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===[[United Zombies of Malton]]===
This does not belong on the wiki in its current form, for the following reasons.
And, yes, this is complicated, and I thank you for your time in dealing with it properly.
# This page duplicates information already freely available on the wiki. To see what I mean, select a group, connect to the ''external'' website/portal, and you will see that link you are taken to is dominated by a frame containing that group's wiki page
# The page is misleading and deceptive. Specifically, if you click on a link to one of the groups you can see a chatbox and various other pieces of information that make it seem as if you're actually connected with and talking to members of the group in question. This, however, is not the case: these interal links/chatboxes, etc. -- as well as the links provided off the UZM page -- are solely the creation and province of zeug and Extinction. Meanwhile, these groups have their own metagaming "infrastructures" and neither need nor desire to be part of this one.
# The page is misleading and deceptive in another way: its very name, as well as its structure, implies "alliance" or "association" between the included groups -- as well as actual ''consent'' to be included -- where no such thing exists. The exact contrary is, in fact, the case (see below).
# At least 4 groups -- the [[RRF]], [[MOB]], [[Hambargar Halparz]] and [[Infected Swarm]] (the first two being among the top 4 player groups in UD for overall membership) have asked to be removed from this page / list. These requests have been patently dismissed and ignored by zeug/extinction. Because these large groups -- representing a significant portion of the zombie metagame community -- are in no way connected to the project, and do not wish for ''any'' connection to be even implied, any perceived connection is highly problematic, misleading, disingenuous, and not at all in good faith.
# Now... let's be blunt... In effect, despite claims to the contrary, the UZM is an Extinction propaganda project. It is hosted by zeug/extinction, as can be seen by the browser icons when you connect with the portal. It does not represent any "united zombie" umbrella (as explained) -- in fact a number of major "players" in the zombie community have clearly expressed their displeasure with being listed and associated with this tool. Thus, it is disingenuous, to say the least, to represent it as anything different -- or to present it as merely an "open player resource". --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 18:50, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - As above. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 18:50, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#:'''Question''' - This page had existed in [http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php?title=United_Zombies_of_Malton&oldid=787859 this form] for more than a year. Why the sudden interest in it now? -- {{User:Krazy_Monkey/sig}} 19:10, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#::Simple, I think: no one noticed it before then. Now, however, we have noticed. And...ah, and I just clicked the links in the old version: and that version takes you to the Groups' wiki pages. Period. Annoying, maybe, but ultimately innocuous. This new page is an external web-monster, and thus a totally different beast. See points 2 and 5 in particular. That's my own personal answer, anyway. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 19:26, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - As above. --[[User:The Hierophant|Papa Moloch]] 18:58, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - 1. The [[UZM|UZM Zombie Portal]] provides a service to the whole community both survivor and zombie by collecting info that is widely dispersed across the wiki and providing an easy open access point.
#:::- 2. This is [[User:zeug|my]] project and independent of [[Extinction]] which is treated the same way as the others and included. Some groups do use the shoutboxes and I usually give them the cbox admin pass to control it themselves, the [http://uzm-urbandead.com/undeadites/ Undeadites] are an example.
#:::- 3. The inclusion of barhah.com is in the interests of providing a full coverage of the UD Zombie-verse.
#:::- 4. It is both for zeds to use, as some do, and for others to browse, including any interested survivors. The inactive shoutboxes are there for tourists to chat, or they could be used by a survivor group who may wish to track the [http://uzm-urbandead.com/mob MoB] for instance.
#:::- 5. It was built over a year ago, and since the main problem here seems to be the term 'United' I could redirect the page to something like [[UZM Zombie Portal]] and [[Media:Uzm-portal.jpg|change the logo]]. --[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 19:22, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - Extinction in a popular vote situation? Goodbye page, so long, farewell! -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 20:58, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep and Edit?''' - I'm new to this whole wiki vote/edit war thing...but...if iwitness and other tools like that can have wiki pages, I don't see why this can't have one. There's four zombie groups that DO use the thing, along with the four that want nothing to do with it.  It's a resource out there, and it's being used.  Most of your issues are with the browser itself, NOT the wiki page that is, at the moment, pretty accurately describing said browser. --[[User:Jen|Jen]] 21:07, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#: Tools like Iwitness, and their wikis, do not associate themselves with any specific group(s), nor do they claim or imply to be a sort of pseudo-metagroup as does this page/tool. Those tools which are associated with a specific group(s) -- like the DEM revive request tool, for example -- state pretty explicitly their player group connection. This page / tool, as it stands, fits into neither category. In fact, it appropriates the names of groups ''not'' involved in a manner that is, frankly, little more than a technologically adept form of impersonation. All the while IMO rather disingenuously claiming to be "neutral". That is why, in my opinion, it is different. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 21:39, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#::In what sense is the page related to [[Extinction]] apart from my building it? I'm not a group! It was set up as a zed meta-group well over a year ago and went nowhere and now it's just a Zombie browser. Since peeps here have a problem with the implied meta grouping I've already said the term 'United' can go and [[Media:Uzm-portal.jpg|have a logo ready]] for such as soon as the [[UZM]] can be redirected. I think it's a useful resource and use it all the time so am offering it to anyone and everyone. Or are you just using any excuse to be anti-Extinction? --[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 03:49, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#:::My reasons have been clearly explicated. I feel no need to repeat them. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 05:51, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::::Yes but I'm not clear about your unexplicated reasons, apart from you think it's a meta-grouping. Where is there any link or even implied connection to Extinction in the [[UZM]] beyond it being included along with the other groups? In what sense apart from your 'feelings' is this open access portal, as useful or otherwise to survivors as it might be to zeds, in any way an [[Extinction]] project?--[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 10:33, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#:::::The explication is the responsibility of the "critic". It's not my fault you can't understand the text. Actually, I am pretty sure you do, in fact, "get it"... Which is why I keep throwing around the word "disingenuous"... which for everyone else, it means "a lying sack of shit"... --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 16:58, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::::::See now this is a perfect example of the moronic stupidity I have to put up with from the more logically challenged members on this wiki. All I get from your intervention Wan is that you for some peculiar reason despise me and Extinction therefore the [[UZM]] should be deleted. And actually the explication is up to you since you are the one who actually started this deletion debate. How is the [[UZM]] a 'propaganda' technique? Simple question but you can't answer it can you? --[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 17:14, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::Again, I see those things as problems with the tool, not the wiki page. The wiki describes those groups as "covered" by the tool because the tool DOES "cover" them.  The wiki page looks meta-alliancy because the tool itself makes things look like a meta-alliance. And deleting a page describing the browser is not going to solve that problem. It's the equivalent of putting your head in the sand and pretending things are better.  Or getting mad at the symptom instead of the disease. Throw a paragraph onto the page that includes the history of the tool, and how it was created to help Extinction, and is currently used primarily used by Extinction, if the group-affiliation thing is causing problems. The page is describing a browser tool. Make the description on the wiki page accurate. Fix the tool. Don't delete the page. --[[User:Jen|Jen]] 17:47, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - --[[User:Jorm|Jorm]] 21:16, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - If for no other reason than because several groups have asked that their names be removed from it, and the author is refusing to do so - the groups should have the final say on whether or not their names are used on this, and that should be respected by the author. --[[User:Target Practice|Target Practice]] 21:51, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - Im too lazy to come up with an actual reason here, because i just woke up and such so im just typing some random ramblings in here so it looks like i have some kind of reason, which i do but cant think of in my present sleep addled state. I might edit this later to add a reason, but i might not. Who knows? --[[User:Grim_s|The Grimch]] <sup>[[Project UnWelcome|U!]] [[Project Evil|E!]]</sup> 00:43, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - As above. [[User:Conndraka|Conndraka]]<sup>[[Moderation|mod]] [[User_talk:Conndraka|T]][[AZM]] [[Coalition for Fair Tactics|''CFT'']]</sup> 01:47, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - As above and below. (AKA I don't feel like saying why). {{User:Lemonhead7t7/Sig}} 05:42, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Mostly Keep''' The shoutboxes should most certainly go but as long as the rest of the page continues to bear the very clear "we are not affiliated and have no reale connection" type disclaimers its perfectly reasonable and useful stuff!--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 10:18, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' Pretty much the same as Honestmistake. People are failing badly at seeing that this page does not claim that the groups are part of this, it just says that this tool will provide easy access to things related to those groups, such as forums, wiki pages, and so on. The only thing I see that is bad is not even on the wiki page, it's part of the tool. And that is the shoutboxes (as mentioned above) that claim to belong to the group, and the text prior to the link to donations that claims that said group supports Urban Dead. - [[User:Whitehouse]] 10:52, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#:Well some of the shoutboxes ARE the zed groups, others have fallen out of use and the rest are there for anyone to use to talk about the zed group. As for the link to Kevan's donation site you'll notice the button link includes the groups name in it so if someone donates via the MoB button the link is http://urbandead.com/donate.html#MoB which benefits not only Kevan but ... the MoB. I could remove that easily enough but keep the bare 'donate' button. And for the shoutboxes maybe I could indicate which browsers are in use and which are for tourists? This is all getting wonderfully complicated.--[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 11:31, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - there was every opportunity to be reasonable about this, and remove groups that didn't want to be associated with it, and those shoutboxes are way out of order. It implies that people are actually contacting the groups in question when they use them. While some groups may use them as intended, those who want no part of this project should not need to monitor "their" shoutbox, on an extinction site, to ensure they arn't being misrepresented <small>-- [[User:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">boxy</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">talk</span>]] • [[UDWiki:Image Categorisation|i]]</sup> 14:08 23 September 2008 (BST)</small>
#:Which shoutboxes exactly? For instance the [http://uzm-urbandead.com/mob MoB's shoutbox] actually is their shoutbox, I quite enjoy watching the conversation. The [http://uzm-urbandead.com/undeadites Undeadite shoutbox] is also theirs, I made it for them and gave them the admin pass. Extinction's of course, and FU ... but not the [http://uzm-urbandead.com/rrf RRF's]. So no, I wouldn't remove the shoutboxes at all, but certainly there's room to clarify their use. But what's that got to do with links on wiki pages? --[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 14:25, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::removing the shoutbox for the groups who explicitly ask is only fair... I would even suggest removing them for those that do not give permission and only activating them when they do so! The damn things are extremely misleading and detract considerably from the usefullness of the tool!--[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 14:31, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#:::Well I'd prefer to keep the MoB shoutbox for example, it's a publicly accessible web service provided by cbox and no different than showing their wiki talk page. But relabeling the RRF box makes sense as it's not theirs, although they're of course free to use it and I'd give them the admin pass. As a general use shoutbox peeps would be free to leave messages on it ... how about label it as a generic 'Zombie Browser Shoutbox'?--[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 14:47, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::::How about you do the decent thing, and just remove those groups who want no part of it? Putting their own shoutboxes onto a page that they have no control over is just as bad <small>-- [[User:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">boxy</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">talk</span>]] • [[UDWiki:Image Categorisation|i]]</sup> 15:39 23 September 2008 (BST)</small>
#:::::Just as bad as what boxy? As survivors linking to it? Or me showing their forums? Your argument lacks logic somewhat. But yeh, just did a quick config edit and I do like the neutrality of '[http://uzm-urbandead.com/rrf/ UZM Browser Shoutbox]', should encourage peeps to post there which was the whole point of building the thing originally ... to encourage network communications across the UD meta game. --[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 16:08, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::::::It's totally news to me, as a MOB member, that MOB has a shout box.... MOB has its own metagaming infrastructure (which is ultimately run by jorm) that has nothing to do with this tool... I don't speak for MOB in any capacity... but jorm does... and jorm -- along with the leadership of the RRF, HH and IS -- has expressed some pretty clear displeasure with his group being attached to this project, and asked to be removed. No... I've said it before, I'll said it again: this is little more than "a technologically adept form of impersonation".... VERY disingenous... Therefore, delete with prejudice. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 16:47, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::::::If anyone is using your shoutbox with our name on it they are NOT members of the MOB, who have explicit orders *NOT* to use your shit. REMOVE IT. I don't know how much fucking clearer I need to be to get through your fucking peabrained fucking head.  '''I am the leader of the MOB.  No one else speaks higher than me.'''--[[User:Jorm|Jorm]] 18:45, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#:::::::Ha gods you're a tosser. And your shoutbox isn't mine, it was already in use when I found it on your zombie multi-alt sharing site barhah.com so go fuck yourself you pathetically pompous twat. --[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 21:34, 23 September 2008 (BST) 
#:::::: I wish state... again, sigh... that I speak for no one except ''myself.'' Period. That being said, though he needs nothing of the sort from me, I concur with Jorm. And, now, more than fucking enough has been said on this subject... Good-day. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 18:53, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#:::::::Yes and how are your beerhah alt swaps with barhah.com going Wan? But it's not my shoutbox, the colours are all wrong. I picked it up from barhah.com ages ago, in fact the creation date for their browser is 4/06/07 and they've been chatting on it since forever. --[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 17:09, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - as far as I can tell, this is an edit war, not a case for deletion. We're setting a poor precedent on this wiki if a page can be deleted just because the person who created it is not well liked and apparently heavily resistant to compromise. Surely any decision about the content of the page needs to be sorted out in arbitration. This looks a lot like mob justice. Poor show. --<span style="font-size:90%">[[User:Funt Solo|Funt Solo]]</span> <sup style="font-size:70%">[[Mod_Conspiracy|QT]]</sup> [[Image:Scotland flag.JPG|18px]] 15:47, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#:Yes. Especially given comments like, "Your best bet is to just put the page up for deletion and mass meatpuppet it away with your [[User_talk:Grim_s#VB|superior numbers]]." --[[User:Jen|Jen]] 17:56, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - For the reasons WanYao listed. --[[User:Jasonjason|Jasonjason]] 16:47, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#:Heh, that would be a double [http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=767594 Barhah] [http://www.barhah.com/viewtopic.php?f=171&t=12647 Barhah] whammy? Hands up all those affiliated with barhah.com! Wan? You guys are hilarious. --[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 17:02, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - As Target Practice. Unrelated groups who want to be removed should be.--[[User:drawde|<span style="cursor:crosshair;color:Black">'''Drawde'''</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:drawde| <span style="cursor:crosshair;color: Blue">'''Talk To Me!'''</span>]] [[DORIS| <span style="cursor:crosshair;color: Black">'''DORIS'''</span>]] [[Red Rum|<span style="cursor:crosshair;color: Red">Red Rum</span>]] [[Ridleybank Resistance Front|<span style="cursor:crosshair;color: Green">Defend Ridleybonk!</span>]] [[The Know Nothings|<span style="cursor:crosshair;color: Brown">I know Nothing!</span>]]</sup> 17:31, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#:That's a problem with the browser, not the wiki page.  The wiki page lists all those groups because the ''browser'' "covers" all those groups.  Deleting the wiki page will do NOTHING to help that matter. --[[User:Jen|Jen]] 18:03, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - The CRF is on the list and is not even around anymore. Most of the groups there aren't around or don't want to be on the list. --[[User:Saromu|Sonny Corleone]] <sup>[[DORIS]] [[MSD]]  [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91a8pHj7V9k pr0n]</sup> 18:30, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - As Funt, arbitration is under way. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 18:34, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - as above. --[[User:Ropponmatsu|Ropponmatsu]] 19:08, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - [[User:Liche|Liche]] 19:23, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - I really hate the way this thing poses as being associated with The MOB. IT's '''NOT''' -- [[User:Grogh|Grogh]] 19:30, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#: *headwall* Y'all's problem is the ''tool itself'', ''not with the wiki page.'' The problem is only the wiki page insofar as the wiki page gives an inaccurate description of the browser. And the solution to inaccurate descriptions of things is to ''edit the pages'' related to those things. ''Not to delete them.'' This page has every right to be on the UD wiki, as there ''are'' zombie groups that make use of it. Put a flipping "history and controversy" section up on the page, for crying out loud, but don't delete something just because you hate what it's describing. Please, someone -- tell me I'm not crazy for saying this. What am I missing?--[[User:Jen|Jen]] 19:46, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#:: I don't think you're missing anything, but you may not see that some (most?) zombie groups do not wish to have links with their name on them which point to an external sight that then appears as if it is related to that group. This is intentionally misleading, along with the labels on that page that also appear to belong to the group. Remove any references to The MOB and every other group that hasn't specifically given permission to use their name and I'll withdraw my vote. -- [[User:Grogh|Grogh]] 19:59, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::: Mmm...OK. That helps. Yep, I can see the list of links as it stands now (linking directly to the "portals" that the tool has created for those groups), as being a problem. There's a HUGE implication of endorsement there -- plus links like that are wholly unnecessary, as the complete list of them is just one click away, in the first place.  Again, though -- wouldn't this be something to edit, not delete?  Even Wan says up top that the old list was "annoying, maybe, but ultimately innocuous." And so long as the tool continues to "cover" those groups, I see no reason why they couldn't keep being listed on the wiki page as "groups covered." --[[User:Jen|Jen]] 20:14, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::You're missing the meatpuppet show jen, it's how this wiki works. Relax, sit back and enjoy the spectacle of an IRC coordinated barhah.com assault. It's as awesome on the wiki as it is in the City, and actually a lot of fun. My MoB alt loves it. --[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 20:01, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::: What MOB alt? Quit the lying BS. The only way you got a MoB alt is if you used a proxy and hid your real identity. -- [[User:Grogh|Grogh]] 20:14, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::::A bit off topic but since you asked I could be using work and home puters, and the idea of a 'real' identity in this virtual space is kind of ridiculous don't you think ... in fact how could anyone know I'm not [[User:Grogh|Grogh]] replying to myself?--[[User:Zeug|Zeug]] 20:21, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - IF information on this external tool should be on the Wiki at all, it should be on the External Links page, not on a page all its own. --[[User:Visible One|Visible One]] 19:36, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#:[[Iwitness|Iwitness]], [[Malton_Map|Malton Map]], [[Malton_Meta_Tactical_Map|Malton Meta Tactical Map]]? - [[User:Whitehouse]] 20:10, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#::All useful information on this tool can be summed up in an extremely brief section on External Links, unlike those various tools, pages and the external program. Not only that, each of your examples are at least mentioned on External Links anyway. UZM's page isn't.--[[User:Visible One|Visible One]] 21:22, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - --[[User:Amber Waves of Pain|Amber Waves of Pain]] 19:44, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - As per mentions already beaten to death. -- [[User:Murray Jay Suskind|Murray Jay Suskind]] 21:27, 23 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - Although if the links to the groups wanting to be removed to avoid implied endorsement of this tool were actually removed, I would consider withdrawing my vote.
Group has not been active since 2006. If this group falls under as a historic item. As a new group with the abreviations RAD has been formed. I would like for RAD to link to our new page.
Also to be honest, this is all new to me. So if I need to be reached. Please send an email to Robert_weidner@hotmail.com. Thanks.
[[User:Dr Robert Weidner|Dr Robert Weidner]] 23:29, 15 September 2008 (BST)
*'''Keep''' - The reasoning for deleting this is absurd. [http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php?title=RAD&redirect=no RAD] can be changed there but no one can help you without knowing the new group.--<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev/OmegaMap|maps?!]]</font></sup></small> 02:16, 16 September 2008 (BST)
*'''Keep''' - and make RAD a disambiguation if you want. --[[User:Pdeq|<span style="color: green">Pdeq</span>]]<sup><span style="color: blue">[[User_talk:Pdeq|Talk]][[Signature Race|*]]</span></sup> 06:05, 16 September 2008 (BST)
*'''Keep''' - take RAD, no one will complain - but this group's page is staying.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 08:42, 16 September 2008 (BST)
*'''Keep''' - we don't delete old groups. however, yes, you can take the redirect, that's fine. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 18:53, 17 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - As above. [[User:Conndraka|Conndraka]]<sup>[[Moderation|mod]] [[User_talk:Conndraka|T]][[AZM]] [[Coalition for Fair Tactics|''CFT'']]</sup> 01:47, 23 September 2008 (BST)
==Recent Actions==
==Recent Actions==
===[[Cult of Reathxia]]===
===[[The_Republic_of_Digby|The Republic of Digby]]===
Content cleared by owner, might as well be a speedy --[[User:Bean|Bean]] 15:33, 12 June 2011 (BST)
A group that does not actually exist, nor does it have anyhing to do with the person it refers to. The page was created by a member of the Cult of the Stuffed Crocodile to mock an enemy, Reathxia, who has nothing to do with this group. All of this is apparent from reading the page and consulting the (rejected) speedydeletion request.  --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 12:24, 6 September 2008 (BST)
# '''Speedy''': Page was blanked by the only guy who maintained it, Author Edit Only implied --[[User:Bean|Bean]] 15:33, 12 June 2011 (BST)
#'''Scheduled''' - User has blanked the page and created a new group. Crit 7 by proxy.--[[User:Yonnua Koponen|<span style="color: DarkOrange">Yonnua Koponen</span>]]<sup>[[User_talk:Yonnua Koponen| <span style="color:Gold">T</span>]][[DvB| <span style="color: Goldenrod">G</span>]]</sup><sup><span class="plainlinks">[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=840689 <span style="color: DarkGoldenrod"> P</span>] </span></sup> [[User:Yonnua Koponen/Sandbox|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[Discosaurs|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[{{TALKPAGENAME}}#Donkey|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]] 16:01, 12 June 2011 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - As above. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 12:25, 6 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' --[[User:Pdeq|<span style="color: green">Pdeq</span>]]<sup><span style="color: blue">[[User_talk:Pdeq|Talk]][[Signature Race|*]]</span></sup> 18:24, 7 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 22:39, 7 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' --{{User:Thari/sig}} 05:10, 8 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - Just because I'm against anything that Izumi Orimoto asks for.  --[[User:Stephen Colbert DFA|Stephen Colbert DFA]] 21:00, 18 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' – Diskspace = cheep, parody/satire is a valid form of expression, and the stated reasons of the speedy deletion request's propagator go better with salt. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 01:31, 19 September 2008 (BST)
#'''keep''' what possible reason could there be to delete this? It's not especially funny but its not particularly offensive either. --[[User:Honestmistake|Honestmistake]] 10:46, 19 September 2008 (BST)
#:It's a pointless mock group. The supposed [http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=860567 leader] in the game isn't even a member of the group, but is of the [[Church of Reathxia]]. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 18:01, 19 September 2008 (BST)
#::It's not a real group. It's not even a wiki group. It's spam. If you want to keep it -- which is legitimate, I suppose -- then it should be merged with either the its creator's User-space, or merged as a subpage of whatever uninteresting group propounded the "satire" -- in this case [[Cult of the Stuffed Crocodile|some lizard cossplayers]]? --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 20:34, 19 September 2008 (BST)
#:::If you merge it then it becomes part of that group's namespace and therefore their property. It's never good to give people control over third party satires of themselves. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 22:59, 19 September 2008 (BST)
#::::He's not saying that the page should be transferred into the satarised persons group or user space, it should be in the creators space, somewhere (I just cant tell who created it since the history wipe has... wiped that history) <small>-- [[User:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">boxy</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">talk</span>]] [[UDWiki:Image Categorisation|i]]</sup> 16:39 20 September 2008 (BST)</small>
#:::::As far as I was aware, it's from the Cult of the Stuffed Crocodile... But the very fact that we don't even know for certain who created it is even ''more'' reason to just delete it. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 08:20, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' --[[User:Midianian|Midianian]]<small><sup>&#124;[[User talk:Midianian|T]]&#124;[[Talk:Suggestions|T:S]]&#124;[[:Category:Recently Closed Suggestions|C:RCS]]&#124;</sup></small> 19:34, 19 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 20:08, 19 September 2008 (BST)
#:<s>'''Delete''' - lame <small>-- [[User:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">boxy</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">talk</span>]] • [[UDWiki:Image Categorisation|i]]</sup> 16:39 20 September 2008 (BST)</small></s> <small>Late. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 21:36, 23 September 2008 (BST)</small>
#:<s>'''Keep''' - Other groups make fake parody pages. And... what Revenant said. --[[User:Tselita|Tselita]] 16:54, 20 September 2008 (BST)</s> <small>Late. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 21:36, 23 September 2008 (BST)</small>
#:: Such as? Such as Red Rum fake DK13 "Martial Law" page, for example? (I CBA to find it, maybe someone else will...) Guess what? That was made a subpage of Red Rum... Which is ''exactly'' what this should be: a subpage of the group/user who made it. Barring that possibility, it should be deleted. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 08:22, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#:<s>'''Keep''' - as a prolific author of parody pages myself (though mine are more funny) - I see this as the beginning of a slippery slope of critical commentary guiding wiki inclusion.  Let it be unless there's some real reason to kill it.--[[User:Sarah Silverman|Sarah Silverman]] 19:54, 22 September 2008 (BST)</s> <small>Late. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 21:36, 23 September 2008 (BST)</small>
#:<s>'''Keep''' - As above. [[User:Conndraka|Conndraka]]<sup>[[Moderation|mod]] [[User_talk:Conndraka|T]][[AZM]] [[Coalition for Fair Tactics|''CFT'']]</sup> 01:47, 23 September 2008 (BST)</s> <small>Late. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 21:36, 23 September 2008 (BST)</small>
There were some votes that were late, so the final result is 5 deletes and 4 keeps. '''Deleted.''' --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 21:36, 23 September 2008 (BST)
===[[Umbrella Influence Zone]]===
By mistake this page became a duplicate of another one. It was my creation and this deletion has my permission (is it even needed..), so no voting needed.
Please delete.--[[User:MisterGame|MisterGame]] 20:36, 22 September 2008 (BST)
EDIT: Oh, I think this qualifies for speedy deletion.--[[User:MisterGame|MisterGame]] 20:41, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - Crit 7 please. -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 20:59, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' - Yep, it does. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 21:06, 22 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' - Indeedy. -- {{User:Krazy_Monkey/sig}} 21:11, 22 September 2008 (BST)
'''Speedily deleted.''' --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 21:19, 22 September 2008 (BST)
===[[SGP Violators]]===
As [[Sacred Ground Policy Breakers]] below: imprimatur of official authority, no standard of proof, no redemption policy, defamatory, subject to abuse with no recourse, blah blah blah. -- {{User:Atticus Rex/Sig}} 16:41, 29 August 2008 (BST)
:Long past two weeks.  Can we get a ruling? -- {{User:Atticus Rex/Sig}} 18:59, 15 September 2008 (BST)
::Delete this, please. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 18:52, 17 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - Like I said. -- {{User:Atticus Rex/Sig}} 16:41, 29 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - As above, and below. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 16:53, 29 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 18:04, 29 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - haha the list of 5 "brain rotters, who wait at cemeteries" made me smile :) --{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 01:30, 30 August 2008 (BST)
'''Deleted''' --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 18:57, 17 September 2008 (BST)
===[[Sacred Ground Policy Breakers]]===
This page is terrible. I have no problem with the wiki being used to keep lists of violators of ANY policy regardless of it's support or whatever, hell i don't even care if people keep hit lists of a random group of people with no connection. What's dodgy about this page is that its a community list rather than a private group's kill list which gives it a sense of officialness and of course there is no proof requirement which means anyone can add anyone to the list and have community think they are ZOMGZ RPKER!! This page simply shouldn't exist.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 14:13, 29 August 2008 (BST)
:Long past two weeks.  Can we get a ruling? -- {{User:Atticus Rex/Sig}} 18:59, 15 September 2008 (BST)
::Delete this, too, please. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 18:52, 17 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - You know what? J3D is right, this page is bullshit. It's defamatory... but since no one runs this, it's associated with no group... therefore it's "community"... I can't trash talk someone specifically on any other community page, so why here? And, it doesn't require ''any'' evidence. And, there is no maintenance or scheduling people for deletion or anything. It's just useless, defamatory, speculative, non-NPOV, I mean there is nothing redeeming. This page should just go. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 15:05, 29 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Move''' - I would normally agree, because you are both quite right... But I feel for those that put the effort into making such a page... So I suggest contacting the creators of the page, finding their asssociated groups and creating a group subpage. Either that or a user subpage. I know it seems impossible, so basically, if the above can't be done, I think '''deletion''' is the only option. Apologies for my idealistic (rather than realistic) vote. {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig}} 15:16, 29 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - I've never paid much attention to this page, or its similar counterpart [[SGP Violators]] because of the lack of proof required and because ''meh'', headshots at RPs are simply more evidence of trenchitude in Malton.  And realistically there are too damn many people on this list to add them to contacts, and who's gonna check against this list when evaluating a revive candidate?  Additionally, I see people I know on this list, probably for putting down rotter squatters since I know for a fact they respect SGP -- so yeah, defamatory. -- {{User:Atticus Rex/Sig}} 16:36, 29 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 18:04, 29 August 2008 (BST)
'''Deleted''' --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 18:57, 17 September 2008 (BST)
===Page no longer needed===
that page is no long needed because Alpha squad has been dissbanded in Area 51 and it is not going to be needed because we will keep all squad stuff on our forums and the [[Area 51]] wiki page {{unsigned|User:Fanglord2}}
:Err...i was gonna A/SD this for him but i can't see what crit it is. It's almost a 7 coz it's his page but other group people have edited it.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 01:35, 30 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Speedydelete''' - The group's regular wiki editor requested it, and although others in the group have edited the page in the past, I think this should fit into the spirit of crit 7, given that the "page owner" is the group, and they're the only "one" to edit it (or care) <small>-- [[User:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">boxy</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">talk</span>]] • [[UDWiki:Image Categorisation|i]]</sup> 14:53 11 September 2008 (BST)</small>
#'''Speedy''' - As Boxy. -- {{User:Krazy_Monkey/sig}} 16:25, 11 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' - If you define "owner" as the group and the group's primary editor as an appropriate representative for the group, this is a clear Crit 7. -- {{User:Atticus Rex/Sig}} 19:17, 13 September 2008 (BST)
'''Speedily deleted.''' --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 19:26, 13 September 2008 (BST)

'''Deleted''' as a crit 7 by proxy.--<span>[[User:The General|The General]] <sup>[[User Talk:The General|T]] [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|<span title="System Operator">Sys</span>]] [[Project_UnWelcome|<span title="Project UnWelcome">U!</span>]] [[Project Wiki Patrol|<span title="Project Wiki Patrol">P!</span>]] <span class="plainlinks">[http://urbandeadwiki.smfforfree.com/index.php <span title="Urban Dead Wiki Forum">F!</span>]</span></sup></span> 17:05, 12 June 2011 (BST)

EDIT: So nice to see that policy doesn't matter on this page, too. I would hate A/VB to be the only Admin page that gets that privilege.  
''Once the deletion request has been entered, the request shall remain on this page, where it will be voted on for a period of two (2) weeks,'' --[[Image:Globetrotters_Icon.png|15px]] '''[[User:DCC/Suggestions|#99]]'''  <sup>''[[User:DCC|DCC]] ''</sup> 23:55, 8 September 2008 (BST)
This page was [[UDWiki:Administration/Deletions/Archive/Feb_2008#Lamportians|already]] [http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=Lamportians deleted]. The only reason I haven't done this as a crit 6 is because the content doesn't match completely with the current version being more role-play than straight up recruiting(like the previous iteration). This is a term only used by a singular very small group. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 05:44, 25 May 2011 (BST)
*'''Obviously Delete''' - And I really want to do this as a crit 6 but am erring on the side of caution. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 05:44, 25 May 2011 (BST)
*'''delete''' - had potential but it's just kinda shit. -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 06:02, 25 May 2011 (BST)
*'''Speedy''' - Content is similar enough, IMHO: Expanding it doesn't mean its's not crit 6. This should be a group page, it's not a "generic term".--<span>[[User:The General|The General]] <sup>[[User Talk:The General|T]] [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|<span title="System Operator">Sys</span>]] [[Project_UnWelcome|<span title="Project UnWelcome">U!</span>]] [[Project Wiki Patrol|<span title="Project Wiki Patrol">P!</span>]] <span class="stealthexternallink">[http://urbandeadwiki.smfforfree.com/index.php <span title="Urban Dead Wiki Forum">F!</span>]</span></sup></span> 09:14, 25 May 2011 (BST)
*'''Delete''' - But I don't think it's enough for a speedy. They've expanded on it quite a bit.--[[User:Yonnua Koponen|<span style="color: DarkOrange">Yonnua Koponen</span>]]<sup>[[User_talk:Yonnua Koponen| <span style="color:Gold">T</span>]][[DvB| <span style="color: Goldenrod">G</span>]]</sup><sup><span class="stealthexternallink">[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=840689 <span style="color: DarkGoldenrod"> P</span>] </span></sup> [[User:Yonnua Koponen/Sandbox|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[Discosaurs|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[{{TALKPAGENAME}}#Donkey|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]] 13:42, 25 May 2011 (BST)

'''Crit 1 and Crit 2.'''
'''Deleted''' - This be unanimous.--[[User:Yonnua Koponen|<span style="color: DarkOrange">Yonnua Koponen</span>]]<sup>[[User_talk:Yonnua Koponen| <span style="color:Gold">T</span>]][[DvB| <span style="color: Goldenrod">G</span>]]</sup><sup><span class="stealthexternallink">[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=840689 <span style="color: DarkGoldenrod"> P</span>] </span></sup> [[User:Yonnua Koponen/Sandbox|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[Discosaurs|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[{{TALKPAGENAME}}#Donkey|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]] 22:41, 8 June 2011 (BST)
Nothing good ever comes out of this page. It has no content beyond amusing trolling and butthurt fucking pubbies that can't be bothered to read the posting rules of the page and then get all pissed when their suggestions are duped.  Most of the suggestions that have actually made it into Peer Reviewed this year were not worked on on Talk:Suggestions because the poster actually thought about the idea and has experience with the game. This page should be deleted. Come on!  You know you want to!!--[[Image:Globetrotters_Icon.png|15px]] '''[[User:DCC/Suggestions|#99]]'''  <sup>''[[User:DCC|DCC]] ''</sup> 15:26, 8 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete'''---[[Image:Globetrotters_Icon.png|15px]] '''[[User:DCC/Suggestions|#99]]'''  <sup>''[[User:DCC|DCC]] ''</sup> 15:28, 8 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' -- {{User:Iscariot/Signature}} 17:13, 8 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - If you don't like the page, don't read it. --[[User:Pdeq|<span style="color: green">Pdeq</span>]]<sup><span style="color: blue">[[User_talk:Pdeq|Talk]][[Signature Race|*]]</span></sup> 17:17, 8 September 2008 (BST)
#:<s>'''Merge''' - Should be subpage of [[trenchcoater]]. Because, contrary to DCC's statement, most good ideas ''are'' actually posted here first -- because ''smart'' suggestors prefer to consult with other smart suggestors. However, these suggestors have other ways of communicating, whether because of their wiki knowledge or metagaming contacts. Meanwhile, the bulk of the page belongs as a subpage of [[trenchcoater]] wiki. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 17:33, 8 September 2008 (BST)</s>
#'''Keep''' - My now serious vote on this ''legitimate'' deletions request. I think Talk:Suggestions is a joke. But let's have a policy debate on the whole Suggestions system. This deletions request -- while little different than, say, SGP Violators below, and thus a ''valid'' request -- is a bit disingenuous. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 20:39, 8 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - Even if it were true that most reviewed suggestions didn't go through Talk:Suggestions, I'm pretty sure that most of the suggestions that got spaminated or duped didn't go through Talk:Suggestions either. Which is to say that it's doing a fine job of keeping dupes and the completely retarded suggestions out of the main system. --[[User:Midianian|Midianian]]<small><sup>&#124;[[User talk:Midianian|T]]&#124;[[Talk:Suggestions|T:S]]&#124;[[:Category:Recently Closed Suggestions|C:RCS]]&#124;</sup></small> 17:46, 8 September 2008 (BST)
#: Midianian, many of the spaminated and duped suggestions '''were''' posted on Talk:Suggestions and the posters on there told them it was a bad idea but the author went ahead and posted it anyway. One word: NAILGUN.  Everything she posted on Talk:Suggestions she went right ahead and posted as a real one no matter what the comments were. --[[Image:Globetrotters_Icon.png|15px]] '''[[User:DCC/Suggestions|#99]]'''  <sup>''[[User:DCC|DCC]] ''</sup> 23:54, 8 September 2008 (BST)
#::Aw, DCC remembers me. Actually there were a lot of people who liked Nailgun. It was mainly your 'guys' who didn't. And even with the sockpuppeters who ruined it, it still had over 50 Keeps. Get over it DCC --[[User:Tselita|Tselita]] 14:12, 19 September 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep'''  or indeed '''Humourous'''. Justified. But it needs fixing. --{{User:Rosslessness/Sig}} 17:57, 8 September 2008 (BST)

'''Humourous''' - The Suggestions pages are an innate part of the wiki, it's one of the reasons why this wiki exists. It's here for an easy place for Kevan to look at ideas and not answer thousands of email suggestions. Please don't waste everyone's time. This is almost as ridiculous as [http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php?title=UDWiki:Administration/Deletions&diff=825425&oldid=825339 putting deletions up for deletions]. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 19:06, 8 September 2008 (BST)
:Wasting everyone's time? What the fuck do you actually do around here AHLG? --[[Image:Globetrotters_Icon.png|15px]] '''[[User:DCC/Suggestions|#99]]''' <sup>''[[User:DCC|DCC]] ''</sup> 23:54, 8 September 2008 (BST)
A template which is literally identical to using the "Wikipedia:" prefix in a link. It saves precisely '''0''' bytes while using a template inclusion and increasing server load.--<span>[[User:The General|The General]] <sup>[[User Talk:The General|T]] [[Project_UnWelcome|<span title="Project UnWelcome">U!</span>]] [[Project Wiki Patrol|<span title="Project Wiki Patrol">P!</span>]] <span class="stealthexternallink">[http://urbandeadwiki.smfforfree.com/index.php <span title="Urban Dead Wiki Forum">F!</span>]</span></sup></span> 14:01, 20 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Merge''' with [[Template:WP]] and then delete. Are all the transclusions truly due to {{tl|unsigned}}? We should be linking to internal help about signatures, not to Wikipedia. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>15:03, 20 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#:Which I have [http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php?title=Template:Unsigned&curid=13862&diff=1891188&oldid=1870284 just done]. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>15:06, 20 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#:Mostly. I've used my bot to subst the template in on all non-protected pages, given that it's completely redundant.--<span>[[User:The General|The General]] <sup>[[User Talk:The General|T]] [[Project_UnWelcome|<span title="Project UnWelcome">U!</span>]] [[Project Wiki Patrol|<span title="Project Wiki Patrol">P!</span>]] <span class="stealthexternallink">[http://urbandeadwiki.smfforfree.com/index.php <span title="Urban Dead Wiki Forum">F!</span>]</span></sup></span> 15:38, 20 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Speedy C1''' - a template that merely uses a single wiki code command is "No content" in my books. --<small>Oh, and vote on [[UDWiki:Projects/Very_Funny...or_Not|Project Funny]], by the way.</small> --'''<span style="font-family:monospace; background-color:#222222">[[User:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime"> Spiderzed</span>]][[User talk:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime">█ </span>]]</span>''' 15:12, 20 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' - as Spiderzed.--<span>[[User:The General|The General]] <sup>[[User Talk:The General|T]] [[Project_UnWelcome|<span title="Project UnWelcome">U!</span>]] [[Project Wiki Patrol|<span title="Project Wiki Patrol">P!</span>]] <span class="stealthexternallink">[http://urbandeadwiki.smfforfree.com/index.php <span title="Urban Dead Wiki Forum">F!</span>]</span></sup></span> 20:25, 20 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - You don't get to technicality off such a popular template. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 21:19, 20 May 2011 (BST)
#:[[Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Wikipedia|Popular?]] ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>21:54, 20 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#::The bot changed all of the edits so that's not exactly an accurate revelation of how people use it. [http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php?title=Special:Contributions&limit=500&target=Thegeneralbot This] is more realistic. People use this template because not everyone knows about the magic word, don't punish ill-informed users for being ill-informed? --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 03:44, 21 May 2011 (BST)
#:::Why not redirect the template to an explanation of magic words? The magic word is so similar to the template that anyone who uses the template should be perfectly capbable of using the magic word.--<span>[[User:The General|The General]] <sup>[[User Talk:The General|T]] [[Project_UnWelcome|<span title="Project UnWelcome">U!</span>]] [[Project Wiki Patrol|<span title="Project Wiki Patrol">P!</span>]] <span class="stealthexternallink">[http://urbandeadwiki.smfforfree.com/index.php <span title="Urban Dead Wiki Forum">F!</span>]</span></sup></span> 09:13, 21 May 2011 (BST)
#:::I was under the impression that the bot only subst'd {{tl|Wikipedia}} when found in {{tl|unsigned}} template calls. I may be wrong but still, I don't think the template is as popular as you're implying. And, yes I checked thegeneralbot's contribs. I so far haven't found any edits where {{tl|Wikipedia}} was subst'd other than inside {{tl|unsigned}}. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>16:02, 21 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#::::That's because the use in unsigned made up the bulk of {{tl|wikipedia}} uses. That said, nope, it didn't just remove the ones in unsigned, which explains why I can't find any of my old uses of it, despite the fact that I've used it frequently in the past. {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 07:04, 22 May 2011 (BST)
#I support a '''merge''' with &#123;&#123;[[Template:WP|WP]]&#125;&#125;, but suggest retaining as a [[wikipedia:WP:SRD|soft redirect]], deleting only when we can get [[WP:]] implemented as an [[wikipedia:H:IW|interwiki]] shortlink. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 05:41, 21 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Delete''' -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 05:43, 21 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - It's not actually the same as just the plain link, since the plain link requires additional code to look the same. Quick example: <code><nowiki>{{wikipedia|example}}</nowiki></code> yields {{WP|example}} while <code><nowiki>[[wikipedia:example]]</nowiki></code> yields [[wikipedia:example]]. Note the different outputs. I prefer the template since it saves some typing, and the code is cleaner. {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 09:18, 21 May 2011 (BST)
#:You can use the [[wikipedia:Help:pipe trick|pipe trick]] to get the same appearance; although there is slightly more code, there is far less of a drain on server resources. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 13:12, 21 May 2011 (BST)
#::Pipes would work, sure, but that's why I mentioned less and cleaner code. Also, it doesn't produce "far less of a drain on server resources." When it comes to server load, the danger of templates is that if they are changed, every page they are included on needs to be re-cached. That's not an issue here since unsigned doesn't change. {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 07:04, 22 May 2011 (BST)
#:::[{{fullurl:Template:Unsigned}}?action=history It's been changed twice recently]. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 07:38, 22 May 2011 (BST)
#::::"...frequently". Sorry, forgot to put that at the end of my last comment. ;) Anyway, two edits in three years (both of which had to be requested via A/PT) is nothing to be concerned with. To put things in perspective, in the same time period, your sig has changed 15x more frequently and is on more than 45x as many pages, yet none of us seem to object to it. :P {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 10:38, 22 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::Actually, ''I'' object. {{tongue}} I think we should get rid of templated sigs for precisely those reasons (added DB calls on every page load, plus cache invalidation of every page on which they are transcluded when they change), but while they are permitted by {{WIKILAW}}, I'm going to keep availing myself of the convenience. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 22:40, 22 May 2011 (BST)
#::::::Basically, yeah. This is why there was the request to delete Nosubst. This template is far less harmful though and more intuitive to the partially wiki-literate. It's a tool and you shouldn't take away tools that don't actually harm anything just for the sake of simplicity. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 03:02, 23 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::::Not sure how this template is more intuitive than the normal link; if they can find this template, they can find out how to use the link (which should be described in the help pages, anyway).--<span>[[User:The General|The General]] <sup>[[User Talk:The General|T]] [[Special:ListUsers/sysop|<span title="System Operator">Sys</span>]] [[Project_UnWelcome|<span title="Project UnWelcome">U!</span>]] [[Project Wiki Patrol|<span title="Project Wiki Patrol">P!</span>]] <span class="stealthexternallink">[http://urbandeadwiki.smfforfree.com/index.php <span title="Urban Dead Wiki Forum">F!</span>]</span></sup></span> 17:17, 24 May 2011 (BST)
#::::::::Wikipedia:wikipedia: for one. The fact that templates are easier to understand to a layman than magic words for two. We assume that most users can pick up and learn templates fairly quickly and magic words/parsers rarely. I'm actually not a fan of the template but I don't see a reason to remove the option just so we don't have to change them manually. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 03:41, 25 May 2011 (BST)
#::::::Bah. If you ''really'' objected, your actions would speak for you and you wouldn't avail yourself of it at all. :P {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 03:57, 23 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::::So the Nosubst deletion nomination counts for naught? {{tongue}}<br/> I have a policy discussion in the works, but I don't know how long it will take me to get to. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 04:33, 23 May 2011 (BST)
#::::::::So another policy will get passed by a group of individuals that give shit all about the wiki? Lovely. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>17:08, 24 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#:::::::::Whether it passes or not doesn't overly concern me. Which reminds me… {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 23:59, 24 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - u dont delete my contributions to the wiki without me having a say about it --[[User:Hagnat|People's Commissar Hagnat]] <sup>[[User_talk:Hagnat|[talk]]] [[wcdz|[wcdz]]]</sup> 20:37, 22 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - I prefer the template--{{User:AnimeSucks/Sig}} 20:40, 22 May 2011 (BST)

===Wrongly Organised pages===
5 delete votes and 4 keeps. Merged (via move) with {{tl|WP}}. Kept {{tl|Wikipedia}} as a soft redirect. Fixed remaining links. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>05:40, 6 June 2011 (UTC)</sub>
The follow pages are [[Shades of malton]] pages, but were not filed under Shades of malton.
:No reason to have a soft redirect when a standard redirect preserves functionality and doesn't make it harder to reach the new template page(the entire purpose of soft redirects)--<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 07:05, 6 June 2011 (BST)
<br>I have changed the links, for example the S.R.R.T. link is now filed under SoM like:

These are the pages that now need to be deleted due to them being empty and not needed, thankyou.
... this must be one of the most dumb moves since gen tried to pass an anti-goon policy with the goons active in the wiki. Creating a redirect in [[template:wikipedia]] to ]]template:wp]] just adds more server load to a template whose main reason for deletion was server load. Its just too dumb for me to understand it. The merge votes should've count as a kept in this case, ffs --<small>[[User:Hagnat|hagnat]]</small> 12:31, 6 June 2011 (BST)
:You're right, since server load is the issue, we pretty much should have had this deleted lul -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 12:41, 6 June 2011 (BST)
::Yeah, pretty much. I kept as a soft redirect per Rev's suggestion but Karek reverted back to a typical redirect. If people want to keep it as a redirect or just keep the template rather than delete it then that's fine with me. That was never brought up during voting but whatever. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>15:31, 6 June 2011 (UTC)</sub>
:::It's a soft redirect now actually. It was just waiting on verification that all usage was gone. Also, not really server intensive in any way. Even the claims of the editing of it were edits done by the people claiming they were a problem. Anyways, now it's set to sit for a month or three until we can be reasonably sure people have gotten the message.--<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 09:19, 7 June 2011 (BST)
::::I think we're both misinterpreting what a soft redirect is. They are just a short messages directing someone to an ''external'' site. I don't even think a soft (or even a "hard") redirect is warranted TBQH. It should just be deleted since that is how the voting concluded. If there is sufficient reason to keep it, put in a request at [[A/U]]. Otherwise, it comes off a lot like just a disagreement with the voting results and maneuvering things to turn this into a keep. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>05:52, 8 June 2011 (UTC)</sub>
:::::I just set it up in a way to make it clear that [[Template:WP|WP]] was the current version and this page is no longer in use as a template. Terminology be damned I guess. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 08:43, 8 June 2011 (BST)
::::::That's all well and good, but it was ''voted'' for deletion??? -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 04:34, 9 June 2011 (BST)
:::::::Yeah no, when 2 of the 5 deletes are merges and the other 4 votes are keeps that reasoning doesn't really fly. Especially when you actually read Revenants vote. That being said it's still ''going to be deleted'', it's just going to be left as a soft redirect for a bit first because the template still exists. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 09:04, 9 June 2011 (BST)
::::::::My point is that it's funny when so many people vote but in the end it becomes a situational decision by one person pushing for what they want. I voted delete because I use the <nowiki>[[wikipedia]]</nowiki> code personally, but as a whole I'm indifferent. It's worth noting though that Merge got the ''least'' votes out of all the options, even if you aren't inclined to count them as implicit deletes (which you are) -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 09:25, 9 June 2011 (BST)
:::::::::Meh, the only reason it qualifies is that last Merge vote that puts it over and since the vote in question specifically qualifies itself as situational upon the soft redirect it's really just common sense. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 09:34, 9 June 2011 (BST)
::::::::::I wasn't quite aware that we were intending on deleting it eventually and this was transitional? Is that actually the case? Cause if it is, it makes more sense and has made me look like a dil to boot. -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 11:21, 9 June 2011 (BST)
:::::::::::We are and it is.--<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 11:27, 9 June 2011 (BST)
::::::::::::I remember reading that but somewhere along the line I forgot. I'm a bit of a mess -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 03:51, 11 June 2011 (BST)
:::::::::::::S'ok, apparently you're not [[User:Aichon|the only one]] who doesn't have time to read s recent comments make oh so clear. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 17:29, 11 June 2011 (BST)
What are you guys doing? Let me run through the process for handling a Delete and Merge result, since it's very simple, but has apparently been forgotten:
#Merge the two pages.
#Fix all links to point to the new page, except where they were specifically being used to refer to the old one as opposed to the new one (e.g. discussions like here)
#Fix all transclusions to point to the new page that it's being merged into
#Delete the page
That's all you guys had to do, but for some reason, you got stuck between #2 and #3. Why did no one check for and fix transclusions before replacing the template with text telling people not to use it? And why was that text put in at all, when your job was to follow the vote's results and ''delete'' the page? We don't need text telling people not to use a page that's been deleted, since people don't use pages that ''aren't there''. That's why you delete them. Why has this not been done? {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 21:32, 10 June 2011 (BST)
:I did fix all incoming links and transclusions (although I think I must have missed the one transclusion in this vote). As for deleting it, that's what is currently under discussion. Pages ''have'' been kept as a redirect during a deletion before. I don't know that a redirect of this nature has been used before but I'm open to using them. I just want it made clear what is happening, since at first it seemed to me like maneuvering to turn a delete decision into a keep decision. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>21:45, 10 June 2011 (UTC)</sub>
:1. Not a standard case. 2. If you can't be asked to read any of the intervening discussion that has happened don't bother to comment. You're just wasting everyone's time at this point. Third, since I know you won't bother to read through any of it because of your "right-ness"(a common problem with users of this wiki), [[Template:Wikipedia]] is a long existing template that was implemented 5 years ago. Above and beyond that it's a popular template on [http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Template:Wikipedia wikipedia] [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Template:Wikipedia projects]. If you don't want to run the risk of users recreating it you do it [[Templte:Wikipedia|''this'']] way, which is also the only way it actually passes as a delete vote, having changed it essentially just saved the step of creating the soft redirect or redirect(since one is justified, the template [[Template:WP|still exists]]). Also, it's still getting deleted, now shoo. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 17:29, 11 June 2011 (BST)
::{{*}}"Can't be arsed".--[[User:Yonnua Koponen|<span style="color: DarkOrange">Yonnua Koponen</span>]]<sup>[[User_talk:Yonnua Koponen| <span style="color:Gold">T</span>]][[DvB| <span style="color: Goldenrod">G</span>]]</sup><sup><span class="plainlinks">[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=840689 <span style="color: DarkGoldenrod"> P</span>] </span></sup> [[User:Yonnua Koponen/Sandbox|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[Discosaurs|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[{{TALKPAGENAME}}#Donkey|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]] 18:32, 11 June 2011 (BST)
::I'll excuse your personal (and hurtful, coming from you) attacks on me as a courtesy. First off, I'm aware of its history and would prefer it stay around (see my vote above). Second, as I'm sure you agree, failing to fix any transclusions was an oversight in need of correction, and leaving them while altering the template is never part of proper procedure, so a mistake was definitely made here. Third, I think that you're not giving Rev enough credit, since he's a smart guy, is well-versed in the rules, and says what he means. If he had wanted it to be taken the way you say, he could have said Keep with his comment, or else he could have said Merge ''on the condition that'' it be done as he described. Instead, he said Merge, which he knows acts as a Delete, and he phrased it as a suggestion, instead of as a comment on which his vote was contingent. Fourth, see Crit 6. That's how you stop people from recreating the page on ''this'' wiki. Anyway, I'm not going to stick around to argue it further, so you'll get what you wanted from me. {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 18:57, 11 June 2011 (BST)
:::Not personal, just frustrated. Sometimes even I tire of repeating myself and this would mke probably the fourth time this has been addressed. It's an unusual case and a close vote, it seems reasonable to try and do it in a way that has the least potential to cause issues(in this case phasing it out in steps). As for Crit 6, that's generally connected with vandalism cases historically. A situation that relies on it is less than ideal. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 21:44, 11 June 2011 (BST)

=== Dupilcated image ===
[http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/File:50x16t.PNG] Un-used duplicate of [http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/File:50x16.PNG], [http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/File:50x16t.PNG 1] could be deletead?--{{User:Michaleson/sig}} 16:03, 17 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Scheduled''' - but I'll check with Schwan before deleting. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>16:10, 17 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#'''Speedy''' - Two days short of a scheduled. -- {{User:Krazy_Monkey/sig}} 18:50, 17 May 2011 (BST)

Any issues? please contact me.
A. Schwan confirmed [[User_talk:A.schwan#Orphaned_Images|on his talk page]] that the image was unneeded, so I deleted it as crit 7 by proxy. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>21:37, 17 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>

Horrible hack that exists only to work around sensible software limitations. We should take the opportunity given by the new sig size limits to recognise this, delete this abomination, and have all users made to use proper signatures. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 11:26, 2 May 2011 (BST)
:Just to be clear... this isn't going to break existing sig inclusions, is it. Just people who (attempt to) use it from now on.<br />I have long hated templated sigs, but then I also hate having to scroll through huge swathes of sig code if it's subst'ed into discussions <small>-- [[User:Boxy|boxy]] 11:37, 2 May 2011 (BST)</small>
::Correct.<br/> And yeah, me too, but it's a bit “damned if you do, damned if you don't”, and templated sigs cause more problems than they solve, which is why they're prohibited by default by the MediaWiki software unless you deliberately circumvent that with a measure such as this template.{{User:Revenant/Sig}} 11:53, 2 May 2011 (BST)
:::Or change a one-line setting in the software....--{{User:The General/sig}} 12:09, 2 May 2011 (BST)
::::Sadly I feel its too late. If it was setup from the beginning, I'd have no problem, but deleting it now is just going to break loads of links. Rev should set up UDWiki 2.0 --[[User:Rosslessness|Rosslessness]] 12:16, 2 May 2011 (BST)
:::::It '''was''' set up in the beginning, by Kevan, and then hacked around by users. And it shouldn't change any links that use it properly: the rest can be easily fixed. What it ''will'' do is necessitate users to change their sigs. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 12:27, 2 May 2011 (BST)
::::::'''No it wasn't'''. The mediawiki software didn't originally force substitution in signatures: It was added in an update and there wasn't originally a setting to turn it off, so we developed a workaround.--{{User:The General/sig}} 12:33, 2 May 2011 (BST)
::::::Whats the fix? --[[User:Rosslessness|Rosslessness]] 12:37, 2 May 2011 (BST)
:::::::Mostly deleting it out of [[User:MrAushvitz|MrAushvitz]]'s [[Template talk:Nosubst|fucking sig]]. {{grr}} {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 12:44, 2 May 2011 (BST)
::::::::Ah, thats why its used on so many of the old suggestion pages. Get on that, use your crazy robot. --[[User:Rosslessness|Rosslessness]] 12:49, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Kill''' with fire. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 11:26, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - Templated sigs are allowed by wiki policy; If you don't like it then change the policy rather than  trying to delete the template that allows them.--{{User:The General/sig}} 11:44, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#:Mind to show me where a policy directly grants the use of templated sigs as a right? Can't find it in [[UDWiki:Administration/Policy Discussion/Signature Policy|the sig policy]], nor do I see any other applicable policy. --'''<span style="font-family:monospace; background-color:#222222">[[User:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime"> Spiderzed</span>]][[User talk:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime">█ </span>]]</span>''' 11:57, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#::The section that says: What would be allowed - Anything that isn't? --[[User:Yonnua Koponen|<span style="color: DarkOrange">Yonnua Koponen</span>]]<sup>[[User_talk:Yonnua Koponen| <span style="color:Gold">T</span>]][[DvB| <span style="color: Goldenrod">G</span>]]</sup><sup><span class="stealthexternallink">[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=840689 <span style="color: DarkGoldenrod"> P</span>] </span></sup> [[User:Yonnua Koponen/Sandbox|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[Discosaurs|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[{{TALKPAGENAME}}#Donkey|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]] 12:01, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Kill''' this is terrible, I assume, so down with it or something. --'''<span style="font-size:95%">[[User:Katthew|<span style="color: #229922">カシュー</span>]]</span>''', <span style="font-size:80%">[[User:Katthew/Zombie Improvements|<span style="color: #229922">ザ ゾンビ クィーン</span>]]</span> <span style="font-size:50%; color: #229922">'''('''[[The Dead 2.0|<span style="color: #229922">ビープ ビープ</span>]]''')'''</span> [[Image:Katthewsigtag.gif]] <span style="font-size:115%; color: #229922">'''@'''</span> 12:17, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - This template is linked to [[Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:Nosubst|lots of stuff]].  Who is going to fix all of the broken links if this gets deleted?--{{User:Giles Sednik/sig}} 12:24, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#:'''Me''', if nobody else does, and '''before''' it gets deleted. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 12:34, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#'''keep''' as above--&nbsp;[[Image:Boobs.sh.siggie.gif|link=User:Sexualharrison|18px]] &nbsp; <small> [[User talk:Sexualharrison|<span style="color:Red">bitch</span>]]&nbsp;&nbsp;</small><small>12:31, 2 May 2011 (utc)</small>
#'''Keep''' - just because I think General has a better option of dealing with this- it would also allow more comfortable transition period for those of us who do used the damned templated sigs. -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 12:47, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' --[[User:Yonnua Koponen|<span style="color: DarkOrange">Yonnua Koponen</span>]]<sup>[[User_talk:Yonnua Koponen| <span style="color:Gold">T</span>]][[DvB| <span style="color: Goldenrod">G</span>]]</sup><sup><span class="stealthexternallink">[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=840689 <span style="color: DarkGoldenrod"> P</span>] </span></sup> [[User:Yonnua Koponen/Sandbox|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[Discosaurs|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[{{TALKPAGENAME}}#Donkey|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]] 12:59, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' -- [[Image:Cat Pic.png|14px]] [[User:MisterGame|<span style= "color: maroon; background-color: white">'''Thadeous Oakley''']]</span> [[User_Talk:MisterGame|<span style= "color: black; background-color: white">'''''Talk''''']]</span>  13:08, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Kill''' -- Honestly ok with this. Can we get rid of the signature policy next? Maybe replace it with something that simply says your sig can't impersonate other users, break pages, and needs to show who you are and leave it at that? --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 13:41, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Kill''' Having looked at it,  seems fair, as long as rev wipes out the linked list. --[[User:Rosslessness|Rosslessness]] 13:52, 2 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' --{{User:Imthatguy/sig}} ''' 14:31, 2 May  2011 '''
#'''Keep''' It works fine. Has for years. Old folks coming back to the wiki will have to deal with some shit the first time they try to sign. Would be pretty off-putting I think. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] [[File:Etat.gif|link=http://on.cnn.com/lIVw45|Amurica. Fuck. Yeah]] <sub>22:19, 2 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#'''Delete''' <small>-- [[User:Boxy|boxy]] 07:42, 3 May 2011 (BST)</small>
#'''Delete''' -obsolete --[[User:Karloth_vois|Karloth Vois]] <sup>[[¯\(°_o)/¯]]</sup> 15:41, 3 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - The only way I'll be okay with a delete if there is a code length limit on signatures. So steal from WP, basically. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 23:56, 10 May 2011 (BST)
#:With the software update, signatures are now limited by the software to 255 characters. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 03:41, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#::The Goon's signature (and probably others) still manage to be ridiculously big. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 04:33, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#:::They're subst'd in. If they were using {{tl|nosubst}} and signing using e.g. {{tl|Goonsig|<nowiki>SUBST:</nowiki>Nosubst{{!}}Goonsig{{!}}Revenant}}, they'd be breaking the template transclusion limit on every page they posted on in short order. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 04:40, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#::::That's not what I'm talking about; I'm talking about how long the code for their signatures are. It's very long. If templated signatures want to be deleted, it's better suited for policy discussion, provided a reasonable alternative is included (so no long signature codes, it makes me angry). --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 04:44, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::I'm not sure you're understanding me, so I'll give you a demonstration… the invocation {{tl|Goonsig|Goonsig{{!}}Revenant}} gives {{Goonsig|Revenant}}, which is the same as what specifying {{tl|Goonsig|<nowiki>SUBST:</nowiki>Nosubst{{!}}Goonsig{{!}}Revenant}} '''as your signature''' results in. In contrast, using {{tl|Goonsig|<nowiki>SUBST:</nowiki>Goonsig{{!}}Revenant}} '''as your signature''' results in… <span style="font-size:xx-small; letter-spacing: -2px; text-shadow: #cc4444 1px 1px 10px">[[File:555Manbabies.gif|You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!|link=User:Revenant]][[User:ShaqFu|<span style="color:#FF0018">&#124;</span>]][[User:Katthew|<span style="color:#33DD33">&#124;</span>]][[User:Ryu|<span style="color:#FF0048">&#124;</span>]][[User:SprCobra|<span style="color:#FF0060">&#124;</span>]][[User:Laughing Man|<span style="color:#FF0078">&#124;</span>]][[User:Revenant|<span style="color:#FF0090">&#124;</span>]][[User:underisk|<span style="color:#FF00A8">&#124;</span>]][[User:I WARNED YOU ABOUT TEMPLATES BRO|<span style="color:#FF00C0">&#124;</span>]][[User:DeRathi|<span style="color:#FF00D8">&#124;</span>]][[User:DerpDerp|<span style="color:#FF00F0">&#124;</span>]][[User:Abd al-Rahim ibn al-Husain al-'Iraqi|<span style="color:#FF00ff">&#124;</span>]][[User:Sykic|<span style="color:#E700ff">&#124;</span>]][[User:Vaporware|<span style="color:#CF00ff">&#124;</span>]][[User:Nubis |<span style="color:#9F00ff">&#124;</span>]][[User:Riseabove|<span style="color:#8700ff">&#124;</span>]][[User:Teehee McGee |<span style="color:#6F00ff">&#124;</span>]][[User:Anothergenericzombie|<span style="color:#5700ff">&#124;</span>]][[User:Ryu|<span style="color:#0048ff">&#124;</span>]][[User:Mortimer Wiley|<span style="color:#0044DD">&#124;</span>]][[User:Deadone|<span style="color:#3F00ff">&#124;</span>]][[User:woland37|<span style="color:#2700ff">&#124;</span>]][[User:Colbear|<span style="color:#0000dd">&#124;</span>]][[User:Oh no!|<span style="color:#27ff00">&#124;</span>]][[User:Bender Bending Rodriguez|<span style="color:#0F00ff">&#124;</span>]]</span>
#::::::I think what AHLG is saying is that without {{tl|nosubst}}, ''all'' code heavy signatures will add heavy amounts of code to pages when signing. The inclusion sizes don't matter to too many people as long as they don't have to wade through umpteen lines of code when they want to contribute to dicussion. My biggest issue with this deletion request is that it is being passed off as sensible software limitations. I don't believe sensible is the right word. ''Minimal'' or ''default'' software limits is more descriptive. Its like saying that the [[:category:If Templates|"if" templates]] are a crappy hack job because the software has sensible limits on parser functions. The wiki software sucks. It's vanilla. So what if there exists a hack to make it suck less? It's rare that anything is broken because of templated sigs. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>05:26, 11 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#:::::::It's really not as rare as it would be without Nosubst. Not to mention that with Nosubst gone it would mean that actually useful templates won't be excluded from pages like A/VB and A/M. It actually opens up possibilities for us that we currently have to code around.--<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 05:50, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#::::::::When I say rare I mean extremely rare. The only instance of page breakage in recent history was A/VB and it was due mostly to the whole of A/VB/Bots being transcluded. And then it only became a problem when we came under heavy bot attacks. That problem was easily solved by no longer transcluding A/VB/Bots, which was largely unecessary to begin with. It could also be argued that it was the size of the regular non-sig templates causing it to break. If any other possibilities will arise by deleting {{tl|nosubst}}, I fail to see what they may be. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>06:10, 11 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#:::::::::It actually really can't because the sig templates were actually being called ''multiple'' times in the inclusion chain. While it's easy enough to noinclude them and thus limit the amount of data being called through them superficially, that also compromises the purpose of signing needlessly. We shouldn't have to adapt how pages work because some users want to use a feature actually disabled by the software itself. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 22:04, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#::::::::::Yes, the sigs were called multiple time but so were the non-sig templates due to the fact that the whole of A/VB/B being transcluded. In the case of the templated sigs, it was a template call ({{tl|nosubst}}), inside a template call (the template sig which themselves sometimes called on other templates) inside a template call (the transcluded A/VB/B). Similarly, with the non-sig templates, there were template calls ({{tl|usr}}), inside a template call ({{tl|vndl}}) inside a template call (the transcluded A/VB/B). The points I'm trying to make are that a) we've taken steps to correct page breaking on A/VB and b) it really wasn't necessary to transclude A/VB/B in the first place. Whatever value that A/VB/B added to A/VB was superficial and it is actually a lot simpler to just include links to it from [[MediaWiki:recentchangestext]] and [[MediaWiki:blockipsuccesstext]] and be done with it. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>14:40, 12 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#::::::Vapor: Not at all. There is a wiki software setting to enable unsubstituted template signatures. Kevan has it set to the default, which is to disable them. When I described this as a “hack workaround”, that was the literal truth. {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 07:19, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::::That's not entirely accurate. Kevan hasn't set it to anything: When the wiki was first set up the setting wasn't available and templated signatures were allowed; a software update disallowed them and the setting to change that was only introduced later. We are forced to use this sort of hack due to the difficulty in getting Kevan to change the software.--<span>[[User:The General|The General]] <sup>[[User Talk:The General|T]] [[Project_UnWelcome|<span title="Project UnWelcome">U!</span>]] [[Project Wiki Patrol|<span title="Project Wiki Patrol">P!</span>]] <span class="stealthexternallink">[http://urbandeadwiki.smfforfree.com/index.php <span title="Urban Dead Wiki Forum">F!</span>]</span></sup></span> 09:09, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::::Yeah, I'm not disputing that it is a hack, I just don't agree that it is a worthless hack. I really don't believe Kevan made a conscious decision to turn off unsubstituted signatures way back when. Just like I don't think he intentionally set the max characters for raw signatures to 255. He likely just ran the update without any customization. I think we can reasonably leave {{tl|nosubst}} in place and any sigs that happen to break pages can be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, as it has been done in the past. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>15:54, 11 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#:::::What I am saying is that when I hit edit there is a heck of a lot of code to wade through. [http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php?title=UDWiki:Administration/Bureaucrat_Promotions&action=edit&section=8 Here is a sample from A/BP]. Removing templated signatures encourages code use, which wouldn't be so bad if some of the signatures (irrespective of the manner in which they are placed) are really code heavy. But besides any of that, what we are really talking about is the issue that templated signatures breaking similar templates and other templates on pages. A/VB is a good example, as are talk pages. A simple solution may be to not use templated signatures on just these pages if such a problem arises, and it rarely does, do as what Vapor said just above. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 16:32, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#::::::It's been a while since I checked but I'm pretty sure that template signatures trigger a few different DB searches every time they're included on a page. All changing this does is force the search to happen once when the user signs instead of every single time someone edits the page for every single time the template appears on it. On top of that signatures larger than 255 characters have to call a template in their code so that can actually be sorta policed easily enough. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 22:04, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::::So, it is to say that after I sign at the end of this comment, the code is merely substed in instead of as a template? Meaning that the code length isn't an issue for whatever is added in the corresponding preferences section. It's still an issue though to how long the code is at the end result. The issue for me hasn't to do with me wanting to keep this more complex templated signature, I'm fine changing this I just find the heavy code sigs cumbersome when I go to edit. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 22:40, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#::::::::I'm saying that without {{tl|GoonSig}} the goon's sigs wouldn't be possible because it's a template call made in Preferences that's substituting the template. We can police that because the template has to exist for them to call, like your sig. I'm also saying that your sig makes the server do a lot more work then, say, mine. Something on the order of 3-5 times the work with one inclusion of your sig. More every time a user uses a template signature. Mine adds to this page's DB content and gets called as part of the Page's call then run through the wiki-markup and sent to the browser so it can act on the html, yours adds to the actual processing of the page ''before'' we see it because it has to be interpreted by the wiki markup and then search the DB for the page you're referencing in the signature which then also has to be run through the wiki markup each and every single time someone loads the page for each and every time someone signs on it with a template signature. In the best case scenario it's done once per signature per page and referenced from that, at worse it's done once for every time you sign. Hopefully that answers some of the question because I'm kinda confused about what you were trying to say.--<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 23:07, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::::::It should be noted, however, that to say it is "3-5 times the load" is somewhat misleading because the queries take somewhere in the range of 0.003 seconds.--<span>[[User:The General|The General]] <sup>[[User Talk:The General|T]] [[Project_UnWelcome|<span title="Project UnWelcome">U!</span>]] [[Project Wiki Patrol|<span title="Project Wiki Patrol">P!</span>]] <span class="stealthexternallink">[http://urbandeadwiki.smfforfree.com/index.php <span title="Urban Dead Wiki Forum">F!</span>]</span></sup></span> 23:36, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#::::::::::I'm talking about actual stress on the server. Also should mention that that's actually not necessarily the case, especially on larger pages about these parts and larger signatures for that matter. The number of queries can have an impact in speed, and a notable one at that. Here's an example [[Suggestions/RejectedDecember2005]] vs [[User talk:Karek]]. The first has no expanding templates due to [[Special:LongPages|file size]], the second takes longer to load. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 05:36, 13 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::::::::I might be missing your point, Karek, but those don't seem to be good examples of pages breaking/server strain due to templated sig calls. Both have giant walls of text which cause them to be so large. When that happens, templates stop working properly. I can't find even a single attempt to call on a templated sig in your first example nor is there any extraneous template usage (just {{tl|prejection}} it seems). In your second example, nothing seems broken despite lots of templated sigs and it didn't seem to load any longer than any other page; not for my anyway. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>06:03, 13 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#::::::::::::It was a comparison of text size vs number of calls and their effect on speed. Largely irrelevant now that I've archived my talk but [[User_talk:Karek/20110513132417|here]] is that archive. Should have the same visible effect. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 14:43, 13 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::::::::I am a also talking about server load, hence my comment that a database query takes very little time. Yes, more queries do have an impact on server load but it is not generally a major problem: In fact, a few large queries are a lot heavier on the server than lots of small ones. So, yeah, lots of massive template inclusions will hurt the server but so will lots of massive walls of text on a single page and most signature templates aren't that largem.--<span>[[User:The General|The General]] <sup>[[User Talk:The General|T]] [[Project_UnWelcome|<span title="Project UnWelcome">U!</span>]] [[Project Wiki Patrol|<span title="Project Wiki Patrol">P!</span>]] <span class="stealthexternallink">[http://urbandeadwiki.smfforfree.com/index.php <span title="Urban Dead Wiki Forum">F!</span>]</span></sup></span> 08:45, 13 May 2011 (BST)
#::::::::::::Unless we want to ask [[Kevan]] for some performance stats to settle this, can we stop waving our wiki-peens? {{tongue}} {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 08:54, 13 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::::::::::I would prefer to call it a "reasoned debate" {{Tongue}}.--<span>[[User:The General|The General]] <sup>[[User Talk:The General|T]] [[Project_UnWelcome|<span title="Project UnWelcome">U!</span>]] [[Project Wiki Patrol|<span title="Project Wiki Patrol">P!</span>]] <span class="stealthexternallink">[http://urbandeadwiki.smfforfree.com/index.php <span title="Urban Dead Wiki Forum">F!</span>]</span></sup></span> 14:36, 13 May 2011 (BST)
#::::::::::::::^This. Although we could probably move it to the talk page or {{tl|Nosubst}} talk page or something. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 14:43, 13 May 2011 (BST)
#:::::::::::::::Seconded, although keep the current discussion points here so for perspective voters. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>14:51, 13 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
#'''Keep''' - after some serious pondering. I'd vote delete in a heartbeat if it had been that way all the time, but pulling it away now will cause a lot of issues for rarely active users. Adding substings to sigs occassionally, while not fun, is the lesser evil. --'''<span style="font-family:monospace; background-color:#222222">[[User:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime"> Spiderzed</span>]][[User talk:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime">█ </span>]]</span>''' 17:02, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - I'm with Vapor and Gnome on this one.--{{User:AnimeSucks/Sig}} 23:42, 13 May 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - What problem is this fixing? Transclusion limits on high-traffic pages? If so, just ban templated sigs on the pages in question. Otherwise, I'm with AHLG. I do NOT want to read "lol" followed by 14 lines of code before I can see the next comment, which is what this would cause to happen far too often. {{User:Aichon/Signature}} 08:49, 15 May 2011 (BST)

[[User:Skinny Bones Jones|'''<span title="Skinneh" style="color:#000000">Skinny Bones Jones</span>''']] [[User_talk:Skinny Bones Jones|Write me.]] 20:32, 26 August 2008 (BST)
'''Kept'''. 12 Keep votes and 6 Delete votes. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>05:27, 17 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>

#'''Speedy''' Not exactly crit 7, but Definitely crit 1. [[User:Conndraka|Conndraka]]<sup>[[Moderation|mod]] [[User_talk:Conndraka|T]][[TBA]] [[Coalition for Fair Tactics|''CFT'']]</sup> 03:43, 27 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' --[[User:Toejam|Toejam]] 10:29, 27 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 18:04, 29 August 2008 (BST)
'''Deleted speedily'''. --[[User:Daranz|Daranz]]<sup>.[[User_talk:Daranz|t]].[[UDWiki:Administration|<s>mod</s> janitor]]</sup> 01:44, 3 September 2008 (BST)

===[[Federal_Stafford_Loan_Program|Federal Stafford Loan Program]]===
Crits 1 and 2 - content repeated elsewhere, i.e. on the wikipedia, for instance. And the "definition" has nothing directly to do with UD: people self-define as pro- or contra- various IRL ideologies in the game, but if you want a "definition" of these, then go to the wikipedia or take high school poli sci or something. The accuracy of the "definition" provided is highly debatable anyway... so let's not set the stage for drama with various individuals or groups over this... --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 03:42, 10 August 2008 (BST)
Oh, I guess this is how pages are deleted? It was some sort of weird spam. -[[User:Susan Bakersfield|Susan Bakersfield]] 03:22, 14 May 2011 (BST)
:This page has been [http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php?title=Fascism&diff=1244289&oldid=1244258 extensively change] since the deletion request was made <small>-- [[User:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">boxy</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">talk</span>]] • [[UDWiki:Image Categorisation|i]]</sup> 06:30 10 August 2008 (BST)</small>
:Got this one when clearing out the [[A/VB/B|bots]]. It's best to report them there (although it gets done here anyway). Thanks <small>-- [[User:Boxy|boxy]] 07:55, 14 May 2011 (BST)</small>
:''The author agreeed to speedydelete this. Why is it still here???'' --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 15:13, 29 August 2008 (BST)
::In fact, the two weeks is up for regular deletion, and it's been voted to Delete 12 deletes to 3 keeps. ''Why is this still here???'' --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 17:05, 29 August 2008 (BST)

#:'''Keep.'''Re. Criterion #1: content repeated on "the wikipedia"?? Nonsense. This is the internets, buddy. Everything is repeated everywhere. Does not qualify for first criterion. Second, it IS an accurate, though certainly not exhaustive definition. It is roughly, as you say, at the level of a high-school political science class. Granted that it is a meta-gaming term, this does not make it irrelevant; there are a wide variety of political meta-gaming terms on the UDWiki. However, most of them - take [[socialism]], for example, redirect to pages listing groups espousing that particular philosophy. Given the preponderance of the terms "fascism" and "fascist" within the wiki, and the fact that there are no groups stepping in to identify as such, it is reasonable that a neutral page clear this up. Further, doesn't creating drama in an attempt to circumvent drama serve as a contradiction in terms? Please, WanYao. Nobody is fooled by the condescending tone or "above such menial concerns" attitude. Next time, be a grown-up and send me a message so we can sort it out like human beings. --[[User:Blackboard|Blackboard]] 04:23, 10 August 2008 (BST)
===[[Smart Revive Policy]]===
#::As far as I am aware, there are no other pages being set up to define political ideologies on this wiki. Because this is IMO not the place for that. There ARE in-game groups that present themselves as adhering to these ideologies, however. Which is great. And these groups define their ideologies, if at all, in their group pages -- which is perfect. "Fascism" is NOT a meta-gaming term, however... That's pretty obvious. And, there ''are'' in-game groups aligning themselves with fascist ideology... Because, semantics notwithstanding, the use of the term Fascism has transcended its historical specificity -- and not merely as pejoritive term, either. But once again, I don't consider the UD wiki the place for hashing out these often controversial definitions... it's that simple. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 04:36, 10 August 2008 (BST)
The Smart Revive Policy was created in error and is effectively the [[No Random Revive Policy]]. It appears that [[User:Obsdark|Obsdark]] didn't read the [[No Random Revive Policy]], and just looked at the old title of the page. There is only a few pages that link to the [[Smart Revive Policy]] and those could be redirected to the [[No Random Revive Policy]]. I also updated the [[No Random Revive Policy]] to merge in any of the needed information from [[Smart Revive Policy]]. --{{User:Akule/sig}} 02:07, 27 April 2011 (BST)
#::However, if you're going to define here, at least get it right. Because contemporary definitions of fascism DO transcend the historical specificity of early to mid 20th century Europe, e.g. its application to states such as Pinochet's Chile, or its (justifiable to many, if done properly) use to define certain tendencies and trends in contemporary politics... I know you know what I am talking about... but it's exactly this can of definitional worms that really has no place in the wiki for a zombie game... And that's my point. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 04:56, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - this is a filibuster vote {{User:Nubis/sig}} 02:14, 27 April 2011 (BST)
#:::So. Although that you "don't consider the UD wiki the place for hashing out these often controversial definitions", there is - according to the '''accepted speedy deletion criteria''', no legitimate reason for a speedy deletion. Fascism, communism, nepotism, botulism - these are ALL meta-gaming terms; they have no official place within the game, but we, the meta-gamers, provide a framework for them. If you disagree with the page itself, the appropriate forum is the respective discussion page, ''not'' here; if you were a ''fascist group'' which took umbrage with me creating a page which they themselves would have preferred to create, then we could collaborate on the page itself. However - and I'm not going to be drawn into a flame war here - this wiki is a '''public''' forum, NOT subject to ''your'' judgment of what is or what is not appropriate. --[[User:Blackboard|Blackboard]] 04:59, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' crit 1 though voting speedy seems kind of pointless due to the above "vote". ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>03:09, 27 April 2011</sub>
#:::First, you can't assume that I know what you're talking about; and second, I specifically address the contemporary application of the term fascist. As we have gone over, it is a simple definition, meant not to provide an exhaustive nor controversial explanation by any means, but rather to bring a bit of order to the wiki. One can't assume that every gamer is going to know what fascism is, and when an actively recruiting group purports to be anti-fascist, it might be nice to know what that entails. Again, this is a wiki; it is a public forum, with primarily user-generated material. Whatever doesn't detract from it adds to it. If the page becomes a legitimate problem, there are ways of dealing with it. Killing it in its infancy because you don't like it is unacceptable.--[[User:Blackboard|Blackboard]] 05:08, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - Technically crit 1, but seeing how Nubis is reading from the dictionary, it'll have to wait it out. -- {{User:Krazy_Monkey/sig}} 13:50, 27 April 2011 (BST)
#::::I did not put this up for regular deletions; someone else moved it here. And I have commented further on your talk page. I accept the result of this being taken off speedy deletions, and own up to whatever errors I have made in categorising it as Crit 1. However I stand by my assertion that this does not belong on the wiki for a zombie MMORPG, for the reasons that I have outlined -- which are copied above, and elaborated on your talk page. 'Nuff said. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 05:22, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' Unneeded and inferior copy of an established tactic. --'''<span style="font-family:monospace; background-color:#222222">[[User:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime"> Spiderzed</span>]][[User talk:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime">█ </span>]]</span>''' 14:24, 27 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Speedydelete''' -  Crit 2. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 05:14, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' - Criteria 1.--[[User:Yonnua Koponen|<span style="color: DarkOrange">Yonnua Koponen</span>]]<sup>[[User_talk:Yonnua Koponen| <span style="color:Gold">T</span>]][[DvB| <span style="color: Goldenrod">G</span>]]</sup><sup><span class="stealthexternallink">[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=840689 <span style="color: DarkGoldenrod"> P</span>] </span></sup> [[User:Yonnua Koponen/Sandbox|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[Discosaurs|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[{{TALKPAGENAME}}#Donkey|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]] 14:41, 27 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' - Crit 2 and don't forget the redirect [[Fascists]]--{{User:Nubis/sig}} 13:03, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''delete'' this is a busterfily vote -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 17:07, 27 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' - Crit 2 (if I am allowed to vote on this). And, unfortunately, the new edits make this page WORSE, more off-topic and less useful than the original edit! --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 17:55, 10 August 2008 (BST) And if anyone ''really'' wants to wade through it, detailed arguments as to why this does vs. does not belong on the UD wiki can be found [http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/User_talk:Blackboard#Fascism here], on Blackboard's Talk page. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 18:15, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''keep''' As a [[Help:Redirection|Redirect]]. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 21:25, 27 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' then guys, Jesus. I saw what seemed to be a bit of a hole in the wiki, and I tried to fill it. There's no need to get so self-righteous about it. Nice work sucking the fun out of this, Wan. You're a credit to the site. --[[User:Blackboard|Blackboard]] 19:45, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - redirect <small>-- [[User:Boxy|boxy]] 07:44, 3 May 2011 (BST)</small>
#:Oh get over yourself, puh-leeeeze. No, seriously... Now you're acting like one of those trenchies from the suggestions page who argues and whines and calls everyone names when their bad idea is torn to pieces. No one is accusing you of vandalism or bad faith, no one is calling you a BAD PERSON or anything. But it's an off content page. In spite of your protestations to the contrary, there seems to be a consensus to this effect. Now just deal... without all the whinging and name-calling, if you can manage it. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 21:02, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' as the boxman --&nbsp;[[Image:Boobs.sh.siggie.gif|link=User:Sexualharrison| HEY! HANDS OFF MAH BOOBS! | 16px]] &nbsp; <small> [[User talk:Sexualharrison|<span style="color:Red">bitch</span>]]&nbsp;&nbsp;</small><small>06:31, 11 May 2011 (utc)</small>
#::I don't recall any name-calling. And I agreed to yank it. Obviously I'm new. I'm just saying it wouldn't have killed you to be a bit cordial about it. Don't be aggressive and then berate me for being defensive. How about, "Hey Blackboard, the edits you made to this page don't fit with the spirit of the wiki, is there something we can do about it?" That way, a.I'd learn something about what is and is not appropriate here (the easy way), b.perhaps content which ''is'' useful and appropriate can be substituted for what you don't like, and c.we don't waste all this time, both yours and mine and everyone else who rules on this. And d. we could be best buds!! Anyway, feel free to keep an eye on whatever else I'm doing - and if you don't like it, just drop me a line. (and if I thought you had a sense of humor here... I'd add, "Fascist" and maybe like a winkface or something) --[[User:Blackboard|Blackboard]] 22:13, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - Redirect it--{{User:Michaleson/sig}} 22:19, 11 May 2011 (BST)
#:::You ''just engaged'' in name-calling, you pedantic wanker. In your fucking vote above. At least I ''own up to it'' when I'm asshole and call people names: but you hide behind passive-aggressive blathering. BTW... I can't be bothered to read your last post. If only wiki had an "ignore" feature. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 04:50, 11 August 2008 (BST)
#::::Ooh! Are we gonna flame this up?? Well, I'm not a name-caller, ''you're'' the name-caller! Quit calling me names, you name-calling name-caller! NAME-CALLER NAME-CALLER! --[[User:Blackboard|Blackboard]] 09:21, 11 August 2008 (BST)
#'''EDIT/DELETE''' Either someone has already cleaned it up or its just an unbiased section with no real purpose! Express how anti-fascist you are or do the opposite and get hammered. Just don't delete the template.--[[User:Jackson]] 03:25, 11 August 2008 (BST)
#'''SpeedyDelete''' - the UD wiki is not a glossary or a dictionary, linking someone to wikipedia is far more appropriate, and descriptive.{{User:Techercizer/Sig}} 01:58, 16 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delte''' First of all its a crit 2 but I also believe that the definition of fascism is different for everyone, and from reading this page I see it doesn't serve an important purpose in explaining anything. Also it seems to say that anything that does not support anarchism is fascism which is bull.--{{User:SirArgo/Signature}} 04:02, 22 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delte''' DEM? seriously?--[[User:Kristi of the Dead|Kristi of the Dead]] 14:48, 22 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - Crit 2, and we have interwiki links for a reason, use them.--<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev/OmegaMap|maps?!]]</font></sup></small> 18:31, 22 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep.''' especially since the page now contains specific references to certain UD groups... [[User:Conndraka|Conndraka]]<sup>[[Moderation|mod]] [[User_talk:Conndraka|T]][[TBA]] [[Coalition for Fair Tactics|''CFT'']]</sup> 00:42, 23 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' - Crit 2. Those groups listed there do not even identify themselves as fascist, and I've never heard of anyone broadcasting that they are. And even if they are in some way fascist, the way that tag is applied to them is so shallow my head hurts just thinking about it. --[[User:Aeon17x|Aeon17x]] 00:55, 23 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - Because I'm getting fucking tired of people calling the DEM Fascist, when our leadership is a democracy. The entire page as it stands now is more or less one massive pot-shot at us under the guise of an informative article. Word to your mother Conndraka, {{User:Labine50/sig}} 20:13, 24 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - because the Fascist DEM Police State are going to buy all of my alts Brain Rot if I don't vote. --[[User:Bob_Fortune|Bob Fortune]] <sup>[[Red Rum|RR]]</sup> 01:56, 25 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - lul @ Wan's bushism ("the wikipedia"), apologies if someones already said that in the tl;dr crap above me. As for this page i don't really seeing it as doing much harm.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 14:16, 29 August 2008 (BST)
'''Deleted.''' --[[User:Daranz|Daranz]]<sup>.[[User_talk:Daranz|t]].[[UDWiki:Administration|<s>mod</s> janitor]]</sup> 01:44, 3 September 2008 (BST)

===Author Edit Only:===
5 to 5. '''Kept''' as a redirect. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>06:25, 13 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
I am trying to get my name off the internet please delete these pages, I am going to use the wiki under the name of truezombieboy. Thanks.--[[User:Jamie Cantwell3|<span style="color: DARKRED">Jamie Cantwel3</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Jamie Cantwell3|<span style="color: DARKGREEN">Talk</span></sup>]]''All glory to the Hypnotoad!'' 04:21, 25 August 2008 (BST)
===[[The living]]===
Not really much in the way of content here. I'd like to have the page deleted so that I can use the name (with a capitol L). {{User:Clint_Clintstone/sig}} 10:35 21 April 2011 (EST)

(Said pages)
#'''delete''' - never got off the ground etc. -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 03:46, 22 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - This is both history, a group that existed(and we don't delete disbanded groups just 'cause), and also a page stuffed full of content when [[The Dead|context]] is shown. We killed crit 12 for a reason. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 03:52, 22 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Keep'''. Its well linked. --[[User:Rosslessness|Rosslessness]] 11:04, 22 April 2011 (BST)
#:My arse. it has like 8 and you made half of them years ago and only because they mentioned the dead? -- {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig4}} 12:07, 22 April 2011 (BST)
#::Sorry, its referred to as part of the did you know section of the wiki, I don't know why Clint doesn't just use [[The Living]] --[[User:Rosslessness|Rosslessness]] 12:28, 22 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Speedy''': Crit 7 [[User:Conndraka|Conndraka]]<sup>[[Moderation|mod]] [[User_talk:Conndraka|T]][[TBA]] [[Coalition for Fair Tactics|''CFT'']]</sup> 23:03, 25 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep'''. As Ross. You don't have to get rid of that page to create [[The Living]]. And we could also add a disambiguation notice on top of the page to refer to the older/newer group respectively. --'''<span style="font-family:monospace; background-color:#222222">[[User:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime"> Spiderzed</span>]][[User talk:Spiderzed|<span style="color:Lime">█ </span>]]</span>''' 12:47, 22 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Speedy''' --[[User:Pdeq|<span style="color: green">Pdeq</span>]]<sup><span style="color: blue">[[User_talk:Pdeq|Talk]][[Signature Race|*]]</span></sup> 21:46, 26 August 2008 (BST)
#:This^. Especially since they're both unique pages and the stats page links by caps(like the whole wiki). --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev#Buildings_Update_Danger_Maps|maps 2.0?!]]</font></sup></small> 13:42, 22 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Speedy.''' --[[User:Toejam|Toejam]] 10:26, 27 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - As Above.{{User:Zombie Lord/sig2}} <tt>13:46 22 April 2011(UTC)</tt>
#'''Delete''' Just another of those "exists only on paper" kind of groups with no real content, the kind of which we deleted hundreds of. -- [[Image:Cat Pic.png|14px]] [[User:MisterGame|<span style= "color: maroon; background-color: white">'''Thadeous Oakley''']]</span> [[User_Talk:MisterGame|<span style= "color: black; background-color: white">'''''Talk''''']]</span> 13:59, 22 April 2011 (BST)
Deleted. Note that the pages are gone, the account cannot be deleted. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 22:16, 27 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - this page doesn't stop you using the capital L space... and anyway, afaik, this one is just a reactionary page to [[The Dead]]... puppy tears, and all that, y'know {{tongue}} <small>-- [[User:Boxy|boxy]] 15:08, 22 April 2011 (BST)</small>
#:He'll find it difficult to do as that [[The Living]] is now in use. --{{User:Akule/sig}} 21:38, 25 April 2011 (BST)
===[http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php?title=Special:Contributions&limit=500&target=Airborne88 All These]===
#'''Keep''' -- [[User:Asheets|Asheets]] 16:15, 22 April 2011 (BST)
As i said on A/SD, vandal edits always get reverted and when they create pages they always get deleted. Yes it'll take time but that's the nature of reverting vandalism...anyway this will probably cause some discussion so since gnomey rejected it from A/SD figured i should bring it here.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 10:35, 23 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' SHUT THE FUCK UP!. i loled.--<small><div style="display: inline-block; height: 14px; width: 18px; overflow: hidden; vertical-align: text-bottom;">[[User:Sexualharrison|<span style="position: absolute; display: block; font-size: 0px; height: 14px; width: 18px;"> </span>]][[Image:Boobs.sh.siggie.gif|18px]]</div>&nbsp;&nbsp;[[User talk:Sexualharrison|<span style="color:Red">bitch</span>]]&nbsp;</small><small>16:19, 22 April 2011</small>
#'''Delete''' - get out. --[[User:Karloth_vois|Karloth Vois]] <sup>[[¯\(°_o)/¯]]</sup> 17:50, 22 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Speedy-fucking-delete''' - As J3D explained, vandal edits are to be deleted -- and as far as I am aware no red tape even needs to be cut for this happen. This doesn't belong here, or even on SD for that matter. It belongs in ''job done'' pile. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 10:50, 23 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - this is a filibuster vote {{User:Nubis/sig}} 23:57, 23 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Comment''' - Wait, welcome notes are vandalism now? --[[User:Aeon17x|Aeon17x]] 10:55, 23 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - Sure, why not - [[User:DeRathi|Serious Post]] {{User:DeRathi/Sig}}  15:27, 24 April 2011 (BST)
#:Generally no. ''But'' this guy made hundreds, including to people who haven't used the wiki in over 2 years. Also it was ruled vandalism by a sysop. WN templates aren't vandalism, bad faith edits including spam creating new pages so you can "become the most linked to user" is (well this was the first time, but it is now). So yeah, hence the deletion.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 10:59, 23 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - We're already deleting the living from the game, why not have a reminder they once existed here? --[[User:Laughing Man|Laughing Man]] 15:44, 24 April 2011 (BST)
#'''Weak Keep''' - As Karek and Ross, but weaker. {{User:Linkthewindow/Sig}} 16:18, 24 April 2011 (BST)
They're in my personal queue of things to do, and as they are vandal edits they aren't necessarily subject to voting. It'll get done, just haven't found the time to get to it just yet. --<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev/OmegaMap|maps?!]]</font></sup></small> 16:52, 23 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - As Karek and Ross. --{{User:Akule/sig}} 21:38, 25 April 2011 (BST)
:I'll help out if you plan to delete the very old ones and the [[User talk:Il roche|vandal talk pages]] (although those should be templated and protected).--{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 23:05, 23 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep''' - As Spiderzed.--[[User:Yonnua Koponen|<span style="color: DarkOrange">Yonnua Koponen</span>]]<sup>[[User_talk:Yonnua Koponen| <span style="color:Gold">T</span>]][[DvB| <span style="color: Goldenrod">G</span>]]</sup><sup><span class="stealthexternallink">[http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=840689 <span style="color: DarkGoldenrod"> P</span>] </span></sup> [[User:Yonnua Koponen/Sandbox|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[Discosaurs|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]][[{{TALKPAGENAME}}#Donkey|<span style="color: Red">^</span>]] 17:40, 26 April 2011 (BST)
===[[Haliman is a Fraud]]===
Should be a group subpage.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 14:07, 4 August 2008 (BST)
#<s>'''Keep''' - [[A/MR]] <--- is that that way. --[[User:Midianian|Midianian]]<small><sup>&#124;[[User talk:Midianian|T]]&#124;[[Talk:Suggestions|T:S]]&#124;[[:Category:Recently Closed Suggestions|C:RCS]]&#124;</sup></small> 14:10, 4 August 2008 (BST)</s>
#:ah k thanks, wasn't 100% sure. Also i thought some people might want it deleted anyway.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 14:44, 4 August 2008 (BST)
#::Since it's been emptied, can it be speedied now? --[[User:Midianian|Midianian]]<small><sup>&#124;[[User talk:Midianian|T]]&#124;[[Talk:Suggestions|T:S]]&#124;[[:Category:Recently Closed Suggestions|C:RCS]]&#124;</sup></small> 13:25, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete/Move''' - It should be a group subpage.--{{User:The General/sig}} 14:14, 4 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Move''' - groupsubpage. {{User:DanceDanceRevolution/sig}} 02:00, 6 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - While it should be a group subpage, the plain fact is that its a page of nonsense to correctly or incorrectly defame another user of the wiki. On those grounds alone it should be deleted. We have better things to do than let simply hate pages stand. --[[User:Grim_s|The Grimch]] <sup>[[Project UnWelcome|U!]] [[Project Evil|E!]]</sup> 02:43, 6 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Keep/Move''' - Umbrella's subpage. --[[User:Macampos|Private Mark]] 03:29, 6 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - As Grim, the wiki has enough drama without people porting their group drama here as well.--<small>[[User:Karek#K|Karek]]<sup><font face="Monotype Corsiva">[[User:Karek/ProjDev/OmegaMap|maps?!]]</font></sup></small> 06:59, 6 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''', they can put it on their subpage then delete it.--{{User:J3D/ciggy}} 08:08, 6 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Move''' --[[User:JaredV|Jared]]<sup>[[User_talk:JaredV|Talk]] [[South Paynterton Aces|Aces]] [[Columbine Kids|C-Kids]]</sup> 15:40, 6 August 2008 (BST)
#'''speedydelete''' - or barring that, move it to subpage of Umbrella. But it should just go, because this is a personal attack, personal information, violation of assumed privacy, etc., etc., and ought to be deleted as such. However, ''haven't you heard of the deletion template'' that's supposed to go on the pages? Because I put this up on Move Requests because the '''required''' template hasn't been placed on the page. I'll inset the template now. But sheeesh. --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 19:35, 6 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - I agree with Wan. Personal attacks are un-cool. Especially when it's directed to you personally. --<font face="arial black"><span style="background-color:#000000; border: 1px solid red">[[User:Haliman111|<span style="color:White">/\'''Haliman'''/\</span>]]</span> <sup>[[User_talk:Haliman111|<span style="color:Blue">T</span>]] | [[The Crimson Clan|<span style="color:Brown">CC</span>]] | [[Umbrella_Corporation|<span style="color:Purple">UC</span>]] | [[Project Wiki Patrol|P!]] | [[Project Welcome|W!]]</sup></font> 21:57, 6 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Move''' Group sub-page. Anyone and everyone who enters Umbrella or is associated should know just how much of a conniving low-life he is and how he should not be trusted by anyone, the mere fact that he is a member of P! and W! is to make him look good and clean when he is about as foul and filthy as local garrison port-a-potties.--[[User:Jackson|Jackson]] 23:22, 6 August 2008 (BST)
#:Hey Jackson can we talk this over? Can ya agree with putting an link to our site? This way people will still be able to see it but wont cause any more wiki drama.--[[User:MisterGame|MisterGame]] 23:30, 6 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Move''' I will move it off the wiki (tomorrow, *yawn*) to our main site. I will put a link to it on Umbrella's wiki page. I know its a bit excegegrating (can anyone fix this misspeled word?) and quite aggresive, however it is the truth. The truth about the person is up for discussion, but those quotes are real and facts. But agreed, im not sure if it violates the wiki rules officaly, but it does not belong here. People will get the wrong idea about Umbrella, like probably everyone on this page already did :rolleyes:. And haliman, of course it are personal attacks, because this spy/traitor of Umbrella things centers around a person, which is you. --[[User:MisterGame|MisterGame]] 23:27, 6 August 2008 (BST)
#:This guy is apparently suffering from a very serious mental illness. By posting this chatlog, you're not only violating privacy and personal information ethics, but you're being totally insensitive and callous assholes. Now, halliman is a jerk, and he's obviously fucking hazardous to one's health, so speak, in game and out of game... And you have a right to defend yourself in that context. And people should be warned and he should be discredited in UD. However, keeping the content of that page up in any form is just callous asshole-ish-ness. That being said, it has '''no place''' on the wiki... If you want to put it up in your forums, I think you're arses, but it's your right... But keep this shyte off the wiki, and frankly, I don't want to even see a LINK to the thread on here, either. This wiki may be a real shithole, but I think even WE are better than that... --[[User:WanYao|WanYao]] 01:43, 7 August 2008 (BST)
#::Well we ''could'' just delete the page and instead release a less aggresive statement about haliman, in which we just tell he is a traitor and nothing more '''but''' will that convince people?<br>Haliman may be a total *insert swearing here* but you wont see that back in the way he types. First sight, he looks like your average guy, which he is not. If I say that everyone should stay away from haliman because he is a sick *again, insert swearing* and a traitor, would they listen to my words? Ofcourse not, they are human beings! Only thing that does open up some eyes is posting the truth, which may be aggresive and shocking but its just these elements people will listen to.--[[User:MisterGame|MisterGame]]
#'''Delete''' - with extreme prejudice <small>-- [[User:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">boxy</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">talk</span>]] • [[UDWiki:Image Categorisation|i]]</sup> 10:35 7 August 2008 (BST)</small>
#'''Delete''' - It's absurd that people are even considering the other. --{{User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Sig}} 17:16, 7 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - as above. And I wish to apologise for quoting this page on Brainstock in order to mock Haliman. The guy obviously needs help. --[[User:Bob_Fortune|Sir Bob Fortune]] <sup>[[Red Rum|RR]]</sup> 21:22, 7 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' or even '''speedydelete'''.  I didn't read all of this, but it's a violation of trust and privacy to have this on the wiki. --[[User:Toejam|Toejam]] 19:55, 7 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete'''- Privacy violation and many others. Also I did not understand 75% of everything, the information is confusing. No more wiki drama. --[[User:Lithedarkangel|Lithedarkangel]] 22:47, 7 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Move'''- Clear and Precise.--[[User:MacNOF|MacNOF]] 23:25, 7 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Delete''' - Yeah...this guy needs help before he shoots up a mall. --{{User:Axe27/Sig}} 21:57, 9 August 2008 (BST)
#'''delete''' - any other choice is terrible. --[[User:JonEboy|JonEboy]] 00:53, 10 August 2008 (BST)
#'''Non-Related''' - Wow Haliman111 even uses his alt to make the vote, thats you JonEboy!--[[User:Jackson/Sig]] 03:19, 11 August 2008 (BST)
:I only said that to get you to not PK him. You can even check the I.P. --<font face="arial black"><span style="background-color:#000000; border: 1px solid red">[[User:Haliman111|<span style="color:White">/\'''Haliman'''/\</span>]]</span> <sup>[[User_talk:Haliman111|<span style="color:Blue">T</span>]] | [[The Crimson Clan|<span style="color:Brown">CC</span>]] | [[Umbrella_Corporation|<span style="color:Purple">UC</span>]] | [[Project Wiki Patrol|P!]] | [[Project Welcome|W!]]</sup></font> 08:26, 12 August 2008 (BST)
'''Deleted''' - 21:36, August 12, 2008 [[User:Karek|Karek]] (Talk | contribs | block) deleted "[[Haliman is a Fraud]]" (content was: '<nowiki>{{Delete}}</nowiki>Page moved to outside source. Page requested to be deleted by page owners.') <small>-- [[User:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">boxy</span>]] <sup>[[User talk:Boxy|<span style="color: Red">talk</span>]] • [[UDWiki:Image Categorisation|i]]</sup> 15:21 18 August 2008 (BST)</small>

Kept with 12 Keeps and 4 Deletes. ~[[Image:Vsig.png|link=User:Vapor]] <sub>06:17, 9 May 2011 (UTC)</sub>
I wanted to make a page under my username, but instead made this. I already remade the page under my user-name, [[User:ShadowScope/Bookmarks|here]], so I would like for you to delete this page (somebody else may want to use Bookmarks in the future, and I don't want to waste space).--[[User:ShadowScope|ShadowScope]]<sup>[[User:Kevan|'the true enemy']]</sup> 02:33, 1 May 2011 (BST)
:EDIT: Also requesting a Speedy Delete, if that is all possible.--[[User:ShadowScope|ShadowScope]]<sup>[[User:Kevan|'the true enemy']]</sup> 02:34, 1 May 2011 (BST)
::'''Scheduled''' – Speedy, Crit 7 by proxy. All gone. {{smile}} {{User:Revenant/Sig}} 03:56, 1 May 2011 (BST)


Latest revision as of 11:12, 7 April 2013

Recent Actions

The Republic of Digby

Content cleared by owner, might as well be a speedy --Bean 15:33, 12 June 2011 (BST)

  1. Speedy: Page was blanked by the only guy who maintained it, Author Edit Only implied --Bean 15:33, 12 June 2011 (BST)
  2. Scheduled - User has blanked the page and created a new group. Crit 7 by proxy.--Yonnua Koponen T G P ^^^ 16:01, 12 June 2011 (BST)

Deleted as a crit 7 by proxy.--The General T Sys U! P! F! 17:05, 12 June 2011 (BST)


This page was already deleted. The only reason I haven't done this as a crit 6 is because the content doesn't match completely with the current version being more role-play than straight up recruiting(like the previous iteration). This is a term only used by a singular very small group. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 05:44, 25 May 2011 (BST)

  • Obviously Delete - And I really want to do this as a crit 6 but am erring on the side of caution. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 05:44, 25 May 2011 (BST)
  • delete - had potential but it's just kinda shit. -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 06:02, 25 May 2011 (BST)
  • Speedy - Content is similar enough, IMHO: Expanding it doesn't mean its's not crit 6. This should be a group page, it's not a "generic term".--The General T Sys U! P! F! 09:14, 25 May 2011 (BST)
  • Delete - But I don't think it's enough for a speedy. They've expanded on it quite a bit.--Yonnua Koponen T G P ^^^ 13:42, 25 May 2011 (BST)

Deleted - This be unanimous.--Yonnua Koponen T G P ^^^ 22:41, 8 June 2011 (BST)


A template which is literally identical to using the "Wikipedia:" prefix in a link. It saves precisely 0 bytes while using a template inclusion and increasing server load.--The General T U! P! F! 14:01, 20 May 2011 (BST)

  1. Merge with Template:WP and then delete. Are all the transclusions truly due to {{unsigned}}? We should be linking to internal help about signatures, not to Wikipedia. ~Vsig.png 15:03, 20 May 2011 (UTC)
    Which I have just done. ~Vsig.png 15:06, 20 May 2011 (UTC)
    Mostly. I've used my bot to subst the template in on all non-protected pages, given that it's completely redundant.--The General T U! P! F! 15:38, 20 May 2011 (BST)
  2. Speedy C1 - a template that merely uses a single wiki code command is "No content" in my books. --Oh, and vote on Project Funny, by the way. -- Spiderzed 15:12, 20 May 2011 (BST)
  3. Speedy - as Spiderzed.--The General T U! P! F! 20:25, 20 May 2011 (BST)
  4. Keep - You don't get to technicality off such a popular template. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 21:19, 20 May 2011 (BST)
    Popular? ~Vsig.png 21:54, 20 May 2011 (UTC)
    The bot changed all of the edits so that's not exactly an accurate revelation of how people use it. This is more realistic. People use this template because not everyone knows about the magic word, don't punish ill-informed users for being ill-informed? --Karekmaps 2.0?! 03:44, 21 May 2011 (BST)
    Why not redirect the template to an explanation of magic words? The magic word is so similar to the template that anyone who uses the template should be perfectly capbable of using the magic word.--The General T U! P! F! 09:13, 21 May 2011 (BST)
    I was under the impression that the bot only subst'd {{Wikipedia}} when found in {{unsigned}} template calls. I may be wrong but still, I don't think the template is as popular as you're implying. And, yes I checked thegeneralbot's contribs. I so far haven't found any edits where {{Wikipedia}} was subst'd other than inside {{unsigned}}. ~Vsig.png 16:02, 21 May 2011 (UTC)
    That's because the use in unsigned made up the bulk of {{wikipedia}} uses. That said, nope, it didn't just remove the ones in unsigned, which explains why I can't find any of my old uses of it, despite the fact that I've used it frequently in the past. Aichon 07:04, 22 May 2011 (BST)
  5. I support a merge with {{WP}}, but suggest retaining as a soft redirect, deleting only when we can get WP: implemented as an interwiki shortlink. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 05:41, 21 May 2011 (BST)
  6. Delete -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 05:43, 21 May 2011 (BST)
  7. Keep - It's not actually the same as just the plain link, since the plain link requires additional code to look the same. Quick example: {{wikipedia|example}} yields example while [[wikipedia:example]] yields wikipedia:example. Note the different outputs. I prefer the template since it saves some typing, and the code is cleaner. Aichon 09:18, 21 May 2011 (BST)
    You can use the pipe trick to get the same appearance; although there is slightly more code, there is far less of a drain on server resources. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 13:12, 21 May 2011 (BST)
    Pipes would work, sure, but that's why I mentioned less and cleaner code. Also, it doesn't produce "far less of a drain on server resources." When it comes to server load, the danger of templates is that if they are changed, every page they are included on needs to be re-cached. That's not an issue here since unsigned doesn't change. Aichon 07:04, 22 May 2011 (BST)
    It's been changed twice recently. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 07:38, 22 May 2011 (BST)
    "...frequently". Sorry, forgot to put that at the end of my last comment. ;) Anyway, two edits in three years (both of which had to be requested via A/PT) is nothing to be concerned with. To put things in perspective, in the same time period, your sig has changed 15x more frequently and is on more than 45x as many pages, yet none of us seem to object to it. :P Aichon 10:38, 22 May 2011 (BST)
    Actually, I object. Tongue :P I think we should get rid of templated sigs for precisely those reasons (added DB calls on every page load, plus cache invalidation of every page on which they are transcluded when they change), but while they are permitted by WIKI LAW, I'm going to keep availing myself of the convenience. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 22:40, 22 May 2011 (BST)
    Basically, yeah. This is why there was the request to delete Nosubst. This template is far less harmful though and more intuitive to the partially wiki-literate. It's a tool and you shouldn't take away tools that don't actually harm anything just for the sake of simplicity. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 03:02, 23 May 2011 (BST)
    Not sure how this template is more intuitive than the normal link; if they can find this template, they can find out how to use the link (which should be described in the help pages, anyway).--The General T Sys U! P! F! 17:17, 24 May 2011 (BST)
    Wikipedia:wikipedia: for one. The fact that templates are easier to understand to a layman than magic words for two. We assume that most users can pick up and learn templates fairly quickly and magic words/parsers rarely. I'm actually not a fan of the template but I don't see a reason to remove the option just so we don't have to change them manually. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 03:41, 25 May 2011 (BST)
    Bah. If you really objected, your actions would speak for you and you wouldn't avail yourself of it at all. :P Aichon 03:57, 23 May 2011 (BST)
    So the Nosubst deletion nomination counts for naught? Tongue :P
    I have a policy discussion in the works, but I don't know how long it will take me to get to. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 04:33, 23 May 2011 (BST)
    So another policy will get passed by a group of individuals that give shit all about the wiki? Lovely. ~Vsig.png 17:08, 24 May 2011 (UTC)
    Whether it passes or not doesn't overly concern me. Which reminds me… ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 23:59, 24 May 2011 (BST)
  8. Keep - u dont delete my contributions to the wiki without me having a say about it --People's Commissar Hagnat [talk] [wcdz] 20:37, 22 May 2011 (BST)
  9. Keep - I prefer the template--THE Godfather of Яesensitized, Anime Sucks Yalk | W! U! WMM| CC CPFOAS DORISFlag.jpg LOE ZHU | Яezzens 20:40, 22 May 2011 (BST)

5 delete votes and 4 keeps. Merged (via move) with {{WP}}. Kept {{Wikipedia}} as a soft redirect. Fixed remaining links. ~Vsig.png 05:40, 6 June 2011 (UTC)

No reason to have a soft redirect when a standard redirect preserves functionality and doesn't make it harder to reach the new template page(the entire purpose of soft redirects)--Karekmaps 2.0?! 07:05, 6 June 2011 (BST)

... this must be one of the most dumb moves since gen tried to pass an anti-goon policy with the goons active in the wiki. Creating a redirect in template:wikipedia to ]]template:wp]] just adds more server load to a template whose main reason for deletion was server load. Its just too dumb for me to understand it. The merge votes should've count as a kept in this case, ffs --hagnat 12:31, 6 June 2011 (BST)

You're right, since server load is the issue, we pretty much should have had this deleted lul -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 12:41, 6 June 2011 (BST)
Yeah, pretty much. I kept as a soft redirect per Rev's suggestion but Karek reverted back to a typical redirect. If people want to keep it as a redirect or just keep the template rather than delete it then that's fine with me. That was never brought up during voting but whatever. ~Vsig.png 15:31, 6 June 2011 (UTC)
It's a soft redirect now actually. It was just waiting on verification that all usage was gone. Also, not really server intensive in any way. Even the claims of the editing of it were edits done by the people claiming they were a problem. Anyways, now it's set to sit for a month or three until we can be reasonably sure people have gotten the message.--Karekmaps 2.0?! 09:19, 7 June 2011 (BST)
I think we're both misinterpreting what a soft redirect is. They are just a short messages directing someone to an external site. I don't even think a soft (or even a "hard") redirect is warranted TBQH. It should just be deleted since that is how the voting concluded. If there is sufficient reason to keep it, put in a request at A/U. Otherwise, it comes off a lot like just a disagreement with the voting results and maneuvering things to turn this into a keep. ~Vsig.png 05:52, 8 June 2011 (UTC)
I just set it up in a way to make it clear that WP was the current version and this page is no longer in use as a template. Terminology be damned I guess. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 08:43, 8 June 2011 (BST)
That's all well and good, but it was voted for deletion??? -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 04:34, 9 June 2011 (BST)
Yeah no, when 2 of the 5 deletes are merges and the other 4 votes are keeps that reasoning doesn't really fly. Especially when you actually read Revenants vote. That being said it's still going to be deleted, it's just going to be left as a soft redirect for a bit first because the template still exists. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 09:04, 9 June 2011 (BST)
My point is that it's funny when so many people vote but in the end it becomes a situational decision by one person pushing for what they want. I voted delete because I use the [[wikipedia]] code personally, but as a whole I'm indifferent. It's worth noting though that Merge got the least votes out of all the options, even if you aren't inclined to count them as implicit deletes (which you are) -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 09:25, 9 June 2011 (BST)
Meh, the only reason it qualifies is that last Merge vote that puts it over and since the vote in question specifically qualifies itself as situational upon the soft redirect it's really just common sense. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 09:34, 9 June 2011 (BST)
I wasn't quite aware that we were intending on deleting it eventually and this was transitional? Is that actually the case? Cause if it is, it makes more sense and has made me look like a dil to boot. -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 11:21, 9 June 2011 (BST)
We are and it is.--Karekmaps 2.0?! 11:27, 9 June 2011 (BST)
I remember reading that but somewhere along the line I forgot. I'm a bit of a mess -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 03:51, 11 June 2011 (BST)
S'ok, apparently you're not the only one who doesn't have time to read s recent comments make oh so clear. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 17:29, 11 June 2011 (BST)

What are you guys doing? Let me run through the process for handling a Delete and Merge result, since it's very simple, but has apparently been forgotten:

  1. Merge the two pages.
  2. Fix all links to point to the new page, except where they were specifically being used to refer to the old one as opposed to the new one (e.g. discussions like here)
  3. Fix all transclusions to point to the new page that it's being merged into
  4. Delete the page

That's all you guys had to do, but for some reason, you got stuck between #2 and #3. Why did no one check for and fix transclusions before replacing the template with text telling people not to use it? And why was that text put in at all, when your job was to follow the vote's results and delete the page? We don't need text telling people not to use a page that's been deleted, since people don't use pages that aren't there. That's why you delete them. Why has this not been done? Aichon 21:32, 10 June 2011 (BST)

I did fix all incoming links and transclusions (although I think I must have missed the one transclusion in this vote). As for deleting it, that's what is currently under discussion. Pages have been kept as a redirect during a deletion before. I don't know that a redirect of this nature has been used before but I'm open to using them. I just want it made clear what is happening, since at first it seemed to me like maneuvering to turn a delete decision into a keep decision. ~Vsig.png 21:45, 10 June 2011 (UTC)
1. Not a standard case. 2. If you can't be asked to read any of the intervening discussion that has happened don't bother to comment. You're just wasting everyone's time at this point. Third, since I know you won't bother to read through any of it because of your "right-ness"(a common problem with users of this wiki), Template:Wikipedia is a long existing template that was implemented 5 years ago. Above and beyond that it's a popular template on wikipedia projects. If you don't want to run the risk of users recreating it you do it this way, which is also the only way it actually passes as a delete vote, having changed it essentially just saved the step of creating the soft redirect or redirect(since one is justified, the template still exists). Also, it's still getting deleted, now shoo. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 17:29, 11 June 2011 (BST)
*"Can't be arsed".--Yonnua Koponen T G P ^^^ 18:32, 11 June 2011 (BST)
I'll excuse your personal (and hurtful, coming from you) attacks on me as a courtesy. First off, I'm aware of its history and would prefer it stay around (see my vote above). Second, as I'm sure you agree, failing to fix any transclusions was an oversight in need of correction, and leaving them while altering the template is never part of proper procedure, so a mistake was definitely made here. Third, I think that you're not giving Rev enough credit, since he's a smart guy, is well-versed in the rules, and says what he means. If he had wanted it to be taken the way you say, he could have said Keep with his comment, or else he could have said Merge on the condition that it be done as he described. Instead, he said Merge, which he knows acts as a Delete, and he phrased it as a suggestion, instead of as a comment on which his vote was contingent. Fourth, see Crit 6. That's how you stop people from recreating the page on this wiki. Anyway, I'm not going to stick around to argue it further, so you'll get what you wanted from me. Aichon 18:57, 11 June 2011 (BST)
Not personal, just frustrated. Sometimes even I tire of repeating myself and this would mke probably the fourth time this has been addressed. It's an unusual case and a close vote, it seems reasonable to try and do it in a way that has the least potential to cause issues(in this case phasing it out in steps). As for Crit 6, that's generally connected with vandalism cases historically. A situation that relies on it is less than ideal. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 21:44, 11 June 2011 (BST)

Dupilcated image

[1] Un-used duplicate of [2], 1 could be deletead?--Michalesonbadge.pngTCAPD(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ 16:03, 17 May 2011 (BST)

  1. Scheduled - but I'll check with Schwan before deleting. ~Vsig.png 16:10, 17 May 2011 (UTC)
  2. Speedy - Two days short of a scheduled. -- Cheese 18:50, 17 May 2011 (BST)

A. Schwan confirmed on his talk page that the image was unneeded, so I deleted it as crit 7 by proxy. ~Vsig.png 21:37, 17 May 2011 (UTC)


Horrible hack that exists only to work around sensible software limitations. We should take the opportunity given by the new sig size limits to recognise this, delete this abomination, and have all users made to use proper signatures. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 11:26, 2 May 2011 (BST)

Just to be clear... this isn't going to break existing sig inclusions, is it. Just people who (attempt to) use it from now on.
I have long hated templated sigs, but then I also hate having to scroll through huge swathes of sig code if it's subst'ed into discussions -- boxy 11:37, 2 May 2011 (BST)
And yeah, me too, but it's a bit “damned if you do, damned if you don't”, and templated sigs cause more problems than they solve, which is why they're prohibited by default by the MediaWiki software unless you deliberately circumvent that with a measure such as this template.ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 11:53, 2 May 2011 (BST)
Or change a one-line setting in the software....--The General T Sys U! P! F! 12:09, 2 May 2011 (BST)
Sadly I feel its too late. If it was setup from the beginning, I'd have no problem, but deleting it now is just going to break loads of links. Rev should set up UDWiki 2.0 --Rosslessness 12:16, 2 May 2011 (BST)
It was set up in the beginning, by Kevan, and then hacked around by users. And it shouldn't change any links that use it properly: the rest can be easily fixed. What it will do is necessitate users to change their sigs. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 12:27, 2 May 2011 (BST)
No it wasn't. The mediawiki software didn't originally force substitution in signatures: It was added in an update and there wasn't originally a setting to turn it off, so we developed a workaround.--The General T Sys U! P! F! 12:33, 2 May 2011 (BST)
Whats the fix? --Rosslessness 12:37, 2 May 2011 (BST)
Mostly deleting it out of MrAushvitz's fucking sig. Grr! Argh! *shaking fist* ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 12:44, 2 May 2011 (BST)
Ah, thats why its used on so many of the old suggestion pages. Get on that, use your crazy robot. --Rosslessness 12:49, 2 May 2011 (BST)
  1. Kill with fire. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 11:26, 2 May 2011 (BST)
  2. Keep - Templated sigs are allowed by wiki policy; If you don't like it then change the policy rather than trying to delete the template that allows them.--The General T Sys U! P! F! 11:44, 2 May 2011 (BST)
    Mind to show me where a policy directly grants the use of templated sigs as a right? Can't find it in the sig policy, nor do I see any other applicable policy. -- Spiderzed 11:57, 2 May 2011 (BST)
    The section that says: What would be allowed - Anything that isn't? --Yonnua Koponen T G P ^^^ 12:01, 2 May 2011 (BST)
  3. Kill this is terrible, I assume, so down with it or something. --カシュー, ザ ゾンビ クィーン (ビープ ビープ) Katthewsigtag.gif @ 12:17, 2 May 2011 (BST)
  4. Keep - This template is linked to lots of stuff. Who is going to fix all of the broken links if this gets deleted?--GANG Giles Sednik CAPD 12:24, 2 May 2011 (BST)
    Me, if nobody else does, and before it gets deleted. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 12:34, 2 May 2011 (BST)
  5. keep as above-- Boobs.sh.siggie.gif   bitch  12:31, 2 May 2011 (utc)
  6. Keep - just because I think General has a better option of dealing with this- it would also allow more comfortable transition period for those of us who do used the damned templated sigs. -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 12:47, 2 May 2011 (BST)
  7. Keep --Yonnua Koponen T G P ^^^ 12:59, 2 May 2011 (BST)
  8. Keep -- Cat Pic.png Thadeous Oakley Talk 13:08, 2 May 2011 (BST)
  9. Kill -- Honestly ok with this. Can we get rid of the signature policy next? Maybe replace it with something that simply says your sig can't impersonate other users, break pages, and needs to show who you are and leave it at that? --Karekmaps 2.0?! 13:41, 2 May 2011 (BST)
  10. Kill Having looked at it, seems fair, as long as rev wipes out the linked list. --Rosslessness 13:52, 2 May 2011 (BST)
  11. Keep --Weed.jpgArthur DentWeed.jpg BIN LADEN IS DEAD!!!!! 14:31, 2 May 2011
  12. Keep It works fine. Has for years. Old folks coming back to the wiki will have to deal with some shit the first time they try to sign. Would be pretty off-putting I think. ~Vsig.png Amurica. Fuck. Yeah 22:19, 2 May 2011 (UTC)
  13. Delete -- boxy 07:42, 3 May 2011 (BST)
  14. Delete -obsolete --Karloth Vois ¯\(°_o)/¯ 15:41, 3 May 2011 (BST)
  15. Keep - The only way I'll be okay with a delete if there is a code length limit on signatures. So steal from WP, basically. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 23:56, 10 May 2011 (BST)
    With the software update, signatures are now limited by the software to 255 characters. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 03:41, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    The Goon's signature (and probably others) still manage to be ridiculously big. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 04:33, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    They're subst'd in. If they were using {{nosubst}} and signing using e.g. {{SUBST:Nosubst|Goonsig|Revenant}}, they'd be breaking the template transclusion limit on every page they posted on in short order. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 04:40, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    That's not what I'm talking about; I'm talking about how long the code for their signatures are. It's very long. If templated signatures want to be deleted, it's better suited for policy discussion, provided a reasonable alternative is included (so no long signature codes, it makes me angry). --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 04:44, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    I'm not sure you're understanding me, so I'll give you a demonstration… the invocation {{Goonsig|Revenant}} gives You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||, which is the same as what specifying {{SUBST:Nosubst|Goonsig|Revenant}} as your signature results in. In contrast, using {{SUBST:Goonsig|Revenant}} as your signature results in… You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!||||||||||||||||||||||||
    I think what AHLG is saying is that without {{nosubst}}, all code heavy signatures will add heavy amounts of code to pages when signing. The inclusion sizes don't matter to too many people as long as they don't have to wade through umpteen lines of code when they want to contribute to dicussion. My biggest issue with this deletion request is that it is being passed off as sensible software limitations. I don't believe sensible is the right word. Minimal or default software limits is more descriptive. Its like saying that the "if" templates are a crappy hack job because the software has sensible limits on parser functions. The wiki software sucks. It's vanilla. So what if there exists a hack to make it suck less? It's rare that anything is broken because of templated sigs. ~Vsig.png 05:26, 11 May 2011 (UTC)
    It's really not as rare as it would be without Nosubst. Not to mention that with Nosubst gone it would mean that actually useful templates won't be excluded from pages like A/VB and A/M. It actually opens up possibilities for us that we currently have to code around.--Karekmaps 2.0?! 05:50, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    When I say rare I mean extremely rare. The only instance of page breakage in recent history was A/VB and it was due mostly to the whole of A/VB/Bots being transcluded. And then it only became a problem when we came under heavy bot attacks. That problem was easily solved by no longer transcluding A/VB/Bots, which was largely unecessary to begin with. It could also be argued that it was the size of the regular non-sig templates causing it to break. If any other possibilities will arise by deleting {{nosubst}}, I fail to see what they may be. ~Vsig.png 06:10, 11 May 2011 (UTC)
    It actually really can't because the sig templates were actually being called multiple times in the inclusion chain. While it's easy enough to noinclude them and thus limit the amount of data being called through them superficially, that also compromises the purpose of signing needlessly. We shouldn't have to adapt how pages work because some users want to use a feature actually disabled by the software itself. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 22:04, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    Yes, the sigs were called multiple time but so were the non-sig templates due to the fact that the whole of A/VB/B being transcluded. In the case of the templated sigs, it was a template call ({{nosubst}}), inside a template call (the template sig which themselves sometimes called on other templates) inside a template call (the transcluded A/VB/B). Similarly, with the non-sig templates, there were template calls ({{usr}}), inside a template call ({{vndl}}) inside a template call (the transcluded A/VB/B). The points I'm trying to make are that a) we've taken steps to correct page breaking on A/VB and b) it really wasn't necessary to transclude A/VB/B in the first place. Whatever value that A/VB/B added to A/VB was superficial and it is actually a lot simpler to just include links to it from MediaWiki:recentchangestext and MediaWiki:blockipsuccesstext and be done with it. ~Vsig.png 14:40, 12 May 2011 (UTC)
    Vapor: Not at all. There is a wiki software setting to enable unsubstituted template signatures. Kevan has it set to the default, which is to disable them. When I described this as a “hack workaround”, that was the literal truth. ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 07:19, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    That's not entirely accurate. Kevan hasn't set it to anything: When the wiki was first set up the setting wasn't available and templated signatures were allowed; a software update disallowed them and the setting to change that was only introduced later. We are forced to use this sort of hack due to the difficulty in getting Kevan to change the software.--The General T U! P! F! 09:09, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    Yeah, I'm not disputing that it is a hack, I just don't agree that it is a worthless hack. I really don't believe Kevan made a conscious decision to turn off unsubstituted signatures way back when. Just like I don't think he intentionally set the max characters for raw signatures to 255. He likely just ran the update without any customization. I think we can reasonably leave {{nosubst}} in place and any sigs that happen to break pages can be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, as it has been done in the past. ~Vsig.png 15:54, 11 May 2011 (UTC)
    What I am saying is that when I hit edit there is a heck of a lot of code to wade through. Here is a sample from A/BP. Removing templated signatures encourages code use, which wouldn't be so bad if some of the signatures (irrespective of the manner in which they are placed) are really code heavy. But besides any of that, what we are really talking about is the issue that templated signatures breaking similar templates and other templates on pages. A/VB is a good example, as are talk pages. A simple solution may be to not use templated signatures on just these pages if such a problem arises, and it rarely does, do as what Vapor said just above. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 16:32, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    It's been a while since I checked but I'm pretty sure that template signatures trigger a few different DB searches every time they're included on a page. All changing this does is force the search to happen once when the user signs instead of every single time someone edits the page for every single time the template appears on it. On top of that signatures larger than 255 characters have to call a template in their code so that can actually be sorta policed easily enough. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 22:04, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    So, it is to say that after I sign at the end of this comment, the code is merely substed in instead of as a template? Meaning that the code length isn't an issue for whatever is added in the corresponding preferences section. It's still an issue though to how long the code is at the end result. The issue for me hasn't to do with me wanting to keep this more complex templated signature, I'm fine changing this I just find the heavy code sigs cumbersome when I go to edit. --  AHLGTG THE END IS NIGH! 22:40, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    I'm saying that without {{GoonSig}} the goon's sigs wouldn't be possible because it's a template call made in Preferences that's substituting the template. We can police that because the template has to exist for them to call, like your sig. I'm also saying that your sig makes the server do a lot more work then, say, mine. Something on the order of 3-5 times the work with one inclusion of your sig. More every time a user uses a template signature. Mine adds to this page's DB content and gets called as part of the Page's call then run through the wiki-markup and sent to the browser so it can act on the html, yours adds to the actual processing of the page before we see it because it has to be interpreted by the wiki markup and then search the DB for the page you're referencing in the signature which then also has to be run through the wiki markup each and every single time someone loads the page for each and every time someone signs on it with a template signature. In the best case scenario it's done once per signature per page and referenced from that, at worse it's done once for every time you sign. Hopefully that answers some of the question because I'm kinda confused about what you were trying to say.--Karekmaps 2.0?! 23:07, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    It should be noted, however, that to say it is "3-5 times the load" is somewhat misleading because the queries take somewhere in the range of 0.003 seconds.--The General T U! P! F! 23:36, 11 May 2011 (BST)
    I'm talking about actual stress on the server. Also should mention that that's actually not necessarily the case, especially on larger pages about these parts and larger signatures for that matter. The number of queries can have an impact in speed, and a notable one at that. Here's an example Suggestions/RejectedDecember2005 vs User talk:Karek. The first has no expanding templates due to file size, the second takes longer to load. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 05:36, 13 May 2011 (BST)
    I might be missing your point, Karek, but those don't seem to be good examples of pages breaking/server strain due to templated sig calls. Both have giant walls of text which cause them to be so large. When that happens, templates stop working properly. I can't find even a single attempt to call on a templated sig in your first example nor is there any extraneous template usage (just {{prejection}} it seems). In your second example, nothing seems broken despite lots of templated sigs and it didn't seem to load any longer than any other page; not for my anyway. ~Vsig.png 06:03, 13 May 2011 (UTC)
    It was a comparison of text size vs number of calls and their effect on speed. Largely irrelevant now that I've archived my talk but here is that archive. Should have the same visible effect. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 14:43, 13 May 2011 (BST)
    I am a also talking about server load, hence my comment that a database query takes very little time. Yes, more queries do have an impact on server load but it is not generally a major problem: In fact, a few large queries are a lot heavier on the server than lots of small ones. So, yeah, lots of massive template inclusions will hurt the server but so will lots of massive walls of text on a single page and most signature templates aren't that largem.--The General T U! P! F! 08:45, 13 May 2011 (BST)
    Unless we want to ask Kevan for some performance stats to settle this, can we stop waving our wiki-peens? Tongue :P ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 08:54, 13 May 2011 (BST)
    I would prefer to call it a "reasoned debate" Tongue :P.--The General T U! P! F! 14:36, 13 May 2011 (BST)
    ^This. Although we could probably move it to the talk page or {{Nosubst}} talk page or something. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 14:43, 13 May 2011 (BST)
    Seconded, although keep the current discussion points here so for perspective voters. ~Vsig.png 14:51, 13 May 2011 (UTC)
  16. Keep - after some serious pondering. I'd vote delete in a heartbeat if it had been that way all the time, but pulling it away now will cause a lot of issues for rarely active users. Adding substings to sigs occassionally, while not fun, is the lesser evil. -- Spiderzed 17:02, 11 May 2011 (BST)
  17. Keep - I'm with Vapor and Gnome on this one.--THE Godfather of Яesensitized, Anime Sucks Yalk | W! U! WMM| CC CPFOAS DORISFlag.jpg LOE ZHU | Яezzens 23:42, 13 May 2011 (BST)
  18. Keep - What problem is this fixing? Transclusion limits on high-traffic pages? If so, just ban templated sigs on the pages in question. Otherwise, I'm with AHLG. I do NOT want to read "lol" followed by 14 lines of code before I can see the next comment, which is what this would cause to happen far too often. Aichon 08:49, 15 May 2011 (BST)

Kept. 12 Keep votes and 6 Delete votes. ~Vsig.png 05:27, 17 May 2011 (UTC)

Federal Stafford Loan Program

Oh, I guess this is how pages are deleted? It was some sort of weird spam. -Susan Bakersfield 03:22, 14 May 2011 (BST)

Got this one when clearing out the bots. It's best to report them there (although it gets done here anyway). Thanks -- boxy 07:55, 14 May 2011 (BST)

Smart Revive Policy

The Smart Revive Policy was created in error and is effectively the No Random Revive Policy. It appears that Obsdark didn't read the No Random Revive Policy, and just looked at the old title of the page. There is only a few pages that link to the Smart Revive Policy and those could be redirected to the No Random Revive Policy. I also updated the No Random Revive Policy to merge in any of the needed information from Smart Revive Policy. --Akule Maker of fine, hand-crafted UDWiki sass since 2006 -- Akule School's back in session™ 02:07, 27 April 2011 (BST)

  1. Keep - this is a filibuster vote – Nubis NWO 02:14, 27 April 2011 (BST)
  2. Speedy crit 1 though voting speedy seems kind of pointless due to the above "vote". ~Vsig.png 03:09, 27 April 2011
  3. Delete - Technically crit 1, but seeing how Nubis is reading from the dictionary, it'll have to wait it out. -- Cheese 13:50, 27 April 2011 (BST)
  4. Delete Unneeded and inferior copy of an established tactic. -- Spiderzed 14:24, 27 April 2011 (BST)
  5. Speedy - Criteria 1.--Yonnua Koponen T G P ^^^ 14:41, 27 April 2011 (BST)
  6. 'delete this is a busterfily vote -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 17:07, 27 April 2011 (BST)
  7. keep As a Redirect. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 21:25, 27 April 2011 (BST)
  8. Keep - redirect -- boxy 07:44, 3 May 2011 (BST)
  9. Keep as the boxman -- HEY! HANDS OFF MAH BOOBS!   bitch  06:31, 11 May 2011 (utc)
  10. Keep - Redirect it--Michalesonbadge.pngTCAPD(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ 22:19, 11 May 2011 (BST)

5 to 5. Kept as a redirect. ~Vsig.png 06:25, 13 May 2011 (UTC)

The living

Not really much in the way of content here. I'd like to have the page deleted so that I can use the name (with a capitol L). *Clint Clintstone* Talk 10:35 21 April 2011 (EST)

  1. delete - never got off the ground etc. -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 03:46, 22 April 2011 (BST)
  2. Keep - This is both history, a group that existed(and we don't delete disbanded groups just 'cause), and also a page stuffed full of content when context is shown. We killed crit 12 for a reason. --Karekmaps 2.0?! 03:52, 22 April 2011 (BST)
  3. Keep. Its well linked. --Rosslessness 11:04, 22 April 2011 (BST)
    My arse. it has like 8 and you made half of them years ago and only because they mentioned the dead? -- ϑanceϑanceevolution 12:07, 22 April 2011 (BST)
    Sorry, its referred to as part of the did you know section of the wiki, I don't know why Clint doesn't just use The Living --Rosslessness 12:28, 22 April 2011 (BST)
  4. Keep. As Ross. You don't have to get rid of that page to create The Living. And we could also add a disambiguation notice on top of the page to refer to the older/newer group respectively. -- Spiderzed 12:47, 22 April 2011 (BST)
    This^. Especially since they're both unique pages and the stats page links by caps(like the whole wiki). --Karekmaps 2.0?! 13:42, 22 April 2011 (BST)
  5. Keep - As Above.-- | T | BALLS! | 13:46 22 April 2011(UTC)
  6. Delete Just another of those "exists only on paper" kind of groups with no real content, the kind of which we deleted hundreds of. -- Cat Pic.png Thadeous Oakley Talk 13:59, 22 April 2011 (BST)
  7. Delete - this page doesn't stop you using the capital L space... and anyway, afaik, this one is just a reactionary page to The Dead... puppy tears, and all that, y'know Tongue :P -- boxy 15:08, 22 April 2011 (BST)
    He'll find it difficult to do as that The Living is now in use. --Akule Maker of fine, hand-crafted UDWiki sass since 2006 -- Akule School's back in session™ 21:38, 25 April 2011 (BST)
  8. Keep -- Asheets 16:15, 22 April 2011 (BST)
  9. Keep SHUT THE FUCK UP!. i loled.--  bitch 16:19, 22 April 2011
  10. Delete - get out. --Karloth Vois ¯\(°_o)/¯ 17:50, 22 April 2011 (BST)
  11. Keep - this is a filibuster vote – Nubis NWO 23:57, 23 April 2011 (BST)
  12. Keep - Sure, why not - Serious Post Please do not silly. You rated this wiki '1'! Great job, go hog wild!|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| DealWithIt.gif 15:27, 24 April 2011 (BST)
  13. Keep - We're already deleting the living from the game, why not have a reminder they once existed here? --Laughing Man 15:44, 24 April 2011 (BST)
  14. Weak Keep - As Karek and Ross, but weaker. Linkthewindow  Talk  16:18, 24 April 2011 (BST)
  15. Keep - As Karek and Ross. --Akule Maker of fine, hand-crafted UDWiki sass since 2006 -- Akule School's back in session™ 21:38, 25 April 2011 (BST)
  16. Keep - As Spiderzed.--Yonnua Koponen T G P ^^^ 17:40, 26 April 2011 (BST)

Kept with 12 Keeps and 4 Deletes. ~Vsig.png 06:17, 9 May 2011 (UTC)


I wanted to make a page under my username, but instead made this. I already remade the page under my user-name, here, so I would like for you to delete this page (somebody else may want to use Bookmarks in the future, and I don't want to waste space).--ShadowScope'the true enemy' 02:33, 1 May 2011 (BST)

EDIT: Also requesting a Speedy Delete, if that is all possible.--ShadowScope'the true enemy' 02:34, 1 May 2011 (BST)
Scheduled – Speedy, Crit 7 by proxy. All gone. Happy ᚱᛁᚹᛖᚾ 03:56, 1 May 2011 (BST)


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