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===[[Cobra]] : Player Killers===
{{:Cobra/Recruitment|03:23, 24 December 2008 (UTC)}}

===[[Creedy Guerilla Raiders]] : [[PKer]] and Warrior Group===
===[[Creedy Guerilla Raiders]] : [[PKer]] and Warrior Group===

Revision as of 03:23, 24 December 2008

Looking for a group to join? Have a group seeking members?

This page is open to adverts by groups currently recruiting new members.

Format for Posting Adverts

Group adverts are to follow a very specific format. Your advert code should look like this:

===[[Group Name]] : Group Type===

Type is optional but will help readers.
{{:Group Name/Recruit}}
time stamp (~~~~~) or timed signature (~~~~) Optional if otherwise displayed.

  • The entire advert content is "encased" in a table. This prevents one advert's formatting from affecting other adverts due to image "text flow" and so on.
  • "Group Name/Recruit" is a normal wiki page that contains the content of the advert. Using the curly brackets and colon inserts your advert page's entire contents onto this page, just as if it were a template.
  • "Type" is the type of group. Generally one of the following, but you are free to choose your own: Survivor Group, Zombie Group, PKer Group, Mixed Group, or Organization.
  • You MUST put the following categories on your "Group Name/Recruit" page:
<noinclude>[[Category:Group Subpages]]</noinclude>
<noinclude>[[Category:GROUP NAME HERE]]</noinclude> if your group has a category of its own.
  • Additionally you should add:
<noinclude>[[Category:Recruitment|TYPE]]</noinclude> where TYPE is your group type.
  • Place your advert in alphabetical order by group name. Adverts not posted in the proper alphabetical order will be moved.
  • Large Groups or Organizations with significant subgroups are limited to one advert. This includes groups such as the DHPD and the DEM, they may use their advert to direct players to the separate sub-groups.
  • The advert must have a timestamp (five tildes - ~~~~~) or a signature with an attached timestamp. This can be placed either on this page or on your adverts page.
  • After two months as measured from the timestamp the entire advert may be removed for inactivity. It is the group’s responsibility to update the timestamp to prevent the advert being deleted. Updating the timestamp may and should be done at any time while the group is still recruiting.
  • Adverts which do not use the format below or fails to adhere to the guidelines above will be commented out. This can be done using comment tags - <!-- ... -->. A dated comment will be left in the edited section explaining why the advert page was dis-included; if the advert is not fixed within two weeks, the entire section will be removed.

Format for Advert Content

  • Your adverts formatting must not break the page. Preview before you save!
  • When viewed on an 800*600 resolution, as a rough guideline your advert should not exceed 800px in height.
  • When viewed on an 800*600 resolution, your advert should not cause a horizontal scrollbar to appear.
  • All images used in the advert must not come to a grand total of more than 56KiB (56K).
  • No templates are allowed in your advert for technical reasons. Before you put up the advert, use subst to replace any template calls with the template's code.
  • No subheadings.

Helpful Guidelines for Advert Content

Clearly written adverts which contain requirements for membership at the start or in bold, as well as a method of contact and reasons for joining your group, normally get the most response. Remember, this advert represents your group. The easier it is to read and understand, the better. Attractive formatting and helpful links will also attract prospective members. If your group is active in a specific area or areas, it is a good idea to provide this information - not all people are willing to travel.

Malton Recruitment Adverts, Alphabetically by Group Name

Place your group (or coalition) advert in alphabetical order by group name.


82nd Airborne Division : Pro-Survivor

The 82nd Airborne

Expecting some rant about how amazing and GREAT we are?
-Gasp!- ...You've come to the WRONG place!

We're just here to have FUN! (YEAH! Bring on them zombahs!)(But that doesn't mean we aren't awesome! Because we are!)

Besides the janitorial work, we just like to have a few laughs. If you're just chock-full of ideas for operations, let us know! We're DYING for MORE fun. New fun, old fun, and best of all, CRAZY fun!

We've done everything from Forts (Perryn), red zones (Ridleybank), mansions (Kersley), and mall seiges (Caiger, Nichols, Ackland, you name it!).

If you want to sign-up (or if just having a casual look through is your thing):
Stop over to browse our web page (and hand over your soul!): 82nd Airborne Division Command Centre
Want to learn more? Hop over to our wiki! wiki page!!!!
Have fun kids!

--Dial911 07:19, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

501st U.S. Army Battalion : Pro-Survivor

501st Insignia new.PNG

501st U.S. Army Battalion

Anybody is welcome to join the 501st

We need everybody in the fight, join now and you will receive good ranks

Our site is located here.

Join the Researchers, the Civilians or the Military of the 501st

(04:06, 17 December 2008 (UTC))


The Abandoned : Pro-Survivor

Abandoned Recruitment Poster.png
The Abandoned is one of the oldest remaining survivor groups in the game. We are actively recruiting new members to barricade, heal, revive and defend against the zombie threat in Yagoton.

We are a group structured around individuals being able to take action themselves by group guidelines while communicating through a forum structure. We rarely give direct orders, unless you are part of a cell.

We have several cool toys, tools, and scripts found nowhere else, as they were created by our own members. For newer players we offer help and advice in their character progression.

We have stood against many threats to ourselves and the people of Yagoton from both zombies and PKers alike and we are still here. Defending the most successful revive effort in the city, the YRC, we have helped to provide the city with a great place for survivors to live and thrive.

So join us today and fight for a good cause.

Jonny Happening 03:30, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

Anti-Zombie Squad : Pro-Survivor

The AZS is dead. Long live the AZS!

--Janus talk 15:03, 19 December 2008 (UTC)

Army Control Corps : Survivors

Army Control Corps

The Army Control Corps is a tactical and mobile group dedicated to aiding survivors and eradicating the Zombie infestation that pervades Malton. Some of our Operations involve the salvaging of decimated suburbs, assisting Survivors/Allies in the defense of buildings besieged by large Zombie hordes, and the pursuit of humanitarian efforts which involve the revivification and medical treatment of local Survivors in hard-hit areas.

Currently, there are two combat squads in service as well as a small Special Forces detachment. Roles are chosen via a Job System upon entrance to the group, and the types available range from pure assault stances to more supportive duties that require work behind the scenes.

Lastly, all those who want to join (any level or class) may do so - whether it is preferred to engage in combat or just survive, an open, suitable spot can be found to tailor to one’s needs. To immediately seek enlistment within the ACC, please register here and submit your application here.

The ACC looks forward to receiving and welcoming new members into one of the biggest groups of Malton that has spanned for over seven years and is still running strong.

SaulKD 07:43, 15 December 2008 (UTC)


BAD-MU : Anti-zombie and Pro-survivor Group


"Why should I join?"

Welcome to BAD-MU, or the Buttonville Anti-zombie Defense and Medical Unit. Like any other pro-survivor group, we aim to help the living in Malton by:

  • Setting up stations of willing survivors throughout Southern Malton
  • Supplying FAKs and Armed support to those who have asked for our help
  • and by retaking and holding needed NecroTech buildings

Survivors of any level are welcome to join one of our four squads: Dove Squad, Vulture Squad, Hawk Squad, and Red Unit. Stop the zombie's, join BAD-MU. BAD-MU is for you!

Wanna Find out how to Join?

Then find out more about us by clicking one of the links below, or email us at the selected address.

--Blueheadish 14:15, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

The Blackhawk Nation : Pro-Survivor Group

  • Frustrated about groups that care about nothing but themselves? The Blackhawk Nation are a group of people who aim to help the population of Malton, heal the masses, defend the weak, and fight the zombie hordes.
  • We are a group with a revolutionary flavor, however we do not go out of our way to annoy groups whose ideas oppose us, as it reduces our effectiveness in helping the locals. However, we will from time to time engage groups, but we do so only with groups that threaten, harm, or treat other survivors unfairly.
  • We will never force you to stay in a specific location, nor perform a specific task, as we don't restrain ourselves to a single building, and everyone has their favored style of play, which we respect.
  • We have many different levels with our group. You can choose to be a Guajiro, a Revolutionary, or a Ranger. The choice is up to you.
  • For more information on us, just check out our forums and/or our wiki page.
  • Recruitment policies are obvious, check them out here. If you desire to join us, leave us a message on our forums.

Brotherhood of the Reckoning : PKer Group

(This ad has been condensed for easier digestion. To see the ad in its entirety, click here. If you're interested in joining, or just want to learn more about this group, click here)


The Creed:

"For far too long, our kind have lived in the shadows. We are outcast by these despicable despots, these militant megalomaniacs who seek to punish us with their own brand of justice. They think they are better than us. They think they can control us.

I say, it's high time we shattered their fantasies of grandeur and superiority. To arms, my Brothers. There will be no more waiting for salvation. The Reckoning is now."

-D4rkness 06:58, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Browncoats : Pk'er Group

Welcome to the Browncoat Recruitment ad.

Feel Like Killing People/Fascists/Law Enforcers?

  • If yes, then keep reading.

Our Aim

  • Our aim is to eradicate any and all forms of law enforcement (alliance goons) within the quarantine zone and protect others of our kind.

How Do I Join?

Get yourself a brown coat, Kid.

Come join the movement.

--Blanemcc 10:43, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

Burchell Arms Regulars : Survivor Group

BAR banner.JPG

Our Goals

"The Burchell Arms Regulars (B.A.R.) are a group of survivors who operate out of the Burchell Arms (imagine that) on the Rolt Heights/Pescodside border. We're dedicated to the maintenance of the pub and to providing our members with medical services and revivification. Oh, and we're not above retaliation against those who compromise the safety and security of the Burchell Arms, either. Beyond that - we're just regular guys trying to keep the power on and the beer cold."

The BAR stands for a lot of things, but ask any Regular and they'll tell you that our true objectives have always been:

  • To have fun!
  • Protect our home, the Burchell Arms (aka, the Burch')
  • Maintain the Otto Street Revive Point
  • Aid and protect survivors within Rolt Heights and Pescodside

Contact Us:

--Tom1504 21:26, 20 December 2008 (BST)


Cobra : Player Killers

A message from Cobra Commander:

GI Joe Cobra-1-Poster.jpg

Greetings, citizens of Malton,
for too long trench-tastic GI Joe forces have roamed the streets of Malton with impunity. All the while, in darkness Cobra has waited and prepared. Now is the time to rise up against the entrenched survivor. But, what can lonely you do to help save Malton?
Speak to a Cobra recruiter!
We are currently looking for both team-oriented and solo killers. All you need do is stop by the forum and start killing Joes.
We are feral in nature, so you are welcome to see the city or stay in one spot. Roam with the group or strike out on your own, either way you have the full support of Cobra and all associated 'businesses.' All we ask is that you do your part to eliminate the threat to everyone, which is GI JOE. Following comprehensive Cobra training, including our new 'Actually hitting your fucking target' training, we will have you killing Joes in no time. The days when knowing was half the battle are over. Long live the days of pyramid schemes and global domination!


This message has been brought to you by the Arbco Furniture Company and Extensive Enterprises.

Creedy Guerilla Raiders : PKer and Warrior Group

Creedy Guerrilla Raiders

The Front - History - Volunteer - Propaganda - FAQ - Forums
Welcome to the Resistance against the Fascist Plague that threatens to wash over Malton!

We are a raiding group that specializes in guerrilla warfare techniques against enemy groups. We are seasoned Revolutionaries ready to incite rebellions wherever we may be needed. Many of us are hardened to the bleak world around us to the point where body parts are claimed as trophies. Our veterans frequently make highly volatile suicide strikes. Our longstanding enemies the Creedy Defense Force can attest to our brutality. Once we have chosen to attack a target, we strike until it crumbles and submits. We do not fear death; we embrace it. The Resistance cannot be killed!

To find out more about us, check the links in the nav bar. To join, visit our our forum.

--Jen 16:28, 18 December 2008 (UTC)

CrimethInc. : Survivor Group

Hand logo.png


We will defend your lives and ours.


Only death will keep us from freedom (and even that won't really stop us!)

We're outlaws. We're anarchists. In the ruins of a dead city, we're building a new world for anyone and everyone who stands for humanity and liberty. If you want a life of absolute freedom and equality or if you just need someone fighting by your side...

We're always ready. How about you?

On the NPOV and non-RPing side, we're survivors looking to ally with as many others as possible and provide the humans of Malton with information, medical care, and firepower.

We're also anti-PKer and anti-authority, if you couldn't tell.

--aClashInRedSnowHand logo.png|talk 19:31, 22 December 2008 (UTC)

D, E


Un United Kingdoms 13th Cadaver Surveillance Unit


  • DK13 have been successfully playing Urban Dead in a non cheating, non exploiting, non PKing, non zerging, non threatening, non aggressive, non racist manner since day two (5th July 2005) of the UrbanDead launch and are arguably the first legitimate and organised PRO SURVIVOR group to form within Malton.
  • Originally operating a single hotel based in M******, we now have several "clean up" operations working from fully functioning hotels, staffed by independent groups of battle hardened soldiers and civilian volunteers, located elsewhere within the once great city of Malton.
  • DK13 share the same primary long term goal as ANY other legitimate group of survivors, to maintain a low profile, to clear the streets of advancing undead hordes, and to co-operate and co-exist in peace with ALL non-aggressive groups of survivors.

--T13 21:27, 7 March 2012 (UTC)

--T13 17:15, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

Dunell Hills Police Department : Pro Survivor


The DHPD is looking for anyone wanting to come out of the zombie-infested cold and make the North West corner of Malton a safer and brighter place for all survivors. We aim to reclaim the DMZ and once again make it one of the safer areas of Malton.

Here's the pitch: Join the Dunell Hills Police Department.

We have need for officers in the Dunell Military Zone. Whatever level you are, no matter what skills you have: we have a place for you.

Want to know more about the DHPD and what goes on "behind the scenes"? Read the DHPD Testimonials.

Interested? Go to our recruitment office.

Once you have joined you will have the opportunity to join our academy and our highly active squads.

The D.M.Z. currently consists of Dunell Hills, and the surrounding five suburbs. Contact us via our talk page or our forum for more information.

Jim Extreme Talk | DHPD 10:45, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

Extinction : Pro Zombie


Are you Bored with the Never Ending Cycle of Ruin followed by Revival?

Extinction, unlike most other Zombie groups, takes a long term strategic approach to the UD game, more like Warcraft than the usual round of yet one more 'glorious battle' after another leading nowhere 'cept circles. We don't think survivors should be allowed to recover because we believe Urban Dead should actually be a Zombie Apocalypse Game. So...

We take and hold territory by ruining the survivors' only real offensive capability - their NecroTech Needle Factories - and then we keep them ruined. Extinction Scouts roam our ruined suburbs while the Extinction Horde fights the survivor contagion on our front lines, and our mobile Extinction Squads rush from one search and destroy mission to the next, wherever they're needed. We also encourage other Zombie groups to try Salt the Land out, it actually makes a fun and challenging change from the UD status quo.

We Destroy and Hold NT's

We Ruin Everything

We Never Surrender

Forum :: Taccon :: IRC
--Zeug 03:46, 16 December 2008 (UTC)

F, G, H

Feral Undead (zombie group)

FU Wiki Ad.png

Do you hate to be told what to do, when to do it and who to attack?
But you still want the support of fellow zombies to...

SEE! those barricades cracked open?
HEAR! of the latest open buildings?
TASTE! the sweet bouquet of levelling up?

Then you have come to the right place. We like to find out what other hordes are attacking and wait in the shadows till it looks like dinner time. Let our stronger members break down barricades, so you can follow them in and eat your fill. To some we may seem like vultures, parasites even. But in the end, is that really a bad thing?

Hell no.
Because vultures are fucking cool.


Flowers of Disease : PKer/Survivor

The Flowers of Disease - Ridding Malton of Flotsam since August 2007.
Flowers of Disease Wiki

"...What the FOD does should be commended. I mean, there are too many useless survivor groups doing nothing whatsoever other than hastening Malton's decay..." - Chaoticar, former FoD victim.

Trenchies in the forts. The squatters hiding in the malls. The ninnies. The Walts. The useless cults. Pro-Survivor outfits that are all bark and no bite, grown gross off the fat of the land. Flotsam that take up valuable resources and space but do little else...we are here to help. Whether it's testing the skills of newer groups, sharpening the skills of older ones or punishing those who have lost their way, the FOD's mission is to make a difference for positive change in Malton.


  1. Level 10 or higher.
  2. An active team player. You will endeavor to get in your 50AP in 3-4 times a week or more.
  3. Agree with the FOD mission statement.
  4. You must be willing to participate in an initial assignment or two where we can assess your compatibility with the group. We are not out to swell our ranks with slugs.

WoenderikT|ACC 20:55, 22 December 2008 (UTC)

The Fortress : Survivor Group

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find us... Maybe you can hire The Fortress. >>> Staying Vigilant since 2005! <<<

Are you looking for the top survivor group to enjoy the Ultimate Malton experience? The Fortress is a major survivor faction with an epic history, a great street reputation and the most fun filled characters you will find in the vibrant City we all live in. We aim to teach and protect...and to prevail.

Stay Vigilant!

To sign up to The Fortress simply email:
More info here: How do I sign up?

FortressTag.JPG Jensonson About Me The Fortress Talk BOOM TFN TV Promo Join 21:38, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

The Gamer's Haven : Pro-Us

Are you a gamer?
The zombies or Pkers have interrupted your game playing?
Stand up to those that want to take away our games and our lives.
We'll start with Dulston then branch out into the surrounding suburbs then eventually take the whole city from non-gamers who wish to stop our game playing.
Anyone that is willing to help The Haven's cause will be accepted.
Those wishing to be Allies also click below.
Click here here or here and post your profile and a link to your profile.
Take Malton for the Gamers!

Gamerman191 17:57, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

Hard Knock Life: Pro-Survivor and Life Cultist

It's a Hard Knock Life for us! ♫ Join us here!


"With harman lackeys at your beck and call to find new, tasty flavors and clean up the mess after you're done eating, Hard Knock Life may be what you're looking for!" - A ravenous and satisfied Hard Knock Life zombie

Hard Knock Life is the largest Life Cultist group in Urban Dead with one consistent goal: Repairing ransacked or otherwise ruined buildings in an efficient fashion. We operate in areas no other groups would and take an in-your-face attitude.

Some of our objectives:

  • Have fun!
  • Move wherever the trouble is.
  • Kill hostile zombies and repair buildings
  • Support survivors whenever we meet them.
  • Power tactical resource points.

23:15, 12 August 2010 (BST)

--Speels 01:59, 24 December 2008 (UTC)

I, J, K, L

M, N

Malton College of Medicine

MCMSeal.png Looking for an education?

Malton College of Medicine prides itself on teaching newcomers to Malton how to survive a zombie apocalypse. We are based in St George's Hospital in Greentown, and offer support to survivors in Greentown, North Blythville, South Blythville, and Brooksville. We train all new players regardless of their specialty. Our staff are fun-loving, experienced survivors who will help you to gather the knowledge and skills of a veteran during your stay at MCM.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up here!

19:53, 19 September 2013 (BST)

Malton Urban Militia : Survivor Group


Watch our Official Recruitment Video [1]

The Malton Urban Militia is a coalition of the willing - a volunteer army.
Currently the M.U.M. maintains an ever-expanding network of safehouses throughout the city.

Stay tuned to 28.29 MHz for regular broadcasts, visit our information center [2] for M.U.M. updates, and visit our forum [3] for directives on how to join our ranks.

Rebels and other enemies of society (PKers - you know who you are)
We implore you to stand down and co-operate with the M.U.M. for the good of your community at large.

Objectives of the M.U.M.

M.U.M. Mission Statement

Mayor MC Cheese 00:19, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

Medics of Malton : Survivor

Join Today!
Who we are: Medics of Malton is a growing survivor group dedicated to assisting survivors however we can. Unlike some other groups, we do not operate in a single area. Our base is in Shearbank, but each member is free to help wherever they feel they are needed most. We are recruiting players of all abilities, so if you relish the thought of healing, reviving, barricading, or participating in other pro-survivor activities we would love to hear from you!
Contact: we can be reached on the wiki or on our forums.
Last updated: 04:30, 12 December 2008 (UTC)

The Northern Regiment : Survivor


--Fire Marshall Vigil 10:46, 20 December 2008 (UTC)

O, P, Q

Phoenix Security Services : Pro-Survivor Group



- Phoenix Security is a group dedicated to eliminating the zombie threat and maintaining the survivor cause in Malton.
- Unlike some groups, we are not content with just waiting in one suburb for the zombie hordes to show up but rather jump into nearby red zones with guns blazing. We move from suburb to suburb throughout operations, killing zombies and restoring and securing the ruins of the suburbs in our path.
- If you are looking for a group of highly co-ordinated and highly active players who do more than sit in a mall all day, this is the group for you.

- Survivors of all levels are welcome. If you are new to the game, we will train you to an elite in our Training Unit.
- Player Killers, Gen Killers, and general Death Cultists are not welcome.
- No member can have Brain Rot (Level 42 or 43). Period.
- Apply at our forum under Membership Registry.
- Enter Phoenix Security Services under Group in your UD profile.


Join the PSS and bring Rise to the Phoenix that is Malton.

SomethingIsHappening 03:32, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

R, S

St. Ferreol's Hospital Noise Abatement Society : Zombie


No breathing harmanz, no humming generator, just silence.

St. Ferreol's Hospital Noise Abatement Society is a zombie group based in the suburb of Kempsterbank.

Our one simple aim is to ensure the silence of the grave in St. Ferreol's Hospital. We attack that one building, in order to smash the generator and claw and bite the breathers inside. We want to ruin the building, and keep it ruined. When it is ruined, we stand inside to prevent repairs, and prowl out to kill and feast in nearby buildings.

There is no way in the game to move a zombie from a block, so we are here for good - a permanent curse on St. Ferreol's Hospital. Barhah!

If you are a zombie in or near Kempsterbank, check us out and leave a message on our talk page, or come over to the forum. We welcome everyone from experienced zombies to new players, and like to coordinate with nomadic hordes when they pass through the area.

Billy Forks 09:44, 19 December 2008 (UTC)


Thundercats : Survivor group


ThunderCats Are Loose!

Calling all feline friends and humans of Malton. Attention! Mumm-Ra and his evil creatures are taking over Malton. They must be stopped!

That's right, the ThunderCats are loose prowling around Malton. We are a survivor group filled with cats and human friends whose mission is to protect Malton with a force unknown to humankind. We love to have fun and are very friendly, but when it comes to zombies we are fast and vicious. Our fun doesn't stop in Malton, it continues on our forum with tons of flash games, forum games and laughter galore! We are seeking feline friends and humans to join with us on our mission to rid Malton of evil. Everyone is accepted into our group as long as your friendly, doesn't matter your level of skill either. Come, learn to be speedy and powerful with the ThunderCats so together we can bring peace back to Malton.

To sign up to be a ThunderCat please visit our forum. To learn more about our history and our friendly group check out our wiki. --Lady Cheetara 21:26, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

U, V, W, X, Y, Z

UBCS : Pro-Survivor Group


Who We Are

The Umbrella Biohazard Containment Service (UBCS), a prominent and still growing group. We have no base as we are a mobile pro-survivor group. We formed a year ago and have become one of the top groups. We bolstered the defenses of countless NT's, Malls, and other TRP's. You can join either Winter or Fox company.

"So why should I join?"

Because we are one of the best groups, we get the job done and have a laugh while doing it. We have a Meth Manufacturer/Dealer as our leader along with a very odd and hilarious High Command. We kill, we rebuild, we get drunk but mostly we have fun. And for those who like to Roleplay we have a forum dedicated to it.

This is why you should join us... and mangos.

Wanna Join?

Then find out more about us by clicking one of the links below.

--Haliman - Talk 17:29, 21 December 2008 (UTC)

Undeadites : Zombie Group


The Undeadites are one of the longest standing and deadly hordes in Malton, and we're actively recruiting zombies NOW! We have an open door policy, anyone (who's dead or wants to be dead) can join.

How do you join? Next time you are logged in, edit your profile and change your group to Undeadites. If you desire coordination, register on our forum and post your profile in our roll call. This will let us know to give you access to our Hitlist, which is the best way to locate the horde.

Why should you join? Because we are totally dedicated to the eradication of all survivors and to causing as much mayhem, chaos and destruction as possible. Once you have joined, you're free to do whatever you want, but if you want to lead your own mob of Undeadites someday we will expect you to follow our Hitlist sometimes.

Where are we? We are on the Rampage and our position changes daily, contact us and we will try to pick you up.

How do you contact us? We have our own forum so feel free to drop by and introduce yourself. You can also drop us a line on our wiki talk page.


-- Creeping Crud U 22:25, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

ZAF : Mercenary Group


Zombie Assault Force: We are a ruthless but small elite squad who's only goal is to stay alive and if that means taking out other players then so be it. We put ourselves above all else so if your interested in joining or becoming allies with this elite group of killers and survivors then contact us on our forums, we take anyone willing to kill both zombie and players alike.We do

If you wish to join all that we ask of is that you participate in the forums and are active within the game. Upon arrival please have your UD ID ready, if you don't know how to get your UD ID just log into the game, click on your name, right-click on the URL and click copy, then paste your UD ID where instructed to. Deimos is our leader. Please feel free to ask questions about our group or if you have problems with making an account, we will be happy to help.

This group as you most likely read is not a military group per say, we are a private military group and we accept contracts from anyone to do almost anything. So if you’re interested head to our Forums and sign up. We accept anyone and everyone willing to do what it takes to survive. Welcome to the ZAF. --Cortez250 20:58, 18 January 2009 (UTC)

the Zodiacs : Pro-survivor Group

Zodiac logo.jpg

A pro-survivor, mobile group - healing/reviving, barricading, eliminating zombahs and PKers. We are currently looking to fill a couple of positions. if you're looking for adventure, please drop us a note

--Le bourreau 19:07, 17 December 2008 (UTC)

Zombie Emergency Management Agency : Pro-survivor Group

Join the Zombie Emergency Management Agency


The Zombie Emergency Management Agency is a specialized organization of trained special forces who exterminates re-animated corpses and Psychopaths. The organization is also an alliance that any group or individual can join. But we do not allow Pker's, Gker's, and, of course, ZOMBIES. What we do is:

  • Protect Surviving Humans from the undead
  • Establishes Safehouses
  • Heal the wounded
  • Give out revives to zombies
  • Kill Psychopaths on sight
  • Containment and Eradication of zombies

If any zombie or psycho crosses our path, they get killed on sight and will ignore any complaints because of it.

Our Headquarters is the Piggott building in Spicer Hills. You will find it Extremely heavily barricaded once you get there.

We will respond to almost all of your needs. If you have an Emergency, Problem, Request, or Comment. Please contact us by writing about it in the Discussion page.

If anyone would like to join, contact the leader: Soldier UDW.


--Soldier UDW 15:30, 13 December 2008 (UTC)


Monroville & Borehamwood Recruitment Adverts, Alphabetically by Group Name

Place your group (or coalition) advert in alphabetical order by group name.

misc, then A - Z

Big Survivors Little Survivor (Founded 28th October)


Big Survivors Little Survivor

Welcome Viewers. Are you worried about what's going on in Borehamwood?

Well so are we.

Come say hi on our talk page. You don't have to join, and we're more than willing to help you if we can.

BSLS. Still Surviving.

19:44, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

Monroeville Many : Zombie Group for Monroeville

When The End Begins, Begin With Monroeville Many!



The Many are still alive and kicking (Metophorically speaking) , combing the ruins of Monroeville for the last few survivors. You'll want our experienced operatives to open the right doors for you.

Want to give Monroeville something that Malton never had? Then join us today! We're planning on bringing death to the whole of Monroeville and we want YOU to help us to it!

The Idea

There is really just one idea which the group holds:

To bring death upon all inhabitants of Monroeville,

Group Requirements

There are NO requirements, that right none at all. Other than you have to be to the zombie cause! Follow this link to the wiki site, or join up today at the Forum!

Either way we hope you join the oldest zombie group in Monroeville, and you have a damn good time killing humans as you did in Malton! Remember. This Time It's Permanent.

19:44, 15 December 2008 (UTC)

Category Listings

Recruitment pages are listed below by in order by type. To include your recruitment advert in this list, put the following on the advert "template" page: <noinclude>[[category:Recruitment|type]]</noinclude>

Pages in category "Recruitment"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 369 total.

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