-- ▧ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15:38, 22 July 2009 (BST)
The AZS is dead. Long live the AZS!
Bhuwannabe 16:32, 26 July 2009 (BST)
ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) was created due to the lack of groups representing Aussies and Kiwis in Malton. ANZAC is dedicated to the protection of Australian and New Zealand Monuments in Malton.
Open to any Australian and New Zealand survivors.
-- Seven 07 00:51, 10 June 2009 (BST)
Army Control Corps
The Army Control Corps is a tactical and mobile group dedicated to aiding survivors and eradicating the Zombie infestation that pervades Malton. Some of our Operations involve the salvaging of decimated suburbs, assisting Survivors/Allies in the defense of buildings besieged by large Zombie hordes, and the pursuit of humanitarian efforts which involve the revivification and medical treatment of local Survivors in hard-hit areas.
Currently, there are two combat squads in service as well as a small Special Forces detachment. Roles are chosen via a Job System upon entrance to the group, and the types available range from pure assault stances to more supportive duties that require work behind the scenes.
Lastly, all those who want to join (any level or class) may do so - whether it is preferred to engage in combat or just survive, an open, suitable spot can be found to tailor to one’s needs. To immediately seek enlistment within the ACC, please register here and submit your application here.
The ACC looks forward to receiving and welcoming new members into one of the biggest groups of Malton that has spanned for over seven years and is still running strong.
Survior454 22:36, 14 July 2009 (BST)
The Big Prick
Survivors, are you tired of everything you need to do to stay secure? Are you looking for a simpler, more fun experience? Then live the life of a Big Prick.
The Big Prick is dedicated to life. We move into some of the roughest areas of Malton, armed only with syringes, and bring life to zombies and each other. Suburbs spring to life as survivors repopulate and re-build.
To join, just stock up with needles and meet us at our current location, which can always be found on our Wiki page.
--Jimflexx 06:17, 16 July 2009 (BST)
Black Delta
Are you tired of spending all you action points looking for supplies then getting back to your safe
house and finding it completely ruined and out of action points?
Are you tired of being alone and not sure if you will be alive or if you will have to shamble down to the nearest revive point tomorrow?
Are you just tired of randomly killing zombies with no real goal?
We currently are the only active pro surviver group in the Mockridge Heights besides the DEM so if you live in the area become a member to help save your suburb from the zombie terror.
This is a growing group why not be part of the first wave of recruits? All new recruits are gurrented a safe place to sleep and help from more experince players.
Why join a group who just gets on and plays for 10 mins a day most of the time there is always a member on the wiki thinking and planning are next Operation.
Well why not join a group that is kinda new but hey since its new you will be able to help us mold it into something to be proud of instead of joining one of those big groups where you don't stand a chance in making a difference why not join a group you can discuss with us what the group should do next.
--Sgt MacDonald 21:31, 1 July 2009 (BST)
Tired of going it alone?
The Black Watch or Royal Highland Regiment (RHR) is a pro-survivor group seeking to bring peace to the city of Malton. We focus on having a good time while helping out survivors. We currently are operating in north west Malton. Our Operations include but are not limited to; repairing damaged suburbs, bringing medical aid and revivification to local survivors in hard-hit areas, giving military aid to allies and other survivors, and defending buildings under siege by zombies.
The group is separated into four Divisions, Infantry, Medics, Moss Troopers, and Special Forces. More information on their roles can be found at our Wiki at The Black Watch. Members are permitted to chose their division, we all work together for the betterment of the team. Focus is placed on having a good time while helping out the team. All members have a voice in decisions.
To enlist please register with the forum here and post your application here We accept any survivors of any level or class and have spots for everyone.
--Robert de Bruce 21:22, 7 April 2009 (BST)Robert de Bruce
--Fo sizzle 21:53, 27 May 2009 (BST)
Our Goals
"The Burchell Arms Regulars (B.A.R.) are a group of survivors who operate out of the Burchell Arms (imagine that) on the Rolt Heights/Pescodside border. We're dedicated to the maintenance of the pub and to providing our members with medical services and revivification. Oh, and we're not above retaliation against those who compromise the safety and security of the Burchell Arms, either. Beyond that - we're just regular guys trying to keep the power on and the beer cold."
The BAR stands for a lot of things, but ask any Regular and they'll tell you that our true objectives have always been:
- To have fun!
- Protect our home, the Burchell Arms (aka, the Burch')
- Maintain the Otto Street Revive Point
- Aid and protect survivors within Rolt Heights and Pescodside
Contact Us:
--NickCrandell 10:19, 12 July 2009 (BST)
The Chivalrous Sophists are a group of erudite survivors resolved to responsibly educate Malton. The Sophists are currently recruiting any intellectual willing to join the cause. As dedicated survivors within the Order of the Philosophe Knights, they aim to better Malton without using murderous means. See the Chivalrous Sophists wiki page for more information.
"No law or ordinance is mightier than understanding." - Plato
"Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do." - Goethe
-15:42, 30 June 2009 (BST)
Cobra : Player Killer
A message from Cobra Commander:
Greetings, citizens of Malton,
for too long trench-tastic GI Joe forces have roamed the streets of Malton with impunity. All the while, in darkness Cobra has waited and prepared. Now is the time to rise up against the entrenched survivor. But, what can lonely you do to help save Malton?
Speak to a Cobra recruiter!
We are currently looking for both team-oriented and solo killers. All you need do is stop by the forum and start killing Joes.
We are feral in nature, so you are welcome to see the city or stay in one spot. Roam with the group or strike out on your own, either way you have the full support of Cobra and all associated 'businesses.' All we ask is that you do your part to eliminate the threat to everyone, which is GI JOE. Following comprehensive Cobra training, including our new 'Actually hitting your fucking target' training, we will have you killing Joes in no time. The days when knowing was half the battle are over. Long live the days of pyramid schemes and global domination!
This message has been brought to you by the Arbco Furniture Company and Extensive Enterprises.
D - E
The DHPD is looking for anyone wanting to come out of the zombie-infested cold and make the North West corner of Malton a safer and brighter place for all survivors. We aim to reclaim the DMZ and once again make it one of the safer areas of Malton.
Here's the pitch: Join the Dunell Hills Police Department.
We have need for officers in the Dunell Military Zone. Whatever level you are, no matter what skills you have: we have a place for you.
Want to know more about the DHPD and what goes on "behind the scenes"? Read the DHPD Testimonials.
Interested? Go to our recruitment office.
Once you have joined you will have the opportunity to join our academy and our highly active squads.
The D.M.Z. currently consists of Dunell Hills, and the surrounding five suburbs.
Contact us via our talk page or our forum for more information.
--Jim Extreme Talk | DHPD 11:51, 21 July 2009 (BST)
EVIL : Pro Human/Pro Zed, PKer Group
F - H
FANNY : Survivor Group
Do you hate to be told what to do, when to do it and who to attack? But you still want the support of fellow zombies to...
- SEE! those barricades cracked open?
- HEAR! of the latest open buildings?
- TASTE! the sweet bouquet of levelling up?
Then you have come to the right place. We like to find out what other hordes are attacking and wait in the shadows till it looks like dinner time. Let our stronger members break down barricades, so you can follow them in and eat your fill. To some we may seem like vultures, parasites even. But in the end, is that really a bad thing?
Hell no. Because vultures are fucking cool.
Hard Knock Life : Survivor & Life Cultist Group
"With harman lackeys at your beck and call to find new, tasty flavors and clean up the mess after you're done eating, Hard Knock Life may be what you're looking for!" - A ravenous and satisfied Hard Knock Life zombie
Hard Knock Life is the largest Life Cultist group in Urban Dead with one consistent goal: Repairing ransacked or otherwise ruined buildings in an efficient fashion. We operate in areas no other groups would and take an in-your-face attitude.
Some of our objectives:
- Have fun!
- Move wherever the trouble is.
- Kill hostile zombies and repair buildings
- Support survivors whenever we meet them.
- Power tactical resource points.
23:15, 12 August 2010 (BST)
I - L
Recruitment Video
We are the forces of the Imperium of Man, seeking to cleanse Hive Malton of the present Zombie Infestation, referred to by us as mutants, as well as quell any Traitors and Heretics who threaten the forces of Humanity. We act to cleanse, purify, and protect all the suburbs of Hive Malton one suburb at a time. The Imperium does not specialize and has room for those who want to stand and hold ground in the siege lines, take the fight to the hordes, purge Traitor PKer scum, or build up and keep the suburbs running.
Any who are interested we are accepting all survivor characters, be you level 1 or 41, sign up here!
For the Emperor and Malton!
Scott Timewell 21:02, 16 July 2009 (BST)
Out of the dust a valiant group rides, death on their heels, as they scour the lands. No one knows who they are. They just exist. No one knows where they are. They just are. Only, those who seek us may find more than they bargained for. Looking to right the wrong, kill the unjust, and retake what once belonged to the rightful.
Now you have the chance to become one of us. See our wiki page or our forum for details.
Roddy Winters 02:43, 1 July 2009 (BST)
M - N
Type=== PKer
File:Malton's Local Convicts logo.jpg
Malton's Local Convicts is A BRAND NEW GROUP! If you're well-qualified, you may be provided a high rank right off the bat!
Sick and tired of EH-bitches? Are you a newbie who's died 4 times in one week because of the stupidity of others? (Haha...4 times in one week?) Kill the mother f*****s! Join Malton's Local Convicts. Want beer, wine, guns, ammo and fireaxes? We've got it! Want a safehouse for the rest of your life? Sure thing! Want revives up the bazooka? We can't guarantee it, but we'll try our best! So head on over to our wiki page and see what we can do for you. And what you...can do for us.
18:31, 30 July 2009 (BST)
Other Groups not quite right?
Then join the milton rebels!
we may not be very big or organised but
we do want to free malton forever!
if you're a survivor with nowhere to go
and a rebellious spirit join the malton rebels today
we are currently in Foulkes Village but are moving to Nixbank so come and see us!
(“We” isn't entirely appropriate at the minute as its just me!)
11:44, 30 July 2009 (BST)
Watch our Official Recruitment Video [1]
The Malton Urban Militia is a coalition of the willing - a volunteer army.
Currently the M.U.M. maintains an ever-expanding network of safehouses throughout the city.
Stay tuned to 28.29 MHz for regular broadcasts, visit our information center [2] for M.U.M. updates, and visit our forum [3] for directives on how to join our ranks.
Rebels and other enemies of society (PKers - you know who you are)
We implore you to stand down and co-operate with the M.U.M. for the good of your community at large.
Objectives of the M.U.M.
M.U.M. Mission Statement
Mayor MC Cheese 03:10, 25 June 2009 (BST)
Who are we? : We revive or kill any Biohazard threats in Malton mainly those who are in our suburb
Why Join us? : Well we train recruits and nothing is required, but free running is recommended for safety purposes.
Open spots: 2 Commanders, 3 Lieutenants, 3 sergeants, 3 medics, and unlimited privates, and if you prove yourself worthy in our group you may be promoted to black team spec-ops.
Contact us!: Sgtgonnella@aol.com
--Sgt Gonnella 02:22, 27 January 2010 (UTC)
... Needs YOU!
Zombies just don't count themselves, we need YOU to scan & post those scans to help the fight against BARHAH & disorganization
And there is delicious cake for those who qualify...just ask A.L.I.C.E.
...she's watching right now
If you think you got what it takes (sheer indifference to all other concerns, lone wolf type personality, a tad bit vain, a taste for cake) contact NecroWatch today, we'll set you on the road to fame & glory tomorrow!
To learn more review the complete README.TXT file stored on the root directory before proceeding.
--Dr Mycroft Chris 08:44, 14 July 2009 (BST)
O - Q
Living out the Second Amendment, this group of neighbours has taken up arms and banded together to protect their families from the post-outbreak zombie hoard.
Goals: Defend North Blythville, protect our people and stay healthy
O.M Recruitment Office
You want to join up? Please leave your UD Profile Here & join our forum
>> First what we need from you
- Add "Olney Militia" to your in-game group designation under your player's profile.
- To be Human without Brain Rot (Rogue Gallery listed Pkers need not apply)
- A resident of North Blythville with its preservation in your best interest.
- To follow our goals: defend North Blythville, protect our brothers and stay healthy!
If that is a yes to all of the above then welcome on board! Once vetted you can then get to fully experience what the O.M. has to offer with membership to our forum, for updated group mission information and to find out how you too can get involved.
We look forward to having you! Jake T Weber 23:07, 7 July 2009 (BST)
Are you an experienced player looking for a challenge? A beginner looking for a place to learn the ropes without having to deal with large hordes constantly? Maybe just a player looking for something a little different?
Then join the Order of the Black Rose!
We are a unique survivor group in that we operate over a district instead of a single suburb--specifically, District SW-2 covering Crooketon, Grigg Heights, Lerwill Heights, Mornington, and Reganbank.
For more information on how we operate, check out our Wiki page. If you would like to chat with our members, you can find them at our forum.
Miss Balalaika 12:19, 10 December 2011 (UTC)
Malton, a city of terror, murder, torture and shoplifting. The Pole Mall Security is a force to counted with, determined to protect Pole Mall and West Grayside. The PMS got hardworking members, an organized defence and a really funny abbreviation. The PMS is a member of the Mall Security Alliance, an alliance of several groups, protecting several malls.
Do you feel like being a part of something? Protecting your local mall? Having fun? Then join the Pole Mall Security, and all these wishes will be fulfilled. If they're not fulfilled, you get a discount price on our fine, high-quality wares.
J.I 21:01, 30 June 2009 (BST)
R - S
RCDC : Survivor Group

The RCDC is a survivor group dedicated to defending and maintaining the suburb of Rhodenbank. For more information vew:
Our wikipage
Our forums
| |
~ Red Hawk One Talk | Thanks for the memories 21:33, 24 July 2009 (BST)