a half-dozen or so, which could in part be why things have turned against survivors. In any case, this is certainly going to hurt the donations to the Toys for Zeds program (which, admittedly, only collected a single moth-eaten Hello Kitty doll thus far). --Barbecue Barbecue 15:22, 20 December 2006 (UTC)

December 16th

The tide of battle in South Shuttlebank turns like... the tide. There are continued skirmishes between a ragtag group of survivors, some long-term Shuttlebankers, some not, and the local zombies, over control of Fabian and Marfell, particularly when the latter have been powered for periods of time. Perhaps partly as a result, local representatives of the MFD have suggested that residents not sleep in powered resource buildings. The line for revives at Drake Walk remains about the same as last report, as does the number of zombies in the nine-block area around Fabian, arguably the heart of the battle for South Shuttlebank. And I can confirm that, sloshed and bozzled though I was, it didn't stop DynaBomber from taking a good chunk out of me recently (though she did seem to sway just a bit more after that last one--might be why I got away). --Barbecue Barbecue 02:47, 16 December 2006 (UTC)

December 12th

And South Shuttlebank is once again held by the zombies, with most major resource buildings cracked open, ransacked, and in a few cases, having a shambling, shuffling crew still inside. The line for revives at Drake Walk is around 22. Attacking zombie numbers don't appear, overall, to have increased--suggesting once again that their coordination/timing has been the key to their success. As it seems a strategy change for survivors is needed, I'm kicking off a week of drinking heavily, to see whether a pickled survivor is still tasty to zombies. --Barbecue Barbecue 00:38, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

December 10th

You can almost tell time by the frequency with which Fabian's cades rise and fall--which turns out to be fortunate for 'ol Barbecue, because, as a dead body resulting from one fall of the cades, he can no longer use any of the items he carries. Aside from the continuing contention for ownership of Fabian, which currently has 8 zombies outside, power has recently been restored to Marfell (NT) and Besly PD, which are under siege by 9 and 3 zombies, respectively, contributing to a total of 29 undead in the nine-square area centered on Fabian. And my face is back down on that same damn moldy sandwich. --Barbecue Barbecue 15:33, 10 December 2006 (UTC)

December 8th

South Shuttlebank appears to be in play once again, with a significant number of recently arrived survivors suffering and repelling various break-ins at key resource buildings, but losing generators and good friends in the process. 18 or so at Drake Walk awaiting revives or, in some cases, revivers to grief. Registering for revives at is strongly recommended by those with sticks to facilitate identification of those former survivors actually looking for a revive. As soon as I remove the dozen or so zombie teeth put in my arms in the last few minutes, I hope to be back to type up another report. Until then, I remain the (barely) living Barbecue Barbecue 05:54, 8 December 2006 (UTC).

Update: Ouch... er, Mrh? News as fresh as my corpse: a total of 34 zombies shambling around outside the nine-block area surrounding and including Fabian General Hospital. As a result of what appears to have been a particularly well-coordinated attack that brought cades down from VHB+2 to zero within mere minutes, if not less, Fabian was cracked open wide not long ago, and at least one survivor was killed. However, other survivors report good health, including Szuran, who was just seen standing comfortably amongst his zombie friends by Besly Avenue Police Department. Signing off for now from outside Fabian, in the grass, on a moldy sandwich, this is (was) Barbecue Barbecue 13:54, 8 December 2006 (UTC).

December 6th

Though it's been a few weeks in coming, "Young Ned of the Hill" has been absolutely blasting from the speakers dragged into South Shuttlebank's formerly abandoned buildings. Former residents with free running are strongly encouraged to visit and partake in the gentle rowdiness, and pick up fresh socks. I also have a FAK to spare, first come first serve. --Barbecue Barbecue 06:52, 6 December 2006 (UTC)

December 3rd

South Shuttlebank appears to be devoid of survivors. 18 zombies now remain at Drake Walk. A few (presumably Eastonwood) ferals roam about and wander the empty buildings, perhaps local representatives of the Zombiefied_Republic_of_!zanbah, which has recently declared South Shuttlebank as territory belonging to its "usual sphere of influence." Poor chaps must be positively starving, as the last time I was dragged out and served up for dinner was weeks ago. --Barbecue Barbecue 16:31, 3 December 2006 (UTC)


November 22nd

A line of 28 (make that 27) zombies at Drake Walk, presumably most/all awaiting revives. Most South Shuttlebank resource points still (or again) ransacked. 'Nuff said, at least for this reporter/would-be Mayor of South Shuttlebank, such as it is. So many dead... so many gone... Barbecue Barbecue 06:31, 22 November 2006 (UTC)

November 19th

South Shuttlebank remains largely deserted of survivors since the last assault. The Buckrell Building, the home of Shuttlebank's phone mast, is ransacked, with a couple of zombies seen inside playing what looks to survivors to be Z&D, or Zombies and Dragons, killing time (along with one survivor, as well as losing a 1d4). That said, though quiet, punctuated by the occasional feeding groan, may have settled in upon the homes of former South Shuttlebankers, despair has not yet struck the South Shuttlebankers themselves, as the spirited notes of the Pogues' "Young Ned of the Hill" have been heard playing from not so very far away. Barbecue Barbecue 02:49, 19 November 2006 (UTC)

November 14th

Following the devastation visited upon them at the end of October, key South Shuttlebankers have since returned to their former homes, dumping body parts and duplicate copies of Dawn of the Dead left behind by the zombie hordes that had formerly occupied most of the area's resource buildings. Many other residents have joined them, not to mention a fair number of vacationers, as well as, to the surprise of many, former PKer Havoqx, who has pledged his support to rebuilding and defending South Shuttlebank. Power has been restored to most major resource buildings, though the clubs are still silent, meaning that the Nik Kershaw cover band scheduled for November 16 may not, in fact, turn out. Barbecue Barbecue 07:52, 14 November 2006 (UTC)

UPDATE: Just like the new car you drive off the lot, the news above has, since its initial posting, significantly depreciated in value. Perhaps in response to the lights and the scent of unchomped bodies, it would appear the EF have also returned and begun a new assault on South Shuttlebank, killing Desmond O'Fara, among others. Barbecue Barbecue 22:19, 14 November 2006 (UTC)

November 8th

Well, not much news to report from South Shuttlebank just now, as things are largely the same as reported a few days earlier, though admittedly with a few improvements (survivor-relative... for zombies, to be NPOV-fair, things are technically worse). Returning/residing survivor locals are strongly encouraging former residents to visit and begin rebuilding and playing the lottery and buying pants; however, PKer Havoqx has reportedly promised to kill this survivor by end of week, and someone else if I am not around. So on that note, I will close by saying that Havoqx, I am gladly waiting for you in Club Brookeman right now, and please do be sure to spend that AP finding me if I'm not there. Barbecue Barbecue 05:12, 8 November 2006 (UTC)

November 6th

It is indeed a sign that South Shuttlebank has the continuing support of its former residents when local PKer Havoqx shows up at the borders of Yagoton to say, regarding Shuttlebank, "Good luck getting this city back up and running." Admittedly, he may have said some other things before and after that statement (and done some PKing of Alex Buck), but we prefer to take his expressed sentiments out of context. Thank you, Havoqx, we'll do our best--and please feel free to bring any concerns you may have about this report directly to me, if you know what I mean. Barbecue Barbecue 17:05, 6 November 2006 (UTC)

November 5th

Well, you wouldn't exactly call South Shuttlebank pretty, but it's looking a lot better than a few weeks ago. Only a handful of zombies wandering about, banging into walls, but still no power to any resource buildings, which means the DJ tour is still on hold. Drake Walk has some curious graffiti suggesting it is no longer a revive point--which would indeed be news, if it is true--and is at some thirteen or so zombies awaiting a fresh start on life (it was fourteen, but I managed to do one revive and pass out clean socks before heading off to file this report). Barbecue Barbecue 22:33, 5 November 2006 (UTC)

November 2nd

Down to around 30 and change waiting for revives at Drake Walk, and some minor improvements in South Shuttlebank's condition, but still clearly the remnants of a (and indeed a continuing) war zone. Indeed, reviving at Drake Walk may bring some risks from zombies not serious about revives, as at least one reviver has been attacked upon entering the square. Some reduction in zombie numbers (though still an average of 3 or 4 outside most major resource buildings) may be due to the distraction of Yagoton, the nearest well-lit target. As ever, those who have fought to restore South Shuttlebank and fallen, or who have helped Shuttlebankers, deserve our greatest honors. Cheveron, you will not be forgotten, particularly after you stand up and get revived and can talk again. Barbecue Barbecue 02:29, 2 November 2006 (UTC)


October 30th

Drake Walk still at 40+ awaiting revives. The attacking zombies, though diminished in number, continue holding together well enough to coordinate break-ins, one of which resulted in the cracking of The Stoodely Museum and the death of at least two survivors holed up in there who had been working to restore South Shuttlebank, including this author. Sadly, it seems that some former residents of Shuttlebank, now converted into zombies, have forgotten what it was to be alive, and have started helping the attackers... et tu, Mortis Hora? Reporting dead to you from Naish Square, Barbecue Barbecue 00:59, 30 October 2006 (UTC)

October 29th

Things are still pretty rough in South Shuttlebank, with over 40 restless zombie/survivors seeking revives at Drake Walk, and scattered nastiness of small groups of zombies outside most major resource buildings. Worst of all is that, since the fall of South Shuttlebank, the zombies seem to have been drinking heavily and charging my tab at Club Brookeman. Perhaps we'll get lucky and they'll drink themselves sober, and realize they belong in Eastonwood after all. I'd gladly pay for that, to the tune of the Housemartins' "Happy Hour". Barbecue Barbecue 04:54, 29 October 2006

October 26th

Many refugees from South Shuttlebank, including, remarkably, our own resident PKer Havoqx, have been heading to Yagoton, gathering supplies and AP's. Though our town may be crushed, our spirits certainly are not, and we look forward to returning and restoring South Shuttlebank at some future point. And, on behalf of all South Shuttlebankers, a special thanks to the citizens of Yagoton for kindly hosting and (particularly in my case) healing us during our hour of need. The favor will certainly be returned. Barbecue Barbecue 16:50, 26 October 2006 (BST)

October 25th

South Shuttlebank is, arguably, no more. Fabian has 47 zombies inside and is still cracked open, with two survivors remaining, likely soon to be consumed; the nearby PDs are both cracked open and have a number of zombies holding court. Key survivors who have long lived in the area are dead. A grudging congratulations EF, you took South Shuttlebank. Woo-hoo. Probably ruined the holiday celebration on the 31st at that. Ironically, makes one miss the days when PKers were the worst we had to face. Please note that all bookings made for holidays in South Shuttlebank are being refunded by the appropriate agencies. Barbecue Barbecue 06:06, 25 October 2006 (BST)

October 24th

We regretfully suggest that both residents and tourists cancel all future plans (as a living being, anyway) for South Shuttlebank. Most major resource buildings are cracked, ransacked, and full of zombies; current count is roughly some sixty within and out various buildings. Those awaiting revivification at Drake Walk are recommended to pursue alternative sources. Local graffiti suggests (though, of course, cannot be counted on) that this is an Eastonwood Ferals attack. In any case, it is clearly coordinated, which suggests that it may well be time to turn to River Tactics to resolve, unless we receive word that other survivor forces can assist. If not, we respect and appreciate those residents and visitors who choose to continue the fight to clean up what was once a quaint, though beautiful, suburb of a suburb; as for the rest, we hope you will rejoin us when this menace has been defeated, or moved on to a mall, in proper 80s fashion. Barbecue Barbecue 20:03, 24 October 2006 (BST)

Update: Per their own wiki page, it is indeed the EF that has invaded our town. Guess you can't expect stupid zombies to respect their own group name. P.S. this also explains the presence of what looked very much like zombie spies in some of our formerly accessible resource buildings, which the EF openly embrace. Barbecue Barbecue 20:19, 24 October 2006 (BST)
Update 2: I should have called out (or just killed) Imabitemo when I first saw her. She had no human skills, only zombie skills when I initially encountered her in a PD. Then she shows up in Fabian hospital with one new skill--Diagnosis. EF spy, anyone? (not to mention the 'bite' play on words in her name) Barbecue Barbecue 20:47, 24 October 2006 (BST)
Update 3: At the risk of an exaggerated comparison, Fabian seems to be the new Blackmore, with cades rising and falling several times within the hour. Will someone kill Imabitemo? Will Fabian hold up against its zombie oppressors? Only time will tell... Barbecue Barbecue 21:39, 24 October 2006 (BST)

October 23nd

Break-ins are now fairly frequent in South Shuttlebank. A line of 16 zombies outside Wild Walk PD, a half-dozen inside, some near-dozen waiting for revives at Drake Walk, with at least one rotter among them. Attempts to placate the zombies with a cheese plate have thus far proved unsuccessful. Barbecue Barbecue 16:26, 23 October 2006 (BST)

October 22nd

Apologies to those waiting for revives in South Shuttlebank, but the Marfell NT building is still in the process of being cleaned up, so no fresh needles are available there just now. Survivors are strongly encouraged to use available AP to pitch in with a broom and a pistol and get our fine NT facility back online. Fabian has also seen a recent break-in, and work is currently underway to address that issue as well. Whether the frequency and intensity of this recent zombie activity represents some kind of organized assault on South Shuttlebank, or is simply the result of some collectively bored and hungry ferals, is not known. Barbecue Barbecue 21:25, 22 October 2006 (BST)

October 21st

Zombie incursions into resource buildings seem to have been coming at a rate of about one a day as of late, which is, of course, most uncivilized of our undead cousins. But some might say that's not so troubling as the return of the overbarricading of all buildings in South Shuttlebank, which means that getting back inside once you're revived is tough, let alone getting out of those buildings to try and catch up on the (unusually long, for our fine town) line reportedly still at Drake Walk. Not to mention that this might mean fewer submissions for the zombie head-carving contest and a lower turnout for that morning's pancake breakfast, something I am sure many of us have been looking forward to. Barbecue Barbecue 03:38, 21 October 2006 (BST)

October 19th

Some say that the modern, post-apocalyptic world lacks a sense of community. Well, we here in South Shuttlebank stand counter to that notion, and then some. Those who got chomped in some of the recent zombie incursions to the FD and PD and NT (thanks to Mac Howard for that update) will be revived ASAP and returned to our fine survivor citizenry. And on that note, my tab at Club Brookeman will be open until further notice. Drink up, for tomorrow we (possibly) die, and await revivification. Barbecue Barbecue 06:50, 19 October 2006 (BST)

October 18th

The kind folks who put together the ZedgatTM survey books have just rated Bubcar Road Fire Station as the place to be eaten in South Shuttlebank, what with 13 zombies inside at last check. Unfortunately, zombies are against all South Shuttlebank health codes, and local survivors with AP to spare are requested to stop by and write up violations with whatever's handy. Barbecue Barbecue 05:10, 18 October 2006 (BST)

Update: The Marfell Building has fallen, everyone inside is gone, and life returner is a no-revive, I repeat, do not revive life returner.
-Mac Howard 01:15, 19 October 2006 (BST)

October 15th

Ol' Barbecue Barbecue again. I apologise, but my dead body seems to be clogging up the paths of Shuttlebank yet again--this time PKed by Shapiro Keats in the Hain Library with the axe (mostly, I think). Starting to feel like a bad, repetitive game of Clue. Guess this is what I get for wandering away from South Shuttlebank proper. Ah, well. When I died I dropped a fresh cheese plate I prepared for today's poetry reading (I was going to read Philip Larkin's "This Be the Verse", myself)--please feel free to enjoy. Barbecue Barbecue 20:30, 15 October 2006 (BST)

October 14th

Well, word has it that Havoqx was revived by Damanoc Blackthorn following his just death yesterday (perhaps an unfortunate random revive), and subsequently went and done started killing. As one who can testify to being PKed to death in these particular circumstances, I will only add the comment that this does not mean my tab at the Brookeman is closed while I recuperate (PS--thanks qweqaz). It would help the party, of course, if someone could bring by some more fuel for the generator. Got to have the tunes, and tonight's 80's night. Barbecue Barbecue 22:24, 14 October 2006 (BST)

October 13th

Heard in the Marfell building earlier today:

  • Havoqx said "Barbecue: I have come for you today. I don't see Desmond O' Fara and I've given you a ton of time. I'll give you another day since I'm at low AP right now. You got lucky this time."
  • Havoqx said "Run and hide while you can. While you ALL can. Once my AP is back to 50, I'm going to paint these walls red!"

And so, a timely reminder to all our fine, law-abiding citizens: Drake Walk is the place for fastest revives in South Shuttlebank, should you find yourself PKed. Unless, of course, you're a PKer. In that case, may we offer you a brochure featuring the wonders of Ridleybank, and the delights of the Blackmore Building in particular? Barbecue Barbecue 20:11, 13 October 2006 (BST)

Update: It has been reported that The Shuttlebank Militia member Xavier O'Grady has given Havoqx a thorough "talking-to," Shining-style. I have opened up my tab at Club Brookeman for any who care to honor the occasion, however they see fit. Barbecue Barbecue 00:13, 14 October 2006 (BST)

October 9th

South Shuttlebank is preparing for its annual pumpkinfest. Unfortunately, given the lack of pumpkins since the quarantine, it is suggested that residents carve zombie heads instead. All submissions should be brought to the Buckrell building by Oct 30. Judging will be on the night of the 31st. In other news, while overbarricading is still a hurdle for residents and visitors, zombies are generally not. However, Havoqx, the now-infamous PKer, is still in the area. While it is of course obligatory for us to say, once again, "shoot on sight," we must offer up a well-earned compliment on his style. Barbecue Barbecue 19:57, 9 October 2006 (BST)

October 2nd

Tourists are not advised to visit South Shuttlebank just now due to an unfortunate habit of overbarricading as a result of recent zombie attacks. We apologise, and hope to make it less difficult for the recently revived and visitors to experience our wonders and attractions in the very near future; we also ask our residents to help out in this area by following good barricade practices. Barbecue Barbecue 00:11, 3 October 2006 (BST)

October 1st

William Ave still a popular attraction for local zombies. Going theory is that, as a few zombies were recently caught nearby staring at an old Terminator VHS rental box, it apparently stirred up foggy notions of taking out a PD. Barbecue Barbecue 18:20, 1 October 2006 (BST)


September 29th

Alh rocks. That's all that need be said. Well, that, and he's apparently got a fan club (not among zeds, probably) who recently satisfied an aerosol fix in Buckrell. In any case, props to Alh for helping keep South Shuttlebank safe. Barbecue Barbecue 05:27, 29 September 2006 (BST)

UPDATE--South Shuttlebank is really starting to stink with all the zeds hanging out in Wild Walk PD and mucking up the place in William Ave. Survivors with an interest are strongly advised to bring a mop and bucket and start cleaning up. Barbecue Barbecue 14:34, 29 September 2006 (BST)

September 28nd

William Ave PD very unsafe--a line of nine zeds doing the conga over the bodies of slaughtered survivors. Yes, that's right--doing the conga. Barbecue Barbecue 13:44, 28 September 2006 (BST)

UPDATE--William Ave PD VSB'd, all zeds out, and zed graffiti removed. Thanks to all who pulled this together. Barbecue Barbecue 21:24, 28 September 2006 (BST)

September 28nd

Havoqx, a known PKer and GKer, is, true to his name, now wreaking havoc on this wiki page, having edited himself out of the prior notice of his actions on Sept 22. 05:20, 28 September 2006 (BST) (Additional coments from Havoqx himself: These slaughters will not stop. You all left me for dead, now I will PK and GK your Fabian area untill I have gotten every last one of you.)

September 27nd

A zombie spy/sympathizer has recently tagged William Ave to the effect that survivors should not kill the zeds that make it inside, claiming it is an indoor revive point. Any survivor observing this rule will surely get his brains eaten as his reward. Barbecue Barbecue 22:40, 27 September 2006 (BST)

September 26nd

William Ave PD is regularly being visited by a contingent of ugly, flesh-rotting, flesh-eating zeds. While we like to be neighborly, we invite all locals in Shuttlebank to help blast some zed faces off and restore a sense of order to this otherwise quiet PD. We're a bit tired of having our doors opened by visiting zeds for us these last couple of days. Barbecue Barbecue 05:43, 26 September 2006 (BST)

September 22nd

Havoqx, a known PKer and GKer, is, true to his name, wreaking havoc in Wild Walk and elsewhere, DO NOT REVIVE HIM--SHOOT ON SIGHT. Sect also recently PKed in Wild Walk--another to watch out for. Sad thing that SB has more to worry about from survivors than zeds, eh? 04:03, 23 September 2006 (BST)

September 13th

Real quiet here in South Shuttlebank. 2 Zeds at the Drake revive point, were 2 zeds 1 block north--I stress WERE with a sense of personal responsibility.--Barbecue Barbecue 22:00, 13 September 2006 (BST)

September 6th

47 Zeds in areas north of Frappell NT, 35 in areas south of Frappell NT. 09:14, 6 September 2006 (BST)

September 5th

The Marfell Building has being falling and rising a lots of times on the week. There is a bigger zombie presence than before. Caution is advised.--Thari TжFedCom is BFI! 07:22, 5 September 2006 (BST)


August 30th

A strong zombie group has taken out a group of survivors (including myself) 2 of the churchs have fallen.

August 13th

A very weak zombie influence in the zone. Only 20 zombies in the whole suburb. SE part is zombie free. NW area has members of the DvEM.--Thari T/C/TJ! 19:11, 13 August 2006 (BST)