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Revision as of 16:52, 23 December 2008


Barhah-Raz is a suburb of Malton, located in the east of the city.

Barhah-Raz is renowned in all of Malton and the surrounding districts for being a stronghold of Barhah fundamentalism. The entire suburb has been claimed in the name of Barhah and all are expected to follow its tenets. Humans are to be killed on site and no revivifications of any kind are allowed. The 10 Commandments of Barhah as spoken by The Prophet Jorm, to his followers are posted all over the suburb, for all to read and follow. The Sacred War Council of the army of Rowcliffe Must Fall, which manages Barhah-Raz, is located in The Rowcliffe Building, which they have converted into a church of Barhah.

The Suburb consists of a few pitiful survivor groups, the oldest being Dogs of War and Individual 11, as well as the Pegton Special Branch and The Scarlet Lantern from Scarletwood and The Fallen from Fort Creedy. These heretics are killed on sight.

Resource Buildings

Fire Stations


NecroTech Facilities

Police Departments


  • none

Bulletin Boards

Revive Points

  • NONE!

Barhah-Raz Building Information Center

All important buildings in Barhah-Raz have been added to the Barhah-Raz Building Information Center. --Bran Eating Zombie 22:51, 21 November 2007 (BST)

Important Announcements

The RMF Propagandist

December 14th Early this morning members of Rowcliffe Must Fall returned to their home in the Rowcliffe building drawn by the sounds and smells of a harman christmas party. We joined in the singing and the feasting and a good time was had by all. However some of our feral friends got a little out of hand and knocked over the CDF's christmas tree, for which we appologise.
--Robert Poole 2:23 PM, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

December 5th While I stood swaying in the Rowcliffe building (a human hasn't tried to knock me over in days) I overheard a human of the CDF trying to spout some propaganda of his own. "You damn zeds don't get it, do you? We'll always be fighting to retake Rowcliffe! The CDF is already wearing you down. Your numbers aren't what they used to be. We will emerge victorious, because we have the will to fight for what is rightfully ours, not just mindlessly attacking humans," he said to me, and since he wandered off before my jaws warmed I felt the need to reply here.
You harmanz may think that you are determined and will fight till your dying breath to retake the Rowcliffe building, but your determination is no match for the unshakable zombie will and we shall still be fighting long after you are dead.
As for the CDF wearing us down, our numbers have more then doubled since we started this crusade and we plan on doubling them again. Your PATHETIC resistance has only served to drive more zombies our cause.
You will not emerge victorious harmanz. We are fighting for our homes and our families. Barhah-Raz is our home. We will not leave it. There is no hope for you.

Furthermore, diplomatic negotiations between the RMF and the CDF have failed since members of the CDF seem to have forgotten how diplomacy works and barricaded our diplomats outside the negotiations. --Robert Poole 12:51 PM, 5 December 2007 (UTC)

December 1st *NAME DELETED FOR SECURITY PURPOSES* has been conducting some operations around *DELETED FOR SECURITY PURPOSES* and has declared the South East of Barhah-Raz to be a true zombie paradise closely following the commandments of Jorm. Zombies across Barhah-Raz can take pride in the example set by our Barhaherjas fighting down there!
Unfortunately the cowardly forces from the CDF, The Scarlet Lantern, TRF, OCU, Life Cultists and various feral survivors launched a constant raid on the First Church of Barhah all day. These heretics threw everything they had against us, hoping to tear down our church while many zombies were celebrating the victory at the hospitals. With the combined efforts of all these harmanz fighting against a skeleton crew of War Council Members, Gorilla Strike Force Troops, Las Plagas cultists and a couple members of our zombie hordes they managed to take control of the Church.

For about 10 minutes.

After that Fox0ne and Bran Eating Zombie launched a daring raid, single handedly taking back control. Our defenses have held firm since.
No news from the negotiating table.
Glory to Barhah-Raz! Glory to the Sacred War Council! Glory to Barhah!
--Bran Eating Zombie 23:57, 1 December 2007 (UTC)

Rowcliffe Must Fall
Click here to read all the RMF Propaganda.

Older Stories Here

Important Events

December 18th, 2007 The fight continues for the Rowcliffe Building. Currently a mob of over 100 zombies is fighting to free it from the clutches of the humans who have taken over it.
--Bran Eating Zombie 15:53, 18 December 2007 (UTC)

November 21st, 2007 The Rowcliffe Building has fallen to a mass of zombies led by RMF once again.
--Bran Eating Zombie 13:02, 21 November 2007 (UTC)

November 16th, 2007 A major offensive has been launched by the hordes of zombies in Barhah-Raz in the name of Barhah. Most buildings around Rowcliffe have been ransacked, as well as Rowcliffe itself, which fell to a mob of over 60 zombies working with RMF.
--Bran Eating Zombie 12:56, 16 November 2007 (UTC)

November 4th, 2007 External Military report: "... leaving Barhah-Raz, counted nearly a hundred outside ... a horde of thirty or so outside the Rowcliffe Building ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ..."

October 25th, 2007 Rowcliffe has fallen to a mob of 30+ zombies again. Bran Eating Zombie 18:15, 25 October 2007 (BST)

October 13th, 2007 There is only one resource building left, Fowles Plaza Police Department. All the others have been ransacked and have mobs of zombies wandering either in or close by. Barhah-Raz will fall within the week.Bran Eating Zombie 08:54, 13 October 2007 (BST)

October 9th, 2007 The NT building is down again, after being briefly taken back by the humans. All three hospitals are also down. An assault is being formed on the police stations.

Barhah-Raz will fall.Bran Eating Zombie 08:54, 9 October 2007 (BST)

Radio Frequencies operating in Barhah-Raz

26.10MHz - Peppardville, Pitneybank, Starlingtown.

26.16MHz - Crowbank.

26.17MHz - Edgecombe.

26.18MHz - Barhah-Raz, Dentonside, Vinetown, Houldenbank.


26.10 MHz
26.10 MHz
26.10 MHz
26.17 MHz
26.18 MHz
26.18 MHz
26.16 MHz
26.18 MHz
26.18 MHz

Barricade Plan

Barhah-Raz Barricade Plan

The Barricade Plan can be edited at Barhah-Raz Barricade Plan.

Suburb Map

The Suburb of Barhah-Raz
Hamlen Auto Repair Promel Towers Osbert Street a warehouse the Ludwell Building a factory a warehouse Willia Alley a factory a carpark
a warehouse St. Bruno's Church a cemetery Derevivification Zone Spridell Walk Chaning Auto Repair Sellek Way Fire Station Beagly Auto Repair McDonald Drive Fire Station Harden Park a warehouse
Fowles Plaza Police Department Eeles Avenue the Linney Museum the Pargiter Monument the Whicher Building The First Church of Barhah Pyke Auto Repair Errington Way wasteland Parkhouse Towers
Osment Drive Gyles Library wasteland Club Randell wasteland Cowing Way Police Department Somerville Boulevard Hubbard Avenue Edmondson Square Newstead Library
Winscombe Crescent Carver Street the Isgar Museum the Bratt Museum the Biddescombe Monument the Bennett Building Pattin Square St. Matthew's Hospital the Burrell Building Mules Drive
Webber Boulevard St. Birgitta's Church Dinham Alley Police Department Aldhous Drive Whale Road Macaulay Library St. Siricius's Hospital Norton Square Railway Station Club Aldrich Laghelegh Drive
a warehouse Perks Avenue Railway Station Howes Square School the Norvell Arms Dolbridge Street Youngan Boulevard Glynn Bank St. Martin's Church St. Elisabeth's Hospital Shum Plaza
Tilly Row Police Department Bellis Park Herick Bank Jotcham Bank a warehouse wasteland the Paviour Building a cemetery Derevivification Zone Weatherhead Park Lakey Way
the Custard Museum the Breay Building Keppel Towers William Grove Bidgway Way a factory the Rosser Museum the Downes Building a carpark Guttridge Drive
Leaman Grove School Whitlock Way Railway Station Jacquet Walk Pasmore Alley Blobole Park a warehouse the Argile Arms the Meatyard Building the Hanne Arms the Theirs Monument

Suburb Revive Policy for zombies and deathcultists

Salt the Land

Zombies should sleep in The Rowcliffe Building to prevent it from being taken back by survivors. Zombies should not abide by the Sacred Ground Policy, infecting survivors waiting for revives can be very effective, as when they stand up they will still be infected. Death Cultists can headshot survivors waiting at revive points, it is not too AP efficient, but produces humorous results.

Revive at Random

If you want to attack the suburb, but don't want to get your hands dirty, consider reviving any pkers you find. You could even advertise your service to pkers, naturally you should keep your revivers profile secret so that survivors don't try and stop you.

De-Revivification Requests

Simply go to the Rowcliffe Building and "jump out of the window". Then shamble back inside and help stop survivors from retaking it.

Report Bounty Hunters

Report any acts of Bounty Hunting, this is when a Bounty Hunters murders a pker, here.

Revive Policy for Survivors

No revives, Mrh Cows!

Report PKers

Mpd.png Report PKers!
Don't let them get away with murder! Register them on the Rogues Gallery. (Dead Link)