UDWiki:Administration/Deletions/Archive/2011 06
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Crits 1 and 2 - content repeated elsewhere, i.e. on the wikipedia, for instance. And the "definition" has nothing directly to do with UD: people self-define as pro- or contra- various IRL ideologies in the game, but if you want a "definition" of these, then go to the wikipedia or take high school poli sci or something. The accuracy of the "definition" provided is highly debatable anyway... so let's not set the stage for drama with various individuals or groups over this... --WanYao 03:42, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- This page has been extensively change since the deletion request was made -- boxy talk • i 06:30 10 August 2008 (BST)
- Keep.Re. Criterion #1: content repeated on "the wikipedia"?? Nonsense. This is the internets, buddy. Everything is repeated everywhere. Does not qualify for first criterion. Second, it IS an accurate, though certainly not exhaustive definition. It is roughly, as you say, at the level of a high-school political science class. Granted that it is a meta-gaming term, this does not make it irrelevant; there are a wide variety of political meta-gaming terms on the UDWiki. However, most of them - take socialism, for example, redirect to pages listing groups espousing that particular philosophy. Given the preponderance of the terms "fascism" and "fascist" within the wiki, and the fact that there are no groups stepping in to identify as such, it is reasonable that a neutral page clear this up. Further, doesn't creating drama in an attempt to circumvent drama serve as a contradiction in terms? Please, WanYao. Nobody is fooled by the condescending tone or "above such menial concerns" attitude. Next time, be a grown-up and send me a message so we can sort it out like human beings. --Blackboard 04:23, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- As far as I am aware, there are no other pages being set up to define political ideologies on this wiki. Because this is IMO not the place for that. There ARE in-game groups that present themselves as adhering to these ideologies, however. Which is great. And these groups define their ideologies, if at all, in their group pages -- which is perfect. "Fascism" is NOT a meta-gaming term, however... That's pretty obvious. And, there are in-game groups aligning themselves with fascist ideology... Because, semantics notwithstanding, the use of the term Fascism has transcended its historical specificity -- and not merely as pejoritive term, either. But once again, I don't consider the UD wiki the place for hashing out these often controversial definitions... it's that simple. --WanYao 04:36, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- However, if you're going to define here, at least get it right. Because contemporary definitions of fascism DO transcend the historical specificity of early to mid 20th century Europe, e.g. its application to states such as Pinochet's Chile, or its (justifiable to many, if done properly) use to define certain tendencies and trends in contemporary politics... I know you know what I am talking about... but it's exactly this can of definitional worms that really has no place in the wiki for a zombie game... And that's my point. --WanYao 04:56, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- So. Although that you "don't consider the UD wiki the place for hashing out these often controversial definitions", there is - according to the accepted speedy deletion criteria, no legitimate reason for a speedy deletion. Fascism, communism, nepotism, botulism - these are ALL meta-gaming terms; they have no official place within the game, but we, the meta-gamers, provide a framework for them. If you disagree with the page itself, the appropriate forum is the respective discussion page, not here; if you were a fascist group which took umbrage with me creating a page which they themselves would have preferred to create, then we could collaborate on the page itself. However - and I'm not going to be drawn into a flame war here - this wiki is a public forum, NOT subject to your judgment of what is or what is not appropriate. --Blackboard 04:59, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- First, you can't assume that I know what you're talking about; and second, I specifically address the contemporary application of the term fascist. As we have gone over, it is a simple definition, meant not to provide an exhaustive nor controversial explanation by any means, but rather to bring a bit of order to the wiki. One can't assume that every gamer is going to know what fascism is, and when an actively recruiting group purports to be anti-fascist, it might be nice to know what that entails. Again, this is a wiki; it is a public forum, with primarily user-generated material. Whatever doesn't detract from it adds to it. If the page becomes a legitimate problem, there are ways of dealing with it. Killing it in its infancy because you don't like it is unacceptable.--Blackboard 05:08, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- I did not put this up for regular deletions; someone else moved it here. And I have commented further on your talk page. I accept the result of this being taken off speedy deletions, and own up to whatever errors I have made in categorising it as Crit 1. However I stand by my assertion that this does not belong on the wiki for a zombie MMORPG, for the reasons that I have outlined -- which are copied above, and elaborated on your talk page. 'Nuff said. --WanYao 05:22, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- Keep.Re. Criterion #1: content repeated on "the wikipedia"?? Nonsense. This is the internets, buddy. Everything is repeated everywhere. Does not qualify for first criterion. Second, it IS an accurate, though certainly not exhaustive definition. It is roughly, as you say, at the level of a high-school political science class. Granted that it is a meta-gaming term, this does not make it irrelevant; there are a wide variety of political meta-gaming terms on the UDWiki. However, most of them - take socialism, for example, redirect to pages listing groups espousing that particular philosophy. Given the preponderance of the terms "fascism" and "fascist" within the wiki, and the fact that there are no groups stepping in to identify as such, it is reasonable that a neutral page clear this up. Further, doesn't creating drama in an attempt to circumvent drama serve as a contradiction in terms? Please, WanYao. Nobody is fooled by the condescending tone or "above such menial concerns" attitude. Next time, be a grown-up and send me a message so we can sort it out like human beings. --Blackboard 04:23, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- Speedydelete - Crit 2. -- AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 05:14, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- Speedy - Crit 2 and don't forget the redirect Fascists--– Nubis NWO 13:03, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- Speedy - Crit 2 (if I am allowed to vote on this). And, unfortunately, the new edits make this page WORSE, more off-topic and less useful than the original edit! --WanYao 17:55, 10 August 2008 (BST) And if anyone really wants to wade through it, detailed arguments as to why this does vs. does not belong on the UD wiki can be found here, on Blackboard's Talk page. --WanYao 18:15, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- Speedy then guys, Jesus. I saw what seemed to be a bit of a hole in the wiki, and I tried to fill it. There's no need to get so self-righteous about it. Nice work sucking the fun out of this, Wan. You're a credit to the site. --Blackboard 19:45, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- Oh get over yourself, puh-leeeeze. No, seriously... Now you're acting like one of those trenchies from the suggestions page who argues and whines and calls everyone names when their bad idea is torn to pieces. No one is accusing you of vandalism or bad faith, no one is calling you a BAD PERSON or anything. But it's an off content page. In spite of your protestations to the contrary, there seems to be a consensus to this effect. Now just deal... without all the whinging and name-calling, if you can manage it. --WanYao 21:02, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- I don't recall any name-calling. And I agreed to yank it. Obviously I'm new. I'm just saying it wouldn't have killed you to be a bit cordial about it. Don't be aggressive and then berate me for being defensive. How about, "Hey Blackboard, the edits you made to this page don't fit with the spirit of the wiki, is there something we can do about it?" That way, a.I'd learn something about what is and is not appropriate here (the easy way), b.perhaps content which is useful and appropriate can be substituted for what you don't like, and c.we don't waste all this time, both yours and mine and everyone else who rules on this. And d. we could be best buds!! Anyway, feel free to keep an eye on whatever else I'm doing - and if you don't like it, just drop me a line. (and if I thought you had a sense of humor here... I'd add, "Fascist" and maybe like a winkface or something) --Blackboard 22:13, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- You just engaged in name-calling, you pedantic wanker. In your fucking vote above. At least I own up to it when I'm asshole and call people names: but you hide behind passive-aggressive blathering. BTW... I can't be bothered to read your last post. If only wiki had an "ignore" feature. --WanYao 04:50, 11 August 2008 (BST)
- Ooh! Are we gonna flame this up?? Well, I'm not a name-caller, you're the name-caller! Quit calling me names, you name-calling name-caller! NAME-CALLER NAME-CALLER! --Blackboard 09:21, 11 August 2008 (BST)
- You just engaged in name-calling, you pedantic wanker. In your fucking vote above. At least I own up to it when I'm asshole and call people names: but you hide behind passive-aggressive blathering. BTW... I can't be bothered to read your last post. If only wiki had an "ignore" feature. --WanYao 04:50, 11 August 2008 (BST)
- I don't recall any name-calling. And I agreed to yank it. Obviously I'm new. I'm just saying it wouldn't have killed you to be a bit cordial about it. Don't be aggressive and then berate me for being defensive. How about, "Hey Blackboard, the edits you made to this page don't fit with the spirit of the wiki, is there something we can do about it?" That way, a.I'd learn something about what is and is not appropriate here (the easy way), b.perhaps content which is useful and appropriate can be substituted for what you don't like, and c.we don't waste all this time, both yours and mine and everyone else who rules on this. And d. we could be best buds!! Anyway, feel free to keep an eye on whatever else I'm doing - and if you don't like it, just drop me a line. (and if I thought you had a sense of humor here... I'd add, "Fascist" and maybe like a winkface or something) --Blackboard 22:13, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- Oh get over yourself, puh-leeeeze. No, seriously... Now you're acting like one of those trenchies from the suggestions page who argues and whines and calls everyone names when their bad idea is torn to pieces. No one is accusing you of vandalism or bad faith, no one is calling you a BAD PERSON or anything. But it's an off content page. In spite of your protestations to the contrary, there seems to be a consensus to this effect. Now just deal... without all the whinging and name-calling, if you can manage it. --WanYao 21:02, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- EDIT/DELETE Either someone has already cleaned it up or its just an unbiased section with no real purpose! Express how anti-fascist you are or do the opposite and get hammered. Just don't delete the template.--User:Jackson 03:25, 11 August 2008 (BST)
- SpeedyDelete - the UD wiki is not a glossary or a dictionary, linking someone to wikipedia is far more appropriate, and descriptive. Techercizer (Food) (TSoE) 01:58, 16 August 2008 (BST)
- Delte First of all its a crit 2 but I also believe that the definition of fascism is different for everyone, and from reading this page I see it doesn't serve an important purpose in explaining anything. Also it seems to say that anything that does not support anarchism is fascism which is bull.--SirArgo Talk 04:02, 22 August 2008 (BST)
- Delte DEM? seriously?--Kristi of the Dead 14:48, 22 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete - Crit 2, and we have interwiki links for a reason, use them.--Karekmaps?! 18:31, 22 August 2008 (BST)
- Keep. especially since the page now contains specific references to certain UD groups... Conndrakamod TTBA CFT 00:42, 23 August 2008 (BST)
- Speedy - Crit 2. Those groups listed there do not even identify themselves as fascist, and I've never heard of anyone broadcasting that they are. And even if they are in some way fascist, the way that tag is applied to them is so shallow my head hurts just thinking about it. --Aeon17x 00:55, 23 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete - Because I'm getting fucking tired of people calling the DEM Fascist, when our leadership is a democracy. The entire page as it stands now is more or less one massive pot-shot at us under the guise of an informative article. Word to your mother Conndraka, Labine50 MEMS | MHG 20:13, 24 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete - because the Fascist DEM Police State are going to buy all of my alts Brain Rot if I don't vote. --Bob Fortune RR 01:56, 25 August 2008 (BST)
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As i said on A/SD, vandal edits always get reverted and when they create pages they always get deleted. Yes it'll take time but that's the nature of reverting vandalism...anyway this will probably cause some discussion so since gnomey rejected it from A/SD figured i should bring it here.--xoxo 10:35, 23 August 2008 (BST)
- Speedy-fucking-delete - As J3D explained, vandal edits are to be deleted -- and as far as I am aware no red tape even needs to be cut for this happen. This doesn't belong here, or even on SD for that matter. It belongs in job done pile. --WanYao 10:50, 23 August 2008 (BST)
- Comment - Wait, welcome notes are vandalism now? --Aeon17x 10:55, 23 August 2008 (BST)
- Generally no. But this guy made hundreds, including to people who haven't used the wiki in over 2 years. Also it was ruled vandalism by a sysop. WN templates aren't vandalism, bad faith edits including spam creating new pages so you can "become the most linked to user" is (well this was the first time, but it is now). So yeah, hence the deletion.--xoxo 10:59, 23 August 2008 (BST)
They're in my personal queue of things to do, and as they are vandal edits they aren't necessarily subject to voting. It'll get done, just haven't found the time to get to it just yet. --Karekmaps?! 16:52, 23 August 2008 (BST)
- I'll help out if you plan to delete the very old ones and the vandal talk pages (although those should be templated and protected).-- AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 23:05, 23 August 2008 (BST)
Haliman is a Fraud
Should be a group subpage.--xoxo 14:07, 4 August 2008 (BST)
Keep - A/MR <--- is that that way. --Midianian|T|T:S|C:RCS| 14:10, 4 August 2008 (BST)- Delete/Move - It should be a group subpage.--The General T Sys U! P! F! 14:14, 4 August 2008 (BST)
- Move - groupsubpage. DANCEDANCEREVOLUTION (TALK | CONTRIBS) 02:00, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete - While it should be a group subpage, the plain fact is that its a page of nonsense to correctly or incorrectly defame another user of the wiki. On those grounds alone it should be deleted. We have better things to do than let simply hate pages stand. --The Grimch U! E! 02:43, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- Keep/Move - Umbrella's subpage. --Private Mark 03:29, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete - As Grim, the wiki has enough drama without people porting their group drama here as well.--Karekmaps?! 06:59, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete, they can put it on their subpage then delete it.--xoxo 08:08, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- Move --JaredTalk Aces C-Kids 15:40, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- speedydelete - or barring that, move it to subpage of Umbrella. But it should just go, because this is a personal attack, personal information, violation of assumed privacy, etc., etc., and ought to be deleted as such. However, haven't you heard of the deletion template that's supposed to go on the pages? Because I put this up on Move Requests because the required template hasn't been placed on the page. I'll inset the template now. But sheeesh. --WanYao 19:35, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete - I agree with Wan. Personal attacks are un-cool. Especially when it's directed to you personally. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 21:57, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- Move Group sub-page. Anyone and everyone who enters Umbrella or is associated should know just how much of a conniving low-life he is and how he should not be trusted by anyone, the mere fact that he is a member of P! and W! is to make him look good and clean when he is about as foul and filthy as local garrison port-a-potties.--Jackson 23:22, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- Hey Jackson can we talk this over? Can ya agree with putting an link to our site? This way people will still be able to see it but wont cause any more wiki drama.--MisterGame 23:30, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- Move I will move it off the wiki (tomorrow, *yawn*) to our main site. I will put a link to it on Umbrella's wiki page. I know its a bit excegegrating (can anyone fix this misspeled word?) and quite aggresive, however it is the truth. The truth about the person is up for discussion, but those quotes are real and facts. But agreed, im not sure if it violates the wiki rules officaly, but it does not belong here. People will get the wrong idea about Umbrella, like probably everyone on this page already did :rolleyes:. And haliman, of course it are personal attacks, because this spy/traitor of Umbrella things centers around a person, which is you. --MisterGame 23:27, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- This guy is apparently suffering from a very serious mental illness. By posting this chatlog, you're not only violating privacy and personal information ethics, but you're being totally insensitive and callous assholes. Now, halliman is a jerk, and he's obviously fucking hazardous to one's health, so speak, in game and out of game... And you have a right to defend yourself in that context. And people should be warned and he should be discredited in UD. However, keeping the content of that page up in any form is just callous asshole-ish-ness. That being said, it has no place on the wiki... If you want to put it up in your forums, I think you're arses, but it's your right... But keep this shyte off the wiki, and frankly, I don't want to even see a LINK to the thread on here, either. This wiki may be a real shithole, but I think even WE are better than that... --WanYao 01:43, 7 August 2008 (BST)
- Well we could just delete the page and instead release a less aggresive statement about haliman, in which we just tell he is a traitor and nothing more but will that convince people?
Haliman may be a total *insert swearing here* but you wont see that back in the way he types. First sight, he looks like your average guy, which he is not. If I say that everyone should stay away from haliman because he is a sick *again, insert swearing* and a traitor, would they listen to my words? Ofcourse not, they are human beings! Only thing that does open up some eyes is posting the truth, which may be aggresive and shocking but its just these elements people will listen to.--MisterGame
- Well we could just delete the page and instead release a less aggresive statement about haliman, in which we just tell he is a traitor and nothing more but will that convince people?
- This guy is apparently suffering from a very serious mental illness. By posting this chatlog, you're not only violating privacy and personal information ethics, but you're being totally insensitive and callous assholes. Now, halliman is a jerk, and he's obviously fucking hazardous to one's health, so speak, in game and out of game... And you have a right to defend yourself in that context. And people should be warned and he should be discredited in UD. However, keeping the content of that page up in any form is just callous asshole-ish-ness. That being said, it has no place on the wiki... If you want to put it up in your forums, I think you're arses, but it's your right... But keep this shyte off the wiki, and frankly, I don't want to even see a LINK to the thread on here, either. This wiki may be a real shithole, but I think even WE are better than that... --WanYao 01:43, 7 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete - with extreme prejudice -- boxy talk • i 10:35 7 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete - It's absurd that people are even considering the other. -- AHLGTG THE END IS ACTUALLY NIGH! 17:16, 7 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete - as above. And I wish to apologise for quoting this page on Brainstock in order to mock Haliman. The guy obviously needs help. --Sir Bob Fortune RR 21:22, 7 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete or even speedydelete. I didn't read all of this, but it's a violation of trust and privacy to have this on the wiki. --Toejam 19:55, 7 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete- Privacy violation and many others. Also I did not understand 75% of everything, the information is confusing. No more wiki drama. --Lithedarkangel 22:47, 7 August 2008 (BST)
- Move- Clear and Precise.--MacNOF 23:25, 7 August 2008 (BST)
- Delete - Yeah...this guy needs help before he shoots up a mall. --User:Axe27/Sig 21:57, 9 August 2008 (BST)
- delete - any other choice is terrible. --JonEboy 00:53, 10 August 2008 (BST)
- Non-Related - Wow Haliman111 even uses his alt to make the vote, thats you JonEboy!--User:Jackson/Sig 03:19, 11 August 2008 (BST)
- I only said that to get you to not PK him. You can even check the I.P. --/\Haliman/\ T | CC | UC | P! | W! 08:26, 12 August 2008 (BST)
Deleted - 21:36, August 12, 2008 Karek (Talk | contribs | block) deleted "Haliman is a Fraud" (content was: '{{Delete}}Page moved to outside source. Page requested to be deleted by page owners.') -- boxy talk • i 15:21 18 August 2008 (BST)
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