Whittenside/News Archive

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All news older than one month should be moved from the Whittenside page to here.



September 27th

All TRPs in the suburb are either ruined, open or with low 'cades. The vast majority (including Fort Perryn) are ruined. Many are occupied by active zombies. I counted 24 in the suburb, many occupying TRPs. Most of the suburb is ruined, and non-TRP buildings are checked regularly for survivors. Status is very dangerous. --Funt Solo QT Scotland flag.JPG 16:56, 27 September 2017 (UTC)



June 26th

  • Most of the suburb is in a terrible state of ruin,Only highly experienced groups and survivors are advised to enter this Suburb.Survival is not a guarantee...--PayneTrain(FU) 18:40, 26 June 2016 (UTC)



October 15th

  • It appears that at least 27 (and possibly more) buildings are Ruined, making half or more of this suburb Ruined or Zombie Held.
  • If widespread graffiti is to be believed, Infozerg is a PKer/GKer and persona non grata in Whittenside. -- PyroSadist (talk) 21:39, 15 October 2015 (UTC)


May 25th

The Colglough Building is retaken. Suvivors are attempting to stike back. Kelenius (talk) 06:33, 25 May 2015 (UTC)

May 23th

The Colglough Building, closest NT building to the fort falls into zombie hands. Survivors still remain in the suburb, but the zombies ruin more and more buildings. Kelenius (talk) 10:25, 24 May 2015 (UTC)

May 21st

The last survivors are driven out of the fort. Kelenius (talk) 10:25, 24 May 2015 (UTC)

May 15th

Survivors launch at attack on the zombies, planning to retake the Fort Perryn. The attack is initially a success, and zombies are driven out. Kelenius (talk) 10:25, 24 May 2015 (UTC)



September 29th

LUE has moved in to help Feral Undead to fight the Save the Yeti zerg group. All buildings are in ruins. Fort Perryn has fallen. --LuE Colo 19:58, 29 September 2014 (UTC)


August 23rd

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Whittenside, counted a couple of dozen outside ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... heavy structural damage ... the Malcolm Building has power ... Fort Perryn is out of action ..." -- Jen T | SFHNAS | PK 12:20, 24 August 2014 (UTC)



23rd October

The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2013 is in full swing! If your group is listed in this suburb's infobox, you should have received a message detailing how to confirm your activity. Please see this page for more information.


April 1st

  • Whittenside,constantly under attack from zombie groups,fort perryn has fallen into zombie hands again,efforts to reclaim the fort from the Feral Undead have been thwarted again for the second time--PayneTrain 05:32, 1 April 2013 (BST)



June 5th

Except for period infestations of survivors, Whittenside is-- as it most always is-- trashed. Zombiegeorge 17:11, 5 June 2012


April 22nd

Anne General Hospital and Colglough Building are both ruined, but otherwise minimal damage. 15 Zombies throughout the suburb. Sporadic survivors have hidden in the nooks. Its quiet, but the situation is maintainable. --Splitstar 01:27, 23 April 2012 (BST)


March 8th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Whittenside, counted about forty outside ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... the Malcolm Building has power ... the Hurst Building is out of action ..." --Axe Hack Talk 01:09, 8 March 2012 (UTC)



November 3rd

Instead of declaring Whittenside Very Dangerous, I declare Whittenside In Zombie Hands. Son of Sin 12:43, 3 November 2011 (UTC)


October 6th

Zombies & Ruins...1 or 2 buildings aren't ruined which could be signs of life or deception... Son of Sin(T) 12:57, 6 October 2011 (BST)

October 4th

25.96 MHz: "... can see thirty or so on the streets of Whittenside ... all stragglers, no groups ... can't see any signs of life ... most of the buildings are ruined ... Fort Perryn is down ..." Perinne O'Kearley 9:14, 4 October 2011

October 2nd

"Harmans rahng azha. Bangarang! Zha zha zha ahn harmanzh. Nahm nahm!" --Uncle Chuckles 23:02, 2 October 2011 (GMT)


August 18th

mostly ruined with 20+ zombies chillin' and less than 10 survivors...didn't go into each building...one building is ehb with power and probably ruined within the hour --Son of Sin 21:16, 18 August 2011 (GMT)


June 21st

"... leaving Whittenside, counted thirty or so outside ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... can't see any signs of life ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... Fort Perryn is looking wrecked ..." Sukyanti 13:10, 21 June 2011 (BST)

June 5th

Every building is still in ruins. The very occasional morsel can be found cowering in the debris. ZALP came by to scout for the breathers a recently. Everything has been, and remains, very still --Zombiegeorge 20:37, 5 June 2011 (BST)


April 29th

All of the suburb is currently in ruins. Nothing moves . . . that is alive. Zombiegeorge 03:45, 30 April 2011 (BST)

April 12th

Buildings are mostly ruined. Survivors are venturing into Whittenside in greater numbers. The local zombie population is resisting. Burp! Zombiegeorge 19:32, 12 April 2011 (BST)


March 23rd

25.96 MHz: "... Whittenside is still active, twenty or so on the streets ... they're just wandering around ... no lights on down there ... it's a wasteland down there ... Fort Perryn has fallen - repeat, Fort Perryn has fallen ..."

25.96 MHz: "... Whittenside is still active, twenty or so on the streets ... all stragglers, no groups ... no lights on down there ... it's a wasteland down there ... looks like Fort Perryn has fallen ..."
Two broadcasts, five hours apart, same message: the suburb is now a Ghost Town. -- Kittithaj 06:25, 24 March 2011 (UTC)

March 20th

Of late, the occasional survivor wanders into Whittenside only to lurch away dead as a door nail. The local zombie barricade plan is in full effect. Zombiegeorge 03:13, 21 March 2011 (UTC)

March 6th

A tomb-like calm fills the air of Whittenside, broken only by the sound of carrion birds cawing for joy over finding a stray bit of ungobbled gore. Zombiegeorge 14:32, 6 March 2011 (UTC)


February 20th

Occasional harman activities in the area, mostly in the form of being delicious. The suburb remains peacefully ruined, an isle of serenity in a turbulent world. Zombiegeorge 15:22, 20 February 2011 (UTC)

February 7th

25.96 MHz: "... Whittenside is still active, about forty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... the Hurst Building is the only building with any lights on ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... Fort Perryn has fallen - repeat, Fort Perryn has fallen ..." CNIAngel 19:25, 7 February 2011 (UTC)


January 30th

The clean up continues apace as zombies unrepair the damage to the various buildings in Whittensdie. Generators are silenced and the screaming of the foodz is echoed in the gentle burps of the well fed dead. All is well; a soft blanket of silence covers the suburb. Zombiegeorge 15:51, 30 January 2011 (UTC)

January 29th

Fort Feral, Colglough, Anne are retaken by the walking dead. Central Whittenside is collapsing like an Italian coalition government. Zombiegeorge 19:22, 29 January 2011 (UTC)

January 28th

Whittenside has enjoyed 11 days of survivor rebuilding and reclamation with local zombies begrudgingly relinquishing each target survivors set their sites on (for a time.) Most buildings remain secure and many TRB's are lit. Hats off to FU for an honorable (if not testy) conflict. --Bad Attitude BarbieSDN 05:01, 29 January 2011 (UTC)

January 26th

After more than three days of being rebuffed, the zombies found their LUE FU mojo and have breached the fort. Greater Whittenside (including Hurst NT) remains firmly in survivor hands while a warm glow emanates from the secure and powered Colglough NT. --Bad Attitude BarbieSDN 05:19, 26 January 2011 (UTC)

Malcolm NT, Anne GH, Agapitus GH and all PDs also held by survivors. All resource buildings repaired for the time being and many Lit. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  05:59, 26 January 2011 (UTC)

January 25th

Whittenside remains secure. Fort Perryn has been held by survivors for over three days. --Bad Attitude BarbieSDN 05:41, 25 January 2011 (UTC)

Or not. Fort Feral has been opened and the Dead are having a picnic. All NT buildings are ruined and in Zombie claws. Zombiegeorge 15:28, 25 January 2011 (UTC)

January 24th

Following days of persistent efforts, zombies have succeeded in taking Anne General Hospital. The remaining suburb holds as firm as yesterday with Agaptus Hospital, Hurst and Malcom NT's lit and secure. Fort Perryn has held up under attack for over 2 days thanks to Fort Perryn Defense Force and allies. --Bad Attitude BarbieSDN 06:24, 24 January 2011 (UTC)

January 23rd

Zombies hold Colglough NT. Survivors hold everything else including the powered Hurst and Malcom NTs. Fort Perryn has been in survivor hands for over 24 hours as the local Unfed call in back up. --Bad Attitude BarbieSDN 04:20, 23 January 2011 (UTC)

January 22nd

The Great Suburb Group Massacre has commenced. Check your group talk page to confirm what suburbs you are active in.--†hana†ologis† (talk) 11:17, 23 January 2011 (UTC)

January 22nd

The Dead have held Colglough and have retaken Hurst. The harmanz have proven most persistent, much like a bed bug infestation Zombiegeorge 17:42, 22 January 2011 (UTC)

Since entering the suburb three days ago survivors have succeeded in recapturing the vast majority of the suburb, including all resource buildings and parts of Fort Perryn. Despite a scattered and occasionally fierce insurgency the suburb has come back online at a rapid pace. Zed insurgents remain active in the central parts of the suburb surrounding Anne General Hospital and Colglough NT with the latter switching hands on a regular basis. --Lord K 03:49, 22 January 2011 (UTC)

January 21st

Colglough NT back in zombie hands, dark and ruined. Greater Whittensdie quiver in fear as the walking dead begin to binge on warm harman meat Zombiegeorge 14:29, 21 January 2011 (UTC)

Colglough NT back in survivor hands and lit. Greater Whittenside remains secure and we're gettin' those darks up now, too. --Bad Attitude BarbieSDN 04:08, 21 January 2011 (UTC)

January 20th

Zombies re-take Colglough after welcoming the harmanz to Whittensdie. Zombiegeorge 14:18, 20 January 2011 (UTC)

January 20th

The New Malton Colossus arrived two days ago. Now every non-dark building in the suburb is up. Survivors hold the Colglough NT. Local zombie resistance has been
negligible. --Bad Attitude BarbieSDN 08:07, 20 January 2011 (UTC)

January 1st

Happy New Year, Whittensdie! Well, the old suburb has returned to its natural state of blood spattered ruin. There have not been any survivor activities of note in over a month. Every building is ruined and many are occupied by the walking dead. Zombiegeorge 18:48, 1 January 2011 (UTC)



December 18th

Holiday colors are everywhere in Whittenside . Buildings overgrown with ivy and walls spattered with red indicate that a jolly undead homecoming in full swing. Every building in the suburb is ruined. The occasional survivor tries to sneak in, only to be dragged screaming from the darkened building that so recently gave shelter. Zombiegeorge 14:54, 18 December 2010 (UTC)

December 09th

Every building in Whittenside is ruined. The survivors recent attempts to take the Fort and Colglough have ended in failure. The RRF tore through the suburb eating and ruining everything that the FU hadn't already trashed. Zombiegeorge 01:49, 10 December 2010 (UTC)


November 25th

The comedy continues as the breathing and non-breathing alike contest ownership of the suburb. The walking dead have retained control of the Fort and central Whittenside for the most part, while the outlying resource buildings seem to be in survivor hands. Zombiegeorge 20:02, 25 November 2010 (UTC)

November 13th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Whittenside, counted maybe fifty outside ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... the Malcolm Building has power ... the Colglough Building is out of action ..." --Truezombieboy 21:55, 13 November 2010 (UTC)

The epic battle for Whittenside continues. Despite /Zom/'s heroic attempts to recapture the fort, zombie numbers are too high to maintain any form of effective defense. however, the battle for the 'burb is intense and even, neither side gaining true dominance! FPDF recieving invaluable help from the esteemed Albert Schwan with the gallant 'D.S. R&D'. Also /Zom/ and Wulves members valiantly helping our cause..--PvtStanley 23:09, 13 November 2010 (GMT)
Most of the area zombies are concentrated in the fort (roughly 23)and in the Colglough building(6-7). The rest of the suburb is in tolerable shape. Hospitals an the other two NTs are up; the NTs are powered. Most other buildings are repaired and zombie levels are light to moderate. The D.S. R&D have adjusted the danger level.
--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  02:28, 14 November 2010 (UTC)


October 12th

Zeds claim victory of whittenside and that all the humans are gone and/or dead. but are they....?? ;) however, all key structures are runined. .--PvtStanley 22:40, 12 October 2010 (GMT)


September 1st

Suburb slowly returning to life with more bldgs being repaired by the day. Between 30 to 40 zeds wandering the burb. Battle unfolds at the HurstNT involving FPDF. Fort Perryn remains in shadow. Agapitus hosp under heavy siege with 13zo. Soon to fall.--Brainmatr 16:21, 1 September 2010 (BST)


August 28th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Whittenside, counted about forty outside ... a few outside the Malcolm Building ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... the Malcolm Building has lights on ... looks like Fort Perryn has fallen ..." --Axe Hack Talk 11:38, 28 August 2010 (BST)

August 26th

Suburb showing some signs of life with only a handful of bldgs repaired but most in ruins with high repair costs. The burb simply needs more ppl. Lacks population. Fort Perryn is currently in survivor hands thanks to the efforts of the Fortress and the FPDF but won't last. Too few ppl inside to defend it. --Brainmatr 00:33, 27 August 2010 (BST)Brainmatr


July 30th

Roughly 35 zombies in the suburb. Most buildings ruined though Colglough, Anne General, and Fort Perryn were recently repaired. Repair values on most buildings 20+AP

--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan 

July 4th

Hurst, Colglough, Anne, Sherwel, Agapitus, were all taken. Most of the rest of the suburb is in ruins. All statuses have been updated on the Wiki. Scans will be posted soon.

--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  00:49, 5 July 2010 (BST)


June 15th

25.96 MHz: "... Whittenside is still active, maybe seventy on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... Fort Perryn is out of action ..." --X664x 17:09, 15 June 2010 (BST)

June 6th

NecroWatch reported in from the Colglough Building today. A recent NecroNet scan had revealed that there were 51 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 11 zombies were at Anne General Hospital, while 8 zombies were at the Fort Perryn Gatehouse, with 7 more zombies standing at the Woolley Grove revive point. The remaining detected zombies, which were in groups of 2 or alone, were scattered across the area. --Mobius

June 4th

NecroWatch reported in from the Hurst Building. A recent NecroNet scan had revealed that there were 42 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 8 zombies were at the Colglough Building, 6 zombies are standing at both the Woolley Grove revive point and Stott Cinema, 4 zombies were at the Phelips Museum, while 3 zombies were at Agapitus General Hospital. The remaining detected zombies, which were grouped in 1's and 2's, were scattered throughout the area. --Mobius


May 30th

NecroWatch reported in from the Colglough Building. A recent NecroNet scan had revealed that there were 65 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 7 zombies were at the Fort Perryn Gatehouse, 6 zombies were at the Hurst Building, while mobs of 4 zombies could be found at Agapitus General Hospital, the Sherwel Building, and Sprackling Square PD. The remaining detected zombies, which were in groups of 3 or fewer, were scattered throughout the area. --Mobius

May 23rd

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Whittenside, counted maybe fifty outside ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... looks like the Malcolm Building has fallen ..." -- Kittithaj 16:24, 23 May 2010 (BST)

May 18th

NecroWatch reported in from the Colglough Building today. A recent NecroNet scan had revealed that there were 76 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 11 zombies were at the Fort Perryn Gatehouse, 4 zombies could be found at Anne General Hospital, a factory, Sprackling Square PD, and a warehouse. The remaining detected zombies, which were in groups of 3 or fewer, were scattered throughout the area. --Mobius

May 14th

Fortress has almost fallen to the zombies again. As of this report, there are 8 zombies outside the gatehouse, a further 16 inside it, at least forty within the fortress grounds, with undetermined numbers inside the buildings. 16 survivors in the armory, which is currently open and being overrun. The barracks and vehicle depot are still barricaded at this time. The storehouse with the radio tower is open empty, but still lit and transmitting... - --Reporter Man 13:07, 14 May 2010 (BST)

Update: It's totally ruined. No survivors. The hospital and NT are also ruined. --Bill52 23:35, 14 May 2010 (BST)

May 13th

NecroWatch issued a report from the Colglough Building. A recent NecroNet scan had revealed that there were 95 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 56 zombies were at the Fort Perryn Gatehouse, 5 zombies were standing at Went Street, while 4 zombies could be found at both Anne General Hospital and the Hurst Building. The remaining detected zombies, which were in groups of 3 or fewer, were scattered throughout the area. --Mobius

May 6th

NecroWatch issued a report from the Hurst Building today. A recent NecroNet scan revealed that there were 8 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, only 2 zombies were at Whitemore Library. The remaining detected zombies, which were each alone, posed no threat to any other locations in the immediate area. --Mobius

May 4th

NecroWatch reported in from the Colglough and Malcolm Buildings. Recent NecroNet scans had revealed that there were 77 zombies within scanning range of the facilities, after accounting for scan overlaps. Of these numbers, 20 zombies were at the Fort Perryn Gatehouse, 16 zombies were at the Leach Motel, 5 zombies were at Tikanoff Square Railway Station, and 4 zombies were at Whitemore Library. The remaining detected zombies, which were in groups of 3 or fewer, were scattered throughout the area and posed no serious threat to any other specific locations. --Mobius


April 30th

NecroWatch reported in from the Colglough Building today. A recent NecroNet scan had revealed that there were 65 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 33 zombies were at the Fort Perryn Gatehouse, 4 zombies were at both the warehouse next door and Bisdee Road Fire Station, while 3 zombies could be found at Tikanoff Square Railway Station, Went Street and the Phelips Museum. The remaining detected zombies, which were grouped in 1's and 2's, were scattered throughout the area, but posed not specific threat to any other locations. --Mobius

April 29th

NecroWatch reported in from both the Hurst and Malcolm Buildings today. Recent NecroNet scans had revealed that there were 93 zombies within scanning range of the two facilities, after accounting for scan overlaps. Of these numbers, 25 zombies were at the Fort Perryn Gatehouse, 6 zombies were at the Colglough Building, 5 zombies were at a factory, while 4 zombies could be found at a cemetery revive point, Went Street, and over in Pennville at Empson Grove PD. The remaining detected zombies, which were in groups of 3 or less, were scattered throughout the area, but posed not serious threat to any other specific locations. --Mobius 13:26, 30 April 2010 (BST)

April 27th

NecroWatch reported in from the Colglough Building today. A recent NecroNet scan had revealed that there were 83 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 42 zombies were at the Fort Perryn Gatehouse, 8 zombies were at the Colglough facility itself, 5 zombies were at Tikanoff Square Railway Station, while 4 zombies were at both Anne General Hospital and the Woolley Grove revive point. The remaining detected zombies, which were grouped in 1's and 2's, were scattered throughout the area, but posed not specific threat to any other locations. --Mobius 14:11, 27 April 2010 (BST)

April 9th

25.96 MHz: "... Whittenside is still active, about sixty on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... only one building with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... Fort Perryn is out of action ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 12:48, 9 April 2010 (BST)

April 6th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Whittenside, counted maybe seventy outside ... mostly just small groups ... the Malcolm Building is the only building with any lights on ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... Fort Perryn is out of action ..." -- Kittithaj 01:36, 6 April 2010 (BST)

April 4th

25.96 MHz: "... Whittenside is still active, maybe seventy on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... no lights on down there ... it's a wasteland down there ... Fort Perryn has fallen - repeat, Fort Perryn has fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 02:45, 5 April 2010 (BST) (broadcast April 4)


March 29th

Most buildings are overran by the walking dead. The Fort, hospitals, and NT buildings are in ruins.-- ZombieGeorge 12:35, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

Suburb upgraded to very dangerous based on the zombie hit list. This place is toast. -- Grogh 00:57, 30 March 2010 (BST)

March 28th

As if it wasn't bad enough that the local zombies had ruined Fort Perryn, now Whittenside has to look at the Militant Order of Barhah moving in to remove all life from the rest of the suburb. --Grogh 00:45, 28 March 2010 (UTC)

March 17th

25.96 MHz: "... Whittenside is still active, maybe seventy on the streets ... a horde of maybe fifty outside Fort Perryn gatehouse ... lights are on across the suburb ... some minor structural damage though ... Fort Perryn is being held ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 02:27, 17 March 2010 (UTC)


February 5th

External Military: "... flying over Whittenside, can see maybe a dozen on the streets ... they're just wandering around ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... infrastructure looks intact too ... power's on at the Colglough Building ..." Laitaine 00:12, 5 February 2010 (UTC)



December 2nd

NecroWatchDevice-Shadow.png NecroWatch

NecroWatch reported in from the Hurst Building. The scan revealed 34 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. Building ruined. Small zombie presence
Necro Technician:Itsacon (Talk | Grungni | Ikhnaton) 17:35, 2 December 2009 (UTC)


November 29th

25.96 MHz: "... leaving Whittenside, counted about forty outside ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... the Malcolm Building has power ... Fort Perryn is out of action ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 04:35, 29 November 2009 (UTC)

November 26th

NecroWatchDevice-Shadow.png NecroWatch

NecroWatch reported in from the Colglough Building. The scan revealed 36 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. Building ruined. Small zombie presence
Necro Technician:Itsacon (Talk | Grungni | Ikhnaton) 18:21, 26 November 2009 (UTC)

NecroWatchDevice-Shadow.png NecroWatch

NecroWatch reported in from the Malcolm Building. The scan revealed 51 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. Building ruined. Small zombie presence
Necro Technician:Itsacon (Talk | Grungni | Ikhnaton) 18:16, 26 November 2009 (UTC)


October 14th

25.96 MHz: "... can see about forty on the streets of Whittenside ... all stragglers, no groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... it's a wasteland down there ... looks like Fort Perryn has fallen ..." --Eve Amedeus 01:22, 14 October 2009 (BST)


September 26th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Whittenside, can see about forty on the streets ... all stragglers, no groups ... no lights on down there ... it's a wasteland down there ... Fort Perryn has fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 07:12, 26 September 2009 (BST)

September 11th

"... leaving Whittenside, counted about forty outside ... all stragglers, no groups ... can't see any signs of life ... it's a wasteland down there ... Fort Perryn is looking wrecked ..." --~Dr Frank (t) (DF) [P] (Sb) 07:22, 11 September 2009 (BST)

Clearly a ghost town. -- Kittithaj 21:48, 11 September 2009 (BST)

September 1st

Fort Perryn has fallen. AGAIN!!! Zombies now control the fort. Antediluvian Time 16:35 September 1, 2009 (EST)


August 6th

Fort Perryn has fallen. Antediluvian Time 05:47 August 06, 2009 (EST)

August 2nd

25.96 MHz: "... Whittenside is still active, about eighty on the streets ... a horde of thirty or so outside Fort Perryn gatehouse ... several buildings with power ... some minor structural damage ... some survivor activity in Fort Perryn ..." --Rat of Steel 13:06, 2 August 2009 (BST)

Eighty zombies sounds like Dangerous. Upgrading the danger level. -- Kittithaj 13:15, 2 August 2009 (BST)


July 31st

Members of 404: Barhah not found arrived in Whittenside. They were seen in Fort Perryn, barricading and combat reviving zombies inside. Bloody siege ensues, especially at the gatehouse.

This is a rewrite of a very POV report passed as NPOV news. The original "news" was moved to the suburb's talk page, along with the name of the person responsible for this shameful act. -- Kittithaj 21:42, 11 September 2009 (BST)

July 19th

External Military: "... Whittenside is still active, maybe seventy on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a few buildings with lights on ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... Fort Perryn is out of action ..." Laitaine 00:13, 20 July 2009 (BST)


June 28th

25.96 MHz: "... Whittenside is still active, about forty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... power's back on at the Hurst Building ... Fort Perryn has fallen - repeat, Fort Perryn has ..." --Rat of Steel 15:09, 28 June 2009 (BST)


May 8th

NecroWatchDevice-Shadow.png NecroWatch

NecroWatch reported in from the Hurst Building. The scan revealed 49 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. Of those numbers, 7 zombies were at Sprackling Square Police Department, 7 zombies were at the Phelips Museum, 5 zombies were at Anne General Hospital, 4 zombies were at a factory. The remaining zombies were scattered across the area in numbers of 1 to 3.
Necro Technician:-- -Alka Selzer- [ Talk - Map - Stuff 06:20, 8 May 2009 (BST)

May 5th

NecroWatchDevice-Shadow.png NecroWatch

NecroWatch reported in from the Colglough Building. The scan revealed 90 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. Of those numbers, 9 zombies were at Agapitus General Hospital, 8 zombies were at Fort Perryn Gatehouse, 6 zombies were at Anne General Hospital, 6 zombies were at the Leach Motel, 5 zombies were at a Warehouse, 4 zombies were at the Hurst Building and 4 zombies were at Sprackling Square Police Department. The remaining zombies were scattered across the area in numbers of 1 to 3.
Necro Technician:-- -Alka Selzer- [ Talk - Map - Stuff 09:24, 5 May 2009 (BST)


No report from this month. The suburb was considered very dangerous, wrecked with a hundred zombies shambling around. Perhaps there was no survivor left alive to report anything.


March 6th

Calim reporting from The Colglough Building. NecroNet scan gives 55 zombies in the area, with 5 at the Colglough Building and 8 at the Fort Perry Gatehouse, with no larger groups anywhere in the scan range. Suburb infrastructure is starting to come together as a result of increased survivor activity: besides The Colglough Building, Anne General Hospital and The Sherwel Building are also lit and caded, and The Hurst Building was lit and caded when I last checked.--Calim 23:30, 6 March 2009 (UTC)

NecroWatch reported in from the Malcolm Building. A recent scan had revealed that there were 93 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 66 zombies were inside Fort Perryn, with 38 zombies at the Armoury, 16 zombies at the Gatehouse, 5 zombies at the Storehouse, and 4 zombies at the Infirmary. Meanwhile over in Pennville there were 5 zombies at Empson Grove PD. The remaining detected zombies were 3 or fewer in number and scattered across the area, with most inside Whittenside's borders. --Mobius 20:25, 6 March 2009 (UTC)


Feburary 17th

Zombiethon Training Camp... I mean, Fort Perryn zombies keep running around attacking barricades. Meanwhile, sleeping in northern Whittenside is only advisable for Rat tactics and/or Dual Nature followers. --Doc Groucho 21:29, 17 February 2009 (UTC)

Feburary 8th

Just passed through the northern half of the suburb. Nearly every building was ruined, including Fort Perryn, Anne General Hospital, and the Colglough NT Building. There are small groups of zombies everywhere. --Calim 20:58, 8 February 2009 (UTC)

February 5th

Whiskey Platoon will shortly be leaving the suburb and surrounding area for a presently undisclosed location. Umbrella need to be removed from the "groups active here" as we are regrettably leaving. I hope to meet some of our fellow defenders again. Nemesis645 18:24, 5 February 2009 (UTC)

February 1st

Revive points are largely unmanned, Perryn is ruined again, a few resource buildings are down, including some NecroTech facilities, and there are a lot of zombies. Dangerous. Nemesis645 11:43, 1 February 2009 (UTC)

"... flying over Whittenside, can see about eighty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... the Colglough Building is looking wrecked ..." (12 hours and 16 minutes ago) Linkthewindow  Talk  12:34, 1 February 2009 (UTC)


January 21st

The Malcolm Building is going to soon be down, and so is Perryn for the foreseeable future. Nemesis645 15:20, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

Update: Malcolm has held, it was just a minor break-in which was quickly put down. Nemesis645 18:26, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

January 9th

Fort Perryn was lost. But ZAF and other groups of survivors are still hanging on. Most of the suburb is powered and both the NTs are running so revivification shouldn't be a problem. It is slowly on its way to being safe again. Regardless of the fort being in zombie hands. --Dylan Widener 14:05, 9 January 2009 (UTC)Wayne Moody (ZAF)

January 5nd

Please keep the Barricade Policy in mind. I was just left out in the cold, because someone barricaded the Dewfall Cinema up. I'll be going to Wolley Grove on January 6 to be revived, 'cause I'm sure I'll die. It'd be great if someone checked in to lend a hand. My character's name is Doctor Alexov.

Rambling there, but please, we expect the entry points to be open, and when they're not, you lose valuable people. (Maybe not myself, but I'm sure more important people get stuck out there as well.)Keep it in mind, remind others if you see them barricading. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Steven Faer (talkcontribs) 06:04, 6 January 2009 (UTC).

January 2nd

Fort Perryn has taken a near fatal blow from a recent zombie attack, 4 buildings ruined, 3 are still standing. It looks like it won't last much longer. -- Grogh 03:35, 2 January 2009 (UTC)



December 14th

As most buildings have been repaired and caded the suburb is in the process of recovering once again. Even if there aren't larger hordes it's still dangerous on the streets...--St0rm 01:15, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

December 10th

Only Seen one Zed in the fort, the rest of the suburb is mostly gone.Mousey 10 December 2008

December 6th

All buildings including Fort Perryn ruined. No survivors visible, and only some fereal zeds on the roads.--St0rm 01:14, 6 December 2008 (UTC)

November 2008

November 12th

Suburb is slowly recovering from the severe attack, even if most buildings are ruined. No larger hordes, but feral zombies everywhere therefore still dangerous.--St0rm 22:06, 12 November 2008 (UTC)


October 18th

Passed through on my way to Houldenbank, every building I passed was either ruined or ransacked, Fort Perryn has over 20 zeds inside. --Angusburger 20:40, 18 October 2008 (BST)

October 9th

Almost everywhere within 10 blocks of the fort is trashed. Please come over and fill the place up again. Urgent survivor activity needed.--Doctorgun 07:35, 10 October 2008 (BST)


September 24th

At least 21 zombies on the streets. All of the Tactical Resource Points are powered, although a small group of 9 zombies are besieging a NecroTech. Moderate danger level, verging on Safe. --Funt Solo QT Scotland flag.JPG 18:49, 24 September 2008 (BST)

September 14th

Whittenside is full of Feral undead, slowly congregating at fort Perryn, which is in survivor hands. Most humans are also moving north, toward the fort and Pennville. Angusburger 20:31 (GMT)


August 26th

External Military: "... leaving Whittenside, counted about eighty outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ... the Malcolm Building has lights on ... looks like Fort Perryn has fallen ..." Laitaine 04:40, 26 August 2008 (BST)

August 24th

External Military: "... leaving Whittenside, counted about sixty outside ... a horde of twenty or so outside the Colglough Building ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ... Fort Perryn is down ..." Laitaine 13:31, 24 August 2008 (BST)


July 29th

After recent requests solicited no response, the following group links have been removed from the suburb.

If any of these groups are still active, please add them again. --RosslessnessWant a Location Image? 10:18, 29 July 2008 (BST)

July 28th

External Military: "... Whittenside is still active, about sixty on the streets ... maybe a dozen outside the Colglough Building ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... the Hurst Building is operational ... Fort Perryn has definitely ..." Laitaine 05:05, 29 July 2008 (BST)

July 23rd

Fort Perryn has been (partly) recaptured by survivors. The infirmary is heavily barricaded and lit. Several other buildings have been repaired and partially barricaded. There are still a lot of undead inside the compound. --Mad Dog Munro 15:59, 23 July 2008 (BST)

July 20th

Fort Perryn is now totally overrun. No safe buildings left within the walls. The cemetary revive adjacent to its walls is crowded pretty bad. Small groups on almost every entry point. Sprackling PD is ruined. ---w00shmaster, 4:13am 20 July 2008

External Military: "... Whittenside is still active, nearly a hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... several buildings with power ... most of the buildings are ruined ... the Hurst Building is operational ... Fort Perryn has definitely ..." Laitaine 04:02, 21 July 2008 (BST)

July 18th

External Military: "... can see a hundred or so on the streets of Whittenside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a few buildings with lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... Fort Perryn has fallen - repeat, Fort Perryn has fallen ..."

July 14th

The gates of Fort Perryn have been breached and ruined. Survivors are being dragged out and killed. 9:00, 14 July 2008 (Scavi)

July 13th

External Military: "... Whittenside is still active, nearly a hundred on the streets ... a horde of maybe fifty outside Fort Perryn gatehouse ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... some survivor activity in Fort Perryn ... the Colglough ..." Laitaine 05:57, 13 July 2008 (BST)

July 7th

Sprackling PD in the Southeast area is still up and running, but there are small amounts of zeds on just about every road and building around it heading North. Bisdee Fire Station has been overrun. Dead also heading east into the next suburb. Lots of buildings ruined, but free runs to the North still may be possible for people wanting to evac. If not, then head for the cinemas. watch out around the Fort perryn area. ---w00shmaster, 1:17pm 7 July 2008 EST

July 7th

The suburb is wrecked and it seems the BMC is finally giving up. Ever since the forts were repaired, Tons of drama, both in game and out of game, have withered this once proud group to almost nothing. Is all hope lost for whittenside? The man 11:51, 5 July 2008 (BST)

Yet more ridiculously POV posts. Not to mention that you are being pretty damn rude to the BMC, Chris. Can this garbage please be deleted? --Priapus 15:22, 8 July 2008 (BST)
You just delete the line while in edit page mode? :P oh, and this is hardly POV. Go troll elsewhere pri. The man 19:05, 18 July 2008 (BST)


June 29 The whole suburb is still a wreck and still crawling with zombies. Upgraded to red. -- User:The Rooster RoosterDragon User talk:The Rooster 12:43, 29 June 2008 (BST)

June 20 as far as I know, the two NT buildings closest to the fort have been ruined. lots of buildings round there are also ruined Padfu-Zomfu 21:27, 20 June 2008 (BST)

June 15 According to multiple radio broadcasts, Fort Perryn has fallen. A horde of over 100 Zeds breached the Gatehouse and got to the rest of the fort. Some survivors still holding out.

June 11 Fort Perryn was recaptured by surivors on June 1st, but remains under seige with frequent break-ins. All resource builings inside the fort remain powered and 'caded. --Mad Dog Munro 16:27, 11 June 2008 (BST)


May 30 WTRF radio reports that Fort Feral remains in zombie hands, with break-ins rampant throughout the burb.--- Tinyrat.gifTRF 15:43, 30 May 2008 (BST)

May 28 Fort Perryn ruined and in Zombie hands.--Zebedee Zyzzyva 17:37, 28 May 2008 (BST)

May 24 External Military report: "... can see around a hundred and fifty on the streets of Whittenside ... a horde of thirty or so outside Fort Perryn gatehouse ... several buildings with power ... some minor structural damage ... Fort Perryn is being held ... looks like the ..." --WanYao 22:28, 24 May 2008 (BST)

Fort Perryn is already in the process of falling, with at least ten Zeds inside.--Zebedee Zyzzyva 22:32, 24 May 2008 (BST)

May 11 With this siege of the fort over, all zombie hordes except the FU have departured to the surrounding suburbs. As for the FU? well they have gone to enjoy the spoils of their victory and feast on the BMCers that thought they had survived the onslaught. With the exception of St cunigunde's church, the entire suburb has now been destroyed with all survivours either dying or dead. The man 17:32, 11 May 2008 (BST)

May 10 All pro-survivours need to clear out of fort perryn and only go into clear out ferals. The reduced number of targets will expediate counter taking of the fort. Also keep in mind, any Zombies outside the RP are targets. gabdewulf 02:04, 11 May 2008 (BST)

All the survivours with one notable exception have been slaughtered and killed in the recent siege. the fort is currently packed with tons of zombies as is the center of whittenside. however, the victory at the fort came at a cost. The BMC managed to escape the slaughter and thrive while the zombies were preoccupied with the fort. Although most of the suburb is still ruined, the BMC has complete control of the situation and is in fact using it to their advantage. If all goes well, expect whittenside to be back in survivour hands shortly.The man 21:34, 10 May 2008 (BST)

isnt that a little POV dude?--Bullgod 00:23, 11 May 2008 (BST)
"the BMC has complete control of the situation" my arse! --Zebedee Zyzzyva 00:49, 11 May 2008 (BST)
Hmmm, I guess it is a bit POV... well my may 11 news report should fix that nicely. :) The man 17:36, 11 May 2008 (BST)

May 9th The fort celebrates with the blood of the dead. May the multi character cheat never end.gabdewulf 03:01, 10 May 2008 (BST)

May 8th The suburb has been completely obliterated and its NT-less brother pennville is apparently following in its footsteps. In addition to this, the fort collapsed under the strain of so many zombie groups attacking it. Whittenside is about to fall into its 4th dark age.... The man 19:33, 8 May 2008 (BST)

May 7th Fort Perryn breached! As of 10:30 CDT, the cades are down. Approximately 50 zombies in the gatehouse and some further into the fort. Survivor count in the gatehouse is down to ~180 from 250. Come on down, fella's the brains and viscera is mighty fine in here. Alderman Tinsdale

Fort Perryn still under siege. 200+ Shamblers ourside the gatehouse, cade level at QSB. Hundreds of Survivors inside. --Hakimaru 10:03, 7 May 200 (BST)

Sprackling trying to contain breakins, 30 zeds inside and the number of survivors down to about 25, was up to 90 a couple of days ago, maybe they went to the fort. Zeds outside St. Francis. Resource buildings being sytematically attacked. --Bluntfang 8:16, 7 May 2008 (MST)

Amidst the panic and mayhem in Fort Feral, erm, Fort Perryn, excuse me.... the Heathers have been actively broadcasting spurious messages across the radio waves aimed at causing confusion and dissension among the fort's defenders. "Eskimo"??? --WanYao 17:03, 8 May 2008 (BST)

May 6th Whittenside is under attack by whatever it is that destroyed Danversbank. Colglough just got its first breech and there are almost 50 zombies around it. Hurst NT and Agapitus Hospital have fallen. This doesn't look good at all for the survivors. The man 22:57, 5 May 2008 (BST)

And so it begins, the siege of whittenside is in full bloom and the center is falling rapidly. The remaining survivors are seen heading towards the fort. The man 09:31, 6 May 2008 (BST)
update: 250 humans inside the gatehouse, 125 zombies outside. The man 15:38, 6 May 2008 (BST)
The fort has gathered up to 140+ zombies outside the gatehouse. Previously they broke into the fort, but the cades have been fixed. Wednesday will be the decision day on whether Fort Perryn stands or not. --Tomyboy5 17:14, 6 May 2008 (BST)

May 5th There are no standing zombies in front of Fort Perryn Gatehouse, a good 100 have been killed or left in the last day and a half, except for a few minor break-ins that were dealt with within a few minutes there were no notable events. Revive points are almost empty and there are barely any zombies around the Fort. I recommend lowering the danger level of one notch.--Magnus Roger Johnson 00:12, 5 May 2008 (BST)

look west. The man 19:46, 5 May 2008 (BST)
And also look around Whittenside itself, the buildings are beginning to turn red.--Zebedee Zyzzyva 22:05, 5 May 2008 (BST)

May 4th There is a horde of just 25 standing zombies outside Fort Perryn Gatehouse, though there are roughly 150 bodies there. Since they are all actively attacking the fort (when they're active), this horde definitely rates an increase in danger to Dangerous, if not Very Dangerous. Just orange for now, though. --Kingofallpie 14:16, 4 May 2008 (BST)

May 2nd - Scans from the local NT buildings reveal several scattered handfuls of scanned zombies all over the suburb, with a few larger groups with a dozen members or more. The largest concentration is at the gates of Fort Perryn, with numbers past the 50+ marker. The second largest is at Agapitus General Hospital. Most of the suburb is barricaded and lit, but the organized packs of zombies are working on changing that. --The Masked Lurker 08:09, 3 May 2008 (BST)


April 28th Found out the hard way that Cowdry Cinema is overbarricated. Zeds in front of fort down to 38 --Dhubhain 15:36, 28 April 2008 (BST)

Danger level updated. The man 16:18, 28 April 2008 (BST)

April 26th This suburb is currently the safest suburb in all of malton, with huge swaths of survivours everywhere and almost all buildings powered. The only reason this suburb is labeled orange is because there is more than 50 zombies outside the gatehouse. The man 20:02, 26 April 2008 (BST)

April 21st The suburb has recently begun receiving lost of trenchies and combat revivers. For a fact, These incoming survivors are so dumb that they can't even read the 2 words "Feral undead" or "Do not revive" upon checking zombie profiles. Naturally, this has resulted in revived FUers wreaking havoc across the suburb and the return of GrabAzz the PKer. The man 16:35, 21 April 2008 (BST)

April 19th "... can see nearly a hundred on the streets of Whittenside ... a horde of about sixty outside Fort Perryn gatehouse ... power's on across most of the area ... infrastructure looks intact too ... Fort Perryn has power ..." (5 minutes ago) --Dr Cory Bjornson 01:10, 19 April 2008 (BST)

April 18th Zombies finally broke the 50 mark. Danger level updated to orange. The man 18:50, 18 April 2008 (BST)

April 17th Suburb is extrememly safe except the gatehouse which has 40 zombies outside of it. The man 16:35, 17 April 2008 (BST)

April 15th The fort is powered, caded and full of survivors. --Gaetano Bresci 10:52, 15 April 2008 (BST)

April 13th The first 'VSB day' at the fort perryn gatehouse passed today with relatively little incident. Survivor numbers inside the gatehouse increased from 60+ to 70+ as new reinforcements arrived, (and revived defenders returned). A handful of small zombie break-ins were dealt with fairly quickly by survivors. Gatehouse barricades will now be kept at EHB again until 00:00 GMT wednesday. Interested parties can find more information about the new EHB / VSB barricade policy on the Fort Perryn wiki page. --Mad Dog Munro 04:16, 14 April 2008 (BST)

April 12nd Second stage of siege began. Survivors inside have locked themself from the world. Neither suvivors nor zombies can enter or leave. dozens of survivors have setup command posts at buildings nearby Tomorrow will be the 'VSB day' of the fort gatehouse. Can surviours inside finally get backup and more men? The whole Malton is watching.....--Lowerlowerhk 05:46, 12 April 2008 (BST)

Something tells me that the zombies are going to win, and quite quickly. Survivours are barricading the gatehouse over very strongly and this prevents any revived humans from returning to the fort which will eventaully result the the fort being outnumbered. For that matter, entry points in whittenside itself are also getting overbarricaded. The BMC is doing the best it can do to keep the barricades at their appropriate level. Meanwhile, outside the gatehouse, feral undead numbers have doubled to almost 30 and it is expected that this figure will rise even more. The man 13:05, 12 April 2008 (BST)
External Military Broadcast 25.96 MHz: "... Whittenside is still active, maybe fifty on the streets ... a horde of thirty or so outside Fort Perryn gatehouse ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... Fort Perryn is being held ..." --Aldo dinho 21:02, 13 April 2008 (BST)

April 11th The feral undead have begun their expected assault on the fort. with all the recent events (march of the dead, big bash 2) it will be very interesting to see how the fort will fare. All survivours should be reminded that if the gatehouse falls, the rest of the fort will immediately follow in its path. Zombies should be reminded on the fact that zombies can be thrown out of the fort altogether and as such should plan their assaults carefully. Zombies should also bear in mind that barricading becomes more difficult for humans when there are zombies inside. I personally wish the best of luck to both sides. The rest of whittenside is safe and buildings all around are getting electricity, zombie presence in the suburb (except the fort) is minimal. The man 07:41, 11 April 2008 (BST)

April 9th Fort Perryn is holding strong. I have set up a radio transmitter in General Anne and I'll try to run fuel up to the generator as soon as I can. Until then can someone tell me what the broadcast frequency of that transmitter is? ReconHenry 7:14PM, 9 April 2008 (CST)

April 8th according to the fort perryn defence force, fort perryn has been retaken. The man 09:11, 8 April 2008 (BST)

April 7th It would seem that after the fall of colglough and the near-fall of anne general hospital that the survivours countered it and secured the entire center. All TRP's except the fort are on and powered. Danger level downgraded to moderate. The man 17:53, 7 April 2008 (BST)

....pretty safe if u ask me- Lisbon-
protip: use the equal sign ":" in the beginning to reply to a particular comment or something and use 4 of this symbol "~" together at the end of your post in order to sign it. ;) The man 21:54, 7 April 2008 (BST)

April 6th External Military:"... leaving Whittenside, counted maybe seventy outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... the Malcolm Building has lights on ... looks like Fort Perryn has fallen ..."--Scott Timewell 04:48, 6 April 2008 (BST)

April 4th Colglough is dead, anne is falling, almost no TRPs still standing. Upgrading the danger level to dangerous. The man 16:51, 4 April 2008 (BST)

April 3rd Whittenside is moderate right now, but it is just an inch away from being orange. The man 16:05, 3 April 2008 (BST)


March 30th With the help of some very nice DEM-people, the BMC have managed to re secure a small foothold in this suburb they call home. The FU are still present as always and as such whittenside is back to the same ol' routine that it has maintained for the past 2 years. The man 18:46, 31 March 2008 (BST)

Situation has improved very much for humans on the past few days. Anne General and Colglogh NT are lit and EHB. Janjones 01:00, 31 March 2008 (BST)

March 19th Whittensiders are stacking up by wolley grove, waiting for a revive that is not likely to arrive anytime soon. Danger level unchanged. The man 13:21, 19 March 2008 (UTC)

March 15th Due to the imminent attack from the dead I have gone into hibernation and as such I cannot tell what state the suburb is in. All I know is that all thew buildings around wooley grove have collapsed. I would appreciate it if someone could scout out the suburb for me The man 12:41, 15 March 2008 (UTC)

Scouting Report: The Dead are eating everything alive. ExtraNoise 17:53, 15 March 2008 (UTC)
Oh shit... The man 18:07, 15 March 2008 (UTC)
And about time too... --Zebedee Zyzzyva 19:30, 15 March 2008 (UTC)

March 12th After a 2 day battle, anne general hospital originally filled with over 20 survivors has finally collapsed. In other news, the Feral Undead have attacked the center of the suburb in full force after dealing with a huge pile of human zerg alts hiding in the Allsop building. As such, the danger level of the suburb is now "dangerous" The man 17:32, 12 March 2008 (UTC)

March 10th Fellow whittensiders, the suburb is for the first time in a long while, moderate. With the looming thread of the big bash north of us and somethingawful.com west of us and the feral undead east of us it is only a matter of time till this suburb, and the rest of the south east, falls into a deep shade of red. I strongly advise all survivors to forget about ammo right now and focus on collecting as many syringes and FAKs as possible. The survivors will soon be in for a very rough time. The man 09:05, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

March 7th Survivors have taken control of a small part of the suburb. Colglough NT and surroundings are controlled by the living. Janjones 01:11, 8 March 2008 (UTC)

March 6th Just as the suburb has just begun to sustain itself after weeks of downfall, zombies have destroyed the central resource points and are in the process of destroying all the recently reconstructed buildings. DNA scans have revealed some very shocking and inexplicable results as It would seem the RRF are invading whittenside. The man 12:25, 6 March 2008 (UTC)

According to an unconfirmed report, there are over 150 zombies outside one of the PDs. The man 21:21, 6 March 2008 (UTC)


February 29th The Feral undead are scheduled to attack and obliterate the suburb, again. Danger level prematurely updated to red. The man 18:32, 29 February 2008 (UTC)

How about we use the wiki definitions for danger levels instead. Otherwise the levels are going to mean nothing less than what's the latest rumor (and it will be rumor if we start updating based on whats said is upcoming) and people are not going to have any idea what areas currently have cades/zombies. Imalumberjack 15:18 EST

February 28th Fort Perryn remains in zed hands. Immediatly east of Perryn, you have 14 zeds

February 22nd - External Military report: ... leaving Whittenside, counted over a hundred outside ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... Fort Perryn has fallen - repeat, Fort Perryn has fallen ..." -- WanYao 11:32, 22 February 2008 (UTC)

February 19th - From NecroNet scans taken from various NT Buildings for the past couple of days, the zombie population remaining in the area is far too active to call this suburb a Ghost Town. Disregarding the Revive Points, the zeds have done frighteningly good jobs pulling together to break into safehouses set up by survivors trying to rebuild the suburb. --The Masked Lurker 06:08, 20 February 2008 (UTC)

Wrong, this is a dangerous suburb now. There are enough buildings up to call it a dangerous suburb instead of a very dangerous one. The man 13:45, 20 February 2008 (UTC)
- The way you say that makes it sound like you object to the idea that this suburb wasn't a Ghost Town... Anyways, it was a toss-up when I had been looking in the suburb to grab the NecroNet scan from Hurst NT. I went with Very Dangerous because it wasn't just the tactical resource points the zombies were guarding. --The Masked Lurker 04:29, 21 February 2008 (UTC)
No, I didn't object to the idea that this suburb was a ghost town, I was well aware that the danger level needed updating. What I objected to was calling this suburb very dangerous when the western side of the suburb was barricaded. The man 22:40, 24 February 2008 (UTC)

Februrary 13th With the last morsels of food cleaned off the bones of this once proud suburb, the zombies lurch off to joachim mall to look for more food leaving the entire suburb deserted. Danger level changed to ghost town although I think "ruins of what was once a suburb" is a more appropriate term. The man 16:56, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

Februrary 10th With the two recent falls of fort perryn and the defeat of pitneybank, investment in this suburb has pretty much come to an end, as such it seems the suburb is going to be red for a loooooong time. The man 13:57, 9 February 2008 (UTC)

Februrary 6th The suburb is a total wasteland right now, zombies are everywhere. Danger level updated to very dangerous. The man 21:20, 6 February 2008 (UTC)


January 31st NecroWatch reported from the Hurst Building revealing that there were 60 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of note, there were 15 zombies at Anne General Hospital, 7 zombies at the Colglough facility, and 5 zombies at the Sherwel Building. Due to the location of the Hurst facility survivors are reminded that the scan's maximum range has been limited. Also scans from the past 2 days from the suburb's other facilities indicates suburb-wide zombie activity. --Mobius187 02:27, 1 February 2008 (UTC)

January 18th The fort is back in survivor hands and is up and running --Feon Kensai 16:23, 18 January 2008 (UTC)

January 16th Will survivors who are interested with the Fort please goto the Forts wiki page to view the latest news with plans --Feon Kensai 21:36, 13 January 2008 (UTC)

January 13th

we need to get the Sherwel Building up and add a generator, it has the cell tower in it. ~MW11 and friends~

The Colglough Building (NT) and Anne General Hospital are both on survivor hands and lit up. Most of the suburb is repaired and barricaded, zombie activity is quite low. 18 zombies at Anne General. Danger level updated from orange to yellow. --TuucciZ 18:12, 13 January 2008 (UTC)

Anyone interested with the Fort please goto the Forts wiki page to view plans and its status --Feon Kensai 21:36, 13 January 2008 (UTC)

January 10th We managed to retake and repair Anne General yesterday, but it was lost again soon after. Zombies broke into the Colglough building at around 11 PM EST, and most survivors within fled or were killed. Both Anne and Colglough are now ruined. --Stephen Wolfe 10 January 2008

January 9
NecroWatch reported a recent NecroNet scan from the fortified Colglough Building that showed there were 122 zombies within scanning range. Of these numbers the largest zombie mobs were the 34 zombies assaulting Anne General Hospital, followed by the 9 zombies outside the Colglough Building itself, while another 8 zombies were at the Fort Perryn Gatehouse. Smaller mobs of 5 or less were reported at other locations. --Mobius187 17:14, 9 January 2008 (UTC)

January 7 The suburb has enough barricaded buildings to make it orange. Danger level updated. The man 11:19, 7 January 2008 (UTC)

January 2nd It looks like a happy new year for Whittenside! Though the Fort is still destroyed, the resistance of several brave survivors is paying off. Most buildings are up and barricaded, and even Anne General Hospital and Colglough Necrotech Facility have been reclaimed. --TuucciZ 08:03, 2 January 2008 (UTC)

Anne and Colglough you say? good to know... --Bullgod 16:57, 2 January 2008 (UTC)



December 23rd What we already know... but here is the External Military report: "... leaving Whittenside, counted well over two hundred outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... can't see any signs of life ... it's a wasteland down there ... Fort Perryn has fallen - repeat, Fort Perryn has fallen ..." --WanYao 00:14, 23 December 2007 (UTC)

December 21 The fort is now in Zombie hands as the Big Bash racks up another victory. Hundreds of dead choke the streets, everything is ruined. Pretty much the usual survivor S.N.A.F.U. Redwave 19:54, 21 December 2007 (UTC)

December 19 Seems it is. The gatehouse of Perryn has fallen, a lot of zombies inside. Only 60 brave survivors left in the armory, which is heavily barricaded. The Revive Point has a lot of customers, and reviving suddenly goes pretty fast. There goes another suburb.. --Morthrong 16:01, 19 December 2007 (GMT)

Not one survivor left in Fort FERAL. All buildings are ruined. Dead bodies lay everywhere. Fort is completely populated with numerous Zombies inside and outside of all areas. FireChick (Feral Undead) 16:17, 19 December 2007 (PST)

December 18 Anne General Hospital is EHB. Colgough Building (NT) is EHB. Lots of wounded + infected. 24 zeds outside. Malcolm Building (NT) is ruined, 66 zeds outside, drooling. 48 zeds inside. The Hurst Building (NT) is ruined, 0 zeds outside. 7 zeds inside. Then there are some other ruined buildings, but mainly they're all EHB. This means, two NT's down, one still standing. The Fort shivers under the cold snow. 107 zeds outside Perryn's gates. 11 zeds inside, as far as I know. Reviving goes slow at Woolley Grove. 16 zeds at that RP at the moment. --Morthrong 19:44, 18 December 2007 (GMT)

December 18 Finally, the zombies have taken over malcolm, it is now ransacked, so I expect that most zombies will now focus their resources on the fort. I would advise some amount of zombies to stay behind, so we can stop survivors getting their beloved syringes :) --Happy doodle 18:35, 18 December 2007 (UTC)

December 17 External Military report: "... leaving Whittenside, counted well over two hundred outside ... a horde of over a hundred outside the Malcolm Building ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... power's on at Fort Perryn ... the Hurst Building has ..." --WanYao 22:43, 17 December 2007 (UTC)

December 16 My report- Malcom is under heavy siege by the feral undead, there has been reported casualties of 10 people, 1 of them a trenchcoater. Fort Feral (known to pro-survivors as perryn) is under HUGE THREAT from the party/group "The second big bash" as I have account following it, its heading to feral this Christmas, Low level survivors are advised to leave, but i advise this: The more the merrier!! so guys in feral, don't move a muscle! we will come and put you out of your misery, in recent new Hurst (NT has fallen to a group of no more than 10 zombies, Its the first NT to fall since the restoration of feral, and finally the colough building (NT) is under attack, survivors are advised to stay away from the area, This is my report, Lurch fast, shamble forward--Worthog117 01:28, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

The situation of Whittenside remains same as always. Minor break-ins by single zeds at the NTs and the Fort, but nothing big. Southern Whittenside is partly ruined and conquered by zombies, but the areas around the Fort and the Colglough NT are safe. --TuucciZ 17:33, 16 December 2007 (UTC)

December 15 The lack of zombie presence at Malcolm is surprising, the zombie numbers have dropped even more...I might be going out of my depth by saying this, but I dont think zombies will succeed in destroying this building for a while, at least until the zombie numbers go up... --Happy doodle 23:15, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

December 14 The survivors are struggling to keep control of the last remaining NT in the suburb, but the fort is still slow to send aid. Malcolm will surely fall to the ever-increasing numbers banging on the door if help doesn't arrive soon. --McWaffle 11:22, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

December 13 As my alt zombie alt is part of the feral wave, I must say that the survivors have been doing very well, as 15 more zombies have come to malcolm (I dont know how many humans are inside) which puts zombie number at 57. EDIT: zombies now at 61, survivors are still alert, when I attacked the barricades, I managed to bring it down to VSB before a human started repairing.. --Happy doodle 16:43, 13 December 2007 (UTC)

December 12 The Seige of Malcolm NT seems to be a dead heat. With the zombies unable to kill enough humans to gain the upper hand, and the revive lines still going strong, it seems like the seige may continue for some time. 42 standing zeds outside, 61 survivors inside --1337 Private 22:58, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

December 11 With twice as many outside as in the Malcolm building (counting bodies and zeds) it's not looking great for the defenders. There are a small number knocking on the door of the Colglough Building but that seems to be holding better. Most of the rest of the suburb appears powered and stable currently. --McWaffle 01:11, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

December 8 There is still no sight of any big bashers in whittenside. Meanwhile, the siege of malcolm NT has been going on for over two weeks with no sign of defeat from either party. One side-effect of this siege is that zombies are being combat revived leading to huge piles of revived FU members inside whittenside The man 11:49, 8 December 2007 (UTC)

December 4 The area is rather secure with the presence of organized survivors. The Malcolm Building is the excepetion with almost daily raids on the lab rats, but they are easily reppelled and not even a light bulb is broken. We also have sightings of Red Rum scouts around the fort and should advise everyone in the area to be prepared for the coming pking hoards. If you need a place to record Pkers than the Cannonball Crew is your place. All you need to do is simply sign up and record your pker on the "Pker and Gker" thread in the Loose Cannon's forum.We have also heard rumours of the BIg Bash coming and I would like to remind everyone defending the fort, that the Gatehouse is the key to fort defense..please do not sleep in the Armoury. SO bring your gun and pillow, lets hang out in the gatehouse :)

Abraxaslotus 02:12 4 Decemeber 2007 [EST]


November 28 The suburb is finally safe enough to be made green, all zombies have been purged and the FUers are experiencing the bitter taste of defeat. Meanwhile, Rumours are abount that the big bash is going to come racing to the fort immediately. This however is not true and even if true, it lacks any authenticity, especially since the big bash is reportedly not planning on hopping over suburbs. The man 07:36, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

scratch that. Hurst NT has fallen under a blitz attack of 10 zombies The man 15:41, 28 November 2007 (UTC)

The big bash is going to slowly head over to fort feral, The zombieds are still putting up a fight and rumors are the feral undead are requesting help from other zombie groups, (LUE,RRF, red rum etc) --Worthog117 18:05, 2 December 2007 (UTC)

November 26 A lot of talk going on around the fort concerning the bash, a lot of people are preparing for it but the suburb seems fairly clear... so far. Agent Fenix 00:20, 27 November 2007 (UTC)

The bash is not here but the FU is hitting the fort hard. there has been some reports on the radio stating that the Big bash might be coming. An investigation has revealed that this possibility has arisen because the C4NT publicly offered them a challenge over the fort. The man 08:50, 27 November 2007 (UTC)

November 21 after facing a defeat at the fort, the FU have apparently decided to attack the NTs. Malcolm has reportedly 30 zombies outside hammering on the cades. Had a look at the suburb color legend, this suburb classifies as moderate now, danger level changed The man 15:41, 21 November 2007 (UTC)

November 19th Thanks to an excursion by the Channel 4 News Team, there are no standing zombies outside Fort Perryn, but a lot of Feral Undead taking a nap on our porch. Coincidence? You be the judge.--Codename T 15:23, 19 November 2007 (UTC)

November 17th "The white glare of one of the searchlights wheeled about, and for a moment fell upon him, standing out gigantic with hand upraised against the sky.

For one instant he shone, looking up fearlessly into the starry deeps, flak-clad, strong, resolute and still. Then the light had passed, and he was no more than a great black outline against the starry sky—a great black outline that threatened with one mighty gesture the firmament of heaven and all its multitude of stars."

Im awake, and coming home to Whittenside. Expect death. -Bullgod 10:07, 17 November 2007 (UTC)

The zombie count outside the gatehouse is down to half. In other news, Bullgod is back? OH SHI.... The man 11:17, 17 November 2007 (UTC)

November 15th The 10th siege of fort perryn rages on with 50 zombies (mostly FU) outside the gatehouse and 50 survivors inside (mostly fortress, C4NT, and CC). Meanwhile the rest of the suburb is enjoying a state of relative peace. The man 16:55, 15 November 2007 (UTC)

Nomember 14th 43 zombies now stand, banging at the gates to the fort, the barricades having fallen several times the survivors still stand against their foe, while the zombies push forward to try to make it inside--Zach016 03:27, 14 November 2007 (UTC)

in addition to the news the month long battle for the center of the suburb has come to an abrupt end after a mysterious survivoru force managed to secure each building, and power up the TRPs. The man 09:44, 14 November 2007 (UTC)
After being revived I managed to make a scouting run on the suburb, the group responsible for the recovery of the center was the BMC The man 14:59, 14 November 2007 (UTC)
An even further update! it appears that the fort has just gotten reinforcements from one of the most reputable groups in the history of malton. The Channel 4 news team. The man 18:22, 14 November 2007 (UTC)
Update: Bit of a correction on The man's report. The News Team has, in fact, been riding furry tractors throughout Fort Perryn since November 10th, joined by their allies the Cannonball Crew and the Malton Rangers. Other than that, spot on. You stay Classy, Whittenside.--Codename T 00:45, 15 November 2007 (UTC)
well what can i say? I was in need of a revive and intel was very obscure, I apologise for the false reports. The man 10:48, 15 November 2007 (UTC)

Nomember 12th Disregard my last news report, the suburb has changed drastically, almost all buildings are now EHB (unfortunately that includes entry points as well) The fort is well into survivours hands and the FU are attacking the gatehouse with a force of around 20 zombies. Also, all TRPs are operational. If it weren't for the siege at the gatehouse this suburb could be made yellow The man 15:26, 12 November 2007 (UTC)

gatehouse is now at 33, with a few others close by--Zach016 23:24, 12 November 2007 (UTC)

November 10th External Military report: "... leaving Whittenside, counted over a hundred outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... the Malcolm Building is the only building with any lights on ... heavy structural damage ... looks like Fort Perryn has fallen ..." (approx. 10:00 Malton time) --WanYao 12:20, 10 November 2007 (UTC)

November 9th Buildings are coming back up everywhere, but there are still zombs taking them back down. revives are available. User:BloodLust Wolf

November 8th Alright, the suburb seems to be getting a little bit more dangerous in some spots and a little bit safer in some others. The man 17:09, 8 November 2007 (UTC)(Article condensed to conform to NPOV standard. --WanYao 12:30, 10 November 2007 (UTC))

November 5 The BMC are currently engaged in a battle against the FU over whittenside. the FU are being aided by local ferals and the BMC are being aided by garrisoned FPDF and fortress troops. In other news, malcolm NT fell on november the 2nd. The man 14:53, 5 November 2007 (UTC)

November 4 The suburb fits the criterion of "dangerous" perfectly. Danger level unchanged. The man 14:24, 4 November 2007 (UTC)

November 1 26 zombies in the fort, with mostly 1 - 2 inside each actual building except for 6 in the gatehouse. 26 outside and 20 inside the malcom building, only pockets of 2-3 other then that directly around the fort, most buildings in ruin with a few exceptions--Zach016 01:40, 2 November 2007 (UTC) With further investigation im lowering the danger level, correct me if im wrong--Zach016 01:44, 2 November 2007 (UTC)


October 31 I could have secured this suburb, but I got high.......I could have revived all those at wooley, but I got high......whittenside is red and there are almost no buildings standing......because I got high, because I got high, because I got hiiiigh. Danger level updated The man 20:11, 31 October 2007 (UTC)

October 29 The suburb is definetely not red any longer, alot of safehouses have creeped up all over the place, danger level taken down to orange, its back to the old days I guess...The man 13:24, 29 October 2007 (UTC)

October 28 same old story, danger level unchanged The man 18:37, 28 October 2007 (UTC)

October 24 No humans in sight and all buildings ransacked, if the humans try to recapture Whittenside, itll take a lot of humans, so if you want to retake Whittenside, then join one of the local groups Agent Fenix 00:00, 26 October 2007 (BST)

October 22 The suburb is still deader than the dead of the dead. The man 10:21, 22 October 2007 (BST)

October 19th totally ruined, zombies can be found mostly at the fort. The man 10:19, 19 October 2007 (BST)

October 16th Fort Perryn has fallen to zombies, the area around the fort is almost completely ruined and a growing wave of destruction is spreading out around Perryn. --Karekmaps?! 20:20, 16 October 2007 (BST)

October 15th 100% ruined The man 21:45, 15 October 2007 (BST)

October 14th All NT buildings have fallen, many other buildings in the suburn are ruined/broken into and survivors are being outnumbered by the well organised zombies. Danger status updated.

The Fort gatehouse has fallen - zombies have taken the edge in this siege and Red Rum have been spotted continuing to attack survivors inside. --Karloth Vois RR 12:25, 14 October 2007 (BST)
apart from the two TRP's at the center and the fort, the rest of whittenside is untouched, danger level corrected to dangerous. The man 12:58, 14 October 2007 (BST)
nevermind, its totally destroyed now...~danger level taken back to red The man 17:33, 14 October 2007 (BST)

October 13th Fort under heavy attack and the gatehouse has been broken into with over 100 zeds outside and 30+ inside.Help is need or the gatehouse will fall to zeds.The man

October 11th the suburb has lost Malcolm NT, and Sprackling PD remains a contested area. The rest of the suburb is powered and safe. The revive points however are a total contrats to the suburb and have been totally fucked hard. the zombies inside are all ZKing each other and brainrotters are making revives impossible. to survivours: if you want a revive, you have 3 options. either a) submit a request to the DEM or b) join a local group or c) try another suburb. The man 16:26, 11 October 2007 (BST)

I think this an exaggeration as a) I have personally been revived twice randomly in the queue next to Colglough and b) the immediately surrounding suburbs are all worse than Whittenside.

October 10th suburb security has drastically dropped, the eastern front along with spracking PD is in zombie hands. the center is currently under attack, colgough NT to be specific. its got around 17 zombies outside. the gatehouse is under attack but the attack is currently not posing any real threat. The man 10:30, 10 October 2007 (BST)

The gatehouse is perfectly secure, but with Hurst dead and Colough beseiged, the revive ques are over 25, including the rotters. This suburb is not safe. --Jac Z 22:58, 10 October 2007 (BST)

The Malcom has fallen and is ruin.Danger level upgraded-- Agent Fenix Agent Fenix 23:45, 10 October 2007 (BST)

Looks like zombies are leaking from Miltown
Danger level taken back to moderate. Fenix, read the color index BEFORE you edit the level. It clearly says that a suburb is dangerous if many resource buildings have fallen. so far only two have. The man 11:53, 11 October 2007 (BST)

October 9th Fort Perryn is currently under attack by a medium-sized group of zombies. Currently there are 14 of them at the gatehouse who try to get in but the survivors inside have the situation under control. --Crush 05:59, 9 October 2007 (BST)

its five now, but the suburb isn't looking too safe. Danger level unchanged.The man 09:43, 9 October 2007 (BST)

October 8th no change at all. still safe The man 15:45, 8 October 2007 (BST)

October 5th The suburb is still safe, but apart from the fort and NT's the suburb is nearly barren. as a result, the eastern area is being contested by a few amount of survivours and a few amount of zombies. currently, all the zombies have been driven out but with lack of survivours in the area it could easily fall again. Danger level updated to safe The man 10:35, 5 October 2007 (BST)

October 3rd two zombies outside the gatehouse, elsewhere there are almost none, most buildings are powered. Danger level unchanged. The only problem for the survivors now is the occasional over-barricading and the relentless trenchie attacks occuring on went street and Woolley grove The man 09:31, 3 October 2007 (BST)

well it seems whittenside's heavenly reign of being a safe-haven has come to an end, spracking PD and all nearby buildings have fallen. Danger level updated The man 17:52, 3 October 2007 (BST)

October 1st Here's what I would like to know: Is this suburb so bored with the lack of zombies that any newbie human who has been killed within these borders and is looking for a revive at the published revive points is mercilessly, and repeatedly, killed by local numbnuts? Should I forsake my efforts to reinforce the fort and go to another suburb where the trenchcoated geeks can respect their own published revive points? Hugh Trenchard 00:28, 2 October 2007 (BST)

I'm supposed to remove this because it has almost nothing to do with the news, however I am also sick of this constant killing at revive points. Anyway, the suburb is currently an island of safety amongst a sea of zombies in the neigbouring suburbs. The man 18:02, 2 October 2007 (BST)
I could make it more newsy if you like: Headlines Tonight - Whittenside is not recommended as a place for new players wanting to get a revive, unless they want to waste all their AP standing up after each successive retard has come by the revive point for a few XP at their expense.
This is a news section, not an area for you too point your finger at people. Keep it that way. -- Whitehouse 00:23, 4 October 2007 (BST)
Actually that is news! Is there not a minimum standard expected of spelling and grammar too (sic) post here? Hugh Trenchard 15:55, 5 October 2007 (BST)


September 30th The suburb is eerily peaceful, just across the border, you will find every building collapsing, yet within Whittenside there is nothing The man 14:05, 30 September 2007 (BST)

september 28th whittenside is still safe The man 10:42, 28 September 2007 (BST)

september 27th news? what do you think? :P . danger level unchanged. The man 17:15, 27 September 2007 (BST)

September 23th the alarm clock rings, the man gets lazily out of bed to brush his teeth, he looks outside the window and remembers that he has to get to work at 9:00, its a nice sunny day with a few clouds here and there. he puts his clothes on and descends down the elevator in mais hotel, he then walks casually to the sherwel building. upon reaching his destination, he greets his co-workers and begins work with sorting some papers......just then he remembers that he is in a quarantined city...he stalls for a second with his work...and then just continues on with it....Suburb danger level unchanged The man 12:15, 23 September 2007 (BST)

September 18th The suburb remains safe, the last remaining zombie horde, located at hurst NT, has been dealt with. The suburb is virtually zombie free. The man 08:56, 18 September 2007 (BST)

September 17th The streets are safe. Which is just as well as every building in the suburb is barricaded to EHB. Survivors need to be reminded that VSB is quite sufficient in a safe suburb.Tony Darkgrave

September 15 The Fort is holding strongly with many survivors with all buildings with running genrators and radio transmitters. Mostly peaceful with no zombies at the gate. Whittenside doesnt seem to have much zombie population and the resource are all running with quick revives from all the Necrotechs running geting a revive wouldnt't be hard, so the danger level stays at green . A new survivor group called MERCENARY ELITE are making themselves known by trying to recruit fresh man meat at the Fort Perryn.Tony Darkgrave

september 14 all structures in survivour hands, suburb is safe The man 10:33, 14 September 2007 (BST)

september 13 hurst NT is ruined again. the rest of whittenside is safe. Danger level unchanged. The man 10:38, 13 September 2007 (BST)

September 10 almost all buildings are powered and safe, a few buildings in the south are being attacked due to a low survivour presence there. In other news, Whittenside has suffered a massive trencie attack and as a result, almost all the entry points are at EHB. The man 15:32, 10 September 2007 (BST)

Whittenside has been overrun with an invasion of illiterates. The Feral Undead are urging all citizens, human or zed, to remember the 'h' in TRENCHIE. Robinxe 22:51, 12 September 2007 (BST)

September 9 Hurst NT and mais hotel have both fallen. danger level updated. The man 18:27, 9 September 2007 (BST)

September 8 Whittenside is still where is was last week, close to being safe but not quite there, primarlty because the survivours can't seem to keep Hurst NT in their control, the zombies were taken out on the 6th and I haven't got any word on any current zombie activities since then. The man 13:41, 8 September 2007 (BST)

ah, hurst is in survivour hands, danger level changed The man 16:25, 8 September 2007 (BST)

September 6 A dark day for the zeds sieging the Colglough Building 85,95. The Fortress launched an attack on the 40 stenchers outside, cutting them all down to size ensuring that the NT building could continue to function. A number of the FU were shown the ends of gun barrels and entertained with many a song and witticism while being dropped. Stay Vigilant people!

September 4 rayment building (entry point) has been broken into and has been ruined with 3 zombies inside. hurst NT and hitchens fire dept are in survivour hands but need immediate reinforcements. The man 09:42, 4 September 2007 (BST)

September 3 the entire suburb is safe apart for the southern border. The zombies have apparently given up on trying to attack the center of whittenside and are now focusing on the lesser populated south instead. As a result, Hitchens fire dept and hurst NT are now ruined. The man 19:14, 3 September 2007 (BST)

September 2 In an incredible feat of organization, the survivours have taken out every single zombie outside colglough. Whittenside is almost completely safe The man 09:05, 2 September 2007 (BST)

September 1 according to survivor Intel, colglough was hit by a force of 50 zombies and 13 managed to enter the structure successfully. Miraculously, the survivors managed to toss all the zombies out of the building and then double the survivor number within. All NT's seem to be secure and the zombie horde outside of colglough seems to have gone down to 18. The fort is also secure with only one persistent zombie at the gatehouse The man 21:19, 1 September 2007 (BST)


August 31 Danger level keeps hovering between dangerous and moderate, currently it is moderate. The man 19:42, 31 August 2007 (BST)

August 29 Horde of 43 zeds outside the Colglough Building, other than that, no huge threats evident from half assed inspection of the suburb. DanceDanceRevolution 12:02, 29 August 2007 (BST)

August 28 There are no zombies in whittenside except for small horde at the gatehouse, and the 3 NTs. all four mentioned structures are in survivour hands. In fact, pretty much the entire suburb is in survivour hands. Danger level unchanged The man 10:00, 28 August 2007 (BST)

1 Zombie in Agapitus General Hospital. Killing and First Aid needed.

August 25 a zombie force led by the FU are now split between colglough NT, Malcolm NT and the gatehouse. The rest of whittenside and the rest of the fort is in relative calm. The man 12:48, 25 August 2007 (BST)

a full scout has determined that there are no zombie mobs over 50 and that all Tactical resource points are in survivor control, danger level updated The man 18:28, 25 August 2007 (BST)

August 22 Got word on the radio that the Malcolm Building has been ruined, with 5 zeds inside and 26 outside. By the way, why is Whittenside broadcasting in LOCKETTSIDE's frequency (26.11)? We're getting news about buildings two suburbs away from us. -Lockettside survivor

Some not-so-informed survivor edited Fort Perryn page with wrong frequency and started deploying radio transmitters using it. It has now been changed to correct district frequency (26.20) and atleast transmitters in Fort Perryn are now set to it. Other transmitters in the district area may still be set to the wrong frequency and survivors are asked to correct them to 26.20 if seen. --Tumu 21:14, 24 August 2007 (BST)

August 20 Human reinforcements continue to pour in while the zombie force remains static. The humans seem very determined to make the fort a permanent home. Darth Mandingo 07:39, 19 August 2007

August 19 The fort is safe, alas the entire suburb is still extremely dangerous. The man 09:54, 19 August 2007 (BST)

August 17 The suburb is still very dangerous, danger level unchanged, there are almost no survivours at all in whittenside apart from some pocket resistances. for the first time in history, the fort is actually defendable. As a result, the FU are reportedly grouping into whittenside. The BMC retains a completely neutral postion over the fort The man 10:52, 17 August 2007 (BST)

August 13 The suburb is 100% undead. if you've been combat revived and are seeking a death in seconds, just step into the suburb and watch as you are quickly devoured. The man 10:13, 13 August 2007 (BST)

August 12 the suburb is once again very dangerous as the west of whittenside has fallen. The man 19:53, 12 August 2007 (BST)

August 8 suburb danger level is grazing the line between very dangerous and dangerous. But for now it stays on dangerous. The man 10:18, 8 August 2007 (BST)

August 5 whittneside is getting safer and the center is crawling back into survivour hands. The man 10:06, 6 August 2007 (BST)

August 4 intel has revealed some suprising stats. the east and the west are being retaken. danger level downgraded The man 09:45, 4 August 2007 (BST)

August 3rd the suburb seems only to get worse now that the south has refallen. danger level upgraded to very dangerous. special thanks to robinXe for providing me with the nessesary info The man 13:56, 2 August 2007 (BST)


July 31 thanks to some brave scout volunteers the full state of the suburb is known. yes, the suburb is quite dangerous. making a safehouse in the center results in its instantaneous desruction. the zombies are hiding all over. also, the fort is in zombie hands The man 12:48, 31 July 2007 (BST)

Read the danger-level description: "Most buildings wide open or zombie-infested". How does Whittensdie not fulfill this?
well yeah, I was just about to fix that today. note the date, it was a bit safer on the 31st. also, thanks for the heads up, I've been waiting for some words from the zombies :) The man 13:53, 2 August 2007 (BST)

July 30 suburb danger level stays as it is. The man 14:44, 30 July 2007 (BST)

July 29th no wonder there's been no surveillance, the whole suburb is alomst empty! The zombies must have spread out and the survivours must have left after the recent surge in activity. there is still no news on the fort though. danger level stays the same until more intel comes through. The man 19:28, 29 July 2007 (BST)

july 28th status unknown. but danger level presumed unchanged The man 17:03, 28 July 2007 (BST)

july 26th some buildings have been reclaimed. whitneside is safer. suburb danger level updated The man 00:40, 26 July 2007 (BST)

july 22th the current suburb color says it all The man 18:23, 22 July 2007 (BST)

July 20th the south west resistance has fallen, the south east is shrouded in mystery (at least on my part). the north and the fort are toast (malcolm doesn't count). the center just took a massive beating again. zombies are everywhere and whittneside is getting quite close to the red mark The man 18:59, 20 July 2007 (BST)

ok I sent my character on a complete scout of the south east section, almost every building is wide and open. whittneside is extremely dangerous, danger level updated The man 19:00, 20 July 2007 (BST)

July 19th its the 19th today and things are really bad for the survivors. the center fell two days ago. the south east TRP are under attack. the suburb is really dangerous. Zombies are having a feast. in addition, unconfirmed FU intel states that everyday a bunch of survivors (one or two) drop by the fort to feed themselves to the zombies. The man 18:37, 19 July 2007 (BST)

there are safehouses here, but most buildings i ran through were ransacked. spotted many small <5 zed groups, a few larger ones. it's not pretty. i suggest revising the wiki entry: "Whittenside is doing good for survivors these days with lots of buildings under survival control" to read "Mostly harmful"? --WanYao 21:23, 19 July 2007 (BST)
I'll get right on it. the safety of whittneside has never shifted so quickly The man 18:54, 20 July 2007 (BST)

July 14th no change apart for the fact that coughloug NT has been breached. The man 16:38, 14 July 2007 (BST)

friday 13th alright, its unlucky day today and indeed we have been unlucky. the BMC's intel has crashed and knowledge on the suburb has become limted to the center. it is known however that the zombies are attacking the center of whittneside and have destroyed the hospital with a massive horde of up to 70 zombies and that the rest seems to be ok. danger level stays as it is. The man 21:11, 13 July 2007 (BST)

July 12th 2007 Anne General Hospital under attack from restless hordes of zombies out of Fort Perryn. Northern area of suburbs becoming unsafe. --JWhite 06:57, 12 July 2007 (BST)

The immediate area around the fort is ransacked. the zombies have now proceeded to attack the center, starting with 40 zombies outside anne. the hospital is standing strong but it needs reinforcements. The man 11:44, 12 July 2007 (BST)

July 11th 2007 the fort officially fell in the tenth, the zombies now have begun to spread to the neigbouring blocks looking for the reminds of the fort dwellers. The man 11:32, 11 July 2007 (BST)

July 9th 2007 the fort is almost completely finished, only two blocks within remain intact. The fort should be completely in zombie hands by tomorrow. The fort is extremely dangerous, even for a scout. I barely made it out alive myself! The man 16:06, 9 July 2007 (BST)

Thats because we all hate you :oP
Everyone in the fort is dead, all buildings are opened and ransacked. XPav 16:40, 9 July 2007 (BST)

July 8th 2007 right, I woke up this morning to find the gatehouse destroyed, zombies are heading straight to the armoury and it is steadily falling. Total fort survivor count has dropped by 50% total fort zombie count remains constantThe man 09:52, 8 July 2007 (BST)

The armoury is about to be ransacked. only 7 infected survivors left inside The man 16:37, 8 July 2007 (BST)
The armory and gatehouse are now empty of survivors and the infirmary has been broken into. The graffiti in the fort says "THE FORT IS A DEATHTRAP", and regardless of the source of this tag, the message is likely true, with the rest of the fort most likely being ransacked in the next day. XPav 20:14, 8 July 2007 (BST)

July 7th 2007

in addition to yesterdays news, the zombie count in whittneside is well over hundred. whittneside is indeed orange again The man 09:52, 7 July 2007 (BST)

I wouls also like to add that the battle for the fort is getting really tence. this is indeed the 7th siege of fort perryn The man 09:58, 7 July 2007 (BST)

July 6th 2007 The ongoing resistance of the humans occupying Fort Perryn continues to attract zombies of the Feral Undead and other groups, with the result that zombie groups of 50+ have formed inside and outside the fort to contest what they see as an invasion of their turf. XPav

July 4th 2007 "Yawn" no change. --The man 13:00, 4 July 2007 (BST)


June 30th No change at all since June 27th. The man 14:39, 30 June 2007 (BST)

June 27th, 2007 The surrounding buildings are in survivor hands but the tactical core of Whittenside is shifting hands all the time. The man 08:01, 27 June 2007 (BST)

A scout has been made of the fort and it has been determined to be safe with survivor numbers above 50 and barricades at their proper levels and few zombies inside the structure. Whittenside is this close to becoming green. The man 12:10, 27 June 2007 (BST)

June 24th, 2007 Almost all buildings are safe, zombies activity is minimal. zombies exists and a few break-ins occur but they are few and minor. Almost all TRP's are up and running. Danger level needs to be taken down to moderate. The man 14:47, 24 June 2007 (BST)


May 29th, 2007 the suburb is getting safer and safer everyday but with this safety looms the threat of over barricading trenchies and Pkers. note to survivors: keep the entry points as Very strongly barricaded or die sleeping outside, whittenside has a clear and legible barricade plan, please abide by it. thank you The man 17:39, 29 May 2007 (BST)

May 22nd, 2007
Drama Club staged a performance of "Army of Darkness" at Fort Perryn Gatehouse as part of their Border Tour of Malton. The group plans to travel clockwise around the border suburbs of Malton with one show in each suburb. Today they performed for the 3 zombies here as part of this tour. See their group page for performing groups and schedules.

May 21, 2007
ok it seems alot of survivors have retaliated, alot of buildings are barricaded, power is appearing in some spots. danger level should be downgraded to orange. The man 17:12, 21 May 2007 (BST)

May 19, 2007
almost the entire suburb is wide and open, zombies are everywhere. The man 10:47, 19 May 2007 (BST)

May 5, 2007
Survivors powered up half a dozen buildings in SW sector. After almost 3 months stationed in Whittenside, I've never seen it better. I hope that humans continue to push zombies back to other suburbs.Janjones 21:59, 5 May 2007 (BST)

May 3, 2007
For the first time in many weeks, one of the three NT buildings is powered. It's just a matter of time to humans push back the undead from the western side of Whittenside. Janjones 00:46, 4 May 2007 (BST)


April 28, 2007
The centre of Whittenside is looking strong as survivors continue the never ending battle to hold of the zeds. Survivors are encouraged to stand and fight as only then can they beat back the zeds, for now. Whitehouse 16:14, 28 April 2007 (BST)

April 21, 2007
the entire eastern section of whittenside is barren of any life or zombies. the west is still in conflict over zombies and survivors. Whittenside is not in anarchy, the BMC are here and are tending to the suburb. the man

April 19, 2007
I have woken up dead every time i logged in to UD for the past three days. so i decided to do some scouting as a zombie. i hate to say this but whittenside fits the description of "ghost town" perfectly. the man

April 16, 2007
Again, zombies assaulted safehouses. The factory adjacent to the Wyche building is ransacked. Janjones 22:27, 16 April 2007 (BST)

April 8, 2007
While zombies gather to celebrate Easter, survivors took control of important resource buildings. Janjones 02:47, 9 April 2007 (BST)


March 28, 2007
As small pockets of human resistance fight to regain control of resource buildings in whittenside, rumours tell of the FMO considering to move in on the suburb and take advantage of its current anarchy. However none are yet to be sighted. --Kaisuke 07:41, 28 March 2007 (BST)

March 19, 2007
The area surrounding Fort Perryn is firmly in zombie control. Colgough NTh as, for the past few days, been the home of a small group of zombie defenders, and revive lines are getting longer and longer. The other nearby NT is unpowered and apparantly unoccupied, despite EHB batticades and only 3 zombies attacking it, noone seems to be reviving any zombies. Apparantly the last humans are fleeing to Blesly Mall to restock. Whittenside is in dire need of reinforcements!--RevEngEspc 02:14, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

March 16, 2007
While most buildings arround Colglough NT and Anne General Hospital are clearly in human hands, resource buildings are still changing hands daily. Agapitus General is powered up and EHB, while the first mentioned above are ransacked and in zombie hands. Survivors' supplies are beggining to end and once again some of us will be forced to make a trip to Gulsonside to restock, while zombies attack our safehouses. Janjones 21:04, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

March 7, 2007
Things are looking grim. A survivoer named bondgirl is not who she seems to be, and is instead, reviving Feral Undead members by the doezen. Kill her!--RevEngEspc 23:16, 7 March 2007 (UTC)


February 28th, 2007
The Hurst Building, one of the suburb's NecroTech buildings, has fallen. It is completely overrun. We must take it back and begin revivals. We must take back Whittenside.

February 24th, 2007
Somerside Drive Police Department has fallen with 7 zombies inside and 16 outside. All remaining survivors in the area should find shelter elsewhere for the moment as the area is a disaster. 10:04 (UTC) Kyrygvald

Although the gatehouse is taken back by a group of survivors, but I don't know how long will it be in our hands. Somehow, I'm trapped in the gate house. I don't know if I can slip away safely, or get eaten by the hungry zombies. (This is somehow an SOS signal)-JoeSpears

February 23, 2007
Somerside Drive Police Department was wide open earlier, but is once again secure for the moment. Survivors should either band together to help keep this PD secure or get the hell out and get yourselves back together. Bleak situation, but Die Angriff-Maschine has had a change of mind. We're fighting there till the last survivor standing!! Kyrygvald 22:36 (UTC)

February 20, 2007
Where'd everyone go? Anne general is nearly empty, the Fort has fallen, most non-resource buildings are ransacked. Not enough zombies to call this a red zone, though. I'd hazard a guess that the Feral Undead have almost succeeded in taking Whittenside. Robert McFarlane 08:31, 20 February 2007 (UTC)

thats amusing, whittenside is where we send the younglings now to feed and grow strong. the younglings kill, and the humans keep comeing back. i woulden't be suprised if there weren't any of our older members in the suberb at all. -Bullgod 11:00, 21 February 2007 (UTC)
Oh, that's really uplifting, that we couldn't even hold onto the Fort when it was used as the FU school. A good show from the younglings, the Fort was a bitch to hold whilst it lasted, quite fun to battle with you guys. With the Anne General hospital nearly gone and Coulough gone again, Central Whittenside is pretty lonely, but the edges have some survivors. Robert McFarlane 22:34, 22 February 2007 (UTC)

February 15, 2007
Anne General Hospital is also under seige, multiple devastating break-ins have happened. Alos, many revived Feral Undead memevers have been spotted PKing, GKing and taunting the living- and worse yet, are STILL ALIVE! Don't randomly revive! Scan before you stick! Again, DONT RANDOMLY FRIGGIN REVIVE! Reviving a Feral Undead member makes YOU responsible for teir subsequent terrorism! -RevEngEspc-

Hey! I think that most of us would like to take credit for our own terrorism thank you very much! -Bullgod 04:40, 16 February 2007 (UTC)

February 13, 2007
Somerside Drive Police Department is clear at the moment. I killed the last zombie and got it barricaded up to VSB+2. Reinforcements to help keep it under survivor control and barricade it more is imperitive in helping to hold off this zombie offensive that's leaking into Danversbank. -Kyrygvald- 16:33 (UTC)

February 12, 2007
Somerside Drive Police Department is overrun with approx. 20 zombies at the moment. I suggest steering clear of it unless you have intentions on helping resecure it. Die Angriff-Maschine is currently working on that the best we can, but help would be great. New recruits would be good too! -Kyrygvald- 18:40 (UTC)

February 12, 2007
Remember folks, any zombies standing at a revive point are likely our fallen fellow survivors. Scan any zombies you find with a DNA Extractor to make sure they aren't a fallen human! Please, don't attack zombies at Revive Points unless they're Brain Rotters. Robert McFarlane 10:53, 12 February 2007 (UTC)

February 9, 2007
Just to let the rest of those who don't know, the Fort has been retaken by feral forces . . . again. Theres at the very least 1 zombie inside and outside of every building. With more concentrating on holding the resource buildings. A big welcome back to the Feral Undead as they helped make the final push to retake the Fort possible. JD 18:05, 9 February 2007 (UTC)

February 1, 2007
The majority of Fort Perryn is under firm survivor control, however a mob of 44 zombies is attacking the infirmary and with a max of VS+2 cades, the Armory is under threat if there are even 5 zeds outside it. But there is currently no wait for the in-fort revive line, so all we need are more guns. Even 10 more experienced zombie hunters would be a great help. The state of the fort is such that every person can make a difference, so do so!


January 30, 2007
The suburb is far from being as safe as surrounding suburbs, with Sprackling Square being recently broken into and the Fort still filled with zombies. Robert McFarlane 09:49, 30 January 2007 (UTC)

January 25, 2007
Survivors, please scan a zombie and check their skills before reviving!! Feral Undead members are repeatedly being revived, causing havoc within safehouses. thank you

January 21, 2007
Zombies are slacking off... WTF is going on?



December 20th, 2006
See Nicole's Grave! Malton's greatest and most lamented PKer is laid to rest at the Banton Cinema. A steady stream of fans and admirers is descending on Whittenside to view Nicole's earthly remains.For more info, see Banton Cinema.

December 18th, 2006
The fort has fallen, with every building smashed and ransacked and every human insight dead the zeds have won for the moment. How long will it before a group is organized to retake the fort? Will the survivors take back the fort before Christmas?

December 18th, 2006
Hmmm. No matter how many zombies we kill at fort Perryn, they still stand up inside the fort. Without means of actually moving them back outside, the situation is perhaps more tenuous than we had at first thought. As for me, I'm vacating as soon as I get a good nap in.

December 17th, 2006
Fort Perryn is overrun. 80+ zombies spotted inside during a very brief scouting excerise. Organised survivor effort required URGENTLY to retake the fort. Some survivors still remain inside, but are vastly outnumbered and have little chance of pushing the zombies back.

December 13th, 2006
The gatehouse has been taken in fort perryn. It's ransacked with two zombies inside.

December 7th, 2006
A small group of zombies at the gatehouse, the gatehouse is EHB indicating it may be back in survivor hands.


November 26th, 2006
The Feral Undead have ransacked every building in the fort and are now calling it "Fort Feral".

November 23rd, 2006
The Malton Rangers have retaken Fort Perryn with the aim of making it a base for survivors and to recruit new members.


October 1st, 2006
The Battle continues between zombies and humans. Lead by the BMC representing the humans and the FU representing the zombies as the fight for the heart of Whittenside continues. (However it must be said that there are many more individual warriors of both sides.) The surburb should be divided into two halfs: the norther half and the souther half. The norther half is in human control - most buildings are barricaded and secure. Humans have safe houses and operate out of them. The Southern half of the surburb is in Zombie control, no barricades are up and zombies roam free looking for brains. The middle buildings are the DMZ and change often and are unsafe. Humans barricade them and control them for awile only to lose them to a zombie attack but then retake them and rebarricade them and then lose them to the endless cycle of dead to undead.


September 11, 2006
Various human groups including the loose cannons and the BMC are trying to retake Whittenside through barricade runs (or as the zombie's think griefing runs). The humans are trying to barricade as many buildings as they can to retake the surburb. They are met by members of the FU and other local zombies who have made whittenside their undead home. Battles at two major NT buildings have been almost daily battles. The Colglough and the Malcolm buildings have exhanged hands almost daily over the past four or five days with the buildings going back and forth between human control and zombie control.

September 7, 2006
Whittenside still appears very empty from the Big bash. Not many humans and a few left over zombies from the big bash or the fu walking the streets looking very hungry. Most buildings in the south still not barricaded. Hard to find a place to spend the night.

September 4, 2006
Operation: Revival continues. Although the joint task force has been temporarily repelled from our primary target by the Feral Undead in southern Pennville, the operation is moving into Phase Two. The Garniss Border Patrol is aiding revives in neighboring Scarletwood, and the BMC is mobilizing to push through from the west. To the north, the Cannonball Crew are rapidly moving in to finish off the Feral Undead once and for all.

Until further notice, the SMBP for Whittenside and Pennville will not be followed. All structures, except those directly adjacent to revive points, are to be barricaded to EHB. Survivors without freerunning are advised to purchase it as their next skill or seek shelter in a neighboring suburb to the west. Keep watching here to learn when it is safe to return. We appologize for any inconveniance, but this is for the greater good and must be done...


August 31st, 2006
A joint task force of FedCom and The Randoms personnel has restored full activity to the revive points surrounding the northern and eastern portions of the Fort. We have revived several of the WMC and over a dozen others, who are augmenting our restoration efforts in northern Whittenside and Pennville. If the rest of the suburb still needs help once Pennville is restored, we will gladly render assistance.

For now, anyone seeking a revive will find one at the cemetery at (87,90). FedCom does not revive just any zombie standing in line: you must post a revive request here before we will give you a jab. You rotters will note that this policy eliminates any advantage to be gained by trying to "clog the line". Bug off, as your tactics will have no effect here.

August 16th 2006
After the arrival of the Feral Undead and other zombies Whittenside has been decimated, there isn't a standing barricade in the entire suburb. The Feral Undead have now claimed Whittenside as their territory and will stay in place to push back any survivors that try and move back in.

August 13th 2006
The Loose Cannons and The Cannonball Crew are moving into the suburb to slow the advance of the Big Bash. All available fighters are invited to coordinate efforts with the Loose Cannons.


July 21st 2006
The Sprackling Square Police Dept. was breached. Destroying the Organized Crime Unit's headquarters. The O.C.D commander is MIA.

July 21st 2006
The Necrotech building(the Colglough Building) ajacent to Woolley Grove has zeds in it,


June 13th 2006
Whittenside seems rather peacefull, not many zeds at the revive points. - Whitehouse 07:26, 13 June 2006 (BST)

June 17th 2006
Whittenside seems to have various groups of Zombies wandering around. I'm currently in St Cunigunde's Church after I found both hospitals barricaded to prevent entry and no signs as to where to go for first aid. I'm infedted and in need of imediate assistance from anyone with first aid kits etc. Cavek Pathfinders 17th June 2006. 14:28

June 27th 2006
Whittenside appears to be under major zombie assualt! Several buildings have now been broken into, and the suburb is vulnerable. Be on your toes!

One group currently operating revives is The Surrealists. --Karloth vois 13.22, 27 June 2006 (BST)

June 29th 2006
No major assault, standard for Moderate danger. No zeds hords at 50+, less than 50 standing zeds in the whole suburb at the moment. - Whitehouse 14:00, 29 June 2006 (BST)