The Malton Underground has one primary goal: To kill an ass-ton of zombies. That's right, to just unload as many clips in those sonsabitches as possible! Also: drinking, smoking, casual sex and the like are all on the docket. (I mean come on, it's f_cking chaos out here!)
Just remember, if you have a pulse and wanna shoot sh!t that don't.... Join Malton Underground.
Almost anyone may join Malton Underground, but you must understand the ultimate goal is not to make a group large enough to rival the larger zombie hordes. The goal is to survive... To keep Malton alive. This is our challenge and we must not fail. Our plan is to unite like-minded, willing groups to form a network that can be set in motion at a moments notice. If we do not adapt and work together like they do than we will surely spend our days among the shambling ranks of the undead. Because, they will always come back, and we MUST be repaired.
The Malton Underground is looking to align itself with individuals/groups that adhere to these general beliefs:
1. Supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
2. Abhors murder. (PKers)
3. Supports the Random Revive Policy.
4. Zero tolerance for Zerging.
If your group is interested in joining this network, or if you as an individual wish to join MU contact us through e-mail.
Individuals send your ID and what you have to offer Malton Underground.
More information is available here - Malton Underground
Contact us: destroyerofminds@gmail.com
March Into the Sea Wiki
We are seafarers, trapped in the quarantine zone. The Priests and Missionaries of MITS spend their lives in service to our Patron, the Chilean Blob of 2003. That said, there are a great many creatures who lurk beneath the waves we must also give offerings to. At various times, we will set up temples throughout Malton to sacrifice unto the likes of The Kraken, The Sirens, The Newfoundland and St. Augustine Blobs, The Leviathan and of course, Mustakrakish.
MITS, believe it or not, is all that stands between Malton and the End of Days. Some of you may have mistakenly believed that the zombie apocalypse was the real threat here. You would be wrong. For it is the deep blue sea that poses the greatest threat. For reasons only known to the Blob and those insidious deities of the deep, they have their sights set on Malton to begin the end times. Only through tireless sacrifice and devotion to whims and needs of the Sea can the Priests and Missionaries of MITS keep these monsters back. And so we march on in endless piety and servitude to save all of Malton's citizenry. It's a thankless duty but someone has to do it.
If a life of servitude to the Holy Blob sounds like the life for you, please visit our wiki and forum for more information about MITS today!
--Dr summeroff 19:03, 2 April 2010 (BST)
Militant Order of Barhah
The Militant Order of Barhah
is one of the major Zombie hordes in Malton and is dedicated to the principles of Barhah Fundamentalism. A nomadic horde that spreads Barhah throughout the city, the MOB welcomes all zambahz who have embraced Barhah within their hearts. As a focused horde with several strike times, the MOB excels at breaking into and eating harman strongholds. A few snapshots of our assaults can be seen here. The MOB enjoys nurturing young zambahz (known as babahz) providing both an encouraging atmosphere & nourishment on the bloody & brainz filled road to becoming adult zambahz.
Our kind of player is a thinking one; one that wants to see exciting projects and high-profile assaults on UD, and attracted to a strong, cohesive team with a great esprit du corps. If you feel you would like to give us a try, then we'd like to cordially invite you to join the MOB, embrace BARHAH!
08:20, 4 March 2025 (UTC)
MoTA, formed on September 16, 2005 has been and always will be dedicated to the end of all life in Malton.
We are one of the oldest standing hordes and still dedicated to the non stop brain buffet.
life as you have known it is over, the time for breathing is OVER! Come join us in bringing about the future,
a future where no one breaths and a zombie utopia can flourish.
To join the future introduce yourself at
Deadliest Small Horde at the Brainies on March 19, 2007. We were given a golden brain.
Gold Brain for Horde Efficiency at the Malton Special Olympics on August 1st, 2007. We amassed more kills, broken barricades, and ransacks per member than any other zombie horde in Malton.
Bronze Intestine for Overall Horde Points at the Malton Special Olympics on August 1st, 2007.
Were back, and your on the menu!
--Rhubarb666 16:45, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
... Needs YOU!
Zombies just don't count themselves, we need YOU to scan & post those scans to help the fight against BARHAH & disorganization
And there is delicious cake for those who qualify...just ask A.L.I.C.E.
...she's watching right now
If you think you got what it takes (sheer indifference to all other concerns, lone wolf type personality, a tad bit vain, a taste for cake) contact NecroWatch today, we'll set you on the road to fame & glory tomorrow!
To learn more review the complete README.TXT file stored on the root directory before proceeding.
CITIZEN VI 22:44, 18 March 2010 (UTC)
O - Q
Are you an experienced player looking for a challenge? A beginner looking for a place to learn the ropes without having to deal with large hordes constantly? Maybe just a player looking for something a little different?
Then join the Order of the Black Rose!
We are a unique survivor group in that we operate over a district instead of a single suburb--specifically, District SW-2 covering Crooketon, Grigg Heights, Lerwill Heights, Mornington, and Reganbank.
For more information on how we operate, check out our Wiki page. If you would like to chat with our members, you can find them at our forum.
Miss Balalaika 12:19, 10 December 2011 (UTC)
PANTHER : Pro-Survivor
Sick of groups that run at the first sign of trouble, leaving others to die? Tired of incompetent leadership? Done with selfish groups that always take, but never give?
Are you ready to join the greatest group in Dulston?
Then you are ready for PANTHER!
It's time to show them how it's done and take back Dulston once and for all! Sign up today and help make Dulston green...permanently! If you have what it takes...
- --The Duke of Earl 19:58, 19 February 2010 (UTC)
The Philosophe Knights
The Philosophe Knights are a group of educated survivors who have taken it upon themselves to eliminate the threat of ignorance in Malton. The Order has a rich tradition and long history of executing the ignorant and other enemies of knowledge. The Knights are currently recruiting intellectuals willing to join their noble cause. See the Philosophe Knights wiki page for more information, as well as for a list of those that have been educated.
"No law or ordinance is mightier than understanding." - Plato
"Ignorance, the root and stem of every evil." - Plato
Entry into the Knights is conducted via trial by jury. The first test is finding us, but be certain that you are prepared for what will come next.
08:13, 4 March 2025 (UTC)
—Aichon— 20:15, 17 March 2010 (UTC)
R - S
RDD : Death Cult / Player Killer
Say young man. Say young man, young man, young man. Like killing? Well, look no further. Actually, go look further and come back, we're too lazy to go look ourselves. Anyway, RDD are a fine bunch of strapping lads who indulge in a lot of PKing, a little GKing, a little less RKing and a whole lot of JFKing. If the death cult style appeals to you, we're your man. Uh... Men. We're your men. We're a laid back crowd, and the emphasis is always on fun. So give us a call, drop us a line, do a bunch of other silly metaphors, and join RDD today!
Contact Haircuts That Kill or Skull Grin to apply. And don't forget to bring money.
15:23, 27 August 2011 (BST)
Red Rum : Player Killer
Front Page · A History of Violence · Proof of Concept · IRC Chat · Join usss! · Website
Are you tired of the stigma attached to murdering people for no adequately explainable reason? We've got just the group for you...
Though one of the larger groups in the game, Red Rum take life in Malton a little less seriously than most survivors. This is due to most Rummers having utterly lost it. We're content to shoot at anything that moves – largely including other Rummers, allies and especially our leadership in a mishmash of blatant nonsense.
We're capable of worrying coordination (see our infamous Tommy Gun strikes) and have killed more characters than any other group, but individual Rummers are free to start their own antics, wander freely or join in our mass events as they choose.
We've killed Malls, Forts and ridiculed the largest groups in the game – if it's variety, Red Rum is who you are after. Red Rum make up the most powerful PKers in the game – more than equalling the power of the entire allied forces of every other PKer group in the game.
Our join requirements aren't strict– simply that you murder an innocent. Sign up here, assuming you haven't been observed in action already...
00:00, 1 April 2012
Team |
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14:00 |
11:00 |
Constables |
00:30 |
19:30 |
16:30 |
GC |
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The Ridleybank Resistance Front wants you! Are you a lonely zombie, tired of bashing barricades by yourself and rarely reaching the tasty brains on the other side? Are you a survivor, bored with the inane bickering of your fellow breathers, as they argue for days over barricade levels and danger reports? Then join us - the RRF - we want to give you the fun you're searching for!
We are one of the largest, most storied, and successful hordes in the entire game, eating survivors and smashing safehouses since September 2005. We extend a warm hand (in spirit, our actual hands are room-temperature) of welcome to those who wish to escape the Serious Business of other groups, and have a laugh while still being deadly in the field of combat.
Old player with tons of skills? You are most welcome to bring your experience to us. New player without even Ankle Grab? We will feed you until you burst - babahz are one of our special joys to raise, a feeling shared horde-wide. If you like to free-wheel, you can join the main horde, the Department of Homeland Security, and rampage about the homeland. Like the coordinated action of strike teams? We have two to choose from at various times of day - Auxunit 10 and The Constables. Can't quite give up on ammo and oxygen? The Gore Corps, THE death cultists of Malton, belong to us, and will put your firearm addiction to good use.
And foremost, the Front is a family. We look out for each other in a way many harmanz - and even some zambahz - still have yet to learn. Those in command are always approachable with any problems or questions you may have. For as much as you would give to the horde, the horde would give to you. Plus the total lack of pants and the kicking of Serious Business right in the fish-and-chips. We want to have fun, and we want you to have it too. Come and play!
Rising from the ashes of two historical groups, the Soldiers of Crossman have thrived in the volatile Northwest of Malton, becoming one of the longest-lasting, premier groups in the game. Our friends know us for our loyalty, good humor, and dedication. Our enemies know us for our strength, determination, and tenacity.
The Northwest was once a proud bastion of humanity in the zombie apocalypse, standing firm when all else crumbled around it. We intend to bring that back by uniting all of the survivors in the Northwest, not only in the fight against our common enemy, but also in our struggle to rebuild that which has been taken from us.
Join us on our mission:
To unite the Northwest and take back what is ours.
Last updated:
08:05, 4 March 2025 (UTC)
No breathing harmanz, no humming generator, just silence.
St. Ferreol's Hospital Noise Abatement Society is a zombie group based in the suburb of Kempsterbank.
Our one simple aim is to ensure the silence of the grave in St. Ferreol's Hospital. We attack that one building, in order to smash the generator and claw and bite the breathers inside. We want to ruin the building, and keep it ruined. When it is ruined, we stand inside to prevent repairs, and prowl out to kill and feast in nearby buildings.
There is no way in the game to move a zombie from a block, so we are here for good - a permanent curse on St. Ferreol's Hospital. Barhah!
If you are a zombie in or near Kempsterbank, check us out and leave a message on our talk page, or come over to the forum. We welcome everyone from experienced zombies to new players, and like to coordinate with nomadic hordes when they pass through the area.
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Billy Forks 11:10, 11 February 2010 (UTC)
T - Z
We are a pro-Survivor group referenced on the fictional Umbrella Corporation that plays a large role in the Resident Evil/Biohazard games. Our goals are helping humanity, having fun, shooting zeds, growing in numbers and strength, and having random discussions from time to time about world affairs, among other things.
- We offer different roles for everyone, regardless of level or class. We'll give you all the training necessary to be a hardcore zombie killer, field medic or even climb up our Corporate ranks and fill high level positions. Because we are geared towards training, development and growth, we're always welcoming new members to the Corporation.
- As for in-game, we are an experienced Survivor group. We have assisted in plenty of Mall & Fort sieges, dealt with pesky PK'ers and have executed more guerrilla tactics (and zombies) than we care to count. We know the game, and we want to know you.
- We even have our very own promotional video, which can be viewed here
So if you are interested in being a part of Umbrella Corporation's cause, click here to sign up, And make a name for yourself in Malton today!
"The Umbrella Corporation: Because Our Business is Life Itself".
-- Thadeous Oakley 22:59, 2 April 2010 (BST)

The Undeadites are one of the longest standing and deadly hordes in Malton, and we're actively recruiting zombies NOW! We have an open door policy, anyone (who's dead or wants to be dead) can join.
How do you join? Next time you are logged in, edit your profile and change your group to Undeadites. If you desire coordination, register on our forum and post your profile in our roll call. This will let us know to give you access to our Hitlist, which is the best way to locate the horde.
Why should you join? Because we are totally dedicated to the eradication of all survivors and to causing as much mayhem, chaos and destruction as possible. Once you have joined, you're free to do whatever you want, but if you want to lead your own mob of Undeadites someday we will expect you to follow our Hitlist sometimes.
Where are we? We are on the Rampage and our position changes daily, contact us and we will try to pick you up.
How do you contact us? We have our own forum so feel free to drop by and introduce yourself. You can also drop us a line on our wiki talk page.
-- Creeping Crud U 17:02, 5 April 2010 (BST)
Category Listings
Recruitment pages are listed below by in order by type. To include your recruitment advert in this list, put the following on the advert "template" page, where TYPE is your groups type: