Sacred Ground Policy

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The similar Religious Respect Policy can be found here.

NOTE: This is an in-game movement. It is not a Wiki Policy or an official rule of the game.

know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 27.22 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: 0,0

What is the SGP?

The Sacred Ground Policy is a movement to convert ALL Cemeteries in Malton to Revive Points. This will provide several revive points in every Suburb that do not require any research or notification per area.

But does SGP mean zeds can buy tagging?

Spraypainted Revive Point messages will no longer be strictly required, because it will be understood throughout Malton that ALL Cemeteries are no-kill zones. If someone covers your revive point message currently - new folks to your area will not know it is a revive point. The ensuing slaughter comes out of lack of knowledge as opposed to malice.

What about Brain-Rotters?

Of course Brain-Rotted zombies will try to spoil these City-Wide revive points. The most you can do is use your DNA extractor on them, add them to your contacts, and keep an eye out for them in the future, or kill them if you are able.

What about current Revive points?

All current revive points can still function, of course. This simply adds an understanding throughout all of Malton that Cemeteries are safe spots to wait for a revival. These current revive points are of course the concern of their maintainers.

"So what do I do?"

Spread the word! Tell everyone you can about the Sacred Ground Policy, both in-game and through meta-gaming. The best way to spread any policy is through word-of-mouth.

If you represent a group of players or simply want to be known as a supporter, please add your group name to the SGP Supporters list below. Let's show our support!

Revive benign Zombies in Cemeteries. Refrain from attacking Zombies in Cemeteries unless you recognize them as known disruptors (such as Brain Rotters).

Spraypaint this url wherever you can in-game if you'd like to help out even more! Here's a tinyurl to use:

SGP Supporters

If you support the Sacred Ground Policy, please add your name or your group's name below. (Or both!) Please save commentary beyond a few words for the Discussion page just so we can keep this clean. Thanks!

Please sign the list in order. All new signatures should be placed at the bottom of the list. Thanks


  1. Amazing 18:44, 25 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  2. 'STER-Talk-Mod 19:10, 26 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  3. Scorpios 01:07, 27 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  4. Mikm 01:54, 27 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  5. hagnat 01:56, 27 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  6. Dark Wingstalker 04:00, 27 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  7. Kryten 15:13, 27 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  8. Natalya Zveda 00:37, 28 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  9. Arcos 19:26, 28 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  10. Lord Evans 20:03, 29 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  11. TheTeeHeeMonster 00:57, 1 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  12. Guardian of Nekops 05:29, 1 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  13. Drummer boy 06:02, 2 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  14. Saxsux 01:30, 3 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  15. Kenny Matthews 06:03, 3 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  16. Malynyak 09:07, 3 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  17. Swim Hendrick 16:23, 3 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  18. Burnin Joe 15:33, 4 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  19. The General 20:30, 5 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  20. Gahid 2:36, 6 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  21. Toast Boy 8:39, 7 February 2006 (GMT)
  22. Norminator 2 21:05, 7 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  23. Penance 21:37, 8 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  24. RAF Private Spudd|Talk|RAF| 23:19, 8 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  25. Manhattan01 6:10, 10 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  26. Joe McO'Robertson 06:52, 11 Feb 2006 (GMT)\
  27. Erados 16:54, 11 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  28. CBeilby 7:21 AM, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  29. Cult 8:28 AM, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  30. Kai Antilles 5:42 PM, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT_
  31. --John Rove 19:27, 16 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  32. dunnodead 23:31, 16 Feb 2006 (MET)
  33. angelamaria 18:37, 17 February 2006 (GMT)
  34. John Maddox 13:47, 18 February 2006 (GMT)
  35. Mr Huhuhu 12:41, 20 February 2006 (GMT)
  36. Kingfox 02:04, 20 February 2006 (GMT)
  37. Brizth W! 21:11, 20 February 2006 (GMT)
  38. Brigadier General Jack "Jackal" Fury 01:33, 21 February 2006 (GMT)
  39. Kelanen 14:36, 21 February 2006 (GMT)
  40. OnikageWolf 03:21, 22 February 2006 (GMT)
  41. Rgon 03:29, 26 February 2006 (GMT)
  42. Otleysan 21:18, 27 February 2006 (GMT)
  43. Nolaw nocrime 00:02, 28 February 2006 (GMT)
  44. ramby Talk 08:20, 28 February 2006 (GMT)
  45. Hawkstrap 17:49, 28 February 2006 (GMT)
  46. Job G 21:00, 28 February 2006 (GMT) Deakin Alley Gang
  47. Voota 02:06, 01 March 2006 (GMT)
  48. Paravrais 21:27, 01 March 2006 (GMT)
  49. --The Underlord 15:14, 2 March 2006 (GMT)
  50. AzlanFox 18:22, 2 March 2006 (GMT)
  51. Ixion Fox 11:25, 7 March 2006 (GMT)
  52. Technerd 20:14, 7 March 2006 (GMT)
  53. Loyaleagle 12:46, 9 March 2006 (EST)
  54. Unloyaleagle 12:46, 9 March 2006 (EST)
  55. Kyace P 19:48, 11 March 2006 (GMT)
  56. 343
  57. coleProtocol 3:50, 17 March 2006 (GMT)
  58. Forrest Bode 18:45, 17 Mar 2006 (GMT)
  59. Rip purr 13:07, 19 March 2006 (GMT)
  60. Talos 11:55, 20 March 2006 (GMT)
  61. Dorian Miller 05:06, 21 Mar 2006 (GMT)
  62. thebestsophist 05:21. 21 March 2006 (GMT)
  63. Andy Mackay 18:28, 23 May 2006
  64. Clancey Chaucer 13:22 26 March 2006 (EST)
  65. sreath87 05:08, 27 March 2006 (GMT)
  66. Grahame3 18:25, 27 March 2006
  67. Alihno3 18:26, 27 March 2006
  68. Danigeorge3 18:26, 27 March 2006
  69. Conndraka 21:45 GMT 28 MAR 2006
  70. --Theblackgecko 06:50, 29 March 2006 (BST)
  71. Mason Wells 15:06, 29 March 2006 (BST)
  72. Iridia, Callista, Kinnah, and #Darene--(Main and alts of one user). 06:49, 31 March 2006 (EST)
  73. Lehk 06:35, 1 April 2006 (BST) I love easy to find food.\
  74. Psyche Maxwell 06:20, 1 April 2006 (EST) Wo0t The Living Band together to defeat those dying undead!
  75. SSJGoten 02:16, 2 April 2006
  76. DCBomB 17:24, 4 April 2006 (EST)
  77. --Gene W! - Talk 06:40, 6 April 2006 (BST)
  78. --Nuts monk 03:25, 7 April 2006 (BST)
  79. Lyoko is Cool 23:31, 7 April 2006 (BST)
  80. Agent Heroic 04:50, 8 April 2006 (BST)
  81. zombiehunter4 1:59, 9 April 2006
  82. CommonPerson 04:36, 11 April 2006 (EST)
  83. --Nomader 03:25, 19 April 2006 (BST)
  84. Caz 21:25, 21 April 2006 (BST)
  85. RWXSM 16:58, 22 April 2006 (BST)
  86. --Grifflik 21:48, 22 April 2006 (BST)
  87. Brendan Storm Doin my part! 23:40, April 22, 2006 (EST)
  88. Swmono talk - W! 07:40, 24 April 2006 (EST)
  89. Melcadrien April 24, 2006 9:48 AM (Mountain)
  90. Kiltern April 25, 2006 00:00 (CST)
  91. ProfessorOutlive April 25, 2006, 19:36 (BST)
  92. ERNesbittP·T·MalTel 17:51, 26 April 2006 (BST)
  93. Muppetlord, (wiki page) 12:37 (BST) April 29, 2006
  94. Niilomaan 01:11, 30 April 2006 (BST)
  95. El Satanno 12:55, 1 May 2006 (EST)
  96. Rev Sen 12:33, 2 May 2006 (PST)
  97. Jonas Weaver*CDF 05:34, 6 May 2006 (EST)
  98. 1nsane 21:42, 6 May 2006 (BST)
  99. Pillsy FT 00:02, 7 May 2006 (BST)
  100. AZK CMS-MetaAoG 06:44, 7 May 2006 (BST)
  101. Azula Lightfoot 19:36, 7 May 2006 (EST) Regulators Alliance
  102. Specialist290 22:03, 9 May 2006 (BST)
  103. GK Ryo 22:03, 10 May 2006 (CST)
  104. --Nox 13:25, 10 May 2006 (BST)
  105. Agent White WTFW!SGPCMS-MetaCMS
  106. The Doctor 07:42, 14 May 2006 (BST)
  107. Sir Gotkilled 14:17, 14 May 2006 (GMT)
  108. DTb 14:46, 14 May 2006 (GMT)
  109. Jackson Phoenix 14:40, 16 May 2006 (GMT) "A cemetary saved me once, may it save others as well."
  110. Shatten Jagger 2:18, 17 May 2006 (EST)
  111. Sweitzen 13:38, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  112. HVLD --HVLD 20:21, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  113. Lanfranc 23:46, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  114. Loraxx 01:07, 20 May 2006 (EST)
  115. Ordin 20:11, 20 May 2006 (GMT)
  116. Mstcrow5429 06:57, 21 May 2006 (BST)
  117. DJSMITH*CDF 03:38, 22 May 2006 (BST)
  118. Tom Aunders 5:38am - Mayx25x2006
  119. sim666ca 23:51 - 26 May 2006 (AST)
  120. Romolo Mampieri 18:06 - May 30th, 2006 (PST)
  121. BlueSTARS 20:17, 1 June 2006 (BST)
  122. Dog Deever TNec 17:03, 3 June 2006 (BST)
  123. Ornithopter 18:27, 3 June 2006 (BST) RESCUE seems a better choice
  124. Shadowkeeper 21:56, 4 June 2006 (BST)
  125. Xoid STFU! 09:54, 6 June 2006 (BST)
  126. Zeroi 14:40, 8 June 2006 (PST)
  127. asmearis 5:52, 10 June 2006 (CST)
  128. Ryuu 21:47, 11 June 2006 (PST)
  129. --Cwissball 16:21, 13 June 2006 (BST)
  130. MordredMalTel 01:47, 14 June 2006 (BST)
  131. alcoholichamster 11:15, 16 June 2006 (GMT)
  132. Wan2tri 07:01, 17 June 2006 (BST)
  133. Canuhearmenow 08:54, 19 June 2006 (EST)
  134. Neoslayer 18:29, 21 June 2006 (BST)
  135. Qhiiyr W! P! 20:01, 25 June 2006 (BST)
  136. Zydd 21:23, 25 June 2006 (PST)
  137. DarkStar2374383 Talk | LDY | LOE 14:21, 2 July 2006 (BST)
  138. Jenny D'ArcT 14:57, 2 July 2006 (BST)
  139. Sabbit 14:28, 3 July 2006 (EST)
  140. Ybbor
  141. Arrrggh
  142. malicandre
  143. AltF4Now19:06, 9 July 2006 (BST)
  144. OmegaPaladin 09:06, 12 July 2006 (BST)
  145. Wigglestheclown 16:52, July 13, 2006 (EST)
  146. Kobuki 12:06 12 July 2006 (EST)
  147. Venchov 13:54 14 July 2006 (BST)
  148. Hans Solo 14th July 18:13 CEST
  149. Thari 09:29, 17 July 2006 (BST)
  150. Reena Matza 8:42, 18 July 2006 (EST)
  151. Mafiamanz
  152. Kvatch 00:56, 24 July 2006 (GMT)
  153. Sant Farrell
  154. Rekaina 07:20, 25 July 2006 (BST) Also zombified Rekaina "I am behind this 100% cause I'm a n00b"
  155. cody6 2:40, july 25th (cen)i am behind this mostly because i'd be better then having to travel to a certain location
  156. John Teabags 02:01, 26 July 2006 (BST)
  157. Seeker Killer 01:24 4 August 2006 (EST) Bring Order
  158. PhilKell 03:05 6 August 2006 (EST)
  159. Francis Farmer 06:46 6 August 2006 (GMT)
  160. User:Zooropa 19:02 8 August 2006 (GMT) Because as a newbie, I need every bit of help I can get!
  161. XxXThe TruthXxX 01:46, 12 August 2006 (BST)
  162. ShinobiSlider 07:16, 16 August 2006 (BST)
  163. Elbodo 08:23, 19 August 2006 (BST)
  164. SaintKashmir 18:47, 20 August 2006 (BST)
  165. --Boom12389 18:10, 21 August 2006 (BST)
  166. The mole06 and molestargazer, multiple characters. 16:04, 23 August 2006 (GMT)
  167. BlakeMP 20:16, 26 August 2006 (CST) -- For both practical and RPing reasons, this makes perfect sense.
  168. Synth X 9:15, 29 August 2006 (PDT)
  169. Chasing 20:04, 29 August 2006 (BST) -- All for this, it's easily understandable, readily apparent, and uniquely understood. Let's do it.
  170. Frank East 14:44, 1 Srptember 2006 (GMT) -- Let us stand guard for these...holy sanctems.
  171. Robin Robinson 23:18, 3 September 2006 (BST)
  172. Samuel 034 17:07, September 6, 2006 (MST)
  173. Tever 14:03, September 8, 2006 (CST)
  174. Marz'Monkey 10:09, 10 September 2006 (GMT)
  175. Chris Crowe 16:20, September 12, 2006 (EST) -- MFD
  176. Jeff Roark 00:51, 16 September 2006 (BST) Already saved once.
  177. SirensT RR 23:25, 16 September 2006 (BST) (I've supported this for a long time. I'm just now getting around to signing it :P)
  178. Borachon
  179. Pansen
  180. The Cop
  181. --Kaminobob 05:32, 28 September 2006 (BST)
  182. SCSaria 3:18, 30 September 2006 (CST)
  183. --Kcold 00:22, 3 October 2006 (BST)
  184. Bubblyworld
  185. Brainbag
  186. Atticus Rex 22:00, 8 October 2006 (BST)
  187. Frank Biddles 17:11, 10 October 2006 (BST)
  188. Ray Miller 06:29, 12 October 2006 (BST)
  189. Johnathan Stirling 06:30, 12 October 2006 (BST)
  190. CrystalEyes 12:24, 12 October 2006 (BST)
  191. Anna Lee Teague 12:28, 12 October 2006 (BST)
  192. Reaper with no name 20:57, 19 October 2006 (BST)
  193. Humuhumuhumu...Ted 20:14, 23 October 2006 (BST) URL of UD profile:
  194. Boginator 00:40, 25 October 2006 (BST)
  195. Sobek ra 20:48, 26 October 2006 (BST)
  196. Jack Richards 21:00, 5 November 2006 (CMT)
  197. GoldyK 13:37. 6 November, 2006(GMT+1)
  198. Aeternus Miasma 22:10,. 7 November, 2006(MST)
  199. J Muller 07:10, 9 November 2006 (UTC)
  200. Jenx 08:57, 13 November 2006 (UTC)
  201. Sparo 20:27, 13 November 2006 (CMT)
  202. Labine50 MH|ME|P 08:23, 14 November 2006 (UTC)
  203. Heroicmoron 21:43, 23 November 2006 (UTC)
  204. Sgt. John TaggartUNIT 11/5 WCDZ TJ! 21:53, 23 November 2006 (UTC)
  205. wulfenheart
  206. Jonathan Hall (Jack O'Neal 2803) I will honor the sacrd ground policy.
  207. Zapmaster3125 02:10, 2 December 2006 (UTC)
  208. Shattered Galaxy ; I Support the SGP
  209. Wfjeff 23:17, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
  210. Gina Semple 17:29, 7 December 2006 (UTC)
  211. Nearoschyth 18:12, 16 December 2006 (UTC)
  212. Darkxarth 15:59, 18 December 2006 (UTC)
  213. --Gethsemani 06:38, 19 December 2006 (UTC)
  214. Eriontec 12:00, 20 December 2006 (GMT+1)
  215. User:xensyria 17:09, 21 December 2006 (GMT)
  216. LKA 19:58, 24 December 2006 (EST)
  217. TheDavibob 12:19, 29 December 2006 (UTC)
  218. ConfusingBlock 3:39, 29 December 2006 (GMT)
  219. The Seeker 0:58, 1 January 2007 (GMT-5)
  220. Sapwood2 06:00, 3 Janurary 2007 (UTC-5)
  221. Delibird 17.00 GMT 3 January 2007
  222. Shadowater 3:09 GMT -7 January 03, 2007
  223. Zombie slay3r 22:13, 3 January 2007 (UTC)
  224. Frotter 17:41, 6 January 2006 (GMT+8)
  225. RKM 11:00, 10 January 2007 (EST)
  226. --Youaredoome0 23:04, 11 January 2007 (UTC)
  227. Alex Rainhard 18:38, 13 January 2007 (UTC)
  228. Doggie 16:35, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
  229. User:Raven Fawxx 19:33, 15 January 2007 (UTC)
  230. Monsieur 15:22, 19 January 2007 (GMT)
  231. Deathbladde 22:10, 20 January 2007 (GMT-6)
  232. Zoe Underhill 25 January 2007
  233. Susy Calvin 25 January 2007 (GMT-6)
  234. Knightingale 25 January 2007 (GMT-6)
  235. User:TheLastBob 25 January 2007
  236. Tom Chardon 27 January 2007
  237. MedicFace 01:12, 30 Jan 2007 (GMT-6)
  238. DoctorRevive 20:12, 01 Feb 2007 (GMT-6) Reviving in a cemetery near you (Currenlty hanging out in Shearbank)!!!
  239. Douggers-- 12:19, 3 February 2007 (UTC)
  240. Caboose218 16:20, 16 February 2007 (GMT-6)
  241. --Saluton 17:02, 17 February 2007 (UTC)
  242. --Aguyuno 14:14, 24 February 2007 (UTC)
  243. Graaj 06:38 3rd March 2007
  244. Amras Calmacil 16:02 14th March 2007
  245. Alex Undead12:30 19 March 2007
  246. Forlorad 21:06, 19 March 2007 (UTC)
  247. HexorIcaros 20:10, 20 March 2007(GMT -3)
  248. White & Nerdy 20:43, 21 March 2007 (UTC)
  249. Anotherpongo 08:33, 31 March 2007 (BST)
  250. Hoffasgrave 09:05, 31 March 2007 (EST)
  251. Yuravian 14:11, 2 April 2007 (PST)
  252. Lieta 11:21, 3 April 2007 (EST)
  253. PFC Absenthius 08:40, 5 April 2007 (GMT +10) Death to all violaters! Raargh!
  254. Gamesbond 6:02, 7th April 2007 (GMT +8)
  255. Therapist Joe 9:57, 14th April 2007
  256. Pan 17:47, 14 April 2007 (BST)
  257. Kakofonia 13:52, 19 April 2007 (GMT +2)
  258. Cerrus 15:23, 20 April 2007 (EST)
  259. Edward Abbey 19:54, 24 April 2007 (EST)
  260. --The'Thief 16:46, 25 April 2007 (BST)
  261. Calafalas 17:02, 25 April 2007 (EST)
  262. Frank Weisman 18:38, 26 April 2007 (EST)
  263. AmatsuDarkfyre 12:00, 27 April 2007 (EST) I support this because it's awesome.
  264. Idril
  265. Gunsahoy 9:30 28 April 2007 (EST) This is a truly worthy cause.
  266. --Tigerfangred 01:18, 28 April 2007 (BST) I support this. The game needs some structure and rules.
  267. Alcazabedabra 01:18, 29 April 2007 (PST, GMT +8) I tip my hardhat to the folks that conceived of this policy.
  268. Disc10 10:26, 29 April 2007 (GMT) Hurray for the sacred ground policy!
  269. Two101 23:33, 4 May 2007 (GMT) I live in Havercroft.
  270. The Last Saxon 09:05, 5 May 2007 (BST) this is just good old plain common sense!
  271. IckleHead 17:31, 5 May 2007 (BST) -- I'd really like save RPs, thumbs up!
  272. Mewarmo990 08:01, 11 May 2007 (BST) -- And much thanks to zombie players who support this policy as well.
  273. Sean Dude 12.26, 17 May 2007 (GMT)--Don't be a Mrh? Cow!
  274. Boojamon 09.19, 20 May 2007 (GMT) -- Yaaaay for ethics.
  275. Lifes Curse 19:19, 20 May 2007 (EST)
  276. Gralhos 01:14, 26 May 2007 (BST)
  277. Jin-Wu 12:33, 27 May 2007 (GMT) -- Face the death
  278. Murhapuro 12:05, 27 May 2007 (BST) -- Amen!! God bless The Sacred Ground Policy!!
  279. Morgueasm 2:55, 31 May 2007 (BST) -- Nothing worse than being killed while waiting to join the living again.
  280. Andromai 14:35, 2 June 2007 (BST) -- First time I died, I got lucky. Wandering around for a revive is no fun.
  281. jer196919:42, 2 June 2007 (EST)-I'm all for this
  282. Xupert 18:40, 3 June 2007 (BST)
  283. tolthalan 10:01, 3 June 2007 (GMT)
  284. /// goebiTalkHelp/LFS/SR/NT/MWP /// 12:17, 4 June 2007 (BST)
  285. RichTee As a pub is fer drinkin so a cemetery is fer reviving *Hic* 7th June 2007
  286. Doctor Wolf 12:19, 11 June 2007 (CST)
  287. Draeath
  288. LeChuckBR 16 June 2007
  289. Broken dreams sounds cool, I'm up for it. I hate being a zombie and aything that makes it easier to rev is good to me. 16 June 2007
  290. Junior Firefighter I support this policy and new players should also learn about it.
  291. Wildcard5 25 June 2007
  292. Night Warrior 25 June 2007
  293. --Alaskaguy 09:48, 26 June 2007 (BST)
  294. --Gobbleykins 20:19, 26 June 2007 (BST)
  295. Coleor
  296. --MisterAlexUk 13:12, 28 June 2007 (BST)
  297. Budric 04:42, 29 June 2007 (GMT)
  298. EchelonThree 05:49, 29 June 2007 (BST)
  299. Nathaniel Desjardin
  300. Punklover 1 July 2007
  301. Goofy Mccoy 12:11, 4 July 2007 (BST)
  302. 53th 12:51, 7 July 2007 (GMT)
  303. Da Grif 17:00, 7 July 2007 (-6 GMT)
  304. Issachar 01:44, 10 July 2007 (EDT)
  305. NecroDVR Talk|DVR17:17, 10 July 2007 (BST)
  306. User:Ethann the Medlab
  307. Aignerlanz 14:35, 11 July 2007 (GMT)
  308. captain bernard2:59, 17 july 2007
  309. Sushiknight 03:45, 18 July 2007 (BST)
  310. Mercinus3 18:13, 19 July 2007 (BST)
  311. Blue Sam3 19:00, 24 July 2007 (BST)
  312. BS3 Cop 19:01, 24 July 2007 (BST)
  313. User:House of Usher 20:30, 24 July 2007 (BST)
  314. --HighGenGrue 02:39, 26 July 2007 (BST)
  315. Major Striker 20:53, 27 July 2007 (BST)
  316. Ezkill1820 15:48, 28 July 2007 (-5 GMT)
  317. --Trar 20:50, 30 July 2007 (BST)
  318. Rebelhawk250 14:55, 2 August 2007 (BST)
  319. InfectedWashington 12:58, 4 August 2007 (GMT)
  320. Dr Jocelyn James 14:14, 8 August 2007 (CST)
  321. AgentAnderson 19:08, 12 August 2007 (BST)
  322. User:Yurination 03:49, 14 August 2007 (CST)
  323. P02 Samuel 17:26, 15 August 2007 (BST)
  324. Dane of the wolf 22:21, 16 August 2007(GMT)
  325. Admiral Grafton
  326. NecroKilla 19:55, 17 August 2007(GMT)
  327. Valekesi 03:57, 21 August 2007 (BST)
  328. David Malfisto 01:13, 22 August 2007 (BST)
  329. Pyrranha 20:59, 22 August 2007 (BST)
  330. Haineko 19:16, 23 August 2007 (BST)
  331. Mike Skill and the Lukinswood Emergency Militia -- 8/24/07
  332. MikhailA 17:44, 28 August 2007 (BST)
  333. Serpardum 20:57, 28 August 2007 (PDT)
  334. Shawe 12:40, 30 August 2007
  335. User:Beatrix Lolita 00:29, 1 September 2007 (GMT)
  336. Koli T 08:49, 7 September 2007 (BST)
  337. --Tyr God Of War 01:39, 10 September 2007 (BST)
  338. MagnusEricsson 01:51, 10 September 2007 (BST)
  339. Erik Talon 8:42, 15 September 2007 (Eastern Time)
  340. Noodles Bossanova 1:33, 18 September 2007 (BST)
  341. Vkkhamul 20:58, 22 September 2007 (BST)
  342. ilikeeatingbrains 21:54, 25 September 2007
  343. death 123 1810 27 sep 2007
  344. Laundry hamper 10:26, 28 September 2007 (BST)
  345. Darth Medicus 01:26, 2 October 2007 (BST)
  346. Flustered Fred
  347. JSaysNo 09:20, 5 October 2007 (EST)
  348. Ghoustra 10:38, 7 October 2007 (EST)
  349. V Crone 20:26, 11 October 2007 (EST)
  350. ScottishKnight 16:11, 12 October 2007 (PST)
  351. MobileSuitPilot 13:01, 13 October 2007 (EST)
  352. BloodLustVixen 9:24, 14 October 2007 (CST)
  353. bigboss135 9:39, 16 october 2007
  354. invisiblerobot 23:40 17 October 2007
  355. Cjannen 12:20 21 October 2007
  356. Earytha 20:06 23 October 2007 (GMT)
  357. Captain Winters 05:18, 30 October 2007 (UTC)
  358. --Mr NoName001 05:20, 30 October 2007 (UTC)
  359.   --cuio (talk) (NW) 04:33, 31 October 2007 (UTC)
  360. --Scurvy mcgurk 02:31, 1 November 2007 (UTC)
  361. Boomer343 10:40 PM, 1 November 2007 (GMT)
  362. ZachsMind 10:05, 2 November 2007 (UTC)
  363. Sreppiq 19:42, 5 November 2007 (UTC)
  364. ObiFireFighter 23:16, 5 November 2007 (GMT)
  365. Hansolo580 22:54, 6 November 2007 (UTC)
  366. seraphsephirot 12:33, 8 November 2007 (GMT+1)
  367. Jack molotow 16:23, 8 November 2007 (UTC)
  368. Mattiator 19:27, 15 November 2007 (UTC)
  369. Shotstol 22:24, 15 November 2007 (UTC)
  370. TRX999 22:42, 16 November 2007 (PST)
  371. Shadow Falcon 9:19, 21 November 2007 (GMT+10)
  372. The Gnome 04:26, 21 November 2007 (UTC)
  373. PreacherTheodore 01:09, 21 November 2007 (GMT)
  374. TC 08:50, 21 November 2007 (EST)
  375. Mastam53 01:31, 22 November 2007 (UTC)
  376. Lh778 09:16, 23 November 2007 (UTC)
  377. DrDoSOLittle 11.11, 1 December 2007 (UTC)
  378. SynbiosTael 1.07, 4 December 2007 (GMT+1)
  379. Avis 8:34, 7 December 2007 (EST)
  380. Srg Shawn 21:42, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
  381. medic 812 12:46, 9 December 2007 (EST)
  382. LtBogdan 13:47, 12 December 2007 (UTC)
  383. Caleb Siren 18:10, 12 December (EST)
  384. minicheatbook 00:59, 15 December 2007 (UTC)
  385. Sirnickdon 05:37, 16 December 2007 (UTC)
  386. TC 09:35, 19 December 2007 (EST)
  387. User:Cameron Ford 22:46, 19 December 2007 (GMT+2)
  388. Feon Kensai 13:31, 20 December 2007 (GTM)
  389. FXI --FXI 01:35, 25 December 2007 (UTC)
  390. Johnny Crow 23:29, 27 December 2007 (UTC)
  391. --Tom Blades 19:09, 30 December 2007 (UTC)
  392. User:Comrade 47 23:46, 30 December 2007 (UTC)
  393. Waak 13:18, 1st Jan 2008
  394. Headshot Hal 02:49, 3 January 2008 (UTC)
  395. topsid 20:18, 3 January 2008 (GMT+1)
  396. --Smudgesmith 10:53, 6 January 2008 (UTC)
  397. Diano 06 January 2008 12:18 GMT
  398. --Warlord zephyr 18:56, 7 January 2008 (UTC)
  399. Tetrino 10:27, 8 January 2008 (GMT+8)
  400. Douchette 22:53, January 8, 2008 (GMT-5)
  401. Halo_freak_117 15:41, January 9, 2008 (GMT-8)
  402. User:Felipeaug/Christopher_Austwick 09:35, January 12, 2008 (GMT-4)
  403. --Reaver 00:35, 20 January 2008 (UTC)
  404. Olohand 10:10, 21 January 2008 (UTC)
  405. --RADazn 03:12, 22 January 2008 (UTC)
  406. Jesant13 17:47, 26 January 2008 (GMT-5)
  407. --I like selkath 16:02, 27 January 2008 (UTC)
  408. --extant1 17:17, 28 January 2008 (UTC)
  409. --Drefan Karsh 06:50, 2 February 2008 (UTC)
  410. stjaan 11:11, 5 Ferbuary 2008 (GMT)
  411. --Elizabeth Bickell 03:51, 7 February 2008 (UTC)
  412. --Gustav Z 05:51, 7 February 2008 (EST)
  413. Ziptrickhead 18:35, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
  414. tal hawkens
  415. --Tempest Keep 05:43, 13 February 2008 (UTC)
  416. --Doctor Knight 06:00, 13 February 2008 (UTC) Yeah, I support this. It's natural for graveyards to be a place of life & death, and it really makes it easier for dead survivors to be revived.
  417. --Gran Rey 11:16, 12 February 2008 (GMT-7))
  418. --nooby 11:59, 17 February 2008 (UTC)
  419. --Dehavilland 07:32, 17 February 2008 (UTC)
  420. -- --The Jack of Diamonds 10:39, 19 February 2008 (UTC)
  421. -- Jim Jam Mair (i know... this started out as a joke character and i dont want to link because i would have nothing too link)A weird poetic justice in the sacred ground movement.
  422. -- Runemasteryx (I gonna link my profile soon, i have died 3 out of the 5 times i died due to some one or some zombie attacking me trying to get revive)
  423. --Murderhammer 29:35, 19 February (GMT-1)
  424. Scott Timewell 04:27, 23 February 2008 (UTC)
  425. Civver 21:05, 25 February 2008 (UTC)
  426. --Carnexhat 07:11, 27 February 2008 (UTC)
  427. Bruce1b4 13:24, 1 March 2008 (UTC)
  428. Victor Rice 5:17, 5 March 2008 (UTC)
  429. --Kyrdof 10:55, 5 March 2008 (UTC)
  430. --Blackened78 20:13, 5 March 2008 (UTC)
  431. --user:doomboy911
  432. --MagnificentX 03:20, 11 March 2008 (UTC)
  433. --Kale Hart 22:28, 12 March 2008 (GMT)
  434. --User:Rogueboy 18:50, 12 March 2008 (EST)
  435. --Airborne88Zzz1.JPGT|Z.Quiz|PSS 00:24, 19 March 2008 (UTC)
  436. --Roybatty666 18:08, 23 March 2008 (UTC)
  437. --Alexander VIII 17:15, 24 March 2008 (UTC)
  438. --The D of T 00:19, 28 March 2008 (UTC)
  439. --Shatterspike1 06:42, 29 March 2008 (UTC)
  440. --Mystarisjumpyman 17:01, 30 March 2008 (BST)
  441. --User:Fyian Cealgair 23:17, 2 April 2008 (BST)I hate being killed while waiting for a revive.
  442. Zaphy
  443. Capt Schwartz (FIRST CLASS) Let us rebuild, not get killed.
  444. --Kenisu Ichojari <Insert meaningless colour text, here.>
  445. --Alec McRae/Gragh McGragh 23:24, 10 April 2008 (EST-1)
  446. --Dessalet 07:07, 16 April 2008 (BST)
  447. --Mps93 16:10, 18 April 2008 (EST)
  448. Chalmsloff 16:49, April 2008 (MST)
  449. Sergei Ironside 16:52, April 2008 (MST)
  450. Doc Terr 17:04, April 2008 (MST)
  451. --Jamie Cantwell3 20:07, 21 April 2008 (BST)
  452. --User:John Kingston 04:22, 27 April 2008 (BST}
  453. Shusamchen 08:34, 4 May 2008 (BST)
  454. Xaerun - 19:57, 4 May 2008 (GMT+10) - Sounds good. I'd go for more poetic, but I just can't be bothered right now.
  455. Konata Izumi - 8:52, May 13 2008 (CST) - I hate Brain Rotters. Penny Heights is in danger!!! Need Reinforcements!!
  456. Jason - 20:24, 15 May 2008 (GMT+2)
  457. Jaggernaut101 - 9:30, 16 May 2008 (EST)
  458. Kurt Halligan - 23:02, 19 May 2008 (GMT)
  459. Ryjack - 17:45, 21 May 2008 (EST)
  460. Dr Eddie Ashford 12:40, 29 May 2008 (BST)
  461. Webwraith
  462. --Robert de Bruce 00:18, 2 June 2008 (BST)Robert de Bruce
  463. --Vandurn 00:57, 3 June 2008 (BST)
  464. --Xebulba 08:44, 6 June 2008 (BST)
  465. --Dr. Sleep
  466. Gonzogonzo 00:33, 15 June 2008 (BST)
  467. Techercizer 04:28, 17 June 2008 (BST) - Hopefully one day all graveyards will be efficient revive clinics so n00bs like I don't have to wait infront of an NT building...
  468. Z1nk66617:27, 18 June 2008 (BST)
  469. B0ba Fett 19:55, 26 June 2008 (BST)
  470. User:Dingus3--Dingus3 22:33, 3 July 2008 (BST)
  471. User:STARS96 6:35, 5 July 08 - Graveyards have saved my scientist character twice, but then again maybe I shouldn't hang out in red areas so much...
  472. User:Katsuun 11:32, 8 July 2008 (BST)
  473. User:Lt Irving 1:59, 8 July 2008
  474. Karec - 5:32, 8 July 2008 (PST)
  475. RShadow 07:24, 9 July 2008 (BST)
  476. Jorin Sparhawk 19:47, 10 July 2008 (BST)
  477. nbeerbower 09:53, 13 July 2008 (BST)
  478. --Mianthadore 03:44, 18 July 2008 (BST)
  479. --EPICPHAILZ 15:50, 16 July 2008 (BST)
  480. sam182 13:01, 18 July 2008 (GMT)
  481. --Minigun4523 14:51, 18 July 2008 (BST)
  482. Andrew Lorgan
  483. --SirArgo 06:48, 28 July 2008 (BST)
  484. Maeth 20:20, 30 July 2008 (GMT)
  485. --Piskus99 23:36, 31 July 2008 (BST) Revivification should be available to everyone who needs it.
  486. --Medico 03:41, 8 August 2008 (BST) Hot damn these things are useful.
  487. --Psyborg 23:55, 28 August 2008 (BST)I support the SGP
  488. --Folkore 06:56, 10 August 2008 (BST)
  489. --Swizzler 21:13, 13 August 2008 (BST) these spots saved me a thousand times!
  490. --Riukken 12:30, 18 August 2008 (EST)
  491. --Igpeno 16:03, 21 August 2008 (BST)
  492. --Hooty 1:34 pm, 2 September 2008 (EST)
  493. Lemonie September 2 2oo8 EST (BRAIN ROTTERZ WILL DIE BEFORE ME!
  494. --Moonlight Phoenix 19:56, 12 September 2008 (BST)
  495. --Matthew21210 01:52, 16 September 2008 (BST)
  496. JR Peters and Psycho Holiday 11:06, 24 September 2008 (BST)
  497. --Kez0 22:04, 26 September 2008 (BST)
  498. --Angusburger 11:21, 27 September 2008 (GMT)
  499. --Night B. Anne
  500. --Linkthewindow
  501. --Sorakairi
  502. Blue Orb 02:23, 28 October 2008 (GMT)
  503. --Foxlegend
  504. --Baltorn
  505. --Bondegard
  506. --Hatesandwich
  507. --Apocalyptic doom 23:02, 11 November 2008 (UTC)
  508. --User:Haloeye Blackheart 14:15 11/13/08
  509. --(User: Paramedic Zero) 11-22-08 Keep it safe.
  510. Darth Elsij 21:56, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
  511. --aClashInRedSnow 20:46, 13 December 2008 (UTC)
  512. Lomd 00:07, 23 December 2008 (UTC)
  513. --Nemesis646 21:56, 28th December 2007 (GMT)
  514. -- Denver  5MoC 04:52, 28 January 2009 (UTC)
  515. --Ryvyoli Y R 06:39, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
  516. --Nonchip 17:29, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
  517. --Quack Doc 22:37, 11 February 2009 (PST)
  518. --DangerousDaveDiesel 20:06, 11 February 2009 (EST)
  519. --Claude Garrison 03:32, 18 February 2009 (UTC)
  520. --Link MaCleod 17:47, 20 February 2009 (EST)
  521. --Koblenz 03:53, 25 February 2009 (UTC)
  522. --Jack Pennin 04:33, 37 Febuary 2009 (PST)
  523. --User:Turtlegods 7:30, 1 March 2009 (PST),
  524. --The Raper 2 14:09, 4 March 2009 (PST),
  525. --Amber Rose 04:35, 5 March 2009 (UTC)
  526. --Pyro1499 luvs yo mama at 05:02, 8 March 2009 (UTC)
  527. --Doc Wallace 16:27, 19 March 2009 (EST)
  528. --Thepieninja 21:02, 23 March 2009 (UTC)
  529. pilandok 08:25, March 2009 (PST), PM me for reviving ^^
  530. CoolToadZ 17:22 March 2009
  531. --Sam 2334 14:07, 5 April 2009 (BST)
  532. --Alex1guy 18:21, 6 April 2009 (PST)
  533. --Officer Spinner 17:22, 8 April 2009 (EST)
  534. --Arnoldi 16:17, 10 April 2009 (GMT +7 or IND), A cemetary saved my ass. TWICE
  535. --Abel Magwitch 04:03, 13 April 2009 (BST)
  536. --Obamacain 22:26, 14 April 2009 (BST), Sacred Ground carried my alt through Mall Tour09's seige of Pole!
  537. --Lorddragonfang 04:28, 23 April 2009 (BST)
  538. --RgrMorts 8:08, 23 April 2009 (EDT)
  539. --Assilius 2:24 A.M. April 27, 2009
  540. --ookook 3:13 May 2, 2009
  541. Elli Paine
  542. --meanoldrunk 21:22, 04 may 2009 (EST)
  543. --Mort De La Vie 07:10, 15 May 2009 (EST)
  544. Gordon Freezeman 19:47, 16 May 2009 (BST)
  545. --Dragonshardz 04:49, 18 May 2009 (BST)
  546. --Joshua Kennedy 21:10, 20 May 2009 (BST)
  547. --Bob the Zombie 22:58, 24 May 2009 (BST)
  548. --Drunk Link2500 04:45, 9 June 2009 (BST)
  549. --Alex Station 10:52, 12 June 2009 (AEST)
  550. --Guise Guyington 17:35, 18 June 2009 (BST)
  551. -- Bl1zzard36 23:14, 21 June 2009 (BST)
  552. --Mooman72v2 15:08, 26 June 2009 (BST)
  553. --Xacerbate 20:19, 27 June 2009 (EST)
  554. --Supflidowg 21:48, 30 June 2009 (BST)
  555. --Mesousa 00:58, 4 July 2009 (BST)
  556. --Aku230 00:06, 8 July 2009 (BST)
  557. --DaReaperZ 18:52, 10 July 2009 (GMT +1). Hopefully we can stop the undead and take our world back! If we don't revive, everyone will eventually end up as zombies.
  558. --CraZeeY 18:40, 18 July 2009 (GMT +1). Lets kick some rotten zeemb ass.
  559. --User:Whaleswitthhumbs 28 July 2009
  560. --Jain 16:40 14 August 2009 (CST)
  561. --Benjahmin 11:50 19 August 2009 (PST). I'm down for it.
  562. --Johnny Yossarian 02:27, 23 August 2009 (BST)
  563. --~Dr Frank (t) (DF) [P] (Sb) 16:32, 1 September 2009 (BST)
  564. --Bhuwannabe 20:04, 6 September 2009 (BST)

Player Groups

  1. Crossman Defense Force 18:44, 25 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  2. Department of Emergency Management supports this initiative and will respect sacred ground. Now Department policy. We'll start to note it in barricade plans and such and colorize cemetaries in the Revivification Requests tool. --Gilant 22:07, 27 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  3. McZed's™ - We will comply though it may reduce our meat supply - 18:47, 25 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  4. Switzerland - 05:02, 27 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  5. Ultimex Corp. - This makes our goals that much easier. --19:28, 28 Jan 2006 (GMT)
  6. Knights of the Temple of the Shrike - We will honor this. --01:39, 9 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  7. Necro Tech Countermeasure Squad
  8. United Nations Intelligence Taskforce (Malton Branch)
  9. Roftwood Assault Force 17:50, 2 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  10. USAF CCT Sqdrn-The USAF supports this policy highly, and suggests it be posted around malton, for refernce to people in cerain suburbs. 06:52 3 Feb 2006
  11. Peppardville Defense Force - 01:15, 12 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  12. Slaughter Lords - 02:00, 15 Feb 2006 (CST)
  13. East Grayside Watch - 15 Feb 2006
  14. RCDC has unanimously voted to support this policy. --Bulgakov 16:05, 16 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  15. Black Hunter Group - Our goals our much different from our leader who started the Anti-Scared Ground Policy
  16. Civil Defense Squadron gives its full support to this policy - MisterV 16:57, 16 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  17. 9th Air Force supports this policy. John Maddox 13:47, 18 February 2006 (GMT)
  18. Chi Vai Hunters voted and has decided to fully support this policy. ToRsO bOy 3:13, 20 Feb 2006 (GMT)
  19. CMS-Meta We will support this completely. 14:58, 21 February 2006 (GMT)
  20. Creedy Defense Force has voted to support this policy. -- 19:36, 25 Febuary 2006 (GMT)
  21. The Safety Patrol 21:17, 27 February 2006 (GMT)
  22. The Malton Mafia 00:02, 28 February 2006 (GMT)
  23. The Malton Circus 22:47, 6 March 2006 (GMT)
  24. Regulators Alliance 02:10, 7 March 2006 (GMT)
  25. BDO Team Big Day Out wholeheartedly support this policy. -- 19:17, 10 March 2006 (GMT)
  26. Vinetown Survivors Association give their support to this policy.
  27. Midlothian Council Will honor this policy. -- 05:54, 17 March 2006 (GMT)
  28. The Mount Vernon Pact MVP supports the Sacred Ground Policy and is dedicated to punishing all undead who oppose it. 23:33, March 18, 2006 (GMT)--Coop swampy1 23:34, 18 March 2006 (GMT)
  29. FedCom: Urban Dead - We have always supported this policy, and always will. -- 22:10, 18 March 2006 (EST)
  30. Noob Killer Alliance We want fun, but it can be without a gun. -- Raid Secretary, 1:08, 22 March (GMT)
  31. FOXHOUND gives its full support to the SGP -- 01:42, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  32. The Fortress Stay Vigilant! - 22:55, 23 March 2006 (GMT)
  33. Fort Perryn Garrison - 20:42, 23 March 2006 (CST)
  34. FedCom: Urban Dead - 25 March 2006
  35. The Mongolian Horde 13:22 26 March 206
  36. Malton military department 05:08, 27 March 2006 (GMT)
  37. PLM We fully support this policy and will do everything possible to fully enforce the policy. - 18:23,27 March 2006 (GMT)
  38. Dunell Hills Police Department 22:48, 28 March 2006 (BST)
  39. BMC 16:13, 31 March 2006 (MST)
  40. Infected Or Not - 18:14, 31 March 2006 (CET)
  41. Whittenside Medical Corps 16.22, 2 April 2006 (BST)]
  42. New Cafiends 19:35, 4 April 2006 (MST)
  43. ST:TMG Star Trek: The Malton Generation 01:44, 2006-04-06
  44. Rebel_Alliance 05:47 2006-04-06
  45. The Randoms 08:27, 6 April 2006 (BST) -- Can send NT within 24 hours usually.
  46. Malton Defence Force --Nuts monk 03:23, 7 April 2006 (BST)
  47. I.U.S.S 05:40, 10 April 2006 (GMT +10)
  48. 1st Heavy Decontamination Brigade 07:10, 14 April 2006 (BST)
  49. The 6079 Smith Ws -- The Party has deemed this policy tripleplusgoodthink. It should be enforced and read by all Party members and proles. 10:11 16 April 2006 (GMT)
  50. The Penguin Mafia -- 19:08, 17 April 2006 (BST)
  51. Skulls Skulls 13:47, 21 April 2006 (BST)
  52. WarSeers19:14, 21 April 2006 (BST)
  53. Independent Nation of Owsleybank, An international intitiative we are happy to support. 24 April 2006 (EST)
  54. Redneck 'lil Boys 10:44, 25 April 2006 (EST)
  55. The Stunned Rabbit 12:38 29 April 2006 (BST)
  56. Game-Cavemen 01:13, 30 April 2006 (BST)
  57. The Yagoton Revivification Clinic 21:43, 1 May 2006 (BST)
  58. Department Q - 11.17, 8 May 2006 (GMT)
  59. Fables --TheIONgoonie 20:42, 11 May 2006 (BST)
  60. Burcham Survivors United 14:43, 16 May 2006 (GMT)
  61. TechCom--JustinMullins 07:46, 17 May 2006 (BST)
  62. The Grove Judgewood --Marie 20:39, 18 May 2006 (BST)
  63. WebOfSurvivors --This group (Although new) Fully supports!1:54, 19 May 2006 (BST)
  64. The Men Who Stare at Goats -- We see good reason to comply 17:45, 21 May 2006 (BST)
  65. Pathfinders In full support
  66. Black Operations Unit --This brings us 20 Miles closer to our goal. 23:30, 25 May 2006
  67. SFBT - 11:13 June 08, 2006 (GMT +9:30)
  68. S.E.F.C - 10th July 21:14 (GMT)
  69. Officer Johnieo - 11th july 17:00 (Pacific)
  70. The Whispers - 13th July 15:43 USA Eastern time
  71. Malton Broadcasting Corporation - 14th July 13:55 BST
  72. Medics United - 14th July 18:11 CEST
  73. The Stickling Pact - July 17,2006 (19:25 GMT)
  74. malton retake group - 25th July 2:43 USA central
  75. Malton_Power_and_Light August 8, 2006
  76. Combat_Revive_Eligible_Society -- 12 August 2006
  77. Knights Templar -- 15 August 2006
  78. Skull Liberation Militia--23 August 2006.
  79. The Malton Milkmen 09:19, 29 August 2006 (PDT)
  80. Society for Creative Anarchism -- Anarchism wouldn't be good if nobody was alive. 29 August 2006
  81. Silent Running -- 18:58, 29 August 2006 (BST)
  82. Tolerance is for Death We are unable to revive currently, but we'll be trying to help with Brain-Rotters. -- 15:07, 29 August 2006 (EST)
  83. M.S.L.F -- September 4, 2006
  84. Omega Company USCMC- All Rotters will be KOS. Our patrols will be clearing the sacred grounds of Malton.
  85. The Big Red One September 07, 2006
  86. Tactical Area Rescue Supports this policy completely 4:49, Saturday September 16
  87. Knights of Cydonia --05:05, 20 September 2006 (BST)
  88. Tiny Calves -- 24 September 2006
  89. Reformed Pennville Militia -- 27 September 2006
  90. KleenARMY --Kcold 00:25, 3 October 2006 (BST)
  91. Cryst_AL -- CrystalEyes 12:32, 12 October 2006 (BST)
  92. Last Hope --Super holt 2LH 14:54, 17 October 2006 (BST)
  93. Hartford Wrecking Crew 21 October, 2006
  94. The Brainiacs 22 October, 2006
  95. Ghetto Cow 25 October, 2006
  96. Viva La Humanity October 26, 2006
  97. Raccoon City Survivors
  98. Black Mesa ~ 11-2-06
  99. The Ruddlebank Resistance Front You just can't disagree with a good idea. - November 5th, 2006.
  100. Strolling Club 13:37. 6 November, 2006(GMT+1)
  101. Spicer Hills Saints -- 6 November, 2006
  102. ZoMG -- 15:46, 11 November 2006 (UTC)
  103. Tactical Assault Containment Service -- 15:00, 17 November 2006
  104. Dogs OF War -- 28 November, 2006
  105. Fiends of the Ninth Cabbage -- 30 November, 2006
  106. Havercroft Survivors We vow to uphold the policy. -- 3 December, 2006
  107. Dulston Infection Treatment and Prevention Squad -- December 10, 2006
  108. USSR - 18 December, 2006
  109. OSI 20 January, 2007
  111. CAPD 13 Febuary, 2007
  112. The Order of Longinus
  113. Legion of the Octopope
  114. Wyld Stallyns
  115. Malton Department of Homeland Security 26 January, 2007
  116. Malton Red Cross Of course. Cheers! --21:05, 19 March 2007 (UTC)
  117. Zombykilleri am a noob so nothing to support but malls and this!--Zombykiller 12:09, 21 March 2007 (UTC)
  118. BatwingLogoSide.gif The Batwing Brigade--13:05, 28 March 2007 (BST)
  119. S.O.S.L.A --30 March 2007
  120. Malton Defense Corporation -- 4 April 2007
  121. Malton Liberation Army -- 5 April 2007
  122. The Crimson Clan-- 6 April 2007
  123. Dutch Mafia -- 14th April 2007
  124. The Elorian Lancers 21:37, 24 April 2007 (BST)
  125. The Zone Defenders and the allies of the Survivor Security Zone. -- 24 April 2007
  126. The Watchmen -- 25 April 2007
  127. IB legionaires -- 27 April 2007
  128. Dentonside Regulars --7 May 2007
  129. Irish Republican Army- The Óglaigh na hÉireann gives this policy its fullest support--9 May 2007
  130. Those Dudes --15 May 2007
  131. Concerned Citizens --15 May 2007
  132. The Dulston Alliance --26 May 2007
  133. the CLEANERS --4 June 2007
  134. Lfs team -- 12:18, 4 June 2007 (BST)
  135. Detulux Inc -- 12th june 2007
  136. Dead Dudes --19th June 2007 were with you all the way
  137. Spicer Hills Assault/Recon/Tactical --26 June 2007
  138. SAS Recon --28 June 2007
  139. Peoples Militia of Malton --August 3rd 2007. Full support from us!
  140. Death Bringer's Legion -- August 24th, 2007. Supporting and enforcing.
  141. Nightwatch -- September 28th, 2007
  142. Flustered Brethren -- October 2nd, 2007. You have our support. Lord knows we've needed enough Mrh as noobs!
  143. Wyke Hills Emergency Network -- October 7th, 2007
  144. RTMT - Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, syringes to undead.
  145. Zombie Juice October 24th, 2007
  146. 25th Military Police Regiment 14:40, 31 October 2007 (UTC)
  147. Black Brigade 17:55, 6 November 2007 (EST)
  148. E.N.D. 20:53, 12 November 2007 (UTC)
  149. The Northern Regiment -- 20:07, 15 November 2007 (UTC)
  150. The Gravebringers 22:24, 15 November 2007 (UTC)
  151. Tikhon Medical
  152. PVMZ 1609, 2 december 2007 (EST)
  153. M.E.R.C.Y.- 21:32, 8 December 2007 (UTC)
  154. Siren Society 18:10 12 December 2007 (EST)
  155. The Cheesy Penguins -We support this measure for better game happiness or something.
  156. Heroes of Talinton 10:44 17 December 2007 (GMT+10)
  157. The ELT - Though we've supported this measure for a while, for some reason we've never noted so. More power to ya! -19 December 2007 (UTC)
  158. MERC 14:32 21 December 2007 (CST)
  159. AMC Victimization supports this policy. "Don't be a tool, revive some fools!"
  160. LWDG-League of Well Dressed Gentlemen "Because Zombies Should Look Good Too" Thank you all for your support.
  161. British Relief Force10:52, 6 January 2008 (UTC) -do what ever we can to help, smashin idea
  162. South Paynterton Aces 06 January 2008 12:16 GMT
  163. Necroinquisition 7 January 2008 19:00 GMT
  164. C.I.A. 9 January 2008 22:16 (UTC)
  165. Xavius Doom 17:08, 12 January 2008 (UTC)
  166. The Rebellion --I like selkath 16:05, 27 January 2008 (UTC)
  167. The Malton Vietcong 10:34, 28 January 2008
  168. Malton Department of Defense -- 03:41, 15 February 2008 (UTC)
  169. B_u_r_n
  170. Planet Terror -- 06:32, 08 March 2008 (EST)
  171. The Millett Walk Fire Department
  172. The Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team gives the SG policy it's full support.
  173. Deck_of_52-15:30, 13 April 2008 (UTC)
  174. Loonylupin--Pistolieer 00:49, 16 April 2008 (BST)
  175. Doctor When
  176. Cheap Ass Survivors - We support the SG policy. 1:12, 16 April 2008 (GMT -8:00)
  177. THe tagging chEf--Jamie Cantwell3 20:13, 21 April 2008 (BST)
  178. Bounties-R-Us--Jaggernaut101 9:33, 16 May 2008 (EST)
  179. Easy Company
  180. N4PK1T
  181. Still Alive
  182. z1nk666--Z1nk666 17:27, 18 June 2008 (BST)
  183. Public Security Section Nine -- 17:04, 19 June 2008 (BST)
  184. B0ba Fett 20:00, 26 June 2008 (BST)
  185. Main Force Patrol Kurt Halligan 22:42, 4 July 2008 (BST)
  186. Lepers of Malton 18:02, 18 July 2008 (GMT)
  187. Dowdney Knights --Sparticulous 16:54, 20 July 2008 (BST)
  188. Aquila Corporation--LucasBlack & EricAlric believe this policy is in our best intrest20:55, 31 July 2008 (BST)
  189. Grove Street Gang--Folkore 06:54, 10 August 2008 (BST)
  190. Helljumpers - We support the SG policy. JFFI2H
  191. Malton Restoration Society
  192. 787 ZAT zombie assult team 7:23 pm 2008 -I agree these places my also need proticing from brain rotters and/or attack survivers or zombies
  193. Ouroboros --Moonlight Phoenix 19:56, 12 September 2008 (BST) JRGH17 20:53, 23 September 2008 (BST)
  194. South Malton Watch --Respect the dead, bodies go underneath a graveyard, not on top of one. Apocalyptic doom 23:03, 11 November 2008 (UTC)
  195. Special Tactics and Rescue Service --We're here to replace the old STARS --The Cop 23:48, 16 December 2008 (UTC)
  196. 501st U.S. Army Battalion 21:40, 16 December 2008 (US Central)
  197. The Elven Family Elven2006 20:40, 14 February 2009 (UTC) All 12 of my accounts revive, are revived, and don't target cemetaries.
  198. SO19 and Sub-groups E.G. SO19 Alpha, Bravo, Charlie and Delta 9:29PM (GMT) Feb/16/2009
  199. Resistance Against Zombie Invasions
  200. Charlie Company
  201. Witt Tower Boys < they're recruiting, too
  202. Boardsies
  203. Malton Revivification Group
  204. Los Hombres Siniestros, and their leader, --Sam 2334 14:06, 5 April 2009 (BST)
  205. The N.T.B.C.S.--Sgt Gonnella 01:04, 1 May 2009 (BST)
  206. Brotherhood of Steel--Joseph Temple 02:26, 2 May 2009 (BST)
  207. Grid Iron Gang--arnie small 21:01, 11 June 2009 (GMT)
  208. 92nd Response Unit--firite 15:27, 23 June 2009 (GMT+8)
  209. Malpractice--Jain 16:40, 14 August 2009 (CST)

Sacred Ground Policy Rejectors

  1. Aco
  2. RESCUE - campaigning for Revive Points to be set up in unbarricaded churches because of the benefits of being inside a building: Action Points are saved, revivers are safer, and queue-clogging Rotters are disadvantaged.
  3. SALurker - Supports the Dual Nature Policy.
  4. User:Gamestriker4-Believes that first,this policy is NOOBY like the UBP.Second,revivers would have to much ground to cover to revive people,wasting valuable AP.(Remember actual revives use 11 AP,1 for scanning,10 for reviving.)
  5. roorgh - cemeteries are the domain of zombies. If you wish to be born again I suggest looking to god.
  6. Robert23 - Also supports Dual Nature.

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Helpful Links

  1. DEM Revivification Request Page Self-explanatory!
  2. UD Profile Database Find folks, including Brain-Rotters.
  3. List of Revification Points