Pitneybank/News Archive
All news older than one month should be moved from the Pitneybank page to here.
July 24th
"Operation: Retake Creedy was a success, as the fort has almost been completely retaken."--KingJabbaDaButt (talk) 20:00, 24 July 2019 (UTC)
July 2nd
The Scourge has taken up residence in Fort Creedy, and they regularly assault NT buildings and Giddings. Ktuak (talk) 17:00, 2 July 2019 (UTC)
August 7th
Fort Creedey has fallen to a zombie horde. All survivors inside have fled or are dead. All lies open and has been ruined. The zombie horde has somewhat spread out, but it is still large and dangerous. Several buildings nearby are under assault. There are over 30 zombies and many more bodies. -Maskedone 21:01, 7 August 2017
February 24th
Pitneybank is currently thriving. Giddings Mall and the Bank are in survivor control and isn't being contested by zombie groups at this time. Some activity outside the Morrish Necrotech but nothing too threatening.--Doctor Oberman MBEK 15:32, 24 February 2017 (UTC)
August 24th
25.96 MHz: "... thirty or so in Pitneybank ... they're just wandering around ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... Fort Creedy has fallen ..."-- Jen T | SFHNAS | PK 17:45, 24 August 2014 (UTC)
23rd October
- The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2013 is in full swing! If your group is listed in this suburb's infobox, you should have received a message detailing how to confirm your activity. Please see this page for more information.
February 22 nd
Well it seems fort creedy is one of the few places in malton where there is anything interesting happening. The survivors are firmly in control of the fort and the suburb and yet still seem embroiled in conflict. For a start there's the huge argument over radio over whether the barricades in the gatehouse should be vsb or ehb. Death threats seem common place in this debate. Adding to the drama is the presence of the flowers of decay who seem to infuriate everyone in creedy. Lastly there is the dwindling force of zombies religiously devoted to retaking the fort against all odds. In spite of the absence of anyone with trenchcoats or katanas, creedy seems to be living up to its trenchcoat reputation. I challenge anyone to spend a week in there without at least considering becoming a player killer. Fernley 16:00, 22 February 2013 (BWT)
October 4 rd
29 zombies outside gatehouse. It is still EHB, though. Survivors are helping because there is 62 dead bodies on the ground.--10gamerguy 01:42, 5 October 2012 (BST)
October 3 rd
Creedy got retaken soon followed by the mall. The gatehouse is barricaded at EHB which means it isn't the easy target zombies like to take advantage of. It also means survivors will struggle to get in and out. Seems a fair price to pay for being alive and having control of the suburb. Fernley 00:47, 3 October 2012 (BST)
July 17 nd
Giddings Mall and most surrounding resource buildings are currently ruined, with zombie spreading out to the rest of the suburb in small groups. Llama 10:38, 17 July 2012 (EST)
July 2nd
Ridleybank Resistance Front is in the offensive. About 10 undead are attacking Gidding's Mall, radio broadcasts are sending for help. 20+ zombies in the offensive at The Farmer Building, counteroffensives have proven ineffective as of yet. Peralta 12:34, 2 July 2012 (BST)
July 1st
Zed in the offensive for the past 24 hours. Southeast corner of Giddings was attacked, 5 civilian casualties, 3 zombies went down. Generator was destroyed and the entire east side of the mall is in the dark. Still lights up and small groups of survivors present on the westside, and the parts that were overrun have been reconquered and barricaded to EHB. A single zed can be found inside Boutcher Alley Police Department EP, although there are about a dozen survivors present as well. Rest of Pitneybank kind of quiet, most buildings still caded according to the plan. Peralta 10:40, 1 July 2012 (BST)
June 29th
Pitneybank dominated by survivors. No zeds spotted, close to all buildings barricaded up to standards. The mall has a working radio and a generator, no fuel to be found. About 20 survivors in the mall, spotted another 20-30 in the neighbourhoud. -Peralta 19:19, 29 June 2012 (BST)
Night is falling, Pitneybank is in the clear: no zeds to be found, all cades are ok and most important buildings are populated, lots of military present. Peralta 22:15, 29 June 2012 (BST)
April 24th
Huge survivor response to Pitneybank. Over 50 survivors holding down different section against the zombie hoard. The suburb may be hot, but its secure and there are plenty of people to talk to... or eat. This drama continues outside to see if the zombies are able to reciprocate in numbers. --Splitstar 19:03, 24 April 2012 (BST)
April 19th
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, can see about forty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... only a few buildings damaged ... the Farmer Building has lights on ... the Morrish Building has fallen - repeat, the ..." --Kenneth Reed 06:05, 20 April 2012 (BST)
April 9th
Mall down! 40 plus zombies in area. Revive queue hitting double digits. 20 zeds outside sacked mall. Morrish NT down, 5 outside. Lights off at Hallberry with 5 more outside. And we always thought we were too pretty to die. --Splitstar 14:06, 9 April 2012 (BST)
March 26th
Its ugly. Mall is down as well as surrounding entrance points. Some support buildings up. --Splitstar 00:57, 27 March 2012 (BST)
- To back this up;
- Halberry Boulevard (87,44) is caded, but unpowered.
- The surrounding TRP's including the mall are ruined.
- St. Benedict's (83,47) and Farmer NT (82,46) are both caded and have power.
- With a little co-ordination, I believe we can clear the revive queues (if they exist) and get this 'burb rebuilt. -- Rahrah has a signature that won't become obsolete. 18:05, 27 March 2012 (BST)
February 5th
Creedy is still in ruins as is Giddings. Most of the TRP's are down as well as the surrounding buildings. No large mobs, but plenty of zeds about.--BlackHawk11 14:00, 05 February 2012 (EST)
December 24th
The area around Creedy is looking pretty heavily in zombie hands. Many buildings surrounding the fort are ruined with zombies inside and outside. The revive points look clear for now.--Shortround 20:58, 24 December 2011 (UTC)
December 13th
Overall more than 60 zombies on the streets. Fort Creedy, the NT-Facilities and most of the ressource Buildings are ruined. --CrazyKraut 22:45, 13 December 2011 (CET)
November 29nth
Over the past week or so, a pack of around 50 zombies has eaten its way from Fort Creedy to Giddings, ruining both NTs along the way. This suburb is officially dangerous! --Beleester 22:01, 29 November 2011 (UTC)
November 22nd
25.96 MHz: "... leaving Pitneybank, counted maybe fifty outside ... a horde of thirty or so outside Fort Creedy gatehouse ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... infrastructure looks intact ... Fort Creedy has lights on ..."
- In addition to Fort Creedy, The Morrish Building, St. Benedict's Hospital have also been recaptured and repaired. A few non-resource buildings nearby are still ruined. There were also reports on the local radio frequency about break-ins at Giddings Mall. The suburb is not yet safe, but it's close. -- Kittithaj 11:18, 22 November 2011 (UTC)
November 14th
A recent patrol reveals that the Northern half of the suburb is safe. Many resource buildings are repaired and powered, such as Giddings Mall, the Morrish Building, all police departments, factories, and auto repair shops. The same cannot be said for the Southern half. Fort Creedy is still ruined. St. Benedict's Hospital is under attack by a dozen zombies. Many buildings are without power, including the Farmer Building. And some are ruined. Downgrading to Dangerous for now. -- Kittithaj 09:01, 14 November 2011 (UTC)
October 15th
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, can see about sixty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... the Farmer Building has lights on ... Giddings Mall has fallen - repeat, Giddings Mall ..." (6 hours and 18 minutes ago) →Son of Sin← 17:44, 15 October 2011 (BST)
September 2nd
After the fall of Fort Creedy on Aug 28th, the assembled 100+ zombies swarmed the remaining buildings in the suburb. --Jen 19:16, 2 September 2011 (BST)
June 30th
Mall overrun by a horde of about 40 and so zombies. Two corners ruined already. --Abatap 11:09, 30 June 2011 (BST)
Radio broadcast overheard approx 12:58: 26.70 MHz: "Attention survivors of Pitneybank. Farmer is still held by the survivors. If you're looking for glorious battle why not drop by and join us?" -- Ghyt Wembpang 13:59 30 june 2011
June 29th
radio broadcasts heard, as follows
26.70 MHz: "46 outside SE Giddings. Bring guns...." 26.70 MHz: "SE Giddings has 59 outside, assistance always welcome." -- Ghyt Wembpang 29 june 2011 9:57PM EST
June 26th
zeds sparse, south side of mall was stable but i seen at least two or three corpses outside, gennies inside but running low on fuel, at least one is out, entry points to the mall seem to have been overcaded on south side but the heeks is open enough to enter... just barely made it... --ghytwembpang 12:52, 26 June 2011 (EST)
June 1st
"... Pitneybank is still active, over a hundred on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... can't see any signs of life ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... Giddings Mall has fallen ..." Sukyanti 11:13, 1 June 2011 (BST)
May 9th
The term 'wasteland' comes to mind when describing Pitneybank right now. Destruction is nearly total, and organized survivor resistance has evacuated to places less dangerous. Even before the arrival of The Dead Pitney was not the easiest place to live; at this juncture it looks as if it may be a long time before the burb gets back on its feet. --Wayson 02:57, 9 May 2011 (BST)
May 4th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, nearly a hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a few buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... power's back on at Giddings Mall ... looks like the Morrish Building has ..." Mulishamen5 09:54, 4 May 2011 (EST)
April 12th
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, can see about eighty on the streets ... a horde of twenty or so outside St Benedict's Hospital ... a few buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... lights are on in the Farmer Building ... Fort Creedy is ..." -- Kittithaj 14:18, 12 April 2011 (BST)
April 8th
25.96 MHz: "... leaving Pitneybank, counted a hundred or so outside ... mostly just small groups ... several buildings with power ... heavy structural damage ... Fort Creedy is in bad shape ..." -- Kittithaj 19:39, 8 April 2011 (BST)
March 18th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, nearly a hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... power's on across most of the area ... only a few buildings damaged though ... Giddings Mall is operational ... Fort Creedy is looking ..." -- Kittithaj 07:34, 19 March 2011 (UTC)
March 12th
Almost all the suburb has been totally overrun. Attempted to deal with break ins where possible, but simply too many zombies to deal with. It is crucial that the Dewell Building in Spracklingbank is kept in survivor hands to try and redress the balance. -- Ryan Shuck 16:25, 12 March 2011 (UTC)
March 1st
Radio broadcasts reported that Fort Creedy has finally fallen to the invading zombie horde. -- Kittithaj 00:18, 2 March 2011 (UTC)
February 28th
According to recent radio reports, Giddings Mall has been overrun. A while ago, the Morrish Building nearby was also ruined. Fort Creedy seems to be breached as well. -- Kittithaj 20:52, 28 February 2011 (UTC)
February 20th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, a hundred or so on the streets ... a horde of maybe seventy outside the Morrish Building ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ... power's back on at Giddings Mall ... looks like Fort ..."
- It's getting more Dangerous there. -- Kittithaj 05:19, 20 February 2011 (UTC)
January 23rd
The Great Suburb Group Massacre has commenced. Check your group's talk page to confirm in which suburbs you are active.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 14:54, 23 January 2011 (UTC)
December 20th
Everything south of Giddings is in ruins including Giddings itself, save for a few buildings to the north east. --Against00 15:43, 20 December 2010 (UTC)
December 10th
A state of siege prevails in the suburb. Everything south of Morrish NT lies in shambles, while Morrish and Giddings continue to form a bastion inside which survivors can rally. --Wayson 23:43, 10 December 2010 (UTC)
December 8th
The Farmer Building has come under attack, the defenses have been demolished and zombies have flooded into the building, I'm bugging out. --User:Dead 09:17, 8 December 2010 (UTC)
December 7th
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, can see about forty on the streets ... a horde of about forty outside Fort Creedy gatehouse ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... power's on at the Farmer Building ..." -- Kittithaj 04:58, 7 December 2010 (UTC)
December 4th
Despite being attacked by more than 50 zombies for a month and ruined many times, in the end, survivors still hold the Morrish Building. Their unrelenting tenacity causes the undead to move elsewhere looking for another target - in this case Fort Creedy. Reports of breach and death cultists' attacks are heard on the suburb's radio. -- Kittithaj 02:40, 4 December 2010 (UTC)
November 8th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, about eighty on the streets ... a horde of about forty outside the Morrish Building ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ... power's back on at Giddings Mall ... looks like Fort Creedy ..." -- Kittithaj 10:13, 8 November 2010 (UTC)
October 31st
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, about eighty on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... several buildings with power ... only a few buildings damaged ... power's back on at Giddings Mall ..." -- Kittithaj 06:21, 31 October 2010 (UTC)
October 30th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, maybe seventy on the streets ... a horde of twenty or so outside the Morrish Building ... several buildings with power ... only a few buildings damaged ... power's back on at Giddings Mall ... looks like Fort Creedy ..." -- Kittithaj 06:21, 31 October 2010 (UTC)
October 9th
Both Fort Creedy and Giddings Mall are ruined. MOB's rampage has left the survivor presence low to nonexistent, and the few that remain find themselves surrounded by an unbroken landscape of ruins. Heavy concentrations of ferals are still present; Pitneybank is definitely a hotzone right now. -Wayson 07:22, 9 October 2010 (BST)
October 2nd
Many survivors are fleeing the Horde, entering Pitneybank from points south. But, they shouldn't stop here. Things are getting really bad, and they're about to get worse. I'm stopping long enough to write this, and then try to find a Necrotech facility that's not crawling with zeds already. I suggest those with ideas of making a home head north...or north-west. As I tell anyone who cares to listen, the Horde has its limits, and the western burbs that were so dangerous a month ago are starting to show signs of life again. Roberto Tomba 14:21, 2 October 2010 (EST)
August 27th
Nothing has changed much from the last week. Shoppers tried to hold Giddings Mall, ignoring a call for reason to hold the more important and easily defended Morrish Building, resulting in both being breached and ruined. Now, someone else is calling for the reclamation of Fort Creedy. One can only guess how well it will turn out. -- Kittithaj 13:08, 27 August 2010 (BST)
August 20th
Giddings Mall and the nearby Morrish Building are in human hands once again. However, if the number of survivors in the area is still the same, there is no way both can be held. Byrne Auto Repair has also been repaired, but Bromley is still in ruins. To the West, Boutcher Alley Police Department is powered while Maggs Cinema is kept as a dark safehouse, shared by pro-survivors and criminals alike. -- Kittithaj 22:50, 20 August 2010 (BST)
August 16th
The Morrish Building is ruined with 12 zombies inside and 20 zombies outside. There are 19 zombies waiting for revives at Walrond Square. The Fort Creedy Gatehouse is ruined and has 4 zombies inside. Fort Creedy's armoury is ruined with 4 zombies inside. Fort Creedy's vehicle depot is ruined with one zombie inside and one zombie outside. --BravoLeader 05:30, 17 August 2010 (BST)
August 15th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, about eighty on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... Giddings Mall has definitely fallen ..."
- Twenty more zombies within one day? That doesn't sound good. -- Kittithaj 15:00, 15 August 2010 (BST)
August 14th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, about sixty on the streets ... a horde of twenty or so outside the Morrish Building ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... Giddings Mall has definitely fallen ..." -- Kittithaj 15:08, 14 August 2010 (BST)
August 12th
The Morrish Building is under attack by 13 zombies. The Fort Creedy Gatehouse is ruined and has 6 zombies outside. --BravoLeader 17:01, 12 August 2010 (BST)
August 11th
There are 34 zombies waiting for revivification at Walrond Square. --BravoLeader 15:41, 11 August 2010 (BST)
- The attempt to hold Giddings Mall with less than 50 survivors failed once again, and now the mall is in ruins. When will they ever learn? -- Kittithaj 21:59, 11 August 2010 (BST)
August 10th
Despite the setback, survivors don't lose heart. The Morrish Building was the first to be recaptured. Then Giddings Mall and nearby Byrne Auto Repair follows. They are now awaiting zombie retaliation, hoping to hold their grounds longer than the last time. -- Kittithaj 23:29, 10 August 2010 (BST)
August 6th
Today, humanity's light of hope in Pitneybank was snuffed out — the survivor resistance in the Northern half, which has been growing over the week, was crushed by the undead. Giddings Mall, the Morrish Building, and Bromley Auto Repair have fallen. Now the zombies are moving West to attack nearby repaired buildings, such as the warehouse adjacent to the mall and Boutcher Alley Police Department. -- Kittithaj 23:48, 6 August 2010 (BST)
August 3rd
Survivor resistance concentrate on the Northern half of the suburb. They managed to capture and hold the Morrish Building for revive operation. Giddings Mall seems to change hands every few days. -- Kittithaj 16:34, 3 August 2010 (BST)
July 31st
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, can see over a hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... lights are on in the Farmer Building ... Fort Creedy is looking wrecked ..."
- Looks like the situation is getting a bit better, but not much. The suburb could take a while to fully recover. -- Kittithaj 08:38, 31 July 2010 (BST)
July 29th
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, can see around a hundred and fifty on the streets ... mostly just small groups ... no lights on down there ... heavy structural damage ... the Farmer Building has fallen - repeat, the Farmer Building has fallen ..." -- Kittithaj 02:05, 29 July 2010 (BST)
July 21th
There are 55 zombies and 12 dead bodies inside the Morrish Building. --BravoLeader 11:27, 21 July 2010 (BST)
- Big Bash has eaten everything. Yep. --Gunboat Debater 20:39, 21 July 2010 (BST)
July 20th
There are 14 zombies inside the southwest corner of Giddings Mall. --BravoLeader 07:04, 20 July 2010 (BST)
- The Red Triangle Circus Gang has reinforced the zombies in the southwest corner bringing the total to 28 zombies! Backup requested immediately! It's time for all brave Survivors to stand! We will hold them off!--Sgt Havok 08:01, 20 July 2010 (BST)
July 19th
Big Bash 3 has reached Pitneybank today, and suddenly attacked Fort Creedy. The undead, numbering in more than 60, stormed Fort gatehouse and overran it. At the same time to the North, a local zombie group, the Red Triangle Circus Gang attacked the Northeast corner of Giddings Mall. A dozen of them managed to break inside. Survivors, however, successfully pushed them out with some loss of lives and generators. The Fort is not that lucky, though, and all seem lost at this point. Farmer NT nearby has also fallen. -- Kittithaj 00:23, 20 July 2010 (BST)
July 18th
The Farmer Building is under siege. There are 3 zombies inside and 9 zombies outside. St. Benedict's Hospital is ruined and there are 13 zombies inside. --BravoLeader 11:03, 18 July 2010 (BST)
July 14th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, maybe a dozen on the streets ... all stragglers, no groups ... lights are on across the suburb ... can't see a single ruined building either ... lights are on in Giddings Mall ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 11:48, 14 July 2010 (BST)
July 8th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank looks clear ... lights are on across the suburb ... can't see a single ruined building either ... Fort Creedy is being held ..." -- Kittithaj 07:24, 9 July 2010 (BST)
May 24th
Creedy's been down a week, Benedict's been sacked by a large zombie horde (30 inside and out). Zed activity is growing rapidly near Creedy. Upping to Dangerous. --Wraith 22:04, 24 May 2010 (BST)
April 27th
The SE and NE corners of Giddings Mall have been ruined. There are around 3 survivors in the NW and SW corners. Giddings Mall has been all but overrun.
April 22nd
The Militant Order of Barhah has ruined the NW corner of Giddings Mall. Free Orange Julius for all - while it lasts. --Grogh 01:18, 22 April 2010 (BST)
April 20th
The MOB zombies have now spotted your mall and are reading up to go on a shopping spree for BREAAAAAAAAAD!!! That's right. Bread. Zombies like a bit of bread now and then because it goes particularly well with BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHNNZ!!! Ha. Of course. What where you thinking! We're zambahz! --Funkster 22:24, 20 April 2010 (BST)
April 18th
MOB is definitely here, and I've also heard reports that the RRF is also here. Upgrading to Dangerous. --Wraith 03:14, 19 April 2010 (BST)
April 15th
The Militant Order of Barhah is coming, get ready to PARTY! --Grogh 23:48, 15 April 2010 (BST)
April 11th
The hordes that were attacking Giddings and Creedy are dead or dissapated. Downgrading to safe. --Wraith 22:26, 11 April 2010 (BST)
April 2nd
Creedy, Giddings, and the NTs are all back up, along with most of the minor buildings as far as I saw. --Wraith94 20:34, 2 April 2010 (BST)
March 27th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, over a hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... power's back on at Giddings Mall ... looks like Fort Creedy has fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 22:54, 27 March 2010 (UTC)
March 23rd
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, over a hundred on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... looks like Giddings Mall has fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 19:40, 23 March 2010 (UTC)
March 21st
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, over a hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... Giddings Mall has definitely fallen ..." -Poodle of DoomM! T 04:21, 21 March 2010 (UTC)
- Most of the south, west, and area around Giddings is destroyed and swarming with ferals. Considering upgrading to Very Dangerous --Wraith94 20:18, 21 March 2010 (UTC)
March 20th
25.96 MHz: "... about eighty roaming Pitneybank ... a few big groups, including a mob of 26 inside the ruined Morish Building ... not many buildings with lights on..... some minor structural damage ... Giddings Mall has fallen again..." -Fallout11 00:58, 21 March 2010 (UTC)
March 16th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, over a hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ... power's back on at Giddings Mall ... looks like Fort Creedy has ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 13:54, 16 March 2010 (UTC)
March 15th
While the south is still trashed, the Giddings area is mostly repaired and the RRF has moved on. Downgrading to Dangerous. --Wraith94 21:17, 15 March 2010 (UTC)
March 14th
The Fort has fallen, a few survivors still in the armoury and infirmary but the rest is ransacked. All building around the fort are non-powered or ruined. RP are clogged, as NT buildings are undermanned. Pitneybank is a very dangerous place to be at the moment. --Angusburger 12:08, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
March 11th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, about eighty on the streets ... a horde of twenty or so outside Fort Creedy gatehouse ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... some minor structural damage ... Giddings Mall has definitely fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 07:06, 11 March 2010 (UTC)
March 7th
Considering the RRF is here and tearing stuff up, I've upgraded to Dangerous. -Wraith94 00:17, 8 March 2010 (UTC)
February 22nd
Did a scan about two days ago and counted less than 30 zeds around the suburb. There are still more than 30 bodies outside the Creedy Gatehouse. Buildings around Giddings are falling frequently into zombie hands. Declaring it safe even though there is possibly a siege happening in the next few days. Innapropriate sprays are all over the place, and 26.70 MHz is being clogged full of all sorts of weird stuff. Challenge of the Yukon is still being played however. Can't wait to see what happens now that Sgt. Preston has shot Brad. Oh yeah, be careful about PKers, check lists in the mall for people you should avoid/kill. Don't believe everything you see on the walls though. Double check who you think are PKers. Keep it safe.
February 15th
There are over 50 zeds just outside Creedy Gatehouse. I haven't counted the stragglers outside but I'm guessing there are at least 20. Pkers are also taking their toll heavily on the suburb. Creedy is officially under siege. I'm declaring the suburb Moderately dangerous. --Brostar 23:32, 14 February 2010 (UTC) 10:00, 15 February 2010 (AEST)
February 5th
Reporting from the area: the latest External Military Report indicates that the number of zombies in the area has risen to twenty or so. The suburb is still safe, PKer activity is a bigger problem than the undead. Both Fort Creedy and Giddings Mall are held by survivors. Watch your step and check where you sleep. --Bogdan Radu 15:46, 5 February 2010 (UTC)
- External Military: "... Pitneybank is still active, twenty or so on the streets ... all stragglers, no groups ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... Giddings Mall has lights on ..." Laitaine 16:27, 5 February 2010 (UTC)
February 3rd
External Military Report: "... Pitneybank is still active, maybe a dozen on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... Giddings Mall has lights on ..."
- Reporter Note: I'm currently in Pitneybank and I can confirm the area is safe and sound at the moment. Suburb status will be updated to "safe". --Bogdan Radu 14:27, 3 February 2010 (UTC)
February 2nd
Giddings Mall has been retaken a while ago. But many entry points around it are overly barricaded. Bromley Auto Repair has a break-in with two zombies inside. -- Kittithaj 23:20, 2 February 2010 (UTC)
January 18th
Giddings mall has fallen again and there are small groups of zombies in every corner. John Raymond 23:23, 18 January 2010 (UTC)
January 11th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, maybe seventy on the streets ... a horde of thirty or so outside Giddings Mall ... power's on across most of the area ... some minor structural damage ... Giddings Mall is operational ... the Farmer Building is looking ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 16:30, 11 January 2010 (UTC)
January 6th
External Military Report: "... Pitneybank is still active, about eighty on the streets ... a horde of a couple of dozen outside Giddings Mall ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... power's back on at Giddings Mall ... looks like Fort Creedy has ..."
- Judging from the EMR, the suburb status will be updated to "dangerous" since survivors are beginning to regain control. Bogdan Radu 22:37, 6 January 2010 (UTC)
December 3rd
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, well over two hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... can't see any signs of life ... most of the buildings are ruined ... looks like Giddings Mall has fallen ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 15:29, 3 December 2009 (UTC)
December 2nd
- Both Giddings Mall and Fort Creedy are now barricaded to an appropriate level, and there is plenty of movement inside, mostly taking the form of gentle swaying. The whole of Pitneybank is now experiencing a shortage of tasty bra!nz, but the remaining residents can at least rest in peace, quite literally free from the curse of harmanity. Not a Zombie Honest 17:54, 2 December 2009 (GMT)
- 25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, well over two hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a few buildings with lights on ... most of the buildings are ruined ... Giddings Mall has definitely fallen ..." --Laqueefa 19:32, 2 December 2009 (UTC)
December 1st
- Giddings Mall hath fallen.ConfusedMatthew 10:11, 1 December 2009 (UTC)
- 26.70 MHz: *crash* *static* *silence* (4 minutes ago) <- another giddings mall/fort creedy radio transmitter down, mall visually confirmed as ransacked.
I've heard radio transmissions suggesting a regrouping in Tynte Mall, just W of Pitneybank. Right now, Tynte is lit, caded and starting to fill up. Pitneybank isn't looking too good, but Peppardville has many caded builings with scattered suvivors.--soynuts 20:19, 1 December 2009 (UTC)
November 30th
Pitneybank needs support! The RP's have 47+ zombies standing and 20+ bodies at the Cemetary RP and Walrond Square. http://iwrecords.urbandead.info/11-30-09_2000hrs_PUBLIC/OUT_84-44_Pitneybank_stat_dd0-c84-162.html --Chaos21 23:58, 1 December 2009 (UTC)
November 29th
Mall under attack by small group —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Mathwhiz (talk • contribs) 00:28, 29 November 2009 (UTC).
November 28th
Fort Creedy gatehouse all but fallen, 30 zeds inside, 30 outside, survivors call to abandon the fort. Both NecroTech buildings ravaged by zombies. Mixed reports from fire stations and police departments. Mall still standing at last report. The zombie mob is likely to move on to other targets once the fort is totally ravaged. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Slamorte (talk • contribs) 22:22, 28 November 2009 (UTC).
November 27th
Hit with a zombie wave a couple of days ago. The Farmer Building fell almost immediately. Fort Creedy under assault and holding out. 10-50 zeds outside the Gatehouse at all time. Rumors that the Mall is under assault but holding out. Too busy to get out and scout the rest of the area. Slamorte 23:13, 27 November 2009 (UTC)
November 11th
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, it's looking empty ... power's on across most of the area ... can't see a single ruined building either ... Giddings Mall has lights on ..." --Ryan Rocksmith 02:05, 12 November 2009 (UTC) (broadcast November 11)
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NecroWatch |
NecroWatch reported in from the Farmer Building. The scan revealed 11 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. Building powered, barricaded and transmitting. Large survivor presence. |
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NecroWatch |
NecroWatch reported in from the Morrish Building. The scan revealed 6 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. Such a light smatterin' of the dead, they're just waiting for revives at the cemetery & Walrond Sq. |
November 2nd
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, twenty or so on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... lights are on across the suburb ... can't see a single ruined building either ... lights are on in Giddings Mall ..." -- Kittithaj 18:55, 2 November 2009 (UTC)
No report during this month. But apart from some zombie attack on Fort Creedy, the whole suburb appeared to be safe.
September 22nd
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, it's looking empty ... power's on across most of the area ... infrastructure looks intact too ... Giddings Mall is operational ..." -- Kittithaj 23:10, 22 September 2009 (BST)
September 19th
No zeds standing within all of Pitneybank. Large survivor presence. Giddings and Creedy secure, populated and lit. Krankovich 06:16, 19 September 2009 (BST)
September 13th
25.96 MHz: "... leaving Pitneybank, counted maybe a dozen outside ... they're just wandering around ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... some survivor activity in the Morrish Building ..." --Rat of Steel 18:28, 13 September 2009 (BST)
Based on recent External Military data, the danger level of Pitneybank has been downgraded from Moderately Dangerous to Safe. --Rat of Steel 18:28, 13 September 2009 (BST)
September 8th
Using Necronet and Binocular scans, only 4 zombies present within visible range of Morrish NT. Light are on in most places though damage to buildings on the fringes is frequent. Survivors mostly at full health with no visible Ailments. Kendrone 18:49, 8 September 2009 (BST)
September 7th
25.96 MHz: "... thirty or so in Pitneybank ... a horde of twenty or so outside Fort Creedy gatehouse ... lights are on across the suburb ... only a few buildings damaged though ... Fort Creedy has lights on ..." --Rat of Steel 17:00, 7 September 2009 (BST)
August 30th
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, maybe seventy on the streets ... a horde of a couple of dozen outside the Morrish Building ... power's on across most of the area ... only a few buildings damaged though ... Giddings Mall is operational ... Fort Creedy ..." --Rat of Steel 08:43, 30 August 2009 (BST)
Based on recent External Military data, the danger level of Pitneybank has been downgraded from Dangerous to Moderately Dangerous. --Rat of Steel 08:43, 30 August 2009 (BST)
August 24th
Both NT buildings currently survivor-held but Fort Creedy is zed-held with 3-5 inside and outside each of its buildings. Still very much a back and forth situation in this suburb. -- RustyNailsSon 18:56, 24 August 2009 (UTC+10)
August 22th
Still plenty of zeds in this suburb as you can verify by the recent Farmer and Morrish building Necrowatch scans but most of the recent MOB plague has swept eastward and is currently wreaking havoc in Paynterton and Starlingtown. All main resource buildings are rebuilt and rebarricaded while many others are relit and being repopulated. -- RustyNailsSon 16:45, 22 August 2009 (UTC+10)
August 21th
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NecroWatch |
NecroWatch reported in from the Morrish Building. The scan revealed 165 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. |
August 20th
25.96 MHz: "... leaving Pitneybank, counted nearly two hundred outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a few buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... the Morrish Building has lights on ... looks like Fort Creedy has fallen ..."
- Nearly two hundred? This is really bad. -- Kittithaj 00:45, 21 August 2009 (BST)
August 19th
The Farmer and Morrish buildings are still ruined as well as much of the suburb although there's a few rebuilds going on. Giddings Mall is still in zombie hands and there's plenty of people waiting on the RP for a syringe. --RustyNailsSon 18:45, 19 August 2009 (UTC+10)
August 16th
The MOB has ruined the last building inside Fort Creedy. There are no survivors. --Grogh 16:14, 16 August 2009 (BST)
August 15th
The Militant Order of Barhah has moved into Fort Creedy after destroying everything else on the Official Zombie Target List. -- Grogh 00:21, 15 August 2009 (BST)
Gatehouse has been overrun. At least 7 zombies inside, 35 outside. The infirmary and armory are still powered and caded. (unsigned by Petro355)
- Update: No power anywhere, no barricades anywhere. Dead bodies everywhere, MOB everywhere, lots of infections. All in all it's looking rather good. -- Grogh 00:43, 16 August 2009 (BST)
August 12th
The Militant Order of Barhah has ruined Giddings. Everything else is next. -- Grogh 23:29, 12 August 2009 (BST)
August 11th
Zombies have overrun Giddeons Mall, 29 in NW corner have cleared out that room. 30+ outside. Fort Creedy better cooperate and prepare, because they're comin' here next. --DSryk 02:37, 12 August 2009 (BST)
August 10th
Brainwatch™ reports from the Morrish NT that the doors are wide open and there are 39 breathers left alive, many infected. At least a dozen from the Militant Order of Barhah are inside and eating. -- Grogh 01:24, 10 August 2009 (BST)
- Update: The Morrish Building is ruined. -- Papa Jadkor (RRF) (MotA) (MT11) 16:07, 10 August 2009 (BST)
August 9th
Southwest part of the suburb has been overrun by the MOB from Peppardville in the past couple days. Northern area is lit and strongly barricaded. The Morrish Building and Giddings Mall are totally lit, heavily barricaded and very many survivors. Same with many buildings in the Morrish/Giddings area. The Farmer building is still ruined. -- RustyNailsSon 22:15, 9 August 2009 (UTC+10)
August 8th
Brainwatch™ reports from the Farmer NT that there are 2 breathers left alive but badly wounded, and 37 fresh meals waiting to be eaten in St. Benedict's Hospital. -- Grogh 00:46, 8 August 2009 (BST)
- Update: Farmer has been ruined. -- Grogh 01:47, 8 August 2009 (BST)
August 7th
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NecroWatch |
NecroWatch reported in from the Morrish Building. The scan revealed 19 zombies within the scanning range of the facility. |
July 31st
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, it's looking empty ... power's on across most of the area ... can't see a single ruined building either ... Giddings Mall has lights on ..." --Rat of Steel 13:31, 31 July 2009 (BST)
July 21st
25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank looks clear ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... the Farmer Building is being held ..." --Rat of Steel 17:35, 21 July 2009 (BST)
July 10th
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, it's looking empty ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... infrastructure looks intact too ... the Morrish Building has power ..." --Rat of Steel 02:03, 10 July 2009 (BST)
Based on recent External Military data, the danger level of Pitneybank has been downgraded from Dangerous to Safe. --Rat of Steel 02:03, 10 July 2009 (BST)
June 24th
External Military: "... Pitneybank is still active, about forty on the streets ... a horde of twenty or so outside Fort Creedy gatehouse ... power's on across most of the area ... only a few buildings damaged though ... Giddings Mall is operational ... Fort Creedy is ..." Laitaine 21:15, 24 June 2009 (BST)
Based on recent External Military data, the danger level of Pitneybank has been upgraded from Safe to Moderately Dangerous. --Rat of Steel 21:18, 24 June 2009 (BST)
- I just came from Fort Creedy and there are at least 500 zeds making their way into the suburb. --Ltpotter 02:02, 25 June 2009 (BST)
- This is confirmed, Fort Creedy has been taken over by a surprise attack from hostile zombie force numbering from 100-500 (according to several reports, precise numbers unknown.) The resulting chaos has been heard over the local radio, and nearby suburb as well. -- Kittithaj 17:36, 25 June 2009 (BST)
June 15th
High survivor population - nearly all buildings caded and powered, fort is up and safe, giddings mall is powered and caded - lowering the danger level. Low numbers of zeds - under control --Betamaxx ◆◆◆ 18:16, 15 June 2009 (BST)
May 20th
Creedy isn't up, but the amount of zombies in it is relatively low. Nemesis645 16:35, 20 May 2009 (BST)
May 19th
The Umbrella Corporation together with the ever growing local survivor populace is leading a charge on the southern parts. Farmer NT and St Benidictus are both up and lit along with several other buildings. Only Fort Creedy remains largely ruined, albeit it is expected survivors will gain a foothold there shortly. The revive que at Walrond Square has also largely been cleared. --Thadeous Oakley, Europeans, don't forget to VOTE! 22:25, 19 May 2009 (BST)
May 16th
Giddings is up and running with about 50 survivors in it. Creedy's is in ruin. 100 zeds waiting at revive points around the suburb. About 1/3 of the buildings are in ruin. That's about it.--Kylac 15:58, 16 May 2009 (BST)
- The Umbrella Corp, along with local survivors has slowly reclaimed the area around Giddings Mall. The buildings around it are lit. Everything below Morrish is still a wasteland. Farmer NT is still down.--Thadeous Oakley 23:05, 16 May 2009 (BST)
May 14th
25.96 MHz: "... leaving Pitneybank, counted around a hundred and fifty outside ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... a few buildings with lights on ... heavy structural damage ... the Morrish Building has lights on ... looks like Fort Creedy has fallen ..." -- Kittithaj 18:44, 14 May 2009 (BST)
May 2nd
Mall Tour 2009 and the Ridleybank Resistance Front are partying in this suburb, resulting in carnage, death, bodies piled up and zombies everywhere. --Papa Moloch 04:13, 3 May 2009 (BST)
April 30th
Both NTs, Giddings mall, and a large portion of the northern/ northeasten part of the suburb is in zed hands. The RPs are clogged, and anyone with NT skills should try to relieve them if at all possible. The Fort remains secure, with only 3 zeds at the gates, although much of it appeared to be without power for some reason. -- Timebmb66 05:11, 1 May 2009 (BST)
April 28th
-Large mobs continue to patrol and attack. --Yamikuronue 14:31, 28 April 2009 (BST)
- Also: -Farmer building has been retaken, but desperately need reinforcements if it is to be held, 5 zeds currently outside, only a few people inside. -- Timebmb66 03:17, 29 April 2009 (BST)
April 27th
The current target for Mall Tour - there hasn't been a massive increase in zeds yet, but the target was only just confirmed - so expect trouble at giddings mall the danger level is gonna have to change. -- User:Betamaxx 20:43, 27 April 2009 (BST)
April 26th
The Farmer Building has been attacked and taken by the zeds. There are about 30 zeds outside the building and some are gathering in the area by Fort Creedy, but they are just small groups. -- Deathlokkill 22:05, 26 April 2009 (BST)
April 19th
Zombies have killed at least 6 survivors in the fort Creedy gatehouse, the zombies have also ruined the barricades multiple times. but the survivors are still defending the fort. -- Pfc Red 17:46, 19 April 2009 (BST)
April 18th
Report from inside Fort Creedy: the fort seems to be holding up with lots of survivors defending it. But still be carful while on the streets, there has been some zombie sightings. -- Pfc Red 03:21, 19 April 2009 (BST)
April 15th
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, it's looking empty ... a lot of lights on, looks the area's been reclaimed ... infrastructure looks intact too ... some survivor activity in the Morrish Building ..." -- Kittithaj 15:55, 15 April 2009 (BST)
April 12th
Pitneybank is back on track. The fort has been reclaimed and is running smoothly, although there are 9 zeds outside the gatehouse so just pat them on the head on the way in. St Benedict's Hospital is VSB++, and Giddings Mall is safe too, although no one can ever be sure just exactly which building is the entry point. -- ChainReaction01 23:29, 11 April 2009 (BST)
April 5th
Pitneybank is not well off. The fort is down and the surrounding area is ruined, at least one of the necrotech is still up and running but hospitals are ruined. 4 zombies and 31 dead bodies in cemetery res point 1 NW of The Farmer building.--Jaffa cake man 21:40, 5 April 2009 (BST)
March 31st
The Fort Creedy Storehouse and both Barracks were just ruined. The number of survivors in the Armoury has been halved as additional feral zombies continue to arrive for their feast, invited by the MOB Locator. Fort Creedy seems to be close to falling, despite the valiant fight the survivors put up against the ravenous zombies. --FLZombie 02:10, 31 March 2009 (BST)
- Fort Creedy has fallen. All areas of the fort have been ruined. Some survivors managed to escape the carnage, and have moved to secondary rallying points. --FLZombie 12:11, 31 March 2009 (BST)
March 30th
A feral zombie opened the Fort Creedy Infirmary. MOB and friends are pouring through a hole in the barricade, with over a dozen standing zombies now, it looks like the survivors are beginning to have trouble barricading. --FLZombie 01:17, 30 March 2009 (BST)
- The wounded survivors of the gatehouse that sought protection there were torn to pieces in front of the staff, which were also attacked in short order. FCI has just been ruined, with 40 standing zombies in there. --FLZombie 12:17, 30 March 2009 (BST)
- This is progressing very rapidly now. The Fort Creedy Armoury has been breached by several ferals, the Denton Affair, and MOB. They are beginning to attack the 55 survivors holed up in there. --FLZombie 18:52, 30 March 2009 (BST)
March 29th
The Militant Order of Barhah has opened up the Fort Creedy gatehouse. Many zombies have been killed by active survivors that are trying to protect their comrades, but more continue to arrive through open doors. Too many are inside to barricade effectively. It seems that a battle of epic proportions has just commenced. --FLZombie 04:13, 29 March 2009 (BST)
- The gatehouse has just been ruined. Amidst the dried blood trails and the piles of corpses, silence is here at last. The dead bear witness to the destruction brought upon this place. Several survivors escaped the carnage by the skin on their teeth, but it's rumored that the horde has plans to take the rest of the fort that defends four suburbs. The moment of reckoning has come. Will the remaining survivors in Fort Creedy be able to rally their forces and muster the strength needed to eject these zombies? One can imagine what will be the result if they fail. --FLZombie 16:31, 29 March 2009 (BST)
March 18th
Seventy-two hours after the reclamation of Giddings Mall, Fort Creedy is completely back online. With both important landmarks in human hands, and revive queues cleared, Pitneybank can finally resume its business as usual. -- Kittithaj 14:46, 18 March 2009 (UTC)
March 15th
NecroWatch reported in from the Morrish Building. A recent scan had revealed that there were 62 zombies within scanning range of the facility. Of these numbers, 19 zombies were at Giddings Mall, with 17 zombies at the northwest corner, 1 zombie at both the northeast and southwest corners, but with no detected zombies in the southeast corner. Furthermore, 8 zombies were at Mumford Towers, while 5 zombies were at Boutcher Alley PD and Kitch Park, and 4 zombies at a junkyard. Over in Spracklingbank, 5 zombies were at the Dewell Building. The remaining scattered zombies were 3 or fewer in number, with most numbering in the 1's and 2's. --Mobius 15:36, 15 March 2009 (UTC)
March 14th
Area is still extremely dangerous with mobs of zombies killing anything that moves. Lights are starting to come back on in the area surrounding the fort. --Paulpowers 09:06, 14 March 2009 (UTC)
March 8th
With Fort Creedy destroyed, the Morrish and Farmer NT buildings devoured and a corner of Giddings Mall ruined and occupied, the Ridleybank Resistance Front's Excursion IV: Culture Shock tour has brutalised the suburb of Pitneybank. The suburb is to be considered very dangerous. --Papa Moloch 18:50, 8 March 2009 (UTC)
March 6th
The population of Fort Creedy have fallen victim to the Ridleybank Resistance Front, with the entire complex now ruined. Escapees have taken refuge from the horde wherever they can, but the zombies are not far behind. --Papa Moloch 20:35, 6 March 2009 (UTC)
March 5th
Fort Creedy has been stormed by the Ridleybank Resistance Front. The gatehouse has been ruined and zombies have spread throughout the compound, breaching key buildings within. Survivor numbers inside remain high, but the casualty rate indicates that the fort will only be able to bear another few days of this attack before it falls entirely. --Papa Moloch 10:44, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
Seems to be going faster than that. All remaining survivors will be dead or fleeing in the next 24 hours as every building in Fort Creedy has be breached.--XxFear ItselfxX 05:51, 6 March 2009 (UTC)
March 4th
Fort Creedy is under attack by a mob of about 30 zombies. At the time of this report, 20 undeads are still inside the gate out against 80 survivors. And there are 20 of them gathering outside dying to get in. -- Kittithaj 06:10, 4 March 2009 (UTC)
- Well Fort Creedy has 50+ zeds in the Gatehouse. No survivors inside it. About 30+ in the compound itself. --Armydude5792 22:30, 4 March 2009 (UTC)
March 3rd
After weeks with no sightings, the following groups have been removed from Pitneybank/News Archive's group listing.
151st Brigade
Black Brigade
Death Of The Second Spleen
Phoenix Division
Third Echelon
Creedy Guerilla Raiders
The Cobra Federation
The Rotting Dead
Please re-add these groups if they are still active. Linkthewindow Talk 07:31, 3 March 2009 (UTC)
March 1st
25.96 MHz: "... leaving Pitneybank, counted a hundred or so outside ... mostly just small groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... serious collateral damage ... lights are on in Fort Creedy ... Giddings Mall has fallen ..." -- Kittithaj 04:25, 2 March 2009 (UTC)
February 25th
Giddings Mall and Morrish NT have both been conquered by the Ridleybank Resistance Front as a part of the Excursion IV: Culture Shock tour. --Papa Moloch 13:50, 25 February 2009 (UTC)
February 24th
According to recent radio broadcasts the NW corner of Giddings has fallen. The mall seems doomed. --Kouchpotato T 19:39, 24 February 2009 (UTC)
February 20th
Creedy appears to be under attack from a group of ferals. Presently the gatehouse is damaged and the armoury is without power. The armoury is overcaded, uncertain about the other areas... Nemesis645 09:02, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
February 19th
Giddings has been suffering from a few breakins. Many wounded survivors have been dragged into the streets by the angry zombies, while PKing appears to be running riot. The radio is presently being spammed for the Morrish building to be reclaimed, though nothing much is happening. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Nemesis645 (talk • contribs) 07:28, 19 February 2009 (UTC).
February 18th
A concentrated attack on the Morrish Building by more than twenty zombies successfully penetrated the human defense. The building now lies ruined with about 90 bodies (!) littered outside. About 30 zombies are waiting anxiously for revival at Walrond Square. But with only one NT building left, it could take a while. To make the matter even worse, some clueless survivors take this chance to waste their time and bullets by shooting zombies at the revive line. -- Kittithaj 14:54, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
February 14th
Amongst the survivors that retook the St. Benedict's Hospital, were members of the 41st Death Commandos (41st DC) who reportedly evicted the last of the zombies, repaired, caded it and supplied a generator. Currently a small force of survivors are maintaining the cades and the powered hospital is supplying the area with much needed FAKs. It is now very strongly barricaded, as per the barricade plan. -- Mchou76 05:43, 14 February 2009 (EST)
February 13th
There was a breach earlier today at St. Benedict's Hospital by a group of about ten zombies. All survivors residing in the hospital were apparently killed. Although this is Friday the 13th, survivors won't let the dead get what they want. The building was cleared within less than 18 hours. It is now very strongly barricaded, as per the barricade plan. -- Kittithaj 13:51, 13 February 2009 (UTC)
February 8th
Pitneybank Barricade Plan: It's there for a reason. Overcading a problem all around the Giddings area. --Pestolence(talk) 21:41, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
February 3rd
25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, it's looking empty ... power's on across most of the area ... infrastructure looks intact too ... Giddings Mall is operational ..."
The Mall Tour is still far from Pitneybank, thus not much zombie activities. There're lots of PKers roaming around though. -- Kittithaj 17:50, 3 February 2009 (UTC)
January 31st
A big amount of pker activity. Area seems well protected from zombies, at the moment. Large amounts of survivors. J.I 14:01, 31 January 2009 (UTC)
January 30th
Giddings Mall and Fort Creedy are in excellent shape but GKing and PKing are a problem at Giddings and overbarricading at Creedy. The entire suburb is digging in for the inevitable onslaught of Mall Tour '09. -- XxFear ItselfxX 06:58, 31 January 2009 (UTC)
December 25th
All 4 corners of Giddings Mall are OK with light, cades and survivors inside, same goes for the (resource) buildings around it.--Perfectionist 00:45, 25 December 2008 (UTC)
December 2nd
Giddings Mall is ruined, few surviors ins. The Morrish NT is under siege with doors opened. 3 zeds inside over 25 outside. -- Ttia 10:35, 2 December 2008 (UTC)
- November 25th, 2008: The suburb is being reclaimed, but fort creedy still lies in ruin. Giddings mall is operational, although it has a strong (40+) zombie presence in the north east corner. -- Angusburger 21:13, 25 November 2008 (UTC)
- November 4th, 2008: The suburb is completly destoryed in just under 24 hours Giddings mall was destroyed all surviors have been killed or have fled to surronding suburbs. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Risk201 (talk • contribs) 23:08, 4 November 2008 (UTC).
- Over sixty zombies waiting for revive at Walrond Square... -- Ragrillo 22:06, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- November 2nd, 2008: Just sixteen hours after the Militant Order of Barhah - with assistance from The Denton Affair and (we think) the Minions of the Apocalypse - began the attacks on both the Morrish Building and Giddings Mall, the combined survivor numbers have dropped from almost five hundred to under three hundred. At this time there are 80 zombies inside at the two locations and the barricades are down. Groans and gunfire can be heard from far away. -- Grogh 04:13, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
- Stats: 58 zombies at the local revive point, 67 zombies inside the mall, 200+ survivors still inside, the southeast corner is ransacked. -- Angusburger 12:54, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
- The Barhahry Corsairs - notorious zombie pirates of the MOB - who opened the Morrish Building just 24 hours ago, have ransacked and ruined it. Survivors are to be warned of the danger of the zombie parrots infesting the area. Having both PDs and the NT down does not bode well for the breathers of this town. -- Grogh 15:39, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
- Update: 32 hours after the MOB started the attacks at the mall and the NT, The NT is ruined, both southern quads of the mall are ruined, and there are 38 of the original 489 breathers left. Much credit must be given to the fantastic job done by our feral friends. -- Grogh 20:58, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
- The Barhahry Corsairs - notorious zombie pirates of the MOB - who opened the Morrish Building just 24 hours ago, have ransacked and ruined it. Survivors are to be warned of the danger of the zombie parrots infesting the area. Having both PDs and the NT down does not bode well for the breathers of this town. -- Grogh 15:39, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
- Stats: 58 zombies at the local revive point, 67 zombies inside the mall, 200+ survivors still inside, the southeast corner is ransacked. -- Angusburger 12:54, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
- November 3rd, 2008: Giddings Mall is ruined, with 180 zombies inside and over 20 outside. This suburb is very dangerous. The zombies are heading for the remaining buildings that are shown as caded on the MOB Locator. -- FLZombie 00:01, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
- Stats: Attack lasted 35 hours from start until both ruined. Total of 489 humans spread between Morrish and Giddings at start, 0 at the end. 200 zombies at the mall, 40 at the NT. -- Grogh 01:00, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
- November 1st, 2008: The MOB has started the month with an assult on Giddings mall.There have been plenty of feeding groans echoing accross the suburb, drawing re-enforcements. The mall has already had plenty of minor breakins today, I expect it to fall within the week. -- Angusburger 16:35, 1 November 2008 (UTC)
- October 31st, 2008: MOB has moved into the suburb with a bang. At this time there are three TRPs that are getting assaulted. Survivors are taking positions to counter. Heavy fighting has been raging well into the night - sounds of gunshots and groaning can be heard. -- FLZombie 03:20, 31 October 2008 (UTC)
- Zombies have broken into the Morris Building south of the mall. Requesting immediate backup. 50 survivors and about a dozen zombies inside with the doors open. -- Ragrillo 14:27, 1 November 2008 (UTC)
- October 28th, 2008: The Fort Creedy Gatehouse has been very strongly barricaded, still about 12 zeds inside Fort Creedy altogether. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Doctorwolfy (talk • contribs) 16:24, 28 October 2008 (UTC).
- October 19th, 2008: Fort Creedy is almost completely taken over. The only part of the Fort that is barely hanging on is the Gatehouse, with a few very brave survivors trying to stave off the tides of zeds. Zombie numbers are in the 90's, with many, many more in the surrounding area. -- Omega360 02:41, 20 October 2008 (BST)
- October 4th, 2008: Only 3 zombies seen on the streets. All of the suburb's 11 Tactical Resource Points are powered (including Fort Creedy and Giddings Mall), as is much of the suburb. Safe. -- Funt Solo QT
17:23, 4 October 2008 (BST)
- October 2nd, 2008: Frequent zombie activity notice as of late. A couple break-ins have succeeded on the Schonlau Motel, and were then solved quickly by some survivors.--Jared Young 20:43, 2 October 2008 (BST)
- September 18th, 2008: Pitneybank and Ft. Creedy specifically is under assault from Red Rum and an unusually high number of zombies in the surrounding area.--Wildman curt 06:07, 18 September 2008 (BST)
- September 14th, 2008: In a display of survivor-to-survivor cruelty, entry points within two blocks of Giddings are all shut off due to overcading. No zombies in sight to take advantage of the situation though, at least until they read this news update. -- Aeon17x 01:30, 14 September 2008 (BST)
- September 13th, 2008: I've actually noticed an increase in the number of zombies between the schonlau and the fort while I was on my daily supply run. I haven't seen a whole lot of PKing out where I'm at. The fort seems to be holding up alright, though should the worst happen, St. Benedict's is still completely sealed off to anyone who isn't a free-runner at the last time I checked. Anyway, it seems that things are still overall smooth in Pitneybank. -- Wildman curt 00:34, 13 September 2008 (BST)
- September 12th, 2008: Pitneybank is quiet. Other than the occasional shanking and head asploding from bounty hunters killing wanted PKers and vice versa, people are actually eerily friendly at each other. Revive points at Morrish and Farmer are kept short majorly due to the quick revives, partly due to the trenchies shooting the Mrh? cows at the RP. Meanwhile at Fort Creedy, there are a hundred dead bodies outside ready to stand up and strike at the fort, with break-ins at the rate of every other hour. -- Aeon17x 04:09, 12 September 2008 (BST)
- August 25th, 2008: 39 zombies standing outside the Fort Creedy Gatehouse. -- G-Man 07:11, 25 August 2008 (BST)
- August 21st, 2008: Fort Creedy Gatehouse is under heavy attack by 30 zeds. -- Squibman 02:54, 22 August 2008 (BST)
- August 6th, 2008: External Military: "... Pitneybank is still active, nearly a hundred on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... several buildings with power ... heavy structural damage ... Giddings Mall has power ... Fort Creedy has fallen ..." -- Laitaine 04:24, 7 August 2008 (BST)
- August 5th, 2008: External Military: "... Pitneybank is still active, over a hundred on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... several buildings with power ... serious collateral damage ... Giddings Mall has power ... Fort Creedy has fallen ..." -- Laitaine 00:28, 6 August 2008 (BST)
- August 4th, 2008: After recent requests solicited no response, the following group links have been removed from the suburb:
25th Military Police Regiment
Aardwolf Rangers
Clerics Of Malton, The
Church of Kevan
Creedy Defense Force
Malton Forensics Unit
Dentonside Regulars
Executioners, The
Fallen, The
Halberry Defense Force
Lfs team
Loose Cannons
Los Illuminados
Malton Resistance Front
Red rev net
Squad G.I.A.
Revenant, The
1337 PWNZ0RDZ, The
Alliance, The
Angels of Mercy
Super Six'es, The
-- Axe Hack Talk 20:17, 4 August 2008 (BST)
- July 31st, 2008: After scouting Pitneybank, I must of seen at most a dozen zombies on the streets, most buildings are ruined, but i repaired the NE corner of Giddings Mall. This subburb is an orange suburb at most, can anybody else support this? -- Mianthadore 08:00, 1 August 2008 (BST)
- July 21st, 2008: External Military: "... flying over Pitneybank, can see well over two hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... no lights on down there ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... the Farmer Building is looking wrecked ..." -- Laitaine 21:03, 21 July 2008 (BST)
- July 19th, 2008: The Morrish Building is ruined with 100 zombies inside and few casualties this time around. Fittingly, a LUEser got the last kill, a member of the Feral Undead got the ransack, and a member of the RRF got the ruin. -- 10:37, 19 July 2008 (BST)
- July 18th, 2008: The malls been breached with 50 standing outside and another 50 inside the NW corner which is now destroyed. Survivors are dropping like flies as more and more zombies pile in through the breach. -- Dotss spleens fury 03:55, 18 July 2008 (BST)
- UPDATE: The northern quadrants of Giddings Mall have been ruined and are occupied by a number of zombies. The southwest quadrant is locked in battle while the southeast is quiet but for the constant bashing of generators. The Morrish building has regained some of its former luster, yet survivors can hardly take a breather knowing that over 150 of the undead are just one block away. The situation is a grim one but the battle has yet to be won or lost. -- Guilty 16:02, 18 July 2008 (BST)
- UPDATE #2: Now we see the battle begin favoring a zombie victory. After fierce resistance in the SE quadrant, Giddings Mall has finally succumbed to the horde. Morrish is all that remains standing between the undead and its conquest of Pitneybank. Despite a last ditch regroup effort in the Necrotech facility, by this point, it is only a matter of time. Zombies have breached the barricades and survivors are being dispatched quickly, while others choose to flee. -- Guilty 03:41, 19 July 2008 (BST)
- UPDATE #3: Giddings Mall has fallen and the Morrish Building's doors are wide open with about 30 zombies inside. Only a few resource buildings remain in survivor hands. -- Maletruck 04:48, 19 July 2008 (BST)
- UPDATE #2: Now we see the battle begin favoring a zombie victory. After fierce resistance in the SE quadrant, Giddings Mall has finally succumbed to the horde. Morrish is all that remains standing between the undead and its conquest of Pitneybank. Despite a last ditch regroup effort in the Necrotech facility, by this point, it is only a matter of time. Zombies have breached the barricades and survivors are being dispatched quickly, while others choose to flee. -- Guilty 03:41, 19 July 2008 (BST)
- UPDATE: The northern quadrants of Giddings Mall have been ruined and are occupied by a number of zombies. The southwest quadrant is locked in battle while the southeast is quiet but for the constant bashing of generators. The Morrish building has regained some of its former luster, yet survivors can hardly take a breather knowing that over 150 of the undead are just one block away. The situation is a grim one but the battle has yet to be won or lost. -- Guilty 16:02, 18 July 2008 (BST)
- July 17th, 2008: A back and forth battle has seen the Morrish Building trade hands once more. Currently, survivors have a tenuous grip on the fabled Necrotech facility. How long they can hold it remains to be seen. PKers, GKers, and many of the Ridleybank Resistance Front have begun stepping up their assault, leaving Morrish and all of Giddings Mall unpowered. Other buildings have had their radios scrambled. The NW corner of the mall was breached multiple times today, though all invaders were repelled. Tempers are growing thin as the survivors are being stretched to their limit. This battle of attrition may have only one foregone conclusion. -- Guilty 02:28, 18 July 2008 (BST)
- July 16th, 2008: Survivors dug deep and managed to recover the Morrish Building from the undead. The aftermath of the battle can be seen directly outside the building where 200+ bodies lie unmoving. For now. Zombie reinforcements have been reportedly spotted in the south, shambling their way to Giddings and the fight for Pitneybank promises to heat up in the days to come. -- Guilty 01:25, 17 July 2008 (BST)
- Survivors were just ousted from the Morrish NT. -- Godzman 02:45, 17 July 2008 (BST)
- July 15th, 2008: Battle rages in the Morrish Building, and hope is fast fading for the dwindling survivors. Zombie sympathizers, PKers, and GKers continue to run rampant within and around Giddings Mall, though the mall itself remains a formidable bastion. The suburb is at a critical point and whether it stands or falls may be decided in the next few days. -- Guilty 03:25, 16 July 2008 (BST)
- The Morrish Building is in zombie hands. Most of the 90+ survivors previously are temporarily dead. -- 13:19, 16 July 2008 (BST)
- July 9th, 2008: Zombies have assaulted & conquered Fort Creedy. They are swarming around the place. But what i've heard about that they still don't and can't assault the Giddings Mall. -- DefZLegz
- July 3rd, 2008: I think zombies are starting to invade. The hospital I used to get aid-kits (In the area to the left) from was ransacked and a zombie broke down the barricades at boxall road fire station. -- HappyPandaFace 15:32, 3 July 2008 (GMT)
- July 2nd, 2008: 25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, it's looking empty ... power's on across most of the area ... infrastructure looks intact too ... Giddings Mall is operational ..." -- Laitaine 20:15, 2 July 2008 (BST)
- June 30th, 2008: 25.96 MHz: "... flying over Pitneybank, it's looking empty ... power's on across most of the area ... can't see a single ruined building either ... Giddings Mall has lights on ..." -- Laitaine 20:20, 30 June 2008 (BST)
- June 23rd, 2008: Not a single zombie in sight, searched around the entire suburb for nothing, both necronets are coming up blank as well, I strongly recommend changing this to green, PKer issue aside. -- Dylan Hillman 02:12, 23 June 2008 (BST)
- June 19th, 2008: PK'ers galore around the mall, been killed by one everyday, Headless Gunner is back roaming the area preying on the innocent. -- Dotss spleens fury 02:12, 19 June 2008 (BST)
- June 8th, 2008: Fort Creedy remains contested as survivors and zombies continue fighting over key buildings within the fort. Though the majority of the zombie population has dispersed, it seems there are still enough within the fort to cause significant trouble for survivors. -- Abandoned Ice 01:55, 9 June 2008 (BST)
- June 5th, 2008: Great. Many entry buildings overcaded, and people getting eaten in the streets (including me, soon.) Lets stick to the barricade plan people :-\ -- Sergeant Bobbo 07:53, June 5, 2008
- May 31st, 2008: Fort Creedy is gone 150+ zeds outside & inside more scattered throughout the suburb most buildings ruined, recommend Very Dangerous. -- Jae 09:06, 31 May 2008 (BST)
- May 28th, 2008: Fort Creedy under heavy attack, gate house has fallen, 200+zeds involved. -- Danny Williams 13:46 BST
- Why is this suburb still green? Danny Williams 20:18 BST
- I've been going through various suburbs, this one most recently, and I have no idea why some of the suburbs are being shown as green or even Moderate. Pitneybank is definitely not a 'green suburb'. It's at least Dangerous. There are over 70 zombies in the fort, and about 150 dead outside the fort waiting to stand up. Also much of the southern half of the burb was in ruins when I went through it yesterday. -- Tselita 21:16, 28 May 2008 (BST)
- Updating Danger level to Dangerous. The fort is definitely going down. Large mobs around and in it, and southern part of burb is ruined. -- Tselita 21:24, 28 May 2008 (BST)
- I've been going through various suburbs, this one most recently, and I have no idea why some of the suburbs are being shown as green or even Moderate. Pitneybank is definitely not a 'green suburb'. It's at least Dangerous. There are over 70 zombies in the fort, and about 150 dead outside the fort waiting to stand up. Also much of the southern half of the burb was in ruins when I went through it yesterday. -- Tselita 21:16, 28 May 2008 (BST)
- Why is this suburb still green? Danny Williams 20:18 BST
- May 26th, 2008: Lavor Alley School is ruined 15 Zombies inside. It wasn't hard to defend it, you know. -- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by mureth (talk • contribs) at an unknown time.
- May 20th, 2008: Fort Creedy is in pretty good shape, but there are break-ins about once every 2 days... The zeds that break in have infection. Overcading is common at Fort Creedy. -- Delta36 01:39, 21 May 2008 (BST)
- May 19th, 2008: Everything has finally calmed down and all buildings are caded. But Fort Creedy is still safe, although the gatehouse is broken into then caded back up. All I ask is I stop being PK'd everytime I log off. -- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by TheLivinDead (talk • contribs) at an unknown time.
- May 5th, 2008: Giddings Mall is safe. Farmer Building is safe. Morrish Building is safe. Fort Creedy is safe. Any survivor will be as snug as a bug - until the next mob, of course. -- ~Ariedartin • Talk • A KS J abt all 09:41, 4 May 2008 (BST)
- April 26th, 2008: External Military:"... Pitneybank is still active, about forty on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... a lot of buildings with lights on ... only a few buildings damaged ... Giddings Mall has power ... Fort Creedy has fallen ..." -- Dr Cory Bjornson 20:13, 26 April 2008 (BST)
- Wandering the streets of Pitneybank, one finds most TRPs and buildings reclaimed and barricaded. There are no large mobs of zombies. The ballyhoo-ed fort may be down, but the rest of the suburb is doing quite well. -- WanYao 22:44, 26 April 2008 (BST)
- April 24th, 2008: The area around Gidding mall is secure and the mall is functioning. -- EzriSun 13:57, 24 April 2008 (BST)
- April 22nd, 2008: Pitneybank is a mess. There are some 'caded places. But the useful buildings are currently ruined. There are a lot of zeds, but not enough for a hoard. They are in packs of 4-6 in areas of 4-6 block radius'. -- PvtStanwell
- April 14th, 2008: External Military: "... Pitneybank is still active, well over two hundred on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... can't see any signs of life ... the whole suburb's wrecked ... looks like Giddings Mall has fallen ..." -- Scott Timewell 05:44, 14 April 2008 (BST)
- April 10th, 2008: NW corner of Giddings is ruined. -- Scott Timewell 03:02, 10 April 2008 (BST)
- Increased to 650+--Dr Mycroft Chris 01:46, 10 April 2008 (BST)
- St. Benedict's Hospital is under siege with zombies inside with survivors. The buffet line is moving right along. -- TMD 21:35, April 9, 2008
- Morris is gone, almost all survivors inside dead, about 200 zombies inside. -- TheFriendlyBlackMan 21:47, 10 April 2008 (BST)
- St. Benedict's Hospital is under siege with zombies inside with survivors. The buffet line is moving right along. -- TMD 21:35, April 9, 2008
- Increased to 650+--Dr Mycroft Chris 01:46, 10 April 2008 (BST)
- April 9th, 2008: Over 520+ zeds in area, SEE The Morrish Building. -- Dr Mycroft Chris 05:55, 9 April 2008 (BST)
- Increased to 580+. -- Dr Mycroft Chris 15:19, 9 April 2008 (BST)
- April 6th, 2008: External Military: ... flying over Pitneybank, can see a hundred or so on the streets ... a few big groups, but they're spread out ... lights are on across the suburb ... some minor structural damage though ... the Farmer Building is being held ... Fort Creedy is down ..."--Scott Timewell 22:43, 6 April 2008 (BST)
- April 4th, 2008: Things are mostly quiet, 112 Zeds total in Pitneybank, but the only large "Hoard" is at the Creedy Cemetary (39 Zeds) Morrish revive points have about 20ish between Walrond and Kitch Park. Other than that the zeds are scattered pretty good, breakins are becoming rare, Morrish is probably the only building getting hit anymore and they average 2 breakins a day now. -- DoctorRevive 13:59, 4 April 2008 (BST)
- March 29th, 2008: Fort Creedy gone, dozens of zeds inside. -- Jose21018 00:18, 30 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 27th, 2008: Fort Creedy has been retaken by Task Force Three. Rebuilding process has begun. -- 1stSquad 07:25, 27 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 25th, 2008: For those interested in the culture of their suburb, new test has been added to the Lowther Building, Muirhead Bank, the Dill Monument, and Rostron Plaza. Support the effort to breath life into the Pitneybank Wiki and add your own ideas to it! -- Dr Emilio Lizardo 12:06, 25 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 23nd, 2008: Giddings and Morrish have been ruined by a zombie group called The Dead. -- McSkullcracken 04:51, 23 March 2008 (UTC)
- The NW corner has been ravaged by zombies - the fire station, police department, and surrounding buildings have fallen. -- Maelstorm4 15:26, 23 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 22nd, 2008: Moorish NT has 139 zombies inside of it and 61 survivors inside. Looks like we're going to lose an important resource building unless we take all the zeds out. -- Steyr 21:13, 21 March 2008 (EST), 02:13, 22 March 2008 (UTC)
- Zombie numbers have risen to 167 and survivor nubmers fall below 50. Some survivors have attempted to barricade and killed back a couple zombies but it appears defeat is inevitible for Morrish. Credit goes to The Dead and all ferals assisting. <http://img214.imageshack.us/my.php?image=morrishdq0.jpg -- Doctor Oberman 02:59, 22 March 2008 (UTC)
- Giddings Mall is still under heavy siege and the Southeastern corner of the mall has been breached with 129 zombies inside. Get on it, people! Retake that corner! -- Steyr 11:43, 22 March 2008 (EST), 16:43, 22 March 2008 (UTC)
- Update: Giddings Mall SE corner now has 201 zombies inside, and less than 15 survivors in that corner. People are fleeing. Zombies are slowly making their way around the mall. It looks hopeless. The Morrish building to the south has 50 zeds inside and 50 outside. Walrond Square (revive point) has 70+ zombies (quite possibly survivors hoping for revives). Large numbers of zombies everywhere. Flee!! -- Johnny Skrull 1:05pm CST
- Update: The SE corner of Giddings has fallen, the SW corner has 180+ zeds, and the NE corner has 6. It's over, boppers. I suggest that we FLEE! -- Steyr 16:29, 22 March 2008 (EST), 21:29, 22 March 2008 (UTC)
- Update: Giddings Mall SE corner now has 201 zombies inside, and less than 15 survivors in that corner. People are fleeing. Zombies are slowly making their way around the mall. It looks hopeless. The Morrish building to the south has 50 zeds inside and 50 outside. Walrond Square (revive point) has 70+ zombies (quite possibly survivors hoping for revives). Large numbers of zombies everywhere. Flee!! -- Johnny Skrull 1:05pm CST
- Giddings Mall is still under heavy siege and the Southeastern corner of the mall has been breached with 129 zombies inside. Get on it, people! Retake that corner! -- Steyr 11:43, 22 March 2008 (EST), 16:43, 22 March 2008 (UTC)
- Zombie numbers have risen to 167 and survivor nubmers fall below 50. Some survivors have attempted to barricade and killed back a couple zombies but it appears defeat is inevitible for Morrish. Credit goes to The Dead and all ferals assisting. <http://img214.imageshack.us/my.php?image=morrishdq0.jpg -- Doctor Oberman 02:59, 22 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 21th, 2008: Giddings Mall is under heavy siege. Halberry Boulevard PD has been overrun. -- JohnDanesi 13:45, 21 March 2008 (UTC)
- Giddings Mall currently has 2 zombies outside it, one on the NE corner and one on the SW. There are, however, 160 zombies outside of the Morrish NT. -- Kingofallpie 21:25, 21 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 18th, 2008: 36 undead are gattering two blocks north from Giddings Mall. Time to stock up some bullets. -- JohnDanesi 15:53, 18 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 17th, 2008: Due to earlier reports and the current number of zeds around Pitneybank I'm now upgrading the danger level to orange. -- Alexander VIII 18:39, 17 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 15th, 2008: The Dewell Building in nearby Spracklingbank now has 40 zeds milling about it, probably looking hungrily to Giddings Mall two blocks south. I'd love to help but they're eating my spleen right now. -- Holtzfeller 15:59, 15 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 14th, 2008: A crowd of 20 or so zombies are clawing at the Farmer Building. I haven't seen much survivor activity in the area for a while. -- Maelstorm4 19:38, 14 March 2008 (UTC)
- Both the Farmer Building and the adjacent hospital have been destroyed and rebuilt several times in the last few days. Pitneybank has been a battleground ever since the Big Bash left, with the north under the control of survivors based out of Giddings Mall, while the south, specifically Fort Creedy, is infested with the undead. In between, the buildings change hands more than once a day. -- Not Invented Here 20:52, 14 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 12th, 2008: Z's have swarmed the NW corner. Boxall Road Firehouse fell as well as the police station, which had about 70 Z's last time I checked, next door as of an hour or so ago. There were still some blocks holding out. -- Maelstorm4 13:42, 12 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 10th, 2008: Woah! I just woke up my zombie ant and found the farmer building being devoured by more than 50 zombies. lost of ruined buildings as well. As you might be aware, pitneybank has a huge cut which severs the fort creedy area from giddings. the fort creedy area is almost completely ruined, hospitals, NT's etc. the giddings area however is completely safe with all buildings powered. Danger level upgraded to Dangerous. -- The man 12:38, 10 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 6th, 2008: Fort Creedy Storehouse is now EHB and lit. The west barracks is 'caded and the infirmary has only one zed in it. An experienced team can easily take back the fort. Zombies are all around the south end, yet hardly any ruined buildings. -- MikhailA 02:17, 7 March 2008 (UTC)
- March 1st, 2008: 18 zeds inside Farmer NT, and 3 outside. 42 zeds outside St. Benedict's Hospital (at VHB). -- LH779 12:53, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
- February 29th, 2008: 40 zombies at the Farmer building in middle Pitneybank. -- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Dr Dorkian (talk • contribs) at an unknown time.
- February 25th, 2008: Fort Creedy is gone... Many buildings are ruined and there are roughly 40 zombies at the gatehouse. Survivor mobilization is nil at best. -- —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Triptow (talk • contribs) at an unknown time.
- February 20th, 2008: Pitneybank remains a dangerous place for zeds and humans alike, due to large numbers of hunters and high level zeds patrolling the main areas with many buildings changing hands several times over the past couple of weeks. Stay alert when out in the open. --- =Tch0rt=-
- February 7th, 2008: The Heeks Motel, Sprod Building, Billet Road FS, and Halberry PD have been reclaimed and barricaded as well. Giddings in partially empied of zombies and barricaded. There's still ~10 zombies in there, though. -- --Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|
|19:54, 7 February 2008 (UTC)
- Indeed, Giddings has been half retaken. Mostly by zergs with names like eatmefirst and others too filthy to mention here. Were this a POV page I'd claim sore losers. Hope you all get banned. -- Lord Rutherford 01:37, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
- February 6th, 2008: Howland Street School and the factory next to it are secure. The AoFC is already busy rebuilding right now. -- --Secruss|Yak|Brahnz!|CGR|PKA|
|20:06, 6 February 2008 (UTC)
- February 5th, 2008: Pitneybank still in a necrotic state, zombies seem to be staying, little living response, Fort creedy holding in some zkers.
- February 2nd, 2008: Barhah has swallowed this suburb whole. Every building is ruined. -- Ghills 16:36, 2 February 2008 (UTC)
- Pitneybank is overrun, fort creedy is lost and around 100+ zombies are inside many buildings. Colonel Eirikus of 25th Military Police Regiment has decided that he will remain in Pitneybank and fight against the zombie horde, he will scout zombie movements in Pitneybank. -- Eirikus 19:57, 2 February 2008 (UTC)
- February 1st, 2008: Morrish the citidel of the Pre-Update fight has been cracked open like a walnut. 213 Zombies in with 200+ Surviors. What might appear to be a hollow victory to some is a Victory none the less. -- Officer G. Mandello 00:03, 1 February 2008 (UTC)
- Morrish seems all too likely to fall with 402 zombies inside and 20 or so survivors. Those with heartbeats may want to find a new rallying point. Those without should be congratulated. -- McSkullcracken 03:54, 1 February 2008 (UTC)
- Pitneyback is falling to pieces as the Morrish NT Building and Giddings Mall are ransaked, near by revive points are filled with Rotters and survivors are scattering from the suburb...The Bash took awhile but hammered this place... -- Chaplain Drakon Macar 04:09, 1 February 2008 (UTC)
- Morrish seems all too likely to fall with 402 zombies inside and 20 or so survivors. Those with heartbeats may want to find a new rallying point. Those without should be congratulated. -- McSkullcracken 03:54, 1 February 2008 (UTC)
- January 31st, 2008: A month after it began the battle for Pitneybank appears to have ended in a zombie victory. 98 brave souls fight against 217 and rising zombies. The other corners vary in number but none seem to go over 190. Only one corner with power as of this report. Unless a miracle happens I believe it is safe to say that Giddings will fall before midnight tonight. -- Rico Montoya 00:44, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- Though hard fought by the living, the battle for Pitneybank has tilted decidedly in favour of the horde: southeast Giddings is ruined.
A detachment of 70 zombies begins its assault on the southwest corner where 130 survivors continue the now increasingly desperate fight. The total survivour population within the mall hovers at 350 but is dropping steadily as some flee and the others are devoured. -- Norsely 06:46, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- 1:55 AM EST. The mall may be lost, but not all hope. Many survivors have fallen back to Morrish in hopes of regrouping AP for another go at the mall. But as for now 300+ zombies have taken over the mall. Survivors are advised to evacuate. http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/2517/day3uo3.jpg -- Spencer J 06:55, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- Over 400 survivors are now in the Morrish buiding and more of the survivors still in Giddings are following. The zombies are still finishing off the Giddings survivors and haven't made any attacks on the Morrish building yet. -- Studoku 13:21, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- The mall is completely ransacked. The Bash is now turning towards Morrish. -- The man 17:44, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- The Bash has begun its attack on Morrish. The cades are continually being broken and twenty zombies are already inside. -- Studoku 19:28, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- A wonderful speech was given to those inside Morrish, hope for a better future was given to the needle addicts remaining, the hope of happiness within the horde. Iwitness courtesy of Curly Shuffle. Just 300 survivors remain to give themselves to the horde with 150 zombies crowding in to show them the ways of Barhah. -- DonTickles 22:46, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- Zombie horde numbers at Morrish are up to 184 with more spilling in by the minute. Survivor count is down to 243 and falling. It appears that the Big Bash has won the battle of Pitneybank. -- DountCooku 23:05, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- A wonderful speech was given to those inside Morrish, hope for a better future was given to the needle addicts remaining, the hope of happiness within the horde. Iwitness courtesy of Curly Shuffle. Just 300 survivors remain to give themselves to the horde with 150 zombies crowding in to show them the ways of Barhah. -- DonTickles 22:46, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- The Bash has begun its attack on Morrish. The cades are continually being broken and twenty zombies are already inside. -- Studoku 19:28, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- The mall is completely ransacked. The Bash is now turning towards Morrish. -- The man 17:44, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- Over 400 survivors are now in the Morrish buiding and more of the survivors still in Giddings are following. The zombies are still finishing off the Giddings survivors and haven't made any attacks on the Morrish building yet. -- Studoku 13:21, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- 1:55 AM EST. The mall may be lost, but not all hope. Many survivors have fallen back to Morrish in hopes of regrouping AP for another go at the mall. But as for now 300+ zombies have taken over the mall. Survivors are advised to evacuate. http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/2517/day3uo3.jpg -- Spencer J 06:55, 31 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 30th, 2008: As the new day begins, the dark morning is lit up by gunfire and echoing with groans. What now appears to be a nightly trend is ongoing, as 67 zombies make a push through the SE, with a few other zeds shambling into other corners, presumably to take out gennies. The NW is still lit up, the only light being shined on this early morning battle aside from the flash of muzzle blasts. Survivors in the SE still outnumber their foes by roughly 100. Only time will tell if they can use that to their advantage, and if reinforcements can make a difference to either side. -- James Ennis 03:43, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- More than a few hours into the battle cades have been torn open as fast as they are rebuilt. But with fast healing, survivors have kept each other alive losing only 2 people in the last hour. Many active survivors and zombies are engaged in real time battles. 3/4 corners are now lit. Battle is still a coin toss. http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/691/onehouringr9.jpg -- Spencer J 03:54, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- The lights are off again, as the zeds make another push to establish a beachhead within the mall. 50+ zombies now inhabit the SE, after dropping down to roughly 30 a short time ago. Survivor casualties remain low, the poor generators share a life span with flies, the barricade materials going up and down resemble a tennis match from hell, and the battle drags on. -- James Ennis 05:25, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- The battle begins to spiral into something massive, as 90 zombies and 158 survivors duke it out in the SE corner. The coin toss for the fate of Giddings is still in the air, and the events of the next few hours may very well determine how it lands. -- James Ennis 06:22, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- As night falls the guns and moans quiet, but the danger is far from over, with the new update survivors find it impossible to rebarricade the mall as now over 120+ zombies have invaded the SE corner. Every survivor in the mall is going to have to do their part if they want to hold the mall. This is the battle that wins or loses Giddings. http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/940/3amjs5.jpg Screen shot taken at 3:00 AM EST. -- Spencer J 07:52, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- 1035hrs GMT/0535hrs EST/0935hrs PST: http://tinyurl.com/2rukn5. 104 zombies, 146 survivors. SE. -- LH779 10:39, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- Approx. 18:30 Central European Time: Bitter, bloody fighting continues in SE Giddings, as a horde of 120 zombies battles against 150+ survivors. Barricading at this point seems like Sisyphus's work. I have spent most of my AP's to search for ammo, reload, gun down a single zombie, search for FAK's and heal survivors who already seem doomed. What faith and sharp undead fangs have in store for us, I'll see in about half an hour. Today, like any day in Malton, is a good day to die! -- Milberto, 18:37 CET, 30.01.2008.
- 1:20 PM EST (GMT -5) The force of zombies numbering over 120 remains in SE Giddings as the cades fluxuate. The survivors must act quickly if they hope to hold the mall another day. Tonight we may dine in hell but today we dine at McZeds! -- Don T 13:24 EST 30.01.2008
- 1:30 EST (GMT-5) Many hours into the seige the groans of the undead and constant *crack* of gunfire is heard throughout Pitneybank. Real time battles and much bloodshed as the two sides chrage into each other. With neither side backing down it looks like who ever is the last man/zombie standing wins. FOR GIDDINGS!!! Screen taken at 1:30 EST --Spencer J 18:39, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- 2:00 EST As survivors are loosing AP and ammo and the RPs fill with fallen survivors, many of those who wake up undead have decided not to wait for a revive and have instead returned to those they have fought with for a month and are attacking zombies inside Giddings before leaving to sleep.
- As the fighting rages on at 3:00 eastren time 170 something zeds have made there way into the south east corner. Things are looking grim for human fighters. -- Tom Blades 21:13, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- 4:30 EST Zombies have succesfuly broken in and established a beachhead. Survivors need to pull something out of their ass if they are gonna hold the mall. http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/9907/26837252xg8.jpg -- Spencer J 21:28, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- As the fighting rages on at 3:00 eastren time 170 something zeds have made there way into the south east corner. Things are looking grim for human fighters. -- Tom Blades 21:13, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- 2:00 EST As survivors are loosing AP and ammo and the RPs fill with fallen survivors, many of those who wake up undead have decided not to wait for a revive and have instead returned to those they have fought with for a month and are attacking zombies inside Giddings before leaving to sleep.
- 1:30 EST (GMT-5) Many hours into the seige the groans of the undead and constant *crack* of gunfire is heard throughout Pitneybank. Real time battles and much bloodshed as the two sides chrage into each other. With neither side backing down it looks like who ever is the last man/zombie standing wins. FOR GIDDINGS!!! Screen taken at 1:30 EST --Spencer J 18:39, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- 1:20 PM EST (GMT -5) The force of zombies numbering over 120 remains in SE Giddings as the cades fluxuate. The survivors must act quickly if they hope to hold the mall another day. Tonight we may dine in hell but today we dine at McZeds! -- Don T 13:24 EST 30.01.2008
- Approx. 18:30 Central European Time: Bitter, bloody fighting continues in SE Giddings, as a horde of 120 zombies battles against 150+ survivors. Barricading at this point seems like Sisyphus's work. I have spent most of my AP's to search for ammo, reload, gun down a single zombie, search for FAK's and heal survivors who already seem doomed. What faith and sharp undead fangs have in store for us, I'll see in about half an hour. Today, like any day in Malton, is a good day to die! -- Milberto, 18:37 CET, 30.01.2008.
- 1035hrs GMT/0535hrs EST/0935hrs PST: http://tinyurl.com/2rukn5. 104 zombies, 146 survivors. SE. -- LH779 10:39, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- As night falls the guns and moans quiet, but the danger is far from over, with the new update survivors find it impossible to rebarricade the mall as now over 120+ zombies have invaded the SE corner. Every survivor in the mall is going to have to do their part if they want to hold the mall. This is the battle that wins or loses Giddings. http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/940/3amjs5.jpg Screen shot taken at 3:00 AM EST. -- Spencer J 07:52, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- The battle begins to spiral into something massive, as 90 zombies and 158 survivors duke it out in the SE corner. The coin toss for the fate of Giddings is still in the air, and the events of the next few hours may very well determine how it lands. -- James Ennis 06:22, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- The lights are off again, as the zeds make another push to establish a beachhead within the mall. 50+ zombies now inhabit the SE, after dropping down to roughly 30 a short time ago. Survivor casualties remain low, the poor generators share a life span with flies, the barricade materials going up and down resemble a tennis match from hell, and the battle drags on. -- James Ennis 05:25, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- More than a few hours into the battle cades have been torn open as fast as they are rebuilt. But with fast healing, survivors have kept each other alive losing only 2 people in the last hour. Many active survivors and zombies are engaged in real time battles. 3/4 corners are now lit. Battle is still a coin toss. http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/691/onehouringr9.jpg -- Spencer J 03:54, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 29th, 2008: Stubborn determination and quick redeployments from survivors are apparently responsible for the defeat of a zombie incursion into Giddings numbering 70+. It's been one hell of a long night for Giddings, but all the lights are back on. Now to see what a new day might bring to the battle. -- James Ennis 07:19, 29 January 2008 (UTC)
- It's 8:25 EST and about 60 zombies are fighting against 412 survivors in the NE corner of the mall. All corners are dark. -- Rico Montoya 01:26, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- MASSIVE break in. Over 70 zombies are in combat with active survivors. Mall is dark and cades are down all over. This maybe the key battle that wins or loses this seige. http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/9278/ahhhhhhar1.jpg -- Spencer J
- Major break-in at Giddings. Almost 50 zombies are in the NW corner fighting nearly 160 survivors. All corners are without power and the NE corner cades were being pounded as well. -- Rico Montoya 01:47, 29 January 2008 (UTC)
- MASSIVE break in. Over 70 zombies are in combat with active survivors. Mall is dark and cades are down all over. This maybe the key battle that wins or loses this seige. http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/9278/ahhhhhhar1.jpg -- Spencer J
- It's 8:25 EST and about 60 zombies are fighting against 412 survivors in the NE corner of the mall. All corners are dark. -- Rico Montoya 01:26, 30 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 28th, 2008: Zombies have been even more vigilant with their strikes on Giddings Mall, and break ins are occuring more than ever. The horde has also moved to the NW, NE, and SE and began to attack the barricades. The siege is still up in the air as the Giddings/Morrish veterans deal with the new updates. Last look from outside at 2:37 am EST. http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/4227/2amzb7.jpg -- Spencer J
- A massive horde of zombies are gathering at Giddings. Necronet scans show almost 400 rotters outside the NE corner, with a further 73 at the SE corner. Although the barricades are holding, the entire mall is currently without power. -- DountCooku 17:10, 28 January 2008 (UTC)
- Currently at 1:00 PM the mall has power and all corners are caded. -- Spencer J
- A massive horde of zombies are gathering at Giddings. Necronet scans show almost 400 rotters outside the NE corner, with a further 73 at the SE corner. Although the barricades are holding, the entire mall is currently without power. -- DountCooku 17:10, 28 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 27th, 2008: External Military 25.96 MHz: "... Pitneybank is still active, over four hundred on the streets ... a horde of well over two hundred outside Giddings Mall ... a lot of lights on, though, there are still people down there ... infrastructure looks intact too ... power's back on at ..." (10 hours and 2 minutes ago) --DaytonDead 06:17, 27 January 2008 (UTC)
- After re-sacking Fort Creedy, the zombies have moved on to Farmer NT and the nearby hospital, which are currently down to their last few survivors. Giddings is under constant assault from the zombie horde outside, and while the survivor population is taking loses, they are reviving and have thus far managed to hold the zombies at bay, despite the now less effective barricading. The battle of Giddings could still easily go either way. -- Meridian100 23:08, 27 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 26th, 2008: Survivors in Giddings Mall, more specificaly the SE corner suffered a huge break in with many losses. Around 30 zombies broke in and managed to kill 25+ humans before being dealt with. Survivors should continue to sleep where the zombie numbers are strongest to prevent a clearout. Lastest photo from outside taken at 2:30 AM EST http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/7571/deadnc1.jpg -- Spencer J
- Whew. I thought Giddings was lost for sure! Back in the mall reveals large survivor numbers. Let's see 'em get in again.
The horde has shifted to the SE corner as well. Survivors should move their beds accordingly. Taken at 6:00 pm EST. http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/6561/6reporttj7.jpg -- Spencer J
- January 25th, 2008: Fort Creedy is under attack by unorganized zombies who have ruined the gatehouse and have spread out and are attacking the rest of the fort. Thats the news down south since we all know whats happen up in the northern area of the suburb. -- Bill Striker C.I.A. 22:01, 25 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 24th, 2008: With the new update barricades are falling more than ever as the zombies hit the buildings with a new vengence. They have also began to take out the surrounding non resource buildings. A Warehouse 84,40, 1N and the MacMillan Hotel fell yesterday with losses. At Giddings Mall, zombies have spread out more in the northern half of the mall, hoping to find a weakness in the defences. http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/5229/swgiddingsak3.jpg Spencer J
- The Dewell Building, the secondary NT for the mall in Spracklingbank, has been ruined. Zombie numbers outside the NW corner of Giddings continue to climb, but no major incursions yet, as survivors grab every last bullet they can to counteract the recent updates. -- James Ennis 22:05, 24 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 23rd, 2008: For the first time in almost a month, there are no zeds outside the Morrish building. Presumably, they have either wandered off for greener pastures or joined their zethren at Giddings Mall. -- DountCooku 17:38, 23 January 2008 (UTC)
- That is correct. Zed numbers have dropped to 251 outside the NE corner. With around 60+ dead bodys. Also the MacMillan Hotel has around 30+ zeds attacking the building. And last check around 2:15 both RP where cleared.http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/7702/byebyeqe5.jpg -- Spencer J
- Although survivors inside the mall seem to outnumber zeds outside the mall at least 2 to 1, we can reasonably expect a large upswing in zed numbers as more rejoin the fight due to today's zed-buffing update. The previously easily dealt with small break-ins could turn into a catastrophe if there are not enough active survivors at the time to barricade it back up fully. The siege just got a lot more interesting. --- Jarus
- That is correct. Zed numbers have dropped to 251 outside the NE corner. With around 60+ dead bodys. Also the MacMillan Hotel has around 30+ zeds attacking the building. And last check around 2:15 both RP where cleared.http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/7702/byebyeqe5.jpg -- Spencer J
- January 22nd, 2008: A peek outside shows more and more zeds moving up to the NE corner. Break ins are moderate but they are quickly dealt with. http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/7091/negiddingssa2.jpg -- Spencer J
- January 21st, 2008: 282 zombies outside NE giddings, 66 more outside morrish at the moment--Honoris causa 00:09, 21 January 2008 (UTC)
- The hordes have relocated so that the primary focus is on the North East corner of Giddings Mall. There is approximately 250 zombies there with the second largest concentration the 60 or so outside Morrish. -- Jed 07:15, 21 January 2008 (UTC)
- It has now changed: 298 zombies in the NE corner of Giddings Mall, and but 54 in front of Morrish. -- Morthrong 17:00, 21 January 2008 (GMT)
- The hordes have relocated so that the primary focus is on the North East corner of Giddings Mall. There is approximately 250 zombies there with the second largest concentration the 60 or so outside Morrish. -- Jed 07:15, 21 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 20th, 2008: Zombies are still stalled outside Morrish and Giddings mall, but bringing the barricades down frequently. The focus remains on Giddings mall, but a large number of undead still gather outside Morrish and other buildings. Most break-ins are being quickly repelled, but lots of casualties are mounting for the living. -- BenderWaW 23:41, 20 January 2008 (UTC)
- Not sure what Giddings and Morrish you're at. Yes, there are break-ins and yes they are dealt with swiftly, but the casualties are extremely minimal. Walrond only has 14 outside, of which most are PKers and Rotters, and the situation is the same at A Cemetary, where there are only 11 zeds. No, most casualties are from PKers,who are actually being hunted down right back. -- Hitokiri 8:55 PM EST
- A new cowardly tactic of the BB2 seems to be on the rise of reviving zombies, so they can enter and wreak havoc.
- Not sure what Giddings and Morrish you're at. Yes, there are break-ins and yes they are dealt with swiftly, but the casualties are extremely minimal. Walrond only has 14 outside, of which most are PKers and Rotters, and the situation is the same at A Cemetary, where there are only 11 zeds. No, most casualties are from PKers,who are actually being hunted down right back. -- Hitokiri 8:55 PM EST
- January 19th, 2008: Updated Morrish NT scan.
- Giddings is holding against the Zeds as well as Morrish, superficial damage and casualties so far. Redwave 17:02, 19 January 2008 (UTC)
Massing zombies are counterred by massing survivors in an esculation. Its going to be a long night for both sides. dirk triggerfinger 20:35 January 2008
- January 18th, 2008: Byrne and Bromley are back in survivor hands, and are caded and powered. There have been several zombie break-ins in the NE corner of Giddings over the past 24 hours, all of which were repelled. But it doesn't look like they're leaving anytime soon. Still a huge mob outside of Morrish looking for any weakness in the barricades. -- DountCooku 18:33, 18 January 2008 (UTC)
- The red label on this burb is a bit misleading; there's not a ruined building in it, and your chances of being killed are about the same as God getting into a rap battle with Satan.
- NPOV version: Creedy, Farmer, Giddings, and Morrish are all in survivor hands. -- Nalikill TALK E! W! M! USAI 18:37, 18 January 2008 (UTC)
- But having it red (while not ruined) still indicates that there is a major confruntation going on that should not be ignored AND red does mean "most buildings wide open or zombie-infested OR hostile zombie mobs of 150+" so it does qualify. -- Feon Kensai 20:20, 18 January 2008 (UTC)
- NPOV version: Creedy, Farmer, Giddings, and Morrish are all in survivor hands. -- Nalikill TALK E! W! M! USAI 18:37, 18 January 2008 (UTC)
- The red label on this burb is a bit misleading; there's not a ruined building in it, and your chances of being killed are about the same as God getting into a rap battle with Satan.
- January 17th, 2008: A look outside shows the horde has spread out to the mall and Morrish. http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/518/outsidegiddingsnf7.jpg -- Spencer J
- Small break-ins in the NE giddings mall area at the moment. -- Honoris causa 00:53, 17 January 2008 (UTC)
- Change that to major breakin, 30 zeds spotted in NW, 1 zed in NE.
- Small break-ins in the NE giddings mall area at the moment. -- Honoris causa 00:53, 17 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 16th, 2008: Bromley is now in survivor hands for the time being. -- Kanoneziel 00:31, 17 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 15th, 2008: As the fighting at The Morrish Building coninues into its twelth day It is still anyone's guess who will prevail. With the two nearby auto repair shops Byrne and Bromley now fallen to the zombies and repeated breakins targeting the generators many have speculated that this is an attempt to deprive the humans of their electricity. Whatever the truth of this, the current events at The Moorsh and previously at Fort Creedy have focused the attention of many zombies and survivors alike on the little suburb of Pitneybank and reinforcements for both sides have been promised. It looks like this state of affairs is set to continue for a while yet. -- SeventythreeTalk 11:38, 15 January 2008 (UTC)
- I'd like to add that the party at Morrish just reached 370! 370! -- MisterGame 16:21, 15 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 14th, 2008: New Necronet scan posted. Minor break-ins reported on western half of mall. Both auto repair shops once again in zombie hands. -- Kanoneziel 09:28, 14 January 2008 (UTC)
- Zombie numbers outside Morrish have increased slightly to 221 now at 13:34PM EST from 209 at 04:13 EST. Mall now has 29 zeds outside SW corner. Byrne auto in Human hands while Bromley remains ruined. -- Kanoneziel 18:36, 14 January 2008 (UTC)
- Report from outside. Taken at 1:50pm EST. http://img177.imageshack.us/img177/5417/giddingsreportyo7.jpg -- Spencer J
- Zombie numbers outside Morrish have increased slightly to 221 now at 13:34PM EST from 209 at 04:13 EST. Mall now has 29 zeds outside SW corner. Byrne auto in Human hands while Bromley remains ruined. -- Kanoneziel 18:36, 14 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 13th, 2008: Latest NecroNet scan from Morrish Zeds appear to be concentrating around Bromley Auto Repair and given up on Byrne. Both auto repairs in human hands, as well as a warehouse in addition to the mall and the NT. Not a single Zed outside the mall proper. 456 zeds total in the 9x9 grid around Morrish, less than half of which are at Morrish. -- Kanoneziel 09:52, 13 January 2008 (UTC)
- Building by building the survivors take back Fort Creedy. Human to zed ratio in the area are about 1 to 1. -- kaboose117
- Rumor is the rest of RRF is coming to Pitneybank. -- Kanoneziel 23:00, 13 January 2008 (UTC)
- I guess its a good for you that rumors are rarely true. -- Bobs Aturd 01:09, 14 January 2008 (UTC)
- Survivors are coming to aid in the seige, should be there in the next day or two. Turn to 26.26 for MPD broadcasts
- I guess its a good for you that rumors are rarely true. -- Bobs Aturd 01:09, 14 January 2008 (UTC)
- Rumor is the rest of RRF is coming to Pitneybank. -- Kanoneziel 23:00, 13 January 2008 (UTC)
- Building by building the survivors take back Fort Creedy. Human to zed ratio in the area are about 1 to 1. -- kaboose117
- January 12th, 2008: Survivors are spread thin within Giddings Mall while a back and forth battle for Bromley Auto Repair, and, Byrne Auto Repair, has the buildings changing hands on a regular basis. PKers are in the high numbers, as survivors are being killed and filling up the Revive Points. Survivors and zeds alike are converging on the area still, but, the question that remains is, what is The Second Big Bash planning to combat such a survivor turn out? -- XxCannon FodderxX 15:01, 12 January 2008 (UTC)
- Heres what the situation looks like outside. http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/9041/giddingsreportyk4.jpg -- Spencer J 12:08, 12 January 2008 EST
- January 11th, 2008: According to unconfirmed notices, a group of black ops command by a crazy russian military has been capable of retaken several building in Fort Creedy. If it really happens and prospers could be a necesary reliefs and a second front in the fight against the bash. -- Random Void 18:50 11th January 2008
- According to the plans on barhah.com, zeds are partially abandoning attack on Morrish and Giddings until they get their private forum up. In the meantime they have been attacking surrounding support buildings attempting to distract the more undisciplined survivors away from the core buildings. The auto repairs have been in zombie hands until a few hours ago, when Bromley was recaptured, during which a warehouse was barricaded to EHB and lit.
The strategy of distracting the survivors does not seem to be successful, since only around 50 or so survivors have actually bothered to defend the various fuel sources out of a total population of several hundred, theoretically because most would prefer the safety in numbers present in the mall or Morrish. Pking has happened w/ increasing frequency, partially due to combat revives, partially due to invading pk groups. Trenchers continue to attempt to defend buildings other than those adjacent to Giddings/Morrish- according to barhah.com, Halberry PD has been broken into. Natural selection at work. -- Kanoneziel 18:41, 11 January 2008 (UTC)
- Yep, Random Void got it right on the dot. We did manage to capture both barracks. Recent reports say that the peppardville barracks is still up and running. Armed survivors are definitely needed if we want to take back Fort Creedy. By the crazy russian military leader. -- MikhailA 22:00, 11 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 10th, 2008: Members of the Gore Corps of the Ridleybank Resistance Front have been seen PKing and GKing in the Morrish Building, which is still firmly in survivors' hands. There will probably be more PK and GK as the Second Big Bash has not been able to make any significant progress in this suburb for quite a period of time. The zombies are actively trying to take out the adjacent auto repair shop, probably in attempt to isolate the Morrish Building to cut the supply of fuel cans. -- Mp7 05:19, 10 January 2008 (UTC)
- Update: A recently posted scan on NecroWatch indicated that there are currently 415 zombies within scanning range of the Morrish Building. Of those numbers, and with no surprise, 232 zombies were assaulting the Morrish facility proper. Of the remaining zombies two evenly split mobs of 43 zombies were shown at both the Byrne and Bromley Auto Repair shops. Moving farther from Giddings Mall, 16 zombies were still at the Farmer Building and 11 more zombies were at St. Benedict's Hospital, of which both locations were overrun and ransacked in recent days. Of course the 32 zombies standing at the Walrond Square revive point are most likely not a threat. -- Mobius187 13:51, 10 January 2008 (UTC)
- 25.96 MHz: "... leaving Pitneybank, counted approaching four hundred outside ... a horde of well over two hundred outside the Morrish Building ... a lot of lights on, though, there are still people down there ... some minor structural damage though ... the ..." -- Tohrurokuno 19:20, 10 January 2008 (UTC)
- The last weapon in the arsenal of the Big Bash 2 could be the use of rotters revived and posed as survivors, in an attemp to bypass the cades of Giddings/Morris also the use de parachuted zeds is increasing. Perhap the NT facility of Farmer is the source of the revived rotters. -- Random Void 23:54 10th January 2008
- 25.96 MHz: "... leaving Pitneybank, counted approaching four hundred outside ... a horde of well over two hundred outside the Morrish Building ... a lot of lights on, though, there are still people down there ... some minor structural damage though ... the ..." -- Tohrurokuno 19:20, 10 January 2008 (UTC)
- Update: A recently posted scan on NecroWatch indicated that there are currently 415 zombies within scanning range of the Morrish Building. Of those numbers, and with no surprise, 232 zombies were assaulting the Morrish facility proper. Of the remaining zombies two evenly split mobs of 43 zombies were shown at both the Byrne and Bromley Auto Repair shops. Moving farther from Giddings Mall, 16 zombies were still at the Farmer Building and 11 more zombies were at St. Benedict's Hospital, of which both locations were overrun and ransacked in recent days. Of course the 32 zombies standing at the Walrond Square revive point are most likely not a threat. -- Mobius187 13:51, 10 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 9th, 2008: The once unstoppable Second Big Bash which destroyed most of the southern Malton has finally been halted in this suburb outside the Morrish NT Building. Around 250 zombies and 80 dead bodies are outside the Morrish NT building, which is defended by more than 330 survivors. The NT building is firmly in survivors' hands in spite of increasing PK activities. The adjacent Byrne Auto Repair is also under attack by more than 60 zombies, which are accompanied by more than 70 dead bodies on the floor; and the Giddings Mall is comparatively safe with little zombie activities outside its doors. Some feral zombies are seen leaving this suburb for easier food as the stalemate continues. -- Mp7 03:51, 9 January 2008 (UTC)----
- Byrne Auto Repair open and ruined w/ at least 10 zombies inside and 64 outside. Probably lost, but ruined buildings are still usable as entry points, and Bromley Auto repair remains in human hands to supply Giddings and Morrish w/ fuel. -- Kanoneziel 08:57, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
- Morrish NT Scan for today. Zed numbers outside of Morrish are falling. -- Blanemcc 17:22, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
- Update: Both Autoshops are back in human hands and lit(!). -- Redwave 20:54, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
- Bromley Auto Repair is now the fuel depot and should be maintained at EHB for duration of the siege. Byrne Auto Repair remains as the Mall Entry Point. -- Banokles 21:20, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
- Around 7:40 pm EST a large coordinated atack began on Morrish. PKers took out several survivors while 17 zombies managed to break in. However, the zeds where quickly dispatced in several minutes. So far during the seige the only deaths have been by the hands of PKers. -- Spencer J
- Bromley Auto Repair is now the fuel depot and should be maintained at EHB for duration of the siege. Byrne Auto Repair remains as the Mall Entry Point. -- Banokles 21:20, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
- Update: Both Autoshops are back in human hands and lit(!). -- Redwave 20:54, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
- Morrish NT Scan for today. Zed numbers outside of Morrish are falling. -- Blanemcc 17:22, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
- Byrne Auto Repair open and ruined w/ at least 10 zombies inside and 64 outside. Probably lost, but ruined buildings are still usable as entry points, and Bromley Auto repair remains in human hands to supply Giddings and Morrish w/ fuel. -- Kanoneziel 08:57, 9 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 8th, 2008: The zombie effort has now focused away from Giddings and entirely on The Morrish Building, but with few significant break-ins so far. However, PKs are on the increase. -- McWaffle♥ 17:38, 8 January 2008 (UTC)
- Morrish NT Scan for today. -- Blanemcc 22:38, 8 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 7th, 2008: Survivors in The Morrish Building wake up this morning to several break ins. Barricades are being dropped by the minute. This looks like a rough day for the Morrish defenders. -- User:Spencer J 7:02 AM (EST)
- 255 tagged zeds outside Morrish, 44 outside NW Giddings, 21 outside Byrne. 35 at revive point. Barricades fluctuating heavily at Morrish. -- Kanoneziel 04:41, 7 January 2008 (UTC)
- Todays Morrish NT Scan. -- Blanemcc 21:11, 7 January 2008 (UTC)
- 255 tagged zeds outside Morrish, 44 outside NW Giddings, 21 outside Byrne. 35 at revive point. Barricades fluctuating heavily at Morrish. -- Kanoneziel 04:41, 7 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 6th, 2008: January 6th, scan from Morrish shows 200 zeds outside of the NT. Numbers outside the mall have fallen, presumably because the zeds outside have moved to help their zetheren in the assualt on Morrish NT. -- Blanemcc 11:41, 6 January 2008 (UTC)
- A quick looksie outside reveals most of the Bash is hitting Morrish with several outside NW Giddings. Time taken 6:01 PM EST. http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/512/giddingsfv1.jpg --- User:Spencer J
- According to barhah.com forums and the Big Bash 2 article, BB2 is now targetting Morrish instead of the NW corner of the mall. The two auto repairs adjacent to Morrish have been constantly changing hands and pinataed at least once. -- Kanoneziel 01:50, 7 January 2008 (UTC)
- A quick looksie outside reveals most of the Bash is hitting Morrish with several outside NW Giddings. Time taken 6:01 PM EST. http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/512/giddingsfv1.jpg --- User:Spencer J
- January 5th, 2008: Early bird NT scan. Close to 200 zeds outside Morrish NT. A mere 80+ outside of Giddings. -- Blanemcc 02:35, 5 January 2008 (UTC)
- Zombie attacks seem to be concentrated on the ULC corner of the mall with barricades brought as low as LB. Dedicated barricaders have been doing a good job not letting the big bad wolf in. Morrish NT is in more trouble though. -- Spencer J
- Howland Street School has been powered, mobile phones can now be used in the area thanks to The Northern Regiment -- tom1504
- Zombie attacks seem to be concentrated on the ULC corner of the mall with barricades brought as low as LB. Dedicated barricaders have been doing a good job not letting the big bad wolf in. Morrish NT is in more trouble though. -- Spencer J
- January 4th, 2008: Todays Morrish NT Scan shows 146 zeds outside of Morrish, with 55 outside of NW Giddings. Mall Rats are panicking despite only having a horde 1/3rd the size of the one at Morrish attacking them. -- Blanemcc 11:30, 4 January 2008 (UTC)
- Morrish NT and Giddings mall still holding strong as of this posting. At the moment survivors seem to be holding the zeds off with experience, and a refusal to leave pitneybank. -- --Mr NoName001 17:21, 4 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 3rd, 2008: Minutes after midnight zombies have infiltrated the Farmers building. 8 to 10 Survivors have been dragged out into the street. There is a crowd of 77 survivors inside against a horde of 90 zombies Zombies in the Farmers building and adjoining blocks number slightly under 350. Mumford Towers and St Benedict's Hospital are ruined. -- Splitstar 12:06 3 January 2008
- Update: Farmer will fall sometime today. 152 zeds inside, roughly 30 survivors. Well fought BB2. -- Blanemcc 10:52, 3 January 2008 (UTC)
- Iwitness Report From Farmer courtesy of Louda from barhah.com. --Blanemcc 12:43, 3 January 2008 (UTC)
- Update: Farmer will fall sometime today. 152 zeds inside, roughly 30 survivors. Well fought BB2. -- Blanemcc 10:52, 3 January 2008 (UTC)
The action now is moving to Morris Buildong, once Farmer lays ruined, Morris currently under heavy siege, anyone, come and join the party. --Random Void 14:30 3 January 2008
- January 2nd, 2008: Sit Rep: Creedy is sacked, Farmer is under seige but holding for now, and Morrish and the Mall have seen little fighting. -- Redwave 04:23, 3 January 2008 (UTC)
- January 1st, 2008: Todays Morrish NT Scan shows that the Mall and Morrish remain zed free areas. I suggest any survivors still down south to flock to Morrish and the Mall. It is a very good defensive site. We can keep the revives flowing while we can resupply from the mall at our backs. Also, Happy New Year to my survivor comrades and zeds alike. May you all have a good year . -- Blanemcc 12:52, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
- Update: Heavy fighting is also expected at the Farmer Building, it's fairly well defendeds by a force of over 75, but the proximity to the fort, (and Bash) is perilous. For both Zombies and Survivors alike, Farmer will undoubtedly be a key part of the battle for Pitneybank. -- Redwave 14:31, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
December 31st
NecroNet scan from The Morrish Building :
A reminder: 92,45 and 84,44 are revive points. --Kanoneziel 03:55, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
The Farmer Building was cracked open sometime in the early hours of this morning and 30 defenders were killed --Blanemcc 11:32, 31 December 2007 (UTC)
The fort is under attack. About 200 Zeds start to knock on the doors of Fort Creedys gate house. --PoisoN 23:43, 31 December 2007 (UTC)
More info on talk page -- boxy talk • i 05:53 3 January 2008 (BST)
December 30th
The NW Corner of Giddings Mall was ruined and retaken and the BB2 horde arrived in the SW corner of the suburb 10:44, 30 December 2007 (UTC)
December 28th
The Secong Big Bash is just one suburb south of Pitneybank. This peaceful suburb is going to be a bloody battlefield if the SBB decides to attack Pitneybank. Survivors are advised to prepare themselves for combat. --Mp7 03:46, 28 December 2007 (UTC)
Giddings Mall is under attack, 14 zombies in the upper left corner, doors wide open. Pkers in the area. --calista griffin 03:46, 28 December 2007 (UTC)
December 25th
External Military: "... leaving Pitneybank, counted a couple of dozen outside ... they're just wandering around ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... some survivor activity in the Morrish Building ..." Merry Christmas! --LH779 04:04, 25 December 2007 (UTC)
December 22nd
External Military: "... Pitneybank looks clear ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... power's on at the Farmer Building ..." --LH779 07:15, 22 December 2007 (UTC)
- Expect to see a rise in player killing activity over the course of the next few weeks. IRATE have been spotted in Pitneybank and the surrounding area. TNR have engaged them in an attempt to suppress their violent ways. The RHVP are on their way to help clear out the PKer menace alongside their allies TNR. --Blanemcc 10:39, 22 December 2007 (UTC)
December 18th
I've recently taken notice to a few zombie groups, (no larger than 2, you skeptics) roaming around the southern part of Pitneybank. It's definately true that some zeds are roaming over the borders. I happened to see some unfortunate survivor with them as well, making me think he either followed them or was dragged out... due to my low leveliness, I don't know what's gonna happen next as I am now cooped up in a hospital. I have got a good spying capability on them so I'll inform if anything worthwhile happens. ta ta. --mantala
December 16th
Since there is little or no news to report, I thought id bring you an update about this Trenchy Broadcast. As you can see, this Trenchcoater claims to be able to kill a zed with 5AP. Ah, it really made me chuckle.This will surely raise awareness of the extremity of the trenchy epidemic in Fort Creedy. --Blanemcc 17:07, 16 December 2007 (UTC)
December 13th
The Junkyard EP next to Fort Creedy is over-barricaded. Well done to whatever smart guy did that. There has been increased feral activity in the south of the 'burb. Survivors are advised to stay vigilant as more ferals may come over the border from Pegton. --Blanemcc 17:47, 13 December 2007 (UTC)
December 12th
External Military:"... flying over Pitneybank, it's looking empty ... power's on across most of the area ... can't see a single ruined building either ... Giddings Mall has lights on ..." --LH779 12:47, 12 December 2007 (UTC)
December 11th
Taking a break from banging on Creedy's gates, local zombies moved into the Hunter Building today and ate everybody. No doubt they'll go back to harassing Creedy once they've slept off their meal. --James Ennis 01:08, 12 December 2007 (UTC)
Zombies having finished off the Hunter Building are chowing down on the brains of the group of humans inside the next door Lavor Alley School. Seven zombies inside and nine humans. Hunter building still ruined --Rhys Parker 04:40, 12 December 2007 (EST)
December 10th
I have witnessed the fort and the surrounding area have many minor break-ins the level should be changed to a non-contriversal moderate.--Novascotia 15:45, 9 December 2007 (UTC) --CannibalX 06:48, 30 December 2007 (UTC)
November 23rd
I have lowered the suburb danger rating from moderate to safe, as an NT scan showed only 6 zeds in the area, with the highest concentration being 3 outside Fort Creedy's gatehouse.--Blanemcc 18:38, 23 November 2007 (UTC)
November 19th
External Military report: "... Pitneybank looks clear ... lights are on across the suburb ... infrastructure looks intact too ... power's on at the Farmer Building ..." --WanYao 02:51, 19 November 2007 (UTC)
October 22nd
All report are fake, there is not a single zombie in here. Or maybe someone freaked out ebcuase some lone ferals entered the gatehouse. --Skritz, the mighty!
October 21st
28.01 MHz: "We`re losing Fort Creedy theres a huge horde of zombies here"
28.01 MHz: "Zombies are inside Fort Creedy we need help!"
28.01 MHz: "We are losing fort Creed i repeat losing it!"
28.01 MHz: "Oh God they`ve taken down all cades!"
28.01 MHz: "Come on guys help!"
28.01 MHz: "Oh God..Fort Creedy..HAS FALLEN WE`VE LOST FORT CREEDY!"
--- Krstoph 04:25, 21 October 2007 (GMT)
- If that were true, where the FUCK did they find a radio to report it with? Nalikill TALK E! W! M! USAI 04:32, 21 October 2007 (BST)
- thats radio 28.01, the spam channel. The man 16:58, 21 October 2007 (BST)
Octover 16th
A mysterious trenchie survivour group known only as TRF are attempting to bring zombies from all across malton to destroy the fort and the mall. In other news, pitneybank is not safe enough to be classified as a safe suburb, danger level upgraded to moderate The man 09:40, 16 October 2007 (BST)
- Additionally the Zed's are starting to come over from Pegton. Some buildings on the border are already under (light) attack. -- Jack molotow 11:53, 16 October 2007 (BST)
October 13th
Definetly earns its green ranking. No zed for miles. Mall couldn't be safer. Sockem 04:44, 14 October 2007 (BST)
September 16th
External Military Report: ... Pitneybank is still active, maybe a dozen on the streets ... mostly just stragglers, no organised groups ... lights are on across the suburb ... can't see a single ruined building either ... lights are on in Giddings Mall ... Koli T 01:58, 16 September 2007 (BST)
September 11th
Giddings area is free of zeds. Few if any. Sgt Martinez
September 7th
The air in the Cemetary revive point is ripe with the smell of cortex damaged rotters. The revives there are going quite slowly due to the large amount of Militant Order of Barhah members spammin' it up. Unfortunate survivors are encouraged to use the Creedy Intellegence tool (CIT - http://cit.aypok.co.uk/ ) or just live with your unhappy fate until those rotters move on. Carl Wolfhiem 03:08, 8 September 2007 (BST)
September 3rd
Walrond Square has become a massacre point for zombies searching for a revive. It may be due to an overwritten tag, or merely survivors too lazy to look for more appropriate targets. Suggest all zombies searching for revive head to the cemetary. -- NeenerNeener 23:56, 3 September 2007 (BST)
September 2nd
Overcading is getting really annoying and dangerous. People need to be a little more rational when they secure a building. there isn't any major infestation right now. non resource buildings shouldn't be at EXHB. -A MESSAGE FROM MCF
Overbarricading and a rise in feral zombies has led to a greater likelihood of death in this surburb. Upgraded to yellow. -- NeenerNeener 05:03, 2 September 2007 (CST)
August 31th
havelok vetinari, just came though Halberry Boulevard Police Dept and killed 3 Survivors!
- Do you honestly consider some random PKs news?--TheKnockoff 01:42, 2 September 2007 (BST)
August 28th
Help is needed in the RTMT .. A small group has already managed to retake all 4 corners of Tynte Mall and get a gen w/fuel up and running.. Send immediate back up so we can hold this thing!!!! Barfspamlives 28 August 2007 19:11 (UTC)
- I have doc crook outside Tynte. I died on the way here, if you could revive me, I would offer my services as a Medic of Malton. p.s. cant free run yet =doc crook 12:53, 31 August 2007 (BST)
Aug 27th
Volunteers are needed for the RETAKE THE MALLS TOUR, which begins in march on Tuesday, Aug 28 at 16:00 UTC on Tynte Mall. Survivors in Pitneybank (especially Fort Creedy) are asked to help in this effort. You can always return to the area after successful reclamation of Tynte. The zed hordes keep moving and have left the mall poorly defended (approx 25 zeds currently in the mall and outside). In one fast wave, it could be reclaimed and become a future launching point for re-claiming the neighborhoods. Please see the RTMT page in the wiki. Barfspamlives 12:55, 27 August 2007 (EDT)
Aug 26th
Dear denizens of Pitneybank (especially those in the Fort), I know you consider the fort something worth protecting, and do not get me wrong, it is. But you need to branch out. Have you all failed to notice that the surrounding suburbs are now falling into disrepair. Spread out and lend aid to Peppardville/Spracklingbank/Pegton, for they have come to ours in out times of need. Carl Wolfhiem 18:14, 26 August 2007 (BST)
- No offence but i say they should dig in- any 'burb that has gone into the danger zone after the 14th of August update hasn't gone back to safe. Ruin is taking its toll on all of us. I recomend you keep your ears to the ground and protect Pitneybank for all its worth, cos if you don't, we'll lose a fort and a mall, both are extremely needed now that we survivors are on the run. --Blanemcc 16:25, 27 August 2007 (BST)
- Sorry folks, someone keeps overbarricading the Fort's gatehouse. We're trying to keep them knocked down, but with over 120 people in the gatehouse and a few of them barricading back up to EHB, it's going to be iffy. --Xiao Weng
Aug 22th
The Gatehouse is at EHB. Can someone lower that? Caution to low levels looking for safe haven.---VivianneV
Aug 21th
Can someone please get the mobile phone mast up and running? Anyone with a spare generator, radio and oil head down there and get it going again. Cheers, Captain Neil Johnson
Aug 15th
Awhew. Things are just lovely all over Pitneybank this morning. Revive requests are low (but still exist) the fort is all lit up like a city at night, as if the mall and all buildings of importance. You should see it though. Fort Creedy is completely empty of all dead bodies and survivors can even sleep outside in complete safety. This could, however, attract much unwanted attention. So, constant vigilance Pitneybank. - Carl Wolfhiem 12:30, 15 August 2007 (BST)
Aug 9th
There is about 30 survivors in the Creedy gatehouse. They are slowly emptying the Fort of zeds and are doing a pretty good job. The Medics of Malton has sent a few members to help keep people alive. More Medics should be arriving soon....=Doc Crook 20:14, 9 August 2007 (BST)
Aug 4th
I've been standing peacefully at Walrond Square for over 24hrs now, waiting for a revive, and have been killed twice by other humans. Case in point, Kimdir: http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=935308. I have screenshots of both this and the other instance. I consider this to be an offense just as bad as PKing. HERE'S my suggestion... Hit the Zombie once than read thier profile and see for yourself where thier allegiences lie. Or extract a DNA sample and scan that. DON'T KILL ZED'S AT REVIVE POINTS- If so, prepare to be hunted down yourself!
Aug 2nd
There are 4 zed's at the Walrond Square revive point, possibly awaiting revive I suggest someone checks that out soon. Also a lot of feeding groans coming from north of Giddings mall, in the south of spracklingbank and have been going on for over an hour now and still continuing. Strong possibility of a group of zed's so watch out if your nearby and update this with any new info. --Rebelhawk250 18:35, 2 August 2007 (BST)
Update No zed's at Walrond Square, 4 more dead bodies and a survivor there named Wesk, dunno whether he killed them or not any verification would help.--Rebelhawk250 18:41, 2 August 2007 (BST)
Update Benedict's has fallen again and the Farmers Building is still in need of reinforcements. Any and all free hands would be appreciated. --DCI Morse 02:54, 3 August 2007 (BST)
Aug 1st
The Walrond Square (South of Giddings) revive point currently has a few undesirables using it as a hunting point, caution advised if your waiting around for that revive... Lazarus 11:43, 1st August 2007 (BST)
July 29th
Farmer nerotech facility is in big need of troopers, 22 zombies outside and 13 inside majority of people inside are infected.. Me101 13:38, 29 July 2007 (BST)
July 28th
Pitneybank doesn't need help. Peppardville, Edgecombe, and Pegton do. Assistance and liberation from the zombie hordes are requested there. Forward! With the crusade! --Secruss 01:42, 29 July 2007 (BST)
July 25th
Terry Sin shot and killed me for no reason while I was hiding in the MacMillan Hotel
Update: Metal Fox have trekked all the way from Rolt Heights to come and aid survivors at Giddings Mall. I hope our contribution will help the situation --Blanemcc 19:28, 25 July 2007 (BST)
July 24th
The Creedy Defense Force violates the truce between themselves and the Creedy Guerilla Raiders the day before the truce designed to rebuild Pitneybank expires. Not only did the CDF attack the CGR openly, but they failed to alert their allies of the cease-fire. --Secruss 03:09, 25 July 2007 (BST)
- Hewoman of the CGR violated the treaty and began killing any and all CDF members inside giddings, so you are both to blame.
July 21st
Giddings, the Morrish Building, Bromley and Byrne Auto Repairs are barricaded, populated, and powered. I'm gonna hafta say that the Giddings mall-fortress is back up and running. --Secruss 19:44, 21 July 2007 (BST)
July 18th
The Mall has been re-taken!!! There are NO zeds inside and all 4 corners of the mall are at HB or higher! There are currently only 2 survivors in the mall, we need everyone to return to the mall. The mall also needs Generators, Fuel, and Radio's in all four corners! If everyone can get back to the mall ASAP we can take back Morrish and the rest of the surrounding buildings! Bromely is at VSB and is the point of entry into the mall once again! - DoctorRevive 13:01, 18 July 2007 (CST)
I retook Bromely and I would apreciate it if you could use a different entry point. I plan on taking Morrish tommorow and I don't want my building being weak and a main target due to it being an entry point. --Zombo-Shane 05:51, 19 July 2007 (BST)
Morrish building has been recaptured by a few CDF members. Please come and provide man power. In other news there is still very few survivors in the suburb, though there are a few small pockets of survivor resistance in the south. Please start to come back to the suburb. - Carl Wolfhiem 04:06, 18 July 2007 (BST)
Thats good news, I wish I could of been around to help.--Colonel Steels 19:22, 18 July 2007 (BST)
Hurry up! The primary group of the mall retakers has been the Creedy Guerilla Raiders. I managed to get the NE corner powered as well. There is a working radio there too. The mall is clear and may the one powered corner serve as a shining beacon of hope! --Secruss 01:47, 19 July 2007 (BST)
July 16th
LUE moved out of Pitneybank, only ferals left in suburb. --Dragonangel24 00:11, 17 July 2007 (BST)
July 13th
WARNING! LUE is planning to take out the Morrish building. expect attack between 6-8 EST --Weekendwarrior 10:34, 13 July 2007 (BST)
- ummm Morrish building is out maby 10+ survivors 100+ zombies however the farmer building has all of 2 zombies in it so if if everyone goes there at least when can still revive people ummm... Mister Me, and sorry if i messed up the editing im new at this
- Morrish is gone. --Sonny Corleone RRF CoL DORIS Hunt! 03:34, 14 July 2007 (BST)
July 12th
All of SW Pitneybank has be overrun and centeral Pitneybank undersiege. There are no longer any survivors in Giddings Mall, The Once safe Pitneybank is almost completely over-run. Morrish NT Building is occupied but currently surrounded by Zeds. --Hornet07
- Yeah no, all corners down now. Surrounding buildings are all safe, with LUE making threats at Morrish. Which is remaining silent inside (Except for a small accidental break in the CGR/CDF non-aggression pact xD) It should be noted that due to the action at the mall the southwest corner of Pitneybank has been trashed by, what I suspect, has been undeadites. Carl Wolfhiem 05:14, 13 July 2007 (BST)
July 11th
Send more mall rats! --Vito Mortis 01:07, July 11, 2007 (GMT)
- The Giddings Mall is overrun. However, there is still 150 survivors (as of writing) in the SW corner. And an unknown quantity in the SE. Most of the peeps survive in surrounding buildings. --Secruss 02:24, 12 July 2007 (BST)
- 100+ zeds in NW corner. Goddammit, why do I ALWAYS end up in the corner that gets attacked first? Hildebrand, now this... Goddammit --Raja Ram 05:21, 12 July 2007 (BST)
- Just lucky, Raja. --John D Freeman 06:15, 12 July 2007 (BST)
- 100+ zeds in NW corner. Goddammit, why do I ALWAYS end up in the corner that gets attacked first? Hildebrand, now this... Goddammit --Raja Ram 05:21, 12 July 2007 (BST)
July 10th
I was just at the Fort. There are 55 zombies outside, with 2 inside. Help is needed at the Fort. --Chris Field 16:38 10 July 2007 (CDT)
- Fort is gone. Gatehouse, Armory, Vehicle Depot, W Barracks, and the Infirmary had all fallen last time I checked. Fall back to Giddings. This is most likely where the LUEsers will go next. Pitneybank citizens are advised to keep a close watch on their cades and zeds numbers outside the buildings. I...must say, I sort of applaud LUE from the fear/panic I've been seeing run rampant in this suburb. But we shall remain strong. -- Carl Wolfhiem 02:50, 11 July 2007 (BST)
July 7th
The Fort has been retaken by survivors again. However, there is a massive crowd of zombies gathering outside of the Fort. --Secruss 04:08, 8 July 2007 (BST)
June 21st
This morning around 10h30, I checked the surroundings of Fort Creedy but I only saw lone zombies and groups of two zombies. I don't know what the situation is in the buildings, but it seemed to be relatively safe. Tomorrow I'll check again... user:Runjee
Whole SW part of Pitneybank and Fort Creedy is totally overrun by zombies. --KiT 00:25, 21 June 2007 (BST)
June 20th
Sorry Mate wasn't aware it was a revive point should have checked first but every one makes mistakes and its not like it was Intentional. Simon Summers
June 19th
simmon summers gunned me down while waiting for a revive at walrond square. profile said CDF. heres his link http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=861108. somebody should make a giddings mall wiki page so we can have a place to keep track of this $h!t. that way we can weed these type of people out.
The Farmer Building is still overrun by zombies. There are more than 20 inside and 20 outside, and repairing the building is probably gonna need lots of manpower, specially considering the scarceness of ammo nearby.
June 16th
The upper barracks of Fort Creedy are now in human control, thanks to a survivor simply known as "Chaos". No word on how the rest of the Fort stands, but reinforcements are in dire need immediately, if humans are to regain control and hold it down. --Against00 01:56, 16 June 2007 (EST)
- The whole southern/ SouthWestern half of pineybank is in termoil. With the NT Farmer Building tettering on the brink of safety and disaster, Benedicts completely ransacked with 40 undead inside, Mumford destroyed with 30 undead inside, and the entry point junkyard starting to collapse.Carl Wolfhiem 20:23, 16 June 2007 (BST)
June 15th
St Benedicts hospital is a gruesome sight at this hour, with forty-some odd zombies inside and another twenty or so outside, a heap of bodies is all that remains of the survivors who were huddled there. Fragmentary reports from survivors indicate that the Killer Zombie Tomatoes among others are responsible for this bloodbath. The rest of pitneybank is apparently on their menu for coming days. --Electrasol 02:44, 16 June 2007 (BST)
June 12th
Halberry police department got overrun by zombies. If this continues, ammo is going to become very scarce. Numerous sightings of graffiti's suggesting zombies to go to Pitneybank.
The Farmer Building has been ransacked. -- Mordac the Refuser 00:30, 15 June 2007 (BST)
June 10th
For thoose who do not know, the fort is overrun. The number of Zeds currently occupying the fort is listed below:
7 zeds at tte Gatehouse 1 outside armory 6 inside , 5 at the training grounds , storehouse 29 outside (no ap to look inside), lower barracks 6 outside (no ap to look inside), infiramry 25 outside, upper barracks 0 out, depot 0,yard 1 spread the word!
June 8th
The fort actually looks kinda safe for the first time in months. --Secruss 18:42, 8 June 2007 (BST)
Grab mah zgangah azz an gag ahn mah banana harmanz! Har! Har! Har! Creeping Crud 19:56, 8 June 2007 (BST)
May 26th
It's perfectly fair that this message is posted here. This is completely neutral and no spying or dishonesty was used to obtain this information. You used a very public method to distribute your plan when you should have told others about it privately. You ruined your own plan. As for Jfunker and Carl Wolfhiem I don't take kindly to people deleting my perfectly fair post on these forums just because Omni made a gigantic blunder. I will be checking back here several times a day every day and ensuring that my post here remains for all to see. Do not delete it again. I also plan on taking my zombie alt the short distance to Fort Creedy to inform the other zeds that may not check the wiki page.
Omni and his boys are going to try to lure the zombies out of Fort Creedy so they can reclaim it. Their strategy is to combat revive the non brain rotted zombies and attack but not kill the brain rotters. This will of course leave a scent trail that would be very tempting for the rotters to follow but don't do it. They are going to hole up in Farmer Building NT and try to lure the zombies out of the Fort. As long as the brain rotters stick around in the Fort the zeds can hold it. The survivors will only be carrying out this plan for 2 weeks so that's how long the zombies need to avoid sleeping outside of the Fort.
May 24th
Fort Creedy overrun. 50+ zombies inside the fort. I spotted about a dozen CDF bodies and innumerable, unidentified bodies. Secruss 20:42, 24 May 2007 (BST)
St. Benedict's Hospital is a place you should not stay the night in, CGR are threatening it and PKing continues against the CDF.AxlJack
May 15th
1pm GMT Pitneybank whilst not experiencing a flood of zombies is still at threat from the walking dead particularily in the South-West near the fort where break-ins are all to common. Open warfare between the CDF and CGR continues unabated and Giddings is a magnet for both murderers and their pursuers, Not a safe place for Zed or survivor alike. Sleep with one eye open... Billy K
May 15th
More PKing:
* Nendur destroyed the generator. (6 minutes ago) * Nendur killed Dr Superplanet. (5 minutes ago) * Nendur killed Alnedra. (3 minutes ago)
May 14th
We're socialist thank you very much. Check the* Creedy Guerilla Raiders wiki. And mabye you CDF guys should stop labeling your alts as CGR and killing innocents. As for telling everyone to join or die: I don't do that, I just host Radio CGR, broadcasting on 26.70 whenever I feel like it!
News: Fort Creedy overrun. To survivors: don't rest in the gatehouse, zombies can bypass the barricades and enter it from inside the fort. Secruss
May 13th
CGR stop your annoying Facsist propoganda over the radio. Let me tell you something, if CGR is freedom then you shouldn't give orders to join or die. Though I suppose as the CDF is doing thier job gaurding the fort, and you are doing your job in raiding it.
Stop your spam though. People in Pitneybank who care: Go to the Fort. Carl Wolfhiem ain't afraid to sign this.
May 12th
ok i think we need a revive point inside fort creedy. every time i try to camp there i die and im tired of it. i kow its not actually in this burb but i say outside of the fort creedy infirmary should be a designated revive spot
To the person above:Exercise yard or Training Grounds would be better.
May 11th
Some tool killed me today, said I was a notorious PKer. I have never attacked another player, only zombies. Bitey McBites is a griefer.
- Bitey McBites shot you with a shotgun for 8 damage. (1 minute ago) ...and again. ...and again.
- Bitey McBites shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (1 minute ago) ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again. ...and again.
- Bitey McBites said "Xathan, as a notorious GKer and spy for RRF, I hereby execute you in the name of all that is decent and good. Stand back, folks---this is going to get messy." (26 seconds ago)
- Bitey McBites shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (19 seconds ago)
- You were killed by Bitey McBites. (19 seconds ago)
May 5th
There will be a brand new group starting in Paynterton,Heytown,Gibsonton,Sparliingbank,Pitneybank and all survivors are welcome to join.Are group name is "Tactical Shadow Storm" we also would like to ally with all nonker groups.To all that would like to contact us or join us you can contact us by http://tyrantshadow.6.forumer.com/index.php or http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/TSS
May 4th
twice in a row ive been shot in the head while waiting for revives at the cemetary. both times by Senor Fuego http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=676770. somebody kill this ass hole and revive me plz.
April 30th
I don't want to hear any more complaining about Walrond Square revive point. It has been deactivated (for good reason) and I suggest in my humble opinion that a revive point never be placed on an open space without a billboard to tag on. Next time use your heads for thinking instead of taking headshots. -Fade
April 25th
4 Zeds at cemetary, 2 at sty Lucy's church and 2 at fort creedy barracks going by the NecrTech recordings tho.
April 24th
Survivors should avoid Pitneybank if they don't have free running - all resource buildings have been caded to EHB.
Also, the problem at Walrond Square shall be dealt with a policy of the murdered person being allowed to hunt down and shoot their killer. -Officer Conrad
April 15th
Walrond Square continues to be an XP farm for zombie killers; it took me three tries to get revived there, and there is a sizeable pile of dead bodies that aren't about to get revived until they can stay standing for more than a few hours. -Darian Marcus
April 13th
This is a call to all humans in the area. I have been rallying groups on both sides of the conflict for a final siege. The mall tour has defeated the best we can throw at it, and I would like the opportunity to confront them again with the very best we can bring to Giddings mall. This would not be for a while as the mall tour is in disagreement over it but several human groups have agreed to aid us in this battle and many horde members are interested. Cynics aside, I hope that this will be a chance for both sides to enjoy another siege. Post here or at the brainstock topic if you are interested -Officer Conrad a.k.a -Virgilthepagan
- It appears as if the Mall tour is rejecting your offer. We still may come to make a riot but at the moment our members have joined a more important cause, the Killer Zombie Tomatoes. Its basicly a horde formed from the members of the mall tour, its still us, just not as big and we arnt subject to strictly attacking malls. If there is any change in the situation i will post up in the descussion part of this wiki. Zaneus 07:26, 23 April 2007 (BST)
thats cuz the mall tour is a bunch of scared cowards. they know they cant handle us
April 11th
There has been an increase in sightings of members of the RRF-Gore Corps. They have been destorying generators and shooting people in the malls. Survivors need to check the mall occupants and the buildings around Giddings Mall for these PKers/Zed spies. They usually hide around 4 or 5 blocks away from the malls.
====April 6th==== If these killings at Walrond Square of waiting zombies are to continue, I recommend that it be removed from the designated revive point list. It seems to serve no purpose than to provide people with easy zombie targets. -Rex Harrison
06:00 GMT: Captain Neil Johnson - "Gentlemen, in just under 48 hours Operation Reclaimation will begin. I appeal to anyone with a sense of civic pride to meet with me at Norgan Library in Pitneybank at 10:00 GMT on the 8th to assist in this momentous event. Thank you."
April 5th
More unwarranted attacks on zombies at Walrond Square, supposed revive point. Dimitriy is the perpetrator http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=794439. Please, someone be informative as to whether or not Walrond Square is to be deemed a revive point with all of the ruckus of killing people waiting for a revive. -Rob Sombra
03:00 GMT: Captain Neil Johnson spoke earlier today from Boutcher Alley PD. In his memorable speech he put out an appeal for "A few more men, who would bravely strike back against the Zombie Menace". He went on to say "In just a few more days the plan will be in action. Those who work with us will be rewarded. Those who fight us will fall before us."
April 4th
15:15 BST: Halberry Boulevard Police Dept is under attack by zombies. Its barricades have been torn down and several survivors sheltering inside have already been killed!
April 2nd
04:00 GMT: With many flocking to the cause, Captain Neil Johnson is appealing to all those interested in the reclaimation of Fort Creedy to place their name on the Malton Special Forces wiki page, as well as a means of contacting them. The radio fequency 26.42 MHz is being constantly monitered for incoming traffic.
Psyd killed me and maybe more at Walrond Square today, which, as stated below, is a clearly marked revive point. Private Macs and Haas Castro have just attacked me(while writing this). Thank you to Damien Rodriguez for revivifying me before these two could kill me. Please be on the look out for these players.
- Private Macs hit you with a fire axe for 3 damage. (1 minute ago)
- Haas Castro shot you with a pistol for 4 damage. (1 minute ago)
- Private Macs hit you with a fire axe for 3 damage. (1 minute ago) ...and again. ...and again.
- Damien Rodriguez revivified you with a NecroTech syringe. (1 minute ago)
-Rob Sombra
Dr Discomfort killed 2 at Walrond Square this morning, a clearly marked revive point. Only one zombie left standing at this point, in a pile of 74 bodies
April 1st
4:30 PM (GMT +10) Captain Neil Johnson of the Malton Special Forces is currently recruiting young men and women to join the MSF, and help reclaim Fort Creedy. All interested, please report to him in Boutcher Alley PD.
March 30th
I think the broad meaning of the term is obvious but even so, I searched for "in-game-raper", "in-game raper", and "in game raper" and didn't find anything.
Note the proper term is "text rapist"
March 21st
corruptcop is loose in the suburb. He is an in-game-raper (If you don't know what it is then look up using the wiki search) and has raped at least two female characters. There's a bounty on him now.
March 19th
I just thought I should let people know that I've seen two PKers Headless gunner killed farmer bob. Then later on cyberbob240 killed Matt Spencer and Matthew Kings. To all people be aware that these people can not be trusted and should be shot on sight. headless gunner killed Farmer Bob. (19 hours and 6 minutes ago) headless gunner said "Long Live the CGR. Death to CDF!" (19 hours and 4 minutes ago) cyberbob240 killed Matt Spencer. (13 hours and 41 minutes ago) cyberbob240 killed Matthew Kings. (13 hours and 39 minutes ago).
March 8th
In one of the few good instances of survivor co-operation since the outbreak a well orchastrated re-occupation of Giddings has unfolded over the last few hours. During the night a brave few started an impromptu cookout in the Upper Left Corner, now all corners are lit and held by a group estimated at 50-60 strong. It seems the rebuilding is happening at a record pace. Redwave 23:20, 10 March 2007 (UTC)
March 7th
Pitneybank is not lost. To the extent we are witnessing anything more than the mall tour coming through (and leaving soon), we can regain control the same way we always have: find a place to sleep with few zombies outside, then barricade, barricade, barricade, revive, revive, revive; plenty of these zombies can be brought back to fight on our side. Although one should avoid areas of high zombie activity, such as the mall or resource buildings, there are clearly still good spots for survivors to mount a resistance, as the zombies are widely dispersed and do not appear to be highly organized. Undoubtedly, many of these dispersed zombies are former friends who can be brought back to help turn the tides and, while I do not know the current status of the Morrish (NT) or Farmer (NT) buildings here in Pitneybank, the Dewell building (NT) in south Spracklingbank, with modest survivor cooperation, is largely defendable at the moment, and can play a central role in reclaiming Pitneybank for humanity.
Update: Not sure how old that intel is. The Dewell building was reclaimed by a push from the Aardwolf Rangers and several other survivors about 18 hours ago. During the night a small pack of zombies (est 5-15) were able to break in and kill the defenders. As of right now 9 Zeds have occupied the building. Redwave 12:32, 8 March 2007 (UTC)
March 6th
Pitneybank is under zed control. There are large mobs everywhere. Sleeping here is extremely ill-advised.
March 5th
The North West corner has come under extremely heavy attack by zombie forces, with zombies now outnumbering the survivors with over two zombies to every survivor. Many zombies have been heard proclaiming victory, but the rest of the corners seem to still be strong, so the Mall Tour might have to hold off the victory parade for a bit.
- Update: 65 zombies inside the mall, NW corner has been ransacked.
- Update: Giddings has fallen, 200+ zeds in and around the mall chomping away merrily on their victims... ack! they've seen me *runs away to fight another day*
March 4nd, 2007: The Mall Tour is officially outside with there numbers increasing every minute. There is currently 250+ not including dead bodies outside the North/West corner. The survivor numbers inside the Mall seem to be declining every hour, how much longer can this Mall hold!
- Update: Breach in the NorthWest corner of the mall! Over 34 confirmed zeds forced their way inside, wreaking chaos amidst the 75 or so survivors still there. Numerous fatalities. Zombies repulsed after savage store-to-store fighting.
- Update: Repeated breaches in the NorthWestern quadrant. Total is now over 89 confirmed killed zombies, but the defenders are finally breaking down. The last two hours have seen the death of at least 20 humans and 50 zombies. It may be possible to continue to hold the NW corner, but only through heroic effort.
- Update: numbers down to 30 in the NW corners cades at EHB
- Update: 105 confirmed killed zombies in the struggle for the nw corner on the 4th of March. The survivors holding the mall are bravely resisting, the battle for the interior of the mall has lasted over twelve hours at this point.
March 2nd
The mall Tour is outside, and spies have been smashing generators inside. There are at least a hundred survivors in each square of the Mall, anyone in the area is encouraged to get inside quickly. Geerts
March 1st
The Mall Tour has officially declared it intentions to move on the Giddings area. Despite the optimistic view of the survivors analyists have Giddings continued survival pegged at slim to none. The Horde is expected within the next 36 hours. Redwave 12:30, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
- Update: The attack on Giddings has begun. It appears that attacks are directed primarily at the NW corner and the NT directly to the south. -Mark D. Stroyer 20:28, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
February 28th
Just so you know the Mall Tour '07 have just finished ransaking Treweeke Mall. They did it so fast they decided to attack a couple of secondary targets before moving on to the next mall. And there is a good chance that their next target could be Giddings Mall, as it's near by and the Mall tour has been following a predictable path. No offence to the Mall tour orgernisers but now that they have done a few malls over their path is now kind of predictable. But with the size of the horde even forwarned it will be hard for survivors to hold the mall, if possible. Will be interesting to see who wins this one. Have fun, it they attack that is. No garrenties thou. --Matt 11:06, 28 February 2007 (UTC) Edit: sorry, forgot the mall tour have no leader, just orgernisers
The YMCA is currently attempting to start its Pitneybank branch, led by Art Doyle, Rexbanner and Dog Deever. All welcome to the club at 87,45, over 15s are not welcome.
Recent scouting-runs (and NecroNet data) show very little zombie activity in the suburb, no standing zombies outside Giddings or the Morrish building, and no lines at the Walrond Square revive point. However, some survivors that GKed and PKed during the last zombie occupation have started drifting back to Giddings. As usual, sleeping in malls is done at your own risk.
January 9th
For the first time in 3 weeks Aardwolf country is back in human hands. The lower part of the suburb is 'caded up tight, and the Zombies have yet to mount a counter attack of any scale. Zed numbers in Giddings have been reported to be at a new low. The signs say the time is right to reclaim Giddings. All exiled survivors are urged to come back and reclaim what rightfully belongs to us! Redwave 00:30, 10 January 2007 (UTC)
January 8th
Currently, there are a grand total of 13 zombies inside giddings mall, and less than 8 outside. Any serious attack could easily take the mall back VERY quickly.
January 4th
Pitneybank is under general control of the Big Bash. Giddings Mall is in Zombie hands; time to move on Fort Creedy!
January 1st
I've lost count of the number of times Giddings mall has changed hands in the last week, suffice it to say it is more than 5. Huge casualty tolls are racking up for the survivors, and the Morrish building is falling as I write this. Redwave 05:29, 1 January 2007 (UTC)
December 28, 2006
A brutal battle is being waged over northern part of the suburb, the mall has changed hands multiple times in the last two days. Things arn't looking to rosy for the survivors at the moment, as a major safehouse was destroyed last night. Redwave 20:40, 28 December 2006 (UTC)
December 27 2006
Still cleaning up Pitneybank from mealz on the loose. Barricades are down at the warehouse at [83-41], can somebody open that damn door for me? I can smell the brainz from where I stand, outside the building and it's so frustrating
December 26 2006
Zombies numbers inside the Giddings mall has dropped to zero, but with the unfair tactics of zombie spies and pkers in this game its kind of pointless to continue since to get inside a mall all the zombies needed to do was send in infected humans with low hp to waste their hp with actions then come back to life to kill the human players. Though this seems like fun to some it make the game seem pathetic.
December 24 2006
I fled from giddings and am now inside joachim mall in penny heights. Anyway, we will take back the mall soon. godwilling.......
Update: 27 Zombies inside of Giddings, 29 outside. Numbers are continuing to drop. Redwave 11:37, 24 December 2006 (UTC)
December 23, 2006
I took count of the Zombie numbers in Giddings as I ran through today. 39 inside, 37 outside. It wouldn't take more that 40-50 people to take this place back. Redwave 16:52, 23 December 2006 (UTC)
December 21th, 2006
Pitneybank is now pretty much in zombie hands. With over 60 outside and 50 inside of Giddings mall (and hundreds dotted around the suburb and spilling into the southern areas of Spacklingbank), any local survivors might like to relocate, lest they be devoured by zombies. I hear the scent of death makes fresh harmanz taste all the better.
December 20th, 2006
A very horrific place to be right now is in PitneyBank. There have been a report saying that almost all the buildings in everyplace in PitneyBank doors are left, wide open. This means that PitneyBank is no longer a place for low levels to be. But a interesting question is, what suburb did the zombies come from? Meaning, if they are recently are in PitneyBank, then the place they recently left, is a good place to build up on.
I had a walk today in Pitneybank, it took a while, but I finally found a building (Mazzie Towers) that's not wide open! -- Luuca
- Update: Thanks for pointing that one out to us, wouldn't want to waste food. Cleared.
December 19th, 2006
A lone copy of Duke Nukem Forever was spotted inside Giddings Mall and quickly snatched up by the elated zombies. The finding of DNF marks the final and complete victory of Shacknews over harmanz, Malton, and videogame developers. BARHAH! Gragahha, brngra raha. JoeyT survived two nights of Giddings only to be eaten and zedified!

- Update: The Creedy Defense Force is encouraging suvivors of the siege to flee to the surrounding buildings. Giddings has been breached!
December 18th, 2006
About 180 Zombie has enter the Giddings Mall, and more are coming inside. Survivors are trapped in, with no hopes of survival. This is a great lost for humans, as there are about over 400 survivors. There was a broadcasting earlier night, saying that "Gidding's Mall has fallen, this is the end of Pitneybank"
Major break-in last night, contained in the wee hours of this morning, there was still some zombies left over inside. They've been forcefully removed from the mall, however.
December 17th, 2006
Zombie counts exceed 350 in the north west and 100 more zombies outside the north east corner.--
- Update: Total Zombie count in this suburb have topped 500. 354 outside the NE corner of Giddings, 90 outside the NW, and 55 at the Walrond Square revive point.
December 16th, 2006
Zombie count at the mall north-east 330 north-west 30 generators only last about 20 minutes each Update: 70 zombies in the mall is this the end? Update: doesn't look bad now only 14 left Update: looks like I was wrong It's not the end of the mall but the north-west is weak after that
- Northwest quadrant of Giddings has been breached. 35 zeds inside as of 7:52 PM EST. Only 62 survivors in the NW.
Update: 16 left, EHB, looks like we made it through this one, despite heavy losses. A moment of silence is requested for the many, many people who died defending the Upper Left Corner. Update: We need more bodies in the NW corner of Giddings, only 28 surivors are there after tonights break in. Update: Total number of zeds outside Giddings EXCEEDS 400. Backup to the northern corners of the mall is vital!
December 15th, 2006
Just now i counted 250+ zeds at the north-east corner. Break ins are getting more and more regular.
- Update: Seems the zeds have been pulling out survivors from the North-east corner. Seen many died, that corner looks like it's fallen.
- Update: The northeast corner is secure.
- Update: Seems the zeds have been pulling out survivors from the North-east corner. Seen many died, that corner looks like it's fallen.
December 14th, 2006
A sea of zombies. Members of the Shining Ones and Ridleybank resistance front confirmed in the area helping direct the assaults.
- Update: Giddings was broken into tonight. About 9 zeds breached the defenses and caused some trouble. By morning the situation was resolved.
December 13th, 2006
Currently 161 zeds outside the NE corner, a comparable number of survivors inside that area; 62 standing at Walrond; southern adjacent buildings seem to be holding.
- Update: Well the hospital is gone. We got blindsided like a deer in headlights. I logged on to find everyone dead, including me. Took about 20 minutes all told. Currently 59 zeds inside and ranshacked.
- Update: 135 zeds outside the NE corner of Giddings!!!! The battle has begun!!!
- Update:Boutcher Alley Police station attacked and overrun
- Update: 135 zeds outside the NE corner of Giddings!!!! The battle has begun!!!
December 12th, 2006
Giddings mall under attack! Minor break in only. Bromley is currently under attack by 10 zeds I dont know if it is breached. Please help! I will log back in to help.
It appears that a horde of some affiliation has moved up quite fast; could this be the Shacknews invasion everyone's been expecting? There appears to have been an assault on the NE corner of Giddings about 7 and a half hours ago with one zombie getting inside. Also a fair amount of PKing in that corner, hard to tell what was retributory, what was legitimate, what was coordination with the zombies, and what was random. The generator destruction appeared purposeful, however. Shacknews Resistance members report a definite movement by 300 of their undead fellows in this direction.
In other news, Bromley Auto Repair, south of the mall, had 16 zombies and 43 corpses in it not long ago. This reporter did a little housekeeping, bringing the corpse-number down to 36 or so. Other buildings along the mall's perimeter (including the all-important NT facilities) appear to be holding well, with strong barricades and survivor populations.
- Conversations in the mall include the discussion of whether to call for reinforcements, and of how to avoid the fate of Caiger. An analysis of Shacknews' tactics remains to be seen.--Robert G Shaw 02:40, 13 December 2006 (UTC)
- UPDATE There are 37 zeds in Bromley and 4 in front of Morrish. Watch out everyone!!!!!!!!!
December 11 2006
Morrish currently has 18 zombies and 150 corpses (plus one lonely-looking survivor) outside of it, and about 30+ at Walrond Square. Survivors in Giddings have regularly called for allies to the defense of Morrish over the past few hours.--Robert G Shaw 14:25, 11 December 2006 (UTC) UPDATE The Morrish building had 25 zeds but we wiped them out. The people waiting at Warlond Square are at 40+; help would be appreciated. UPDATE: Giddings just went totally dark, a player with Shacknews as his group affiliation is responsible for at least one corner. -The Aardwolf Rangers
- Claim of responsibility - Purely because I love to stroke my own ego, I would like to point that it was my revivified (now dead again) zombie, Telchak, that took down all those generators. --Gateking 01:36, 12 December 2006 (UTC)
UPDATE: Bashed the 'cades at Morrish down to Lightly earlier, then between one hit and the next they went right up to EHB. I'm getting a very unpleasant sense of deja vu right now. --Gafgar
December 10th, 2006
The Morrish Building is under attack from Shacknews, current zombie numbers are holding steady at 20, but expected to increase within the next 12 hours. A general call to arms was initiated by the Creedy Defense Force at 8:59 PM Eastern Standard Time.
- UPDATE: There are now 37 standing zombies outside The Morrish Building, and 15 at the Walrond Square Revive Point.
- The Revenant are calling all zombies to eat arms as survivors are rushing to the aid of Pitneybank. 11:34 (CST)
====December 05th, 2006====
Red Rum raided Giddings Mall today. It took me 7 seven minutes to read the list of player killing--Zombie Spray 06:54, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
====December 03th, 2006====
Some survivors in Giddings have started banning together to find a way to make the area safer. Talk of a Second Alliance of Giddings. The ideas being brought forth are raising a lot of eyebrows.
Continued zombie activity makes this area highly dangerous. Some safe houses exist but pre-knowledge required. Exercise extreme caution when traveling in the south part (near newly reinforced base) of this area. Humans need some sort of counter attack... <further communitcation garbled>
November 27th, 2006
Zombie activity has increased dramatically in this zone. Please note that the number of zombies is extremely high, and it is advised you evacuate to the mall to avoid being overrun. Be careful, and Godspeed to you all. Over and out.
November 27th, 2006 With the increase of pk'ers in the area the Black Hunter Group is now moving in on the pk'er groups and putting a stop to them, and also helping out with the alarming zombie presence in the area. Since there are so much pk'ers and Gk'ers in the area we should hunt them down first and take them out, since they are the ones inside the human population.--Coolo B! 01:41, 27 November 2006 (UTC)
November 26th, 2006 Apparently the lack of zombie activity in recent months, coupled with the military renovations at the armory and its strange zombie attraction have led suriviors to become a little crazy. PKers are becoming rampant and everyone is over barricading. (It took me an 8 block trip to find a building I could enter from normally enterable buildings) In Team Recon's headquarters, Warehouse 83,41 people keep over barricading and surviors keep changing our radio transmitter's frequency and spraying over our graffiti. I have heard multiple other reports of similar action all throughout the suburb. Survivors, check the building's wiki page before making any changes. It is becoming ridiculous.
On some recent scouting missions into Southern Pitneybank, it appears zombie activity is on a massive increase. Serveral resource buildings have been overrun. I saw 10 on an NT building and 7 in the cemetery. Buildings south of that had 3-8 zombies a piece on their exteriors. It is time to start cleaing up guys. It used to only be a zombie or two when I would do my daily scouting missions. Wandering Insouciant
November 26th, 2006 There is frequent overbarricading on the buildings around the mall. The barricades are not in accordance with the Uniform Barricading Policy. Please refer to the previous link and barricade appropriately. --Zombie slay3r
November 23th, 2006 There are 122 zombies at the Gatehouse, which at the moment, is overbarricaded. Oddly enough, I am the only one at the nearest revive point. I can only hope that a certain suggestion passes, or else this Fort update will have been for naught.
November 22nd, 2006 God help those poor people in the fort...the hoarde is growing...
November 17th
It would appearz we have eatenz out the eyez of Pitneybank survivorz or they are blindz. The Revenant have been feastingz in the South for days now. Yourz poor hospital & Mumford (all it's inhabitants now need their mum) were devoured by us & some other friendz. We are hoping the screamz of our mealz will attractz more undead to joinz us. Itchy. Itchy. Tasty. Tasty.
- The mall may be safe, but is PKing still rampant among its factions. You want to get this under control if you want survivors there....Reports of excessive PKing are confirmed. Then again, this seems to be a problem across all mall areas...
November 14th
Area seems to be fairly safe, only saw one zombie on my way through. Area offers little cover to those without free running, most notably mall and other resource buildings around it. The power grid in this area also seems to be in fairly good shape. Due to lack of zombies, the mall in this area might want to tone down defenses a bit so others can utilize the mall.
November 11th
ToXiC with the aid of over 30 survivors has pushed back the undead around St. Benedict's Hospital for the most part and the area is safe again with very few break-ins. ToXiC is moving on to it's next project in Edgecombe. We will return soon to Pitneybank. Save a bed for us. -yayviolence, ToXiC President
November 6th
The Revenant have gathered in Pitneybank just in time for Thanksgiving. They are working on setting up a plentiful feast and are now taking reservations for this delightful dinner. Any/All undead are welcome! Let's get ready to "drag" the food out! Tasty! --Night of the Me
November 4th
Southern Pitneybank is being overrun by the undead. St. Benedict's Hospital had been overrun but we have taken it back...but for how long we don't know. Most of the survivors have fallen back into Pallaye Library but will move back into the hospital shortly to help defend it. They just keep coming from the south so I really can't give an acurate estimate on their numbers. I do know that there are around 20-25 survivors but several of them are going to make a run for Giddings Mall...pussies the lot of them. We must not give up our ground. We must fight to push back the horde. Tonight we fight for our lives.-yayviolence, ToXiC President
October 31st
- Radio Transmission "...can't see a thing in this fog...(STATIC)...what!? Whats happening, whats tha...(STATIC)...nd? Oh my God! They're coming through the barrica...(HISS)...zombies, they're all over the place. If anyone can hear this...(GUNSHOTS)...Boutcher Alley P.D. under attack...(STATIC)...requ...(HISS)...support fr...(SCREAMS)...(SILENCE) -Sgt Wyant Warehouse 83,41
- October 31st
I's knocked on a doors today...but no answer. So I just brokes ins to get my treats. -Night of the Me
October 30th
The Boutcher Alley P.D. is under attack once again. Need support from any survivors in the area. Lets have a safe and happy Halloween you guys...-Sgt Wyant
October 29th
The Boutcher Alley P.D. is once again under survivor control. The zombies have cleared out, either deterred by the fierce resistance of the locals, or just tired of the fighting. I searched the surrounding area and only ran into 2 undead. I feel its safe to say that the northwest section of Pitneybank is relatively secure. Thanks go out to those brave men and women who helped defend the P.D. -Sgt Wyant
October 28th
The Boutcher Alley P.D. is under heavy undead attack! The doors are wide open and they're dragging people into the street before killing them. I opened fire and managed to drop one of them before having to flee to the warehouse to the east. Any survivors are requested to fall back to the warehouse directly east of the P.D. in order to regroup. Requesting support from any survivors in the vicinity...we can't afford to lose this point! -Sgt Wyant
October 21th
A group calling themselves the Junkyard Bandits has begun rampant PKing in Pitneybank, as of about a week ago. They kill humans and severely damage barricades if they have leftover AP. Add information to their wiki page as you find it.
October 21st
The Creedy Guerilla Raiders have been waging a war of liberation against it's enemy, The Creedy Defense Force. The fight has been hard, but the CGR is making progress. Those in the know, have noted more CGR in the area than CDF. Unless the Creedy Defense Force can step up the opposition, Pitneybank will be "liberated" by the wayward guerillas.
October 20th
TheScorpionGroup has returned to Giddings Mall, please be advised that the members of this group are known PKers, and as such should be killed on site and not revived.
October 9th
The rumors are real! There are many Zombies outside Pitneybank. They are due west of Giddings Mall. I feel that the Zombies will make a move on the mall or surounding areas if they are not dealt with soon. A counter strike is needed to reeducate these abominations.
September 6th
I've been in Pitneybank (and, specifically the Giddings Mall area). Despite rumors that the Horde is coming, it has been quiet. There is, if anything, an overpopulation of humans here (if we had had 25% of the people here at Joachim, we could have easily held the mall). Revives are quick, and there isn't much to do, so I'm going to round some people up and head back to Penny Heights and try to take Joachim Mall again. asheets
September 1st
Giddings & Pitneybank at large are now safe as most of the Bash has poured past it into the northeast suburbs - towards Treweeke Mall. Giddings is the first mall the Big Bash has passed without besieging, mostly due to the bad blood from the botched siege almost exactly a month ago. The Bash didnt want to go against all the Bot's in Giddings.
August 31st
Zombies got into the farmer building(NT) Send help and bring some of your juicy brainnnzzz.
August 30th
Where are the higher buildings in pitneybank where we can use binoculars?
- The Morrish NecroTech building just south of the mall is high enough to see from....don't know about others yet.
August 27th
Zombies are being killed at the Walrond Square revive point you might want to stay away.
August 25th
The Big Bash is beginning to pour into southern Paynterton. Giddings Mall can likely expect to see a surge of survivors fleeing to safety or looking for revives. Any trigger happy survivors looking to aid the defense of Paynterton are advised to focus on holding Shadwick Walk PD [90,36] from falling into zombie claws.
- Be on the lookout...there are GKers and Zed sympathizers inside Giddings. At least one member of the Scorpion Group was in residence last night.--Bskrobot 15:00, 25 August 2006 (BST)
August 24th
The southern area is full of zombie activy. People think The Big Bash is coming back. Numbers at Giddings Mall is fairly good and they want a fight. Revive points, however, aren't particularly protected.
August 22nd
Many buildings are overbarricaded, especially resource buildings, and buildings adjoining the mall. i was wondering, could the people plz try and remember not to attack zeds at a revive unless thewre a pker or a hardcore zed? jsut wanted to get this message out.--cody6 21:35, 24 August 2006 (BST)
August 21st
The Big Bash is highly unlikely going to hit Pitneybank again, due to the sour defence with bots (apparently) last time around. So hold your damn horses and don't overbarricade UNTIL it gets formally announced. The newbies have a hard enough time as it is. D:
August 20th
More and more zeds are migrating into this suburb...so far no assaults against Giddings Mall, but people are showing up who need treatment.
August 13th
Wave 2 of the Big Bash is getting ready to come in....I died twice at Blesley, and these THINGS are not going to stop...
- Especially since Big Bash is in Danversbank.
August 7th
Feral Zeds roam the south coming in small packs from Pegton. St. Benedict's Hospital under steady attack. Packs seem to be heading north to other resource buildings.
August 6th
The Morrish Building has become a symbol of ill will between survivors and zombies after 1) accusations of barricade-bots, whose power may have been partially nerfed by a recent update; 2) accusations of zombie zerging by some survivor groups including the DEM. The last stragglers from the Bash have left the suburb, and survivors start a building by building search for remaining targets, while enjoying copious amounts of free beer.
August 5th
The Big Bash is completely gone from Giddings Mall/The Morrish Building. A quick scout sees one or two buildings open, but otherwise it's all good. There are 192 dead bodies, but it is unknown if they are zergers.
August 3rd
The Big Bash has pulled out of Pitneybank, leaving random ferals to continue to attack the Morrish Building, estimated number of zeds outside is 130.
August 1st
The Big Bash still remains in Pitneybank for the most part, with targets such as Giddings Mall and The Morrish Building being attacked sporadically.
July 31st
After a week in Pitneybank, the Big Bash has found too few brains and too many bots to enjoy themselves any longer. The tide of zombies washed up against Morrish Necrotech, where barricades were observed to go from none to maximum within seconds, an impossible feat. This could only end up being extremely frustrating for the Bash zombies, who’ve had tons of fun playing with survivors their malls within the spirit and rules of the game (their brainz were delicious). Malton’s uber-horde is hitting the road again. Predicted destination: adventure. Survivors are advised to either undertake evasive maneuvers, or join the party.
July 27th
The Big Bash hits the Giddings Mall area. Instead of directly attacking the mall, they have instead decided to focus on the building surrounding the mall, namely the NT buildings and secondary ammo locations. Some groups suspect a possible bot at the Morrish building since barricades go down and in 20 seconds magically go back up to EH because anyone else's page loads up. EDIT: some reports are now indicating that Kevan has confirmed bots in Pitneybank.
July 25th
The vanguard of the Big Bash shambled over the border from Peppardville on the night of the 24th, softening up key targets. The sun rose on a suburb embroiled in fierce battle. Many resource buildings have been overrun. The humans who survived have begun a fighting retreat towards Giddings Mall, which is completely enveloped by the zombie advance.
July 22nd
Zombies momentarily breached the Giddings Mall barricade which was quickly repaired. Many survivors are holding them off and helping with the re-barricading process. There are several zombies in the mall.
July 14th
While overall numbers of zombies within the suburb are relatively low, a massive case of over-barricading is making it difficult for survivors to last out in the streets. Most areas have no available VS access points, making it suicidal for even those with Free Running to step outside. Barricading is all fine and dandy folks, but you have to leave at least one access point at VS+2!
July 14th
Minimal zombie activity, but there are massive piles of dead bodies that could cause significant trouble when they rise.--Sanitys Insane 11:51, 14 July 2006 (BST)
July 12th
The Black Hunters are now coming to the suberb to help it out now since we were forcefully had to flee the southwestern corner. We will help with any pk'er groups and revive zombies at revive points that we will set up.--Coolo 18:01, 12 July 2006 (BST)
June 22th
If you want to be revivified, stay away from cemetery at 81,45.
June 9th
Giddings siege completely over, all ferals either dead or left
June 5th
The Giddings siege ends as The Shining Ones move off leaving randoms and ferals to fight the remaining few days until the commotion dies down.
June 2nd
The Giddings Mall Siege is still puttering along, survivors outnumber zombies by an estimated 3:1. there are currently 4 days remaining until the month milestone has passed, making this one of the longest lasting sieges. The Siege has already broken a number of records, increasing survivor morale, although RKing has become rampant, because of the implied "spam Box" problem
NEW NEWS: TSO are officially pulling out of the Giddings Mall Siege, see here for details TSO Attack-o-thread
June 1st
RowlesC, a necrolab assistant discovers a short range radio transmitter in Billet Road Fire Station [86, 44] It is now open for public use.
May 22nd
The Giddings Mall Siege seems to have lost it's steam, zombie counts in the nine squares surrounding don't exceed 160, wheras there were 220 last Friday.
May 21st
Survivors are again warned NOT to kill zombies waiting at Walrond Square for a revive. Also please do not kill zombies at cemeteries- Sacred Ground Policy
May 20th
First major break-in of the siege, nearly 30 zombies breached the NW corner of Giddings Mall
May 18th
Breakins are becoming more frequent, but due to the great organization of the survivors inside Giddings Mall, nearly as soon as the zombies break in, the barricades are back up, new zombie counts beginning to exceed 210
May 17th
The Creedy Defense Force would like to remind all mallgoers that if you should be killed by a zombie break-in, to use the CIT to request a revive. The main zombie attack has moved to the NW Quad in a stunning display of shambling. Estimated zombie count is around 180, and despite all odds, the survivors continue to hold Giddings with an iron fist.
May 16th
150 zombies pounding on the NE Quad. Allied efforts by The CDF, ACC and a plethera of small teams from other groups have been holding it down. Waldron Sq (Revive Point) is completely EMPTY of both Revive Que and Rotters. The TSO (and Scourge?) are being held off well so far. The NTs in the mall have been doing an amazing job keeping everyone on their feet. All Allies of the CDF and ACC are welcome.
- Note - Survivors are encouraged NOT to butcher zombies waiting at Waldron Sq. to be revived, as there are several zombies there who DO wish to join the human effort once again
May 15th
Giddings Mall Still under siege, zombie horde outside NE corner aproximately 130, griefers have been over-barricading entry points
May 14th
Giddings Mall is being assaulted by a zombie horde of 105 in the North-East corner. Giddings was breeched and 1 zombie managed to get in.
May 13th
105 Zs outside the Morrish Building (NT building near Giddings Mall). Almost all are rotters and have flak jackets. A lot are part of The Shining Ones. --Swmono talk - W! - SGP 12:11, 12 May 2006 (BST)
May 10th
The AoG, ACC, CDF and other groups are holding Giddings against the attacks of The Shining Ones
May 08th
Large group of zombies waiting to be revived near the Moorish building are only being slaughtered by opportunistic non-affiliated survivors. May be safer to seek revivification in another suburb.
May 05th
St Benedict's hospital is now empty. Send more harmans! The last ones were delicious!
May 02nd
Zombie spy for The Shining Ones (in human form) seen lurking in safehouses in the north of the suburb. Is this a prelude to an attack?
May 01st
Serial PKer ZombieMonag (in survivor form) is working safehouses in the north of the suburb, eliminating random surivivors. It's a murder lottery, folks.
April 22nd
Third day of attack to St Benedict's Hospital. The generator is down and so is the barricade. Surviving humans, unable to flee, are trying to rebuild defenses.
April 15th
Giddings Mall is safe and so is the rest of Pitneybank. Very few zombies left in the area except those waiting for revives at Walrond Square. All zombies at Walrond are humans waiting to be revived. Humans in the area are encouraged to go to Fort Creedy and help out there.
April 7th
The zombie horde attacking Giddings Mall has been identified as the Church of the Resurrection. Because of the zombie group hiding after attacks at Walrond Square the revive point has been moved to Mann Walk [83, 44].
- Except that even the most casual investigation will reveal that the Church of the Resurrection is only going after the Necrotech buildings in the suburb.
April 3rd
Giddings Mall has been breached by a horde of approximately 30 zombies, and they are feasting on the sleeping masses.
March 18th
Pitneybank and Giddings Mall are firmly in survivor hands thanks to combined efforts of groups in the Alliance of Giddings. As of right now there is only about 2-5 zombies in the suburb but are killed instantly. Come to Pitneybank, zombie free for two months.
January 27th
Giddings Mall and all surrounding area have been cleaned out with only a few zombies still standing are those waiting to be revived or brain rotters trapped outside. Once the suburb became habitable again for humans, a survivor named Saromu opened up a McZeds fast-food in the Sprod Building.
January 24th
Several zombies were spotted outside the Farmer Building [82,46] that have been Mrh?ing for revives for about 3 days now. The building has been very strongly barricaded with the lights on, so hopefully syringes are being manufactured inside. Any help locals can offer these walking dead would not doubt be appreciated.
January 20th
The survivors put up a fierce battle, but in the end Giddings Mall fell against the onslaught of the zombie horde in the early hours of the morning. Some had hoped that the Mall Tour '06 would disperse had it been defeated, but with the fall of Giddings it now seems likely that the apocalyptic battle between humans and the walking dead at Caiger Mall is inevitable. For the time being Pitneybank should be considered a zombie-held suburb.
January 19th
Despite the best efforts, not only those of the more than 500+ zombies in the vicinity of Giddings Mall, but also the deranged attacks of Death Cultists to speed the rate of infection, the mall remains intact. Even the slain rise to its defense, as on more than one occasion slain survivors, clinging to their hatred of the undead even through the murk of viral taint, have been known to tear apart other wounded zombies that are assaulting the mall. This area should still be considered off-limits to all but the most combat-ready survivors.
January 16th
Giddings Mall is under siege in earnest with a strong survivor presence standing ready to defend the mall from the zombie horde. Lone survivors are advised to seek shelter long before their AP lowers to single digits as the few buildings that have not already been barricaded past Very Strong are likely to come under zombie siege. There are a few such buildings in the vincinity of the mall, however, that are considered strongly guarded by survivors.
January 11th
A "PK and Bounty Hunting Amnesty" has been introduced - but all who willingly break it are liable to be placed on the The Giddings Mall Defence Policy PKer List.
January 9th
Pitneybank Radio begins broadcasts across Malton [1].
January 7th
The Giddings Mall Defence Policy has been implemented and survivors are requested to become familiar with its barricade and tactic policies.
November 18th
Survivors have re-populated the suburb as the number of zombies within the area have lowered significantly once again.
November 1st
On Dia de los Muertos, all four quadrants of Giddings Mall fell. Several hundred human casualties occurred in the mall itself, while other buildings in the area continued to be broken into and the survivors inside killed.
October 31st
By Halloween, over 500+ zombies had descended on the suburb, centered on Giddings Mall. The Minions of the Apocalypse, Ridleybank Resistance Front, and Undying Scourge were all present, with more zombies arriving constantly. Southern sections of the mall fell and all survivors there were wiped out, even while both sections were subject to frequent attempts to re-barricade. Exact human casualties are unknown, but estimated to be very high.
October 28th
The Ridleybank Resistance Front made a call on the UD forums for all feral zombies and zombies groups to come to Giddings Mall and destroy the survivor presence there. The Minions of the Apocalypse were the first zombie group to heed the call and arrive in the suburb.
September 19th
The Many began a second prolonged siege on the PA Rebel Alliance holding Giddings Mall. This new attack has so far lasted several days. After over a week of inactivity following their last assault, however, the survivors cautiously claimed victory over the horde. While there have been attacks on the mall in the following weeks they have been of a much smaller scale with nowhere near as many zombies or the coordination previously recorded. Therefore these attacks are not believed to be the handiwork of The Many. See The Siege of Giddings Mall for further details.
September 7th
Pitneybank is the location of the first recorded defeat of The Many, due to the controversial efforts of Operation Windmill Scrotum.