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Candidates still requiring vouches

Blake Firedancer

(Talk | Contribs)

Given the recent attack of the 3-headed spam hydra that was Foxtrot/Bada Bing/Gummy Bear, I'd like to put myself up for nomination.

I've made plenty of edits to the wiki, even helping out with the occasional VB case, but I think I could help out more as a SysOp. --Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 10:45, 28 May 2009 (BST)

  • Against - I've always enjoyed watching your edits to the wiki, and I don't think I've ever met a user as positive as you always are, and given time, you could oneday become a sysop. However, at the moment, your edits aren't nearly prominent enough, you don't even pass Criterion 2. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 10:53, 28 May 2009 (BST)
  • Against - Despite taking two attempts at basic editing, you still managed to lodge your own candidacy in the wrong section. Coupled with some of the stuff you come up with in the suggestions system convinces me that you have no clue about this game, let alone the wiki. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 11:07, 28 May 2009 (BST)
  • Ah, yes. I was hoping you wouldn't notice that. I was unaware of the particular templates to use, and so 'copied' DDR's request. Unfortunately, I forgot I was editing the Passed section when I submitted. --Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 11:51, 28 May 2009 (BST)
  • And then you moved it into the 'Under Community Discussion' section, again wrong, causing me to have to move it. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 06:51, 29 May 2009 (BST)
  • Against - You do not pass criterion 2. Try again later if you are still interested. - User:Whitehouse 11:26, 28 May 2009 (BST)
  • Against - Retard. Fuck off. --Cyberbob 11:52, 28 May 2009 (BST)
    Very constructive. Anger much?--Thadeous Oakley, Europeans, don't forget to VOTE! 12:46, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    Since when was he angry? DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 13:35, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    He has been angry on occasion, for sure it's rare but i have caught sight of it briefly before. also this promotion bid discussion brings in lulz.--xoxo 07:24, 31 May 2009 (BST)
    The last time I can recall being angry was at the height of That Edit War. Before that... I think Gold Blade might've pissed me off one or twice with his sheer tenacity in being retarded. I was younger then, however; Honest is far worse when it comes to the brains department (Gold Blade was really more of a self-styled Amazing v2) and the only emotions I've ever felt regarding him have been amusement and pity. --Cyberbob 14:13, 31 May 2009 (BST)
    babby's first comeback --Cyberbob 14:00, 29 May 2009 (BST)
  • I only know you because of your idiotic suggestions. However, a small amount of research shows that you fail Criterion 2, and you managed to put your bid in the wrong place. Strongly Against. --Pestolence(talk) 19:13, 28 May 2009 (BST)
  • abstain More time, More edits, more face time towards the community. You seem to be a good enough guy but "ya aint quite there yet..." Conndrakamod TAZM CFT 23:05, 28 May 2009 (BST)
  • Abstain - You need more experience. If you want real good advice, well, I suggest you put allot more time in the administration sections. Do realize that you always need to suck some serious cocks fully agree with certain sysops and other senior wiki members. Never get in a dispute with them, and remember, they are always right and you are always wrong. Go along the flow and you'll be up for sysops again in no time.--Thadeous Oakley, Europeans, don't forget to VOTE! 09:56, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    I'm sorry you're so bitter. Perhaps try being less of a spergan sperger? --Cyberbob 10:24, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    Maybe if you explain to me what spergan sperger is. Is that aussie, british, american or interwebs? --Thadeous Oakley, Europeans, don't forget to VOTE! 12:44, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    It means you're a pathetic aspie who loves to blame everything and everyone but yourself when things don't go your way. --Cyberbob 14:01, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    Actually I do realize my actions were eccentric, as the entire thing was petty. I blame myself and SA where the "community" is laying the blame at me only. The only reason for that is because SA is a sysops and part of circle of men humping each other in the ass "kool krew" as you put it.--Thadeous Oakley, Europeans, don't forget to VOTE! 15:58, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    laffo, where did I ever put it as the "kool krew" (also saying "what you really think" and passively-aggressively striking it out is not witty)? --Cyberbob 16:38, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    You mentioned it on his talk page somewhere, doesn't really matter you know what I mean. Also, I have seen you pointing out that certain thing aren't funny or witty or whatever several times now. First off, I you don't like it, then take it up ya arse. Second, you don't represent all of humanity I'm afraid, its not up to you to decide what's funny and what not. Third, maybe its not meant to be funny/witty in the first place. It probably comes allot closer to the truth metaphorically speaking.--Thadeous Oakley, Europeans, don't forget to VOTE! 16:51, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    such anger, such fury. his heart was practically beating its way out of his chest as he smote each key with righteous vengeance. every word chosen with infinite care, every phrase placed just so --Cyberbob 17:53, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    If he doesn't represent all of humanity, then stop calling him 'the community', since he and I were the only two users to be deeply involved in your idiotic talk-page fiasco, which you now believe is the reason 'the community' is persecuting you to protect their elitist positions of power, despite the fact neither of us were sysops when it happened, and both of us only participated in it so it could stop. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 18:01, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    I'm willing to let bob decide whats funny and whats not. As I've said before, he does a pretty good job at that stuff.--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 18:25, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    Dawww, is Thadeous going to cry?--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 13:19, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    Would you feel better about yourself if I did?--Thadeous Oakley, Europeans, don't forget to VOTE! 13:53, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    Possibly, but probably not. I don't get off on people crying. But damn, it's funny when people try to act as if we're all persecuting them. Get over yourself. If we were persecuting you, I'd have taken you to A/VB, and then the next Op would have banned your ass. Do go on though. It's quite amusing.--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 18:25, 29 May 2009 (BST)
    Blargh. Enough. Paaaleease oh might wiki overlords! Op het einde dan maar, maar maak jullie geen zorgen. Iedereen zal krijgen wat hij of zij verdient. Ik heb hier genoeg tijd en moeite verspild. Umbrella heeft hier misschien wat onder geleden. Maar ik zal het goed maken, met jullie allemaal uiteindelijk...want ...
ik omarm mijn krankzinnigheid--Thadeous Oakley, Europeans, don't forget to VOTE! 19:56, 29 May 2009 (BST)
  • GET OUT OF HERE STALKER --Cyberbob 03:22, 30 May 2009 (BST)
    "Embracing your sanity" will not make us like you. Also, writing in Dutch and trying to be all cool and secretive isn't.--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 12:44, 30 May 2009 (BST)
    Use a better translator. I couldn't care less. I'm leaving anyway, don't bother responding.--Thadeous Oakley, Europeans, don't forget to VOTE! 14:52, 30 May 2009 (BST)
  • Against - As Whitehouse. Not enough contributions and you need to spend more time in the admin sections. :) --Janus talk 13:32, 29 May 2009 (BST)
  • Against - As above, particularly what Cyberbob said.-- Adward  15:07, 29 May 2009 (BST)
  • Against - You've done way less than required for even a bid for promotion. --Bob Boberton TF / DW 16:58, 29 May 2009 (BST)
  • Against Less than 20 edits to admin pages simply isn't enough. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 21:05, 30 May 2009 (BST)
  • Against - Just A/VB isn't enough in my opinion. Try some other stuff as well, including the cycling of suggestions and the archival of individual suburb news articles. --•▬ ▬••▬ • •••• •▬ ▬•▬• ▬•▬ #nerftemplatedsigs (status:Mudkip!) 14:22, 31 May 2009 (BST)
  • Against in the nicest possible way. who the fuck are you? NEEDS MOAR DRAMA!----SexualharrisonStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 13:14, 6 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against - Credibility deficit. --WanYao 06:36, 7 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against - Don't just stay with A/VB. Expand your contributions. May I suggest WelcomeNewbie, suggestions cycling, and stuff of the like? --•▬ ▬••▬ • •••• •▬ ▬•▬• ▬•▬ #nerftemplatedsigs (status:Mudkip!) 14:28, 7 June 2009 (BST) - User's second vote. --Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 00:14, 8 June 2009 (BST)
    You mean like striking out double-votes? :P --Blake Firedancer T E RNL? P.I.S.I.T. 00:14, 8 June 2009 (BST)
  • Abstain - You have not made enough edits but keep plugging away--C Whitty 21:43, 7 June 2009 (BST)
  • Vouch - LOL You lost anyways loser Weeks 06:01, 8 June 2009 (BST)
  • Vouch - apparently a vote of anything else is vandalism.--xoxo 02:08, 10 June 2009 (BST)

Candidates currently under community discussion


(Talk | Contribs)


Basically I'm deciding to totally backflip on my longstanding position of not wanting to be a sysop again. Why? Well I pretty much feel like this wiki's in for a bit of a rough patch with regards to policy and it's really frustrating having to sit on the sidelines and hope my posts are read by sysops.

Now because I don't want to base my bid entirely around a temporary (and possibly one that's not going to happen) state of affairs, here's some other totally awesome shit: I pretty much know this joint inside and out, I'm more than capable of separating personal conflicts with my sysop duties and I'm almost always active so that's something too.

Not much else to say, really (tbh I dunno why I'm bothering to even write this much; not a lot I can say now will change any opinions on either side of the aisle). --Cyberbob 16:48, 5 June 2009 (BST)

  • Vouch for this mutha fucka.
    1. He knows what he's doing
    2. He knows when to take things over the accustomed edge
    3. He actually does shit around here, unlike a few ops.
    4. While he may be a bit of a troll, EVERYONE of the ops team is occasionally, not to mention half the community.
    5. Voting against because of your personal past with him, without having any regards to how he'd do in the admin section, is petty. Grow up.
    Vote Cyberbob240. He actually has a clue.--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 16:53, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    in b4 'crat bias.--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 17:09, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    zomg bias? Linkthewindow  Talk  08:01, 6 June 2009 (BST)
  • Vouch - I do strongly believe Cyberbob would be an asset to the sysop team. He really, really knows his stuff. He isn't afraid of drama, and doesn't let relationships or images affect his judgment. He knows progress and he knows this wiki. I often feel ashamed of how long it took me to appreciate Bob. I would love for him to have another shot. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 17:05, 5 June 2009 (BST)
  • Question: Looking at point 5 from SA. Hypothetically speaking, if I was up for promoting would you vouch or not vouch for me?--Thadeous Oakley, Europeans, don't forget to VOTE! 17:32, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    Are you talking about me or Bob? Either way, I think I speak for both of us when I say you need a lot more practice with the admin sections.--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 17:36, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    No. Not because I personally don't like you (though I imagine my actual against comment would just be "Retard" or something; I'm lazy like that) but because I don't think you are emotionally stable enough to remain objective when considering particularly charged vandalism/misconduct cases. --Cyberbob 17:42, 5 June 2009 (BST)
  • Vote changed to AGAINST Your amazing change to a polite and semi reasonable individual has actually convinced me that you cannot be trusted to be at all consistent... Skills are not enough for this role and frankly i just do not trust your judgement! --Honestmistake 00:21, 10 June 2009 (BST)
    I have vouched for Bob in the past and my opinion of his ability to do the job has not changed, he really does know his shit and could do a pretty damn good job in the post if he stopped being so abusive and confrontational. Sadly his attitude to this place has changed greatly since he last stood and I don't think we need a self confirmed career troll in the sysop team and I do not know that he can be trusted not to get bored and keep trolling way beyond what should be acceptable. Lastly, his assertion that he wants the post so that his opinion will have more weight also speaks volumes about his intent, Policy discussions are open to all and are voted on by all... a sysop badge does not give it any real weight--Honestmistake 17:37, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    You (should) know as well as anyone who's spent a long time on this wiki that the outcomes of especially grey vandalism cases can determine precedent that fundamentally changes how things operate. I thought I was being clear about referring to those situations rather than policy votes; apparently not. --Cyberbob 17:42, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    Completely agree with you about precedent (even though all cases are evaluated on their own merit) and the frustration of not having any real voice on such issues... you do clearly mention Policy rather than A/VB though and, as I am expecting the current cases to end up with attempts at policy changes, it was an obvious inference to make. TBH I am very torn on this one as I know you can do the job but your behavior towards me and a good number of other users makes me wonder if you would so the job as it should be done.--Honestmistake 17:56, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    Oh well. --Cyberbob 17:58, 5 June 2009 (BST)
  • Vouch' - He's a bastard, but an honest bastard. I don't always agree with what he says/his attitude, but I can trust him to make the right decision when it matters.-- Adward  17:52, 5 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against From what I've noticed, he's abusive and nasty. For example, on this page, while registering against someone's nomination, he included the comment, "Retard. Fuck off." That's needless, gross, and shouldn't be encouraged with sysop promotion. --GANG Giles Sednik CAPD 17:53, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    To be fair, he was pretty much correct. And there is no civility policy on this wiki.-- Adward  17:59, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    But that's no reason to be uncivil. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 18:35, 5 June 2009 (BST)
  • Weak Against - Your behaviour makes me believe that you don't seem to care anymore, or just fooling around for kicks, neither of which are good. Feel free to prove me otherwise. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 18:35, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    Have you not seen the seriousness with which I've treated the recent drama surrounding Iscariot and the associated misconduct cases? Sure I've had some fun with Honest, but for the most part I've been keeping things cool calm and collected. --Cyberbob 18:39, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    I don't mind a little tomfoolery, but are you still going to make comments such as "Retard. Fuck off." on people's bids, for example? I gave a weak against because of what I gather from how you acted when you were a sysop (this is a positive), but some of your less than pleasant comments are not exactly constructive. By all means, you don't have to be the goody tooshoo but it would be appreciable if you would cut down on some of those comments. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 18:57, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    My lazy approach to promotions bids is pretty much born from the attitude that there isn't a lot I could say to influence the outcome either way. This would probably change if I was promoted I guess; it is an admin page and as a sysop you kind of feel obligated to take it seriously even if it isn't technically a sysop duty. --Cyberbob 19:07, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    Mkay, fair enough, I suppose. I'll Vouch for you. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 17:44, 7 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against - The thought of him being able to stay serious and neutral in the job is laughable.--SirArgo Talk 18:37, 5 June 2009 (BST)
  • Vouch -- Cheese 19:12, 5 June 2009 (BST)
  • Vouch - As SA and Drawde. Also, his name is Bob. --Bob Boberton TF / DW 19:16, 5 June 2009 (BST)
  • Weak Vouch - As Gnome and Honest, but also as Drawde. --Janus talk 20:49, 5 June 2009 (BST)
  • Reluctant, yet still strong Against - While I think Cyberbob could make a good sysop if he put effort into it, it's the kind of laziness he mentions in his reply to Thad that forces me to be against the bid. I strongly believe a candidate should be behaving in a way fitting of a sysop (which includes justifying his decisions) well before promotion. --Midianian¦T¦DS¦SP¦ 20:54, 5 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against - As Argo. The people who get the super-wiki-powers should be fair, smart and not assholes. Period. Bob knows his shit and I don't doubt that he could be fair if he had to be, but I doubt his motives. I think the word fagtard is funny too, but launching it repeatedly at other wiki users does not a sysop make. Can someone (or maybe Bob himself) tell me what he's done lately that made the wiki a better place? --Paddy DignamIS DEAD 23:49, 5 June 2009 (BST)
    Welp, when did I use the word fagtard? As for stuff I've done that's made the wiki a better place, I'd like to think I've had at least a minor effect on the outcome of Iscariot's case. As for my motives... you should look back in the archives to the last time I was a sysop. I was pretty much exactly the same personality-wise as I am now, yet I always separated my official duties from my personal relationships. This would still hold true. If you meant why I want the job back, my motives there are that I'm sick of feeling like I'm being ignored on vandalism cases which are especially grey; I know why we have the users-on-the-talkpage deal but all the same it's kind of obvious that the sysops don't read it. On top of all this I do make an excellent janitor and I enjoy the work (not the power, the work). --Cyberbob 03:51, 6 June 2009 (BST)
    I read the talk page, but that's because I bring up recent changes starting at the time I was last up, and work my way up bringing the interesting diff links up in new tabs as I go.--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 04:18, 6 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against - I want to be able to vouch for bob, but with one nubis causing this much trouble, it's hard to want a second...--xoxo 07:39, 6 June 2009 (BST)
    That's a pretty fallacious argument. --Cyberbob 08:01, 6 June 2009 (BST)
    Then pick holes in it? --xoxo 08:03, 6 June 2009 (BST)
    For one thing I'm not Nubis. We are in complete disagreement about the recent drama over Iscariot, and have exchanged a number of rather heated posts about it. I also don't do meltdowns. If I'm pissed/depressed/tired/whatever I take a break for a while rather than going off on a rampage, so to suggest that I am a "second Nubis" makes for a nice little witticism but it falls down under even the most cursory examination of our attitudes. --Cyberbob 08:42, 6 June 2009 (BST)
    Ah yes good sir, however you failed to notice you're both annoying twats.--xoxo 07:58, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    heh heh heh good one --Cyberbob 08:14, 7 June 2009 (BST)
  • STRONGEST VOUCH I've never had a problem with Bob. He's definitely not a Nubis Jr. I think I would know. --– Nubis NWO 09:42, 6 June 2009 (BST)
  • VOUCH FUCK OFF RETARD! there someone had to say it. yes bob is a troll sometimes. but most of the time he is right.----SexualharrisonStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 13:11, 6 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against. Wont let personal relationships get in the way of good judgment? lol. You have practically shown a complete inability for any sort of reform with anyone who doesn't bow down and lick your arse in order to shy away from your constant harassment. There is no way you will be able to resist doing SOMETHING wrong. Do we want another boxy/nubis/hagnat? Hiding behind the red tape in order to boss the users around and do whatever the fuck they feel like? Remember, the sysops didnt cite personal issues when they took Jed out. He mightnt have deserved to have been there in the first place, but he was there. Also, argues his point with more big words rather than big points. Don't buy Bob a thesaurus for christmas he obviously already has 12, and that maeks hm smart. I am also against gay marriage and guns.--CyberRead240 14:10, 6 June 2009 (BST)
    u mad? --Cyberbob 14:17, 6 June 2009 (BST)
    omg no >:( --CyberRead240 14:34, 6 June 2009 (BST)
  • STRONGEST VOUCH Oh my fluffy ever lovin ghod....Bob has been needed back on the team for a long ass time Conndrakamod TAZM CFT 01:19, 7 June 2009 (BST)
  • Fuck no --WanYao 06:35, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    You want a justification? As many, many others have pointed out... though he may have the wiki skills, his attitude is one of the worst amongst the wiki regulars. Yuh, all of us can be trollish at times. But cyberbob revels in in being a complete twat. Not the type of personality who should be promoted. --WanYao 06:41, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    felling angery? --Cyberbob 06:43, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    not at all. --WanYao 07:03, 7 June 2009 (BST)
  • Vouch I was on the fence...good skills...bad attitude...hmmm, what do do? Then Wan weighed in and tipped the balance.--Zombie Lord 07:31, 7 June 2009 (BST)
  • Vouch for Cyberbob or I'll get my Mudkips on you! But in all seriousness, definitely! Cyberbob had, so far, 2 successful promotion bids. He knows how to run this wiki. Let's give him a 3rd successful bid and many more! --•▬ ▬••▬ • •••• •▬ ▬•▬• ▬•▬ #nerftemplatedsigs (status:Mudkip!) 14:26, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    2 successful bids? I've only been a sysop once... --Cyberbob 14:28, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    My bad. I misread the successful bids list. I haven't had my daily caffine yet, so excuse me for being sluggish... --•▬ ▬••▬ • •••• •▬ ▬•▬• ▬•▬ #nerftemplatedsigs (status:Mudkip!) 14:32, 7 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against Giles Sednik quoted "Retard.Fuck off" and I must agree I dont think that language is required here, therefore allowing that person more "power" in my opinion is folly, I dont doubt he is very skilled at what he does but if I was spoke to like that it would make me think twice about using the wiki.--C Whitty 19:06, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    Good thing I don't swear at newbies then, wouldn't you say? --Cyberbob 19:10, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    Then I'm wondering why you haven't left yet. Almost everyone here uses harsh language, it's one of the problems with the internet. and our current ops team (Especially me) cusses up a storm, with insults for good measure. If you're going to base your experiences of off civility, you really are in the wrong place. Perhaps Neopets would be a better choice? ;) --Mr. Angel, Help needed? 19:18, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    And this is precisely why new people leave quickly and why most of UD sees us as a laughing stock.--SirArgo Talk 19:23, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    /rage over izzy hurting his feelings.--Mr. Angel, Help needed? 19:42, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    No man, I'm just saying. If anything this would be agreeing with "Izzy". He has long said that nobody likes the wiki and most people just avoid it at all costs.--SirArgo Talk 19:48, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    That is truly one of the great pieces of irony; Iscariot goes on about the wiki's bad rep while simultaneously doing more to tarnish its image than almost anyone else in its history. (sorry, did you see him as some kind of saintly prophet?) --Cyberbob 20:07, 7 June 2009 (BST)
    Lols.--SirArgo Talk 20:24, 7 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against- I think he's an ass. Short and sweet.--Drunk Link2500 20:46, 8 June 2009 (BST)
    Umbrella bots out in force eh? --Cyberbob 05:24, 9 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against - It is the will of DORIS: <~AnimeSucks> !8ball Does Cyberbob deserve to be Sysop again? | ~AnimeBot24-7 sighs in frustration, mumbling under his breath about people bothering him, before communing with Pluto; he shakes his 8 ball, and says..."Never." THE Godfather of Яesensitized, Anime Sucks Yalk | W! U! WMM| CC CPFOAS DORISFlag.jpg LOE ZHU | Яezzens 05:02, 9 June 2009 (BST)
    welp --Cyberbob 05:24, 9 June 2009 (BST)
  • Gold in basket - I demand gold in the basket and a promise that you will vote misconduct and get Boxy removed from being a sysop. On another note, I'd like to say Paddy Dignam is a faggot. I'd rather have a sysop that is an asshole and does his job than a nice guy who doesn't do shit right. In other words, Paddy wishes the wiki sysops were more like himself, a white knight bitch that doesn't like people who are mean, yet honest. If you vote Against because you think Cyberbob is mean then eat a dick, shitheads. --Sonny Corleone DORIS I jizzed in my pants pr0n 05:06, 9 June 2009 (BST)
    idk mang boxys kind of a bro apart from that case (spot on about paddy though) --Cyberbob 05:24, 9 June 2009 (BST)
    Against - As I said, boxy removed or no vouch. --Sonny Corleone DORIS I jizzed in my pants pr0n 05:49, 9 June 2009 (BST)
  • Vouch Partially, but not entirely because he just called me a tool. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 10:24, 9 June 2009 (BST)
    Well you were kind of being one. The rule we were talking about is a horrible one which everyone is better off being unaware of. It was good to see that you aren't following Hagnat's lead in the more important aspects of the situation (ie. whether or not it's good) though. Insult partially, but not entirely retracted ;) --Cyberbob 10:40, 9 June 2009 (BST)
    And you explained your point in a short, concise manner, displaying knowledge of past events and possible future issues. Without having to resort to the grim copyrighted wall of text (c) Plus bobs never annoyed me. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 11:19, 9 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against - As Wanyao. --Private Mark 19:22, 9 June 2009 (BST)
    im sorry that ur so angery at me, udwiki editor and contributor "macampos" aka "private mark" :( --Cyberbob 19:39, 9 June 2009 (BST)
    I'm 95% sure i already wrote 'lol' here. Did someones remove it? >:| --xoxo 10:05, 10 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against - we dont need trolls with sysop power --People's Commissar Hagnat [talk] [wcdz] 19:51, 9 June 2009 (BST)
    blink-blink.....Nope too easy, backing away slowly. Conndrakamod TAZM CFT 01:20, 10 June 2009 (BST)
  • Against - I don't know him very well, but it appears from his comment on Blake Firedancer's promotion attempt above that he isn't that reasonable or justified. --Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 10:28, 10 June 2009 (BST)
    sorry for that ;( --Cyberbob 10:36, 10 June 2009 (BST)
    Serious repsonse: see my above conversation with A Helpful Little Gnome. That sort of behaviour on admin pages would pretty much definitely stop even though it isn't a "requirement" simply because there's a certain amount of unspoken pressure on a sysop to take these things seriously. --Cyberbob 10:39, 10 June 2009 (BST)
    No, I'm not liking the whole attitude you had to the bid above, and the way you insulted anyone who opposed you. My vote stays as against.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 10:49, 10 June 2009 (BST)

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