Gulsonside/News Archive

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All news older than one month should be moved from the Gulsonside page to here.



August 24th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got twenty or so active ... they're just wandering around ... several buildings with power ... only a few buildings damaged ... Blesley Mall is operational ..."

More buildings have been repaired and powered. Downgrading to Moderately Dangerous. -- Kittithaj 10:36, 24 August 2010 (BST)

August 12th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Gulsonside, can see twenty or so on the streets ... all stragglers, no groups ... only one building with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... looks like the Perryn Building has fallen ..." -- Kittithaj 08:55, 13 August 2010 (BST)

August 10th

25.96 MHz: "... can see thirty or so on the streets of Gulsonside ... they're just wandering around ... a few buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... some survivor activity in the Creek Building ... the Wetherall Building has fallen - repeat, ..." -- Kittithaj 22:44, 10 August 2010 (BST)

August 2nd

25.96 MHz: "... can see thirty or so on the streets of Gulsonside ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... some survivor activity in the Creek Building ... Blesley Mall has fallen - repeat, Blesley Mall has ..."

The suburb is getting a bit better. Downgrading status to Dangerous. -- Kittithaj 15:50, 2 August 2010 (BST)


July 30th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got thirty or so active ... maybe a dozen outside the Creek Building ... only one building with lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... Blesley Mall is in bad shape ..." -- Kittithaj 08:27, 31 July 2010 (BST)

July 19th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got about forty active ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... no lights on down there ... most of the buildings are ruined ... Blesley Mall has fallen ..." -- Kittithaj 19:32, 19 July 2010 (BST)


June 25th

25.96 MHz: "... can see thirty or so on the streets of Gulsonside ... they're just wandering around ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... some survivor activity in the Creek Building ... the Wetherall Building has fallen - repeat, ..." -- Kittithaj 14:22, 25 June 2010 (BST)

June 16th

25.96 MHz: "... can see twenty or so on the streets of Gulsonside ... they're just wandering around ... a few buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ... some survivor activity in the Creek Building ... Blesley Mall has fallen - repeat, Blesley ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 17:13, 16 June 2010 (BST)

June 13th

25.96 MHz: "... can see twenty or so on the streets of Gulsonside ... they're just wandering around ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... some survivor activity in the Creek Building ... Blesley Mall has fallen - repeat, Blesley Mall ..." -- Kittithaj 12:37, 13 June 2010 (BST)

June 5th

NecroWatch reported in from the Wetherall Building today. A recent NecroNet scan had revealed that there were 38 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 9 zombies were at Blesley Mall, with 5 zombies at the southeast corner, while 4 zombies were at the Bane Museum and 3 more at St. Holy's Church. Meanwhile over in Vinetown there were 4 zombies standing at the Bhore Monument revive point. The remaining detected zombies, which were in groups of 2 or alone, were scattered across the area. --Mobius

June 1st

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got twenty or so active ... they're just wandering around ... a few buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... Blesley Mall has fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 15:19, 1 June 2010 (BST)


May 17th

NecroWatchDevice-Shadow.png NecroWatch

NecroWatch reported in from the Perryn Building (Gulsonside). The scan revealed 58 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. Zombies at Northcote Avenue Fire Station.
Necro Technician:--Llamajuice 04:17, 10 May 2010 (BST)

May 11th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Gulsonside, can see twenty or so on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... several buildings with power ... some minor structural damage ... the Perryn Building has power ... Blesley Mall is out of action ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 02:30, 11 May 2010 (BST)


April 8th

25.96 MHz: "... can see about forty on the streets of Gulsonside ... mostly just small groups ... no lights on down there ... heavy structural damage ... the Creek Building has fallen - repeat, the Creek Building has fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 13:54, 8 April 2010 (BST)


February 25th

Blesley Mall has been completely ruined once more and is occupied by about 20 party-loving brain-brunching zombies.--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 15:47, 25 February 2010 (UTC)

February 23rd

Blesley Mall was completely reclaimed by survivors from an alliance comprising members of Knights Templar, Serious Ponies and FANNY among others, for the first time in nearly a year. However, by the end of the day the southeastern corner was breached by zombies spearheaded by Clubbed to Death, and a pitched battle for the soul of Blesley is now underway.--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 12:40, 24 February 2010 (UTC)

February 20th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got thirty or so active ... mostly just small groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ... Blesley Mall has fallen ..." -- Kittithaj 12:42, 20 February 2010 (UTC)


January 27th

External Military: "... can see twenty or so on the streets of Gulsonside ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... some survivor activity in the Creek Building ... Blesley Mall has fallen - repeat, Blesley Mall has ..." Laitaine 00:09, 27 January 2010 (UTC)

January 20th

After a day or two of Fortress visitation, Blesley Mall, the Perryn Building and the Wetherall Building have been returned to ruination courtesy of Clubbed to Death.--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 17:48, 20 January 2010 (UTC)

January 15th

Blesley Mall has been repaired and caded by survivors for the first time in 9 months, along with the Perryn Building NT.--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 04:15, 16 January 2010 (UTC)

January 4th

Tour of Gulsonside revealed only two unruined buildings in the whole suburb, and one of those was ransacked with three zombies outside. Can you say "Ghost Town"?--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 13:14, 4 January 2010 (UTC)



December 31th

External Military: "... flying over Gulsonside, can see thirty or so on the streets ... they're just wandering around ... can't see any signs of life ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Wetherall Building is in bad shape ..." Laitaine 15:09, 31 December 2009 (UTC)

December 26th

25.96 MHz: "... can see thirty or so on the streets of Gulsonside ... they're just wandering around ... no lights on down there ... it's a wasteland down there ... the Creek Building has fallen - repeat, the Creek Building has fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 16:08, 26 December 2009 (UTC)


November 26th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got about forty active ... mostly just small groups ... no lights on down there ... it's a wasteland down there ... Blesley Mall has fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 03:36, 27 November 2009 (UTC) (broadcast November 26)

November 15th

Approximately 75% of the buildings in the northern third of the suburb have been ruined, making travel through this region very dangerous for survivors.Groups of 2-5 zombies roaming the streets; very few signs of survivor activity. --Monroe 22:48, 15 November 2009 (UTC)


October 16th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Gulsonside, can see maybe fifty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... the Wetherall Building is being held ... the Perryn Building is in bad shape ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 12:46, 16 October 2009 (BST)

October 5th

Eastern Gulsonside is largely ruined with zombies inhabiting most of the buildings. Blesley was reclaimed by The Fortress for a day but is once again a zombie nightclub complex. Perryn NT is now a zombie internet cafe but Wetherall NT is operational for its intended purpose.--Mallrat 19:34, 5 October 2009 (BST)


September 25th

Scouting reveals that most of the North and SW portions of the suburb are doing just fine. The SE is still pretty firmly in zombie hands. Regardless, I'm downgrading (upgrading?) the danger status to "Moderate"--Labine50 MEMS | MHG 21:13, 25 September 2009 (BST)

September 22nd

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got about sixty active ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... no lights on down there ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... Blesley Mall has fallen ..."

Definitely a ghost town. -- Kittithaj 00:16, 23 September 2009 (BST)


Aug 28rd

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Gulsonside, can see thirty or so on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... the Wetherall Building is being held ... Blesley Mall is in bad shape ..." -- Papa Jadkor (RRF) (MotA) (MT11) 20:50, 28 August 2009 (BST)

Aug 23rd

25.96 MHz: "... can see thirty or so on the streets of Gulsonside ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... some survivor activity in the Creek Building ... Blesley Mall has fallen - repeat, Blesley Mall has ..." --Rat of Steel 04:11, 23 August 2009 (BST)

Aug 16th

25.96 MHz: "... can see about forty on the streets of Gulsonside ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... heavy structural damage ... some survivor activity in the Creek Building ... Blesley Mall has fallen - repeat, Blesley Mall has ..." --Rat of Steel 03:19, 16 August 2009 (BST)

Based on recent External Military data, the danger level of Gulsonside has been upgraded from Moderately Dangerous to Dangerous. --Rat of Steel 03:19, 16 August 2009 (BST)

Aug 1st

The Big Prick has observed survivors rallying in the SW quadrant of the 'burb. Asheets 22:36, 31 July 2009 (BST)


July 28th

The Big Prick has observed little except for a group of rotters occupying the mall. Asheets 23:53, 28 July 2009 (BST)

July 26th

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Gulsonside, can see about forty on the streets ... all stragglers, no groups ... can't see any signs of life ... heavy structural damage ... the Perryn Building is out of action ..." --Rat of Steel 17:06, 26 July 2009 (BST)

Based on recent External Military data, the danger level of Gulsonside has been upgraded from Very Dangerous to A Ghost Town. --Rat of Steel 17:06, 26 July 2009 (BST)

July 17th

Recent attempts by The Fortress to retake the suburb have met little success due to the large amount of active zombies present. --Wraith94 16:23, 17 July 2009 (BST)


June 23rd

25.96 MHz: "... flying over Gulsonside, can see maybe fifty on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... can't see any signs of life ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Perryn Building is out of action ..." --Rat of Steel 06:40, 23 June 2009 (BST)

Based on recent External Military data, the danger level of Gulsonside has been upgraded from Dangerous to Very Dangerous. --Rat of Steel 06:40, 23 June 2009 (BST)

June 15th

The entire suburb has been overrun and all/most of the buildings are ruined. Few groups of stragglers are present but concentrated resistance force needed. No barricaed and defended buildings remain. Chances of getting killed immediately after a revive remain extremely high. --Indraroop 01:03, 16 June 2009 (BST)

June 7th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got about sixty active ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... Blesley Mall has fallen ..." --Rat of Steel 16:17, 7 June 2009 (BST)


May 31st

25.96 MHz: "... can see about sixty on the streets of Gulsonside ... mostly just small groups ... only one building with lights on ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Creek Building is out of action ..." --Rat of Steel 22:08, 31 May 2009 (BST)

May 1st

With the help of other survivors, commandos have retaken Blesley Mall. Casualities were 40% but the operation is marked a success. Despite this small victory the Perryn building is currently in zombie hands.--Irishmen 21:22, 1 May 2009 (BST)


April 28th

Perryn and Creek are currently in survivor hands, the status of Wetherall is currently unknown. All other resource buildings excluding the mall are in survivor hands.--plscks 08:59, 28 April 2009 (BST)

April 23rd

All necrotech buildings in Gulsonside are currently in zombie hands. Syringes now must imported into this suburb for the moment.--Irishmen 01:55, 24 April 2009 (BST)

25.96 MHz: "... can see about forty on the streets of Gulsonside ... a few outside St Polycarp's Hospital ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... some survivor activity in the Creek Building ... Blesley Mall is out of action ..." -- Kittithaj 15:26, 24 April 2009 (BST)

April 21th

The Wetherall Building has been resecured. Power has been restored and a transmitter has been setup. A scan from The Wetherall Building has shown 76 zombies within scanning range of this particular lab. The largest group of zed heads seems to be at a revive point, eight in total. Other then that no concentrations larger then five. --Irishmen 23:34, 21 April 2009 (BST)

April 12th

NecroWatch reported in from the Creek Building. The scan revealed 66 zombies in the scanning range of the facility. Two big groups of 12 zombies were at Zacharias General Hospital and Adalbert General Hospital (East Grayside), 5 zombies were at a cemetery in Wray Heights (which is a RP), 4 zombies were at the Showers Building (Scarletwood), and 3 zombies each at the Gollop Building and a wasteland in Scarletwood. The remaining zombies were scattered across the area in numbers of 1 or 2. -- -Alka Selzer- [ Talk - Map - Stuff 09:15, 12 April 2009 (BST)

April 5th

Blesley Mall has been entirely ruined and occupied by the nightclubbing zombies in advance of the Mall Tour's anticipated visit. Nearby resource points such as police stations, the Polycarp hospital and the local NecroTech buildings have also been targeted, making Gulsonside and blocks in neighbouring Osmondville unusually dangerous to survivors at present.--Mallrat 21:52, 5 April 2009 (BST)

April 2nd

NecroWatch reported in from the Creek Building. The scan revealed 11 zombies in the scanning range of the facility. 4 of them were probably on their way to work at the Gollop Building. The remaining zombies were scattered across the area in numbers of 1 or 2. -- -Alka Selzer- [ Talk - Map - Stuff 07:52, 2 April 2009 (BST)

Update: NecroWatch reported in from the ruined Perryn Building. The scan revealed 81 zombies in the scanning range of the facility. As expected, 43 of those zombies were at Blesley Mall. Also, 12 zombies were at a cemetery close to the Mall (which is an RP), 5 zombies were at the Gollop Building, 4 zombies were at Club Wadman and 4 zombies were at Club Simpson (in Osmondville). The remaining zombies were scattered across the area in numbers of 1 to 3. -- -Alka Selzer- [ Talk - Map - Stuff 18:19, 2 April 2009 (BST)

April 1st

The infection is spreading. Club Wadman and Club Simpson were just the beginning of a truly WILD party. The massacre has just begun. The Perryn Building is out and Blesley Mall is on the way...the northwest wing already ruined. The bar is closed: no more revives.

--Xkull 06:22, 2 April 2009 (BST)


March 18th

Not only is Club Wadman still in zombie hands, but it has been joined under new management by Club Simpson on the Osmondville side of Blesley Mall. Apparently some sort of undead entertainment chain is being created - presumably Madonna and Michael Jackson are involved at some level. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Mallrat (talkcontribs) 19:11, 18 March 2009 (BST).

March 4th

After weeks of sightings in and around Blesley Mall, the disco-loving local zombie crowd has taken over Club Wadman, renamed it Club Zedman, and partied hard for several nights in a row despite complaints from the sleep-deprived neighbours. Survivors have attempted to restore lights to the popular undead hangout, but the horrors and depravity they witnessed as a result were thankfully soon cloaked in darkness once more. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Mallrat (talkcontribs) 20:36, 4 March 2009 (BST).

March 3rd

After weeks with no sightings MacAddict, Minions of the Apocalypse, Assassins of Fire and Grove Street Gang have been removed from the suburb.--Lois talk 10MFH 15:29, 3 March 2009 (UTC)


February 26th

NecroWatch reported in from the Wetherall Buildings. A recent scan had revealed that there were 6 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 2 zombies were at Grylls Crescent PD in Osmondville, while 2 zombies were at both Hartleys Boulevard PD and the Bhore Monument revive point over in Vinetown. There were no other tagged zombies within scanning range. --Mobius 12:56, 26 February 2009 (UTC)

February 25th

NecroWatch reported in from the Creek and Perryn Buildings. Recent scans had revealed that there were 19 zombies within scanning range of the two facilities. Of these numbers, 3 zombies were standing at the cemetery revive point, 3 more zombies were at Brockliss Grove PD in Osmondville, and another 3 zombies were at Firminger Walk in Wray Heights. The remaining zombies were fewer in number than these small mobs and mostly scattered near or across the border in Osmondville. --Mobius 14:01, 25 February 2009 (UTC)

February 17th

Blesley Mall is half lighted up and filled with survivors huddling together. Zeds from surrounding suburbs are converging in the area with occasional breakins. --shyhjang 23:42, 17 February 2009 (EST)


January 25th

The suburb is returning back to normal after the RRF has come through. Blesley Mall is up and operational.Survivors have taken almost all of the buildings in the 'burb. Things are looking up for Gulsonside. -- 09:44, 25 January 2009 (CST)

January 18th

The Ridleybank Resistance Front have ruined and occupied one corner of Blesley Mall. With the neighbouring NTs ruined the survival prospects of the local population appear bleak. Upgrading to 'Very Dangerous'. --Papa Moloch 03:57, 19 January 2009 (UTC)

January 16th

The Ridleybank Resistance Front's Excursion IV tour has arrived in Gulsonside. The suburb is being torn apart, with most buildings now ruined and revive queues heading toward 30. --Papa Moloch 13:21, 16 January 2009 (UTC)

January 13th

North area of suburb under large zombie attack, buildings including St Polycarps Hospital ruined with zeds inside. A fair few zombies waiting at the revive points near the Mall. --ORakoon 22:31, 13 January 2009 (UTC)



December 11th

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got about sixty active ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... Blesley Mall is operational ..." --Doc Groucho 12:57, 11 December 2008 (UTC)


November 11th

The zombies have completely overrun the NE and SE corners of the mall and killed everyone inside those quadrants. Around 40 are in the SW corner, killing survivors, and 15 zeds have taken a toll on those left standing in the NW. Now would be a good time to run for it if you're still breathing. Total zed infestation is around 110. Human count is down to around 30. --Saburai 04:25, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

November 10th

There are 50+ zombies standing outside Blesely Mall. The mall status is now Under Attack, and the suburb status is now Dangerous.--Scott Timewell 02:52, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

November 6th

Four zombies in the Perryn building (NT) just south west of Blesley Mall. Survivors are there with injuries, barricades down. --EmmaWelsford 12:57, 6 November 2008, (MST)


October 30th

More zombies are moving in. NecroNet scan shows over 57 in the area (32 of those are at a revive point). Club Simpson is ruined, about 17 zeds attacking the NT building. PKers are active in the area. Possible mall siege approaching. --Gamestriker4 20:25, 30 October 2008 (UTC)

October 27th

Several PK groups slaughtered the sleeping survivors of SW Blesley Mall. I could recognized the tags of the Spartans, Philosophe Knights, Samhain Slaughter, The Skorpions, Browncoats, Red Rum, Flowers of Disease and some others.--PoisoN 01:51, 27 October 2008 (UTC)

October 25th

The suburb is intact,the mall is secured,and there is a low zombie count.--Gamestriker4 19:38, 25 October 2008 (BST)

October 3rd

Using the Official Zombie Target Lists (List 1 List 2) posted earlier this week, the MOB has ruined all the TRPs in this suburb. Thanks! -- Grogh 03:35, 4 October 2008 (BST)

October 2nd

External Military report (25.96 MHz): "... flying over Gulsonside, can see over a hundred on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... looks like the Perryn Building has fallen ..." --WanYao 12:19, 2 October 2008 (BST)

October 1st

Blesley Mall has been crushed by The Militant Order of Barhah. All four corners are ruined. -- Grogh 01:38, 1 October 2008 (BST)


September 30th

At least 149 zombies in the suburb. At least 22 are apparently Mrh? cows. 85 are inside Blesley Mall, and vastly outnumber the remaining survivor population. Breakdown of the Tactical Resource Points:

  • Blesley Mall: half ruined, half not powered.
  • 3 NecroTechs: 1 powered, 1 not, 1 ruined (the Perryn building, with 6 zombies inside).
  • 2 hospitals: not powered, but 'caded.
  • 2 auto repairs: 1 powered, 1 not.

Due to the large zombie numbers, if not the condition of the suburb overall, this is Very Dangerous (as it is assumed that, if all the dead were to stand up at once, their numbers would exceed 150). --Funt Solo QT Scotland flag.JPG 21:14, 30 September 2008 (BST)

September 28th

At least 78 zombies in the suburb, 30 of which are indoors. A group of 13 appear to be Mrh? cows. 18 are besieging St. Polycarp's Hospital and 26 are inside the Perryn Building NecroTech facility. This appears to be an organised MOB assault, removing outlying TRPs prior to an assumed attack on Blesley Mall.

Breakdown of the Tactical Resource Points:

  • Blesley Mall: powered.
  • 3 NecroTechs: 2 ruined, 1 powered.
  • 2 hospitals: 1 ruined, 1 powered.
  • 2 auto repairs: powered.

Dangerous for the moment, but situation expected to change rapidly on the ground. --Funt Solo QT Scotland flag.JPG 20:13, 28 September 2008 (BST)

September 27th

At least 22 zombies on the streets, although 7 appear to be Mrh? cows at a revive point. A small (6 outside) force of zombies in the SW corner have ruined the NecroTech and Hospital there, and are believed to be the forefront of a MOB assault on the suburb, coming over the border from Wray Heights. Breakdown of the Tactical Resource Points:

  • Blesley Mall: powered.
  • 3 NecroTechs: 2 powered, 1 ruined.
  • 2 hospitals: 1 powered, 1 ruined.
  • 2 auto repairs: powered.

Moderate for the moment, but situation expected to change rapidly on the ground. --Funt Solo QT Scotland flag.JPG 04:46, 27 September 2008 (BST)

It has been now visually confirmed that the Militant Order of Barhah has entered Gulsonside from the Wray Heights. Probing attacks were made on a few structures, namely St. Lazarus's Church, Billings Row Fire Station, the Gollop Building, the warehouse north of it, the Crump Museum, and Zacharias General Hospital.--FLZombie 14:25, 27 September 2008 (BST)

September 17th

Mall Area seems clear as always.Either 1 or no walking dead in the vicinity.We should take up this chance to move into scarletwood and turn it into a green zone!! Mousey66 06:45, 17 September 2008 (BST)

September 11th

Situation seems clear around Blesley Mall.No immediate zombie threats to the Mall.Some cases of Survivors spotted sleeping in the open. --Mousey66 14:21, 11 September 2008 (BST)

September 5th

External Military: "... streets are looking clear in Gulsonside ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... infrastructure looks intact too ... Blesley Mall is operational ..." igotgun 15:58, 5 September 2008 (BST)


August 27th

External Military: "... streets are looking clear in Gulsonside ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... can't see a single ruined building either ... Blesley Mall is operational ..." Laitaine 18:01, 27 August 2008 (BST)

August 20th

External Military: "... minimal activity in Gulsonside ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... infrastructure looks intact too ... lights are on in the Wetherall Building ..." Laitaine 23:25, 20 August 2008 (BST)

August 10th

The Grovers have re-opened their Casino; club Wadman selling champagne and beer to the local police wanting to watch the strippers. You should be wary of their ruthless aggression so do not try to start on us, or else we will take you into detainment and have a bit of shotgun to head talk, if you get what i'm saying, so; just try to keep out of our way. --Folkore 01:21, 10 August 2008 (BST)

August 4th

After recent requests solicited no response, the following group links have been removed from the suburb:

--Axe Hack Talk 20:55, 4 August 2008 (BST)

August 3rd

External Military: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got twenty or so active ... they're just wandering around ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ... Blesley Mall is operational ..." Laitaine 19:19, 3 August 2008 (BST)

August 2nd

Over-barricading is rampid in the southwest corner. Make sure you keep more AP than you think you need.   --cuio (talk) (NW) 17:09, 3 August 2008 (BST)


July 23rd

External Military: "... minimal activity in Gulsonside ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... infrastructure looks intact too ... the Wetherall Building is being held ..." Laitaine 02:29, 24 July 2008 (BST)

July 19th

External Military: "... flying over Gulsonside, can see maybe a dozen on the streets ... all stragglers, no groups ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... the Perryn Building is operational ..." Laitaine 18:27, 19 July 2008 (BST)


June 24th

Zombie presense in the area has become noticable, a few buildings are feeling the heat. Safe for the most part, furthur scouting would be useful to confirm an increase in the danger level. -- User:The Rooster RoosterDragon User talk:The Rooster 18:08, 24 June 2008 (BST)

June 1st

Gulsonside is now safe from zombie hands. Buildings are hardly ever ruined here now. However, PKers are growing steadily, especially a group which calls itself the Assassins of Fire. This group is killing in larger and larger numbers and pro-survivors (and especially DEM members) are warned to beware of these vicious killers, and keep away if spotted in their work. If approached...BANG! Bye... --Stealth Assassin 19:24, 2 June 2008 (BST)


May 27th

Even with a decent amount of Zs the neighborhood stands.gabdewulf 12:44, 27 May 2008 (BST)

May 14th

Blesley Mall has been taking small zombie group attacks in the last 24 hours. Barricade levels are fluctuating throughout the day. Late yesterday, a medium force of zombies from The Dead and other groups attacked Shean Alley Railway Station but appear to have been stopped. Lots of dead bodies appearing throughout the town, coupled with small, probing attacks and an increase in survivor on survivor killing can only lead one to believe that Gulsonside is in the crosshairs once again. Brace for impact folks. --Terry S 01:29, 15 May 2008 (BST)

May 10th

The lights still shine at Perryn NT. The past 24 hours have seen the hungry mob adjust its tactics after several days of successful break-ins were answered with quick ejections and repairs. Delicious brains have been sought in the non-resource buildings surrounding the nechrotech -- with breaks at The Wybrants Museum and Northcote Ave. Fire Station. Wybrants was briefly ruined before the decidedly non-art-loving zeds were informed that the museum was closed. Whether the coming week sees a more spread-out assault or renewed bashing at Perryn's doors remains to be seen. In other news, the NT's snack machine is empty. Only an emergency run to the Blesley Mall food court has kept spirits high. ----Damon Delacroix 02:16, 11 May 2008 (BST)

May 8th

The battle for Perryn NT rages on. Survivor numbers inside the building increase daily. Using organized strikes and other tactics, The MOB is managing several break-ins daily, knocking out generators, taking down a handful of defenders and doing their undead best to chat with the folks they're trying to eat. But defenders of the building have been able to quickly restore barricades and evict the rotting interlopers. The nearby revive point is active and moving fast and spirits remain high. The snack machine in the break room is rapidly running out of Funyuns, however, so a relief envoy from Blesley Mall may be needed soon. --Damon Delacroix 21:38, 8 May 2008 (BST)

May 7th

As the survivors hold steadfast to the Perryn NT building, the pile of bodies outside this NT steadily grows. The survivors, knowing full well what awaits their suburb if they fail, seem to have drawn a line in the sand in front of the zombies from the Militant Order of Barhah. Rising numbers of zombies have been attracted to feeding groans emanating from this building - augmented by the sheer number survivors hiding inside. There are 60-70 survivors inside, in spite of the constant break ins and killings that have occurred so far. The zombies from MOB seemingly have no mercy on the makers of the needles that revive their kind, and will stop at nothing to destroy this building, and delight in the horrifying practice of feeding both newer zombies in their horde as well as passing ferals. Survivors in the area should be made fully aware of the danger around this building.--FLZombie 19:32, 7 May 2008 (BST)

May 6th

The survivors in the Perryn NT have survived yet another night of whithering attacks on their barricades. They have clung together in this building, knowing full well that it is the first line of defense between the Militant Order of Barhah and the NE section of suburb. This is Gulsonside's moment of truth... Since the battle for the mall is being waged at this NT. Many ask themselves, "Will they defend to the bitter end or will they cut and run?". Rumor has it that MOB has decided this NT shall fall, since NTs are symbols of all that is not Barhah to them. The next few days will ultimately decide the fate of this NT and, subsequently, all of Gulsonside.--FLZombie 13:40, 6 May 2008 (BST)

May 5th

Zombies are moving in from south-west, probably from the destruction that is East Grayside. 24 hours ago, Zacharias and Creek were caded & lighted up. Now, Zacharias is ransacked, and 5 frightened humans huddle before the 34 zombies in Creek. I was a lucky one - at least 32 humans killed, 7 zeds shot, 5 revives made. I fear for Perryn, which is in the direct path of the dark storm ahead.--Zokolate 14:31, 5 May 2008 (BST)

With the festival of BARHAHmmadan now over, the Militant Order of Barhah has renewed it's daytime feeding frenzy. The above two targets were singled out for destruction in the SW portion of Gulsonside. Numerous survivors succumbed to the onslaught of the coordinated strikes, some struck at zombies and later made hasty exits to seek refuge in the Northeast, where scent trails lead the zombies from MOB. Needless to say, these zombies will probably follow them. Survivors are cautioned to not fight unless they are willing to stand their ground, since scent trails will lead zombies toward them. This suburb has just become a bit more dangerous.--FLZombie 23:03, 5 May 2008 (BST)


April 28th

  • External Military Report: *16:54, 28 April 2008 (BST) "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got maybe seventy active ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... infrastructure looks intact ... lights are on in Blesley Mall ..." --Dr Cory Bjornson 20:36, 28 April 2008 (BST)

April 26th

South West Side is totally Emptied. Odd number of zombies here and there... --natakaasd 13:50, 26 April 2008 (GMT)

April 15th

North Gulsonside is a mess. Walking through, almost all the buildings are wrecked. Groups of 2 to 7 zeds cluster in many places. No sign of survivors until you reach the south, then there's some blocked up buildings that are getting attention from small groups of zeds. --gogoicarus 23:20, 15 April 2008 (EST)

April 9th

External Military: "... flying over Gulsonside, can see over a hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a few buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ... the Wetherall Building is operational ..."--Scott Timewell 23:31, 9 April 2008 (BST)

April 6th

Blesley Mall SE corner still taken over. Zed count is at now 52. Northcote Avenue Fire Station repaired and now has VSB once more for now. 11:34, 6 April 2008 (EST)

April 4th

Blesley Mall SE corner has been taken over by zombies again. Counted a mob over 10. Other three corners appear to be safe for the moment. Northcote Avenue Fire Station has been taken over and ruined. Counted a mob of around 15. 14:49, 4 April 2008 (PST)

April 3nd

Blesley Mall has all 4 corners EHB and lit. Revive queue of 30 at nearest cemetery. Closest NT ruined. 17:00, 3 April 2008 (EST)

April 2nd

Blesley Mall has all 4 corners Extremely Heavily Barricaded, and mostly lit, the revive queues are lowering quicker than they are filling up, and two of the Necrotech buildings are lit and functioning. A pretty safe suburb for survivors. Risen Jihad 17:43, 2 April 2008 (BST)


March 31st

The Mall is not safe. Still a strong zombie prescence, suggest more survivors come immediately.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Whomeyayou (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

March 30th

Zombies still hold the mall.. Suggest avoiding the area.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Ded badger (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

March 19th

Blesley Mall has been taken over by the zeds —The preceding unsigned comment was added by deathDealer (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

March 18th

Blesley Mall is attacked and ransacked, just a few people stay, the other cowards are gone! —The preceding unsigned comment was added by somacula (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

March 18th

Blesley Mall is under attack. ---MoPKoBKa 17:54, 18 March 2008 (UTC)

March 12th

St. Polycarp's Hospital and several other buildings on the north side lie ruined once again. --Stelio 20:40, 12 March 2008 (UTC)

March 11th

Three zombies in St. Polycarp's Hospital, still more survivors than zombies. --Stelio 21:43, 11 March 2008 (UTC)

March 10th

Blesley Malll is under new, breathing management. All four corners have been barricaded and powered. the Perryn Building and Northcote Avenue Fire Station are also in survivor control, although unpowered at the moment. Survivors throughout the neighborhood are starting to organize and reclaim buildings. --IcarusFountain 10:05, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

20 zombies outside the Perryn Building, which is well barricaded for the moment. I also saw two isolated zombies in that general area, but no ruined or unbarricaded buildings. Good work, folks, and thank you. --Stelio 20:14, 10 March 2008 (UTC)

March 3rd

External Military report: "... can see over a hundred on the streets of Gulsonside ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... some survivor activity in the Creek Building ... Blesley Mall has fallen - repeat, ..." (47 minutes ago) --WanYao 14:18, 3 March 2008 (UTC)

St. Polycarp's in ruins (again, or still) with one zombie inside. --Stelio 20:52, 3 March 2008 (UTC)


Febrauary 28th

Blesley Mall is totally ruined. Over 50 zombies total still inside, no survivors currently. --MagnificentX 16:45, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

Doble Auto Repair and Polycarp's Hospital in ruins. 3 zombies in hospital.--Stelio 20:47, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

Febrauary 27th

Ridleybank Resistance Front and ferals in the neighbourhood now own the mall and nearby buildings. Our barhah is stronger then yours! Bra!nz b haar, ahn za, zabmahz b haar. --- Wisuguya 16:40, 27 February 2008 (UTC)

February 26th

NW corner of Blesley Mall is toast. 30+ zombies near the mall.--Remnant Matt 18:55, 26 February 2008 (UTC)

February 22nd

In the morning, zed break-ins were discovered at the Gollop Building and Billings Row Fire Station. Four zombies were discovered in each building, and survivors were spotted there as well. Whether the survivors are zombie-sympathizers or just sleeping has yet to be determined. Reclamation efforts have already begun by nearby survivors. --IcarusFountain 9:07, 22 February 2008 (UTC)

February 21st

Seven zombies seen in the area around McInerny Avenue School at 21.00 British Summer Time. --Stelio 21:15, 21 February 2008 (UTC)

February 14th

The RKKA has officially begun operations in the area and will be operating St. Patrick's Church - just west of Blesley Mall - as a RESCUE-compliant revive point. All survivors in the area are encouraged to join the cause. --SupaJames 11:19, 13 February 2008 (UTC)

February 2nd

The Creek Building NT has fallen. There's seven zeds inside, with unkown stats. I'll try and take down as many as I can, but I'll need backup.--Remnant Matt 15:46, 2 February 2008 (UTC)


January 26th

NecroWatch reported from the Wetherall and Perryn Buildings revealing that there were 12 zombies within scanning range. Of note, there were 3 zombies detected at Lea Street School. The remaining zombies appeared to be scattered. --Mobius187 21:03, 26 January 2008 (UTC)

January 23rd

From necrotech scans and exploring about the 1/3rd of the suburb that was not on the scan, I will put the danger level down to green. Infrastructure looks intact, 55-65% of buildings with power, and less than 6 zombies in the area. The only thing that could potentialy (but rather unlikley be a threat is that St Polycap's is being attacked by two zombies. --ChiaPet 22:23, 23 January 2008 (UTC)



December 13th

External Military reort (around 6:30a GMT): "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got about two hundred active ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... no lights on down there ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... Blesley Mall has fallen ..."   --cuio (talk) (NW) 08:40, 13 December 2007 (UTC)

December 11th

BB2 has begun to trickle in; I spied about 60 zeds outside the mall, 30 zeds in the immediate vicinity. This excludes the 30 or so zeds standing at known revive points, some of which may be rotters. Gkers have left the 4 corners without power. My brave comrades currently outnumber the drone-like zombie forces comfortably, but I fear the tide will soon turn against us. As I scribble this, we have just rebuilt the barricades which were torn down just minutes earlier. Who knows how many of them sneaked in and now stand behind the shadows, ready to sink their rotting teeth int--- (the journal ends abruptly) --Zokolate 14:59, 11 December 2007 (UTC)

I'm happily standing outside with 100+ other zombies, so you people in there have all right to be scared, we're hungry. --Aldaris 09:50, 12 December 2007 (UTC)

December 10th

The Second Big Bash has invaded from the west, and Blesley is under attack. --Jac Z 23:33, 10 December 2007 (UTC)


November 21

The Perryn Building is under siege by a horde of about 60+ zombies. --Eliphas 11:11, 21 November 2007 (UTC)

November 2

Southern part of the burb looking good, cades all around and a decent survivor pop. Even some resource buildings are coming on line. MajMack 00:20 EST 2 November 2007.

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got over a hundred active ... a horde of about forty outside Blesley Mall ... several buildings with power ... some minor structural damage ... lights are on in Blesley Mall ... the Wetherall Building has fallen ..." --External Military


October 30

Gulsonside has had a pretty rough go of it these last few months. Between LUE, MotA, and various other zed groups, it's like a constant rebuilding process. What was once a well populated, peaceful suburb is now a 24-hour-a-day war zone. The only reason Gulsonside has any safehouses at all is because of a handful of tough, dedicated survivors. Gone are the days of 150 humans in each corner of the mall with every building in the suburb lit up, now only an edgy group of disheveled fighters remains. --Stickman 17:36, 30 October 2007 (UTC)

October 23

the Wetherall Building is in working order now. The Perryn Building has a break-in of 13 zeds. --XxPale HorsexX / XxCannon FodderxX 03:17, 23 October 2007 (BST)

October 19

Fortress, The Headbangers of Malton, FANNY, E.N.D., and many other survivor groups have moved into Blesley Mall to fight back the zed presence. Suburb status should be at Dangerous. --XxPale HorsexX / XxCannon FodderxX 06:29, 19 October 2007 (BST)

October 16

An alliance of survivors and outside help have retaken Blesley Mall, bringing it up to EHB on all sides for the first time in at least a few weeks. The area still isn't nearly safe, with many apparently disorganized zombies roaming the streets, but with safehouses holding and resource buildings slowly coming back online, the momentum seems to be shifting to the survivor cause. -TerranFirebat, 12:23AM EST (USA)

Minor break in at Blesley Mall with 1 zed, in the SW corner. Door was caded to VSB+2, zed was brought down to 40HP, roughly a dozen survivors remain inside. The Perryn Building set to VSB+2, surviver inside has been revived waiting to stand --XxPale HorsexX / XxCannon FodderxX 10:11, 16 October 2007 (BST)

October 11

Reporting from Stephen's Park, here in sunny Gulsonside where the flames of the once proud Beasley - oh, I mean Blesley Mall can be seen leaping over the woods to the South East past Shower's Park. It looks and smells like quite a bbq down there, and had I taste for man-flesh (cooked, anyway) I might join them. But since I'm still standing and able to report with a vocabulary that includes real words, I'll keep my distance and say this: Gulsonside: No place for the living.

Back to you, Mr. Olbermann. --BabaWawa 12:45, 11 October 2007 EST

October 8

25.96 MHz: "... reporting from Gulsonside, I've got around a hundred and fifty active ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... Blesley Mall is the only building with any lights on ... serious collateral damage ... the Wetherall Building has fallen ..." (53 minutes ago)--Zach016 03:43, 9 October 2007 (BST)

October 7

Wetherall Building is in survivor hands, but under constant attacks. Presently 2 zeds inside NT with 9 survivors inside. --XxPale HorsexX / XxCannon FodderxX 06:18, 7 October 2007 (BST)

October 6

Heard on 25.96 MHz: "... can see a hundred or so on the streets of Gulsonside ... mostly just small groups ... no lights on down there ... heavy structural damage ... the Creek Building has fallen - repeat, the Creek Building has fallen ..."


September 29

Blesley mall has officially fallen. Around 20 zeds outside, and Zack's presence is at 120 strong inside the mall. Needless to say, everything has been completely brahnbanged and ruined. Most of the surrounding buildings have been ruined as well. Things are looking pretty grim for Gulsonside... --Lord Slaw 03:22, 30 September 2007 (BST)

Down to 15 zombies inside the mall, but the entire surrounding area is ruined. The local cemetaries have dozens in their queues. --evilbob 05:09, 4 October 2007 (BST)

September 27

Blesley mall is under attack, and Perryn NT was fairly quick to fall. --BoozeUp

September 23

The Wetherall Building is back online, but tenuous. Survivors in the mall who have been focusing on the Perryn Building and the surrounding area are encouraged to look east to the dangerous Osmondville, and in particular the twin PDs just a stone's throw from the mall that are both ruined. --evilbob 21:33, 23 September 2007 (BST)

Update: Wetherall Building is down again, and will continue to flip-flop without support from either side. The local cemetery next door has over a dozen in its queue. --evilbob 01:56, 25 September 2007 (BST)

September 22

Residents of Gulsonside, beware. The Cult of the Red Star is a PKer group; when they say 'help on the path to enlightenment', they mean 'handing out headshots to survivors'. This isn't trash talk, it's a fact; I was a victim and am listed on their wiki page for it. I don't know about anyone else, but I stuck with this 'burb and helped rebuild the mall through the LUE sieges, and I won't stand to see it undermined by euphemism-toting player killers. I'm going to shoot every one of them I come upon, and shoot them again when I find them in the revive queues, and if you value your life and the lives of your neighbors, I suggest you do the same. -TerranFirebat, 1:46AM EST (USA)

...And here's your evidence. I was PKed by Jynxx and GDdeadicated in the mall, in front of who knows how many witnesses. -TerranFirebat, 3:29PM EST (USA)

As a group leader I can verify that the informational content of this comment is correct (while the advice is obviously not something I would agree with, or like to see in the "news" section). We select our targets on the basis of profile information: those who state that they are somehow mentally disturbed are valid targets, as well as anyone who has PKed a cult member. TerranFireBat falls into the second category. He PKed a cult member after witnessing us at work, and has since been PKed in return. The majority of the residents of this suburb are quite safe, of course- but if you kill a cult member, in a revive queue or alive, you will become a target. For whatever reason a person becomes a target, the situation may be rectified by demonstrating deep personal change. Peace and blessings.--ØxØ 22:21, 22 September 2007 (BST)
Deal. In exchange for peace (that would be preaching by means other than indiscriminate killing), the Cult of the Red Star will not be targeted in Gulsonside. -TerranFirebat, 6:28PM EST (USA)
Well, to clarify: we don't kill indiscriminately, we are highly discriminative- and I'm afraid that we have no current plans to terminate our activities in that regard, although we may be willing to adjust our selective criterion. We're done killing you, if you're done killing us, though. If you'd like to speak to us any further, you're invited to use our talk page.--ØxØ 00:28, 23 September 2007 (BST)

September 21

The Cult of the Red Star is currently relocating to Gulsonside. The Prophet of Light has drafted a letter to the people of Gulsonside, and the Prophet of Darkness is expected to arrive shortly, accompanied by at least one senior acolyte.--ØxØ 17:52, 21 September 2007 (BST)

September 19

An annoying PKer group called 'The Cult of the Red Star' has been observed killing in the Blesley Mall area. Most notable has been 'the bluefish', with at least four witnessed PKs notched up. Please take care around this group. Kill them if you can, and avoid reviving them so they'll go away. Thanks. -OccamsRazor, 10:13PM EST

September 14

There is a growing Zed infestation at St. Polycarps and surrounding blocks. Also, there does not seem to be any barricade plan in this suburb. I am wasting too much AP trying to find a VSB block to exit and enter into. One of the pro groups in this suburb needs to take control and co-ordinate all Entry points. Listing them below on the suburb map, and tho ingame grafitti and broadcasts. Aradax 08:49, 14 September 2007 (BST)

September 9

I recommend upgrading this 'burb to green/safe status by September 11 unless anyone objects. Very few zeds found around Gulsonside now. Definitely not any organized groups. Lewarcher 17:53, 9 September 2007 (BST)

September 1

the Creek Building is in survivor hands. E.N.D. has reclaimed the NT and atm is heavily barricaded. 4 zeds outside ATM.--XxPale HorsexX / XxCannon FodderxX 12:50, 1 September 2007 (BST)


August 31

Thanks to the dedication of groups such as The Headbangers of Malton, The Fortress, the U.S. ARMY INFANTRY, the Army Control Corps, and the many other unaffiliated allies who came out to help, Blesley mall and the area around it is now back in human hands. As the leader of the Headbangers, I thank you all. This was definitely a group effort. --Stickman 20:30, 31 August 2007 (BST)

August 24

Both NTs (the Wetherall Building, and the Perryn Building) are up and running. --XxPale HorsexX 20:45, 24 August 2007 (BST)

August 17

Waiting list in the RP is still heavy as lots of safehouses are getting cracked. Lots of 5+ zed mobs moving around with few survivors holding cades so very dangerous burb. It's highly recommended those 30 zombies waiting revive at a cemetery (77,73) should use the revive request tool. So recommended that you probably won't get revived without it as AP is at a premium. You should also wait for a full 50AP before standing up, finding a safehouse might take a while. Needlesareus 23:15 EST.

August 16

Reviver here working the RPs. Due to the large number of zombies still around and the few safehouses, it's recommended you use the revive request tool. It saves AP and some revivers won't scan (like me in this situation) and just work the list as they don't want to leave a trail to their safehouse if they hit a rotter. Needlesareus 02:30 EST Aug 16 2007

August 11

Mall is retaken but as good as unpopulated. Come here and restock folks! :D --Stark Senap 16:30, 11 August 2007 (BST)

August 8

11 Zombies inside the mall. 0 Outside. The buildings south of the mall is attacked. --Stark Senap 16:57, 8 August 2007 (BST)

August 4

woops, didn't know that the zombies at the mall were over 50. danger level upgraded to dangerous The man 14:34, 3 August 2007 (BST)

The mall has fallen...again. Zombies are running rampant in the suburb with small pockets of survivor resistence. The living are going to need reinforcements if they want to regain control of this suburb. User:farmer jon 20:47, 4 August 2007 (BST)

August 3

suburb danger level at moderate, same for wray heights The man 14:29, 3 August 2007 (BST)

woops, didn't know that the zombies at the mall were over 50. danger level upgraded to dangerous The man 14:34, 3 August 2007 (BST)


July 25

It may be too early to declare victory just yet, but it's in sight. Survivors now hold both the Perryn NT Building and all four corners of the mall, all powered and fully barricaded. No zombie group in the immediate area is larger than 8 or 9 on any given block, but there are quite a few of them scattered about, waiting to be put down again. Volunteers are always welcome to come knock some heads, and to help heal those that return wounded. --TerranFirebat, 10:44PM EST (USA)

  • As an addendum: I'm not sure who organizes the revive points in town, but since we've recaptured Perryn it would make sense to focus on setting up something permanent at the cemetery three steps to the north (77,73) in accordance with the Sacred Ground Policy. Just food for thought for the revivers who've responded to our call and might like to stay. Thanks! --TerranFirebat, 10:57PM EST (USA)

July 24

The sort-of-bad news: the mall has been busted open again and now harbors scattered zombies, less than ten in total, and still remains barricaded on at least two sides. The good news: all the zeds have now been evicted from the Perryn NT Building, so we can use that for support and to aid our revive efforts. Progress is steady, and once these two resource buildings are secure, we can radiate outward from them and really smack down on the zombies that've been running wild over this town. --TerranFirebat, 11:00PM EST (USA)

July 23

The mall is in an early rebuilding phase. There are far too few Survivors in the mall to hold it. It is NOT recommended to sleep in the Mall. Instead, keep barricading and sleep in an adjacent building. 21Z outside, 6Z insde. And yes, team Battlehawk from The Fortress is in the 'hood. We will get this mall up on its feet the same way we did with Nichols and Hildebrand. --Stark Senap 00:47, 24 July 2007 (BST)

  • Excellent, thank you. Make that four zeds as of now, all in the SW corner. That particular corner is VSB++, all other corners are EHB and zed-free. We have three generators right now, one of which is fueled to keep the lights on for the full search bonus, so come on down, grab some guns and blast away! -TerranFirebat, 9:51PM EST (USA/July 23)

July 22

Blesley Mall has been retaken! All zombies have been evicted and barricades now stand in all four corners. What we need now is for survivors to move in to sweep up the area and maintain the 'cades, as well as generators and fuel from anyone who can spare them. Congrats on the effort, now let's finish it! --TerranFirebat, 8:51PM EST (USA)

July 17

Talk about bad timing. As soon as people started coming in for the mall-liberation effort, the zed horde LUE showed up and the mall now contains over twenty undead in each corner, all ransacked and open, plus at least as many more outside and in the immediate vicinity. We may just have to ride this one out until they leave and then sweep up the ferals at the end of the week. --TerranFirebat, 11:20PM EST (USA)

July 16

Blesley is empty of both the living and the undead. No survivors sleeping, 'cades in all four corners, and only zed groups in single-digits outside. If we can gather a survivor group across the border in Osmondville, where it's not quite as hot, we can make a push to cade up and make a stand in the next few days. Look for me. --TerranFirebat, 10:40PM EST

July 11

Resistance to hold the area is still ongoing. The St Polycarp's Hospital has been under siege for the last 3 days. I've closed the doors and dragged out a few corpse out but they keep returning. Haven't seen any organized teams in the area in a while. A little help would be great, we need to care for our sick and wounded. --Sebatian Shawe

July 2

The last survivor in Blesley has fallen. All four corners are ransacked. The mall is completely in zombie hands.--Kali Magdalene 20:37, 2 July 2007 (BST)

July 1

H! harmanz! Zah M!N!ANZ ahr hahr. M!N!ANZ gannah grab bra!nz an mag zambahz. Nah mahr mrh, harmanz. Bah zambahz an grab bra!nz amang ahz.

This public service message brought to you by Hellen Blazes, the alt of --Goolina Gore Corps 04:03, 1 July 2007 (BST)


June 30

There were 16 zombies inside Blesley Mall just a minute ago. I think a small siege started up on a corner and nobody noticed, but it could be a larger raid (I didn't get outside to check). In any case, the northwest corner needs attention. Northcote Avenue Fire Station also had zombies inside.

June 29

The wetheral building has just beent taking out by the minions of the apocalypse

June 28

St. Polycarp's has 8 zeds inside, its a shame because its an important FAK point for non-mall users. --MonteChar 12:34, 28 June 2007 (BST)

Make that 5 zeds now :) --MonteChar 13:20, 29 June 2007 (BST)

June 27

Rising reports of zombie activities. St Polycarp's Hospital is down, barely anyone survived the onslaught of a zombie mob, approximately 30 individuals in size. Considering the increasing numbers of zombies in the vicinity we are on our way to some (maybe) serious problems here. --Ssraak 09:35, 27 June 2007 (BST)

June 12

im getting tired of the constant PK's from WHISKEY COMPANY, and the graffitti they are putting up about the place stating that other people are PKing its both childish and pointless the fact you are PKing is bad enough but to then make out its others its pathetic, **note to all watch out for WHISKEY COMPANY** wazza


May 21

Gulsonside is way over barricaded. The zombies are gone, lets get some entry points around here. I have to go 6 squares out of my way just to get back to my home base. LoganGoesPlaces

May 10

DEM's SE Division DaRT team arrives at Gulsonside to help survivors to secure the Blesley Mall area. Janjones 23:38, 10 May 2007 (BST)

May 1

Small flying drones with the Zombies Unlimited logo on them have been spotted landing on various inaccessible perches at Train Boulevard (76,25). This research activity is condoned by Necrotech, and poses no danger to the local survivor population.


April 27

I am currently collecting supplies and Soldiers, Medics, and Scientists in an effort to re-take Blesley Mall for the survivors. I am going to remain anonymous for now, should a shambling undead try to foil my efforts. Wait patiently, survivors. The redemption is coming.

April 18

Zombies have started to leave the area and as of my last count there are only about 30 zeds in the mall, If anyone is hiding in any safehouses in the area i suggest we start getting the NT's up and running if we are to revive our 30+ allies at the cemetery outside the mall--curtly

April 16

The Mall has fallen, there is atleast 45+ zombies in each of the quarters. All survivors are warned to leave the surrounding area, Revives of zombies around the mall is not advised as most of them are PKer's. --Basir

April 14

The Mall Tour is glad to help with your not enough Zombies to fight problem! We've got well over a hundred zombies standing outside the mall with the balance on the way. Always happy to help. --Electrasol 03:23, 15 April 2007 (BST)

If anyone is looking for a few zombies to kill, the UBA could use some help in the SE corner of Gulsonside. There are 13 zeds with 15 dead bodies just hanging around Belbin Arms. It seems like there are several hundred people in the mall who just like to shop. Do the human race a favor, and get out and kill (or revive) some of the walking dead. You may even convince some zeds that Gulsonside isn't worth the effort.-- Thor Stinky Pants 19:52

April 13

Mall Tour '07 has turned its gaze upon Blesley Mall and approaches rapidly. --Anondescriptzombie 07:11, 14 April 2007 (BST)

April 9

According to its wiki page, the Mall Tour has hit Pole Mall; looking at the Tour's wiki page, you guys have to be next on their list... you've had plenty of time to prepare yourselves so good luck. --Nucleon 02:09, 10 April 2007 (BST)

April 5

Stickman and The Headbangers of Malton have made Gulsonside their new home. Tune in to the first broadcast tonight at 21:00 EST, 28.97Mhz, featuring pure Metal Rockage and a special guest! --Stickman 01:35, 6 April 2007 (BST)


March 30

A dark fog falls over Gulsonside, as several members of the Minions of the Apocalypse are seen in their shrine, St. Lazarus Church. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. The Minions have returned. Robert McFarlane 22:19, 30 March 2007 (BST)

March 28

Please stop over-barricading the North avenue fire station. I have died 3 times in the last few days after being revived just for not being able to get back in. I've been killed another few times by PK'ers in the adjacent cemetery. I'll give it one more try. If the place is still over-barricaded I will enter and start killing people inside. You have been warned. Also do not revive "Kyle the feared", "deathdaniel" or "manne200".

March 27

Over-barricading in recent suburbs are beginning to cause problems. Zeds that may or may not be with the Feral Undead are taking charge of neighboring suburbs, especially Scarletwood's NE, and and South. I reccomend sending squadrons of those with Lab Experience and Free Running from NecroTech Buildings to those suburbs to revive infectors and others. Remember to scan to check if they are rotters or PK'ers. Try to revive as many as your AP will permit before returnig to an NT Building to get more syringes. 2 intervals during the day will allow many revives and the gaining of trust from other suburbs. 4 squadrons will go during each interval. The first interval will take place at 9 A.M. EST. The 4 squadrons will go into each adjacent suburb, N, S, E, and W. The second interval takes place 9 P.M. EST. Another 4, seperate squadrons will go to NE, NW, SE, and NW suburbs. When the other interval (read; the interval that isn't yours) takes place, and you have enough AP, try to return to Gulsonside, and manufacture more syringes and repeat the next day. This should take quite a chunk out of the hostile zed population.

Combat reviving is the worst tactic imaginable, especially against the undead. Only revive those who are at revive points, not those who attack people. Robert McFarlane 22:19, 30 March 2007 (BST)

March 25

I just wasted 31 AP trying to find a building to enter. you people suck completely. a person waits a whole day to have a chance to do something then finds out he is screwed because of morons. from here on out i will start taking the barricaeds down myself and i hope you all die. maybe then you will learn right from wrong

March 24

The overbarricading of the Mall entrances has become quite unbearable lately, Northcote Fire Station is almost always closed, meaning that a) people who do not have free running and try to enter the mall will die, and b) people who go out to revive in the two revification points next to the mall will also die. I, for one, will not do any more revives as it is the second time I have been killed due to not being able to return back to safety because some fool decided to put the entrance points at EHB. Also, if you are a zombie waiting in the queue for a revive, it is bad form to kill people when they come out to revive you. Keep it at VSB+2 and keep to the plan, it is not rocket science!!!

March 21

Looks super quiet, hardly any zombies around except for an odd singleton. All buildings look maxed. I'd call it safe.

I've been trying to get a rivive in town on my alt, but constantly people are killing in the noted revive points. Respect the cemetery rules, especially when it is even tagged as a revive point.

March 12

Looks like Blesley Mall is getting active, PKers and generator destroyers. Extra careful DNA checking is recommended before reviving so these PKers don't get another chance (eg. Blix the Goblin Pker should be showing up for a revie). Zombies can be handled, PKers bypass all Zombie barriers (so much for a Zombie game :( ), don't revive.

March 11

People have been attacking zeds in the cemetary next to Blesley Mall. This cemetary is been listed as and tagged as being a revive point; in addition such attacks are considered violations of the Sacred Ground Policy unless the zeds in question are rotters, known PKer's or known to be affliated with groups posing a general danger to survivors.

March 6

Not much activity around this 'burb, some new swarm of zed swept through around noon, took out a few barricades, and left. Don't know where in Hades they came from, but they came through fast and hard. No recruits for my group yet, but I'm not discouraged.

March 4

Residing still at Pavitt Cinema, I have named my group the Gulsonside Group. Not very inventive, but that is the name. Come join if you want to reform and make Gulsonside a living clone of places like West Grayside.

March 1

Hmm, it seems the United Bar Alliance has taken over The Cockell Building, so I have grudgingly retreated to the Pavitt Cinema building.


February 28

Gulsonside is looking more secure than it had last time I visited back in August of 2006. I, Puto Madre, have taken over and refueled the generators and radio transmitters of The Cockell Building and have declared it my headquarters. If anyone joins me there, perhaps I can start a new local group. I'd like to.

February 1

Asheets is visiting Blesley from Penny Heights, covering for his brother Colonel Al -- who is busy fighting the hordes up north. Asheets 17:02, 1 February 2007 (UTC)


January 21

Have started to become a little concerned about the safety-level of Gulsonside. In recent days I have seen as many as twelve zombies within nine blocks of each other - many appearing in groups of seven or more...



December 23

The suburb is in good order, though overbarricading is a huge problem. What VS buildings exist seem to be lumped in the same area, and even the local hospitals are overbarricaded, keeping the weak from seeking aid when they need it. It is rumored that a vigilante group has begun attacking the hospital barricades and demanding free access for all.

December 19

Unable to find any non very strongly barricaded buildings. This newbie is stranded outside a Necro Tech building after carefully studying the Barricade Plan.

December 12

The only Zed activity right now in Gulsonside is at the revive points. Bored people with a murderous intent should head to Giddings Mall in Pitneybank. Distress calls are constant on the radio.

December 6

Zombie presence almost unexistent

December 2

There are some rumors that the Feral Undead are moving to Scarletwood. Stay alert near the borders of the suburd in order to avoid being eaten by zombies. There are also some reports of a small group of zombies roaming between Scarletwood and Gulsonside.

There is a lot of overbarricading in this suburb. Almost all of the resource buildings are EHB, which is not in accordace with the Gulsonside Barricade Plan. Please refer to the plan and barricade appropriately. --Zombie slay3r 19:13, 2 December 2006 (UTC)


November 25

Small zombie presence on this burb.


October 6

I've been hopping back and forth between Blesley Mall and Zacharias Hospital to the SW. I've been hearing rumors that Minions of the Apocalypse might be trying to come back to Gulsonside to take over. Last time I saw them, they were mean PKing SOBs to anybody that wasn't part of their group, and they ran like cowards when the zed hoards started to cause problems for those of us who stuck around to fight. I say we organize to run them out of this burb forever.

On the plus side, the situation at Creek NT seems to have stabilized a bit. The building isn't safe to stay in for more than 24 hours at a time, but the bot-zeds seem to have dissapeared for now. We also have construction specialists to maintain the cades somewhat. What we have now, however, is a small handful of determined zeds with the following tactic:

  • one breaks down the 'cades
  • one takes a bite out of everybody possible, infecting everybody
  • one targets the body builders

Of course, they get killed quickly enough and thrown back outside. But, they have Vigour Mortis and start over again in 36 hours. They are well coordinated, but nobody has managed to get a DNA scan on them to see if they are zerging on us. Colonel al

October 1

David Haze has arrived in Gulsonside and is resting at the Black Hunter's HQ. He'll be moving out to Creek NT tomorrow.--Stickman 14:17, 1 October 2006 (BST)


September 30

Sorry for the delay, Colonel Al, but I've been a little occupied. Tomorrow you should see some help arrive at Creek NT, until then sit tight. Try to log the profiles of suspected bots in the meantime.--Stickman 19:34, 30 September 2006 (BST)

September 28

I am at Zacharias General Hospital (72,79) and am running into issues regarding the Creek NT Building to the NW. Those of us running the hospital have discovered that the zeds outside Creek are bots of some sort. Every time we close a door, it opens back up again and we get flooded with zeds. It has happened too many times for it to be a coincidence. I'm headed back to Blesley Mall to round up reinforcements and a transmitter. We could use some help. Colonel al

September 16

We have declared victory at Blesley Mall. Thanks to everybody involved (see Stickman's master list at the Blesley Mall discussion page). Just a few more things to do, like make sure that fuel, gens, and transmitters are in place, then I'll start thinking about Scartletwood. Probably the 1st thing on the agenda is to make sure Zacharias General Hospital (72,79) is back in operation -- the last time I was in Scarletwood, this Gulsonside hospital was full of zeds and weary survivors from the attempted Scarletwood/Greyside border defense. Any chance I can get a few of you to come with me? Colonel al

September 13

As the populace settles into a comfortable routine, Mordac heads off to the Necrotech Cyrogenic Lab. It's time he had a vacation, and so he prepares for a long rest. (See Stickman Userpage for details and some new additions)--Stickman 16:50, 13 September 2006 (BST)

September 12

Gulsonside is safe. Scouting and NecroNet data shows little zombie presence. The rush has been a full success and the mall is well populated again. --Doc Groucho 13:49, 12 September 2006 (BST)

September 10

Entry point to the mall has moved to St Holy's. We may have to get some crowbars before too long. In other news, I made a run to St. Polycarp Hospital NW of the mall. It is manned and operating, and a good place to grab FAKs. It can be reached by free running from the mall, though some of the buildings in transit are undermanned and under barricaded a bit. I will be making regular runs there for FAKs -- however, I don't have diagnosis yet so be sure to find me in the SW corner of the mall(usually, but not tonight) and leave me a message. I'm also carrying radios tuned to 26.46, 26.16, and 27.86 if you want to reach me that way. Colonel al

September 5

The area now has a stable enough survivor population that overbaricading is begining to cause deaths. This is good news, after a fashion, but people need to be careful now. -- Dinobobicus 01:08, 6 September 2006 (BST)

September 2

The Loose Cannons and The Cannonball Crew are moving into position near Blesley. We should be ready to take the mall itself in the next day or two. Please visit our forum or contact me so we can coordinate our efforts! --Koppie 22:32, 2 September 2006 (BST)


August 28

Gulsonside is by no means super safe but safe houses are springing up around the mall. Surviviors are beginning to return and clean up. Revive points though are still are clogged with survivors waiting to be revived. Johnny_Lunchpail 16:44, 28 August 2006 (BST)

August 23

Went to sleep in an EH building in transit to the Buckley rally point, and the next thing I know 27 of us are waiting at the cemetaries at 70,78 and 69,78. Somebody come and rescue us. This is getting old, fast. colonel al

August 18

A breach in St Holy's church has cut off the already slow revivification process. The closest running revive point is at Crowbank's cementery. --Doc Groucho 21:02, 18 August 2006 (BST)

August 15

  1. Edgecomb's Oldidge Way revive point is active. I have also made contact with humans at Standing Walk PD to arrange for addtional revives and heals, as well as to gather a local recon report. It seems, though, that there are very few humans left in Edgecomb, so getting additional help may be a problem.
  2. The Malton Science Group runs this revive point, so I will ask them to come south with me for revives.
  3. The Gulsonside radio frequencies are very quiet. colonel al

August 14

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Go to the cemetery next to Buckley Mall in Wyke Hills now! 6 revives were doled out in under an hour! See Blesley Mall for details. --Stickman 16:40, 14 August 2006 (BST)

August 13

The Perryn Building [NT] in Gulsonside is the only operational NT building I could find, but my scouting was limited by a revive (and subsequent AP loss). Right now we must keep that NT building barricaded. It is under steady attack, but we need it to revive other survivors. We need to stay alert and not let this building fall. --Stickman 01:24, 13 August 2006 (BST)

Perryn is currently compromised; lay low in non-resource buildings and try to slowly wipe the occupying zeds in small raids. Vinetown is relatively safe if you need to reload, both police stations are ransacked but only have a few zeds a piece. Post here once Perryn is clear and everyone with barricading know-how can rush in and get back in our hands. Patience is key here, and we must persuade the ferals to rejoin the main horde. --Sanshiro 16:17, 13 August 2006 (BST)

August 10

A decent defense try, but the mall has fallen. Retreat to the Osmondville Cemetaries at 85, 72 (1NE, 5E) and 85, 74, as the ones in Gulsonside and Scarlettwood are full. 44 are currently waiting for revive,

August 9

The strongest corner of Blesley Mall has been invaded, all humans have been evicted, and the shops are currently ransacked into dereliction. Get your brainz now while supplies last - the harmanz are already fleeing the mall, up til today the very last safe resource building in Gulsonside... Updates to follow.

4:15 pm (PST)- humans... everywhere... a hundred... maybe more... we are in... the mall is ransacked, they cower in the corners, feed... (approx. 200 zombies inside Blesley Mall w/about 50~ outside, I count about 140 survivors)
11:45 pm (PST) - nothing lives in Blesley mall.(250~ zombies)

August 9

Southwest corner continues to be heavily attacked and breached, it is imperative that anyone able to fight head there. In addition, if you have a good store of AP be sure to check the mall population and announce to over-populated corners to relocate to less crowded ones. We need to stay spread out to effectively barricade. In addition, stay in the mall; we cannot defeat them in open combat, there will be plenty more breakins, so save your ammo for that; if you have AP to burn then check barricades and announce to others or concentrate on scrounging supplies; FAKs, generators, and fuel are all essential. If we barricade long enough they will go after easier targets.

In other news: Do NOT combat revive as the zeds attacking the mall are very well organized and will simply use the opportunity to PK and smash equipment. Barricade, kill, dump; any innocents will have to seek revives elsewhere. As Stickman suggested on the Blesly mall page, if you are a zombie outside fight against the horde or emit a feeding groan at an empty building; what are they going to do, kill you? --Sanshiro 02:50, 9 August 2006 (BST)

Update: The Southwest corner of the mall has been breached and 98 Zombies have flooded into the corner of the mall. Many of the zombies are impressed with the amount of fresh brains the mall has in its food court. HAR! HAR! HAR! --Ptangzoot 4:51, 9 August 2006 (EST)

August 8

Despite numerous small break-ins and a few casualties, the mall is currently holding firm. As another person spraypainted, our priorities should remain Barricade > Heal > Kill invading zeds > Dump bodies > Supply. Also, note that zeds are targeting generators and radios, so replace those as possible to slow them down. Check in as often as possible and if you are unable to construct or fight, yell for someone to do so; it is easy to overlook the barricade status while restocking. A special thanks to Colonel Al for taking the initiative and to everyone repairing the 'cades and clearing out zombies. I only regret I am not more skilled, but I will at least strive to keep everyone informed. We are over 500 strong in Blesly, and we can do this!

Other news: NeiltheScorpion is currently a zed; do NOT revive! I am not aware of the status of ScorpionXL; kill him on sight as he will not hesitate to take down the generators. --Sanshiro 23:36, 8 August 2006 (BST)

August 8

here is a preliminary team list. I only filled out 10 people per team to start. Each team should have a minimum of 10 people on it. You can change teams if you feel you would be better suited elsewhere, as long as the team count does not go under 10.

Just so everybody knows -- I'm not trying to take charge here, just trying to coordinate and survive!!! colonel al

Please check the list to determine your assignment, or to sign up if you aren't already listed. And please read as a tutorial on how to go about defending the place. I think we have enough "critical mass" to keep at least one member of each team awake at all times.

  • Northcote Barricade Monitors (construction specialists)
    • TazFTW
    • Zak Smith
    • Hyourinmaru
    • Ur Draxa
    • Garret Erikson
    • Vic Thomas
    • BangKok
    • One Eyed Dave
    • DarkVortex
    • Rob' Zombie

Mall Barricade, generator, and radio Monitors (construction specialists, shopping, radio operators)

    • RalphFoxfire
    • idego
    • gomm
    • Dr Ewsmall
    • ken mayhem
    • Proumdulcis
    • Jhonas
    • Norx
    • firebat20
    • ShaunUSA
  • Dash Team (military specialists and firemen with free running)
    • DinkyDead
    • Jacob Wright
    • Chuarcheneguer
    • hugahuga
    • ratfang2
    • Alabaster Codify
    • pearldrum2
    • TheAssman
    • SergantMiller
    • Colonel Al
  • 1st Aid Team (scientists, first aiders, duagnosis, surgery, and shoppers)
    • Otis Spunkmeyer
    • Bskrobot
    • Doctor N
    • DocBlue
    • DocCrack
    • Palkki
    • Dr Hanibal
    • Mathilde
    • LoneMouse
    • Lakoff
    • bigmac2525
  • Resource Recon Team (military specialists and firemen with free running and revive skills)
    • David Haze
    • Catteal
    • Johnny Diablo
    • Johnny JD
    • Goratex
    • Agaliarept
    • Ceries
    • Smooth Jack Jr
    • Poncho
    • rez12
    • RiotProof
  • PKer/ZombieSpy ID team (no particular quals)
    • John Cabin
    • Lawnmover man
    • Clopper
    • ralphmouth
    • 1337 n1nj4
    • hollowone
    • Fodderstomph,
    • Inara Derlin,
    • Thanasis,
    • Mighty Macabee

We applaud the step-forward, Colonel, and I think most of us will work with you to maintain the mall. -Bskrobot

August 7

Every important resource building in the area has been ransacked and occupied by zeds. Blesley itself has been invaded. ????

The 'cades at the entry point and at the mall are up, but up to 5 zeds and at least 1 zombie spy are in the complex. All radios and generators are offline, thanks to zombie-spy "ScorpionXL" -- he should be terminated on sight. Last outside recon had 130+ zeds outside. colonel al noon

We have a distinct need now to organize some different teams. Here's what I see as critical needs:

  • * a team to dash in and out of Northcote Fire Station to continously monitor barricade conditions, rebuilding where neccesary.
  • * a team to monitor barricade conditions inside the mall itself (a seperate team from the Northcote team)
  • * a team to dash out, recon and take potshots at the zombie hordes, and get back in before dying.
  • * a team dedicated to providing first aid to the potshot team.
  • * a team to dash out to gather needed resources (in particular, fuel and people).
  • * a team to identify, log, and exterminate zombie spies in our midst. This team should check EVERYBODY's profiles.

colonel al afternoon

Then we need someone to designate these teams to make sure we're not wasting AP's stepping all over each other...our numbers are already falling. -Bskrobot

August 7

Northcote Avenue is strongly barricaded and clear, but evacuated. 60+zeds outside.

August 6

Northcote Avenue Fire Station has fallen; though only a few zeds are occupying; survivors should be able to retake and rebarricade after resting. Most survivors evacuated in time. Large zombie parties are being sighted and most resource buildings are compromised. Caution is recommended, and priority should be given to maintaining Blesly Mall barricades.--Sanshiro 00:03, 7 August 2006 (BST)

August 5


August 4

Northcote Avenue Fire Station under attack; zombies have repeatedly destroyed the barricades and are dragging survivors out on the street. --Myelin 02:30, 4 August 2006 (BST)

August 3

It has been reported that the NT building 2N of Blesley Mall is under zed attack. Barracades are only loosely up at the moment.

August 2

Ok for one we have much more members here Sanshiro and Yaya we talked and stuff saying that the others should go back to Kinch Heights for defending purposes. Oh and for one the Black Berrets I think claimed st. Holy's church and we just moved back to St. Patricks for awhile. And another thing note this being next to a grave means that we to put up with zombies and we had many break ins due to this VS barricades but if you want just use st. Holy's church we don't really need it anymore. Also we had almost our whole group there all in St. Patrick's church and we wanted to expand so thats why we needed two buildings. Also due to some popular rumours in this suberb that say that me and cooloo are zergers yet we aren't we met in Kinch Heights and were hunted ever since due to a person who hated us due to we killing off his group and such back in the old days and posted that on a website that sent god who knows numbers after us oh! and before I forget I know who you are Anonymous911 and we are coming for you due to some great spying from Yaya.--Coolo 04:57, 3 August 2006 (BST)

August 2

ALL SURVIVORS PLEASE NOTE! The Black Hunters group has claimed both St Holy's church [76,72] and St Patrick's church [76,73] as their HQ. It used to be only St Holy's Church, but now they have became greedy and expanded into St Patrick's Church. Only 3 survivors with the Black Hunters tag are seen in all the churches mentioned. One wonders why they would need 2 buildings.

Until yesterday, St Patrick's church was the western entry into Blesley Mall. However, due to irresponsible behaviour of the Black Hunters, it has become inaccessible(EHB) to the Gulsonside-wide community. This has wasted survivors' APs at best and cause unnecessary deaths at worst, a very serious crime to us survivors.

It is rumored that the reason for the selfishness is: Black Hunters were afraid of the incoming zombie hordes from the north, and thus, decided to overbaricade and expand their HQ into St Patrick's Church. The 3 Black Hunters afore-mentioned are Cooloo, coolo and Lizardcoolz, currently residing in St Patrick's church at the writing of this comment. All zerg hunters are and local human groups are vigorously encouraged to "evict" them, as a great service to our human community. --Anonymous911 10:30, 02 August 2006 (BST)


July 31

Further recon shows that Northcote is secure again, and that the zombies have retreated south to Scarletwood near Mellish Walk FD.

Areas west of the mall also show no zed activity.

July 30

Continual attacks on barricades at Northcote Firestation result in a few zombie of which did the following:

  • A zombie said "Z!rng ABBA!!" (5 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "AHZ! HARMANZ Z!NG ABBA!" (4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie said "AR BANANARAMA?" (4 minutes ago)
  • A zombie killed RichardCranium2. (3 minutes ago)

The zombie was then quickly killed--Sanshiro 00:51, 31 July 2006 (BST)

July 30

A recon from Blesley mall shows that Zacharias General Hospital 72,79 has been overrun. Radio reports confirm that as well. Small numbers of zeds are around, in, and/or trapped in (by closed doors) all of the surrounding buildings. Hunting season is here!

July 29

PH Members chessburguer, CQC, and aldapa were found at Blesley. They have since been eliminated.

Light attack occuring at Bullen. Bullen and path between it and Blesley is clear and secure.

July 28

Attempted recon between Bullen and St. Polycarp -- encountered numbers of zeds on the direct path. All buildings around the path are EH barricaded and lit up, and many have radios (some of the ones to the SE could go back to VS now, IMHO). It is unknown if Poly's is in PH or allied hands at this time, as it was unenterable.

Beasley Mall is well defended at this time. Radio reports received there indicate that 67 soldiers have been revived and will be participating in local operations.

July 27

32 zeds and 70 bodies need reviving at the cemetary north of Bullen. We need these people revived to continue the defense against both the PH (who are now rampant in the area) and the zeds from East Greyside/Scartletwood.

With St Polycarp Hospital previously reported as down and having several trapped zeds in it, it was assumed that PH action in this suburb was light. That report is now obviously incorrect.

We need a consensus on which of the three threats we face (zeds, the PH, and the Scorpion Group) should be dealt with 1st, and how.

July 26

The Mellish Walk defense was blindsided and all humans were killed. Remaining forces should once again rally to the Bullen Building, Gulsonside, 77,77.

In the most memorable episode of "El camión del tapicero", PH Cultists have killed 145 unbelievers. St. Polycarp's portrait in the Holy temple of Wray Heights is said to have displayed a joyfull smile.

July 26

The Mellish Walk defense was successful. The front line is now west of Mellish, and forces are attempting the SE relief of Zacharias Hospital in S Gulsonside.

July 25

The Mellish Walk defense rally point at the warehouse at 77, 78 has been moved to the Bullen Building at 77,77. The warehouse has been taken over by PH cultists. Zeds are attacking the warehouse, but the defenses are still up. Defenders are being max-healed and are returning to Mellish ASAP.

"NeiltheScorpion" destroyed the generator at Bullen today. He is a known member of The Scorpion Group, last attributed to multiple generator destruction at Blesley Mall. He has a bounty on his head, and all are encouraged to report his whereabouts and execute him. He apparently only goes after generators, so his destruction is a lesser priority than defending Mellish.

No further reports have been heard from Zacharias Hospital in S Gulsonside. A recon was made to St. Polycarp Hospital in N Gulsonside. Polycarp is surrounded by a few zeds, and some injured zeds were trapped inside by the recon team after the hospital's defenses fell. A few FAKs were recovered and returned to the rally point.

Radio 26.16 reports that Zacharias has now fallen.

July 24

The brave defense of Scarletwood's Mellish Walk Fire Station continues. The barracades are down again and we have 3 zombies trapped inside closed doors. HPs are low and we are out of FAKs after curing most infections. Relief defenders have arrived, but we could use more warriors and medics. Critically injured personnel are rallying at the nearest un-over-barricaded safe building, which is a warehouse in Gulonside (1N, 3N). Scarletwood defenders again request assistance from interested parties in Gulsonside.

Scattered radio reports indicate that humans at Zacharias General Hospital are successfully defending combined attacks from NE East Greyside and NW Scarletwood zombie hordes. However, recon attempts to the hospital from the east by retreated East Greyside and Scarletwood refugees were unsuccessful at last attempt.

It is believed that PH cultists Ben Deroy and PHerez are responsible for East Greyside zombie uprising, and thus the attacks on Scarletwood and Gulsonside.

July 23

The west side of Scarletwood is steadily filling with zeds. They appear to have a "manifest destiny" regime flowing from west to east. The current frontline appears to start at the Streets Hotel and goes straight down through Scarletwood and 2 blocks north into Gulsonside. Anything west of that line is risky territory. North Scarletwood has no defenses at all, so fighting could easily spill into southern Gulsonside.

Mellish Walk Fire Station in Scarletwood has come under heavy attack. A zombie hoard broke down the barracades and got in, killing half the defenders and infecting the rest. The barracades are back up now, but all the remaining humans are desperate need of FAKs and relief defenders. Because of our infected condition, we haven't been able to recon outside in the last 24 hours. We assume that that access from the E, NE, and SE is safe. We could also use a transmitter, but we have 6 radios on various frequencies and haven't heard a thing. Scarletwood defenders at Mellish Walk request assistance from interested parties in Gulsonside.

July 22

The cemetary in Scarletwood has 20 zeds queued up. The approaches from the NE are clear, but be aware that zed invaders are in the blocks around the revive point to the S, SW, and W. Scarletwood lacks syringes and FAKs and requests assistance from Gulsonside medics.

July 21

An invasion from NE East Greyside has begun. NW Scarletwood safehouses are surrounded. The barracades are still up at most of them, but are only sparsely occupied. Breakout is to the NE toward Gulsonside and E Scarletwood.

The Cemetary Revive in East Greyside point is full of potential human soldiers, but there are very few live humans with revive syringes around -- hopefully some medics from Gulsonside will assist here. Plus, the areas to the S, SW, W, and NW are full of enemy Zs, Breakout is to E into Scartletwood.

All human East Greyside defenders are attempting to rally at Mellish Walk Fire Station in Scarletwood. Humans are there and ready, but several need healing -- hopefully some medics from Gulsonside will assist here.

July 13

The Black Hunter group is now coming to this suburb to clean up and set up an Base there as we did in Pitneybank for a backup one if this suberb falls also. So we will be putting up revive points at random areas and will lower the zombie rate to a green suberb as it should be.

July 12

Survivors holed up in the Blesley Mall area should click on the Blesley Mall link to remain up-to-date on events and relevant threats. Reports will be posted regularly or as critical news comes in. Follow the link on the suburb map below. - stickman


June 8

"El camión del tapicero ha llegado a su ciudad" or "the draper camion has arrived to your city", the true believers, PH cultists already bored of the Wray Heights calm, are on tour in Gulonside, Necrotech buildings and the Blesley Mall (27 deads today) seem to be among the usual targets.

June 2

New Radio Broadcaster requesting daily news about Gulsonside to Report to Gulsonside listeners on 26.50

June 1

A member of the Former Malton Postal Workers Union attacked and killed 5 survivors before saying, "You have all just whitnessed the 3rd freak out of The Former Malton Postal Workers Union. I have calmed dowwn now. But, remember tampering with the mail is a federal offence!"


May 26


May 25


May 22

DO NOT wait at the cementery just below Showers Park for a revive! It is a trap! While sprayed at a building several spaces below, after a massacre of survivors, it appears that the zombies are working in conjunction with zombie collaborators, so far we know that Rented Cop is one of them. Currently 31 killed zeds who were waiting for revives at that point. If you are a zed, steer clear!

May 5

The Undeadites withdraw from Gulsonside as they believe it to have bad ju-ju. Once they find the magic ju-ju bean they intend to return to Gulsonside and plant it to dispel the bad karma.


April 26

One can hear a large number of groans echoing throughout the streets as The Undeadites continue their minor attack, one Necrotech lab has been completely wiped out, while another lays heavily under seige. It seems however, that while many survivors have fallen, the suburbs inhabitatnts have everything under control, keeping many barricades up, and revive cues down.

April 21

Several reports say that a group of zombies have invaded Gulsonside from the north, attacking key buildings and clogging up the revive points, however it is not long before most of these are cleared. Later reports suggest that this group are the Undeadites.

April 2

The true Believers of the St. Polycarps Church, the dangerous cult of PH cleans the Hospital of his loved Saint. 19 unbelievers killed in the III Bloody Sunday. The true words of love of St. Poly had arrived to Gulsonside for convert all the pagans to the true way of the Polycarps religion.


March 28

Fire Marshall Crackford of the Malton Fire Department has issued new guidelines for implementation of the Uniform Barricading Policy in the suburb: all resource buildings at VS+2 (Lea Street School, The Wetherall Building, McInerney Avenue School, St. Polycarp's Hospital, Billings Row Fire Station, Northcote Avenue Fire Station, The Creek Building, Zacharias General Hospital); in addition, to create access points/refuge buildings for survivors without Free Running, the following buildings should be tagged and maintained at VS+2 (Doble Auto Repair, St. Holy's Church, The Menhennet Museum, Shean Alley Railway Station, The Perrior Arms, Hame Crescent Railway Station, Furzer Crescent Railway Station). See the Gulsonside Barricade Plan for a more detailed explanation.

March 25

The mall remains in human hands, and the zombies outside are dispersing, or else rejoining the living. Barricade planning remains a mess, and freerunning remains key. Northcote Fire Station is the entrance into the compound of buildings.

March 17

Gulsonside is heavily barricaded. Survivors without Freerunning are advised to avoid this suburb at this time, or risk being caught out in the streets. There is an unpredictable, significant zombie presence in and around Blesley Mall. The Church of the Resurrection had its St. Patricks celebration today. Corpses and bits of brain line the streets of the Church's parade route into Vinetown.

March 14

Blesley Mall is barricaded at very high and extremely high, very few survivors inside, 20 or so zeds outside, can be entered by freerunning through adjacent buildings.

March 5

Blesley Mall is currently in the hands of the zombies and surrounding buildings are under attack. The Black Berets recommend that survivors avoid camping in the Mall overnight until further notice.

March 3

The CotR have joined the MoTA in attacking Blesley Mall and the surrounding area.

March 1

Conditions continue to be dangerous particularly in the north east section of town in this the 4th day of continous zombie assault on the suburb. The Perryn NT building is the site of a persistant and on going assault seemingl led by the Minions of the Apocalypse. The Mall was breeched for the second day in a row today and it remains to be seen if the survivors of the region can form a defense against todays assault.


February 28

Operation Headshot begins.

February 27

Officials from the Malton Fire Department have issued a statement saying that the Suburb of Gulsonside is in a state of emergency until further notice. Repeated and organized attacks on the Perryn Building as well as the Eason Library by Minions of the Apocalypse have officials in the suburb concerned. With no end for the attacks in sight the Malton Fire Department Urges extreme caution while traveling through or staying in the area.

February 26

The Hambargar Halparz have smashed into the Northeast corner of Gulsonside at the Wetherall Building. Fleeing Necro Tech Scientists number the horde around 25. It is unclear if this is a march towards Blesley Mall or just a pass through for the mob between Crowsbank and Osmondville.

February 24

The Malton Fire Department has issued a general warning for the suburb of Gulsonside until further notice. The zombie population is expected to reach critical levels throughout the weekend. The zombies act in a coordinated manor and evidence gathered in Osmondville to the east suggests that they are being led by the Minions of the Apocalypse returning from Fort Perryn

February 16

The Mall and most of the suburb is back under human control. Malton Fire Department Officals still advise caution as the Minions of the Apocalypse are known for lightning attacks and have claimed the suburb.

February 12

Blesley Mall has fallen to the zombie Horde, and is currently completely overrun by them. Sorvivers have scattered amongst surrounding buildings.

February 4

Gulsonside will be a dangerous place to visit for the forseeable future as the MotA attacks continue. Batallion Chief of the region for the Malton Fire Department has asked all rescue personel to not sleep in the suburb.

February 3

The repeated attacks on the Perryn NT building has proven dangerous to survivors in this third day of aggression by the Minions of the Apocalypse.

February 2

The organized attacks contiue as the Minions of the Apocalypse continue to attack buildings in Gulsonside. Todays victims include the Hemphill Hotel, the Perryn building, and the Wybrants Museum [76, 75]though as of this writing the Perryn building is still holding out, and Wybrants Museum but 1 zombie inside. It seems they purposefully attacked the Hemphill hotel to get at a specific survivor group known as the The Fortress.

February 1

There seems to be an surge in the zombie population as Minions of the Apocalypse members and graffiti have been sighted in the area. These sightings correspond to a organized attack on St Polycarp's Hospital [74, 71] and the Cockell Building [75, 71] as well as Zacharias General Hospital [72, 79]. Malton Fire Department staff is on hand and offering revives to anyone who posts a request at the Online Revivification Request Tool


January 12

Survivors in the suburb brace for the Mall Tour '06's scheduled attack on the Blesley Mall.

January 2

Almost everywhere within 1 suburb (including diagonals) of Gulsonside is over barricaded so make short journeys through there